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ESTUDIANTE: _______________________________________ DOCENTE: JOSE FLAMINIO PACHON

1) Elija la opcin ms adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Are you married? Yes, I do. Yes, I am. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have two sons. I have two brothers. Is he your nephew? No, he isn't. No, he don't. What does your wife do? She's a housewife. Yes, she is. Do you live with your family? No, I'm not. No, I don't. Do you have a daughter? Yes, I do. Yes, she is. Is this your father? Yes, he is. Yes, I am. Where is your uncle? He's with my aunt. He's not. Do you have a dog? Yes, we do. No, he doesn't. Does your mother work? No, she's a housewife. Yes, she is.

2) Complete con la forma correcta del verbo (-es, -s, ies ) Presente Simple
a) I at school but my brother in a factory (work). to the cinema (go).

b) On Sunday we c) They d) My grandpa e) School f) In summer you g) Your sister h) I

to the beach and Mary work at 8; we wine. I at 5, cinema at 9 (start). "Seven up" (drink). at 1'30 (finish).

books but my mother very well but you

magazines (read). very badly (write).

hot dogs and my cousin


3) Complete con el pasado simple de los verbos entre parntesis. (Regulares o irregulares)
a) Last month I b) Tom c) Daniel d) Elena's mother e) We f) My uncle g) Tina my family in Manchester (visit). on holydays last week (go) late to school last Tuesday (come). her to the doctors yesterday (take).

spaghetti on Monday (eat). a new car last month (buy). her arms last week (break).

4) Escriba el pasado y el significado de los verbos:

*write: * make: *think: * can: * leave: * take: *sing: * drink: *say: *bring:

5) Responda en forma corta las siguientes preguntas (Pasado Simple)

a) Did you go to the doctor's last month? b) Did your mother work last year? c) Did he drink mineral water last weekend? d) Did you study very much last week? e) Did they catch the bus last Tuesday?

6) Escriba en ingls las siguientes oraciones (Futuro Simple con auxiliar Will Will not)
1. I____________ to the beach. (go) 2. ____________to the theater? (go) Yo no ir a la playa Irs t al teatro? Nosotros jugaremos en el patio l no har los deberes T vendrs conmigo Nosotros jugaremos al ftbol Cenarn ellos en el restaurante?

3. We______________in the patio. (play) 4. He_____________his homework. (do) 5. You____________ with me. (come) 6. We___________soccer. (play)

7. ______________ in the restaurant? (eat dinner) 8. I____________him. (see) Yo no lo ver

7) Cambie las 5 primeras oraciones del punto anterior al Tiempo Futuro Con Be Going to y estas a negativas, interrogativas y respuesta corta.

8) Complete el siguiente cuadro con los verbos irregulares:

Infinitivo/Presente To stand To wake To become To blow To build To do To keep escribir Significado soportar woke llegar a ser empezar blew construir hacer comer did eaten kept written Forma pasada Participio stood woke begun blown built

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