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The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Because you deserve the best without spending years to find it!

Limits of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: As a Life Coach, Medical Intuitive, and self-described Lazy Raw Foodist, I have helped many clients, students and friends integrate a raw diet with the rest of their lives; however, I am not a medical doctor or licensed nutritionist. I offer ways to make a raw food diet take less time and effort, and nothing in this book constitutes medical advice. Before embarking on any major dietary change, I recommend you contact a trusted medical advisor or nutritionist who can follow-up with any necessary testing or support. Realizing such people are difficult to locate, I offer tips for finding raw-friendly healthcare providers, but I disclaim all liability for loss or damages. Please enjoy this book as it was intended: a fun, slightly irreverent guide to support major aspects of your own raw food journey.

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2 About the Author 4 About the Cover Image 5 Acknowledgments 6


Defining a Raw Food Diet 7 Finding Your Why 8 Finding Your Way 11 Good Lord, Thats a Pricey Blender! 22 Excalibur! 25

8 Food Combining Rules for Raw Foodists 28 Sneaky Ways to Get More Greens 32 The Great Pretenders 35

Short Cuts to Get You Glowing 41 Raw Foodists and Rotten Teeth 45 Cacao or not Cacao 49 Superfoods 52 Deficiency or Excess 63 Food Poisoning 74

Detox Basics 78
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On the Fast Track 82 But I Worked through that Years Ago! 89 Skeletons in the Closet 95 Vulnerability 99 Help, Im Suddenly Psychic 102 Stagnation 107 I Love My Attitude Problem! 110 Bless Cooked Partners of Raw Foodists 115 Finding Raw Friends 120 How to Locate Raw-Friendly Health Care Providers 122 Attracting the Resources You Want or Need 126

PART 2: SUPER LAZY RECIPES TO SUPERCHARGE YOUR DAY 130 Recipe Table of Contents ......... 131

PART 3: SUPER LAZY BONUS SECTION 188 Listing of Raw Restaurants, Delivery Services & Potlucks ................... 189 Personal Chef Services .................................................................. 191 Mail Order Raw Food Treats ........................................................... 192

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About the Author

Photo by Stephen Bruno

Laura Bruno is an Intuitive Life Coach, author of If I Only Had a Brain Injury, and Reiki Master Teacher whose articles, classes and sessions have helped thousands of people make gluten-free vegan and/or raw vegan diets work for them. A Medical Intuitive who specializes in medical mysteries, Laura has long recognized diet as a key factor in healing and creating a vibrant life. Laidback, friendly, and time-stretched herself, Laura began following a raw diet in late 2004 when she provided early reviews of Alissa Cohens thennew book, Living on Live Food and the first book by the Boutenko twins, Eating without Heating. In search of an extra three hours per day to devote to writing, Laura gradually committed to the phenomenal energy of a 95-100% raw vegan diet. (Her first novel actually includes some raw vegan themes and characters!) Laura has lived and traveled all over the continental U.S., giving her first-hand knowledge of raw/vegan challenges in diverse locales. She also works with people internationally and finds diet often becomes relevant while coaching writers, artists, healers, entrepreneurs and other visionaries. Many of Lauras clients and friends find themselves craving the consciousness and energy of raw food, but they dont have time to learn all the ins and outs of their new lifestyle. Laura finally responded by creating The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide. Heres to your fun, health and success!

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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About the Cover Image

This 2004 drawing of the Tree of Life by visionary artist Tania Marie jumped out at me as the perfect cover image for The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide. I love how the figure faces out or in, depending on your perspective, and I love how the arms stem from shrugging shoulders or hands openly receivingagain, depending on your perspective. One persons lazy is anothers effortless abundance. Same appearance with an alternate experience and meaning! Tania Marie is a raw foodist who inspires and uplifts with her heart and gorgeous paintings. She also leads spiritual journeys to Egypt and other sacred lands. You can visit her at the 2008 Raw Spirit Festival, other venues, and her website,

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I would like to offer thanks to all the wonderful contributors to The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide, including: Matt Amsden, Anthony Anderson, Meredith Baird, Cecilia Benjumea, Alissa Cohen, Jennifer Cornbleet, Angela Elliott, Karen Knowler, John Kohler, Tania Marie, Sarma Melngailis, Heidi and JS Ohlander, Chris and the Purely Raw folks from the UK, Shazzie, Cherie Soria, and Tera Warner. Your recipes, spirits and dedication to spreading a raw glow around this planet inspire me and so many others! Special thanks to Cecilia Benjumea of for her spontaneous raw meal invitations, Sonoma County potluck, sweet and contagious enthusiasm, web design, and trips to nearly every farmers market in Northern California! Youre the best raw neighbor I could possibly imagine. Love and enormous thanks to my ever-supportive husband, Stephen Bruno, who indulges my sweet tooth and writers hours, pushes me just hard enough, and always makes me smile. Your compassion and creativity make this world a brighter place.

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Defining a Raw Food Diet

Anyone who spends even a few hours reading raw blogs, books or websites will find that no single raw food diet exists. Some people eat uncooked meat, dairy and eggs. Others eschew anything but fruit dropping naturally from its tree. Some folks follow an 80-10-10 (high carb, low fat and low protein) ratio, while others lose weight and gain energy gorging on coconuts and almond butter. Some people live on as many greens as possible but allow occasional treats like popcorn or steamed brown rice. Weve also got gluten-free raw vegans, and those who eat uncooked sprouted grains, including wheat. Some people start their day with warm (not boiling) Yerba Mat. Others swear by green smoothies or chocolate shakes. Agave has replaced honey for vegans, but now we learn that neither meets truly low-glycemic goals. Sakes Alive! Whats a Lazy Raw Foodist to do? This e-book does not claim to offer one, all-inclusive, unchanging answer, because if such a thing exists, I suspect its bigger than a prescribed percentage of cooked versus raw (or greens, fruit and fat). Rather, this ebook helps you to navigate a sometimes complex and highly individual journey. You can find your own way more quickly and efficiently when you know where to look and which questions to ask.

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Finding Your Why

Just because Im a raw foodist doesnt mean I want to become a gourmet chef. --Steve Pavlina, author, speaker and legendary blogger

Your why comes before your way. In fact, your why comes before anything! Before we go any further, take a moment to define your why. Why did you decide to read this book? Why do you feel drawn to explore raw foods? Finding your why makes any journey easier and more direct. When you know your why, you can more clearly weigh your options. When you know your why, you can better handle distractions and temptations. When you know your why, you can dead reckon your way. Wikipedia defines dead reckoning as the process of estimating one's current position based upon a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known speed, elapsed time, and course. I first learned about dead reckoning from a helicopter pilot whose GPS malfunctioned. He explained that if you know where youve been and you know where you want to go, then you can find stopover points along the way. You can take shorter journeys and reassess the progress on your longer journey each time you pause. As long as you have a clear idea of where youve been and at least a vague idea of where youd like to go, then you can hop, skip and jump your way to your destination. Does dead reckoning always work? Well, that depends on your perspective! Christopher Columbus intended to reach India and dead reckoned his way to America instead. Miscalculations of his estimated speed led him somewhere completely unexpected, but he got there by following what he viewed as his intended course. Mistake or inspiration? I wonder how many great discoveries happen by accident. In exploring your why, you do not need to pick a final, unchangeable answer right now. It just helps to know your current motivation. You can change your why or correct course at any stopover points along the way.
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Perhaps you initially choose raw food for health reasons. Maybe you suffer from chronic fatigue, cancer or fibromyalgia and have heard stories about the miracle raw food diet. Or maybe an intuitive spark just says, Do this, and dont ask questions! Youll see why later. In that case, you still have an initial why: youre following your intuition. As a Medical Intuitive, I would say thats one of the greatest whys you can ever have! I had mostly recovered from a disabling brain injury when I chose raw. Id gone vegan in 2003, but in October 2004, it suddenly seemed as though raw food signs popped up everywhere I turned. In retrospect, these nudges had happened for years, but I finally noticed them while working at a metaphysical center in Sedona, Arizona. On two slow work days, I devoured Gabriel Cousens Conscious Eating, and this time, some of those seeds began to sprout. My brain felt incredibly bright and hungry inside, and I quickly consumed and reviewed books by Alissa Cohen and the Boutenko Family. We moved to a less veg-friendly town, but I stuck with it. At the time, I wanted freedom, and that remains my primary motivation today. Freedom? Yes, I wanted to be free! I felt it, but I could not explain how a raw lifestyle would liberate my soul. I just knew it would. After leaving Sedona, I spent six months following a 100% raw vegan diet in a meateating, back-woods town in Northern Arizona. I ate what paltry organic greens and cucumbers I could find and lived on way too many unsoaked almonds, bananas, dates and orangesbut I could taste the freedom! We moved to Lake Tahoe, and things shifted again. For a couple of years and many moves, my diet remained vegan, and usually high to 100% raw. Because I knew my why, I let freedom lead the way. When I wanted to write travel articles, I allowed myself to eat cooked vegan meals in restaurants. When I wanted enhanced clarity for my intuitive practice, I returned to very high raw eating. When I wanted to free up three hours per day to finish my first novel, I re-committed to 95-100% raw vegan foods. Without cooked food in my system, I need three fewer hours of sleep per night. Those extra twenty-one hours per week have allowed me to finish and publish my first book, If I Only Had a Brain Injury, research and continue writing my novel, publish over twenty-five health and personal growth articles, teach natural healing classes and double my coaching practiceall with a sense of play.
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If I cant manage to make it fun, then I dont do it. My husband calls me the hardest working lazy person hes ever met, and hes absolutely right! When I love something, I throw myself headfirst into the waters and splash and swim and play to my hearts content. Well, I love raw food! Not because it healed me. Not because I lost 200 pounds. I love raw food because it gives me freedom to pursue the other things I love. I never forced myself to stay raw, because that would have gone against my why. Restriction, deprivation: those dont jive with freedom. But Im not you! If you have cancer that only disappears when you eat strictly, or you know cooked food sends you on a binge that lasts for months, then your why might lead you to a very different way than mine. Thats OK. In fact, its more than OK. Its imperative, because its your journey. Know your why for right now. Why do you want to learn about raw foods? Why do you want to eat this way? When you know your why, you will be able to find your way.

