Fourth World Halal Forum - Halal Forum or Haraam Forum?

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Most of the Muslims the world over are very careful

about consuming halal (permitted) food and
avoiding foods that contain ingredients that could
be categorized as ‘haraam’ (prohibited). However,
the Islamic rulings on ‘Halal’ and ‘Haraam’ are not
restricted to food items only. We have to avoid
haraam in every facet of our lives: The way we live
our daily lives, our dealings with other people
(irrespective of their faith), the way we conduct our
businesses, the way we dress up, the way we
communicate with others etc. should all be
according to the commands of Allah Subhanahu wa
ta’ala and based on the ways shown to us by our
beloved Prophet Sallallahu aleihe wasallam. In fact
we have to try very hard to adhere to these
commands from the time we wake up till the time
we go to bed.
The Fourth World Halal Forum was held in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia on 4th and 5th of May 2009.
Before this forum took place I came across their
website and was aghast to see the photographs of
the HALAL FORUMS held in the previous years.
There seemed to be nothing ‘halal’ about these
‘mixed gathering’ (comprising Muslim men and
women) except the title ‘Halal Forum’.
I wrote to them regarding this matter. As expected,
I did not get any response from them. Below is the
reproduction of the letter that I had sent to them. I
would like to have comments from other Muslim
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 9:04 AM
Subject: Fourth World Halal Forum

World Halal Forum Secretariat

MashAllah, it is very much heartening to learn that
the fourth World Halal Forum (WHF) – themed
“Achieving Global Halal Integrity” – is scheduled to
be held from 4th to 5th May 2009 in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. All Muslims should fully support this
grand project which is based on the on the Islamic
tenets (Sharia).
However, one very pertinent question comes to
mind: what is the purpose of holding such a
We all know that the inaugural World Halal Forum
2006 was officially launched by YAB Dato’ Seri
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Prime Minister of
Malaysia and during the official opening, the Prime
Minister endorsed the seven-point Charter of the
World Halal Forum that forms the guiding principles
in the forum.
But we should not forget that behind all this is
Allah’s command, that is we, as Muslims, should
always insist on halal and avoid haraam, or words
to that effect. And this Allah’s command forms the
basis on which such forums are held. In Islam the
term halal is used to describe anything lawful and
permissible. The opposite of halal is haraam, which
means unlawful or prohibited. These ‘halal’ and
‘haraam’ are universal terms that apply to all
facets of life, including human behaviour, speech,
dress, conduct, manner, trade and dietary laws.
Looking at the photographs of the Third Halal
Forum one cannot avoid asking the question: Is it a
‘Halal Forum’ or a ‘Haraam Forum?’ Please do not
be startled by this statement. Instead, view these
pictures once again. What do you notice? A
gathering of clean-shaven men freely intermingling
with hijabless women.
I know by these statements I might offend the
feelings of top-notch Islamic VIPs who are the main
stakeholders in this noble project. I do not mind. I
would rather offend these high profiled dignitaries
than offend Almighty Allah by remaining silent on
this issue.

Ask even a non-Muslim person who is well versed

with Islamic Sharia to describe such a forum and
he will come up with only one phrase, “Height of
It sounds very funny that early in the morning the
men perform the haraam act of shaving their
beards and women perform another haraam act of
putting on un-Islamic dresses (without hijab) before
proceeding to participate in the Halal Forums. And
during these so called ‘Halal Forums’ women sit
next to and freely mix with non-mahrim men - yet
another haraam act.
Even if the gathering is aimed at further
developing the already thriving Halal market, it
does not mean that it should reflect kuffar
All the great scholars of Islam unanimously agree
on this issue that to grow a beard no less than the
length of a fist is compulsory upon all Muslim men
as it is a distinctive sign of Islam, and it is haraam
(forbidden) for a mature stable Muslim to shave his
This verdict was reached on the grounds that there
are numerous ahaadith where the Holy Prophet
sallalahu alayhi wasallam is explicitly commanding
the Muslims to grow a beard. In this respect a few
ahaadith from Bukhari and Muslim are quoted
Translation: Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhu quotes the
Holy Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam as saying,
"Cut short the moustache and lengthen the beard."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
Translation: Abu Huraira radiyallahu anhu quotes
the Holy Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam as
saying, "Shorten the moustache and lengthen the
Translation: Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhu quotes the
Holy Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam as saying,
"Grow (lengthen) the beard."
Translation: Yahya ibn Kathir says that, once a
person from Ajam (external province) who had
grown a moustache and shaved off the beard
entered the mosque. The Holy Prophet sallalahu
alayhi wasallam asked him, "What motivated you
to do this act? He replied that his Lord had ordered
him to do so. The Holy Prophet sallalahu alayhi
wasallam said, "Allah has ordered me to shorten
my moustache and lengthen my beard." Besides
these ahaadith, there are other ahaadith which
support the necessity of growing the beard.
Therefore, to shave, or trim one’s beard less than
the length of a fist is haram (forbidden) and
anyone contradicting this ruling will be committing
a major sin and regarded as a fasiq (immoral
Muslims must also adhere and submit to the
rulings which prohibit intermingling of sexes. There
are many Islamic texts in this regard, such as the
Hadeeth which is narrated by ‘Uqbah Ibn ‘Aamir
radhiAllahu anho that the Prophet sallalahu alayhi
wasallam said: “Do not enter into the presence of
”Why is it that the Prophet sallalahu alayhi
wasallam lined up the rows of men for prayers in
the mosque separate from the women, and
described the rows, as narrated by Abu Hurayrah
radhiAllahu anhu by saying: “The best rows [in the
mosque] are the first rows, and the worst are the
last, and the best rows [in the mosque] for women
are last the rows, and the worst are the first.”
[Muslim]. This affirms the obligation of separating
men from women, and keeping them far apart. If
this is the way believing men and women are
commanded to do during an act of worship inside
the mosque, then how much more is it necessary
to segregate them in places outside the mosques?
Lastly, we pray for the success of the Forum and
we also pray that may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
save the forum from Haraam displays and activities
and thus save us from the agony of viewing
another gallery of photographs depicting ‘haraam’
activities going on in a ‘halal’ forum.

Your Brother-in-Islam
Mohammed Bashir
ps: Please forward this important message to all
dignitaries who are going to attend this Forum and
all other invited guests.

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