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AUG / 94

Spe c if ic at ion

Comisso de Normas Tcnicas

Mnadatory requirement is indicated by imperative verbs such as: shall and equivalent expressions like is to...., is required to...., it is required that...., has to....., only.... is permitted and it is necessary... .Recommended practice (not mandatory) is expressed by advisory forms, such as: should and equivalente expressions like it is recommended that.... or ought to.... . . Suggested revisions of this standard shall be submitted to the respective CONTEC subcommission, indicating standard alphanumeric identification, identification of the revision, clause(s) to be revised and technical/economic justification for the revision. Such proposals will be considered for the next revision of the standard Any decision taken regarding the use of thisstandard is not the responsability of the CONTEC subcommision. Its concern is with the interpretation of the contents of this standard. According to ISO directives a comma is used in the place of a decimal period.

SC - 21
Materials and Equipment for Oil Drilling and Production

PETROBRAS Technical Standards Commission (CONTEC) refer directly to the Company Executive Directory. Is is constituted by a Plenary Assembly (made up of representatives of Superintendency Organs users of technical standards), Local Representatives (industrial units representatives, engineering enterprises, and technical departments), Specialized Subcommissions - SC (formed by technicians from common engineering area wich represent the users Organs of PETROBRAS standards) and Work Groups - GTs (formed by specialists on each standard subject). CONTEC objective is to plain, elaborate, approve, divulge and to update PETROBRAS technical standards.


48 pages



AUG / 94

1 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................. 5 2 COMPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS ....................................................................... 5 3 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS USED IN THIS SPECIFICATION ... 6 4 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 7
4.1 FLEXIBLE PIPE APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................................ 7 4.1.1 Flowline....................................................................................................................................... 7 4.1.2 Static Flexible Riser ..................................................................................................................... 7 4.1.3 Dynamic Flexible Riser................................................................................................................ 7 4.1.4 Jumper......................................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 PIPE LAYERS ......................................................................................................................................... 7 4.2.1 Structural Layer ........................................................................................................................... 7 Carcass................................................................................................................................ 7 Tensile Armor ..................................................................................................................... 7 Pressure Armor.................................................................................................................... 8 Laying Angle....................................................................................................................... 8 Fishscaling .......................................................................................................................... 8 4.2.2 Others.......................................................................................................................................... 8 Pressure Barrier................................................................................................................... 8 Anti-wear Layer................................................................................................................... 9 Holding Bandage ................................................................................................................. 9 Outer Sheath........................................................................................................................ 9 Insulating Layer................................................................................................................... 9 Thermal Exchange Coefficient - TEC .................................................................................. 9 4.3 PIPE ACCESSORIES................................................................................................................................. 9 4.3.1 Bend Restricter ............................................................................................................................ 9 4.3.2 Bend Stiffener.............................................................................................................................. 9 4.3.3 Buoyancy Device........................................................................................................................ 10 4.3.4 End Fitting ................................................................................................................................ 10 4.3.5 Connector .................................................................................................................................. 10 4.3.6 Termination ............................................................................................................................... 10 4.3.7 Outerwrap.................................................................................................................................. 10 4.4 CONFIGURATIONS AND STATIC POSITIONS OF THE RISER ....................................................................... 10 4.4.1 Geometrical Configuration of Pipe ............................................................................................. 10 Pliant Wave ....................................................................................................................... 10 4.4.2 Neutral Position ......................................................................................................................... 11 4.4.3 Far Position ............................................................................................................................... 11 4.4.4 Near Position ............................................................................................................................. 11 4.4.5 Offset......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.5 CONSTRUCTIVE TYPES......................................................................................................................... 12 4.5.1 Rough Bore Flexible Pipe........................................................................................................... 12 4.5.2 Smooth Bore Flexible Pipe......................................................................................................... 12 4.5.3 Unbonded Flexible Pipe ............................................................................................................. 12 4.6 QUALITY TERMINOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 12 4.7 OPERATING CONDITIONS OF THE FLOATING UNIT ................................................................................. 13 4.7.1 Normal Condition ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.7.2 Extreme Condition..................................................................................................................... 13 4.8 MECHANICAL LOADS ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.8.1 Design Pressure ......................................................................................................................... 13




AUG / 94

4.8.2 Design External Pressure ........................................................................................................... 13 4.8.3 Design Tension.......................................................................................................................... 13 4.8.4 Operating Loads ........................................................................................................................ 13 4.8.5 Operating Pressure..................................................................................................................... 13 4.8.6 Operating Tension ..................................................................................................................... 14 4.8.7 Extreme Loads........................................................................................................................... 14 4.8.8 Shutdown Internal Pressure........................................................................................................ 14 4.8.9 Minimum Internal Pressure........................................................................................................ 14 4.8.10 Pressure Differential ................................................................................................................ 14 4.8.11 Maximum Pressure Differential ............................................................................................... 14 4.8.12 Installation and Retrieval Loads ............................................................................................... 14 Laying Tension................................................................................................................ 14 Crushing Loads ............................................................................................................... 14 4.8.13 Minimum Bending Radius - MBR............................................................................................ 15

5 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................... 15

5.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 15 5.2 FAILURE MODES.................................................................................................................................. 15 5.2.1 Structural Layers........................................................................................................................ 16 5.2.2 Pressure Barrier ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.2.3 End Fitting ................................................................................................................................ 17 5.2.4 Pipe Clogging ............................................................................................................................. 18 5.3 MECHANICAL LOADS ........................................................................................................................... 18 5.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................... 18 5.3.2 Operating Loads and Extreme Loads.......................................................................................... 18 5.3.3 Installation and Retrievel Loads ................................................................................................. 19 5.3.4 Other Loads ............................................................................................................................... 19 5.4 CONVEYED FLUID AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................ 19 5.5 GLOBAL ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 20 5.5.1 General...................................................................................................................................... 20 5.5.2 Considerations about Internal Forces on Flexible Pipe and Conditions when Laying .................. 21 5.5.3 Considerations about Internal Forces and Conditions for Installed Pipe...................................... 21 Flowlines........................................................................................................................... 21 Static Risers....................................................................................................................... 21 Dynamic Risers on Semisubmersible Units ........................................................................ 22 Dynamic Risers on other Floating Units............................................................................. 22 Dynamic Risers on Fixed Platforms ................................................................................... 22 5.6 THERMAL INSULATION ......................................................................................................................... 22 5.7 MATERIAL SELECTION AND QUALIFICATION ......................................................................................... 23 5.7.1 General...................................................................................................................................... 23 5.7.2 Steels ......................................................................................................................................... 23 5.7.3 Polymers.................................................................................................................................... 24 5.7.4 Fibers and Composite Materials ................................................................................................. 24 5.7.5 Strength Determination of Structural Materials for Design Purpose ........................................... 24 5.7.6 Materials for Use in Sealing Systems ......................................................................................... 25 5.7.7 Materials for Use in Buoyancy Modules ..................................................................................... 25 5.8 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 25 5.8.1 Safety Requirements for Structural Layer ................................................................................... 25 Safety Factors for Failure Mode of Item 25 Safety Factor for Failure Mode of Item ................................................................... 25 Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item ............................................................. 26 Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item ............................................................. 26 Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item ............................................................. 26 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 26 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 26 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 27




AUG / 94 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 27 5.8.2 Safety Requirements for Pressure Barrier ................................................................................... 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 28 5.8.3 Safety Requirements for End Fitting .......................................................................................... 28 Safety Factors and Requirements for the Failure Mode of Items,, and Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 29 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................... 29 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Items,,, and ... 29 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item ................................................. 29 5.8.4 Safety Requirement for Pipe Clogging........................................................................................ 29 5.9 DESIGN VERIFICATION......................................................................................................................... 29

6 ACCESSORIES DESIGN ..................................................................................... 30

6.1 BEND STIFFNER ................................................................................................................................... 30 6.2 Buoyancy Modules........................................................................................................................ 30 6.3 OUTERWRAP ....................................................................................................................................... 30 6.4 HANDLING ACCESSORIES FOR INSTALLATION........................................................................................ 31

7 MANUFACTURING AND CONTROL................................................................... 31

7.1 SPECIAL PROCESSES ............................................................................................................................ 31 7.1.1 Welding..................................................................................................................................... 31 Wires/Strips of Layers ....................................................................................................... 32 End Fittings....................................................................................................................... 32 Outer Sheath...................................................................................................................... 32 7.1.2 Coating...................................................................................................................................... 32 7.1.3 Non Destructive Examination .................................................................................................... 32 7.2 REPAIRS .............................................................................................ERRO! INDICADOR NO DEFINIDO. 7.3 PROCESS CONTROL AND CHECKING...................................................................................................... 34 7.3.1 Pipe ........................................................................................................................................... 34 7.3.2 Manufacturing Tolerances ......................................................................................................... 35 7.3.3 Polymeric Layers (extrusion)...................................................................................................... 36 7.3.4 Metallic Layers .......................................................................................................................... 36 7.3.5 Accessories ................................................................................................................................ 37 7.4 CONTROL OF THE MANUFACTURED PIPE/ACCESSORY............................................................................ 37 7.4.2 Data Book.................................................................................................................................. 38

8 HANDLING, STORAGE, PACKAGE, INSTALLATION, SERVICING AND OPERATION ...................................................................................................... 38 9 IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS ................................................................... 39 ANNEX A - PROCEDURE FOR DYNAMIC GLOBAL ANALYSIS OF FLEXIBLE PIPES .................................................................................................. 40 ANNEX B - QUALIFICATION TESTS ...................................................................... 42




AUG / 94

1.1 Specification applies to submarine high pressure non-bonded flexible pipes, composed of layers made of polymeric, metallic, fabric or composite materials, used in the offshore oil industry, for transportation of petroleum and its fractions, in the liquid and/or gaseous phases, and completion fluid as well as for water and gas injection, gas lift, and chemical products injection.