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Finding Your Way

Your way depends upon your why. I cannot prescribe your way, but I can point to potential paths, offer travel details and give you a brief lay of the land. Lets start with an overview of popular raw paths. This e-book format allows you to link directly to recommended resources, should you decide to investigate them further. If you like what you see and experiencegreat explore that path. If not, rest assured, you have plenty of other options!

80-10-10: Dr. Doug Graham, a well-respected raw pioneer, originally developed these raw food guidelines for athletes and others looking for peak performance. Essentially, he advocates eating 80% of calories as carbohydrates, 10% as protein and 10% as fat. I know some raw folks who swear by this lower fat approach, although many others find it difficult or impossible to maintain. Most raw diets feature much higher fat content, which can either sap energy levels or provide a sense of grounding and stability. I personally feel unbalanced by soaring and crashing blood sugar if I eat too much fruit without higher fat and protein; however, I have never officially tried the 80-10-10 program. Recall that my why demands freedom, so even with stable blood sugar, I would likely opt for a less restrictive diet. I love gourmet raw food, and most of it grossly exceeds 10% fat, which would leave it out of reach. For me, thats a deal-breaker. As a Lazy Raw Foodist, I dont want to count percentages or need to prepare all of my own food. If someone wants to feed me homemade raw coconut soup and living lemon meringue pie, I wont likely turn them down! Were all individuals, though, so see how you feel. Athletes who burn a lot of calories often love this program. Whether you subscribe to the concept or not, Doug Grahams program offers some terrific information for all raw foodists. You can even order nutritional and calorie charts of common raw foods to calculate your own optimal percentages based on how you feel with your current diet.
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100% Raw: Very few people actually follow long-term 100% raw diets. Because of unknown origins of some condiments or supplements, many more people follow a 95% - 100% raw diet. Dr. Gabriel Cousens has shared in numerous places that he does not notice a difference in blood work or vitality among those last few percentage points; however, others note a major difference in energy, mental clarity and spiritual awareness. In Raw Success, Matt Monarch and Dr. Fred Bisci advocate total exclusion of certain ingredients, noting that even occasional cheating will keep people from reaching the next level. If you feel inclined to commit to 100% raw, you might want to read Raw Success, because it shares the positives and some surprising negative impacts of that choice. People whose diets contain anywhere from 80-100% raw foods often use the term high raw to describe themselves. The classic Prescription for Natural Healing, recommends 80% fresh, raw foods as optimal, and many people do find this a nice balance. Unfortunately, it takes effort to calculate percentages, and someone could technically continue to eat Big Macs on a high raw diet! As a result, many people add a disclaimer like, Im 95% raw, but I sometimes eat a little miso, or Im 100%, except I eat corn chips once a month, or, I WISH I was a raw foodist. I tried, and I made it for a week at 100%, but then I ate a pizza and it was all downhill from there. Boy, did I feel great that week, though! Id like to get back there someday. Percentages can backfire, in that they imply some sort of grading system with a perfectly attainable score. This has created a lot of shame, embarrassment and dysfunction both internally and externally in the greater raw community. I suggest either ditching the idea of percentages, or using it as a tool for your own convenience. For example, one advantage people do find while eating 100% raw as opposed to, say, 80% raw is that it takes the complications and cravings away. Some people find they can resist cooked food if they never taste it, but one nibble reawakens any addictive tendencies. For these people, eating 100% raw makes life easier and more enjoyable, because they know how to control themselves without cooked food. For other people, eating a little cooked food makes life easier and more enjoyable, because they have more social flexibility and greater diversity of nutrients available to them. As you experiment and explore your why, you will find what works best for you. Keep in mind that your needs or wants may change with time. You
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always remain free to tweak your diet or lifestyle in order to enhance your time on this planet. In deciding 100% or a different percentage, it helps to assess how varying degrees of raw affect things like your: mental clarity, mood, blood sugar, weight, relationships, budget, sleep patterns, energy levels, synchronicity, spiritual connection, and overall quality of life.

The Beautiful People: Okay, were all beautiful people, but here I mean the people who get paid to look beautiful or to help others do so: those in Hollywood, television, and the world of international fashion. Alicia Silverstone, Carol Alt, Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore, Uma Thurman, Owen Wilson, Natalie Portman, Oprahs Dr. Oz, Supermodel Gisele, Kate Bosworth, Orlando Bloom, Cher, Anthony Anderson (the raw model), Donna Karan, and many others beautiful people looking younger, fitter and even more beautiful through raw and living foods! This group often frequents gourmet raw restaurants and juice bars. The lifestyle provides a balanced and healthy way to maintain that slender, toned body, glowing skin and boundless energy demanded by careers that focus on beauty.

The Cacao Crowd: Hyper, happy and more than a little kooky, the cacao crowd has helped to usher raw food into mainstream consciousness. While we dont find raw cacao bars at Safeway or Starbucks (yet), most health food stores now carry at least something with raw cacao in it. Appealing to chocoholics who would love to lose weight and gain health with their favorite food, raw cacao has reformed the way the world views a raw food lifestyle. Instead of sprouts, we find candy and all in the name of abundant, radiant vitality. Although the Superfoodists sometimes overlap with this group, I make a distinction in that cacao remains perhaps the most controversial superfood. (Some raw foodists who regularly consume things like spirulina, hemp and chia seeds pointedly avoid cacao.) Famous members of The Cacao Crowd include David Wolfe and Shazzie (authors of Naked Chocolate), Kate Magic, Kelly of Sedonas Caf Raw Bliss, Philip McCluskey, and many participants in weekend seminars, some of which feature wild parties fueled entirely by cacao.

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Ive also found raw cacao fans in the most surprising placesgleefully touting this Mayan food of the gods. The Cacao Crowd carries a distinctive yet indefinable vibe. If you look for it, youll know what I mean.

The Cleansing Crowd: People already on a high or 100% raw path often feel wonderful after their initial period of weight loss and rejuvenation, but progress can slow when the bodys cells start detoxifying faster than the bodys elimination channels can process and release the toxins. When this happens, people may suddenly feel sluggish, emotional, achy, have cravings for cooked foods, get acne or rashes, and generally feel less than fabulous. Some people return to cooked food at this point, but there are other options! Dr. Bernard Jensen advocated a popular cleanse with bentonite clay and psyllium husk, along with daily enemas. Stanley Burroughs wrote a tiny booklet called The Master Cleanser, aka The Lemonade Diet. Though not raw, this cleanse catapults many people on their initial raw journey. I have several chapters in this book devoted to physical and emotional detoxification and cleansing, but for our purposes here, you can just note that some people really get into these ideas. The Cleansing Crowd sometimes but not always overlaps with The Colonic Crowd. The cleansers tend to like herbal preparations and fasting, whereas the colonic fans go at things from the other end. Really dedicated members of both groupslike 92-day juice feasterswill try both at once. Just to clarify, in order to be a raw foodist, you do not need to obsess yourself with number 2, sweat lodges and/or the Ejuva cleanse. Believe it or not, though, these things can make a raw journey more pleasant and invigorating, so many people eventually choose to try them. Please dont rule out the diet because youre afraid of what you might find inside of you. I know many raw foodists who have never cleansed. The Cleansing Crowd is just one group among many.

The Colonic Crowd: This group includes many colon hydrotherapists and other advocates of enemas and colonics. By irrigating the colon with water or a mixture of water and other substances like coffee, wheatgrass juice or

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probiotics (aka good bacteria), people encourage deeper release of old, impacted fecal matter. Even some raw foodists find this concept offensive or unnatural; however, many practitioners of colon hydrotherapy end up adopting a raw food diet. Why? Well, in watching what comes out all day, they notice that people who eat predominantly raw, green diets have much healthier poop. Keep in mind that colon hydrotherapists routinely treat people with colon cancer, chronic constipation, Candida overgrowth and Fibromyalgia. Clients who just want to keep themselves as clean as possible really stand out! Dr. Bernard Jensens book, Dr. Jensens Guide to Better Bowel Care has become a classic among some raw foodists. Two of the more vocal members of The Colonic Crowd are Matt Monarch and Suki Zoe. In his book, Raw Success, Matt advocates regular colon hydrotherapy as the key to achieving a 100% raw diet with enhanced youth and longevity. Suki runs a colon hydrotherapy blog from the UK and her website includes many tips and observations regarding whats healthiest to eat based upon what she sees coming out! Some people dislike the idea of having someone else release their waste, but they still value the idea of colon irrigation. Enter the enema, which can be self-administered at home. Enema bags come in a variety of sizes, depending on how deep one wants to go, and special colema boards exist to help the process. Since this whole concept gives many people the heebeegeebees, Ill let you research more on your own if interested. Again, in exploring your way, remember you have lots of options, and you dont need to decide everything right now. You can commit to exploring a raw diet without having to think about colonics. Im just providing an introduction and overview of popular raw pathskind of like handing you a map with many routes and destinations. See what intrigues you and run with it!

Essene Approach: The Essenes were an ascetic Jewish sect that lived during the time of Jesus. In fact, some researchers believe Jesus grew up in an Essene community before taking his teachings public. The Essenes followed a living foods diet and considered this an important step towards
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spiritual Awareness. The Essene approach retains its Jewish roots, with some emphasis on ancient mystery teachings. Gabriel Cousens Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona offers Essene classes and priesthood training. He and his staff emphasize raw foods as a means of healing the body and soul, as well as attaining spiritual mastery and world peace. Note: Dr. Cousens advocates a very low-glycemic raw and living foods diet. His recipes tend towards heavier, denser creationssort of the opposite of Dr. Grahams 80-10-10 diet! Many people with Blood Type O resonate particularly well with Dr. Cousens approach to raw foods, so if youve had trouble going vegan with that blood type, give his recipes a try. Dr. Cousens has also worked extensively with diabetic patients and people with Candida overgrowth.

