Chiropractic and HRV

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Journalof Manipulativeand PhysiologicalThernpeutics Volume 22' Number3' March/April 1999 0161-1754/99/$8.

00 + 0 76/1/96841e 1999JMPT


Rationalefor Assessing the Effectsof ManipulativeTherapyon AutonomicTone by Analysisof Heart RateVariability

Ale.t !v!. Eingorn. Dca and GeorgeJ. Mtths. DCb


Background: For more than 100years,chiropractorshaveasserted that overall healthcan be improvedthroughthe useof spinalmahipulative therapy.The autonomicnervoussys- ( tern is known to control and regulate all involuntaryphysiologic activitiesby controlling the activities of the internal organs, glands, and circulation. Recent studies document a potential relationship betweenthe verte. bral subluxationcomplex,autonomictone, and car. 'diac function. Objective: This discussionreviews how it is possibleto use heartrate variability analysisto calculatea quantitativeindexof autonomicfunction, which accuratelyreflects the sympathetic and parasympathetic toneandthe sympathovagal balance. Discussion: The technique of heartrateanalysisknownasheart rate variability could be extremelyusefulin assessment of treat-


ment outcomes in clinical chiropractic practice. At present, heart rate variability is in widespread use in the fields of neurology, cardiology, psychology, psychophysiology, obstetrics, anesthesiology, and psychiatry. Conclusion:Further studies in this area may lead to a better understanding of the effects of spinal manipulation on (I) the general health of an individual, (2) an individual's susceptibility to lowered immunity and recuperative capacity, and (3) conditions that lie are outside the scope of musculoskeletal therapeutics and more in line with

classical chiropractic concepts. This can also contribute to a better-informed interprofessional cooperation between allopathic and chiropractic health care providers. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999;22:161-5) KeyIndexing Terms:Autonomic Nervous System: Vagus Nerve; Chiropractic Manipulation


For more than 100 years, chiropractors have asserted that overall health can be improved through the use of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT).1-4 This concept is integral to traditional chiropractic philosophy and is continuously alluded to in numerous anecdotal accounts.l.4.SThe autonomic nervous system (ANS) is known to control and regulate all involuntary physiologic activities by controlling the activities of the internal organs, glands, and circulation.6-s Recent studies document a potential relationship between the vertebral subluxation complex, autonomic tone, and cardiac function.S.9-11 In addition, in the osteopathic literature manipulation has been shown to have an effect on the ANS, specifically on lowering blood pressure in hypertensive individuals and positively affecting the fibrinolytic system.12 The same study showed that SMT produced an insignificant effect in normotensive individuals. Another study iridicated that autonomic neurovascular changes seem to bccur with suboccipital dermatomyotonic stimulation as measured with digital strain gauge plethysmography. 13

Walko and Janouschek14showed thennographic cooling after manipulative therapy of a patient with cervicothoracic pain. Grayson15discussed the case of a patient displaying a postmanipula~ve decrease in sympathetic output. Furthermore, spinal joint dysfunction has been shown to affect cardiac function,9.1o and the somatovisceral autonomic reflex system.11.16-19 Satol9 has shown that noxious stimulation can result in an increase in reflex somatocardiac sympathetic activity. Stimulation of vertebral joints produces a decreasein both heart rate and blood pressure.ISThe quality and direction of influence of SMT and ANS activity may depend on the specific spinal level that is manipulated.1oOn the other hand, the brain stem oscillators of the central autonomic network are integral to the modulation of autonomic output!1 and Sato's work indicates that the cardiac reflex response to somatic stimulation demonstrates a strong segmental organization that is suppressedby supraspinal structures}1.23 Therefore the mechanism by which manipulation may affect autonomic function must also consider possible suprasegmentaleffects.

"Researchassociate,New York Chiropractic College, Seneca Falls, NewYork. bAssistant professorof clinical services,University of Bridgeport Collegeof Chiropractic,Bridgeport,Connecticut. Submit reprint requests to: Alex M. Eingom, DC, Better Health Chiropractic,PC, 825 Seventh Ave, NewYork, NY 10019. PapersubmittedMay 21, 1998;in revisedfonn July 8, 1998.

Traditionally, autonomictone hasbeenassessed approximately, on the basisof subjectivedata suchas pupil dilatation!4.2S distal skin in temperature!O heartrate, andsympathoadrenergicbiochemical criteria such as blood levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline, andcorticosteroids.26-29 The heart rhythm electrocardiographicR-to-R interval (RR) haslong beenconsidered to be indicativeof cardiova-


Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Volume 22 Number3. March/April 1999

Manipulation and Autonomic Tone Ein8o~

Fig I. Methodofdetennining the RR interval rhythmogram.(CourtesyofHeart Rhythm Instruments, Inc.

