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i?l4icroscft) Aceess .i 'lrj.

t:rrsr :ioir:i ii 1:)]a database progfailr develcperJ i;v tile

iUicrusofu {orpor;:tion
*cfl Gut'rt i J' li

used to iie[erl, identil.v anc ie n,,tue viiust,s fion: a aofitpLitgr 5!/sleiil A!:ple i'itt,ir tiouri U l?tl ihe coilrncn
rr;rnle ior A.ppk

l {,rri,i ri0ii ir {.. i'}. ). :i., j t:..} }1 t IetjistraIioii lor ;r Lrser o1'a tolwf ]ri.. :;vrtem. li is useci iar iaiiil-tilitirl atcagSs l0 iiie svslefi:"



f lrt ;i ; / i.ic i.: I i f /ll:r. wirrJirt. rt:,.\,F,rrvi,i . ,. ::rLri ' is rirrreiltiy fieini: i.rseci. il is urL;"ili.v ti;: itrp, Cl'.rny O; I i0i uiJi'tl y iir!,r,vJ i.

lve'{eJ{ndo'dr,i' llti,

.,v; it,,l

Incorpci::ied, a weii-i(ir{}wtj itioC ili.ei {ii .o itl pu'isr.t ih ai nii ilC r-rced iher'riJi ii.4 i: int*:ri'are cit rillripLlter:r srit,h a5 titql /'\ppie f';i;riiniarh l:il;rptt &r'lacint*gi; i ri:ili' u,"' !. i n.r rr i,' l !rit il

,irnerr",in jl,rirda;o col. ru,- 'urtvl'i i,. infoimalion Infei'.hange. I {:haracter encoiling s[heir;siandafd ]1,5Fu i,el os 'ilr:r n0un C lg.2?l ab|:reviaiion lor appiicatic|n

..r{.1: ;r'.i.;

notrn ,t i I





sss"eiTlbiig languagle /;r'senr


ilcrlqv'rrr-t'1i nci'n C


C 16,251 a



brs /:'ri:'clr b,^,s/ ncirn C l2l ii:e

appi*t i

f;rnriiy ci peisonai i.cit.ti.r-il!r:, L;1; /ippir,' i:ori:iluier ;rc" :iJpislf iigLin f, [,13] a verv :rneii



sei .]f coniiuctors that cerry l he ff emofy aridress signal:; i;etweeir tiificrc;ti lJir l'. ur d Lrrnriruiei ' ! r.


leli-c.ontained {-ofij 1:)ulei" pi 0giain appli{:ation r,lL:irIl'i'cl.! tii noirn i-. j..:i.: . ; ;... ;r;.1,i,. ..i,o., I l.r.r.. : i.-'

cr ,li: . ' .l rr;r:n ! tJ,..)ll abbreviation i0r asyntrnetiic diSlita! siibsrriher line. A forni oi DSL. ii:a: h;:s

Iav*r'.ir,:pii'irei.j'rr i;i.;ili,'
crriy' part of

lan guage tLur ui'['i*u*t ilrilt'tr;tltiil ' t;rlhrf thatl rrtt rraking it easief ihan rnuril,,'^T?t rl jrtin'ctt{:i tb reiro .lflil \,^JtitC - '\'llt lr,l ;s,tnnretrit .1., ril( il.rt\ adi l l^ ,_ ruvinq.r rlilrurent siqnnf nanct*,,i .], i,16;' iirpi rirttr" ." tno Ln,,,i*;iii,',,,,'





a Ciifer{int bandwicltfr i'or

ihe unstieam


fhe downstrEanr.

ri{ii: i ci i'!ir: 'pi:,/

noun U l2] abhrerriaiiol frrr acceierated graphic5 pcrt. A" vicieo bu: interface thai aliows ih"l use of a i;rsl videc card and atiovvs tho Llse of

tcmmuii!catiolrs i.ito[r:s*i thdl n ust;' 5uu. " i: l.rtcl.l.r,v: ,; ;'lp55u?" iu, ,,''rdtli3 ovv, il trr i!von. Ly ri;; i;trrr., iht ntessage I'rori irurran-ieariabie forn: into i:its ar;ci atiachifi!i a he;ider icientilying the senctring an{i ieceiving
compulers. app[ieati*ru liort,,ari]i;'i(.ctin pc:ti noun I i12]a paitr availabie fr:i'a partiruiei

:endirig is different frcin the hanrjwidtli ior rereiving es,/nchroilous,i',-'r sr;.,]il ii:t.rr iior syncrironisea i... u,.r,-,ili !rrrgular iniervals AT&T r',ci ti: cn 'ij:/ itoun U 16l ;ri:brcviarion {or Ameritan Ielenr,.
and le,cgranl' Cornpa;ry. oi wortd's targest iT uuppli.rr'to






apl rics.


AL/cr iii/

nour, U 13,23,241 abbrer,'iaticn for artificial intelligence aigcriti'lm i 'rclqri iltri noun C 12,9] a sei of precise rules or instruclions 1'or sotving a fjrobiem Ali {irey} l'r11. 'nit ki:/ noun C i7l rhe ;rllefnatrve hev on a coinputef keyboard that changes the iunciicrr of the r:ther keys when it is held ciowii All teNi raption /,i,rlt, Dli '1cksi

{Technr'tngisa) t', 1r'


type oi'apiliii:alion data ta eiltef o!" ieave a netwoii( sysiei'lr applieation servii i*ov:der i rrplr,
's3:vJs llr:r v;tri-i:){i }/ nnun C lB] a csmpailv i.hal makes e;rpi,catian'j pr"ogrims ava!i:ibie over the iilierilei usualiy charglir:j .; lee j'or arc{Jss iri

u i17l ihe name of a weu k;;"1":uu produces company tnat co mputel






'clni noun

C f 2,3

roffimon abbreviation ,0, .ltu'tt] teiler rflachine. l'he type ou'uton'ut', rnachine used by banl<E for enablini i, *il',o,0* *', ;;r;;i'it*!l'liu*o', rPIi

;rppiicalio;:s i:.:rograa,r $: ssft vra.ei i rnh'l'rriuzr iroiin C/ij 16,8,221 a {ompiltei prLrgram ile:;igned t0 De iised ioi a pafiiculaf i-rurpose, .g.

acrounri. "'",


,iiicirjni rit-run C [14] text tlisplayrc in a urebpags as an aiternative tc a giaphir ivlilr iire f;eililv for displlrying graphics is noi available oi is s'u/iiched

AUtneniiCatlOn .r,)r.irtr i,.t.r.ln nr,,,*, "u'r u I idl a lrocesr inJt chrcks tne idenliiy
c,i a user or an



AXta\,r'ista i,nltc'.,'rs'Lri ncun U l13l

n;ms of ;; wetl-known search eng;ne wei:siie #naiogile signaI I lriloltlry ,srqnali noun t i ii,16l a type of signal thai can take anv vaiile between a maximuln and a

OP!uce)qor si)t.dd 'chec, Dl daiabase pfog:iam apptieatisns p{sgf arfi ilxer i, ir.riri r ii c r.l u z ,1ll'airc|lcnlr(;:)t noun c l22l.r peisOii vdho yr'iites applications iilogiarns usrirg a c0npLttei ianguage ai-chitecture / c: i.l r tel.: iirir)i ncun

avfrtar i 'irVJl-o:(r)i noiln C ir.-ij a graphical icon thal repiese persoil In a .yberspaee ,v.l'jlutour

F channeL


ailailisi p{0gramrfier / irurltsi l)fJ{.r(;fiu]lt}if)/ noun c 122] a person

whoso job i) a Lolnbinaf ion of svsrcm> ,tnaiv.;i:, and lonipurer pt ugram'llrtg arcrais- /'len:l'ttiri r-roun C 120] a slang ieim iar an eccentric sociallV inept Dcr jur | lxitl: iiiiie ur ilo faslrior r sens" and !:aviirg an obsessive interest in a ir.:bby ci :ublect

the general specifica'Lion of a svstenl af{:hive bit /'0:kiir! brli nriun C l19j a digiial bi'L store.i !'yith a iile indicating if ihe file has been baci<ed up since ii was lasl edited aflehivirNgsystem i o:l{:irvrl,siril$r/ noun { i19l I sysiem irseci lor sioriilg infiequentiy-used data in a way tnal cioes noi provioe ihe user wrlh imffediate access

comnon name fcf n nou|-.Jl'i:lt: "'cr ll1 a.' lSirN bacl;un hlcl' \l\ verb t5,t9lr!,,t

bt. ,{lirn:li



crrpy or da;a on J stoiage uuu,,a,"o'a o keep ii safe

barkbone.',rr noun C 111.1\r




prevsfits the buiio up of

adi ii2l stalii

artificlal in{eliigenae I cr:trii{i

iire nr:in,.iansrnission pati, fi"r,iii"l th,, m;it,i Cai; tr;ifit,onn*,tin.i"',* different LAhls tcgether '*ackenci i l;rtkcncii.noun L I14l the sefver part oi :l client-server confi gL;raiion that provi{ie:
o;r a r':eti,rcrk ut


ai:"ri-v:rss iprogran $r scitwar*) i lritti 'iri ; ir;-i/ ncur { l,j 1i.2,1"* "2Aj a .-rilTitijtei !l!.iig!-am ilt sei. Lii pfoeliaills

tehcillns/ noun U [3,21,23.24j ai! area ol compuiing conreined lviih clevelcprnq LoniDUii.'r pr(rgiams lilni perform tasl<s that can noimaliy only i:e done using human inteiligence

tir. ,uqu.rlill'ljlo,

ilacku* / bickr'.iri noun

7,\9,?:t],241 51 the pr6rq,;5,j; storirig a coul' of daia ,lr! il st.iag



device to l<eep it safe / ihe term used for the copied data bandwidth i 'biendwrdiil noun C 18,1.3,16,20,23,241 the range of frequencies that can be transmitted over a communications channel barcode /'bo:kaodl noun C [2,3,10,23] a sequence of vertical oaratlel lines used to give items a unique identification numDer barcode reader i 'bo:keod ,r'i:de(r)/ noun C [10] an optical input device that uses the reftection of a liglit beam to read barcode labets BASf /'bersd</ noun U [22,25]acronym for Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic

bit /bdl

noun C [2,9,11,12,'t3,r8,2]1a smat[ unit of storage capacity. One of the eight binary digits that mal<e up a byte. The term comes from an abbreviation of binary digit.

system that enabies users to display messages for other users to read bus /b,rs/ noun C [2,5] a set of conductors that carry signals between different parts of a computer

bitmap compression /'brtmicp hsm,preJn/ noun C [9] a way of reducing the siz,e of a stored image where different digital bits or collections of bits are used to describe each element of an image (data) btock iblnk/ noun C [11,12] a collection of data stored together and treated as a sirigle unit Bluetooth i 'b1u:tu:0/ noun U [23,24] the
name of a high-speed microwave wireless networl( system developed by a group of conrpanies consisting of Ericsson, lBM, Intel, Nol<ia and Toshiba. It is used with portable equipment.

byte /irarti noun

C [2,9,11,1'7,L8,251a unit of storage capacity. A, byte is rnade up of eight bits and stores one character, i.e. a letter, a number, a space or a punctuation mark.

C /si:i noun U121,22) a general purpose computer programming language that was origina[[y designed for writing
Unix systems programs

lnstruction Code batch rnode /'b:e{ maod/ noun U [13]a process in which all the data is collected and processed together in a batch rather than one at a time as they
become available

drive i 'si: drarvi noun

[10] the first

micro /,bi: bi: si: 'markrou/ noun

[25] the name of one of the lirst

microcomputers oroduced in the United Kingdom and used in schools. Its development was sponsored by the British Broadcasting Corporation. bearer channel /'beere ,fanel/ noun C [16] the common name for the part of an ISDN line that carries the data Beginners' Al[-purpose Symbolic

Instruction Code /br,grnaz r:l ,pr:pts srm,bohk rn'stnkJn kaod/ noun U [21] a simple high-tevet computer [anguage often used for teaching

bookmark i 'bukmo:ki verb [13] to stoie a Iink to a webpage to mal(e il easier to find in the future hoot /bu:t/verb [5] to copy a part of the operating system into mem0ry to ailow a computer to start up boot se,ctorvirus /bu:t ,sekta 'varras,/ noun C [18] a self-replicating program that stores itself in the part of a disk containing the programs used to start up a computer bracketing /'braketr4i verb [11] to set the boundaries of a message or part of a message by marking its beginning and its end with special control bits

hard disk in a personal computer {++ / si: 'phs/ noun tJ [5,21,22]an object-oriented superset of the C programming [anguage commonly used for writing applications programs for the Microsoft Windows operating system cache ikieJ/ verb l2l to temporarily store frequently-used data in fast memory so that it can be accessed more quickly caehe /tr:re.! noun C [2,13] fast memory used to temporarily store frequentlyused data to auow it to be accessed nrore quickly cache coherency ikzeJ kou'hreransr/ noun U [2] a system that ensures that any changes written to main memorv are reflected within the cache and vice versa cache controller /'kej kon,treole(r)/ noun C [2] the set of electronic logic

bridge r'blr<$/ noun


/'bi: frerm/ noun C [9] the common name for a bi-directional frame in an MPEG compressed file

C [11,15] a hardware and software combinatiorr used to connect the same type of networl(s or to partition a [arge network into two smaller ones

circuits that control the operation of

cache memory cache hit /kcJ 'hrt/ noun C [2] the process of successfully finding the required data stored in cache memory cal[backsystem /'ko:lbiek srstem/ noun C 119,201 a system that automatically disconnects a telephone line after receiving a catl and then dials the telephone number of the system that made the call to reconnect the line. lt is used in remote access systems to mal<e sure that connections can only be made from permitted telephone numbers

bi-directional frame /bar de,rek.fenl. dr-" dar- 'frerm/ noun C [9] a type of
image frame used in MPEG compression. lt is situated between I and P frames and stores the differences in the image compared rriith the I or P frame both before and after it. binary /'barneri/ noun U [5,9] a number system that only uses two digits, i.e. 1 and 0

broadband /'bro:dbrndi adj [8,16,23] able to carry signals transmitted over a wide range of frequencies broadcast /'brr:dkc:st/ verb [16,19] to transmit signals that can be picked up by a large number of receivers browse ibraozl verb l14,16lto move from webpage to webpage using a Web browser program (Web) browser /'braoze(r)/ noun C
17,9,13,14,17,20,211 a program used for disptaying webpages BT lbi:'ti:l noun U [24] abbreviation for British Telecom. The organisation that provides the telephone system in Great

biometric device /,barsmetrft dr'varsi

noun C [16,19] a security device that measures some aspect of a living being, e.g. a fingerprint reader or an eye Scanner Bl05 /'baros/ noun C h5lacronym for Basic Input Output System. A part of the operaiing system stored on a ROM chip that controls the input and 0utput of data to peripherals biotechnology / balautek'nnls{i/ noun U [24] the industria! application of biological science techniques

cathode raytube / lcr0ei,rd rer 'tju:b/

C [16] a dlsptay device that uses an electron gun to fire a beam of



buffering /'b,rfern1/ noun


process of temporarily storing data from a fast source so that it can be fed at a steady rate to a slower system bug /b,tg/ noun C [6,20] a fautt in a system butletin board /'bolatin bo:di noun C [15,16] an electronic noticeboard

electrons at a phosphor-coated screen CCNA /,si: si: en 'erl noun U [22]

abbreviation for Cisco Certified Network Associate. A starting level networl<ing qualification offered by Cisco, a major network equipment

GtoSsARY 2S5


tROM) (disk) rsi: 'di:t noun

17,2,8,9,1.2,19,22,2 5I

(left) click i khki verb [1,7,13,14,151 to

press and release the (left-hand) button on a mouse client /'l<larcutr noun C [6,11,15,16,18] a neivvc)rk computer used for accessing a service on a server

bbreviai ion fo r compact disk read only memory. A read only storage device in the i'orm of a disk that is read using taser light. CD-ROM drive i,si: cii: rnnr clliirvr noun C [9,11] a storage .Jevice for reading CD-ROM disks CD-RW (drive) i,sr: eli: rr; d,tbl .jr"r:r noun C [z] abbreviation for compact disk rewritable. A storage device use for reading from and writing to a special type of CLI l(nown as a re-writeabie CD. cellphone ,/'sclfeon,'noun C [23] the common name for a cellular phone

the first poputar personal computers tc be made avaitable in the United l(ingdom. i! hdd a very good graphics system and was particutarLy suited to
runnrng computer games progranis. Comrnon Susiness-Oriented Language

ciient-server application i,klarant s::vor ,iepll,lier.lnr noun C [6] a Drcg!'am that is accessed irom a client computer but most of the pror.essing is
carried out on a serveI computer


onrcn, lruni:;

r : t icn ttd'h11.c1 r,r"rd1,,

clipart ,''klipcr:li noun

nrofess io
n a

U [1,1 5] lly-pre pared gra ph ica I images stored 0n a computer system U [7] the

noun U [21] a high-levet compuler programrning language . lt is ihe principie lransaction processing language used to Dr"ocess tlre rccord:i of large organisalions on n]lrnirarne
corn puie rs. corn

patible /l,lrnr' pirl:'rlrlr'


j [6, I a.]