Fruitarianism: The strictest definition of a fruitarian refers to someone who only eats ripe fruit that has naturally fallen from its tree. Looser definitions cover people for whom fruit (including savory fruits like tomato, cucumber and bell pepper, as well as tree nuts) forms at least 50% of their diet. Among the diverse paths within the raw foodist community, fruitarian usually means someone who subsists on mostly sweet fruits, which some advocates claim formed the original diet in the Garden of Eden. Even more so than other raw paths, fruitarianism can lead to long-term nutritional deficiencies and tooth decay if not carefully balanced with either supplements or at least some greens. Most, if not all, of the successful advocates of fruitarian diets actually follow a high fruit diet rather than 100% fruit. Common long-term problems on a 100% sweet fruit path include: B-12 deficiency, tooth decay/loss, major blood sugar swings, Candida overgrowth, protein deficiency, and mental decline. If the idea of following a strict fruitarian diet still appeals to you, please educate yourself about which fruits contain the most protein, and please read Dr. Cousens article on B-12, so that you can make an informed decision about potential supplementation. Also consider that hybridized, genetically engineered fruits contain higher sugar and fewer minerals than

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anything in Eden. If you opt for 100% fruit, you will receive far more nutrients from organic produce grown in rich soil.

Hallelujah Acres: This organization teaches Healthy Living from a Biblical Perspective. They emphasize raw and sprouted vegan foods, citing the famous China Study, along with Old Testament verses regarding dietary laws. An unusual organization, Hallelujah Acres completely intertwines the Bible and the raw food diet (aka The Hallelujah Diet), so if you crave specifically Christian support on your raw path, you might want to investigate them further. Headquartered in Shelby, North Carolina, Hallelujah Acres provides health ministry around the world. Their website offers testimonials as well as free recipes.

Natural Hygiene: According to the movements founder, Dr. Herbert Shelton, Hygiene is properly defined as that branch of biology which designates the conditions upon which health depends and the means by which it may be sustained in all its virtue and purity while we have it, and the means upon which its restoration rests when we have lost it. --- It is the scientific application of the principles of nature in the preservation and restoration of health." (H. Shelton, 1968, ch.10) Shelton and the Natural Hygiene movement turn many traditional medical beliefs on their head. For example, symptoms are not the sign of sickness but the sign of healing. Prescriptions that suppress symptoms are the perpetrators of illness, not the cure. The Natural Hygiene movement aims to return the body to its natural state by following natural, unchangeable laws of the universe. The greater ones adherence to these principles, the greater ones health. For this reason, some people swear by Natural Hygiene, while critics find it complex and arbitrarily rigid. Adherents like that Natural Hygiene places disease in an easy, definable context, which each person has the power to change by making choices in accordance with Natural Law. Most raw foodists share this last concept at least to some degreealthough they may hotly debate definitions of humans natural diets!

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Non-Vegan Raw Foodists: This group includes beegans, those people who exclude all animal products except honey, bee pollen and royal jelly, as well as people who include raw meat, eggs, and/or dairy. Many of Ani Phyos recipes offer beegan options, and the early Boutenko family books almost always included honey as sweeteners. Carol Alt follows a raw diet that includes animal products. She credits this non-vegan raw fare with returning her vitality as well as curing her from a lifetime of food issues encouraged by her supermodel career. Instinctos are another subset of non-vegan raw foodistsperhaps the most on the fringe of a fringe diet. Instinctos try to eat as close to nature as possible. They might catch their own fish with bare hands or swallow a freshly laid eggas long as their bodies lead them to do that. When not eating animal foods, they often eat nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies, but usually in whole, completely unprocessed form. In other words, instinctos do not juice, pulverize, pound, combine or otherwise denature their food in any way. Raw gourmet is NOT instincto. Instinctos pay particular attention to the hunger instinct: if a particular food tastes wonderful at one meal but less delectable at another, presumably the body has acquired whatever nutrients it needed from that source. They call this phenomenon the taste change, and even vegan raw foodists note the effect when eating monomeals (composed of only one food, such as mango or cabbage).

Raw Gourmet: Though not always the most visible raw foodist online, Cherie Soria of The Living Light Culinary Institute has dramatically influenced the terrain of gourmet raw food. As of 2008, she has taught vegetarian food preparation for 38 years, and shes been a raw vegan for 16 of those! Because Cherie studied with Dr. Ann Wigmore, her recipes tend to offer lighter meals and easier food combinations than many raw gourmet creations. Cherie has personally trained such high profile chefs as Chad Sarno, Jennifer Cornbleet, Elaina Love, Roxanne Klein, and Sergei and Valya Boutenko. Another early and continued presence on the raw gourmet scene is the wildly creative Juliano of Santa Monica. His ideas have influenced Ani Phyo

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(Anis Raw Food Kitchen) and Matt Amsden of RAWvolution, also in Santa Monica. Alissa Cohen has taken raw gourmet training to the masses by certifying teachers and creating an affiliate program that rewards people for spreading raw gourmet food prep to their friends and community. Alissa cured herself of Fibromyalgia through raw foods and offers many of her favorite recipes and techniques in her book, Living on Live Food. Chef Sarma Melngailis Pure Food and Wine recently won Forbes Magazines prestigious award as one of the top five restaurants in New York City. Not top five healthy or vegetarian restaurants: top five of all Big Apple restaurants! In a city that prides itself on gourmet food, gourmet raw food has finally come of age. Sarmas cookbook, Raw Food, Real World, coauthored with Matthew Kenney, brings many of the restaurants most popular meals within reach of your own kitchen.

Superfoodists, aka Ecstatic Foodists: Shazzie and David Wolfe are by far the most famous examples, followed closely by Suki Zoe and Kate Magic. These people thrive on raw foods but liberally add items like Himalayan goji berries, spirulina, hemp, raw cacao, maca, mesquite, fo-ti, and blue green algae like E3Live. Many raw fooders have begun to supplement their diets with superfoods, but it remains a controversial topic in some circles, largely due to the high cost and foreign sources of most of these ingredients. In the U.K. people cannot legally use the term superfood to sell products, hence the alternate description, ecstatic food. David Vitalis of the company Ambrosia Mystique has taken herbs, elixers and superfoods to a new level. At the time of my writing this, his website is still in development phase, but please check here for more information.

Norman Walker: Dr. Norman W. Walker lived nearly (or, according to some sources well past) 100 years. He advocated raw vegan foods, juicing and systematic under-eating as keys to longevity. Current followers include Matt Monarch and Dr. Fred Bisci; however, many, many raw foodists incorporate fresh vegetable juices into their diet, whether or not theyve ever heard of Norman Walker. Because so many low calorie raw foods offer
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concentrated nutrients, significant numbers of raw foodists also practice calorie restriction, whether or not they consciously follow Norman Walkers recommendations. Like Bernard Jensen, Norman Walker considered constipation the primary cause of most disease.

Dr. Ann Wigmore: Dr. Ann cured herself of gangrene by drinking copious amounts of fresh wheatgrass juice. Many people consider her the original proponent of greens, sprouts, energy soup and green juices especially wheatgrass juice. She advocated a simple, economical diet rich in chlorophyll, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies, all of which allow the body to heal itself. Dr. Anns approach goes beyond raw, with a strong emphasis on the bodys ability to assimilate nutrients. Hence, sprouting, culturing and juicing earn more emphasis here than with many raw paths. Cherie Soria of Living Light studied directly with Ann Wigmore, which means many of todays top chefs have learned from her vicariously. Victoria Boutenko and The Raw Family follow many of Dr. Anns tenets and speak of her fondly. In todays extremely diverse raw world, Victorias emphasis on greens, foraging and simplicity seem perhaps closest to Dr. Ann. Dr. Anns way has many names, among them: "The Wigmore Diet," "The Wheatgrass Diet," "The Detoxifying Diet," "The Living Foods Diet," "The Energy Diet," "The Diabetic Diet" and "The Garden Diet. To see where Dr. Ann did much of her writing and teaching, you can visit the Ann Wigmore Natural Healing Institute in Puerto Rico. I will leave you with one of Dr. Anns more famous quotes: "Reconnect with nature and your body will take care of the rest. This is the beauty of self-healing."

The Lazy Raw Foodists Way is less a route or destination than an encouragement to experiment and trust your own intuition regarding any of the above raw paths. In coaching so many people of different backgrounds, lifestyles, blood types and interests, I have found that certain issues and stumbling blocks present themselves regardless of these other factors. This guidebook collects tips

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that work for most people. It also provides warnings of potential hazards along the way, so that you can face them courageously and efficiently. I consider coaching like teaching: good teachers do not provide every single answer to their students. Rather, they teach students how to ask good questions and how to determine the answers for themselves. They also help their students integrate teachings in ways that enhance their lives. Im not interested in creating a raw primer so that people who read it will know everything about raw food. (With the rapidly changing frontier of raw foods, I question whether thats even possible!) As a successfully Lazy Raw Foodist, I have simply aimed to provide you with enough information to navigate an exciting yet complex path that supports your health and happiness with minimal effort on your part! If you bought this e-book for the recipes from famous chefs and raw activists, please feel free to skip everything else I share. I specifically requested easy recipes from people who make delicious raw food every day, so that you can eat luxuriously without taking hours or days to do so. You can just print out Super Lazy Recipes to Supercharge Your Day (pages 130-188) and have at it! If, however, you want answers to the most commonly asked questions, you will likely find those addressed in The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide. In case you ever get stuck along the way, youll also find effective ways to shake things loose and continue on your journey. For your convenience, I have included many hyperlinks, so that you can click to resources without having to type in urls or run your own Google search. If you feel you would like even more information thats intuitively personalized for you, please feel free to email me: Ive worked with everyone from the heaviest meat eaters to famous raw foodists to artists and healers who just want more inspiration. Whatever your background, I would love to help you create more of the life you feel called to live!