1.2 The purpose of this Specification is to establish technical requirements to be met by the supplier when quoting or supplying flexible pipes and accessories to PETROBRAS (hereinafter referred to as purchaser). In case of omission, the Complementary Documents shall be adopted.

1.3 This Specification should also be considered when suppliers are developing new flexible pipe concepts (e.g. using new materials and new wire profiles). However, alternative methods and criteria may be used for new developments, if previously agreed upon by the parties.

1.4 The concepts included herein may also be used in the evaluation of flexible pipes in service or in the evaluation of damaged flexible pipes.

1.5 This Standard is applied to projects begun on the date of its edition.

2 COMPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS When applying this standard it is necessary to consult: API RP 17B ASTM C 177 - Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe - Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurement and Thermal Transmission Properties by means of the Guarded-HotPlate Apparatus - Test Method for Steady-State Heat Transfer Properties of Horizontal Pipe Insulations - Non-Bonded Flexible Steel Pipes used as Flow-Lines - Guidelines for Flexible Pipes - Standard for Insurance Warranty Surveys in Marine Operations - Part 2: RP5Lifting - Sulfide stress cracking resistant metallic materials for oil field equipment

ASTM C 335


NACE MR-01-75




AUG / 94

NACE RP-01-75 NACE TM-01-77

ISO 8402

- Control of internal corrosion in steel pipelines and piping systems - Testing of materials for resistance to sulfide stress cracking at ambient temperature - Quality Vocabulary








- Center of Gravity - Center of Motion - Dynamic Amplification Factor - Wave Hight - Maximum Wave Hight - Significant Wave Hight - Inside Diameter - Inside Diameter of Layer i - Wave Number - Thermal Conductivity of Layer i - Minimum Breaking Load - Minimum Bending Radius - Non Destructive Examination - Outside Diameter - Outside Diameter of Layer i -Outside Diameter of Adjacent External Layer - Response Amplitude Operator - Root Mean Square - Response Spectrum - Wave Spectrum - Safe Working Load - Wave Period - Touch Down Point - Thermal Exchange Coefficient - Transfer Function - Thickness of Layer i - Zero Up Crossing Period - Tension Leg Platform - Ultimate Tensile Strenght - Ultra Violet - Angular Frequency - Yield Strenght; Yield Point - Pipe Insulation Thermal Conductivity




AUG / 94

4.1 Flexible Pipe Applications

4.1.1 Flowline Flexible pipe laid on the seafloor or buried, used to link two subsea equipment, subsea equipment to flexible riser or even to interconnect flexible risers.

4.1.2 Static Flexible Riser Flexible pipe generally used to link a rigid or a flexible pipe on the seafloor level to a production plant of a fixed platform, above the surface, passing through an I or J tube or clamped on the platform structure.

4.1.3 Dynamic Flexible Riser Flexible pipe generally used to connect a subsea equipment, including pipes, to a floating unit or a fixed platform on the surface or a floating unit to a fixed unit or even two floating units.

4.1.4 Jumper Short section of flexible pipe. It may need additional design requirements, according to its application, wich are not included within the scope of this specification.

4.2 Pipe Layers

4.2.1 Structural Layer Carcass Structural layer that gives support to the polymeric pressure barrier. It also withstands, totally or partially, the external pressure and mechanical crushing loads. Tensile Armor Structural layer composed of several wires/strips (metallic or not) arranged helically side by side. Usually, the tensile armors are wound in pairs. The tensile armors withstand the axial loads (tension and torsion) applied on the pipe and take, partially or entirely, the internal pressure load.


N-2409 Pressure Armor


AUG / 94

Structural layer that increases the resistance of the flexible pipe to the internal and external pressure and mechanical crushing loads. Laying Angle See definition in API RP 17B. Fishscaling a) For a tensile armor, on a pipe cross section. The angle between the tangent of the pipe section and the orientation of the width, at the centroid of the wires/strips section - See FIGURE 1a; b) For a presure armor, on a longitudinal pipe section. The angle between the wires/strips, in its width direction, and the pipe cylindrical generatrixat, at the centroid of the wires/strip section - See FIGURE 1b.


-1 b-

4.2.2 Others Pressure Barrier Polymeric layer that makes the pipe leakproof.


N-2409 Anti-wear Layer Non metallic layer used to avoid friction between structural layers.


AUG / 94 Holding Bandage Strong bandage made of polymeric, fabric or fiber reinforced tape wound around the tensile armors, compressing and attaching their wires/strips against the pipe body to avoid buckling of these wires/strips (birdcaging). Outer Sheath Non metallic layer used to protect pipe against corrosion, the penetration of sea water, and the tensile armors against abrasion and mechanical damage, and to keep the tensile armors in position after forming. Insulating Layer Layer used to increase the thermal insulation of the flexible pipe. Thermal Exchange Coefficient - TEC This coefficient provides the heat loss (Watts) of 1 m of pipe when subjected to 1C difference between the internal and the external surface of pipe. For multilayer insulation this coefficient is obtained as follows: TEC = 2 [(1 / Ki)ln(ODi / IDi)]

4.3 Pipe Accessories

4.3.1 Bend Restricter Same as bend limiter; see definition in API RP 17B.

4.3.2 Bend Stiffener See definition in PAI RP 17B.




AUG / 94

4.3.3 Buoyancy Device See definition in VERITEC - Guidelines for Flexible Pipes.

4.3.4 End Fitting See definition in PAI RP 17B.

4.3.5 Connector See definition in PAI RP 17B.

4.3.6 Termination See definition in PAI RP 17B.

4.3.7 Outerwrap Anti-abrasive protection of dynamic risers in the TDP region. It is generally an external matallic carcass.

4.4 Configurations and Static Positions of the Riser

4.4.1 Geometrical Configuration of Pipe Shape of the riser (or flowline, during its installation) which varies according to the distribution of weight and buoyancy along it and to the boundary condition of its extremities. Common configurations as defined in API RP 17B are free hanging, Lazy S, Steep S, Lazy wave, and Steep wave. Pliant Wave Variation of the lazy wave configuration in wich the displacements of the TDP region are restricted by dead weight attached to this part of the pipe - See FIGURE 2.




AUG / 94


4.4.2 Neutral Position Static position of the riser top correspondent to the position of the floating units without the influence of winds, currents or waves - See FIGURE 3.

4.4.3 Far Position Static position of the riser when the floating unit is displaced in the riser plane, in an orientation which causes the maximum stretch of the riser. In such situation riser top is far from riser bottom - See FIGURE 3.

4.4.4 Near Position Static position of the riser when the platform is displaced in the riser plane, in an orientation which causes the minimum stretch of the riser. In such situation riser top is near riser bottom See FIGURE 3.

4.4.5 Offset Static displacement in relation to the neutral position - See FIGURE 3.




AUG / 94



FIGURE 3 - POSITION OF THE RISERS 4.5 Constructive Types

4.5.1 Rough Bore Flexible Pipe See definition in VERITEC - Guideline for Flexible Pipes.

4.5.2 Smooth Bore Flexible Pipe See definition in VERITEC - Guideline for Flexible Pipes. It is used for liquid products with no gas, when there is no risk of collapse of pressure barrier.

4.5.3 Unbonded Flexible Pipe Same as non-bonded Flexible Pipe. See definition in API RP 17B.

4.6 Quality Terminology The meaning of terms such as special process, traceability, subcontractor, supplier, non conformity, quality plan, and design verification adopted in ISO series 8402 are valid in this specification and in the scope of its application.


4.7 Operating Conditions of the Floating Unit


AUG / 94

4.7.1 Normal Condition Condition in wich effects such as excessive acceleration or excessive inclination of the floating unit, that would cause sistem shut, do not occur.

4.7.2 Extreme Condition Condition in wich the specified limit of the normal condition are exceeded (see item

4.8 Mechanical Loads

4.8.1 Design Pressure See definition in PAI RP 17B.

4.8.2 Design External Pressure Maximum hydrostatic external pressure to which the flexible pipe will be subjected during its life, which varies according to the maximum water depth specified for the pipe.

4.8.3 Design Tension Maximum tensile load to which the flexible pipe will be subjected during its life. Generally, flowlines will be subjected to significant tensile loads only during installation. In this case, the design tension will be determined by the most critical laying conditions. In case of risers, the design tension is the most critical tension for the operating or laying condition.