a b


Clipboard /'khpbc:d/ noun

cellular network i 'seljcle ,t1etw3:ki noun C i16l a radio communications systems that divides a region into cells so that each region becomes a network with every point connected to a local transmitter within the cell

name used in Microsoft Windows for the section of memory that temporarity stores daLa while it is being copied and pasted
C [2] the set of electronic circuits used to contiol the timing of signals and synchronise different parts of a computer system cluster i 'hl.tsts(r')i noun C [3] a term

to operate orr the sarne type of s'ysrem or run the same software compile,rkonr'1'rtrrli verb 16,271 ir: convert a program written irr a lrighlevel language into rnachine,;ode
using a r:ompiter

clock /ltlnki'noun

cellular phone i,seljelc feuni noun

[23] a celtular telephone. A mobiie telephorre that communicates with a localtransmitter tocated within a small geographic area called a cell. central processing unit i sentrel

compiler r'l<cm'parh(r),'noun C [5] a program thai converts ihe whoie of a progranr into machine code before the
program is used


Ju:nry noun c [6]the

used in data mining r:reaning a gr.oup of data that has simi[ar features or is based on a limited data range clustering .t'kl,rstet'rrii noun U [3] a

[16,23] for the transmission of data chat room /'tliet ru:m/ noun C [12,23] a virtual space on a website where online discussions organized around specific interests are held in real-time by users typing text messages check data /'('ek dertei noun U [12] information written to disks in a RAID system which is used to restore data if one of the array drives fail checksum /'tfelcs,rrni noun C [1L] a calcutated value that is stored with data to detect any errors that may occur when the data is copied or

electronic processor at the centre of a computer. The term is sometimes used to refer to the combination ofthe processor and the main memory. channel 't{icnol./noun C a path

method used in data minrng that divides data into groups based on similar features or limited daia ranges CMC t,si: em 'si:/ noun C [12] abbreviation for computer mediated communication, i.e. the transfer of
messages using a computer system CNE /,si: cn i:/ noun U [22] abbreviation

compress ilism'itresi verb [11]to reduce to a much smalter size compression (scheme) /kern preJni noun C [9,11] the process used for reducing a file to a much smalter size computer iliern'pju:ta(r)i noun C
1L,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,L,12,73,1.5,3.7,20 ,22,23,24,251a general pu rpose machine that can be programmed io process data in a variety of ways computer consultant /klrrr p.iu:t;r karr sr,l1ent/ noun C122,251a person who is paid to advise on computing system issues computer engineer ik:rl'piu:ter end.:r,nra(r')i noun C [17,22] a person who designs and deveiops compurer systems computer lab ikam pju:te licbi noun C [19] a room full of computers used for 5tu dy computer language iliom'pju:t: ,lierlgwr$/ noun C [22]a language used for writing computer programs computer operator /kenr'pju:ter Dpol'erte(r)i noun C [181 a person whose job it is to operate pari of a computer System computer salesperson /harn,pju: ta 'serizpa:sn/ noun C l22l a person whose job it is to sell computeis computer science /kom,pjlt:Ic s:u;us noun U [5] the study of computers and

for Certified Novell Engineer. A qualification aimed at people interested in instatling and planning the rollout of Novet[ based networl<s. coax(iat) (cable) i 'keoieksi noun C [16] tvpe of shielded cable for carrying signals. lt is often used with raciio
frequency and video signals. COBOL l'keobnl/ noun U 15,21.,22,251 acronym for Common Business-

flrionfod l:norr:oo code /kecidi noun U 116,1 8,21,,221 a piece of program tex', written in a programming language code /koridi verb 121,2]llo write the text of a program e' part oI a program
using a computer language


chip /t{rpl noun C t1.,2,5,19,23,241

common name for a microchip. An

electronic integrated circuit in a small


Cisco /'srskaoi noun U [22] the name of a company that makes networking system hardware such as that used to operate the Internet class /klo:sl noun C [21] the term used for a collection of objects in object oriented programming cleanse /klenzi verb [3] a term used in data mining meaning to remove duplicate information and erroneous

program ''knm prarrgriur. noun

[18] a DOS program with a .com filename extension that toads and runs in 64 kitobytes or less of memory command interpreter /ke 'mo:nd u t3:plrtc(f)/ noun C [6] the part of an operating system that processes commands that are part of a program or are input using a l(evboard
Commodore 64 /,knmodc:,srlisti'fc:(r)i noun U [8] the model name of one of

their use
computer services engineering

technician I kern,p.ju:t:,si:vr-\tr eudlr ntalul tek nlJni noun C 1221

person who provides a servi.:e of maintaining and troubleshooting compurers



computer-aided design ik;lrn,pju:i;r' etclrd clr'zlmi norn U [22i the Frcccss of designing using a cornputer program computer-aided nanufaciure /hen,pi u tor', crcl rd mir:nj.r' I ic l< tf c( r:)1 noun LJ [22] the process of manufacturing gc.rods using a tompute r ornputerised /kcnr'piu:tsfa.izcli adj [21,22] changed so that it can be operated or controlled using a

ci:rn bi nation


ih e ro ntro i-ii iLs

:t i}t.l


lrrd dplcte ltc';r 6;




tlre samc

curser i'ir:;:so(t')i noun

i2,10] i{ syrniroi on the monitor scree n Lhat inriic;:{r-':; the point on the scrseil thai is btrirg


com puter eoanputer-mediated communiratiom

cut and paste / li,rl tiucl 'pcr:tii ve ri: l7l to remove some da[a iron: a liie anil temporarily store ii in th comi]L!'s memory then ifls11. a r-opy r.ri lhe ij;ir:! iil .,rnollrcr lroiiiloli 111 ll;g 1,,i;;o rr, ,rr

fia{a mrt i 'clcrlr Drc:ti noun {.lSla slorage system that archives !argr: arnounts of data in a f\/ay thai makes ii Oasv fo access data miming /'cicrtr ,ntanitl ntiun U a process of arralysing a large amount of storeci daia to find new ureful inlormation data s{fsann i 'clcrl; siri:nr/ noun C [91 i he flow of daia


data vuarehcluse

,i clcrtr wclhlros/ noun i3j a conrlrutilrg centre thal provide-.,

/lrerr pju:1e lri:clicrtrcl

ltr,rrr.ju:nr'kcr.lui noun C [12.1{'j a proces: ol transferring mes"ages iisirrg
com puters

computing /kanr'pjLr:trrl/ noun U 15,221 the theory and practlce of computers cornputing science /hrm pju:tu.]'srrrcilsr noun U [22] see Lompuler scit'n(o computing support /karil,pjtr:irq sr pr:ti r\ounU15,1.7,721 a field of wcirk that provides a service including setiing up, maintaining and troubleshooiing computing systems and providing technical advice to users cornputing support officer /ham,piu: iil.]

anoiher iiie cyberbahe ,/'sruirrlrr:ih/ n*un i i2,il il ciigitai image of an attraciive l'pn;rir: that is used in program: on ihe lntefnet cybernetics i :,lrtb;r'rrclrl.lsr' ncun U l2:il the study of control and conrmunication iri animais and machines. lt is used in tirt: de:;ign ol

a large eoliecticn of data gatheied

lrorn tlifi'erent stiutceE f or dala mirriirg tiatabase {pr*grami i 'der1;rbcrsr noun

cyherspace i '..;a.rb:rqrcrs/ n*un !.1 120,24l ihe cornbination of all ihe da1;r ori ali 'ihe computer neiworks throughout the world accessed using tho Interncl

1,3,5,8,15,17,19,2A.21,7,7,2.1 ) 41 a type of applications program used for s',oring infrrrmation so that it tatr be easily searched and sorted etreta-delivery system /,elcrl; dr'lrvrli ,srslrnii' noun C [12] a system 1'or transmitting Caia from olro cor!puler

xo another

daia-iink layer / dciir lrrll.; icn{l )i



cyborg / sarbr:qi noun

se'po:t ,nfisc(r')/ noun C [10] a person whose job it is to provide support to

Lomputer users including setting-up. maintaining and troubteshooting computer systems and giving technical advice

C [2]l a manmachine system or a person rnade superhuman by a machine or external system that changes the way ihe b0dy fu n ctioirs

configure /kon'iige(r)/ verb 112,17,221

to adjust the settings

connectivity lknnek'trv.rtii noun

U [16]

channel /'di: ,tJrcnoli noun C i16l the cOmmon name fol a data channei in an
iSDN system

part of a neiwork communications system that supervises the transmissi0n. lt coniirms the checksuri-r tl.reri add!"esses and duplicates the packets. This layer l(eeD5 a copy of each packet until it ieceives confirmation froil the nexl poini along the rouie thai the packet has arrived undarnaged. date /dcit/ noun U [6] a Unix and M5il05 command for displaying the
cur rent date


the characteristic of being connecied control bit /klr'trool brti noun C [11] a data bit used to nrarlt parts of a transmitted signal so that the transmission can be controlled, e.g. a 'start'bit marl<s the beginning of a character and a 'siop' bit marl<s its end control bus /ken treul b, noun C [10] the set of conductors that carry the control signa[s between the Control Unit and other parts of a computer corrupt /ks'lnpt/ verb [18] to damage in sucn a way that prevents normal use

data / dcrir/ nouii

debug /,rii:'b,tr;l verb [21]to find and fix


1",,2,5,6,12,15,L7,1B, 19,21.,72,231 ihe infornration pfocessed by a computer data hanlc /'rierta brerli<i noun t l23l a large colleciion of clata that can be accssed by many users and enabies ihem to copy 0r store daia on a

tairlts irr a prograrfl or 5y5tem VAX i deli v:e lis/ nourr U [6] a rarrge ol computers prcduced by the Digitai Equipment Corporaiion usirig theii Vax range of processors

cp /si: 'pi:/ noun

CPU /,si: pr:

[6j a Unix command

C 12,51

for copying a file

'ju:/ noun

abbreviation for cenlraI processing unit crack /kriuk/ verb 118,191to breah into a computef system in order to steal information or cause damage crash /krl:.i/ verb [i7,19] to fail suddenly and completely usually referring to the faiiure of a hard disk CRT /,si: a: 'ti:i noun C l24j abbreviation for cathode ray tube Ctrl + Alt + De[ /kon,rr.riii pi,t,'; ,iel{ (nlt) pl,ls clr'fi:t/ noun l.j liOl set of symbols that signify Pressing ihe

particular topic data bus /'ciorta br'si noun C 121 the set of conducl.ors that carry the data signals between different parts of a computer data centre /'clertc ,scntc(r)/ noun C lBl a facility for storing large amounts of information data channel /'derto tJierral/ noun C [16] the common name for the part cf an lSDN line that carries signal[ing and supervisory !nformation to the network data communications i,clcrta

ilec!pher /dr'sarla(r)/ verh l18l to change eoded information into normal


ju.m'kcrjnz/ noun

U L5l the

transmission and reception of data signais using a communications networl( and appropriate protocols data integrity /,clertar tn'teqt'otii noun U 11.7,191a measure of how resistant a systenr is to causing corruption in daia while it is being stored or transferied

table /clr'sr3n ,lerbl./noun C i21l a type of grid used in computer program design i:o Ehorry what aciions shouid be faken by tlre prograln under differenl. conditions decision tree /tlr'si3n tli:i noun C [3] an Al technique used in data mining that separates data into suhsets then further ciivides the subsets into smaller suirsets untit the subsets are small enough io ailow the mining process to find interesting patterns and relafionships within the data eiecode /,rli:'li:utii verb 191 to ciecide what a prograrn instruction mans decompress i r.ii:k:m'pr-esi verb [9] to remove the compression, i.e" to expand to its criginal slze



decrypt i cii:'irnpt/ verb [11,38] to recover the 0rigin,rl lcxt iroln arl
encrypted message defacing /d:'fcrsrq/ noun tJ IiB] a computer crime that invoives changing the inforrnation shown on another person's website without pernrission

tahing pictures. lt has an electronic lens and uses eleclronics foI sl.oring the intages rather than chemical film. digitaI cash i drdSrr:rl 'ku:j/ ncun iJ i19i elecironic currency thai is sroied on
electronical[y sensitive cards or exists in cvberspace and is used fnr making electronic purchases over the Internei

on a moilse i.wo trmes in rapicl



iir' ioori/ verb [ 1"9,12" 1 l, tc copy a fiie f rorn a server io a client computer in a network


default /dr'folt. -h:iri nour-r C [10] an initiai setting thai can be changed liy
the user denial of service attack /d i ,nairl

digitai eertificate /,rfidrrral sr'iifi itcri

noun C [18] an electronic inessage used to show a iransaciion is

dowrloael,/'ti:,rur,irorJ,/ nou n C l1], 16,21] a pf$cess of copliing a file fronr a sPrv?i [u I rlioni rorrpulo in a


'st:vrs o,tiolil noun C [1B] a type of computer crime thai involves

swamptng a server vuith large numbers

of requests

desktop /'clcsktnpl noun


the main graphicai user interface bacl<ground screen that displays icons for other programs desktop (FC)/(computer) /'deslcr upi noun C [1,2,3,5, 6,1,],221a personal computer that is designed to be used on an office desl< desktop app[ication l, dcsktnp ,"eph'ker.jni noun C [22j a computer program designed to be used on a desktop computer desktop organiser /,desktop 'o:ganau.r(r)/ noun C [1] a small computer providing a variety of tools for organising work, e.g. a calendar, to do list, diary, address list, catculatol development life

trustworthy. lt contains infcrmation about the companv processing the transaction including their public key and is!y .signed' i:y a Irusled oigital-rertifirale j.,ruer. digital suhscriber [ine /,tlrcjirt:l -srb'skrurbe Iaur/ noun U [10] a
broadbanci communications system

downstrearn ,/'riloitsti'i:nti noun U [16] the signal path for receiving iommunications from a servor to a e lieni (omputer in a network
dnag and

dr*p /,clr-:r,t; ou 'dr"opi


lr-,1.A,211to move data from one

thai aliows digital signals to


transferred across an ordinrry analogue ieiephone line

directory /clo reklcli. cir-. dar-i noun

i6,191 a storage area used for grouping

files so that they can be easiiy iacalecj.

A directory is someiinres caltecl a


disk /drsk/ noun

storage device

[6,17,19] a flat circular

location to another with a mause" i-iolding dcwn ihe mouse buiton while movrng tne mouse movss the selected data. Releasing the mouse irutton drops the data in the new tocatton. drive array /'ilratl -r,r'er,/ noun C ['17] a set ci hartj disks ihai are '*sed in a RA!D system elriver /'cirarvr(r)/ noun { i15,1Zl a systems program that controis a peripherai device DSL /,cli: es 'eil noun U [16] abbreviation

cycle dr,vcl.rlrllarrt

C [5] the phases a software product goes through from when it is first thought of until it becomes obsolete. This typically includes: requirements anaiysis, design construction, testing (validation), installation, 0peration, maintenance and retirement. SHTfidL /,di: ertl'ti: em 'ei/ noun U [22] abbreviation for dynamic hypertext

'larf ,sarkl/ noun

marl<up language. A development of HTML that allows the creaiion of more

dynamic and user-interactive web pages.

dial-up networlting /,darl


'netwa:kr4i noun

U [].2,121 a

communicati0ns system that allows computers to connect together using a telephone line

differential backup i cl1'a,renJ1 'brk,tp/ noun C [19,25] a type of backup ihat

copies all the selecied fites on a syslem that have been changed since the last time a full backup was carried

noun C [6,1r'] a storage device for reading iicnr and writing to disks divider /dr'vardo(r)/ noun C lt0l a vertical bar that divides a Windows Lxplorer window into two parts. One part shows the drive foldeis and the other part shows the filenames of the files in the selected folder. 0ltl5 /,di: en 'es/ noun C [13] abbreviation for domain name system domain name /dc'mcui neltli ncun C [15,20] an identifier used on the Internet in piace ofthe numericaI Internet address. it identifies the host, the type and the country code, e.g. holyrood.ed. ac.u k domain name servef /c1o'meltt nettrt ,s3:\rc(r)/ noun C [13] a networl< server computer used for operating and controlling the dornain name system domain name sy:iem idc nteln nerltl ,srstem/ noun C [13]a system of associating the name of a device on a network such as the Internet with its numerical address so that the name
can be used by the user and the

disk drive

/'r|sk drarv/

ior digiial subscriber line DTP /,di: ti: 'pi:,/noun U [8j abbreviation for desi<top publishing. A process of designing documents for publishing using a cornputer sysiem. dumb terminal /'cl/\tr ,t:l:n-rxtai/ noun C [11] a netwcrl< device with a keyboard and display screen that is used for sending and receiving data but does noi do any processing dupleN /'dju:plclrs/ adj l16l able to trans[er dltd in bot.h directions, i.e. ran
senri and receive data


vi: rji:i noun

C 12,9,11_l

abbreviation for digiial vei.satile


read only memory. An opticaL disk storage cievice that can hold a large amount of video data.