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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Good Lord, thats a Pricey Blender!
Do I really need a Vita-Mix?

Ah, yes, the perennial complaint: A $400+ blender? Youve got to be kidding! Perhaps more than anything else, some people resist purchasing a Vita-Mix. I know, because I did, too. In fact, Ive owned my Vita-Mix only since May 2008nearly four years after I initially began some serious, raw food blending. When I first went raw, my husband purchased me a very sturdy Osterizer, and it continued working despite a missing plastic cap (unfortunate garbage disposal incident), a rusted outer base (too many dishwasher runs), and thousands of green smoothies. Contrary to many peoples experiences with cheaper blenders, my Osterizer actually handled the toughest jobs without an early motor death or cracked container. After years of delaying a Vita-Mix purchase, I finally retired my Osterizer after our second sojourn in Sedona, right before our last cross-country move. In a way, this seemed appropriate because my initial raw food journey had come full circle with me teaching Conscious Eating 101 classes in the same place I had first decided to go raw. Call it sentimentality, but I found it sad to leave that little blender sitting on a pile of worn out things that hadnt made the final cut. I couldnt donate it anywhere, since it required packing tape to hold the stopper in place and showed substantial outer rustbut that blender had served me faithfully for years. It supported me on my raw journey, and it was a loving gift from my husband. In the end, Stephen gave me the final push to start fresh in Northern California: Youve talked about a Vita-Mix for years! You deserve a better blender. Go for it! Its not that big a deal. You use your blender every single day. At his urging, I preordered my Vita-Mix to arrive when we did. Despite my affection for the Osterizer, I must admit that the Vita-Mix has far exceeded my expectations. In fact, its a Lazy Raw Foodists dream come true!

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1) Faster speed means less blending time and smoother smoothies. You can literally dump minimally chopped fruits, greens and/or veggies in there, and the Vita-Mix will pulverize them in no time.
2) Faster speed liberates more nutrients by breaking through that tough

cellulose wall of fibrous plants. Less robust blenders do not fully rupture the cell wall, which means some of those nutrients stay locked awaypassing through you without releasing all of their potential benefits. 3) The Vita-Mix blends things so thoroughly that you wont find anymore sticky green or seedy flakes on the sides of your blender. Maybe thats not important to you, but as someone who will use a fully loaded dishwasher, I admit that it makes a huge difference to me! With the Osterizercute and reliable as it waslittle unblended chunks always remained on the container. These required significant scrubbing to remove, and even with that pre-scrubbing, those chunks would still wind up all over my other freshly washed dishes. I needed to spend at least an extra 10 minutes per finished load re-rinsing each of my clean dishes and utensils. Why put the blender in the dishwasher? Well, it never felt quite clean by hand washing. I couldnt get behind the blades, and the bottom had fused itself together over the years, so I could no longer take it apart for better cleaning. In order for me to experience any semblance of sanitation, I needed to perform the following daily ritual: carefully chop up produce, blend, check for chunks, blend some more, keep blending, get tired of listening to that noisy blender, settle for a slightly gritty smoothie, rinse, rinse again, scrub, rinse, get frustrated; throw blender in dishwasher; run dishwasher and then rescrub all plates and silverware as I unloaded them. Because I had never owned a Vita-Mix, I just accepted this as a normal part of the raw foodist lifestyle. Say it aint so! Happily, it isnt. Since purchasing my Vita-Mix I have never needed to re-rinse anything from our dishwasher! The containers more open design also allows for easier hand cleaning, so I frequently use it twice or more per day. With the Osterizer, more often than once per day use created a huge ordeal and some concern of food poisoning. With the Vita-Mix, I just blend away to my hearts content. In cutting my prep time by at
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least halfperhaps even two-thirdsit has re-sparked my love of preparing my own raw foods again, which has probably paid for it and then some! So do you really need to buy a Vita-Mix? The answer depends on three things:

1) How strongly do you feel about maximum nutrient assimilation? 2) How much do you enjoy smooth vs. gritty smoothies, soups and desserts? 3) Do you mind some messy clean-up?

If youre just getting started and dont want to invest that kind of cash, I recommend an Osterizer, which chugged through years of heavy duty blending without so much as a whine. On the other hand, if you really want to make raw living as easy as possible, and you have the money to invest, you wont be disappointed with a Vita-Mix. Your only regret will be, I cant believe I didnt get one sooner! But must you have one? Nope. Food prep and clean up are just nice and easy once you do!

(Lazy Raw Foodists Note: Im probably one of the few raw foodists or vegans with an online presence who is not an affiliate for Vita-Mix. Search around. Most affiliates can offer you free shipping if you order with their coupon code. You can also sometimes find some screamin deals at Costco or online vendors with a surplus of older models.)

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More than Hot Air?

Besides the pricey blender issue, would-be lazy raw foodists want to know if they really need a dehydrator. They look at recipes that require two to four days of preparation and decide to toss the entire concept of raw foods. Anything that requires that much time must certainly be fanatical and unsustainable. I dont want my diet to be my life! Believe me, I hear you! When I first went raw, someone gave Stephen and me a brand new microwave from Wal-Mart, which I promptly traded in for a $30 circular dehydrator. At the time, I owned two raw cookbooksAlissa Cohens Living on Live Food and the Boutenkos Eating Without Heating, both of which include a few dehydrator recipes. I felt so jazzed about this diet that I had dreams of making banana bread and rye crackers that would wow Stephen into embracing a raw path. What really happened? I used that economy dehydrator about three times total. Because of its design, things took much longer to dry, and they never really crispedeven after several days. The sound bothered me for 72 hours straight, and the food tasted, well, not good enough to justify so much electricity and work! When we moved to Lake Tahoe, I gave the dehydrator to someone who wanted to make beef jerky. I decided I would eat lots of raw food, and if I wanted a cracker I could just eat a normal, vegan one. For years, I completely avoided dehydrators. I continued to collect raw recipe books and just skipped anything to do with crackers, cookies, or breads. Then raw foods began to pop! Whole Foods in Monterey, California began carrying goraw!s dehydrated spirulina bars and I felt instantly hooked. We moved to San Luis Obispo, and I found a raw chef who made daily house calls with a freshly prepared raw entre, soup, salad and dessert. All for $8.50! I was in heaven, and she just happened to make the tastiest flax crackers and spinach tortillas.

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When we decided to move back to Sedona so I could finish researching my novel, I thought, Whatever will I do without these meals? In preparation, I bought an Excalibur. Of course, I quickly discovered that Sedona had become far more rawfriendly in the three years since we had lived there before. Not only did this little town have one entirely raw vegan and one raw-friendly vegan restaurant within a short walk of our home, but I could buy tons of dehydrated goodies at two different grocery stores (also within walking distance), and I met a raw products distributor within the first week of living there. Did I need my Excalibur? Definitely not! I think I only used it once in the first four months of owning it. Then one day, out of curiosity, I decided to try some of the recipes I had made in that cheap dehydrator so long ago. They took about half as long to prepare, and they actually tasted good this time. For fun, I invented a few of my own recipes and fed them to students when they took trainings at my private studio/classroom. I began to understand why some people love their dehydrators. Even though it was not a high-use item, the Excalibur made the cut when we moved back to California, which is where Ive really come to appreciate it! I no longer have two health food stores and two raw vegan restaurants within walking distance of our home. I do have a fabulous raw neighbor and a monthly potluck within walking distance, but the convenience foods are far less convenient. Sometimes if I want raw pie, I need to make my own raw crust and filling. If I want something warm, I need to stick it in the Excalibur myself. At first, I scrambled to find someone else who would prepare the food for me. Im writing a novel; I run a busy coaching practice; I have a life! How can I possibly make my own crackers? But you know what? Its actually really easy. I put the Excalibur on our covered porch, and I just let it whir outside overnight. Ive made my own bread and found I like it much better than the stuff I buy in stores. Unlike prepackaged raw foods that need complete dehydration, I can keep my breads slightly pliable and eat them warm. I can make cookies for potlucks, or warm up a squash bake by removing all but one tray and placing the whole serving dish inside of the Excalibur.
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Im still lazy with the food prep, but Im also happy making my own, customized creations, and I feel much more self-sufficient. In todays world, with its ample online resources, you really do not need to purchase a dehydrator, even if you live in a non-raw-friendly town. If you decide to purchase a dehydrator, though, I highly recommend the Excalibur for lazy raw foodists. The models with built-in timers allow you to forget about your creations if something more interesting comes along because the air will just stop flowing. With their extra power and efficient design, Excaliburs also take less time and create less mess than the circular versions. They do cost more, so if you want to try your hand at dehydrating before plunking down a couple hundred dollars on an Excalibur, many of the cheaper round ones may work well enough. Shazzie began with a round dehydrator, and Shannon Marie, the raw cookie maven from, uses a cheaper dehydrator to make her Girl Scout Cookies and other unbelievable raw treats. As a truly Lazy Raw Foodist, I just recommend the Excalibur because the square trays, higher speed fan, temperature gage, and timer offer greater ease and flexibility.

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8 Food Combining Rules for Raw Foodists

(Tera Warner, co-founder of The Raw Divas, wrote this great article and kindly gave me permission to include it in The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide. You can find many more helpful resourcesespecially for women, but also for menon their site: People write entire books on Food Combining, complete with charts, so if this fascinates you, youll find lots more research and opinions. I like Teras article because it simplifies and injects some fun into a complex and often too mental process.)