4.8.4 Operating Loads Loads imposed on the flexible pipe under normal operating conditions such as, the operating pressure and the operating tension.

4.8.5 Operating Pressure See definition in API RP 17B.


4.8.6 Operating Tension


AUG / 94

Maximum tension to which a flexible riser is subjected under normal operating conditions of the floating unit. 4.8.7 Extreme Loads Loads imposed on the flexible riser under extreme conditions.

4.8.8 Shutdown Internal Pressure Internal pressureof a flexible pipe when the limit enviromental condition is exceeded and the production system is shutdown.

4.8.9 Minimum Internal Pressure Minimum specified internal pressure to which the pipe will be subjected since it is installed (including the installation phase).

4.8.10 Pressure Differential For a given cross section along the pipe, is the difference between the external pressure and the minimum internal pressure.

4.8.11 Maximum Pressure Differential Difference between the design external pressure and the minimum internal pressure for a given pipe cross section.

4.8.12 Installation and Retrieval Loads Laying Tension Maximum tensile load to which the flexible pipe is subjected during its laying or retrieval operation. Crushing Loads Compressive loads imposed during installation and retrieval by laying equipment such as tensioners, sheave or chute (or gutter). The effect of these loads may be more critical when the pipe is under tension and subjected to squeezing effect to the tensile armors.


4.8.13 Minimum Bending Radius - MBR See definition in API RP 17.


AUG / 94


5.1 General

5.1.1 As a general directive, the flexible pipe design shall consider the failure modes described in 5.2 and include the safety requirement of item 5.8. The feasibility of flexible pipe manufacture, handling, transportation, and installation shall also be considered.

5.1.2 THe failure modes considered are those cuased by chemical, physical or mechanical agents acting on the pipe. The compatibility of materials considering chemical and physical agents shall be evaluated by the supplier based on available technical literature or testing, during the early development phase.

5.1.3 Some failures caused by mechanical agents, such as rupture of layers (or yield of end fitting), rupture by fatigue, excessive deformation, collapse, and birdcaging are evaluated after the results of the pipe global analysis are available.

5.1.4 Theoretical models for local analysis provide the stress, deformation, and contact pressure valves in layers when pipe is subjected to mechanical loads. An evaluation of failure risk is performed based on these values.

5.1.5 For other failures modes caused by mechanical agents, such as loss of interlocking, fatigue, wear, polymer extrusion, blistering, relative displacement between pipe layer and end fitting, and damage of end fitting sealing system or resin, theoretical models may not be available. In these cases, simplified or empirical formulas, adjusted by tests, should be used. If even empirical formulas are not available , specific tests should be necessary for evaluating the failure risk.

5.2 Failure Modes This item defines various modes which lead flexible pipe to failure (defined as the event or unoperable state in wich the pipe or a part of it, does not perform as specified). The failures described herein do not include those caused by non conformities resulting from manufacturing (of raw material or pipe) or pipe misuse.


5.2.1 Structural Layers


AUG / 94 Rupture of any structural layer strip caused by tension (in tensile armor), internal pressure (in tensile armor or pressure armor), radial compression (in carcass or pressure armor), torsion, curvature or by the combination of some of these loads. Rupture by fatigue of the material constituent of a structural layer. Excessive permanent (or residual) or temporary deformation (axial, radial or torsional) of layer caused by any load. Collapse of carcass or pressure armor caused by external pressure applied on any waterlight polymeric layer. Collapse of carcass or pressure armor caused by squeezing effect of the tensile armor, associated or not with any other radial compressive load acting on pipe simultaneously. Birdcaging of tensile armor caused by friction between two structural layers. Loss of interlocking of any interlocked structural layer caused by excessive bending, excessive torsion, and kink or axial compression during installation or operation. Excessive wear caused by friction between two structural layers. Excessive corrosion, chemical degradation, biological degradation or abrasion of any structural layer caused by galvanic phenomena, aggressive or abrasive conveyed fluids or by the external environment in contact with the structural layer.

5.2.2 Pressure Barrier Rupture caused by inner pressure, tension, torsion, bending or by the combination of some of these loads. Excessive extrusion of the pressure barrier through the gaps between the wires/strips of the adjacent structural layer, caused by the pressure effect, for the considered temperature range, including the short and long term deformations. The latter is referred to as creep extrusion.


N-2409 Material rupture by fatigue.


AUG / 94 Excessive wear caused by friction with other layer. Layer damage due to intermolecular or interlamellar tearing of the material, caused by the despressurization of diffused gas in the polymeric pressure barrier material (blistering). Excessive chemical degradation caused by the action of the conveyed fluid or external environment. Loss of physical properties caused by the temperature of the inner fluid or external environment. Excessive erosion caused by the conveyed fluid or abrasion caused by pig running (applicable to smooth bore flexible pipe). Excessive gas diffusion caused by ageing, blistering, fatigue/wear, or erosion.

5.2.3 End Fitting Yield of any structural part of the end fitting caused by tension, pressure, bending, torsion or by the combination of some of these loads. Hydrostatic collapse of end fitting structure. Rupture of end fitting structure due to fatigue. Excessive corrosion or chemical degradation of any structural part of the end fitting caused by the action of the conveyed fluid or external environment. Loss of physical properties of any structural part of the end fitting induced by the temperature of the inner fluid or external environment (it includes brittleness induced by low temperature and stree concentration). Loss of the anchoring system of tensile armors caused by tension, pressure, bending, torsion or by the combination of some of these loads.




AUG / 94 Excessive relative displacement between the edges of layers and the end fitting body. Leakage through the sealing system (internal or external) observed when tension, pressure, bending or torsion are applied. Damage of sealing system (internal or external) due to fatigue. Damage of the region of the pressure barrier in contact with the end fitting caused by the action of tension, pressure, bending, torsion or by the combination of some of these loads. Long or short term degradation of sealing system (internal or external) or filling resin caused by corrosive, chemical, physical agents and temperature of the conveyed fluid or external environment.

5.2.4 Pipe Clogging It may be caused by wax or other organic deposits.

5.3 Mechanical Loads

5.3.1 General The machanical loads to be considered in the flexible pipe design shall include the following loads: a) design pressure; b) design external pressure; c) desgin tension; d) MBR; e) operating loads; f) extreme loads; g) pressure differential; h) maximum pressure differential; i) installation and retrieval loads.

5.3.2 Operating Loads and Extreme Loads The design shall consider the operating loads, as well as the extreme loads imposed on the pipe.


5.3.3 Installation and Retrieval Loads


AUG / 94

Some loads applied on the flexible pipe during its installation and/or retrieval can be critical and may, therefore, determine some characteristics of the pipe structure. The supplier shall taze into consideration all aspects of the installation method, the specific features of the hardware (vessel and laying equipment) and the boundary conditions (environment, water depth and sea floor profile). The main loads included in such classification are laying tension and the crushing loads, as defined in and

5.3.4 Other Loads Flexible pipes may be subjected to other sources of loads during the phases of manufacturing, handling, transportation or storage. Supplier shall verify if those phases are critical and consider them in the design.

5.4 Conveyed Fluid and External Environment

5.4.1 The flexible pipe design shall consider the characteristics of the conveyed fluid, and expected flow conditions as follows: - Type of fluid (gas, oil, water); - Chemical composition; - Pressure; - pH; - Temperature; - Specific gravity; - Viscosity; - Flow rate and regime; - Thermal properties; - Sand Contents; - Gas oil ratio; - Gas liquid ratio; - Basic sediment and water; - Corrosive agents sucha as: - bacteria; - carbon dioxide; - chlorides; - hydrogen sulfide; - organic acids; - oxygen; - solids or precipitates; - sulfur bearing compounds; - Chemical products injected during pipe operation (such as drag reducers inhibitors, demulsifiers).


5.4.2 The external environment is specified in terms of: - Sea water salinity; - Sea water temperature; - Air temperature; - UV radiation incidence; - Marine growth occurrence; - Soil characteristics/presence of coral /bottom topography; - Bacteria.


AUG / 94

5.5 Global Analysis 5.5.1 General This item presents some requirements and recommendations for determinig the internal forces and moments (tension, moment/curvature, and torsion) acting on pipe during installation, operation, and extreme condition. These internal forces are used to verify the pipe structure. The global analysis includes the determination of the pipe geometrical configuration to be analyzed, followed by dynamic simulations of the pipe in that configuration for a set of conditions. THe geometry of the configuration has to be adjusted in the static or even in the dynamic phase of the analysis, whenever necessary, to avoid interference of the flexible pipe with the floating unit or its mooring lines, lengthwise compression and bending radius lower than the MBR. The least complex models accepted for these calculations are based on cable machanical behavior equations, taking into account the axial and bending stiffness. These models shall include hydrodynamic simulation of drag and inertial loads caused by regular waves, currents, and any other source of relative velocity between pipe and fluid, including the movements imposed by the floating units. They shall also take into consideration the effect of buoys and anchor blocks attached to the pipe. The friction between the pipe and the seafloor shall be considered on both axial and lateral directions. The model shall have full three dimensional capability to represent the loading, the boundary conditions, the riser configuration and responses. The analysis shall be performed using programs adjusted and improved by comparison with other recognized programs or physical tests. An irregular wave analysis in the time domain (to take in account the nonlinear dynamic behavior) is preferable. The design wave spectrum shall consider the project location and the exposure time of pipe.




