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Meeting of Minutes


May 19, 2009

Attendees: Deborah Mansour, Jonathan Shamass, Ed Purrenhage, Vern Lister, Liz

Campbell, Don Madro, Kathy Bartolf

Absent: Dave Cowan

The meeting was called to order at 7:20pm by Deborah Mansour

The April minutes and the Special Meeting Minutes were prepared by Kathy Bartolf.
Deborah Mansour motioned to accept the minutes, and have the Board go over
them in greater detail at home. Jonathan Shamass seconded the motion.

The treasurer’s report was prepared by Nancy Perazza from General Bookkeeping.
The report was reviewed by the Board Members. Jonathan Shamass motioned to
accept the Treasurer’s Report, Liz Campbell seconded.

The first item of business was interviewing Mr. Co-owner, who recently purchased
unit #000. This is his second condo purchase here at PV. Mr. Co-owner was sent a
letter explaining the PV rules concerning leasing out a unit. The Board interviewed
him, and will vote on this matter. It was stressed that he will not be able to rent out
the unit until floor carpeting is installed. After this is accomplished, various
members of the Board will do a walk through. Mr. Co-owner will come by office
between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM tomorrow to pick up the landlord paperwork.

The second item of business was the task of changing the batteries in the smoke
detectors. Jonathan Shamass offered to purchase the 9 volt batteries in bulk. He
agreed to be reimbursed by check. When the batteries are shipped to the office, a
work order will be done up for Astrit to go around and replace them. Ed Purrenhage
mentioned that there are 160 smoke detectors, and the batteries need to be
changed every spring.

The third item of business was discussing the lien placed against Presidents Village
by SAS Construction. Kathy is to email Attorney Steve Sowell and ask what action
the Board needs to take concerning this situation.

The fourth item of business was discussing the Summer Special Meeting, where co-
owners will vote on changes to the PVCA gas situation. They will decide if they want
to remain with EBS, or switch back to having their heat charges included in their
monthly assessments. Deborah Mansour and Kathy Bartolf will design a ballot. All
Board Members were in favor of this Special Meeting, none opposed.

The fifth item of business was a discussion and vote on the way assessments are
levied. The Board decided to address this topic at the next monthly meeting.
The sixth item of business was reviewing attorney Steve Sowell’s monthly status
report. Kathy was asked to contact Steve concerning file number 2 (unit #530).
Steve recommended proceeding with foreclosure, all were in favor of this decision,
none opposed. The rest of the files are on hold until next month.

The seventh item of business was discussing the pet letter that Ms. Mercier sent to
the office. The letter was copied and placed in Board Members’ files for review.
Deborah Mansour wrote her back a response, and after a few minor changes, the
letter was approved. Kathy will place the in the mail tomorrow.

The eight item up for business was Ms. Janina Linkes (#470)’s gas bill. We cannot
waive the amount she owes, only the late charges. Deborah would like Sue Joseph
to contact EBS, and have this taken care of.

The ninth item up for business was discussing the maintenance situation and
current bids that have come into PV. Jonathan read over a letter that Dave provided
to the Board, highlighting maintenance repairs that have been accomplished. These
items will be discussed in greater detail over the coming weeks, and at the next
monthly Board meeting.

Senior Crime Prevention Seminar- The date has been set for Wednesday June 17th at
6:00 PM. The Village House will seat 50 co-owners comfortably for this event. Co-
owners will need to reserve their spots as soon as possible.

Water- The water report was prepared, and copies were placed in each members file
for review.

Natural Gas- No report.

Rules: No report

Pool: Things are moving along, and we are just a little bit behind schedule. All pool
repairs have been completed. We are waiting on the pool man (Ted Michaels) to
come out, check the pool water and see what chemicals are needed. Jason from
Masonry Pools said Ted should be out near the end of this week. Ted will then
contact Ken at the Macomb County Health Department, and set up an appointment
for inspection.

Arbor: No report.

Deborah Mansour adjourned the meeting at 8:14PM

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 16th, 2009

Kathy Bartolf, Secretary to the President Village Board of Directors

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