Though the subject itself has only really come under investigation in the last 100 years, it has been covered in so many ways by so many different people that there are entire shelves in bookstores devoted to this very subject. Unfortunately, this makes for a whole lot of confusion for the average health-seeker. No other creature on the planet seems to need elaborate charts and pyramids before they dive into their daily feast, so lets see if we cant come up with something simple so we can get out of our heads and on with the joys of eating and feeling good! One of the first things to understand about food combining is that the need for these principles comes from the fact that we have removed ourselves from our natural environment. Meaning that most of us cant go out and pick our own mangos and then graze on the green leaves we find along our merry way. In modern society we have an infinite selection of food stuffs available to us at any moment. Combine that with our seemingly endless need for stimulation and we find that even though some apples, bananas and celery sticks would be a perfectly acceptable, nutritionally complete meal, we seek complication. The end result has been some marvelously elaborate recipes and a whole lot of indigestion. The main problem with our combo-abombos and "gourmet" meals, (raw or otherwise), is that different foods digest at different rates. Generally, in order of speed of digestion, its sugars, starch, fats and then proteins. If you put something in your stomach that takes a long time to digest, followed by something that would normally digest very quickly, well the latter is forced to sit in the pipes and wait. Given the nature of the environment in the stomach, this leads to fermentation (sugars) and putrefaction (proteins).
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The byproducts of this gastric volcano is alcohol, indigestion and a whole lot of hot, smelly air. LITERALLY! So, how can we avoid these physically and socially uncomfortable experiences? If you are going to get adventurous in your raw food play, take the following simple guidelines into consideration: 1. Fat and Sugar do not mix well. Fat, which takes several hours to digest, and sweet sugars, which digest and are assimilated very quickly, do not make great belly-mates. Unfortunately, when you look around at most raw food recipes, youll see there is a discouraging number that contain mixtures like dates with nuts, banana with avocado, or sweet fruits with coconut. These recipes are an open invitation for digestive fermentation (never mind what they do for blood sugar issues)! 2. Bananas and Acid do not mix well. Mixing bananas with oranges, for example, is less than ideal. Bananas are a starchy sweet fruit and where other fruits are concerned, combine best with other sweet fruits (like mangos) and sub-acid fruits (apples, pears, berries etc.) You should always listen to your body's response to the combinations you try, but we definitely advise you to avoid combining bananas and durians. Other fruits generally mix fairly well together. 3. Acidic Fruits and Fats are okay for some. Some people have no problems combining acidic and even sub-acid fruits with fat. The understanding is that these foods can actually help digest fats. The idea makes for some nice salad dressing combinations: Tomatoes and tahini Orange juice and avocado 4. Avoid Mixing Different Fats in the Same Meal. Mixing different sources of fat like coconut, nuts, seeds, avocado or durian at the same sitting can make for a heavy-duty digestive workout and is best avoided. Its just a lot more work than necessary for that beautiful body of yours.

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5. Dark, Leafy Greens Go With EVERYTHING! Mix them in your smoothies, or smother them with your favorite avocado dressing. Either way, leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, celery, etc. combine well with anything! (Green vegetables like broccoli, and cabbage do NOT mix well, and are not considered dark, leafy greens. They can be mixed with fats without any problem, however.) So What About Cooked Foods and Other Vegetables? If you want to eat fruit in the same meal as other foods, (salads with fatty dressings or cooked foods) then allow at least 20 Minutes for the fruit to make its way through the system, thus avoiding the uncomfortable sideeffects of bloating, gas and digestive fermentation! The Sweetness of Simplicity Ultimately, we recommend simplicity because it most closely resembles the way things would be in nature. When you permit yourself the luxury of enjoying foods for the individual wonders and works of biological art that they are, you also allow your body to digest in layers. Eating one food at a time, follow the following guidelines: 1. Eat Your Watery Foods First! Because of its high water content, melon digests very quickly and within minutes of eating, it has already left the stomach!! While it does mix with other fruits very well, in sequential eating watery foods first, please! 2. Eat Acidic Fruits Before Sweet or Starchy Foods! Things like citrus, kiwis, pineapples, and tomatoes should be eaten before other fruits. Again, if you think that most oranges tend to be less concentrated than a mango or a banana, this makes sense. *Dried fruit can be considered a concentrated food and should be eaten after fresh fruits, if eaten at all. We do not recommend more than occasional consumption of dried fruits. 3. Fat, Protein and Other Vegetables To Follow. Thats it. Think generally in terms of eating your least concentrated foods first, and youll pretty much have it covered.
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We hope these tips are comfort to your tummy and help to simplify what can appear to be an awfully complicated subject. The simpler you keep your foods the better youll feel! Heres to your health!

Tera Warner, reprinted with permission.

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Sneaky Ways to Get More Greens

Victoria Boutenko started a green smoothie revolution with her bestselling book, Green for Life, which details the super nutritional profile of leafy greens like kale, collards, parsley, carrot and beet tops, chard, and romaine lettuce. I recommend Victorias book to all of my clients and students, because she includes such wonderful scientific information, along with recipes and testimonials from people who reversed health issues simply by adding a quart of green smoothies to their day. Most of the people in this study did not go raw: they simply added blended greens. Victoria notes how closely human DNA matches that of chimpanzeeswho thrive on an extremely high green diet. Some people attribute the healing stories to the alkalizing effect of greens. (A Standard Western diet tends to make blood and tissues overly acidic, creating favorable breeding ground for bacteria, cancer and other pathogens.) When we can fully assimilate greens either through juicing them or blending them with fruitwe also unlock their high chlorophyll and oxygen content, as well as key amino acids known as the building blocks of protein. For a Lazy Raw Foodist, the amazing power of greens brings very good news! Greens counteract some common dietary lapses. Dark leafy ones provide key minerals like calcium and iron, and fiber from green smoothies helps to sweep the colon clean. This gives you a certain amount of extra leeway when experimenting with your diet. Eat too many acid-forming nuts? Make sure you juice and/or chug a green smoothie every day. Hate eating salads but know you should? Drink up! Youll actually get more nutrients from a blended salad than most people do by chewing. Worried about cravings? The high mineral content of greens satisfies most nutritionally based cravings, especially if you juice or blend celery. In fact, Victoria shares how after a few weeks her cravings actually changed. Instead of dreaming of heavy, fatty foods, she began to prefer salads without oily dressings. She started salivating over wild greens and enjoying savory green soups. Ive noticed the same pattern with my clients and students: once they incorporate green smoothies, their bodies start asking for healthier foods. This fact makes transitioning to a raw or high raw diet
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infinitely easier! Imagine wanting to consume fresh bunches of kale and chard instead of forcing yourself to chomp through all that cellulose just because its good for you. Even non-raw folks gain energy, clarity and strength while increasing their intake of greens. If you find yourself slipping off the raw path, you can undo some of your cooked side effects with a quart of banana-romainestrawberry smoothie. Remember that commercial where the people make poor food choices and then shake their heads thinking, coulda hadda a V8? Well, ya coulda made your own V8with romaine, cucumber, tomato, red bell pepper, parsley, avocado, celery and green onions, all blended together with an optional splash of hot sauce or a pinch of cayenne and garlic! If you want to ensure access to all vitamins and minerals without having to plan your diet, just remember to mix things up. Drinking a banana-spinach smoothie every single day will eventually become boring, as well as lead to potential problems from sugary banana and too much oxalic acid from spinach. Worked into a varied week of, say, kale-raspberry, blueberrypeach-purslane, and parsley-fig-grape with maca (this combo tastes like liquid PB&J), then spinach-banana smoothies regain their supercharging effects. Please note: I have nothing against bananas or spinach! Ive just noticed that people tend to get into ruts. On any diet, ruts can cause problems, but raw food diets in particular need to provide the body with varied nutrients in order to supply anything missing from excluded groups like animals, most grain products, and fortified processed foods. For a Lazy Raw Foodist, blended salads and green smoothies speed your food prep, while also filling in nutritional gaps. Most people dont want to convert to a liquid diet, but you can also use greens as a base for other foods. Here are some of my favorite ways to get more greens without feeling deprived or overly rigid: Make a green smoothie from 50-60% greens and 40-50% fruits. I vary the greens and the fruits every day and every week for taste and nutrition. Pour of the smoothie in a glass, and the other half over a bowl of raw granola, goji berries, cacao nibs, other fruit and/or raw cashews. (You can
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consult the Super Lazy Bonus Section for my product recommendations.) Yes, it looks odd drinking a green smoothie and eating cereal with green milk, but I find it fun to start my day like Dr. Seuss. Always add fresh herbs when making nut or seed pts. Parsley and cilantro offer some of the highest nutritional benefits of any greens. Parsley cleans the kidneys and freshens breath, and cilantro can chelate heavy metals, especially mercury. Rosemary stimulates circulation and memory, while oregano and thyme boost the immune system. I also make liberal use of celery, watercress and basil as savory accents to satisfying spreads. When making guacamole, blend in sunflower sprouts and cilantro. If you season it with lemon or lime juice and add a pinch of sea salt, you can still enjoy your typical treatwith slightly more flavor and nutrition. I especially recommend adding the greens/sprouts if you eat guacamole with cooked tortilla chips. The greens will help to alkalize the acidic effects of grain. Spinach and/or celery blend well with powdered cacao. If you add up to 5 oz. spinach or two celery stalks to a cacao shake with bananas or other fruit (blueberries go well with cacao), you usually cannot taste the greens. When using celery in this way, discard the leaves, as they will give it an odd aftertaste. You might need a little sweetener or vanilla, depending on which ingredients you add besides cacao and greens. Fresh mint also works amazingly well, and you can blend it with carob instead of cacao. Supplement with green powders like wheat grass, Vitamineral Green or Sun is Shining Superfoodgreat for travelling in places that dont offer as many dark leafy greens. Double up your collard wraps. Instead of using one leaf as bread, stack em before you roll. If you cut out the thick rib, youll find this much easier to fold and chew! Add pre-packed greens to pre-cubed butternut squash, then season to taste with Thai or Indian seasoning. Add some coconut oil and/or coconut water (preferably fresh, but also packaged if time-pressed and ok with just high raw), and enough liquid to blend until warm. Top with chopped cucumbers, bell peppers and/or avocados. Serve alongside Lydias Green Crackers.
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The Great Pretenders
When Raw Aint Really Raw

The wonderful folks over at in the UK gave me permission to include the following article from their site. They have ominously named it The Dead Food List: These items are often featured in raw food recipes, restaurants and products, but they are not commonly found raw. Many raw food websites, books, etc. have a "high raw" philosophy that allows for some cooked food. This list is intended to help you be aware of cooked items, so that whenever you want to, you can eat Purely Raw foods. Several of these items are often labeled as "raw" and/or sold by "raw" websites, yet they have been heated. You can purchase a few of these items raw, when they've been specifically produced for the raw food community. The seller will usually mention the measures taken to keep the product raw in these special cases. When you are not sure, always ask. We contact the producer no matter what the label says. More often than not, we find a step that involves too much heat. Please do the same. The more health aware customers contacting producers and suppliers about their methods, the better for everyone!