EAN /,t: cr 'enl noun Ll [3] abbreviafion for European Ariicle Nurnber system. The European price and item codes cornmonly used in barcode systems earphone /'refaon/ noun C [24] sound output clevice that fits into the ear of the user

numerical address can be used by the neiwor!( system

earth /::0i noun


dot-matrix printer
/' d rd;r


/rlot 'mertrrx

l"l [12] a common name for an electricai ground poinl or zefo voltage point

taV adj 19,1,1,r 6,1,8,1,9,231 an electronic sysiem that has only two states, e.g. off or on

C l8l a printer that prints by hammering pins onto an inked ribbon

,prrnto(r)/ noun

digitaI camera / drcfitel 'krctl:r.a,/ noun {11,3,5,1}231an input device for

doublec[ick i,rl,rbl 'k_irki verb IZ] to

press and retease the lefi"hand button

ebook I'i:boki noun C l25l comn-'cn name for an electronic book ebook reacier /'i:birh ,ri:de(r'tr nci;;r [25] common name for an eiecironic
bool< reader



e-business /'i:biznrsi noun U [14] common term for electronic business, i.e. business that is carried out using

to contact someone using electronic


the Internet
e-cash /'i:krcJ,/ noun

U J24l common

name for electronic cash

memory /,i: si: si: 'nremarii noun U [2] abbreviation for error code correcting memory. A type of memorv often used in server computers that autornatically fixes simple memory errors without requiring the rebooting of the computer

email attachment i i:ntetl c ttrtfinanl/ noun C [1,1 5,19] a file that is attached to an email message emai[ program /'i:rncri,preugran/ noun C [13] a ccmputer program used for reading and sending emaii
emai[ service /'i:nerl -s:;:viri/ noun C f20] an Internet service that allows user to send and receive emaiis

(fJiierosoft) Exchange irks' {'ern &/ nou n U 17 ,221a fr4icrosoft Windows program that includes an email program, a calendar task list and address lisi exe program i,eks i: ,preoclr'ilm/ noun C l18l an M5-DOS executabie program that has an .exe filename extension. it can use m0re than 64 kilohytes of memory and can be located anyivhere in the memory.




knme:s/ noun U the business of buying

encapsulation ien,kiupsjo'ler1ni noun [21] a key feature of obiect-orient.ed programming that bundles data and program instruciions into modules
ca[[ed objects

and selling goods and services on the nternet


executable /,eksr'lr.iu:tobl/ adj l21l containing instructions ihat can be run or executed by the processor execute i'elisrl<ju:ti verb [6,18,21] to perform a computer operation by processing a program instruction
expansion card /lk'spien.fn ko:cll noun

editor / cdtta(r)/ noun

[5,25] a computer program for making changes to text in computer programs or data

edutainment /,edjo'teinmonti noun U [1] a system that has both educational and entertainment value EIDE / i: ar di: 'i:i noun U [2] abbreviaiion for extended integrated device etectronics. A type of hard disk control system where most of the control electronics is built into the drive itself. Extended IDE atlows the use of multiple drives of more than 528

encode r',cn keodi verb [9,11,14,18] to write informaiion in a coded form encoder /,en'keodo(r)i noun C l9l a computer program that converts WAV files into MP3 fites or vice versa

encrypt i,en'k|rpt/ verb [11,18,19] to

transform data into coded form to mal<e it secure encryption i,en'knpJni noun U 11.8,20,23,241the transformation of data ;nto coded form to make it secure Enter (key) /'ente(r)l noun C [10,13] another name for the RETURN key on a computer keyboard. Pressing the ENTER key inserts the data into the memory of the computer. enterprise resource planning tool

[1,10] an electronic circuit board used for adding facilities to a computer expansion slot Ak'spie njn slnLi noun C i2l a long thin connector thal is used for adding additionai elecLronics in the form of expansion cards expert system /'ehspe :l ,srslom/ noun C l1l an artificiat intelligence program that collects and uses human expertise to allow non-experts to solve specialised problems

extensible irk'stensebl/ adj [14] able to

be added to, e.g. in an extensible

electronic (book) reader /elek,tromk 'ri:do(r)1 noun C [18,25] a computing device that disptays the text and images of an electronic book electronic book /elek,tronrk 'boki noun C [25] a book that is displayed using a computing device instead of being printed on paper electronic cash/money /elek,tronrk 'kirJ, 'm,rni/ noun U [24] data that
represents reaI money that is stored and transferred on computing devices connected to the lnternet in e. commerce systems

l,entcprau n,zc:s 'plienrl tu:l/ noun

type of computer program for planning and organising business funciions in an enterprise. lt can hetp companies manage everything from sales and marl(eting to human
C [B] a

language a developer can add their own lerms extensible nrarkup language

Ak,stensebl 'nlo:k

noun U [14,16,21] a ^p metaianguage that allows developers to create their own set of customised tags that identify the meaning and structure of data" lt is used for creating files that are




EPOS ti11 i

[3] acronym for electronic point-of-sate titl. A computerised cash register that edits records in sates and stock control

'i:pns trl/ noun

program-independent, platformindependeni and able to be used with different tanguages.

data bases.
i 'i: ,p,lbliJul/ noun U [25] the production of ebool(s erasable optical disk /r rerzobl ,nptrlcl 'drsk/ noun C [19] a CD that altows data to be deleted and new data'ro be

electronic publisher /elek,tronrk 'p,tbhJe(r)/ noun C [25] an organisation that prod uces ebool<s electronic virtual assistant /elek,tronrk ,vs:floel o'slstont/ noun C [23] a computer program represented by an animated screen image that is used to hetp the user perform particular tasks such as searching the Internet for
usefuI data


FAQ /,ef er 'kju:i noun C [14,1/] acronynl used on websites for frequently-asked q uestion

faulttolerance /'l'Lllt,'ic:lt,tplolens/
noun U [17] a computer's ability to recover from harciware errors fetch /lc$'verb [21] fo go and get the next instruction or piece of data from memofy

recorded on it

email /'i:merl/ noun


1,5,1,6,1,7,1,8,20,23,24] the common name for an electronic mail message,

/,i: o: 'pi:/ noun U [22]abbreviation for enterprise resource planning e-solution /'i: se,lu:Jut noun C [22] common term for electronic solutions, i.e. ways of solving a prob[em or providing a seruice using the Internet

field /fi:ld/

ethernet i 'i:Bor.ret/ noun

i.e. a text message sent electronically using a computer email /'i:nerli verb [1,23]to send an emaiI message email address i 'i:med e,dres/ noun C [12,18] the unique address code used

U [2,11,12] widely-used locaI area network

nor-rn C [13] a section of a database where an iiem of data is stored file /farli n0un C [5,6,12,1 5,1,8,19,22, 23,7"41a computer program or data

standard that broadcasts pacl(ets of data that are addressed to particular devices on the networl<. Each device on the networl( reads the address and passes it on to the correct device.

stored on a storage device

file server /'farl ,s::va(r)i noun

18,1,i,1,7,221 a main computer that provides a storage area for data files

on a networl(

G!_SssARY 2S9

fi[ transfer protocol /,1;rrJ iriensl:r: 'preoickrrli noun U [121 an iniernet service that alLows users to transfer fiies from one c0rnputer io another fite virus /'1'arl ,varrasi n0un C [18] a virus that attaches itself to a pr0gram file

voluntary effort of a large number of programmers throughout the wortd creating and improving programs and malling therir work freely av.riiairte to

generat-purpose language / d3elral 'l&ncJwrch/ noun c [21] a


eomputer language that r:an be used to wriie r1ifferent types of programs




',rp/verb [5] tomakest:ace


available, e.g. by deleting files on

hanJ disk

filestore i 'iirristr:(i)i noun

get [istd iE;e1 'lrstxllverb [15]to regisi.e!"ihe Web address of a website on an lnternet search engine
GFiz r tliclehl:tri nnun C 12,23I a bbreviation for gigahertz gigahit /'grtlabrt/ noun C [23] a unit of storage capacity equal to 1 07) 7 4'.t 824 bits gigabyte /'1;rqebart/ noun t f 2 ja 'dnit of storage capacity eqilal to 1" 473 74L 824 i:ytes Sigahsrtz i 'qrrloh::tsi noun C [3] a uirit of frequency equa[ io one thou5and million heriz (cycies every second.l


cotiection of computer fiies sLored centrally on a network server

freeware /'iii:wc.r(r)i noun


l' jzLnr.r,r:

li noun

C 119,201 a

combination of hardware and software used to coni:rolthe data g<ling into arrd out of a networl(. lt is used to prevent unauthorised access to the networl< try
nacKe rs.

[] 51 c0tTlputer programs lhal arc mrije availabte to anyofle who wanrs io use I hem at nu io5t to I he uset irequency band /'ll'i:kwensi biond/ noun C [23j a set of frequencies that are used togetlrer tc prrrvirie a path for the transmission of signals

marl< in a way that indicates that a particuiar condition na5 occurre0 fiat file database /,{int liul cleitcbers/ noun C [3] a simpie database in which all the data is stored in one table which is not related to any other table ftoppy (disk) /'flnpi/ nourr C l4l a magnetic storage device in the form ol a smatl plastic disk. Also known as a

ftag illicq/ verb [2]io






noun C [9] an eiectronic device for shon/ing the frequency of a signal

frequency hopping / lii:krvcnsi ,hnpr4,' noun U [23] a process of changirrg frequencies within a fixed bandwidth during a transmission so that other lransmissions can use the same bandwidth at the same time without interfering with each othe!'

diskette. ftoppy (disk) drive

/,ef'ti: 'pi:/

noun U [12,20]


clrarvi noun

[2,4,1.0,1.11 a common magneiic

storage device that reads and writes data on a floppy disk. Also known as a diskette drive. flowchart /'fleotJir:t/ noun C [21] a kind of diagram used by programmers to show the logical steps in a program or by systems analysts to show logical steps in the design of a system folder /'foulde(f)i noun C [7,13] see

abbreviation for file ti"ansfer protocol full backup /fol ',tpi noun C [191 a type of backup that copies all the selected files on a system whether or not ihey have been edited or backed
up before

global positioning system i,iliroirl pl zr.lnrq ,slstirill/ noun C [16] a system that cietermines the user's iocation by comparing raciio signals irom several satellites Gnome iqs'nai.irn,/noun U [6] a proieci io build a complete user-friendly Unix-i;ke desktop system basecl entirely cn free software. lt is part of the GNL/ project and part cf the OpenSource rnovement. GNU iqa'nu:/ noun U [6] a freety distributed portable Unix cornpatible
software System GPRS /,cfi: pi: o:r' 'es/ noun U [16] abbreviation for general packet radio service GFS i,$i: pi: 'es/ noun C [16,20]



,dju:pleksi adi



/'fc:tlicn/ noun U [21,22]

acronym for Formula Translator. A highlevet computing language that was designed by scientists in 1954 and is

able to transfer data in both directions simuttaneously, i.e. data can be transniitted and received at the same time futurologist i lju:tf'c'rclcdlrsti noun C [24] a person who studies and predicts what technology witt be like and what effects it wilI have in the future

abbreviation for global posiiioning

sysrem graphie egualizer


C [9] an etect!'onic rievice that uses slider controls to adiust the frequency response of an audio system

'i:kwe larze(r')i noun

oriented toward manipulating formulas for scientific, mathematical and engineering problem-solving applications. forward /'fu:wadi verb [13] to pass on without changing the content, e.g. a received email can be passed on to or forwarded to another address frame /frcrm/ noun C l14l a section of a webpage that acts as an independent browser window. Clicking on a link in one frame can cause a webpage to be displayed in another frame, e.g. a menu in one frame can provide lini<s to webpages that are displayed in another frame. Free Software Foundation i,lri: snftwea faon'der.fini noun U [6] an organisation that is dedicated to producing software

games console / getmz ,konseoli noun C [2]j an electronic device used for

graphica[ (user] interface /,gnelihl 'rntofers/ noun C [6,7,21] the part of an operating system thai allows ihe user to interact with a computer using
graphic images and a cursor U [6] a Unix command for searching through one or more text files for a specific iext string GUI / itu:ii noun C [7] acronym for graphical user interface

playing computer games gateway /rqertwer/ noun C [11,12,13, 15,181 an interface that enables dissimilar networl<s to communicate such as two LANs based on different topologies or network operatiilg

grep igrepi noun

Gb/GB /'grgebart/ noun C [2,9,11] abbreviation for a gigabyte geek lgi:k/ noun C [20] atthough it was originatiy a derogaiory term used for an expert lacking in social skills, it is now used in computing to mean a dedicated expert general packet radio service i,d5enrel
[16] a GSM data transnrission technique that transmits and receives data in pacl<ets

hack /hrk/ verb [11,20,23]to gain

unauthorised access to a network system hacker /'hieko(r)/ noun C [18,2C] a si<ilied programmer who attempts io gain unauthorised access lo ir networi< system

thai can be used by anyone who wants to Lrse it at no cost. lt depends on the

,pirkrt 'relcliao ,ss:vrsi noun

half-dupiex i'hu:f ,Cju:pielsi adi [11j

able t0 transier data in both direciions but only in one dircctiun at a tinle, i.e.



data can lle transntitieci or ricived bul not at the sa!.ne tiffir. handheld (computer) /'hrnrlhe lcii noun C L1',7,161a small portable computer that can be held in one hand liang /hr11/ verb [11] fo suddenly and unexpeciedly stop processing during the execution of a program hard (disk) (tlrive) /hc:d (drsk) 1r1l'arvt,/
noun C [1,2,5,8,'!5,17,1,8,19]a comrnon magnetic stoiage device that reads and writes data on metal disl<s inside a sealed case hardware /'lrc:clwcc(r)l noun U 11,,5,6,1 6,17,',t9,21.,22,21,2t 1 rhe physical components of a computer

program written using a high-ievei language

110,151 to se{ect by marking on the display screen hilacking i 'hardru:l<rryi noun tJ [18] a

highlight /'irlrliul/ verb

iomputer crimc that involves

redirecting anyone trying io visit rtain website elsewhere iiNC i,cr1J cn si:/ noun Ll [22] abbreviation for llighei Nationai Certificate
ce a

FlltlD ,',cr11'cn

noun i.l i22j abbreviation for Higirer National Diploma



the button icon on a flcb i:rowser program that tal(es you to the starting

button / hsoril ,i),\{ni noun

C J13l

cornpany in the world. li launcheci the first personal computer called fhe iBM PC which quichly became the siandard. 8e lar 'si:/ noun C [12] abhreviation fr:r' integrated circuit. A conrplete eiecironic circuii buiit on a singte silicon chip. !con /'urknrr/ noun C [/,21ja smatl picturc Used in a WIMP system to represent a program folder or file itrH8802.1"1 1,ar i: i: ,crt trL: p'rrilL \?.\lt 'w,rl/ noun iJ [23] a wireless networl<ing system standard approved by the r\merican regulating organisation calted ihe Institute of Electrical and Electronic En gineers



(disk drive) head /hccl/ noun C [2] the part of a disk drive that reads and writes data to the disk header /'heclo(r)/ noun C [11,13] the first section of a message that contains inforrnation about the content and transmission of the message including the sending and destination addresses headphone /'hedfcon/ noun C [23] sound output device that fits over ihe
ears ofthe user help-desk/hetpline /'helpdcsk, 'lrelplain/ noun C 11.2,221 a telephone service for helping users solve problems that occur on computer systems

homepage i 'hcumncrclii noun C [20j the main siart page of a website host /haosl/ noun C l13,1Bl a computer that provides a service on a netwnrk / a program that carries a vifus hot plug 'jrrrl |i \!i verb l2l lo dtia(l] a device to a sysiem without switching the sysiem off and without causing problems to the system hover /'hnve(r)l verb l7l to hold a cursor over an icon for a short period of time flSM /,ert1'cs 'eni/ noun U [19] abbreviation ior hierarchical storage

C [9] the common name lor an intra frame in an MPEG cornpressed fife image editor I'lnrc[ ,cclrte(i')i noun C 18] a computer program that atlows ihe user to rnal(e changes to inrages image map /'rmrrl mrcir/ noun C [14] a graphic image with separale areas thal

l-frame i 'ar ll'crmi noun

t{TMl- /,erS

ti: em 'el/ noun U [6,13,14,

hierarchicaI storage management iirare, r'o:krkl'sto nd3,, m*:nrclSnrrnl/ noun U [r9] a system of automatically moving files to different storage media depending on how often the files are used, i.e. the least used files are
graduatly archived. The less a file is used the rnofe difficult it becomes to access it in the archive.