gal activity.3o Heart rate variability (HRV) is an analysis technique that examines these beat-to-beat oscillations in heart rate. This analysis is targeted at what was formerly considered electrocardiographic "noise..'31Through the use of mathematical analysis, the oscillations can be broken into a series of periodic components consisting of various frequency ranges.31-35 The earliest clinical use of HRV was in obstetrics as a marker for fetal distress.36 At present, HRV is in widespread use in the fields of neurology, cardiology, psychology, psychophysiology, obstetrics, anesthesiology, and psychiatry.36 Thus the qualitative analysis of the spectral components inherent within the heart rate is an accepted means of examining the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS, which is known to reflect the health status of the individual.32-40 HRV's usefulness in predicting risks and in early detection of an abnormal physiologic state has been documented in the literature.38.4o Likewise, the Framingham Heart Study indicates that ambulatory monitoring of HRV in elderly subjects offers prognostic information beyond that of traditional evaluation methods in relation to mortality risk.41 It should also be noted that the normal heart dynamics, as reflected by HRV analysis, indicate the absence of a disease process and thus the presence of good health.32-35 Integral to any HRV analysis is the collection of a heart rate rhythmogram by means of an electrocardiogram so that the inherent beat-to-beat oscillations, as measured by consecutive RR intervals (Fig 1), can be readily examined. For accurate interpretation of this electrocardiogram tachogram, any ectopic beats or signal interference within the collected cardiac rhythm data must be removed before performing !be.various methods of statistical analysis on the data. // In 1996, Malik and the task force on HRV42 published a thorough review of HRV in the journal Circula!{on. The article described in detail the measurement methods and proposed standards for HRV analysis. The article also reviews the known physiologic interpretation of HRV data with an eye toward clinical application. Malik et al42 discussed the use of two methods of HRV recording and analysis to standardize physiologic and clinical studies: long-duration recordings of 24 hours that use time domain statistical~

analysis, and short-duration recordings of 5 minutes that use frequency domain statistical analysis. Time domain analysis of HRV is based on calculation of the beat-to-beat interval measurements between adjacent QRS complexes, tenned the nonnal-to-nonnal (NN) interval with the usual electrocardiogram reference being the RR.36.42 A statistical variable that can be applied to time domain HRV data is the standard deviation of the NN intervals. The significance of the result of the standard deviation of the NN interval analysis lies in that it is equal to the total power of the spectral analysis and is therefore an estimate of the overall HRV. Another time domain method of statistical analysis is therefore an estimate of the overall HRV. Another time domain method of statistical analysis is the standard deviation of the average NN intervals. This measurement estimates the long-term or low-frequency (LF) variations within the heart rate data. Yet another time domain statistical analysis is the ror.mean square of the standard deviation of successive NN intervals. This measurement estimates the short-term or high-frequency (HF) variations within the heart rate data. Geometric methods are also useful for analysis of time domain HRV data. The density distribution histogram of NN intervals can be appraised with the HRV triangular index, which is also an estimate of the total power of the overall HRV.36.42 Frequency domain analysis of the tachogram yields an estimate of the power spectral density, which reflects how power, or variance, distributes as a function of frequency. Power spectral density can be calculated by either parametric or nonparametric methods. The nonparametric methods are simpler and faster, and usually use a fast Fourier transfonn. The fast Fourier transfonn analysis quantifies the proportion of one frequency relative to that of another frequency within a signal.3D The parametric methods yield smoother spectral components with easily identifiable central frequencies of the LF and HF components and provide an accurate estimation of power spectral density even on a small number of samples. Short-duration frequency domain recordings yield very low frequency, LF, and HF spectral components, whereas long-duration recordings yield an additional ultra low frequency component along with the verY low freQuen-~

Journal of Manipulative :md Physiological Therapeutics Volume 22. Number 3. M:lrch/ApriI1999 Manipulation and Autonomic Tone. Eingorn and /.fuJI.S


Rh ythm StrIp



Fig 2. A, Representative RR interval HRV rhythmogram. B, Spectral function of the HRV rhythmogram. (Courtesyof Heart RateInstruments. Inc.)