AUG / 94 Annex A presents two other alternative approaches for performing the dynamic global analysis. Other methodologies may be used as long as the designer is able to demonstrate their consistency and accuracy.

5.5.2 Considerations about Internal Forces on Flexible Pipe and Conditions when Laying Parameters such as laying angle (top angle), boundary constraints on top (which are both governed by the type of laying system), internal fluid density, pipe weight, pipe diameter, pipe axial and bending stiffness, MBR, water depth, oceanographic data (currents and waves), and laying vessel movements shall be taken into account when analyzing the laying operation. Once all these parameters are defined, static and dynamic analysis are performed to determine the most critical internal forces and moments: tension (generally on the top) and moments/curvature (generally near the TDP or in curved regions due to the presence of buoys or concentrated dead weights). The dynamic analysis shall be performed using one-year return period for the oceanographic loads. A regular sea with currents, waves, and vessel heading taken in the same direction shall be used, unless otherwise specified. A significant wave (Hs and associated period) is generally accepted. Stability of pipe during laying shall be evaluated by designer considering the ratio pipe OD/pipe weight and the specific installation conditions, in order to avoid excessive pipe displacement due to current effect.

5.5.3 Considerations about Internal Forces and Conditions for Installed Pipe Flowlines Internal and external pressure are the main mechanical loads acting on flexible flowline under its normal operating conditions. Vibration induced by vortex, in case of pipe free span, shall be evaluated. Pipe on-bottom stability shall be considered as per API RP 17B. Static Risers Static flexible risers are not subjected to a strong influence of currents, waves, and platform movements. In the design of such risers, at least, the static weight, buoyancy and curvature (special care shall be taken when detailing the bottom of J or I tubes) shall be considered.


N-2409 Dynamic Risers on Semisubmersible Units


AUG / 94

Such risers are subjected to quasi-static displacements and dynamic motions. Such displacements are the specified platform offset (both with the mooring system intact or damaged) due to current, wind and second order wave action. The dynamic top motions are due to the first order motions of the platform. The riser shall be analyzed for the near and far positions. The direction and orientation of the waves and currents shall be considered the same as those of the riser top offset. A set of oceanographic data (waves and currents) and quasistatic offset shall be adopted for the normal condition of the floating unit and another set for its extreme condition. Unless otherwise specified, the normal condition of the floating unit is associated with a 10-year return period, and the extreme condition is associated with a 100year return period. A 1-year current associated with a 10-year wave or vice-versa, whichever is the worst, may be accepted for the 10-year return period case and a 1-year current associated with a 100-year wave or vice-versa, whichever is the worst, may be accepted for the 100-year case. Hmax and associated period are required for a regular wave analysis. Dynamic Risers on other Floating Units Flexible dynamic risers may be used in other types of floating vessels, such as TLP, production ships, and monobuoys. THe behavior of these floating units will differ from that of the semisubmersible in terms of displacements (offsets) and motions, but the same basic methodology should be used. Dynamic Risers on Fixed Platforms The same approach described for the semisubmersible units may be used for dynamic risers on fixed platforms. Special attention shall be given to possible interference between the riser and the platform structure.

5.6 Thermal Insulation 5.6.1 When thermal insulation characteristics are specified for the pipe, the following items shall be considered. 5.6.2 For determining the pipe TEC, the insulation due to metallic layer, as well as the contact resistance between layers shall be disregarded, unless justified by recognized methods. The thermal conductivity of plastic materials shall be determined as per ASTM C177. 5.6.3 TEC may be determined directly by test as per ASTM C335. From this test, the value of pipe thermal conductivity - p is obtained, and the TEC is calculated by the following relation: TEC = 2 (1 / p)ln(OD / ID)




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5.6.4 A value of TEC bellow the one specified shall be guaranteed throughout the pipe service life, taking into consideration the reduction of insulating properties due to effects such as reduction of insulating layer thickness (caused by hydrostatic external pressure, crushing, handling loads, or war), water absorption, and ageing.

5.7 Material Selection and Qualification

5.7.1 General The physical, chemical, mechanical, and performance characteristics of all materials to be applied in the flexible pipe and accessories shall be verified through a documented qualification program. This program shall confirm the adequacy of each material based on tests results and analysis which shall demonstrate the materials fitness for use throughout the specified service life of the flexible pipe. Testing methods and accpetance criteria should be based on internationally recognized standards, whenever available. When standards are not available the supplier may use his own methods/criteria or other ones developed by the raw material subcontractor. In all cases such methods/criteria should be correlated with the specific material application on pipe, as provided in the design. For material selection and qualification, the supplier shall take into account all loads (including cyclic loads), conditions, and agents acting on pipe and accessories during the pipe service line such as those mentioned in items 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4. The qualification of materials by testing shall consider all processes (and their variation) adopted to produce the pipe, which may impair the properties and characteristics called for by the design. Wear during operation shall also be verified in the qualification program. It includes wear due to friction between two adjacent pipe layers made of any material (e.g. polymer, steel, and fiber) and abrasion of the materials applied on dynamic risers (or on outerwrap) when they are in contact with the seafloor (e.g. in the region of TDP).

5.7.2 Steels The qualification program shall include a complete evaluation of fatigue, corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking phenomena on structural layers made of steels. When applicable, the requirements of NACE MR-01-75, RP-01-75 and TM-01-77 shall be considered. The susceptibility of steels to brittle fracture shall be investigated, specially in case of those used as structural parts of end fittings and in which failure induced by low temperature or notch-brittle behavior can appear during operation. Such materials shall be qualified by notched-bar impact testing. If structural full penetration welds of these materials are foreseen during the accessory manufacturing process, a similar investigation shall be carried out in welded samples in order to qualify the weldig process.


5.7.3 Polymers


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The adequacy of polymers in relation to phenomena such as ageing, fatigue, creep, environmental stress cracking, excessive swelling due to water/oil absorption, UV light degradation, excessive wear/abrasion, and blistering shall be verified under the qualification tests program, as applicable. The ageing phenomenon shall be evaluated considering the agents which contribute to the polymer chemical degradation, e.g. conveyed fluid, temperature, and external environment, as applicable. Degradation of the pressure barrier material according to the operating temperature and service life shall be considered. The pressure barrier qualification test program shall also evaluate the creep extrusion phenomenon. The evaluation of pressure barrier resistance to blistering shall include tests which evaluate the influence of conveyed fluid, pressure, number of decompression cycles, and temperature. 5.7.4 Fibers and Composite Materials Fibers, matrices using fibers, and composite materials in general used in structural layers shall be qualified in the final processed condition. Tests shall be performed in order to determine the tensile strength, elastic modules, and Poisons ratio. Fatigue, creep, and wear shall also be investigated by testing. 5.7.5 Strength Determination of Structural Materials for Design Purpose The determination of mechanical properties based on test results shall be subjected to a statistical approach. It includes the determination of the strength of materials and layers, including welds, as applicable. All possible variations coming from the manufacturing processes shall be considered. The determination of any mechanical property shall be obtained by testing samples of representative lot/batch of material/layer. The value of the property to be adopted by the designer shall be based on the most conservative of the 5% or the 95% of the test results. The influence of welded wires/strips in structural layer strength shall be evaluated by testing pipe samples. In such analysis, parameters sucha as decrease of strip resistance, the number of wires/strips on layer, and the distance between welds shall be considered when defining layer strength and manufacturing procedures (e.g. minimum allowable distance between welds). Two requirements to be observed when determining the strength of the structural layers are prescribed below: a) Guaranteed Strength When the designer is sinzing the structural layers of the pipe, the material strength value (e.g. YS and UTS) adopted shall be that one guaranteed by the raw material manufacturer; b) Increased Strength In some cases the designer may consider the resistance of a metallic layer (the carcass, for example) taking into account the increase in strip/wire strength resulting from the manufacture forming processes. In this case, the determination of the layer resistance should be obtained by testing the formed material. Alternatively, mechanical/physical properties of the whole layer may be obtained through test in a first step, and then converted in terms of layer strength. All possible origins of errors shall be taken into account.