1,6,21,,22,251 abbreviation ior hyperiext marl<up language. A page description

language that uses a system of tags for creating wet) pages. huh /h,tbl noun C [11,15] an electronic device at the centre of a star network iopology humanoid /'hju:rrrcnrrd/ noun C [23] a robot with human characteristics

contain hyperlinks to different parts of a website lMldP ,/'arrnrepi noun U [13] acronym for lnternet mail access protocol inbox i 'rnbnksi noun C [131 the folder in an emaiI program where emaiis are stored when they are first received inerrementa[ backup i,rnkre mental 'bickrp/ noun C [19] a type of backup that copies all the selected fites that have been changed since thq last full differential or incremental backup industrial scientific arrd medicat band An,d,rstrici sarantrtrlk ancl mecirkl brencil noun U [23j a set of radiowave frequencies centred around 2.45GHz used for industriaI scient;fic and medical devices and for Bluetooth

high-end package /,har 'encl ,prckrtf/ noun C [8] a set of computer programs with a wide variety of complex features i-ligher Nationa[ ertificate i,hare n:rjanl se'trfiket/ noun U [5] a British college qualification that can be gained through part-time or futltime study. lt is usuatly obtained before studying for an HND. I{igher Nationat Diploma /,hare ,rrir:Jenl dr'plelrrna/ noun U [5 ja British college qualification thal usually requires a period of futl-iime study. lt is more advanced thari an HNC and not as
advanced as a degree.

hyperlink i 'har1relrr1k/ noun

C 17,13,201 a

text or image in a webpage that causes a related webpage to be displayed or another program to be staried when the user clicl<s on the hyperlink using the mouse hypertext markup language i harpct.ekst 'mo:k,tp ,llerlqwrr13i noun U guage [1, 4,16,211 a page descripiion lan

information superhighway (the) /,rnfe,merjn sn:pa,lrarwerl noun U 11.,241an infornral term for a global high-speed networh providing communication services that are freely availabte to everyone, i.e. a highiydeveioped lnternet sysiem information technology /,rnfo,merJn
tck' nolacl5i/ noun U 122,23,24,2 5l the sludy and practice o{ techniques or use of equipment for dealing with

that has a set of tags thal can be

inserted into a document to make it act as a webpage. The tags determine how the document is displayed on the screen and nrarl<s the position of
hype rli n ks.

high-level language /,bar ,ievel

'lierlqwrdr noun t i21ia programming ianguage closer to human language than low-level computer ianguages suh as machine code or assemb{y language

!/o lar 'ao/ noun

l17l aLrbreviation for

input/output f BM /,ar bi: 'eni/ nounU16,22,23,25l

abbreviation for International BL;siness Machines, the targest computer

information inheritance /rn'hcrriensi noun iJ [21]a key feature of object-oriented programming that allows specific instances of a ciass to inherit all the properties of the class, e"g. squares are a specific inslance of rectangles anci inherit all the properties oi

high-levet program l,l.rar ,levri plaoqrcn/ noun C [12] a computer



,' ttr liuosr arjt l,ljl ririiit i;y irivees of a rr oi-gil n i s:rti I ir r:ii: hei th ;i n p e o p I t o i s i rl e ih e r: i :1a ii i.:;t i I I inilial!ge (th hard elisi<) i i *;.i::!rrrz..i iarii.: iL8lt0 teboci 0r r"est;ril tJle i.{r[-:1,]Ltl3l. pL:i ilaii: input i 'rn1loLi rrerb

cr^l p

ifttefnet olo{oqcl i nrt.inai 1;r:irilrl..r,ir

Lj l1;,i I

ii*ra[i*n 1jii'fct.in1'



a pfocF5s



siti ol :t,rrrclarcir,


ir rc;:eaierJ as iong

as certain



iilto a 5y5tein irrrut i rirputi noLin L.J f i,6,7.21,11.11 data pui Into a system in4:ut device ,/'rrri:l,l rii vr:rsr t-;tl*n C 17,/] a piece of eqLripfireili itstd fot uutiir5;
rlata init; a c.JmpLrier ifistrc.ictiori rlr lti,rlt.lnl nlun { I.if.l,2:l.l 0ne iine oi a c";rnput.^t-prugfat-ti
imtegrateel ser"vices

for enaLrling .crtiilrierr i0 { Lrirtlnlrn;Ldi{: .,1/r I ill,' itrierrri lntsrnei selvile $rcro,ricle'e / rnt;rul{ 'ii:i: \,iir; pi; vlr rrl:{ r},. n*un C i 1;i.21 lit ] organ satir;n il.iai pravldo: inte|rrei r fi r neatiilns lci ;t i,.i: irltrnst ifih*i,i tjitrnLtr itturi ij f1,ii,{r.j 1.

torld;li0ul Ieiniilli titl0

j;iva i ',.i'iii-v::,'nniir! Li IIi.,,.:,:3 j air L;bjeii -cii*itii:ri c''ril1liu isr



il5 iirl:gu;l3l' thnl',/va5

i-,t 1.-i


i LX t,,i. i

.1.t-1, i

il,'i'1.,27.,]'j;, i 4. ), b]; !ir-ii: i!4icrcsysietrs in the

lhi: rcnnee ticn i:i ilgtviori(s iicior5^ ?roriri

5 |

ri:i:i i99{l:;. f'ltgl.atl:, vrlilil.en lil lava iari t)9 iirea r:rl I v,iii: ralg* crl

digitaI netv**nlt-

ir!ierFretsr /lii l:i:l)l'!ina{t)/ noun C il}; ;r plrjgfali] ihai rofilreits otiier i:r{}grlrn:, into machi*e clrie iirie fr,, ii111 ;i1 lilo
prograrn5 !n'ir;l
l.ypc oi

tpcuiin3 sysriilt']5. ii is vr'i"J;:iy ijseii



*vai,rp: n g i irti: f ilcllve

;; p p

{ ii:, io t U i22 j a s t itl 1.r i';:

i,rnt rrlrcrlrcl s:r:r,tsrz,d rtilit..-rl 'rrciw:;:ki noun U l16l a hro;idirarrri

neturorl< communications svslenr

fiasrie ,'rri: r irr:rr:ii illun i l9l


Lrcing- useci

lila !niefilei" javaScllpi i '{i7-r1.''.irsl!t'riili tiotj'r

si- ii p i


p, la

rr g ir a





u v't


inrge irarrie *;ed



aliows the ordinary analogue tr:iephone systern to carry digitai srgnal:, inciuciing,,'r1i6p, ltrl:., ir';r,, grailnrcS ano vr0eo inteI i'rntcl,i rroun U [2,23,251 ihe .limeiican company f hat tiesigns and prociuces the electtonic processors used in most of the conlputers in the vvoiitl

aorilpfas5ioil whii.l i ti;Ii;Lii:s 0iihi iniorri:iiirri in the piciuie ii:eii intranet ,/ nrlr'.rrcl,'nr;Lrr: f, l/,,1i!;l crj!r1puler ii::-r,,ryorl< liral rs inie;rrll

iJI.Jll.itil-ir ti; li:l orili:E'rjd-.cj ricl r me nl:,

iriu t-i ll/!i

.li:llG ,



' it{rrir;


l! j abi.irevirlittt

ir-r ir;iirl. pirricgia;rhic e:lpcrl group lire


i-oms: iiiee 11,i1; 1iq:rv!secl a i.oril iron

itfqi,il ..til,,r' ;:ir ir.^. llr. l' '' lF irrciacoi in 1.i:e:an;e f'vay a..r ti-ie

r|andal(i ic;r'ii:lag,e iile l'cr-iirai and

'jll ril'o'',i,,1r. . t'':.u, trlrll,I('i,i',n


il te


lF rnl

intelIigent agent




rc'rioir 1i

noun C [7,24] a computer ui;ility program thart uses artificial inielligence i0 perform iasl<s for the user such as reirieving and oelivering informaii0n

p1;1 noun U i12l;bl;ie'riaiion ior Iniernel protccol. /\ pait oi fhe TCP/iP prolo(0i lt(f i 0n ihc lnrt'rttei, lF address i,ir r ';r: :'r rir-csi i-roirn L- i abbreviation iot Interne'L prttccol

icn r monly useij f0!- phoii: g-raphi l iinages in vuebpage; because it rfeakj! vr:r,/:ma{i fiies.


acld ress



iri: ,lcn(i)i


fi2] tht

and automating repetitive tasl<s

lP part ol'a 1{-Pllir sysiem

interactive /rnt;' ra:ktrv/ adj


allovvs two-way communicatio:t sc


tire user can respoild oI interact \irith the system interface / rnt:rl'crsi noun C [6,i'/,9,i 1-,i6, 241 the harciware of sotlware ihat connects two systems and aliows them to comrnunicate with each otfrer internet iprotoeoi) address i iriiltle,rllmi noun t L12,i3l a 32-bii t.rde number assigned to every n0do on the Inlerne{.. lt consists of a 5efie5 0f rrumbets lhaf itlenti[y the nraic' netr^Jorl( and the suir-netwollis to which a node is attached and provicles ' a path that gateways can use to rouie information from one machine to

!RC i ar cr: 'si:i noun Ll f12,201 abhrev!ation for inietnet reiaV chat. An interret sgilrice ihat aliows user to have a ronversalion by senciing tcxt r-i!ersages to eacli o'iher in ieal-time.

lurrebox / ri',Li:kbuic,i rroun [ [19] iriioi"mal narrie lor an optical disl< clrive thai sLoies rrany nptical disks" The disks are loariecj into thr. Crivt when requiied by the hosi compuler. .i[JfifiF cor*maritli insirLlcti*n / d3,r,np Lr,l.i)rl-nd. ll str,t-ii.lttl noun C l18J a
prograrnmirrg insii.Lrciion lhat causes progi-anr lo charrg,e i1.: normal



iris recegniiicn i"attt:; telnrt trt,lni n*uii

U [1{,] a prccess of

itlentifying a user

by scanning iireit eyes

/rii,u][ i:;irerlt noun l-J 112.1 unfvanied anC Lrnscliciied email that is noirflall.v arivertising or lrviitg t{,} se[! sorneihing

!S fvlanuger r,ur cs ,nie nrLlir{i)i noun f 72 j an abbreviated forrl 0f infiirmaiiort

jysIfnl3 In,litJ3qi. A po1ss11


Kb/K* i 'irrlaburii rrorn


f, i2labhreviation

maltages a computei'-based seruice that provides inforntaiion lhat is useful

to a pariiciliar organisation

lSi]ff i ur es ili: 'r:nl ncun


U f 161

ion ior tnlegrat



cligitai netwoti.,

hilobyie- A unii of sti:iage capacity equai to 102li lryte5. Kbit/s i i<rhbrts/ noun C li6,23l abbreviaiicn fcr l..iiobits pei seconci. A unii of signal speed equal io 1024 bii5 every seconcl" A nrcre ccmrnorr form is

adapter'1tt.fl :i.da;ptl(r')/

{ffricrosoft) Internet Explcrer f ,rn1:nct

U i17l a fr-'e brov;ser program developed by the Microsoft Corporation internet mai! access protsesi i,rntancl ,nrcri ,ir:l<ses 'preotrlinli noun U l1l.l a set of siandarcis for accessing emaii messages stored ot: an ernail serrrer. Initially oniy message headers are relrieved. Usors cJn tlrcn ftrsinise oi delete nressages on the server and

rk'sph:r':r(r)i noun

noun C { i 1l an eiettronic device that isoiates a nelwcrlr. system liorn high voitages and aliows it to use the maiils eieciriciiy rables for connecting c.)mputei's together and transferrin g daia

kbps i,trirbrts pr 'sel<--rd,,noun C [23] airbieviatioil fcr kiiobits per second. A

unit of signai :pr:ed equal to 1024 bils every second. l{D* /,1<er di: i:i nouri U 16l a gtaphicat u3er interfac* usei with the Linur

i5F i.rii rs '1ri:/ noun {1.1},1.1,i4,?Al

abbreviaiion for Interitei service

0perating iysiern

l? i:ir 'ti:r ncun

kernei /'1':r.n;1r noiln C 16,21+l lhe iowe:l ievti luy"r it ihts a{)iP G di 'Jlrlriii.i:
systelrl. li rleal:; rr'rith aiirca'tttrir hardlvare [r'SoLiii95 it ihe r.]:: ot i tr rJirerating S','slern anC tns .rppliiatio!'i

U i5,c'1,22.23.241

download individuaI n.]essages.

aliirreviaiion for iniormatiorr technoi0gy





Iteyboard /'ki:br:d/ noun C 17,2,6,L7,16, 1,9,23,241the main electronic input device that has l<eys arranged in a similar layout to a typewriter keystroke /'ki:streok/ noun C ll8l the
process of pressing and releasing a l<ey on a keyboard keyword /'ki:ws:d/ noun C 113l a word used to categorise documents or records in a file. Keywords can be ustd by a search engine to find relevant links on the Internet. l<Hz /'krlehs:tsi noun C [9] abbreviation for kiiohertz. A unit of frequency equal to 1000 cycles every second.

Torvalds for use on personal computers Linux distribution i 'larn,rl<s cirstrr,bju:Jn/ noun C [6] the Linux-user term for a complete operating system

m /en/ noun

C [23J

abbreviation for

metre. An interrrational unit I'oi'

ista n ce.

kit compleie with ihe utilities and applications needed to nral(e it do useful things, e.g. command interpreters, programming t0ols, text editors, typesetting i.oots and graphical
user interfaces

load /laod/ verb [6,181 io copy

rnA / nuliieilpi noun C [23] abbreviation for mitliamp. A unit of current equal to one thousandth of an amp" {Apple) Mac /meki noun C [7] the common name for the Apple Macintosh range of computers. A type of persorral computer manufactured bv APPte
Computer Incorporated. iVlA rmieki noun C [18] acronym for message-authentication code rnachine code /nra'Ji:n kaod/ nuun C

hiller application /'krlor,rcph,ker.fn/

noun C [23] an application pfogram that is particularly useful and popular, making a computer system very su ccessful knowledge base /'nohcfu bersi noun C 117,221a co[[ection of information that can be easily modified, revised anci manipulated to enable thr: user to solve particular problems

program frorn a storage device into the cornputer's mem0[y ',lr,rkl local area network ,;..r'i.' netwir:k/ noun C [8,11] computers connected together over a small area such as a company department log /log/verb [1"1] to record the time that an event happened log iingi noun C l20l a record ofwhen an event happened

LAN /1rni noun C [5,8,11,L 5,77 ,23] acronym for local area network language processor /'lm4gwrS ,preusese(r)/ noun C [5] software that performs computer language translation laptop (cornputer) /'lreptnp/ noun C [23] the targest type of portable computer laser printer /'lelza ,prrnto(r)i noun C
6,17,21,,251 a p rinte r that pri nts using toner powder and laser light on a photosensitive drum LCD i,el si: 'di:/ noun C [10] abbreviation for tiquid crystal display. An electronic display device that uses liquid crystal cells to control the reflection of light. leased line /,li:st 'larn/ noun C [8] a cable connection that is rented for use in a communications system [ibrary /'larbrori/ noun C [21,22] a set of programmed functions that are made available for use by any program line driver /'larn ,dlarve(r)/ noun C [11] an electronic circuit that provides high currents or vottages to other electronic

log on ilog'onl verb 16,L2,1.8,19,2A,D1 to connect to a networl( system account normally using a password logic bomb i 'loc[rk bom/ noun C [18,20] destructive code introduced into a program that is triggered by some event tal<ing place on the computer system at a later time togic circuit /'1o$rk ,s::krt/ noun C [2]a digitaI electronic circuit that compares two or more inputs and gives an output according to a particular rule of logic look-up table /'luk .tp tetbll noun C 1t2,131a method by which a Program uses two sets of related records to find a required value. lt is quicker than calculating the vatue using a formula
but tal(es up more memory space.