cy, LF, and HF spectral bands. So far, only the LF and HF spectrum up to the respiratory frequency of about 0.3 Hz, the HF spectral component is considered to be a combinaspectral components produce useful data.42 Many of the time and frequency domain analysis methods tion of both the vagal and sympathetic activity. In contrast, yield results that strongly correlate with each other.42 This is the LF spectral component with a peak of about 0.1 Hz is of clinical significance because the frequency domain mea- considered to be representative of bursts of sympathetic vasomotor activity.31.42 As noted earlier, the interpretation of sures are easier to perform and are more practical in a clinical setting becausethey do not require the 24-hour recording the very low frequency and the ultra low frequency spectral components of HRV is still unclear. Therefore analysis of duration of the time domain methods. The different spectral components of HRV reflect the beat- ~he HF and LF spectral bands layered within the compound to-beat modulation of various oscillators on the sinus node of HRV waveform provides an indication of changes in the It should also be noted that in the heart. The sympathetic and vagal efferent activity is a sympathovagal balance.31.42.43 product of both the central nervous system oscillators of the addition to frequency, the amplitude of the spectral function vasomotor and the respiratory centers and the peripheral os- should also be considered when analyzing the sympathovacillations of the arterial pressure and the respiratory motion. gal interaction.43 It is therefore possible to use HRV analysis to calculate a The heart rate and blood pressure waves that are coupled to the respiratory frequency are termed Traube-Hering waves quantitative index of autonomic function that accurately and have a peak period of about 0.3 HZ.31ThI1 waves that are reflects the sympathetic and parasympathetic tone, as well as In conjunction with this nonrespiratory frequency coupled waves are called Mayer- the sympathovagal balance.31.44.4S the orthostatic test has been shown to be a reliable method of waves and consist of slower frequencies between O.O~~d 0.15 Hz, with a peak period of about 0.1 HZ.30.31 Thjlrefore ANS provocation with predictable normal results.46.47 An HRV reflects the state and function of the central osFillators, orthostatic stress test is used to produce a vasodilatory stimperipheral responsesto the central autonomic drive;6y means ulus. A simple slow upright tilt from a supine position to 80 of sympathetic and vagal efferent activity, humoral factors, degrees or 90 degreesover a minimal period of 10 to 20 seconds can be used to elicit an orthostatic response.42.48 In and the state of the sinus node itself.3O.42 some patients with adrenergic failure, a routine tilt test will The HF component of the HRV compound waveform (Fig 2) can be abolished by a cholinergic blockade with atropine, not elicit presyncope or an orthostatic drop response. Four leaving only the LF component with a peak of about 0.1 Hz. additional methods of orthostatic challenge are sublingual This remaining LF component can then be abolished with a trinitroglycerin, postexercise tilt, lower body negative pressympathetic blockade by propranolol.36 Although the vagal sure, and a prolonged tilt.48 In addition, some patients will efferent activity is the major contributor to the entire HF exhibit an orthostatic responseafter a meal or a warm bath.48


Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Volume 22. Number 3. March/April 1999 Manipulation and Autonomic Tone. Eingom and Muhs

Perhaps two of the most elegant examples of autonomic assessment with HRV were the presentations of Lipsitz et al49and Pruvot et aI,50in which the relationship between the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous systems in normal subjects and those subjects with vasovagal syncope were studied by using the orthostatic test to provide provocation to the ANS. These studies revealed that patients with vasovagal syncope have an increase in parasympathetic tone on oI1hostatic provocation as reflected in an elevation of HF components of the HRV analysis. Various general physiologic correlations have been noted in relation to HRV. Spectral analysis of HRV indicates a prevalent increase in LF during a 90-degree tilt, standing, mental stress, moderate exercise, moderate hypotension, physical activity, and occlusion of the coronary or common carotid arteries and is generally higher during the day. An increase in the HF component is seen as the result of controlled respiration, a cold stimulus to the face, rotational stimuli, and is generally increased at night.42 Pathologic reduction in HRV has been noted in relation to myocardial infarction, diabetic neuropathy, cardiac transplantation, myocardial dysfunction, tetraplegia, and in the identification of individuals with the possibility of increased risk of sudden cardiac death.42.51 In the clinical setting HRV analysis must be used in conjunction with other clinical assessment modalities when determining the specific diagnosis of a patient's condition. It is not a replacement for existing clinical evaluation methods. However, as noted earlier, ceI1ain trends in HRV fluctuations are an accurate means for predicting and identifying the presence of a serious disorder by a method independent of the patient's anecdotal report as to how he or she may be doing. As such, it is a valuable and practical modality for aiding the clinical decision-making process.42


We would like to expressour thanks to Dr Alexander Riftine of Heart Rhythm Instruments, Inc; Dr Anthony Rosnerof the Foundationfor Chiropractic Education and Research; and Mary Ellen Bowen and Krystyna Kossarska of the University of BridgeportWahlstromLibrary.
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In summary,empirical and early quantitative evidence suggestSMT may have an effect on a patient's autonomic tone by modulationof the centralcontrol mechanisms governing suchphysiologicprocesses. InasmuchasHRV analysis currently appearsto be reliable and accuratemethodof ANS assessment andbecause no publishedresearch is in the current literature that directly correlatesANS assessment through HRV with either generalor specific SMT, we suggestthat further studiesin this field may significantly~ontribute to a betterunderstanding of the effectsof SMT n (I) the generalhealth of an individual, (2) an individu 's susceptibility to lowered immunity and recuperativec pacity, and (3) conditions that lie outside the scope of musculoskeletal therapeuticsand are more in line with lassical chiropractic concepts. It may also contribute to more informed interprofessional understanding and enhanced cooperation betweenboth allopathicand chiropractichealth care providers.This includes the possibleeffectivenessof manipulativeintervention in nonmusculoskeletal disorders, asreflectedin the effectsof therapeutic modulationof autonomic tone.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Volume 22 Number3. March/April 1999


Manipulation and Autonomic Tone. Eingorri and .Wuhs

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