Agave Nectar: Has to be heated and altered from its natural state to taste sweet. Even when labeled or advertised as raw, if it's sweet, it has been heated. Some manufactures claim that lower air pressures can be used to keep the heat below 45c/115f and thus producing sweet "Raw"? nectar. (Lazy Raw Foodists note: Vegans can substitute soaked dates for Agave Nectar. Beeganspeople who avoid animal products except those made by beescan use unheated honey instead of agave nectar. Contrary to marketing and popular belief, agave does not appear to be low-glycemic either. Gabriel Cousens performs many blood tests on diabetics and consistently finds a rise in blood sugar after agave consumption. For details, please see his book, There Is a Cure for Diabetes. I have heard Dr. Cousens speak, and he recommended both Stevia and the chemical-sounding but
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naturally-derived xylitol. In testing he found them to be both raw and lowglycemic sweeteners. Again, for details on raw sweeteners and glycemic load, please see Dr. Cousens book and movie about curing Type II diabetes through a raw food diet.) Almonds: Many almonds come from America, and those almonds nearly always come from California. Because of a new law, (Sept '07) all California almonds produced are pasteurized and therefore no longer raw. (Lazy Raw Foodists note: You can still buy truly raw almonds directly from farmers, just not through resellers. We need to come together to find resources and ways of accessing raw almonds. As the only alkaline nut, they provide calcium, protein and B-vitamins. I live in California and buy 8pound bags whenever I visit almond farmers, but if anyone finds other options, please spread the word!)

Braggs Liquid Aminos: Made from a base of cooked ingredients.

Brazil Nuts: If shelled they've been baked, boiled or steamed. (Substitute Walnuts, Pine Nuts or Hazelnuts)

Cacao: After harvest cacao pods are piled up to sweat or ferment for 3 to 4 days. During this time the temps can reach above 140f. They are often heated again during the drying process. We would like to find a source for fresh cacao pods or cacao beans that will sprout, if anyone has one. (Lazy Raw Foodists Note: Cacao is controversial for many other reasons, as explored in the upcoming chapter, Cacao or Not Cacao: That is the Question (page 49). Most sources do claim a difference in raw vs. cooked chocolate, i.e. that their cacao is actually raw. As recommended above, please check with your sources to learn if their processing meets your standards.)

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Cashews: Most cashews that are sold as raw are heated to shell and boiled to remove strong toxins. Even those that sprout and grow, make some raw fooders sick. (Substitute Pine Nuts, Hazelnuts)

Dried Fruit: Blanched, gassed, and high temp dried. (Dry your own fruit).

Frozen Vegetables: Blanched or boiled even when labeled "Fresh frozen". It will make your recipes taste and smell off. (Fresh is best!)

Ground Almonds: Blanched before grinding. (Grind your own.)

Hijiki/Hiziki (seaweed): Dried at high temps.

Juice: All packaged, bottled and canned juice is pasteurized unless it states clearly that it is not.

Macadamia Nuts: Dried at high temps. (Substitute Hazelnuts or Almonds)

Maple Syrup: After the Maple sap is taken from the tree, it is boiled to reduce it into syrup and make it sweeter.

Miso: Even un-pasteurized miso is made from cooked ingredients. (Lazy Raw Foodists Note: Even though miso is technically cooked, it offers extremely rich enzyme content and documented healing and preventative effects. Most miso contains soy; however, many raw foodists use chickpea misoavailable in some health food stores or online.)

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Nama Shoyu: Made from a base of cooked ingredients.

Nori (seaweed): Both black and green are dried at high temps. The colour is not a sure sign. Even 'Clearspring' brand when sold as raw.

Nutritional Yeast: Basically baked to kill the yeast. (Substitute Pine Nuts, lemon and a little raw salt.)

Oats: Steamed to keep out worms in storage. (Lazy Raw Foodist note: Some sources claim that although steamed, oats can maintain their integrity and enzymes at higher temperatures than most foods. I dont know have any way of testing this theory other than to see how people react to oats. If they work for you, great. If you get headaches, indigestion or feel grumpy, then you might be reacting to the gluten and/or to the heat processing. In any case, pay attention to your own response when deciding whether or not to use oats.)

Olive Oil: Must say unfiltered and cold-pressed and even then you should check with the producer. (Substitute Avocado)

Olives: If canned, jarred or packed they're usually cooked and normally in bad oils as well.

Pecans: If shelled they've been boiled or steamed. (Substitute soaked Walnuts or Hazelnuts)

Sugar: All processed sugar has been boiled and dried at high temps. Even 'Raw' sugar is NOT raw and often dyed brown.

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Tahini: High temps during processing. Even stone ground, unpasteurized and made with un-roasted sesame seeds does not ensure that it is raw. Check with the manufacturer. (Substitute self-ground sesame seeds and a little raw Olive Oil.)

Wild Rice: Neither wild nor raw. Blanched after harvest to keep out bugs.
Copyright 2007, 2008 Purely Raw Reprinted with permission.

Notes from the Lazy Raw Foodist: OK, before your throw up your hands in exasperation, remember your why. Go back to the reason(s) you want to explore raw foods, because your why greatly influences how you can best utilize this information. Where theres a why, theres a way. I decided to include this list because every now and then youll hear that something you thought was raw, is not really raw, and that can cause confusion, shame, a light bulb moment, or anything in between. For many people, though, such information causes some initial panic. What will I ever do without agave nectar? Oh, my God, almonds arent raw anymore? Thats, like, my whole diet! Cold-pressed doesnt mean cold-pressed? Labels lie? How can I ever buy anything in the grocery store again? This is just way too hard! If your why stems from a desire to remain 100%, absolutely certain that you never, ever eat anything even remotely cooked, then yes, this list significantly limits your available foods. You might want to reevaluate your why so that you know how important that 100% versus 95% may really be for you. If your recovery, vitality and/or philosophy truly demand 100% raw, then consider this list a gift. You can print it out and take it with you when you shop or eat in restaurantssafely avoiding the raw pretenders. If, on the other hand, your why makes little distinction between 100% and 95% raw, then you have a little wiggle room. You can aim for 100% raw, and back down your consumption of pseudo-raw staples like agave nectar or pasteurized almonds.

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Personally, I noticed a big difference after the California almond law passed, because some raw restaurants continued to serve raw almond pts, which were no longer actually raw. I deduced the problem by observing two simultaneous factors: 1) if I saw that their prices had not inflated with the cost of importing truly raw almonds and 2) if my body suddenly felt heavy and fatigued when it used to feel vibrant. Some raw restaurants have large enough clientele that they could absorb the cost increase, so please dont take this as a blanket statement that all restaurants use cooked almonds just because their prices stayed the same! Im just sharing my own experience as an example of how I have had to deal with raw pretenders. Recognizing my sensitivity to pasteurized as opposed to raw almonds, I just switched my menu selections to those without the almonds. Other raw friends of mine seem to tolerate the pasteurized almonds just fine. For them, raw means raw enough on special occasions of gourmet food. Yet these same people who fare fine on cooked almonds might have a particular sensitivity to heated seaweed or tahini! If your why does not require raw perfection, then I suggest you use this list for trouble-shooting. It may help you locate reasons behind feeling less than optimal, thus allowing you to tweak small things in order to enjoy big benefits. If your raw diet includes substantial portions of non-raw foods, experiment to see if elimination or alternate sourcing makes a difference. If it does, terrific: enjoy your next level of health! If it doesnt, then you can still include those items in your dietbut perhaps not quite so often. In any case, fresh produce and fresh almonds bought directly from the farmer remain raweven in California. Talking to farmers does more than uncover processing methods; it also helps you to connect more deeply with your food and the planet. Once you establish a relationship with the farmers in your area or with suppliers of condiments and prepared raw foods, you will find more resources than you imagined. When you appreciate the people helping you maintain your lifestyle, you open doors. Think about it: dont you love feeling useful? Most people do! By expressing gratitude and support to individuals and companies who sell truly raw foods, you begin to set new standards. Instead of angst and disappointment, you can live in a world of gratitudewhere people watch out for one another. You can develop community. Ultimately, the raw pretenders have made the concept of raw food more palatable to the masses. Greater palatability means greater demand, which,
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in turn, presents us all with greater resources. I remember when I first went raw in 2004: what a difference four years have made! Now most health food stores carry at least a few raw options. Most major cities offer at least one raw or mostly raw restaurant! You can buy goji berries on Amazon! Lets continue to educate people through love and gratitudefocusing on positive stridesso that farmers and distributors actively want to support us. We can vote with our dollar, but lets also recognize and value those organizations that try to clear a larger, if slightly imperfect path.

