Triathlon Strength Program

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From The Triathlete's Tnining Bibte @Joe Friel


TohlSessions/Phase Sessions/week (%IBM) Load Sets/Sesslon Reps/Set Speed ol Ljft (inlvlinutes) Recovery 8-12 2-3 40-60 3-5 20-30 Slow l-1.5

Iabl 13.1

labl 13.2


TolaSessions/Phase 35 Sessio$4/Veek 2-j Load select loads lhatallow onty t0 l5 reps' Reps/Set 10-15. Speed ol Lift to moderaie, Slow nphastzmq form (inminutes)1.53' Recovery exercises follow 'llote:qnvboldfaced kis guidelke. Allothers continue M guidetines. TrialhlonExercises (inordor ol compleliofl): 1. tllpexbnsion orstep.up) {squ4 legprcs, 2. Sealed rcw 3. Abdominal with nlist 4. Personalweakness (hamslring curt, kl]ee extension, orheel ise) 5. Standing, bent-an tatputFrlo{,n

Triathlon Exeroises
(inofder ofconpleuoi): (squat, step-up) legpre$,0r 1. Hip extension lai pull'down 2. Standing bent'arfl, (dfteent tmm+l ) 3. Hipexiension pless orptsh'ups 4. Chest 5. Seaied row (harnslrinq cui, knee 6.. PeBonal weakress exlemion, orheel mise) lwist 7. Abdoniralwilh

Exercises oualhlor
(inorder ofeompleiion)i (squal, L . Hlp exlension lsgpfess, orstep-up) row 2. Soated (difierent $1) 3. Hip extension Jrcm press 4. CJrest or push-ups qJ , knee (hamslrinq 5, Pe$onal weakness exlension, orheel Bise) (lalpLill.down 0rstand 6. Upper.body choice Ing r0w) 7. Abdominai withtwist

Duathlon Exercises
ofcompletion): linordef (9qu4logpr6ss, i. Hip oxhreion or!toFupl 2. Seated rou, t$/isl .3. Abdominalwilh (hamstjng 4, Pers{rnalweakness cutl, knee extension, orheel rarse) 5. Upper putt-dovw. body chdft (tat standinq prcss, pUsh-ups) row, chsl

Tablo 13.3

Squal 1.3-1.7 x BW pfes6 (sled) Leg 2.5-2-9 x BW Slep-up 0.7-0.9x BW Seated row 0.5-0.8 x BW Slanding, bent-am latpLrll-dowr 0.3{.5 x BW

From lhe Triathlete'sfraining Bible @Joe Friel


TolalsessloN/Phase 8-12 Sessionsldeek 2 Load BW Goa' Sels/Sesslon 3-6 Beps/Sel 3-6+' Speed ofLift Slow'Mod' Recovery lin ll,llnutes) 2 4' fallow 'Ilole:0nly b'ldfaced exercises this guideline. guidelines. Allothers conlnue P,4 Trialhlon Exercises (inordr ofcompleiion)i I . Hip legps6, exteneion orsiep-u$) {squal, 2 Seated rcw 3. Abdominal with twist (hamsling 4. Pe|s0naiweakness curl, kfee e)ftnsron, orheelmise) pull-down 5 Slanding bent-am,lat Dualhlon Exercises (!n order ofcompletion) (squal 1. iip eodonsicfl legpreis, orstep-W) 2. Seated row 3. Abdominal wlth lwisl (hatuslinq 4. Persona weakness cur,knee extens on, orhelraise) (lai pull-dow[, 5. ljppef body choce standing press, pLsh'lps) row, chest


'lotalSessions/Phasc tndelinil Sessio sMeek I (astset)' (%lll[4) Load 60,80 Sets/Session 2-3" 6 12' Reps/St Speed ofLift I\4od' Recovery(inMinltes) 1-2' *NoE: only boldfaced exetcises fallow this guideline. AI others continue M guidelines. Triathlon Exercises (inorder ofcompleliorl): 1. Hip exensiolt orsteFup) lsquallegpross, rcw 2, Sealed wilh 3 Abdomifa hvhl (iramsiring 4 Pelsonal weakfess cuf.knee orheol extension, mise) 5 Standing bent-arm, lalpull-down 0uathlon Exercises (inorder ol corfpletion): I Hip exbnsion Iegprcss, orslell-up) {squat, 2. Sealed ro$/ 3 Abdonlialwth hvist (harnslring 4 Personal weakness curlkree exten9ion, orheel raise) (lalpuldown, 5. Upper-lrody choic standirg pfcss, pushups) chesl row,

