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1. Title of the project: Web-Based Open ATS platform for Application Processing 2. Domain: Organization 3. Sub Domain: Software Industry 4. Project Architecture : N-Tire Architecture 5. SDLC methodologies: Waterfall model 6. Abstract of the project: An Web-Based Open ATS platform for Application Processing is used to conduct the exams to the candidates for the selection of companies. Candidates must fill the details of biodata of candidate and submit the resume. After that administrator conducts the exam to the candidates. The exam is different types. The one exam is programming language and other one is analytical aptitude exam. Candidate must get the good percentage in these two exams. Then only he is hired. Otherwise he is rejected. Administrator gives the roles and some permission to the users. Administrator sends one link to the candidates for writing the exam. For every exam there is a time limit. By using this project we can conduct the exams through online and correcting the papers through online. By using this we can reduce lot of work and saving time. Administrator gives some roles and permissions to the users. Users also conduct the exams for the candidates. Users under the control of administrator. Administrator is responsible for managing the data about all the candidates. Administrator is responsible for managing the data about emails, screenings, exams and users. Web based ATS platform for applicant tracking, assessments, background checks, application processing, resume parsing, reporting etc.

consists of

following modules: 1. Administrator 2. Candidate 3. User 4. Exams

Purpose of the Project

Web based ATS platform for applicant tracking, assessments, background checks, conducting exams, application processing, resume parsing, reporting, etc. Candidates must fill the details of biodata of candidate and submit the resume. After that administrator conducts the exam to the candidates. The exam is different types. The one exam is programming language and other one is analytical aptitude exam. Candidate must get the good percentage in these two exams. Then only he is hired. Otherwise he is rejected. Administrator gives the roles and some permission to the users. Administrator sends one link to the candidates for writing the exam. For every exam there is a time limit. Administrator is responsible for managing the data about emails, screenings, exams and users.

Evaluation of existing system

The Existing system is manual system where, each time the candidates must write the exams manually and recruiter must correct the papers manually. It takes long time to do this procedure. For correcting these papers it takes long time. After that if any candidate select then recruiter inform to that candidate through the telephone call. So the existing system has the some drawbacks to hire the candidates through manually. In this existing system maintain the data about the candidates very difficult.

Drawbacks of the existing system:

Lot of time is wasted to conduct the exams to the candidates through manually. Correcting the papers very difficult through manually. It is a very time consuming process. There is no privacy in this system. Administrator has to be involved each and every simple tasks of candidates.

Proposed Solution to these Problems In this proposed system we have some advantages compare to the existing system. In this proposed system we need not conduct exams manually. These exams are conducted through online. And correcting the papers of the candidates through online. In this proposed system lot of time is saved by conducting exams and correcting the papers through online. Otherwise recruiter doing all these through manually.

Hardware and Software Requirements Hardware Requirements:

Processor Ram Hard Disk Processor speed : Pentium-IV : 256 MB MINIMUM : 2 GB Minimum : 2.6 GHz

Software Specifications:
Language J2EE Technologies Web Authoring Tool Server IDE Database : Java, Java script. : JDBC, JSP. : HTML. : Apache Tomcat 6.0. : Eclipse. : MS-Access.

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