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Short Cuts to Get You Glowing
Quick Beauty Tips for Guys and Gals

Not everyone comes to raw food for healing or weight loss. Some people explore this path because they want to look younger and more attractive. With Hollywood fans like Alicia Silverstone, Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore, Natalie Portman and Uma Thurman, its easy to see why! Fresh, organic fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and especially greens will get you glowing in no time, but a few tricks can provide an extra boost.

MSMhands down, the quickest way to get a glow! This organic sulfur compound supports skin, hair, nails, detoxification and most metabolic processes. Naturally prevalent in rain water, MSM has largely disappeared from our diets due to greenhouse and hothouse grown foods. Forget bronzing powder: if you have a photo shoot or just want to wow your blind date, a little MSM in drinking water goes a long way. It tastes bitter, though, so dont use more than 1-2 teaspoons in 8 ounces of water until youve grown accustomed to the flavor. Some people take MSM every single day. I personally dont, but when I want to look extra radiant, MSM works well. (Note: MSM is very heat sensitive, so if you want to ruin your smoothie with that yucky taste, mix it in afterwards! Even the blender blades can destroy its healing properties. You can also find it in veggie caps, if you want to avoid the powder, or mix it with lemon juice, which cuts some of the bitterness.)

Fresh Vegetable Juicesespecially greens, cucumber and beet juice. If you want to clear your skin and get a rosy glow that bursts forth from the insidewhat some people call a healthy California lookfreshly juiced vegetables produce fast results. They provide beauty minerals like sulfur, silica, potassium and iron, plus, they alkalize our systems. Acidic systems come from stressed out lives, but they also contribute to our stress.
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Drinking alkaline veggie juices gives people a relaxed look because they actually feel more relaxed. A relaxed face looks younger and more radiant.

Coconut Oilrubbed into your face or body, coconut oil gives a sparkly glow. Its also anti-bacterial, which means you can use it on acne-prone skin to help normalize sebum production and heal old scars. If you still cook some of your food, coconut oil maintains its integrity at higher temperatures than most oils, making it a healthier candidate for people who react to rancid oils.

Natural MakeupIf you feel best with a little makeup to highlight your natural beauty, remember that your skin eats whatever you put on it. I personally love Sister Creations products, because they use only non-toxic natural ingredients and offer lots of fun, sparkly colors at reasonable prices. I especially love their subtle use of essential oils. You cant smell them, but they feel wonderful! After using Sister Creations for a week, I experimented with my previously non-toxic and natural make up. Compared to Sister Creations, it felt so heavy and chemical that I immediately washed it off! I like their tints as a little sun-protective barrier, topped with Zia pressed powder. I dont wear much makeup, but my skin appreciated the switch! (No, I dont sell these products; my super-sensitive skin just loves them!)

Raw Cacaonot for everyone, but for those who love chocolate, a taste of this little gem will put you in the mood for love. With bliss chemicals and high magnesium content, cacao moves the heart chakra as well as the bowels! Youll feel lighter from the inside out, and when youre happy, you radiate beauty to the world.

Eating for BeautyDavid Wolfe wrote an entire book about the most beautifying foods. If youre interested in this topic, its a terrific resource with amazing Kirlian photography and nutritional profiles of beauty foods.

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Chanting Sacred Mantrasyeah, it sounds weird, but it really does create a powerful effect. When you spend time tuning into your heart and singing with your heart (even silently), you awaken to your own divinity. That divine presence, which fuels creativity, art and literature, begins to light up your life. Slightly off-kilter aspects on the inside and outside begin to realign, and you resonate at a higher, clearer vibration. You can accomplish the same effects with joyful and grateful prayer and/or meditations of loving-kindness. Even a few minutes per day can make a big difference.

Embrace your Essencemy husband taught personal growth classes and workshops for many years before I met him. He always spoke of Essence what some people call the Higher Self. I like the term Essence because it emphasizes being without any notion of hierarchy. Essence embraces everything. In turn, everything responds with love. When you follow your path from a place of unconditional compassion for self and others, non-judgment, vulnerability, presence, curiosity, patience, nonattachment and generosity, you embrace the Essence (or core) of who you really are. You reveal your true beauty, and that beauty radiates in powerful ways. No matter how you look outside, this kind of beauty turns heads.

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Raw Foodists and Rotten Teeth:
What Theyre Not Saying

(Tera Warner, co-founder of The Raw Divas, has graciously shared another great article for The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide. You can find many more helpful resources especially for women, but also for menon their site: As you may have noticed, Im all for minimizing effort, but when it comes to your dental care, you really dont want to cut corners.)

Every week, participants of our Body Enlightenment System come together to talk about their progress, concerns and share sisterly giggles. Last Saturday, it seemed dental issues were on the minds of our Divas, and in a major way. However, it wasnt until we got our divas on the phone line that their concerns came to the surface. Many of them felt afraid to speak up on the forumsnot wanting to be negative and feeling like the failure was theirs alone. Its no secret that raw foodists have dental issues on the brain, and yet, theyre practically whispering about it behind the scenes afraid to reveal their fear about the possibility that this miracle path to health may have some hidden traps. Instead of finding solutions amongst ourselves, were left with false impressions. Those who struggle slip away disappointed and take their stories with them in silence. Im not an obsessive brusher. I dont use any miracle potions or devices, just a plain old purple toothbrush and dental floss. So far, so good. My raw food dental path has been relatively drama free. I can definitely pass along the tricks that I feel have helped me maintain that level of dental health. But obviously, it's not been the same situation for everyone. And as long as dental issues continue to be forefront in the raw food movement, I think this discussion warrants further attention and research.

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Raw Foodists and Rotten Teeth Having spent a great deal of time with a long time raw foodist who had literally been traumatized by dental experiences on the raw food diet, I have heard more than my fair share of dental drama related to raw foods. Ive also seen the mouths of many raw foodists who lost more than just their pearly sparkle and attribute the damage to the pursuit of the gourmet raw food approach of eating loads of dried fruit, nuts, and condiments. If I could take all I've learned up until now, and summarize it in a few helpful tips, it would look something like this:

What You Can Do To Start Addressing Dental Health 1) Eat more greens. (Well be announcing a Green Goddess Cleanse very soon to help those who are unfamiliar with this territory learn more about how to make green smoothies and get on the green bandwagon for better health.) 2) Eliminate dried fruits and excessive nuts. 3) Keep the consumption of orange juice or acidic fruits to a minimum. 4) Brush and floss, regularly! 5) Simplify your foods. When you come back to the basics and clean out your system, you will be better equipped to observe your bodys responses and thereby make informed choices about what is best for you. Not informed by some long list of alpha-enzymatic whatcha-macallits. Informed by your experiences--what you have observed to be true by applying tools and information to your life. 6) Speak up! When extremism creates an air of secrecy or fear to speak up about whats NOT working, then were going backwards. When problems go unspoken, those who struggle to make the diet work pack in the whole thing assuming that none of it is worth applying.
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Frankly, Id rather see the whole world become thriving 50% raw foodists than a handful of obsessed extremists finally claim their place in the 100% Hall of Raw Fame. If something isnt working for you, be willing to come out of the closet and say it. Lets create amongst ourselves a community of people who are willing to seek solutions collectively before throwing in the towel on ourselves or our health goals. Our community forum, The Powder Room, is one of the best places to let that kind of communication happen. All divas are welcome to investigate this tremendous source of constant inspiration and support. 7) Inform yourself. Karen Adler, creator of the internationally renowned Toothsoap and owner of Perfect-Prescriptions, has researched extensively the links between diet and dental disasters. Shes truly one of the leaders in the natural health and beauty circle of entrepreneurs. Something to Chew On If all raw food gurus and health enthusiasts were open about what works for them, wed have a better chance of getting where were trying to go in terms of health and healing on this planet. Until then, fiery-tempered redheads like myself are left to blaze a trail in the name of truth, hoping that those who seek solutions will find them and in so doing reclaim the peaceful existence that is rightfully theirs. You deserve to keep those pearly whites sparkling for a long time yet to come! Just be ready to walk your own path when it comes to knowing what ultimately brings you to your ideal health and happiness. Tera Warner, used with permission.

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Additional dental notes from The Lazy Raw Foodist: I have found two products whose results I feel confident recommending: ECO-DENT ExtraBrite for occasional whitening and Mouth Doctor (ORAMD) for gum health and cavity prevention. Shortly after I recovered enough from my brain injury, I took a part-time waitress job at a little caf in Prescott, Arizona. To my surprise, customers and employees suddenly began commenting on my teeth. We wore white shirts, so I initially felt self-conscious: nothing like a white shirt to highlight off-white teeth! But no, my co-workers were serious. I soon learned that everyone thought I had gone through professional tooth-whitening, even though Id changed nothing with my dental hygiene. Except for ECO-DENT: I still use it if I go through a period of major juicing, which can stain your teeth an unappetizing brown. After a few days of normal brushing, my teeth start gleaming white again. This stuff really does the job! I discovered ORAMD while researching natural gingivitis cures, because gum issues came up as factors for several Medical Intuitive clients in a row. Knowing that gum disease impairs the immune system and has links to heart attacks and other problems, I wanted to offer at least a starting point for my clients own research and pro-active steps. I read the site and, despite what seemed like possible overselling, I ordered a few bottles for myself. Stephen and I both noticed a difference right away. Our gums felt tighter and less irritated, and my one sore tooth stopped hurting. I like the simple ingredients: very high grade essential oils of peppermint, spearmint and almondand thats it. In Eating for Beauty, David Wolfe also explains the importance of silica for protecting tooth enamel. Most diets lack good sources of this nutrient, so I sometimes include powdered or liquid silica if I feel like taking supplements. Depending on your gum health, you might consider using a Waterpik, which will help you reach hidden gum pockets and keep them healthy. My husband even uses a few drops of ORAMD inside his Waterpik for extra cleansing and antibacterial support. In summary: as a Lazy Raw Foodist, you can find all sorts of short-cuts and tricks to make this diet work for you, but please dont compromise your teeth! If they fall out, you wont feel so happy with your choices, and you wont be eating many of your favorite foodsraw or cooked. Respectful attention now can save you tons of money, aggravation and even dentures later.
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Cacao or not Cacao:
That is the Question!