5.7.6 Materials for Use in Sealing Systems


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The qualification of the sealing system materials and filling resin of the end fitting shall include verification of chemical and physical degradation of the sealing system considering, as applicable, agents such as conveyed fluid, external environment and their temperature, and applied strain/stress. The investigation of the effects of corrosion on metallic materials shall be covered by the qualification program, as applicable. 5.7.7 Materials for Use in Buoyancy Modules Such materials shall be qualified by tests in order to confirm their resistance to hydrostatic pressure (for the specified water depth) and their performance considering the maximum allowable water absorption called for in the design for the specified service life. 5.8 Safety Requirements 5.8.1 Safety Requirements for Structural Layer The safety factors presented below are applicable for metallic materials. In case of non-metallic structural layers, different safety factors may be necessary to keep the same safety level. Safety Factors for Failure Mode of Item a) Operating Loads Stresses caused by combined operating loads (operating tension and operating pressure) shall be limited to a maximum of 0,50 x UTS and be lower than YS. b) Non Operating Loads Stresses caused by non operating loads (design pressure, extreme loads, installation and retrieval loads, and other loads - item 5.3.4) shall be limited to a maximum of 0,72 x UTS and be lower than YS. Note: Exceptions may be accepted for radial compression caused by pipe passage through tensioner or sheave, during installation of pipes with carcass and at least one pressure armor. In this situation, yield in one of these structural layers may be reached, provided that the stress(es) on the structural layer(s) do(es) not exceeded 0,72 x UTS, and all other safety requirements be maintained for the deformed pipe (after loada application), specially the requirement of item Safety Factor for Failure Mode of Item Accumulated damage (Miners rule) due to fatigue of the structural layer is limited to a maximum 0f 30%, for the specified service life.


N-2409 Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item


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Maximum permanent deformation for both the longitudinal (caused by initial accomodation, for example) and radial (caused by mechanical compression during installation, for example) directions of pipe shall be limited to 1,0%. Maximum permanent torsional deformation shall be limited to 0,2 degrees/m. Deformations under load shall be limited to a maximum of three times the limits defined for permanent deformations. Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item The maximum pressure differential applied on pipe shall be limited to a maximum of 0,67 of the hydrostatic collapse pressure of the carcass or pressure armor, considering the combined resistance of these structural layers. The external pressure shall be considered acting on the most unfavorable leakproof layer (i.e., outer sheath or any other leakproof layer where external pressure may act on, in case of water penetration). Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item The maximum pressure caused by squeezing effect of the tensile armor, associated or not with any other radial compressive load, plus the correspondent pressure differential (acting on the most unfavorable leakproof layer) shall be limited to a maximum of 0,67 of the hydrostatic collpase pressure of the carcass oe pressure armor considering the combined resistance of these structural layers. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item The riser configuration shall be determined avoiding axial compression (negative effect tension), except when a specific design methodology is available. The same is applicable for pipes during installation. Special pipes should require some kind of protection, such as a holding bandage or an additional thickness of the outer sheath, to avoid damage caused by axial compression. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item Design fo pressure armors and carcass shall take into consideration the shape of the wire profiles, in order to allow accommodation resulting from deformations (axial, radial, and torsional), bending, or dimensional variations of innermost layers coming from the allowable manufacturing tolerances, without loss of interlocking.


N-2409 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item


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Dynamic flexible pipes shall be designed considering the possibility of thickness reduction due to wear. In case an anti-wear layer is not used between the tensile armor and the pressure armor or between two adjacent tensile armor layers, an extra thickness allowance shall be considered. A typical value is a 10% thickness increase. Lubricant or thin polymeric layers (wound tape, which functions as lubricant) may reduce wear effect. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item Any structural layer which may deteriorate due to the internal or external environment shall be composed of proper resistant material or be designed with sufficient thickness allowance. When applicable, the requirements and recommendations of NACE MR-0175 and RP-01-75 shall be considered. When different metallic materials are used in pipe layers, electric discontinuity between these layers shall be guaranteed in order to avoid galvanic corrosion. 5.8.2 Safety Requirements for Pressure Barrier Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item Pipe design shall establish the maximum allowable radial gaps to limit the pressure barrier deformation when the design internal pressure is applied. Deformations caused by torsion and bending shall be limited in the design, considering the mechanical characteristics of the material. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item The ratio referred to as gap between wires/pressure barrier thickness) shall be properly chosen to avoid barrier extrusion through the gaps of the pressure armor or tensile armor, as applicable, caused by the internal pressure effect. The chosen ratio referred to as gap between wires/pressure barrier thickness shall be appropriate so as to avoid extrusion of the pressure barrier through the gaps of the carcass wires/strips, caused by the external pressure effect. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item! Indicador no definido. Variations in internal pressure may cause fatigue in the pressure barrier material. Designer shall evaluate this possibility and avoid risks of damage by fatigue, considering the specified service life. The established maximum allowable radial gaps (item shall be checked so as to avoid damage to the pressure barrier caused by fatigue. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item Designer shall avoid excessive wear in dynamic risers, considering the specified service life.


N-2409 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item


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Pressure barrier of pipes specified for fluids with gas contents shall be made of materials resistant to blistering. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item The pressure barrier material shall be chemically resistant to the action of the conveyed fluid and external environment for the specified operating temperature range, considering the specified service life. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item The pressure barrier material shall not deteriorate within the specified temperature range, considering the specified service life. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item When high erosion or abrasion rates are expected, it shall be considered adding a thickness allowance. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item Excessive gas diffusion shall be avoided throughout pipe service life, considering the possibility of ageing, blistering, fatigue, wear, or erosion. 5.8.3 Safety Requirements for End FittingErro! Indicador no definido. Safety Factors and Requirements for the Failure Mode of Items,, and End fittings shall be designed in order to withstand the tension, torsion, pressure and bending moments, using the requirements of BUREAU VERITAS NI 364 DTO ROOO E. For non operating loads, as defined in item, less conservative safety factors may be adopted. Cyclic loads shall be considered for the fatigue calculations. A maximum of 30% accumulated damage (Miners rule) shall be adopted, considering the specified service life. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item End fittings shall be designed in order to guarantee that they will not be damaged by corrosion during their service life, when immersed in sea water or when exposed to marine atmosphere (in case it is installed above sea level). Treatments other than nickel intermolecular diffusion shall be used after proper qualification. Likewise, end fitting internals shall not be corroded or degraded by inner fluids. When applicable, the requirements and recommendations of NACE MR-01-75 and RP-01-75 shall be considered.


N-2409 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item


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End fittings shall be designed considering their performance within the specified operating temperature range. When applicable, the requirements of BUREAU VERITAS NI 364 DTO ROO E - for end fitting materials shall be considered. When checking the possibility of failure by brittle fracture, attention shall be given to the influence of notches and the state of stress, besides temperature. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item Supplier shall make sure, by means of specific tests, that the end fitting conception is not subjected to such type of failure for all conditions and loads during its service life. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Items,,, and All these mechanical failure modes may cause leakage in the end fitting region. To be sure that the end fitting concept is safe and not subjected to such type of failures, supplier shall perform mechanical tests in the end fitting, simulating all the conditions and loads that may lead the end fitting to these failure modes (in all phases of its life, such as handling, installation, and operating). Expansion caused by temperature shall be included in such evaluation. End fitting concept/design shall be suitable for resin filling without allowing voids that could cause pressure barrier failure by lack of its support by inner pressure effects. Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item Specific tests shall be performed to demonstrate that the end fitting sealing system and filling resin are not subjected to such failures, for the specified service life.

5.8.4 Safety Requirement for Pipe Clogging When specified, supplier shall guarntee the thermal insulation properties of pipe to avoid pipe clogging, as per item 5.6.4.

5.9 Design Verification

5.9.1 During development or optimization phases, supplier shall verify all models, methods, criteria, and technologies involved in pipe design, by means of prototype tests (including correlation tests for comparison of theoretical and test results), and comparison with alternative calculations. Such verification shall include the investigation of weak points such as welds, repairs, and process variations.




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5.9.2 Qualification tests are performed on representative samples aiming to demonstrate: a) The capability of manufacured pipe/accessory to withstand the specified loads and conditions to which it may be subjected during its service life; b) The capability of the manufacturing process to produce flexible pipes and accessories, in compliance with design.

5.9.3 Standard qualification tests are defined in Annex B. For a specific pipe, the scope of tests may be adjusted, depending on previous experience with similar pipe or level innovation.


6.1 Bend Stiffner

6.1.1 The bend stiffner design shall consider the cyclic bending loads expected for the operating phase. It shall be sized in order to guarantee that it will keep the bending radius of the riser within acceptable limits, for the specified service life, under the expected loading conditions.

6.1.2 It is recommended that the bend stiffner be a single piece, made of polymeric material resistant to UV light (for the specified service life), reinforced or not by metallic wires.

6.1.3 The bend stiffener shall preferably be clamped to the end fitting. When it is necessary to clamp it directly to the pipe, special attention shall be given to the clamping system design, which shall guarantee the attachment without damaging or overstressing the pipe.

6.2 Buoyancy Modules They shall withstand the specified external pressure without collapsing or losing negative weight, by water absorption, for the specified service life. Its assembly system shall allow quick installation on board laying vessel. The fixing device of the modules to the pipe shall resist chemical attack and corrosion by sea water, shall not become slack or lose adhesion, and shall not damage or overstress the pipe.

6.3 Outerwrap In designing the outerwrap, supplier shall consider the specified soil characteristics, the relative displacement between pipe TDP and seafloor, the submerged pipe plus outerwrap weght, and the abrasion resistance of the outerwrap material.


