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ENG 101: Prose Styles

1st sem AY12-13

Prerequisite ENG 4 or ENG 5 Expectations 1. Willingness to read and reread, write and rewrite, ad nauseam 2. Presence of mind 3. Daily materials (black and red pens, journal, readings, and yellow paper) I reserve the right to punish or humiliate students who repeatedly fail to meet these expectations. Should I punish or humiliate without just cause, the student may demand an apology. This demand should be put written down and signed by the student. Attendance The university policy on attendance will be adhered to (UP CODE, Revised 2005): ART. 348 of Chapter 49: When the number of hours lost by absence of a student reaches twenty percent (20%) of the hours of recitation, lecture, laboratory or any other scheduled work in one subject, such student shall be dropped from the subject. If the majority of absences are excused, the student shall not be given a grade of 5 upon being thus dropped; but if the majority of the absences are not excused, the student thus dropped shall be given a grade of 5. Time lost by late enrollment shall be considered as time lost by absence. Paper format Submissions will take this shape: a) 1 margin all sides, paginated, b) Black font of the type Times New Roman 12, c) 1.5 line and paragraph spacing with indentation to separate paragraphs d) Heading elements: Student number (no name) and major option Title in bold font Course and section Date of submission, draft number). Submission Late papers merit nothing. As part of your training for time management and presence of mind, I reserve the right to penalize those who smuggle papers into my cubicle or pigeonhole. ConsultationIll entertain consultations at cubicle 44 or cubicle 47, Dept of Humanities, 2/F CAS Annex 1. Hours are TTH 1-5 pm, WF 4-5 pm or any time were free. Please set an appointment for consultation so I can reserve time for you. GradesTwo reasons for failure are poor scholastic performance or excessive unexcused absences. Grades are entered into a cumulative point system, the passing mark at 60%. Final grades are non-negotiable. Messages Take all types of messages outside the classroom. Cheating For cases involving intellectual dishonesty (plagiarism) ARTICLE 456A/ 463A of Chapter 76 of the UP CODE, Revised 2005 shall apply: ART. 456. A student shall be subject to disciplinary action for any of the following acts: a. Any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to his/her studies; ART. 463. A. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in article 456-A shall be penalized with suspension for not less than one (1) year. 1. All cases involving cheating or dishonesty shall be investigated by a College/Unit but shall automatically be subjected to review by the Chancellor. Students found guilty of cheating/dishonesty shall be barred from graduating with honors, even if their weighted average is within the requirement for graduation with honors.

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