i22l a computer language that consists entirely of a combination of 1s and 0s inachine intelligence /me,J i:n rn'tehc]5ansi noun U [24] another name for artificial intelligence Mac 0S /,ma:k oo 'esl noun C [6] the family of operating sysiems used on the Apple Macintosh range ot
com puters macro virus /'mrekr:o ,vatras/ noun C [18] a r,,irus prrrgram in the form of a macro program

loop structure /'lu:p ,str,lklfa(r)/ noun C [21] see iteration low-level [anguage /,leo leval 'liengwrrtl noun C [22]a computer language such as machine code or assembly language that is closer to the form that a computer understands than to that of a human language loyalty card /'lcralti ko:di noun C [2] an electronic card that gives the owner discount on purchases at a particular store depending on how mttch they

magnetic tape /meg ncirk 'terpl noun U 119,24,251a iragnetic storage medium in the form of a thin Plastic ribbon wound on a reel or a cassette. lt is commonly used for backing uP data. rnail bombing /'merl ,bnmr4/ noun U [18] a computer crime that involves inundating an email address with thousands of messages siowing or even crashing the server mail client /'merl klirrenti noun C [13] an emaiI program that connects to an email server to send and receive email mail server /'merl ,ss:ve(r)l noun C [13] a networ!< service that stores email messages and enables email clients io
senti and receive emaits

mailbox /'merlboks/ noun

[13] a folder



line size l'larn satzl noun C [2] the amount of data transferred each time there is a transfer between the main
memory and cacne memory

tpr /,e1 pi: 'c:(r)/ noun

tink /iqkl noun C 113,14,151a common

term used for a hypertink, i.e. the connection of a webpage to another webpage or file Linux /'larn,rks/ noun U [6] a clone of the Unix operating system created by Linus

U [6] a tinix command for printing a file ls /el es/ noun U [6] a Unix command for disptaying a list of files in a directory LVD /,el vi: 'di:/ noun U [2] abbreviaiion Low Vottage Differential. The interface used in Uttra2 and Ultra3 SCSI.

used by an emait server to store a user's emails mailmerge /'merlms:d5/ noun C [3,81 a wordprocessing facitity that causes a mailing list to be automaticalty combined with a standard letter to produce a separate copy of the letter addressed to each person on ihe

mailing list main memory /,nlcrn 'memarti noun U [2] the electronic memory that holds the programs and data being used mainframe (computer) /'metnfrerm./ noun C 12,5,6,21.,221the largest and most powerfultype of computer. lt is operated by a team of professionals. mains line I menz larn/ noun C [11]the main electricity supply

Gt-ossARY 213

man /mien/ noun U [6] a Unix command for viewing the online manual pages
on a Unix system markup language i 'mo:k,rp ,lre4qwr&r/ noun C [14] a set of tags that can be

to detect whether scneone has tampered with the message in transit metadata i 'metrclerr.a/ noun U [14] data about data in a document metalanguage /'tnetllrngwtcbr' noLtn C [14,2L1a ianguage from which you can create other [anguages Mhlz /'rnegebe:ts/ noun C [2,23] abbreviaiion for megahertz nnicrochip /'markr"arfrpi noun C [22] an electronic integrated circuit !n a small

rnkdir i em keL 'drog)/ noun


U i6l a Ljrrix and M5-DOS command for creating a

M0 i 'em ao/ adj i19j abbreviation for

nragneto'optical. Used to describe storage devices that use a combinaiion of magnetisnr and laser light. mobile phone /, 'l'otrtti noun C 115,1,6,231 a wireless telephone that operates over a wide area rnadem i 'rncudelr,- noun C 12.,5,1.0,77,1.2, 16,231 short for nrodulator/ demodutator. An electronic device that converts signals to enable a compuier to be connected to an ordinary telephone iine.
U [23] a process of combining a data signal with a carrier wave by causing the data signal to modify the amplitude lreqi,ency or phase of the carrier wave monitor /'rnonrl.:r(r)/ noun C 11,2,9,1.6,17, 18,241 the main output device used to disptay the output fr'om a computer on a screen. See VDU. MOO nnu:i noun C [12,16] acronyrn for multi-user object oriented. An Interi'ret virtual environment cleveloped frorn nrulti-user adventure games that

inserted into a document to indicate its

tayout and appearance massively paraltel /,niesrvli'p:r:r:elel/ adi [2a] being part of a s,irstein in which an application is prccessed by up to 200 or rnore processors at the same time. Each processors using its own operating sv5iems and memory and worl<ing orr a different part of the program.

microcornputer,' markreol<anr,pjLr:ia(i),r
noun C [6,1 1 ] a personal compute[. Smatier and less powerfulthan a mainframe or a minicompuier.

Mb/MB /'megebalL/ noun


abbreviation for a megabyte

Mbit/s /,megobrt pe sehend noun

[23] abbreviation for megabit per second. A unit of signal speed equal to 1 048 576 bits every second. Mbps /,megebrts pe 'sekond/ noun C [23] abbreviation for megabits per second. A unlt of signal speed equal io 1 048 576 bits every second. megabyte /'megebart/ noun C [2,9,17] a unit of storage capacity equal to L 048 576 bytes megahertz /'megeha:ts/ noun C [2] a unit of frequerrcy equal to 1 million cycles every second megohm /'megeirm/ noun C [12] a unit of electrical resistance equal to 1 million ohms memory /'memeri/ noun U [2,5,6,11,15, 18,19,241 the electronic part of a computer system that is used for temporarity storing the programs and data that are being used by the pr0cess0r

microprocessor i,m.arkreo'pr':losese(r')i noun C [3,16,25] the rnain electronic chip in a ccmputer. lt can be thought of as the 'brain' of the computer berause it does the main processing and controls the other parts of the computer. lt is sometimes called the

modulation i,niodju'lerJ'n/ noun

Microsoft /'markrasoli/ noun

12,5,6,L8,2A,22,2 5l the ccnrmon name for the Microsoft Corporation. The

menu /'menju:/ noun C [2,7,21] a list of options displayed on a computer


menu bar

/'menju: bcr:(r')i noun C [10,16] a row of icons on a display screen thai open up menus when selected

message-authentication code /, rnesrdS c:,0entr'ker.fn keud/ noun C [18] a

number produced by a message.digest

function that is used to make a message tamper-proof and provide message integrity
message-digest function /,mesrS 'darSest f.rqkJn/ noun C [18] a program function that processes a message to produce a number calted a message-authentication code. This number is then used to make a message tamper-proof. message-integrity scheme /,mesrdg tn'teqrati ski:mi noun C [18] a system that allOwS the receiver 6fa ma<<arc

company founded by Bill Gates that developed the MS-DOS and Windows operating systems and a variety of software commonly used on desl(top computers. microwave /'marhreweiv/ noun C [23] a high-frequency electromagnetic wave used in data communication systems MlDl / rnrdi/ noun U [9,L7.18] acronym for musical inst-rument digitaI interface. A standard for connecting musical instruments to computer systems. minicornputer /'rmnih:m,pi u:ta(r)i noun C [6] a computer that is slightly less powerfuland a little smaller than a mainframe Minix / murrksi noun U [6] a compact Unix ctone written as a teaching aid by Professor Andy Tannenbaum mirroring /'mrrerr4/ noun U [17] a technique used in RAID 1 systems where at least two hard disks are paired in such a way that the hard disk controller writes each byte of data to both disks. This ensures that a backup exists shoutd the primary disk drive fait. misdirection routine Anrsdo rekJn. dr-. dar- ru:,ti:n/ noun C [18] the part ofa computer virus that enables it to hide itself by altering the normal sequence of instructions in another program mixing desk /'rnrksrg deski noun C [9] an electronic device used in audio recording that aliows a number of audio inputs to be mixed together

allows many users to interact. motherboard /'m,r0abc:dl noun C [2,5,16] the main electronic circuit
board inside a computer that holds and connects together all the main electronic components rnouse /maus/ noun C 11,,2,7,71,U,?1, 23,251a common cursor control input device used with a graphical user interface. lt commonly has two or three button switches on top and a ball underneath that is rolled on a fla{ surface. rnouse button ,/'maos noun C [10] a switch on a mouse that i5 pressed to select an object on the

mouse pointer /'maus ,pcint.:(r1r noun [:t5] a cursor image in the shape of an arrow that is controlleci bv a mouse and is used for pointing and selecting icons on the screen

MouseKeys /'mauskj:z/ noLrn {-J [7] a Microsoft Windows operatiilg systern feature that changes the functian of the numeric keypad keYs on a computer keyboard sD that they can be used to control the screen cursoiMP3 /,em pi: 'Ori:i nnun U [9,23] abbreviation for fuiFECl "quCio Layer -l r' Motion Picture Expeds Group stanoai'l
for audio cotupressisn. MPEG / eirpeq/ noun U I9,2;1] a iland;'r-ci video compression :;cirentc" Tlte teint is an acron\lm Icr Molion Picilife

218& GA-#55ARV

Lxpeft5 Grcup a roiltm;tiij() 1ir;li develops slondeircis ior audio itnci videu fiic ir!rIn,ti5 drr.r ro,.'p:'' '',,:rc.

td5-DSS i,crir cs tllr;/ rtor"irr iJ f i,2!J abirreviation for Microsoit disl< operating systeni. The coir;mand iine operating system thal v,;as Lised in the

; n d pr,r ii p h r.:i.t i i! lvi :_ll iri;; ;ect.tii logetitet *ei"worii {omputai i r':r.rl ri.t:lr k:rili jr-r:i;r{r'ii fl{luit { l.l t. i ;i {-ori"li.iriie:
i 1'r

cbicct i 'nirillcirl,inoun

ciesigned usirrq i.iie iriri:-is1.ry. specificalir,'r t:r;rr Ui;,rri* cri{i 'ir:r; Microsysterns icr' ;: iorru"ic:;i bas jl

orierrte,J prcgiamr-ning trilriuie ihai lli: iis own pr'opeiiies creiiieii ir'1 i:Llnciiing data and prograrn insrri:rti*n-r iogr:ther

i2lla!1 {)irir.i-

*i;ri*ci-orie*ied pr*gn'arn


ing i, lixijck




i rrt,iit!'rlri:cJiri

noun i;

11.,?-,13,15,2L1the com bination .',1.,i

i terL

graphic; anirnation sourrrl and vider:

rnrr[tirnadai input nl\iii,:r'. rilp()1/ noun U l7l the process ol'

perscnal cilinpuiri i.iai r-tir it;vr. :.r'r Intcl pri;ct:sci.{)i :iiiL:Lit'-i v- i 1)' plOtr 5.,O1 ,l,rt ..ii'I' I : i V. ;,.. ope raiing 5ysi{:*. ii i: *r'lrlt,iirci 1'or r'i: c . r: Inrrll .lr ,, r 'r .:!i.r:-i :
, .

prrlc1 i*"r:it r 1l t;,:ur: il l2.l i i 'rype o; prcgrammiirg where pfoi{riiiils als ffa{iii fiofi colnfJifiaiioil5 at




nai-;;i11eci rl.iri.i'aiiy.

ii i:a:


preriefinecl mucrries llrat rar ire *sq:d {}vei ;1iiC ovef agatir *{R r e0 :ri: 'ri:1r"ii noun iJ li]

upcrating.r Ltser inltrffir, u'iiir', combinailon of types oi innul, e"g. keyboard and speech reiognition

lilrppv elisk iirivr. {-l}-iiSifi ij.i,1r,i r:f' harclware erp:tnsiar .;ii;l:., Lt ii i:; ir type of thin ciicnL. n*tr*cri', gtrru i;ctiir;:li (i()r ti:i fliiijl:

;,h cvia:.'ln [u'

rsco gn rtrofl

fi1,: lL,:]r



*fiice i


nlur li !8,22i



/,cnr vi: 'esi noun

U f 6,221

abbreviation for !nuiliple virtual Storage. lt is iltp ntntc ?ivett ri ;, famiiy of oi:erating systems rsed on IBM mainlrame compuiefs mW /'mrlir,vri/ noun C [?3 | abbtevialior: for milliwatt. A unit of powei equal to nne thousandth nf a wail. My Briefcase inlar 'ilri:1lict:ii noun U l/1 a fulicrosofi Windows feature that simplifies the pi'ocess of copving and synchronising iites between a desktop and a poriable computer

' )l; ;'r.l:ri, .rr;...,.r.,; r,':.

d y,i.;l:,

rruiclciy-used aulilicat!on i:laakir go

etroro rk i n g a n





rr,:vi i t:


itt. fUlti'{ ij1 g;:i. .1;.'

r' t rctr,,'.1:

neiwiliifiil:; netrr**rli laver

devela*ed hy lhs Micrcsott forporaiion iiiai inciudes iJrogr;iins rseci irr a iypical office, r.;. a v.,orclptoct:soi anti spreiid:,heer




r' I

I ! :r;iiii i1

*{fic* a6rpiieatiom .i suite '/'rril:r

lll jthe pari 0i i fjrtw$fi(

r:oirmunicaiions svgicrri i hai l'rilt: i:e d arta n io iia{-i{r l:i .i l{.j ..ii-riitcts ;r l'{iil l.l fcr [he me:sage nEtwcrli oparat!ng svsteir' ,' ;ir:irl,':;.i': Di)all'ertlil ,sJst;lrur r;oun i iii]air flplrraiing systenr thaf i5 usr-'d lo adnrinister anri coni;oi I *eiwotli allt.ruiing {:onrpuiefs io share iardware and software wirile ptovidirg filt'
i i

ri:1;ii,, ,swi:li ni;un i- i5,ijl * '1";to:tii r ltoslilrr ur q,l{ r'i p:rjgi'.r: rJ, 'Liiai ar0 uss{i in a iypictl riiir.e. e.;1. ;r u;oiciprccessor spieaclsheet anci

ata base

.*ffEin* i o1'lliuri ed; i12,L9l fiisrorlrts{ied fr0n: a coinpuier systeilr or the interne'i srr[iere i r)]r'larL:I aCi |12,37,1 4,16,i9,2]., :l,7lil ronlrerted i0 a coni$uteri 5fsleil of the iiltefflel

naiural-[anguag:e programming i nr(i:rl liengwrct 'pleoclncrnrrii noun U [21] the prucess of wriIing prugrar)rs usiflg d compuler iarrguage thal is verv similar to natural human language

recurily.rnd I,i;:.itu1, fat ililir

neural netiwof
lc] /'
i r.i r

{ \)r':r

Oftir i ru

rr,rr':i ltri



near-line sterage i,rrrc irrn 's[r:r'rtiii noun U [19] the part of a hierarchical stcrage managemerit syslern that stofes inffequerrtly-useci fiies in a uiay that will aliow ifrem to be easily

naun C Ii,2]i air artiticiai inteliiSaeie system that is capabie of deveicping, ruies lroni giveir input so ihar ii learrrs how to cieai v,ritir mote cotn;;lex innui flewsgr*ilp,''irjil:zqILr:!i noun

:-ro 'p':i nouft tJ l2i.lactonym icrr lr!:ject -orienled prcg' "'mmit'g Gj:rer: Source /,:xr1xn 'sr:si ac.ij iri] part

of a sysiem


softwale dt:veloprn+n1.

anyone is ffec ta ial(e a cr")py of the source code and extend develop or firi bugs iri it

li2.i.'..7il l:n lnlelnFl di\ttr"!ini 3i'rl,l

that uses a restiiciecl area iln fl Servei
c{irnpi"itei ic disiiia;,i rnessages ahoLit a comn'roil iniefest