6.4 Handling Accessories for Installation


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6.4.1 Handling accessories (such as chinese fingers, handling collars, pulling heads, padeyes, shackles, and slings) used during pipe installation shall be designed for the dynamic loads acting on pipe during the laying process. For determination of SWL a DAF of 1,4 shall be used unless a greater amplification factor is found in the dynamic analysis. In such case, this new value shall be considered.

6.4.2 Chinese fingers, shackles, and slings shall be qualified by load tests. The test shall continue until accessory failure. Breaking load shall be greater than MBL, as per DNV Standard for Insurance Warranty Surveys in Marine Operations - Part 2: RP5 - Lifting.


7.1 Special Processes The procedures for special processes of manufacturing and control, and the personnel involved in their execution, shall be qualified. Under the scope of this specification, welding, extrusion, coating, non-destructive examination, and heat treatments are to be considered special processes. Procedures to perform special processes shall define the essential variables (which influence the material properties) as well as their allowable variation ranges. A new process/personnel qualification will be required if any modification of these ranges or of process equipment is carried out. The equipment used in the qualification of special processes shall be representative of the producing configuration. In addition, when material is subjected to tests in order to qualify processes, the samples shall be produced considering all the processes which may influence their properties and are involved in the actual manufacturing process. The acceptance criteria for such tests shall be in accordance with pipe/accessory design and adequate for all pipe application (i.e. handling, storage, installation, and operation phases). In case of tests aiming to evaluate mechanical properties, the value of the property to be used for evaluating the process adequacy shall be based on the most conservative of the 5% or 95% of the test results.

7.1.1 Welding When applicable, the tests aiming to qualify such procedures shall include, tension test, bending test, hardness test, micrography (the latter, in case of welding steels), magnetic particle test (or dye penetrant test), and x/gramma ray test (or ultrasonic test).


N-2409 Wires/Strips of Layers


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When internationally recognized standards do not exist as a guide for the welding procedures, the range of essential variables, such as chamical composition and strength of the base material, material thickness or dimension (i.e. wire/strip cross section), heat treatment conditions, welding voltage and amperage, and filler material specifications shall be defined, as applicable. In case of pipes using stainless strip/wire, the effects of corrosion in the weld and in the heat affected zone shall be evaluated. End Fittings In case of butt-joints, the qualification of the welding procedures to be used in the structural steels of end fittings shall also include the evaluation of welds by impact tests, whenever the base material is susceptible to brittle fracture as mentioned in item 5.7.2. Outer Sheath Qualification of welding procedures to be used in order to repair the outer sheath of the pipe shall also include the verification of the flexibility and tensile properties of the welded area and of the long term effects UV light, cyclic loads (fatigue), and degradation by seawater. The repaired area shall have a service life similar to the one specified for the pipe.

7.1.2 Coating The procedure for qualification of the metallic coating processes to be applied on pipe accessories shall specify at least the following controls/checks: a) bath composition; b) control of temperature and time for heat treatments; c) hardness test of coating; d) adhesion test of coating; e) optical microscopy or a similar method recommended to analyze the cross section of the coated surface; f) coating thickness measurement; g) testing to confirm the resistance of coating to corrosion agents (e.g. seawater and CO2; h) checking surface coating for flaws.

7.1.3 Non Destructive Examination Qualification of NDE procedures and of the operators involved in the execution of such procedures is mandatory. In case of tests/checking performed by subcontractors, the qualification records shall be included in the data book of the pipe to be supplied.


7.2 Repairs


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7.2.1 When applicable, the investigation of the influence of repairs on pipe/accessory performance, including strength or life expectancy, shall be confirmed by testing samples.

7.2.2 When repair procedures involve special processes, the procedures to perform such processes shall be qualified as per item 7.1.

7.2.3 Repair procedures shall define the maximum dimension of the area to be repaired (length, depth, and width), the minimum allowable distance between two adjacent repairs, and all restrictions regarding their use.

7.2.4 Repairs in the pressure barrier layer are not allowed. However, sand blasting or machining may be carried out in order to eliminate superficial discontinuities or to adjust localized excessive thickness, provided that the final thickness complies with the specified layer tolerance and that a proper surface finish is assured. 7.2.5 All repairs and inspections performed in repaired areas shall be recorded. Their traceability shall be assured.

7.3 Process Control and Checking 7.3.1 Pipe All inspections, tests, and chacking to be performed during the manufacturing process of each pipe and each accessory shall be foreseen in the Quality Plan. Such Plan shall include an Inspection Plan, for each phase of the pipe/accessory manufacture, defining the applicable examination/testing procedures, the correspondent acceptance criteria, the part/portion to be chacked, the sampling plans, and the documents to be issued in order to record/certify quality characteristics. During manufacturing, the dimensions of each pipe layer shall be measured, at least, at every 10 m of layer length. The measurements performed in each pipe layer shall be taken at the same pipe transversal cross section. A maximum error of 10 cm in the pipe cross section location is acceptable. The frequency mentioned above (i.e. measurement at every 10 m of layer length) may be reduced, if the supplier, based on records sucha as control charts and previous experience in manufacturing similar pipe, demonstrates that the procedures adopted to control the processes are adequate.




AUG / 94 The manufacturing tolerances shall be determined based on the foreseen pipe application and justified by the design methods/criteria. The tolerances for control of the gap/interference between two consecutive pipe layers, the pitch of structural layer, the ovality of carcass or pressure armor, and fishscaling shall be determined by design, considering the aspects which could impair the specific pipe performance. In order to assure that the manufacturing processes are under control and to avoid supply of defective pipe, control charts are required for continous processes (i.e. average and range charts for the main dimensions of the extruded plastics and of the formed wire/strips). They shall be drawn for the structural layers, the pressure barrier and the outer sheath. The monitored dimensions shall include, at least, the layer thickness and diameter of the polymeric layers and, for structural layers,the diameter, the pitch (for presure and tensile armors), and thickness (for carcass). In order to avoid damages to the pipe, the supplier shall have procedures for pipe handling during manufacture. Such procedures shall include recommendations to avoid excessive pipe torsion, bending or crushing when winding/unwinding pipe on reels or during the end fitting assembly. The supplier shall record every non conformity verified during manufacuting. Such records shall allow the supplier to locate such findings on pipe/accessory.

7.3.2 Manufacturing Tolerances Some tolerances to be applied during pipe manufacturing are presented below. Sucha values are limits to be used by the supplier for pipe acceptance or refusal. More restrictive values shall be adopted by the supplier and included in the Quality Plan when ever required by the design methods/criteria. In this case, the new tolerances shall prevail over the ones listed below: a) Carcass ID: - 0%/+2,0% (in relation to the specified value; measured at least in both extremities, indirectly measured by OD control); b) Thickness of polymeric layers: - 20% of the nominal value; c) Clearance between two adjacent wires/strips of the tensile armor layers: - two times the strip width, at the most; d) Pipe OD: - 5% of the nominal value; e) Pipe length: - for pipe having total length up to 750 m: - for pipe having total length greater than 750 m: +15m/-0m +20m/-0m.


7.3.3 Polymeric Layers (extrusion)


AUG / 94 Control procedures for use during storage of raw material and during pipe manufacturing shall assure that the raw material moisture content does not exceed the limits recommended by the raw material subcontractor. During manufacturing, the layer thickness shall be controled at the bottom, at the top and at both sides of the layer cross section. The outside diameter of the layer shall be measured in the horizontal and vertical directions. The supplier shall adopt procedures to assure that there will be no inclusion of impurities in extruded pipe layers during manufacturing. For layers extruded over an adjacent internal layer. Provision shall be made to guarantee that the internal one is kept clean during the extrusion process. Equipment such as extruder, feed system, storage reels, and pipe supports shall be cleaned on a regular basis. The feed system shall be protected from air by inert gas injection if the quality of the extruded material can be impaired when in contact with air. Full visual inspection of the extruded material during manufacturing is required for the pressure barrier and the outer sheath layers. Manufacturer shall stablish a criteria for acceptance of bubbles, impurities, and flaws. Raw material to be used in pressure barrier manufacturing shall be a virgin material which does not contain re-granulated, recycled, reprocessed, reused or other similar material.

7.3.4 Metallic Layers The procedure for wire/strip reel storage shall assure that these materials are protected against corrosion. Defects in wire/strip (which appear in raw material or occur after forming it on the pipe) which can damage non metallic layers are not allowed. Diameter, ovality, pitch, and thickness of the layer cross section shall be measured. As an additional verification of the preforming process, the fishscaling and clearances between two adjacent strips/wires of tension or pressure armors (after their laying on pipe) shall also be checked. The interference or gap between two adjacent layers, as foreseen in the pipe design conception, shall be controlled and measured.




AUG / 94 Besides the visual inspection, another method of NDE is required to check buttwelds in pressure or tensile armor strips/wires for cracks.