Tabl e 13.4 (l i t) Tabl e 13,5 (r qht)


5 6 7



FACTON 0.917 0.889 0.861 0.833 0.805 0.778 0.750

Frcm The Triathlete's Tnining Bible @Joe Friel

13,1 Flgure Squai

gluteus, (quadriceps, hanshings) Hip Extensi0n-Step-up

Lrprovcs {orcedeliveryto thc pcdal in cl(lnrg. Thc slep uP mimics the novement oi ped' aling.tuite.loscly,but takesNore timc sinceeachleg is worlcd irdivlduall)'-Cauliou is nec cssaryto cnsurea stableplalform and ovfhcadcleafance'lhe Pladann heig|r shorld bc dborr twicc thclcnglh ofyiNr bikt crarl aan I. PL cc (he left foot on a stirrdy ll aboul ll lo 15 j|cles llo Dot lsc a knee ofinjury hee discomfortand niscs lhe possibilit,v height platfon! rs tLlisis likely to cause to l5_hch'figh plrtbrn with lhc tocs tointing

rctun Lolhe staripositioD 2.Slcp up withthe right lbol louchirg platform,.nd im nrediatel)' thc righl lcg bcibrc rcpealing 3. Conpl.t. all lei leg Leps 'vith 4. Stretches: Stork Staid and liiangle.

13.2 Flg[re Sbp-Up

From lhe Triathlete'sTraining Bible O Joe Friel

press Hi!Extensi0n-Leg (quadriceps, gluteus, hamstrings)

Improles forcedelivcryro Lhepedal in cy.ting. T his isprob abl)' Lhes{fest of the hip drension exefcises, and generally L Ccnter rhe feel ol1 niddle porrioD ofthc ptatfonr abolr l0 rrches apart, center ro .cnter. Feet are parallel, nor anillcd out. l hehigher rhcfetarc placedon tlt piarorDr, ihe more (hc glureusand ar ;nv.,tved.The h' .-,. Io\rt v., r,...| !C .r.reL\td lr . t - . gL\ . ' 2. Press the flatforD up until legs are ilmost strajght wrrh the kneesshoft oflocknrg out. 3.l.orlcr ihe platlbnn until kneesarc abour s in.hcs fronr yoiii cnesrino lower. 4. KeepkDces Dlire witli ler rhrouglorr the movenrnr. 5. RerurDr0 th (art posirioD_ 6. Stretches: Stork Srard a.dTriingle_ l .v

Flgure 13.3

Sealed fiow{upper andtower back, tower lats, biceps)

Simuiateslilc movencnt ol plrlljng on thr hrndlebars while clinbing a hili in a s(ited posi(ion. Srrengnensrnc L Graspthe baf {'ith arms fLrllvertendcd andha[ds aborr 3 1(]l0 inchesipaft, insi.le edgeto nNjde edg.. 2 Pull the brr tow d rh lower clicst,keepingrne crboes L Minimize moverneDrat thewirlsr,usingthc backliuscles to siabilizposrtion. 4. Rctun to lhe sirrt positio|. 5. Stretch:Pull Dowr1.

From The Triathlete's Tnining Bible @Joe Friel

(peclorals Chest Press and triceps)

Stabilizes dle slrouldeB for swinmnrg and increases forceof the pushphase of the strclc.With free$eights, a spotter is Decessary in the MS phase. L Graspthe barwith handsaboveshoulders.Dd l0 to

2. Lower tlre bar to the chest. 3. Keepthc clbowscloscto thc body. 4. Return to the stan positioD. 5. StrctchiPull-Dowr.

(pectorals Push-Up and iliceps)

Siabilizesthe shouldeLsfor swlmrning and increascs forceofthc push phaseofthe srroket. PlacehaDdsdirectiy blow of slightly wider thrn thc

2. Kccp shaight and hea.tup. 3. Keepingbody rigid,losf the body until chcsl almost touches floor. May bc donc with klees oD floof as strcngthis developnrg.