*perating systsm i 'rlpf,rcltll ,,\irii,rlili nou n c f 2,5,6, 1 7,18,19,2i, 27",t51 the sei of D!-ogiams tjrai conirol the basic
iunctinrrr of a ccfi'rputei and pr0vides communication heiween ihe application piogrants and the
hardware fiptica1 character recoEnition i,u1rtrkl ktlrl<ta ich;:rg';rr.ln/ norrn U l3l a process that enabies a compuiel lo scan and recog[isr3 priilted chara.ieri; using the refiection of light opticat fibre i,i'rplrki 'liLrb:(i-)l noun C 123] a common name fot glass fibre

iiet {ihei lrct/ noun

i12,15,24j the commcn name for the lnternet FietPC', 1ri. 'si:i noun U f 11jan rn,Jurtry specificarion lor a iow-rosi basic Winriows PC with an Intel prccessor designed for use on a multiU

user neiwori( systefi. It is managed

node in:lri/ noLrn C 111.121 a nctwotli terrninai cr ptliilt vvhete a computei !s conriecied ti) ;t rtti.v,v{.irl{ notebooh (eornputsr) /'iirt;ibr-ikl norn f l23l a portabie tompuier thai is about the same size as a oiere of writing

centraily anil has no fioppy disk cirive

CLi-ROM drive ur harciurare expansion

siots, i.e. it is a iype of thin rlieni. Netscape i-cmmu$icator /, Lrclsi<cr 1'r

k:'nr.ju:nrkcrltir)i noun

U 111,151 a

wideiv rrseri vreb orowser package Seibriare /'nrlwcr{r')/ noun U 16,22] a wiCelV-used LAl.l operating system prorjucecl b'1' ltloveil Incoi pciated netwsrl( I nct'"v3:k/ verb lr'.211 :o conneci:i numbef oi aoririrutefs and peripherai clevices iog:tirrr

ffiovell /ncc,'vcli noun U i22ltlie common name for Noveli lncorpoiat':rj. The Ametican cornpany that oesigns and produces ihe lrleiware nelwcrl( operating systen-i. nuffieric lrey'noeld /n.jri: ril:l'rL'lii:h.r:tji ncun C [/l 'iii*: sectioll cf a .omputer
i<eyiroaid thai irrciucies itty: 1ot eniering numerical ciigits {0-9) and mathernaticaI operatrlrs (+-,1)

network i' neiw:;:i.i noil ! C i i,2,:;,1+, 5,6.;7, 8,il,1.2,15,16,I7,'ii:,1'), 28 "z i.2'?,,74.i ;:


combination oi a tuntlei ol t*nrpuier:,

cable used in high speeci networks. lt enabies data signais to be transmitted using laser iight. opticai nreeiia i,nptilil 'n-ri.dlrl rroun U j 119 data stor;rge nra'Lerial that is writien to cr read irorn using laser {ighi &ft4{LE /'rr|ai<1/ noun U l22l a w*idety .....-, tLtdia5+. i-+-1...-,. llldlldgeineni 5ySIem ,J5t'L *5 iao es/ noun C i6l abbreviaiion for 0peratrng systenr O5 X ,'ri; cs 'teni noun U !25j versicn 10 oi r'pp!c t\4di:nLnsl- opererirrg




system. lt is a modular 0S ancl has a desktop with a 3-D appearance. lt includes support for UNIX-based applications as well as otder Mac


0S/2 /,oti es 'tu:/

mu lf

noun U [6] a

itasking desktop cperatin g :ysrtem for PCs that was marl<eted by IBM Outlook Express / ao,iitik iit',' nouii l17l a free graphicai intei-iace email progfam iniegrated into the Inter:ret

/'picrcti ,dcrtri noun I"l l17l extra data bits added to the end of units of data before transrnissicn and then checked and addeel after transmission to see ilthe data has arrived accurately Pascal /prus iticlr' noun U [5,21] a highlevel structu!'eij compuler lan guage
parity claia
named after the nratheniaiician Biaise Pascal. lt is often usetl in college cornputing coutses to teach programming. passwr:rd / pct:swu:clr noun C t16,1,2,16,19, 2{,21,1 a secret code used lo iontrol access [o a netwoll( system naste ipcrst/verb [21] io insert a copy of dar.a helci in a computer's rnemofy at a chosen pcsition

Explorer browser developed by ihe

Microsoft Corporation

output / aotf)(.i1,/ noun

U [2,8,21,23] ihF processed data or signals that cornr out of a computer system

F-franne ,/'pi: ll'eln,/ noun C lg,l tfre common n;tnle lor a predicled frame irr arr MPLG compressed file ilhotoshop l'lbotari{np,/ noun u l23l an image-editing computer pr0gram produced by Adohe Syste!ns Inc. physica[ layer / fizrkl ,lerr{r)/ noun C l11l the part cf a network communicaiions system that encodes the paclieis into the medium that rrrili carry them and sends the pacl(ets along thal. rnedium piconet /'pi:liarinct/ noun C [23] a se'r cf very small low power wireiess linl<s consuming only picoamps of elecirlcity

pA / pr:kaii:rrnpi noun C [23] abbreviation for picoamp. A unii of current. equal to a millionth of a millionth of an amp. (software) package i 'pirkrci,;/ noun C 16,1,2,16,221 an application program ol coltection of programs that can be used in different ways packet /'p."ehrt/ noun C Ii1,12,13] a fixed size unit of data prepared for transmission across a networl(. Messages are normally divided into
pacl(ets before transmission.

uatah lprr:ilT verb [18] to insert

plogramming code into a computei' piogrJnr lo {ix or rnodify il in sotric wav pa,rrtcad /'pcrlaodi noun C [18]the part oi a virirs that carries oul the threat such as disptaying a slogan on the




payrolI package /'pcrrci-rl ,pa:ktd7 noun C f8] a set of compuier programs used for calculating pay cheques PC /pi: 'si:i noun C [1,2,5,6,L7,19,21,2], 251 abbreviation for an IBM tyPe of personat computer FC-DOS i,pi: si: 'dos,/noun U [6] an operating system for desktop PC computers thai is similar to M5-D09 PCMCIA i,pi: si: ,cm st: at 'e/ noun U [2] a type oi irrterface for connecting credii-sized electronic upgrade cards to portahle computers. Devised by the
PersonaI Computer ltJlemory Card lnternational Association. PDA i,pi: cli: 'er,/ noun C [?,23] abbreviation for personal digital assistant. A smatI handheld computer providing a variety of tools for organising uvorl<, e.g. a calendar, to do tist, diary, address list, calculatcr, etc. pen-based compuier i,pen berst karl'pju:te(r)/ noun C [2,6] a smalt computer that has a pen input device instead of a keyboard Pentium i'penticrni noun C 12,17,251 a family of processors produced by the

[23] a method oftransferring data across a network by dividing it into packets and transferring the packets individuatly from node to node then putting the packets togelher again when they arrive at the destination page-description language /,pelc!
noun C [21]a type of programming language that uses tags to define the layout of a document, e.g. HTML is a pagedescriptir-rn language used to desigl webpages pager /'per$a(r)/ noun C [16,20i a small radio receiver which beeps to atert the wearer of messages or telephone calls. It displays the telephone number of the calter so the wearer can call back. Some pagers can disptay very short messages. Palm Pilot /'pc:rn ,parlet/ noun U [11]a popular handheld personal organizer produced by 3Com palm-size PC /,pc:m sarz pi: 'si:/ noun C [7] another name for a handheld IBM compatible computer palmtop (computer) / pc:mtnp/ noun C [16] a portabte computer that is small enough to be held in the paim of one hand. See handheld computer. pane iperni noun C [10] a subsection of a graphical user interface window

that are sei up between Bluetooth di vices when they are within :10 metres or'each other nig'gybacking i 'prgibrkni/ ncun U ilEl a corrpuler crime thal involves using another person's identification code or' using that person's files before he or she has logged off FIM ipuri/ noun C [B] acronym tbr personaI information manager" A computer program that provides a variety of ioois fcr organising wori<, c.g. a crlendar, to do list, diary, address list, caiculator, eic. PIN /prn/ noun C [16] an acronym for personaI identification number. A unique number used lly electronic syslems to indicate who a person is.



plctfo:nr/ noun

114,221 a

distinctive type of conrputer system that needs software to be writtetr specifically for it, e.g. PC, Apple Mac,

FiayStation /'plersterj'ni noun



drs'knpln ,le4gwr$i

games console developed by the Sony

pointer /'prrlte(r)/ noun

shaped cursor


an arrowU

polymorphisrn /,pnli'rlr:fr;lm/ noun

[21J a liev feature ot O0P programming

by which different objects ;an receive the same instructions but deal with them in different ways POP ipop/ noun U [12,13,14] acronym for post office protoco!

port /po:t/ verb

lntel Corporation periphera{ ipe'rrlaral/ noun C [2,x5,16, 231 a piece of equipment that is connected to I he centrai processittg unit of a computer system personal computer /,p:l:senl
kern' pjn :ta(r)i noun C 11,7,22,23,251 ar computer designed to be used bv one person at a time

16l to convert for use in another operating system or computer piatform

personal organiser,n:r:s)t), 'c:qonarze(r)i noun C [231 see

i 'pr:t ,r'epllkertc(r)/ noun [2] a device that connects to a portable computer to make it easier tc connect peripheral devices portable (compute$ /'po:t:bl/ ncun C [2] a computer thai is small and tight enough to be carried from place to place. lt can usuatty be powered bv batteries.

port replicator




post /po0sti verb ll2ltodispiaya

message in a computer newsgroup or bu[letin board post office protocol i,per-rst ,ntts 'preolekol/ noun U [13] a messageretrieval protocol used by many mail clients to get messages from a server. It oniy atiows you to download atl messages in your mailbox at once and worhs in 'pull'mode, i.e. the receiving PC initiating the connection. predicted frame iprr'drhtrd frcml noun C [9] a type of image frame used in MPEG compression. A predicted frame only stores the differences in the image compared to the previous I frame or P frame.

programming /'preric;rcmull noun U 15,2L,22lthe processes of writing a computer program using a computer


lri{rnt/ noun U i2,1Zl acronym for random access memory /'riemb.rrs,menari/

Rannhus memory

programrning language i' prooqrernu3

,izcqqwr(i/ noun C [:t] a computer ianguage used for \ryriting computer pr0grams protocol /'pleciLchnli noun
a set of agreed standarCs


pseudocode /'sjr-i:daohaodt noun C 12'l l a way of wriiing a desrription of a cornpute!'program using a mixture of natural language and ccmpuier
language code

presentation layer /,prezen'terJn lera(r)/ noun C [11] the part of a network communications system that ensures the message is transmitted in a [anguage that the receiving computer can interpret primary diskdrive /'prarmari drsk drarv/ noun C [17] the main disk drive in a computer. In a PC this is usuatty a hard disk known as the C drive.
Print Screen (key) /pnnt 'skri:n/ noun C [7,10] the computer keyhoard key that copies the current display screen image to rnemory or to the printer

public domain /,p,rbhk cir';nelti noun U [19] a condition in which there ir no copyright on a worl< such as a computer progfam allowing it t0 L:e freely copied and used public key i,p,* 'ki:/ noun C [18] a secret code the owner makes, available to 0thers so that they can encrypt messages they are sending to the
owner pubtic-l<ey cryptography /, p,tbhk ki: kup togrefil noun U [18] a methori of coding messages using public and private keys to prevent others ftom reading them

noun U [2]a fast memnry a!.chitectu!'e commonly l<nown as DRDRAM (or RDRAM) that is a possible future successor to 5DRAM. lt was originaily developed by Rambus lnc. random access mernory /,ncnd:lrl 'rclises ,rnernori/ noun U l2l a type of memory that can be accessed in any order. RAM is the main electronic memory of a personal computer and is used for storing the programs and data being used. raw data ilc: 'derta/ noun U [24j data that has not been processed RDBMS

i o: di: bi: em es/ noun C [22] abbreviation for rshf i6n6; database

management system. A database system thai links files together as req uired. RDRAM /,cr: di: 'nern/ noun U [2] abbreviation for Rambus riynamic random access memory. A new RAM technology capable of very high-speed transfer of data. See Rambus memory. real-time /'r'i:l tarm/ noun U 172,7-1,241 the immediate processing of computer data enabling interactive applications

printed circuit board /,pnntrd 'ss:krt br:d/ noun C [22] an electronic board

pull mode /'pril neod/ noun U [1]l type of communication where the receiving computer initiates ihe
co n nection

reboot /,ri:'bu:t/ verb [17] to restart

that holds and connects the

components of an electronic circuit


prrnte(r')/ nou n C 11.,2,5,6,1.7,21., output device used for printing the output of a computer on paper private key /,pralvat 'ki:/ noun C [18] secret code l<nown only to the owner that is used for encrypting and
/' 231 a common

pull-down menu /,pi-rl daun 'uen.1u:l noun C [14] a list of choices that appear be{ow a menu titie on a display screen rrvhen the user cticl<s on ihe
menu titte using a mouse push operation /'po.f npo rerJni noun [13] a communication where the sending computer initiates the
con nectio n

ciecrypting messages

procedural language lpre'si:clorsl

computer operatin g system record / rekr:d/ noun C [8,19,21j a section of a database made up of related database fields recorder (program) /n'kc:do(r)/ noun C [9] a computer program that altows the user to create theif own audio CDs with a writeable CD-ROM drive Recycle Bin /,ri:'sarkl brn/ noun U [7] the folder in Microsoft Windows operating systems where deleted files are stored redundant array of inexpensive disks

,lengwlSl noun C [5j a computer programming language that enables programs to be written using seciions of code known as procedures. Each procedure performs a specific task. processor /'pl'euseso(r)i noun C 12,7 ,11,17,23,2\ I the part of a
computer that processes the data

/rr,d,tndent o,rer ov,rnrk,spensrv radar /'rerdc:(r)i noun

[3,15] a system of using the reflection of radio waves to detect an object and determine its


program I'preogrrem/ noun

17,2,5,6,1.8, 21.,72,23,24,251 a set


instructions written in a computer language that controi the behaviour of

a compurer

radio button /'rerdiao ,blten/ noun C [13] one of a set of mutually exctusive options in a dialog box, i.e. the user can on[y setect one, causing the others to be deselected RAID /rerdi noun U [2,17] acronym for redundant array of inexpensive disks

drsks/ noun U [17] a storage system consisting of a set of hard disks that can be combined in different arrangements to store data in such a way that the data can be recovered if one or more of the disl<s fail reliable stream service /rr,larobl 'stri:rn
,ss:vrs/ noun U [12] a data management system provided by the TCP protocol to ensure that data is transferred across a networl< correctty. It structures and buffers the data flow, looks for responses, and tal<es action to replace missing data blocks. resident /'rezrclanti adj [6,18] is kept in

program l' prer iq ranr/ ve rb 11,,6,1,1,,1, 6, 20,21.,81fo write a set oi instructions for controlling a computer using a computer language programmer /'praogrema(r)/ noun C 14,
5,6,8,'18,19,21,22,2 5l a Person who

levei /'rerd levl/ noun

[17] a

particular arrangement of RAiD array

disl<s. Each RAID levet is given a

writes computer programs

number with higher numbers indicating more etaborate methods for ensuring a computer can recover from hardware errors. The best known are

the computer's memory

resistor irr'zrste(r)i noun C [12J an electronic component that reduces the

ftow of current in a circuit

to RAID 5.


resoiution r,rezc'iu:.ini noun

C 12,241a

rwho ./o: hu:r noun

measure of the quality oI a display screen in terms of the amcunt of graphicaI information that can he shown on the screen. This partly depends on the numLrer of dots make up the image. resolution protocol i,rczr,lu:.i r,

U [6] a Unix command for displaying a report of who is currently logged in to the local networl(

segrnent /'seqmanti noun

subdivision of data createo ny a neiwort( communications transporl

layer for whicfr a checksum rs

[11] a

serial i 'srarirl,r adi [241 designed to

sfw i

snf'tr,ve:,(r)1 noun U [22]

'protilaknli noun

U [12'] a set


standards for software useci wiih internal looir-up iahles in a TCPIIP networl( for routiirg data thfough a gateway between networlts restore in'str:(r)i verb 117,191 to put

abirreviation for software salami shaving tsr'io:nti ,.lelvlqr noun U IlBJ a compuler trime Lhat ittvoives manipulating programs or data so that small amottnts of money are deciucted from a large number of transactions or
accounts and accumutated elsewhere

transfer data sequentialiy, i.e. one rJata bit after ancther seriaI number /'srcri.:l,n.lmbr(r)/ noun
| 17lr number that uniquely toenitrles a product

data bacl'. into iis originai location reverse engineering hr, v3:s encfr'nrcrrqi noun U [24] to take an oblect apart to discover how it was originally designed and put iogether RF lo:r 'efi noun U [23] abbreviation for
radio frequency

SAP istep/ noun U [8,22] a widety used enterprise resource ptanning tool

serial port /'srer icl pr:ti noun C [12J tiie small connector at the back of the svslem unil oI a personal com,Jut?r that is used lo connect a seriai de, ice
such as a serial mouse or a moden. Two serial ports labelled C0Mj anrt
COM2 are usually provided oir a pC.

right click /rart'kirki verb [7,21] to

press and release the right-hand button on a mouse ring main /'rrq merni noun C [23] the main electrical supply circuit in a


save /servi verb [1.,10,15,18] to copy a progranr or data to a stolage device scan ir;lcreni verb [1,3,16,19] to copy text or graohics using a scanner scanner i 'slttno(r)r'noun C [2,3,19] an opticat input device that uses the refiection of light to coP\/ text or graphics into a comPuter (monitor)(display) screen /sliri:ni noun C
11,2,7,11,1 6,17,1.8,21,24,251 a

server / s::vo(r)i noun

rip /rrp/ verb [9] to extract songs from

CD and

turn them into WAV fites

ripper /'npa(r)/ noun C [9] a program that extracis songs from a CD and
turns them into WAV files noun U [6] a Unix command for deleting a file rmdir /,o:r' enr 'cLo(r)/ noun U [6] a Unix

rm /o:r' 'em/

computer outPut device used for displaying text and graphic images scroll /skraol'verb [16,17] to move through disPtaYed information smoothlY on the screen either horizontally or verticallY