7.3.5 Accessories The raw material of forged structural steels of the end fitting/end connector shall be non destructively inspected against flaws/cracks after the last heat treatment or forming is performed. Visual, magnetic particle, and x-ray (or gamma-ray, or ultrasonic) inspection shall be performed in 100% of the material/surface. For the metallic coating of end fittings and other accessories, the adhesion and hardness tests, the thickness checking and the examination/inspection of coating flaws/cracks shall be performed and reported, in addition to the visual inspection. All existing buttwelds of the end fitting/end connector shall be 100% tested by visual, magnetic particle (or by dye penetrant) and x-ray (or gamma-ray) methods. If resin is used in the end fitting, the process shall be qualified in order to guarantee a proper filling (i.e. without voids). Control by means of x-ray or gamma-ray testing should be avoided.

7.4 Control of the Manufactured Pipe/Accessory 7.4.1 Acceptance Test - Pigging and Hydrostatic Testing Each pipe (with the end fittings assembled on it) to be supplied shall be subjected to pigging and hydrostatic testing. The suppliers test procedure shall encompass the following steps: a) A gauging pig, for checking the specified pipe inside diameter, shall be inserted into one extremity and run inside the pipe. Until it is removed from the other end; b) Pipe shall be filled with water and complete air removal shall be assured; c) With the help of a hydraulic system composed of a pump and a pressure recorder, the pipe shall be pressurized to a pressure equal to or greater than 1,5 times de design pressure (but not greater than 1,65 times the design pressure). In order to check for any failure of the main pressure gauge, a second redundant pressure gauge shall also be maintained coupled to the system during the whole test period; d) After pressure stabilization, pipe shall be kept under a pressure equal to or greater than 1,5 times the design pressure for a 24 h period. During this time, pipe shall be disconnected and isolated from the pressure system. Repressurization shall not be allowed during this period, as well as pressure drops greater than 4% in relation to the pressure considered in the begining of the 24 h period. No leaks to the outside or between pipe layers are permitted during this period.


7.4.2 Data Book


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Manufacturing data book shall be retained by supplier for a period equal to the specified service life and will be supplied to the purchaser on request. The data book shall include at least the following documents: a) raw material certificates (pipe and accessories); b) certificate and records of pig passage and hydrostatic test (acceptance test - item 7.4.1); c) inspection/testing records, including x/gamma rays in buttweld, tensile testing results of structural steels/fibers, heat treatment records, and test/inspection results in coatings (end fittings); d) as built data sheet of pipe: pipe length, inside diameter, thickness, and outside diameter of each pipe layer, including the maximum, minimum, and average values found for these dimensions; e) certificate of conformity (pipe assembly); f) traceability regarding non conformities/repairs and reports mentioning repair procedures and checks after repair, if any. 8 HANDLING, STORAGE, PACKAGE, INSTALLATION, SERVICING AND OPERATION 8.1 The supplier shall present to the purchaser, for each pipe supply, a users manual containing all necessary instructions, requirements, and recommendations applicable for pipe/accessory handling, storage, preservation, installation, operation, maintenance, and in situ testing. Special recommendations in the event of extreme conditions shall be included. 8.2 Unless otherwise specified, the package to be provided by the supplier shall allow the pipe to be store in a non protected area during at least six months. 8.3 In addition, supplier shall include instructions in users manual on how to avoid excessive torsion during pipe unwinding/winding on reels or relative displacements between layers of pipe. Restrictions regarding pipe storage in non protected area shall also be included. 8.4 As to the pipe installation, supplier shall be aware of the methods specified by the purchaser and inform the critical parameters and requirements in the installation phase which will be considered for preparing the laying procedure. 8.5 In order to speed up solutions regarding pipe/accessory damage which may occur during pipe/accessory storage, handling, installation, and operation, supplier shall have procedures for repairing it in such situations, whenever possible. The scope of such procedures, which shall be proper for use in a non-protected area and on board, shall cover. At least end fitting installation and repair of the outer sheath layer. The execution of any repair in a pipe section shorter than 0,5 m shall not take more than 8 h, and the end fitting assembly shall not take more than 24 h, under normal conditions. The requirements mentioned in item 7.2 are applicable for repairing pipe during handling, storage, installation, and operation.




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Each pipe/accessory design shall be specifically identified by supplier. The identification system of documents (e.g. data sheet, drawing) shall allow a quick recognition of its pipe/accessory design. New identification is required if any modification in product design or manufacturing process is made.

___________ /ANNEX A




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ANNEX A - PROCEDURE FOR DYNAMIC GLOBAL ANALYSIS OF FLEXIBLE PIPES A-1 INTRODUCTION The dynamic internal forces and moments, to be determined by dynamic global analysis, are caused by: a) the static offsets and motions of the floating units at the top extremity of the pipe; b) the hydrodynamic loads of waves and currents acting directly on the riser. Two methodologies are suggested to represent the sea state: regular wave approach and irregular wave approach.

A-2 METHODOLOGY 1 (Regular Wave Approach) a) Step 1: A design wave, characterized by its height (H) and period (T), is selected for the considered condition; b) Step 2: The motion amplitudes and phases of the floating unit are obtained by the RAO and phase curves. For the wave period (T), the amplitude given by the RAO curve is multiplied by the wave amplitude (H/2) to give the actual motion amplitude. The motion phase of the floating unit is obtained directly by the phase curve. This shall be done for all relevant degrees of freedom. It shall be noted that the RAOs are calculated at the COG or COM of the floating unit; c) Step 3: The motion amplitudes and phases of the top end of the riser are obtained by transferring the motion amplitudes and phase of the floating unit at COG or COM to the riser connection position; d) Step 4: The dynamic loads acting along the pipe are calculated by a proper algorithm which takes into consideration the top end motions, quasi-static, and environmental loading acting directly on the riser.

A-3 METHODOLOGY 2 (Iregular Wave Approach) a) Step 1: Several wave period values are selected in order to cover the period range of the design wave spectrum. The number of such values shall guarantee sufficient accuracy on final results; b) Step 2: The transfer function (TF) for a chosen response (effective top tension, for example) is calculated as follows: - For each selected wave period, a regular wave analysis (methodology 1) is perfomed. The wave height to be associated to each period and used in the calculation is to be taken from the following steepness relation: k x H / 2 = 0,1 where: k = wave number = w2/g




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Note: This steepness relation, for practical purposes, may be used for water depths > = 50 m, without current effect. Corrections for shallower waters, or to take in account the currents, shall be introduced where their influence is deemed relevant. Otherwise, if specific site data are available, they may be used instead of the above relation. Each calculated response shall be divided by the respective wave height (or amplitude) used in the calculation. c) Step 3: The response spectrum, for the chosen parameter (effective top tension, for example), is obtained by performing the spectral crossing of the wave spectrum of the storm case to be considered (defined by Hs and Tz) and TF. The spectral crossing is done by means of the following formula: Sr = Sw x (TF )2 d) Step 4: The significant response and the most probable largest double amplitude are obtained after calculating the RMS value for the response spectrum of step 3, i.e. the square root of the area under the response spectrum: - Significant response (double amplitude) - Most probable largest double amplitude = 4 x RMS = f x 4 x RMS

where f = 0,5 x log N , and N = number of observed waves; For a 3 hour duration storm in the Campos Basis, f is approximately 1,87.





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ANNEX B - QUALIFICATION TESTS B-1 GENERAL B-1.1 Test samples shall represent the actual product to be supplied, considering both design and manufacturing procedures. Operators, processes, and machines used to produce samples and derived products shall be the same. The purchaser may require the inclusion of weak points (such as weld, repairs, or process variations) on samples.

B-1.2 Before testing, supplier shall issue a detailed test procedure including at least the following items: a) type of tests to be performed; b) schedule of tests; c) test descriptions (including sketches and equipment set up); d) type and size of samples to be tested; e) equipment descriptions (including accuracy and sensitivity); f) data forms to be filled in, during the tests; g) acceptance criteria; h) predicted results and failure modes, when applicable; i) references.

B-1.3 After testing, supplier shall present a detailed test report including, at least, the following items: a) gathered data and final results; b) comparisons between predicted and observed values; c) conclusions. B-1.4 Pipe dissection shall be done whenever sample fails. Failure evaluations and abnormalities shall be reported.

B-1.5 In order to verify pipe performance, the tests shall simulate typical and extreme loads and boundary conditions to which the pipe is subjected during its installation or operation phases.

B-1.6 The necessity of cycling the sample, by internal pressure, before testing shall be evaluated by the suplier, for each case, when structure accommodation can affect the results.

B-2 INTERNAL PRESSURE TEST B-2.1 The purpose of this test is to evaluate the flexible pipe (with end fittings assembled) resistance to internal pressure.




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B-2.2 Test sample shall have a minimum length of 20 (twenty) times the inside diameter, excluding both end fittings.

B-2.3 Internal pressure shall be continuously monitored and registered, during the whole test period.

B-2.4 Pipe sample shall be suspended/laid out, full of water, on a device that allows its free rotation and longitudinal and radial deformations. One sample end shall be clamped, and the other one free to move.

B-2.5 Test sample is pressurized until failure, at a rate not exceeding 10 MPa/min. The burst pressure, failure mechanism, and location shall be recorded.