Fl0ure 13.6 Push ljp

5. Rclurn b the start fosition. 6. Strtch:Pull-Down.

FromThe Triathlete's Training Bihle

O Joe Friel

(gastrocnemi!s) Heel Saise

Iior rdnetes wh.J ..xperiencecalf and Achilies problems,tlis ruy redLtce srisceptihilily ro suctl l. Stard with balls of the feet or I ro 2-inch .iser,helsor the oor. 2.P11ceteet parallel and 6 io I inches !p3rt, rside edgcto n$ide edge. L Raiscup onro lhe toes. 1. Rtrun to drc start position. 5. Srrelch:Wallt.ean.

(neeIxtensi0n quadJiceps) (medial

pl.gucd by i<rleecap For aihtetes lra.:kiDg injuries,$is exercnemay heb by ilnprovint balancebeiweenthe lateraland medial quadricepsL Start rvith kDeesfull)' ertended aDd toes poinnng slighrlyro outside. 2.Iower thc wcight onlyabout 8 inches(do ,drgo all

3- R.turD to ihc start posit;on. 4. Stretch:Stork Stand.

From fhe Triathlete'sTraining Bibte @Joe Friel

(hamstrings) Lg Curl
lly sireDgthening the haDrstriilgs rcl.tiv.lL) thc quads, lhc slrcnglh ratio bclwccDthcsc1wo najor moversis irnproved.Leg .ur{s xre done on eithr proDeor staDdhg Drachincs. L Cuflleg 1oahotrt r right angleat the kDe. 2. RcturDn) lhc s(arl position. l. Stretchrlilangle.

13.9 Flgure Lg Curl

Flgure 13.10

(rectus Twisl abdominus, Abd0minal v'rilh external oblique)

A core ererc;seto improve trrnsfer ot' cncrgy from uppcr to lower bodv Also imtortant ibr mainrainingbody posirion in (tr'gh, opcD{alcr $!tr1N. beDtat about 9(l degfees. l. Sii on declineboard with dre knees 2. Cross.rnis ovcr th clicst.Hoklinija is opli.,nal. (D o ,ortui l on the had) L Lower rhe opper body ro aboul a 45 degreeangle to rhe 4. lletNn ro dre start I osition wit| i twist. \ /ith eachrepeti ti(m, altemite Ld)king oler the riglii aDd lefi shouldefs ^s rhe rorso nlists to tbe rigbt and leli. 5. Stfctch:Arch back anl cxteDdanns and lcgs.

From lhe Triathleb's Tnining Bible O Joe Friel

Figure 13.11 LatPulfDown

LatPull-Do!'/n (latissimus dorsi, biceps)

Slrbrlizes sholrlders. r. Grts|rhebar with the aflnsfuliyolended ard hands l0 {o 14 inchesapar1, rnsideedgeto insidcedge. 2. Pull thc bar towad rhe npper chcsl,lcping elbows I \l i .i m./, rnre' ,,(n ..' ,l F w ' ,\r .rn. , r n, L u, , nB

the b,rckmusclcsto stabilizcposiiion. 1. Relurn i0 rhc start position. 5. Slrct.h:I\ll Down.

Flguro t3,12 Standlng, Bent Arm LatPulDown

Standing, Sent-Arm LatPull-Down (lalissimus dorsi, rotalors)

Mimlcs thr novenrellt ofthe swnn pull. 1 Sranding(l:,r on knees)at rhc lat pall down station,positior)lhc bar so it is a few inches 2. place hlnds oD top ol bdr hinds 10 lo 14 lrcltLs apa , nrsideedgcto nrsideedg(, with arns slig|lly bcnt at the eibow 3. While manxairirg a liigh elbow position, plish rhe ba. down b,vtotating rhe shouldcr lrlil tLc brr i5 a Icr inchsbelo( the head. RctlN to the sta position. 5.

Frcm The Triathtete's fraining Bible @Joe Friel

(deltoids, bicePs) Row Standing

shoulders. Stabilizes LAt the low-pulleysiation (or with liee graspthe bar at thigh height weights), with hands8 to 10 in hesapart,inside edge. to insjde edge 2. Pullthebar to the chest. to the startPosition 3.Return 4. Stretch.

flgl|]e 13.13 Bow Slanding

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