C [6,8,,11,1i],11, 1,5.17,18,221a main computer that provloes a service on a networl< service tag number /,sl:vrs LtlJ ,n,rmha(r)1 noun C [17] a number used to identify a conlputer for malnrenance agreements session layer /'sc.[n ,lera(r)/ nor.ln C 111] ihe part of a neturork communications system that opens comrnunications and has the job of keeping straight the

communtcattons among all nodes on the network. lt sets boundaries for the beginning and end of a message and establishes whether the messages will be sent half-dupiex or ful! duplex. SGMI- /,cs d5i: em ,e1/ noun U [14] abbreviation for Standard Generalized Markup shareware /',[ecweo(r)/ noun U [15,19]

scrollbar /'skraolbo:(r)i noun

[14] the

and M5"DOS command for deleting


robot /' raobot/ noun C 11'6,21,23,241 a mechanicaI device controlled bY a


robotics /rorr'bntrksi noun

[23] the

study of robot systems rocket science /'rriktt ,satonsr'noun U [24] something requiring great inteltigence or technical ability ROM /rnm/ noun U [2] acronym for read only memory route /ru:t/ noun C [11,12] the path that is used to transfer data in a network route /ru:1i verb [9,11,12] to move data from node to node on a network

part of a graphical user interface window that allows the user to move through a document bY clicking or dragging with the mouse 5C5l /,cs si: es 'atl noun U [2] acronym for smalt computer systems interface. A standard way of connecting peripheral cievices to a Personal computer system. lt is often used to connect hard disks and CD-ROM drives
in server comPuters.



softv'rare that is distributed freely and

only paid for if the usef decides to



shelt /.feli noun

SDRAM /,es cli: 'riern/ noun U [2] abbreviation for synchronous dynamic random access memory. A type of fast
memory that uses a seParate clock signal in addition t.i the normal control signals. search engine i's:l:tl' ,end3rni noun C 11,6, 1.J,L4,15,231 a program designed to find information on the World Wide Web according to data entered by the user. Search engines are usuallY accessed from sPeciaI websites. $ector l'sekta(r')/ noun C [2,17] a formatted section of a circutar magnetic tracl< used for storing data on
a disk

C [6] a graphica[ user interface for an operating sysiem shell script /'Ie1 skrrpU noun C [22] a text file that contains a sequence of commands for a UNIX-based operating system. In D05 operating systems a shell script is called a batch file.

shift key i 'Jrti ki:/ noun

computer keyboard key that is heid down to produce uppercase letters


router /'ru:le(r)/ noun C [11,13,15,20] an electronic device that links different networl<s or parts of a networl<. lt
determines the path that a signal should take to reach its destination. rpm /,o: pi: em/ noun C [2] abbreviation for revotutions per minute rule /ru:l/ noun C [3] the name given to patterns found jn data wlren using
neuraI networks

sign up isarn ',,,p/ verb [12,14] to register with a service SimCity ismr'srtii noun Ll [18] a we[_ known 6s6pu1ur simulation game in
which the users control various aspects of running a virtusl city simpte. mail transfer protoca[ l,srntpl

merl trcnsls: ,pr:outo[pl/ noun


run /r^ni verb [5,6,17,18] to execllte

program, i.e. to get a program to process the data

seektime /'si:k tarnrr noun



amount of time taken by a disk drive to find a particular track on a disl<

[12,13] a set of standards for sencling email fronr an email ctient anri transferring email between servei computers on the Inrernet



simulation /,srmjo'lcr.ln/ noun



pfocessed by a compiler or translaioi

programmecl virtuai envirclnment ihat imitates a rea{ or plannerJ sYstem site isarti noun C 111,12,13,15.181 a common narne for a welrgite site map /'sart nr:cp/ noun C [14,151 a webpage that is ttsed t0 show 1.he overal[ layout of a website skin /skrn/ noun C l9l a comPuter program thai is used to change the interface of another program, t.g. to change the screen disp{ay on an MF3 ptayer pr0gram 5M band /es 'em bicncli noun U [2]l common name for the Industrial Scientific and MedicaI frequency band smart card /'srno:t kc:d/ noun C 11,3,19,201a plasiic card containing a processor and memory chip. lt can be used to store large amounts of confidentiat data. srnart card reader /'smo:t ktt:d ,ri:de(r)i noun C [19] a device used for reading smari cards smart device /'sma:t dr,varsi noun C [1] a device that contains an embedded processor ano mernory smart phone /'smc:t l'con/ noun C [24] a ielephone that contains an embedd"d processor and memory and can process data, e.g. translate English into German, Japanese and French in real time

to malqe ohiect coile or itsc itr a computer sXram isp:em/ ncun U f 12l unsolicited email sent to large numi:ers of people indiscriminately usuai{y aelvefiis;n.q of trying to sell a prociucl speaker /'spi:kr(r)/ n*un C 19,'i1l common term 1'or a loudspeaker. An output device lot pravii{ing sounci output. spectrilm analyzer / spclilrlnr ,ienolarz'.r(r)i noun C i9l an instrumeni that plots a gi-apti of ireouency parameters for a complete freqtroncy

for asynchronous iransmission whele data is sent one bvte (or character) al.

time statie earthing band

i streiili '3:0ll

brncli noun

[12]a sttip rrf material


splitter-based service i'spl rta bctst ,s::vlsl noun C [16] a DSL systern thai separates the data signal from the phone line as it enters a building and sends it to a DSL modem spc,ofing /'spu:li4i noun U [18] a computer crime that introlves tricl<ing a user into revealing confirlential information such as an access code or a credit card number spread spectrum /'sprcd,spekt.ranii noun U [23] a radiowave system that switches rapidly between dlfferent
frequencies in a frequencY band allowing a number of devices to share the same frequency band without interfering with each other

that is wound round the wrist of a repair technician and connected to earth to prevent the buitd up of static electriciiy which could destroY electronic components status bar / sterteri bcr:(r)/ noun C [10] a narrow band dispiayed across the hottom of a window in a Xilicrosoft Windr:ws appiication to display useful intormaiicrn for the user', e.g. number of pages in a document stealth virus /'stcl0 ,varres/ noun C [18] a type of virus that hides itself naking it hard to detect stop bit /'stnp brt/ noun C [11] a data bit that marl<s the end o1'a data blocl< in a neiwork transmission storage device /'str:rlr{i cli,vats/ noun C i2l a piece of equiPment used for reading from and writing to a storage

storage rnedium /'str:rl<!,mi:dionr/ noun C [L9] a material used for storing

programs and data

streaming /'stri:mr4/ noun


SMS /,es em 'es/ noun U [16] abbreviation for Short Message Service. A method of sending text messages that are 160 characters in length or shorter over a mobile phone. SMTP /,es em ti: 'pi:/ noun U [12,13] abbreviation for simple message transfer protocol

spreadsheet (program) /'spledJi:tl neiun C 15,6,8,1,6,171 a type of app[ication program with an array of cells that is used for calculating fortnulas SQL i,es l<ju: 'eli noun U [22] abbreviation for structured query language. A language used for
searching databases.

process of dowrlloading and storing the next part of a data signal white the first part is being used. In this way the data signal, e.g. an audio or video is fed to the slower destinafion device at
a steady rate.

string /strrr4/ noun

C [6,11] a series of data characters which can be a mixture of lelters or numbers striping /'strarpr4i noun U [17] a process

software /'snflwee(r)/ noun u

1L,2,5,6,L4, 77,18,1.9,21.,22,23,24,251 the programs and data used in a compurer

standalone /'slnndelcon/ adi 15,9j not

connected to a network standard generalized markup languago

where data is spread across atl drives in a RAID array rather than fitling up one rjisk with data before writing to the next disk in the anaY


software engineering / so{iweor enrftr,niartrl/ noun U [21]the discipline of designing high quatity software
so Iutions


[14] the complex

software house /'snl'tweo haos/ noun [25] a company that designs and
produces software

metalanguage from which both I-ITML and XMLwere created Start (button) /sta:t/ noun C [10] an icon on the bottom teft corner of Mir-rosofr Windows operating system'jesl<tops that allows the user to access programs and data and to close down

structured language /,slr,tlrtiad 'lieqgwrdS/ noun C [21] a comPuter programming [anguage that requires the programmer to write Programs made up 0f setf-contained units or

structured programming /,str,tl<{ad

software pirary /'snftwee ,patrasi/ noun U [18] a computer crime that involves unauthorised copying of a program for sale or distributing to other users soundcard /'saondko:d/ noun C [2,9] the electronic circuit expansion board in a computer thai is used to process audio signals and connecl to and controI a
microphone loudspeaker or headphone source code /'sr:s iraodl noun C l5l programming code that has to be

the system

start bit /'stcr:i brt/ noun

C [11i a data bit that marl(s the beginning of a data block in a networl< transmission Start menu /'sta:t ,rnenju:/ noun C [10] the tist of choices that opens up on the display screen when the user clicl<s the Start button in a Microsoft Windows desktop start-siop transmission /,sttl:t stt-rp tlelz'nr.fn/ noun C 111] anotirer name

'pr:ugriemr4/ noun U [21]the ptocess of writing a program using a structured programming [anguage subfolder /'s,tb,1'::ulda(r)/ noun C [10] a storage area that provides a subdivision of a folder so that stored fites can be organised into smalier
gfoups submenu /'s,lb,mcnju:/ noun C [7] a list of choices that is displayed when the user clicl<s on an item in a menu

9ui]-fieiw{rri! i"li,ti'r 1tq'1,,y1;l; ncltil [ i].;l l jpl{-ccntait)r:l p,:i-: t,i i t;ri ir.;

subpag I'11lr;,:g;iji, .1oun {. i l4 i i' we b pa ge t h a t gl vc : iu r-rit i: r' tj.;f infcrmlt!on ii;oitt r.-aft iri ihe infcrnraiion.:i-r a in;,:iil \"Je lr!.raIp

..r i i

5X&A i i:s cit:; rlt; 'ct, rior_rir LJ [2] ahbieviaiioii fcr supe r e;{iendd itrauhirs arrav. /{n j-qlli vider-, screen dispiav siandai-ri :;imiliii io SdGA ihat pfovrde.q 1 * i Llt.7 68 or iZ[i0X1i]24 pixri rr:.roiutirn r,riith trp i0 1ij.,; mlliion

T,{ ii j: 'clr noun C [16i ;lhi,.revia'iinrr ierminal adanier



li'1, : ;.litlit ii{lilil i.. " [27] a smali p,oqt,!ii, th.r, Dr]ricr :1,r. > spe.ific functiofl i:i:ti.i ir; pirt oi I irr!:rrr
r' srr


synch ilyte r' ilflii lliirl/ nOun C lj a -.;tafi. oi siop 'hii paii,.r'n that niarks the ireginning {)i'end oi' il iransrnitred data
utoa t(


subset / sr,bscti noun r. ijj a r,nrali gr,:rrp of reiated dai,a thai js pijr"i 0i i; l?i!-ei
sel of data

synchisnise i 'sr1k|Jrurzr verir i1.X,7i,2i: iLl ciruse ,lifferent processes

to occur at l.lre sarne l.ime

gilpercrimp{rter ' srt:irrkr0r,l.r jLIl,t( r i,r noun C [2,24i the most poweiiul rype of mainf ranre comDiller superset /'str:1-13511; norrn C [21.] a larger gloup of obiects thai inclLrde a :;malier
set of ohjects

synchr*nous /'srn k r.rnls,' ddi 12.17.12,

1. Iil occui:'irrg al regLriar inlervals and in step witl; oiher sysierns usuaiiy cr:ni.rollecj i:y an eler:1.ionic ciock circuil ssnthesiser,'' cni{)c,slirz-li l-)r noun C [9 i a r.levir.c that uses eicalroDic circirits to

superuisor {program) l'sri: p:rvu tzrr( r),' noun C [6] the most important program in the operating svstem. lt is residenl and contrOls the entire operaling system. lt ioads other operating sysiem programs into memory when ilrey are needed. support analyst lsr'l-]]:1 ,rnclrs1,/ noun C [22] a person who provides help to computer users by studying their requirements and designing svstem5 io provide for their needs support engineer /sa'pr:t enclr,nrc(;-),'
noun C [22,25] a professional who provides hetp for computer users by

Bcnerate souilds $v6tern trrus / rlrst:lur

ir^r.1,' noun C l2]the :et:l cf connecicrs that carfv signals

between svstem components such as f ilq nrocccsor and memorv in ., .:omputer

svstein {:ray ,/'srst;rnr tlcrr noun (17,rcla section at the fai rishi of a Microsoft Windows task bar that holds icons for the ciocl( and other prograrns ihaf run constantly irr the harkg,rounci sys{iems administrator /'srslalnz

a diliclr ucx hat is lsed ic si' beir/een .liflerenl sets oi data tah {key) i li,i;ri ni}un {- [/] thr: {nmprtef kevbcarC kev inat is used to rnovr: the curs.r 1.o ther nexl iahruiaiion point in a wordpror:essor so thai rlata 'rrogiam can be suaceci cven{rJ on the screen tag /ta:qr'nourr C [9,14i a lahel used in ;r markup language such as HTML. lt is atl.ached to a piece of iexX to rnark the start, 0r lhr, end of a particutar iu n ction. tape itcrp.' noun U [19] a magneiic storage mediurn comironly used ior storing backirp files tape cl-ranger l'tcrp ,ilcrntl.,:r(r)i noun '. i19l a backirp device that allows different magnetic taDes tn be used when tequirod during a bacl<up operation taskbar i 'tci:skhi::ir'),i noun [7,10] a M icrosoft llJincjows ciesktnn con"ponent thai indicates what Drograms are currently being used and allows the us;er to switch between them

tab /tu:i"r,incun t l8]


T(F i,l.i: si: 'pi:,/noun

lJ [12]

rcl,rnrnlstrertc(r)i noun


designing, bui{ding, and maintaining compuler svstems 5upport line is;r'pr:t [lrni ncun C [12] a ielephone line that can be used to get help with hardrrvare or soiiware pr0blems. 5ee helpdesk/heloline. support technician is:r'i'r:r:l tcli nr,liri noun C [22]a person who maintains and troubleshoots problems with
co m


perscn who maintains a multi-user a0mputer system systemS analysis ./ srsr t.-rnt1- ll, nleiasrs/ noun Ll [5,221 Ihe study of a sysien to deiernrine how it can be computerised sysfrns analyst .i 'srslalrz ,ilfioirst, noun C [21,22] a person who clesigns ci modifies inicrmaiion systems to !-neet Lrsers' requirem0nts. ThiE inciudes investigatin,., feasibility and cost-Drociucing documentaiion and testing pratotypes oi the system,

abbreviaticn for transfer control nrotocol. A part oftire TCP/lP protocoi used on the Internet.