B-2.6 During pressurization, for pipe at design pressure, and with no pressure (residual values), the following measurements are required: a) sample overall longitudinal deformation (each mark shall be positioned at a minimum distance of 2 (two) diameters from the respective end termination); b) outside diameter deformations measured in the middle of the sample and taken at two positions 90 apart; c) sample free end rotation.

B-2.7 The burst pressure shall be greater than 2 (two) times the design pressure. Before this pressure level is reached, no leaks are accepted.

B-2.8 Additional acceptance criteria (when deformation measurements are required) for the sample longitudinal deformation (ld), its mean diametric deformation (mdd), and its rotation (r), for loaded and unloaded sample (residual values) are: ld 2% 1,0% mdd (O.D.) 1,5% 0,5% r 0,6 /m 0,2 /m

loaded unloaded


B-3.1 The purpose of this test is to evaluate the flexible pipe resistance to external pressure. This test can also verify the adequacy of the end fitting sealing system. B-3.2 The test sample shall have a minimum length of 10 (ten) times the inside diameter and be placed, empty, inside a hyperbaric chamber.




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B-3.3 Supplier shall guarantee that the external pressure is acting directly on the pressure barrier. A cylindrical piece of the outer sheath, with a width of 1 (one) diameter, shall be removed from the sample, leaving the outermost structural layer exposed. If the sample has intermediary polymeric layers, between the outermost structural layer and the pressure barrier, holes or cuts shall be bored on these layers. Note: In case smooth bore pipes, the external pressure shall act on the leakproof intermediary polymeric layer which resists the external pressure, when that is required.

B-3.4 The chamber is pressurized, with water, until a value between 1,0 and 1,2 times the maximum pressure differential is reached. The pressure is kept within this range during a minimum period of 24 (twenty-four) hours, after a period of initial stabilization. During the whole test period the test pressure shall never drop to a value less than the maximum pressure differential, and no leakage is accepted. B-3.5 The test proceeds with the chamber being pressurized, at a rate not exceeding 10 MPa/min., until the collapse of the sample. The collapse pressure, failure description, and location shall be recorded. Collapse pressure shall be greater than 1,5 times the maximum pressure differential.


B-4.1 The purpose of this test is to evaluate the resistance of flexible pipe to tension, with associated bending, simulating the passage through the sheave of the laying vessel. B-4.2 The test sample shall have a minimum length of 20 (twenty) times the inside diameter, excluding both end fittings. B-4.3 Test sample shall be positioned, empty, without internal pressure, on a special device that simulates the pipe laying sheave of the vessel, with the same bend radius and transverse profile. It shall be also connected to a suitable tensile test machine. As general rule, half of the test sample shall be positioned in a straight manner, while half of it is bent. B-4.4 The axial load is then increased uniformly, from zero to 110% of the laying tension, at a rate not exceeding 300 kN/min. This maximum tension shall be kept constant (maximum load variation of 2%), during a minimum period of 1 (one) hour. B-4.5 After tensioning the sample, the following measurements shall be made directly on its outermost structural layer: a) longitudinal deformation of a chosen sample region in the straight sample portion, with a minimum length of 4 (four) inside diameters (reference marks shall be positioned at a minimum distance of 2 (two) diameters from any end termination); b) outside diameters taken at two positions 90 apart (in a fixed transverse section, located in the curve sample portion);




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B-4.6 The acceptance criteria for the longitudinal deformation (ld) and for the mean diametric deformation (mdd), for loaded and unloaded sample (residual values) are: ld 3,0% 1,0% mdd 3,0% 1,0%

loaded unloaded

B-4.7 Additionally, residual inside diameter deformation shall be checked. The maximum acceptable residual deformation is 1%.

B-4.8 If required, the test sample is replaced on the test device and tensioned until failure. The rupture tension shall not be lower than 200% of the operating tension or 140% of the laying tension, whichever is the greatest. The failure mechanism and location shall be recorded.


B-5.1 The purpose of this test is to evaluate the flexible pipe resistance to combined tension and internal pressure. Is is applicable for pipes which are supposed to withstand tension ans pressure simultaneously.

B-5.2 Test sample may be the same as the one used in tensile test. It shall be mounted, in a straight manner, full of water, in a suitable test device, with restrained torsion. Test pressure is set to the operating pressure and kept constant (maximum pressure variation of -0 and + 20%), during the whole test period.

B-5.3 The sample is loaded until failure, at a rate not exceeding 300 kN/min. The rupture tension, failure mechanism and location shall be recorded. Neither leakage nor sample failure is accepted until tension reaches 2 (two) times the operating tension.


B-6.1 The purpose of this test is to evaluate the flexible pipe resistance to compression load, when passing through the tensions of the laying vessel. B-6.2 The test sample shall have a minimum length of 10 (ten) times the inside diameter. It shall be positioned, empty, without internal pressure, on a special compressive device that simulates the laying vessel tensions, with the same geometry of shoes and the same number of belts.




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B-6.3 The compressive load is uniformily increased, from zero to 140% of the specified crushing load, at a rate not exceeding 100 kN/m/min. This maximum compression load shall be kept constant (maximum load variation of 2%), during a minimum period of 1 (one) hour.

B-6.4 In the loaded condition, and after unloading completely the sample, its inside diameter shall be measured in two positions 90 apart (in the middle transverse section of the sample) shall be measured.

B-6.5 If required, this test shall be performed with the sample under tension. In this case, before applying the compressive load, the sample is uniformly tensioned, at a rate not exceeding 300 kN/min., until the laying tension is reached. This value shall be kept constant (maximum tension variation of 4%), during the whole test period.

B-6.6 The accpetance criteria for the mean diametric deformation (mdd), for loaded and unloaded sample (residual values) are: a) - 3,0% < mdd < + 3,0% (inside and mean diameter - loaded samples) b) - 1,0% < mdd < + 1,0% (inside and mean diameter - unloaded sample)




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Bend Stiffner 30 Buoyancy Modules 30

Carcass 7 Coating 32 COMBINED TENSILE AND PRESSURE TEST 44 COMPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS 5 Control of the Manufactured Pipe/Accessory 36 Crushing Loads 14

Data Book 37 Design External Pressure 13 Design Loads, 18 Design Pressure 13 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 15 Design Tension 13 Design Verification 29 DETERMINATION OF DYNAMIC LOADS ON FLEXIBLE PIPES, 39 Dynamic Flexible Riser 7 Dynamic Risers on other Floating Units 22 Dynamic Risers on Semisubmersible Units 22

End Fittings 32 EXTERNAL PRESSURE TEST 42 Extreme Condition 13 Extreme Loads 14

Failure Modes 15 End Fitting, 17 Pipe Clogging, 18 Pressure Barrier, 16 Structural Layers, 16 Far Position 11 Fibers and Composite Materials 24 Fishscaling 8 Flowline 7 Flowlines 21

Geometrical Configuration of Pipe 10

Handling Accessories for Installation 31 HANDLING, STORAGE, PACKAGE, INSTALLATION, SERVICING AND OPERATION 37 Holding Bandage 9


Installation and Retrieval Loads 14; 19 Insulating Layer 9 INTERNAL PRESSURE TEST 41


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Jumper 7

Laying Tension 14 loads and conditions for Installed Pipe, 21 loads on Flexible Pipe, 21

MANUFACTURING AND CONTROL 31 Material Selection and Qualification 23 Materials for Use in Buoyancy Modules 25 Materials for Use in Sealing Systems 25 Maximum External Pressure Gradient 14 Maximum External Pressure Gradient, 18 Mechanical Loads Global Analysis, 20 Minimum Internal Pressure 14

Near Position 11 Neutral Position 11 Non Destructive Examination 32 Non-bonded Flexible Pipe, 12 Normal Operating Condition 13

Offset 11 Operating Loads 13; 18 Operating Pressure 13 Operating Tension 14 Outer Sheath 9; 32 Outerwrap 10; 30

Pipe Layers 7 Pliant Wave 10 Polymers 24 Pressure Armor 8 Pressure Barrier 8 Process Control and Checking 33 Product Design Identification, 30 PURPOSE 5

QUALIFICATION TESTS, 41 Quality Terminology 12

RADIAL MECHANICAL COMPRESSION TEST, 45 Repairs 33 Rough Bore Flexible Pipe 12


Safety Factor for Failure Mode of Item 25 Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item 26 Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item 26 Safety Factor for the Failure Mode of Item 26 Safety Factors for Failure Mode of Item 25 Safety Requirement for Pipe Clogging 29 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 26 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 26 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 27 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 28 Safety Requirement for the Failure Mode of Item 28 Safety Requirements 25 Safety Requirements for End Fitting 28 Safety Requirements for Pressure Barrier 27 Shutdown Internal Pressure 14 Smooth Bore Flexible Pipe 12 Special Processes 31 Static Flexible Riser 7 Static Risers 21 Steels 23 Strength Determination of Structural Materials for Design Purpose 24 Structural Layer 7


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Tensile Armor 7 TENSILE TEST, 43

Welding 31 Wires/Strips of Layers 32


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