TCF/IF /,ti: si: pi:


ni:i noun U[12,22i


to browse webpages on lhe Intcrnel in an

is:::17 115,231


systems manager


C 120,221 a

,micnrdir(r)i noun
systerns pro,gram


unp{anned way $rrrge protector l' :i:t: ci1 pr';r, tok f .r( i)/ noun C I19l an electronic device that 0rotects equipment from damage due to sLrdden high vottage or current in the power supply SVGA l,cs vi: tlii: 'eri noun U [2j abbreviation for super viCeo graphics ,irrav. A video screen dispiay srandaid iirat provides n74X768 or 1280X1C24 pixei resohrtion with r.rp io 16.7 miilion

who manages a compuier syste!-n

/ sofiware ,/ lrst;Inz

,l)roorliiem.,snlinel{ r')i aoun f/tJ

15,6,21,2'il a program cr set of programs that is uscci to contioi the basic functions ci a computer system, e.g. operatins system programs tystems programmer I

abbreviation for iransrrission control protccoli Intefnel prctoco{. The official sel. cl'standards for delernrining the form of the sigi:a!s used for ii:ansriil.fing oaia on the lnternot. teehncphobic il*lirrr'leriirrkr' adi l2a1t having a fear Lri strcng distike oi technology and technoiogical ricrrices telecomms ,"tclil<lnrzi noun iJ [24j common ierm lcr telecommunications tetecommunieations L, ielrkamjr,r:nt'kerJ nzl noun | 15,221 branch of technolngy concerned with communicat!ons over iong disiances tsled0mmunieations engineer r,lcli k rntir-r :ri r'kel,f nz, n re(r)/ noun C [25]a person uiho worl<s with
systems roncerned \fflth communications o'rei long distances teiecommute iielik:1 nr.iu:i/ verb [1]to cornmunicate wiih ycur office by compuler, telephone and fax while working a distance ircm ycur office, e.!i. at home telephony ltr'lelirnii noun U l15l thr science of audio communiral.ioL: through electric devices. lt r.ammonlii refers to software thai wilr rttake ;l romputer act like ir ielePhone.



prrrr rq ru:me( r')/ nou n C 121.,22J

per:,:n who strecialises in writing systens software suclr as operating

svstem pragram5 slrstems programming /'sr:rt3nrz ,llr.r{)qricnrnlr noun l.l |22I1.hc writing of systems program5

swipe card /'su'utp lio:rl' noun C [2] piastic card with a magnetic strip rut'lning ac!'oss it containing confidential data




teleworking ,/'teliw::krri' noun

U {241


process of working at home while communicating with your office by computer, telephone and fax. See telecommute. teller machine /'tela rlc,Ji:nr noun C [25] a machine used for taking payments in large shops and suoermarkets telnet ,''telneti noun U [12] acronym for teletvoe network. An lnternet service that atlows a user to conne.t to a multi-user server using a computer as

unlike the normal desktcp case that sits flat on a desk under the monitcr track /tricki noun C [2[ a iormatted circular magnetic stcrrage area on a conrputer disl< traffic /'tlzefii<i noun U l1i.i6l the volume of signals or data ihat p;;sse:; ihrough a network sysrern transaction processing

ccmputer reads text to the user using a speech synthesiser, tuned itlu:nd,'adj [11] set to xperate on the same frequency TV (set) lti: 'vt:i noun C 11,16,23,241 abbreviation for television. A tetevision set is the actual teievision devicer used for displaying the video signals.


twisted-pair (cabling) /,twtstrd'pca(r')"

noun u [11,16] a common type of network cable that uses two wires turisted together to reduce interference from external signals typesetting I'iarpsetrq/ noun U [6] preparation for printing

,pt:roscsltl/noun ii lTil tne processing

of computer transaction,c by updating

the computsr file as



tal<es place rather than storing them


terabit /'terohrt/ noun

[23] a unit of storage capacity equal to 1 009 511


627 776 bits terminal /'ts:nrnali noun

[11] a

until tater to be processed as a batch C [23] a solid state electronic switch or amplifier transmission control protocol

transistor /trren'zrsta(r)., noun

network device used to input and output data (usuatly a basic computer) terminal adapter /'ts:mmsl l,dacpta(r)i noun C [16] a device for connecting an ISDN system to an existing telephone
lin e

/lricnz,mrJn ken,trrol'prlotckoli
noun U [12] a set of standards for the de!ivery of error-free data in communications beiween coinputers. It comes into operation once a data pacl(et is delivered to the correct Internet address and application po: t, It nnanages the communication exchanges and provides reliable stream service by structuring and buffering the data flow looking for responses and taking action io replace missing data blocks. transponder /trcns'ponde(r)/ noun C f23l a device that responds io received coded radio signals by automaticaily transmitting a different coded signal

UDP i'ju: di: pi:r noun U [12] abbreviation for user datagram

undo 1,,rn'clu:l verb [10] to restore a file

to the condition it was in bofore the
iast change was made

text editor l'tekst ,edrta(r)i noun C [6] a computer program fcr editing basic data or program text, i.e. like a basic wordorocessor TFT disptay 1,ti: ef 'ti: dr,sple/ noun C [2] abbreviation for thin film transistor display. A type of LCD screen display commonly used in portable computers. It uses a separate transistor to control
each pixel on the display.

unencrypt i,nnen'krtpti verb [18i to

remove the encryption from a file uniform resource locator I,ju:nrf:r:m i'r'zi):s lor.),ker1o(r)l noun C [13] the unique address of a webpage uninterruptible power supply /,rlnnlta,r^ptebl 'paoo so,piari noun [1 9] a battery backup system that automatically provides power to a computer when the nornral etectricity source faits

thin client /'Orn ,klarent/ noun


a low-cost centratly-managed basic

computer with a keyboard and display screen processor and memory but no CD-ROM drive, floppy disk drive or expansion slots, e.g. a NetPC or a network computer (NC) third-generation GSM /,0::d Sene rcrJn ,rhi: es 'erni noun U [23]the third generation ofthe Gtobat System for Mobile communication standard. lt is the standard for mobile users around the world. throughput / [)ru:pilt/ noun U [17] the amount of data that passes through a system in a given period of time

transport layer /'tro:nsp;r:t lera(r)i noun C [11] the part of a network communications system that protects the data being sent. lt subdivides the data into segments and creates checl<sum tests. lt can also make
bacl<up copies of the data.

universal mobile telecommunications

system /,iu:nrvs:sl,nra(Jbatl telika,rniu:r'u'kellnz,srstemi noun

trapdoor /,triep'dr:(r)/ noun


toggle-box /'toglboks/ noun


screen icon in Windows Explorer that opens or closes a folder to show or hide its subfolders when the user cticl<s on it using a mouse tooltip /'tu:ltrp/ noun C [7] a label that aDpear on the screen when the user holds the rnouse pointer over an icon in a Microsoft Windours system topology /to pnloQi,'noun C [5,L1] the physical layout of a network tower chassis /'tau-r ,.[lesi., noun C [2] a personal computer case that stands on end and can be placed on the floor

technique used in a computer crime that involves leaving within a completed program an itlicit program that allows unauthorised - and unl(nown * entry Troian (horse) /'trat-rdSoni noun C [1.8,20] a technique used in a compuier crime that involves adding concealed instructions to a compuier program so that it wilt still worl< but will also perform prohibited duties. In other words it appears to do something useful but actually does something destructive in the background. troubleshoot /'tr^bllu:ti verb [22] to find and fix faults in a system

[16j a third-generation, broadband, packet-based communications system based on the Giobal System for Mobite (GSM) communication standard. lt provides the same services including the transmission of text-digitised voice video ana multimedia to mobile computef and phone users throughout the world. Unix /'iu:nrksi noun U [5,6,13,14,21,22, 251 a popular multi-user multiiasking operating system originally designed for mainframe computers. A wide variety of versions exist.

update 1',tpdert/ noun

C 15,15,22)a change that provides the latest version update /,.tp'de:itl verb t\,75,221 to bring

troubleshooter /'tr,tbl,{u:ta(r)l noun

[22] a person who finds and fixes faults in a system TTS i ti: ti: 'esi noun U [7] abbreviation for text to speech. A system where a

up to date, i.e. to change into the latest version upgrade /',rpqlerdi noun C [2] a change that improves the features or performance of a system upgrade /,,rp' qrerd/ verb 12,5,6,16,221 Io add components to improve the features or performance of a system



upload /,^p'leodi verb [5,16,24]to c0py

a file from a client compitter to a server

in a network

UFS /,irL: pi: 'esl noun

[2] abbreviation

for uninterrupiible power supply upstream /',tpstrr:rr/ noun U [16] the signal path for receiving communications from a client computer to a server iir a networl< URL /,ju: c:r 'el,r noun C[9,1,j,20,22] abbreviation lor unifcrm (or universal) resource locator Usenet /'ju:zneti noun U [12,20] an Internet sen/ice that allows users to communicate by means of newsgroups

videoconferencing /,vrclieo 'konfarensrqi noun U [1,24] a form of communication over a network that uses video cameras so that ihe people taking parl. can see and hear each other virtual,/'.rs:tfo cit adj 1.7 2,23,2h1 computer-simulated enabling the user to expef ience something without needing its piiysical presence virtual reality I va:fl'orl r.i':elatii noun U [12] a simulated three-dimensional environment that surrounds l.he user
and is generated by a computer

standards for allowing users to send emails and access information inctuding video transmissions from the lnternet on a mohile phone. WAV iwltvi noun U [9] an audio file

format wavetable system

i wervterbl,srsiern,i

noun C [2] a svstem used in some soundcards for more accurately creating the sound of real musical instruments bv reproducing a wide frequency range irom a small nLrmirer of originalsamples
Web address i

user /'ju:za(r)/ noun C 11.,5,6,L8,27,2Z,

23,25lthe person using a computer user datagram protocol /"ju:zo derteglarn 'prootahol/ noun U [12]

virus /'varrcsi noun

[1,8,10,1 1,15.17,

1,8,19,201a program written with the purpose oI causing damage or causing a computer to behave in an unusual way

'web c,dlesi noun C [5,13,20] the Internet address of a webpage /'web r]r vclape(r]i noun

Web developer

[22] a person who is employed to Ireate websites


set of stanciards for creating a data address in a TCP/iP message. lt is used to indicate what application the message is supposed to contact ancl provides the final routing for the data


i varos


verb [10,15]to

within the receiving system. user-authcntication system /,ju:zer

checlt for viruses VIS lvrzi noun U [2] abbreviation for viewable image size. The actuaI size of the image that can be seen by the user on a computer display screen"

mai[ /'rveb meil/ noun Li [13] an type of email thai is accessed fi'om webpages


server /'we b ,sa:vo(r)r noun C l13l a server computer that stores and provides access to websites

VisuaI Basic l,vr3ciel 'bersrki noun

12L,22l a gen era l-p

c:,0enh'kerJn ,srstam/ noun

C [1BJ a

system that identifies users. This can be done using digital certificates.

rpose programming language with


username /' ju:zenerm/ noun C [19] the network account nante assigned to a particular user utitity (program) iju:'tuleti/ noun C [6,25]
a program included with an operating

graphical interface. lt is particutarly suitable for use by beginners learning how to program. visualisation technology /,vr3i_relar zer.fn tek'noloSi/ noun U [24] systems and devices used to create a viriuai reality
environ ment

/'web sperst noun U [12,14j disil storage space on a web seryer used for slrring webptges Web (the) /web/ noun U 1L,5,7,1.?-,1.1,14,
Web space

75,1.6,78,18,19,20,22,23,24 "251 common name for the World Wide Web Webmaster / webmo:ste(l)i noun C 11,4,221a person who administers a Web server

system that can perform useful common routine tasks or

housel<eepin g operations, e.g.

webpage / welrper*. noun


VMS /,vi: em 'es/ noun U [6] an operating system used by DEC

16,77,1.3,74,1"5,16,17,21",221 a

formatting disks or copying files UTMS /,iu: ti: em es/ noun U [16] abbreviation for U niversal MoLiile
Telecommunications System

hyperlinked document in a web

networl( system

V /vDlti noun

[23] abbreviation for volt,

the international unit of votl.age VB /vi: 'bi:/ noun U [22]abbreviation for

Visual Basic VCR /,vi: si: 'c:{r)i noun C [1] abbreviaiion for video cassele recorder

/,vi: di: 'ju:i noun C [2] abbreviation for visual display unit.

Another name for a computer moniior.

verify /'verr,lirr/ verb [11] to checlt for

accu racy

minicomputers vaice /r,orsi noun C [2] a stored musical instrument sound sample used to produce realisiic music output in a wavetable soundcard voice clip i 'r,ors klrpi noun C [21] a short sound recording of the human voice voice recognition /'vo1s rekeg,ndn/ noun U [7,19] a system that can respond to words spoken by a human being voice synthesis /'vcrs sln0esrs,/noun U [24] the generation of a humansounding voice using etectronic circuits voice synthesiser i 'vcrs ,srnOesatzo(r.)/ noun C [24] an electronic device that generates sounds that represent the human voice

web-ready appliances protocol

[?31 a

redi e ,plararrsiz 'plrotakoli noun

set of standards for enabling


domestic appliances to be connected

to the Web and to comrnunicate with each other website /'websart/ noun C [1,5,8,12,14,
'15,16,1.7,'1,8,20,21,23,251 a set of related pages on the World Wide Web

wildcard I'warldko:di

nor_rn C

[13] a

symbol used in computer commands

and for searching databases. lt represents any character or combination of characters. e.g. using an asterisk searching for *ed would find all words ending in ed. window i 'wrnriau/ noun C lZl a rectangular screen area containing a program folder or file in a WlMp system

video /'.ndieoi noun

U [2,9,16,17]

signais containing picture information video {cassette) reeorder /'vrciier-r lr kr:c1e(r)/ noun C [16,23] a clevice for recording video signals onto magnetic tape cassettes video memory /'r'rdied ,meilen,/ nOUn U

VR A:i: 'o:(r)/ noun ior virtuat reaiity

U [23] abbreviation

(Microsoft) Windows /'wlndaozl noun

wallpaper /'wc:lperpa(r)i noun

[9] the

12,6,1.2,1.7,79,22. 251 a graph ica I user

bacl<ground graphics on a Microsoft

l2l the memory used to store graphics

data on a graphics card


Windows desktop iwrpl noun U [16] acronym for wiretess application protocol. A set of

interface operating system front-end to MS-DOS developed by the Microsoft Corporation. lt has been gradua{[y developeci into a full operating system.




Windorrys Explorer,i,wrnrieriz

rk'sph:rr{r)/ noun

i9l a Mictosoit Windows progrdrn i.h;rl allaws ihe usel


cache and nct to main rnsrnary. Carhe eniries thai hav+ chang.*C are fiagg.rri as'dirty'tr:liing the iache lontroilei tir

to see the files and foiders on ail the disks attached tfi the {ompufei. lt can
ire used for generai hoilsekeePlng

wrtll ilteir

(onipnl.:, t,'ri1 i,, ,I,L' ilemory hefore usirrg the spaee tc


such as moving or cleleting files. Wiildows fi6edia Flaver /, vvtntjaoz 'nri:tli: ,plcrc(r')/ noun U [9] a lt-{icrosoft \tVindows plograrn for rriaving multirnedia files including audic and

aache ne\/ daia. 'u,,rite-through cache noun

C t21

i;rl i)iir:


a buflet st,rirr:l syslerr where the processor rnriiies ciireciiy 1r iroth the cache ilncl mairi nre mory;ii ihe same iime





l.j r

ri,r ir ij *



u i,.

wipe (a disk) /warp/verb [1Bl to delete ali the fites stored on a disk wirelessly l'warolasli/ adi [23,l using radio signals withoui the need for conneciing wires or cables WffiL l,d,tbl .ju: enr 'el/ noun U [15] abbreviation for wireiess marl<up
language. A language simiLar to HTML used for designing webpages suitable for mobile phones. {l\4icrosoft) Word /w:r:d/ noun U [1,10.22] a uridely-used wordprrtcessing Drttsrdtrl developed by the Microsoft Corporation. lt is a conrponent of ihe

[12] abbreviatian it;r the Worid 'ilitic Web. The ;nie insf iavice usec! for connecting to multiineCir wchpages.

X (windowimg) {system} b[si n*LIn a windowing sv.clsm ilscd uri'ii!



different versions r:ri Unix X"25 i',t:lrs ,1.wenti 'iarv/ nnIn



i12] llie

ic {J ir i,: n pa c!'.el " svrritclrin g data com municationg 5t.tndard ior crinnet liltg io,1;11giar', 33ri nternatio

I Te [e graph

a public net\ruor!{

Microsoft 0ffice pat:kage. wordprocessing i,w:l:d prottsesttl/ noun U [5,6,25] the process of tYPing and editing text using a wordprocessor wordprccessor i,w::d' proltsese( r)/ noun C [16,18j a type of comPuter application program used for typing and ediiing texi documents worl<station I'wa:ksterJn/ noun C [2,6,22] a powerful desktop computer used by Dower users fcr rrrrorl< thai requires a lot of processing, e.g. graphic dosign tfJortd Wide Web (the) /,wr:id ,r'vl rd

XfiA i,lks cili: 'er/ ncurr


abbreviation for extendecl grath!cs array. An IBM dispiav 5.creen Eianclaf{l witlr a resolution of roz4X758 pixels and up t0 5i,535 eoiours xMf- /,clis em 'el/ noun lJlT'1'4'1i''2i' 2ii,25l abbre'riation for exien!ible
nrarkr:p language

Yahoe /.jt:'hu:/ noun U 115,201 the name cf a pcpiLiar Internet search engine website

'webl noun

U 17,11,2A,2?l an

information service on lhe lnternet tilat allows document pages to be accessed using hyperlinks WORIVI /w:r:rri noun U f 19l acronym for write once read rnany. A standard for optical stofage devices that onlY altows daia to be recorded on to a particular opticai disk once but aliows the data to be read flom the disl< over and over again. lt is commonty used for
archiving data. WRAP /rrp/ noun U [23]acronym tor Web-ready appliances protocol. A set of communicaiions system standards that enable rareb-conrrecteri appliances to communicate.

writable CD'ROSl drive /,rartobl si: di: 'r'nnr dlarv/ noun I ill j a compact disi< drive that altows the usef tc write data onto a CD as weii as tead data sfored
on the CD write-hacl< cache i ritrl blti: ,kii:.f/ noun r[2j a brifer storage systeri where the pro{essor wrlier cnalrqes ')'llV to I hP


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