One of the characters in my first novel is a Lemurian Queen who happens to be a raw cacao addict. That was loads of fun to research in Sedona, where I could buy raw cacao all over town! I have a very sensitive system, and I needed to eat a LOT of raw cacao in order to experience the junkie aspects, but they did surface. After a few weeks, all I could think about was my next hit. Ah, the perils of art! The novel takes place in Sedona and features a highly implausible plot, so I continue to conduct extensive research and consultation on all details in order to give it as realistic a flavor as possible. My chocolate research led me to conclude that no matter what anyone says, raw cacao is definitely addictive for some people. My character gets really irritable and has physiological changes during withdrawal, and I based this observation on fact. I see it periodically with clients, too. Initially they will fight me on it. No one wants to think of themselves as an addict, and hey, isnt raw cacao, like, a superfood? But sure enough, when they experiment they find theyre abusing raw cacao. We can abuse anything, so its a matter of finding what works for you. For me personally, I always take at least two cacao-free days per week and that seems to work well. I also find I do way better on cacao in the presence of a green smoothie rather than a piece of raw candy. Will I continue eating cacao once I finish my novel? I honestly dont know. To date, raw cacao has fueled the publication of two books and greatly enhanced my fiction writing. Does that mean I need raw cacao to write? No, of course not! I wrote most of my first book and many articles before the raw cacao craze hit, and I have terrible allergies to cooked (even vegan) chocolate. I almost never touched the stuff until I went raw. Then I gradually built up to the highest levels I could stand, just to see what would happen. I do not recommend experimenting with your body just for the sake of realistic art, but I really wanted to know what would happenfor clients as well as characters. Within a few weeks, I began to recognize signs of overdose: sluggishness and the feeling that I might vomit if I even thought
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of raw cacao. My tongue tasted metallic, and the memory of cacao candies made the roof of my mouth involuntarily contract. Despite this distaste for it, by afternoon, all I could think about was dark agave- or yaconsweetened cacao, even unsweetened nibs straight from the bag. I couldnt keep prepared raw cacao in the house for long, because even the thought of those goodies in my cupboards tempted me at the oddest hours. Oh, that smooth bitter taste, and those moments of sharp awareness and fluttering heart! I would feel unbelievable amounts of love for the entire world for about two hours and then grow irritable and snappy. My mind raced so quickly that I could turn on a dime, loving everyone and everything with giddy joy and then launching into witty sarcasm just moments later. It was classic junkie behavior, which I knew I needed to keep away from my work. Instead, I squeezed it into break time, keeping myself functional for the rest of life. After two weeks of nearly constant cacao cravings, I decided enough was enough! I did a 10-day juice fast to clear out all the excess and religiously avoided cacao for a month and a half. Eventually, I wanted to see if someone could sanely eat cacao post-cacaoaddiction, and so I started fresh with little bits every other day. No more junkie behavior: I happily declared my experiment a success. I still like cacao, but I no longer live to eat it. I dont count down the seconds until I can unwrap another goodie, or drop four tablespoons of powder and two tablespoons of nibs into a single smoothie. If I need to crank out an article, cacao definitely ups my energy, but its neither a requirement for finishing projects nor a tragedy if I run out. Some people definitely get addicted, but when used appropriately, I find it a super-high-octane fuel that I occasionally enjoy. I believe that cacao likely has a number of toxic, highly addictive substances in it; however, it also has some amazingly super substances like magnesium, sulfur, anandamide (the bliss chemical), B-vitamins, and the highest plant source of iron. If you want to eat raw cacao long-term, youll need to find that magic amount where youre riding the benefits without the crash. I also believe cacao has attributes of psycho-spiritual substances like peyote, wine, and tobacco: potent and transformative in small doses, but important that when using them we recognize and honor the sacred aspects of that
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use. If we consume these substances out of context, then their addictive, destructive natures predominate. In Christianity, for example, wine represents the blood of Christ and just a sip enables converts to commune with God. Yet wine nearly destroyed the Native American population, who had no religious context for it. Even today, Native Americans remain highly susceptible to alcoholism. Scientific studies have shown that they lack certain protective genes that minimize the addictive effects of alcohol. Conversely, many tribes have traditionally used small amounts of tobacco in religious ceremonies. When Europeans tried the tobacco recreationally, they got hooked. Today, millions of people die from the cancerous effects of cigarettes. With its spiritual qualities removed, tobacco enslaves instead of liberates. In Mayan and Aztec times, rulers drank and/or ate vast quantities of cacao. Societies even used it as edible money that grows on trees. For this reason, cacao resonates with prosperity consciousness, and I find it no surprise that the raw cacao craze coincided with popular teachings like Abraham-Hicks and The Secret. In their delightful book, Naked Chocolate (which I also consulted for research purposes) David Wolfe and Shazzie share many ancient cacao myths. As this self-proclaimed Chocolate Pope and Chocolate Nun observe: The mythology of cacao has great bearing on the current state of the world. The upsurgence of the desire for cacao is the myth playing itself out eternally. The general theme of the legends describes that when humanity begins to misappropriate nature by cutting down jungles and misusing natural resources, then the cacao tree, its fruit and seeds are introduced to restore harmony with nature. City-based cultures are greedily swallowing the seeds of life for future generations of plants, animals and humans. Essentially when the balance between humanity and nature is lost, then cacao arrives to save the day. (Naked Chocolate, p. 9) As an Intuitive and someone who has spent a lifetime studying mythology, diet and sacred cultures, I could not agree more. When we treat cacao as Theobroma, literally food of the gods, instead of as a stimulant or dessert, we invite more of the sacred into our lives. We can certainly do this without cacao, but remembering this link will keep us balanced and inspired.
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The Great Debate

When I first went raw in 2004, things seemed a lot simpler. Raw foodists just ate fruits, veggies, greens, sprouts, nuts and seeds, with perhaps a little seaweed or spirulina thrown in for good measure. When people thought of superfoods, they thought of nutritional powerhouses like blueberries, broccoli and garlic. When Readers Digest or other magazines published articles about nutrition, most of us had heard of the ingredients! Even if we needed to supplement the local grocery stores selection, most of the products grew domestically. Then something positively global happened! Largely due to the international travels and efforts of Sunfood Nutritions David Wolfe, a new generation of superfoods entered the raw food scene. Scientists took notice, and these little gems spilled over into mainstream kitchens and consciousness. Part of the appeal no doubt arose from their exotic origins: Tibet, ancient Mayan and Aztec Empires, the Amazon rainforest. Some of the fascination came from funny names: goji (Go-gee), aai (ah-SIGH-ee), camu camu, and E-3Live. The high price tag didnt hurt eitherbuilding mystique and reputations for miraculous healing. Almost overnight, raw foods went from a fringe diet of ascetics, to a cool, multi-million dollar businessand thats when the Great Superfood Debate kicked into high gear. People began to wonder, Do we really need these foods, or do some raw gurus really know their marketing? People have eaten raw food diets for decadesactually since the beginning of human history. Surely they survived without Himalayan goji berries and raw cacao? If these things are so good for us, then why have they gone mainstream so fast? I can buy V8 Fusion with aai! Isnt it all just a clever ploy to engage my pocketbook? The UK government has grumbled about the hype of so-called superfoods and other forms of dietary healing. The cheeky raw Brit, Shazzie, created an even more intriguing phrase, ecstatic foods. Whenever someone big talks on the radio or blogs about a raw food diet, fans usually ask some variant of the same question: Whats your take on superfoods?
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Personally, I like them, and I use some of them daily. Do I believe theyre the answer to all of humanitys problems? No, but theyve made my raw food diet a heck of a lot easier to maintain! I appreciate that things like raw cacao and goji berries have gone mainstream. It means that I can usually find them while travelling. Having a sweet tooth and desire for grounding, I love that aai contains as much protein as an egg. I have noticed some clients and friends tendencies to go overboard on ecstatic foodsemptying their wallets in search of the next Holy Grail of health. People can also take too much of certain items, figuring If a little is great, then a lot must be unbelievably awesome! Take spirulina, for example. It's green. It's "clean," and it's touted as the "world's healthiest superfood." Spirulina offers 60% all-vegetarian protein by weight, but can you take too much? In a word, yes! People usually begin taking spirulina in order to support their health. A bluegreen algae rich in beta carotene, iron, vitamin B-12 and the rare essential fatty acid, GLA, powdered spirulina is a bit of an acquired taste. Even so, converts often swear by its powers to clear the skin, relax the mind, and provide extra energy. Whether added to smoothies and fresh juices or taken in pill form, spirulina initially seems like a winner. Anecdotal stories suggest healings from malnutrition, cancer, acne, allergies and protein deficiency, to name a few. From an environmental standpoint, spirulina offers ways to stave off deforestation, because it grows in brackish water on non-fertile land. Some manufacturers and proponents consider spirulina a critical supplement for ending world hunger! Indeed, this little blue-green algae does some pretty incredible things. Unfortunately, very few resources warn of the dangers of ingesting too much spirulina. Though far from a "mainstream problem," overdosing on spirulina is surprisingly common in health nut circles, particularly among the raw foodist crowd, who may use it in salad dressings, smoothies, and fresh juices--all in the same day! Spirulina contains 3900% more beta carotene than carrots. At first, this sounds like a benefit: more is better, right? Well, not always. The body can convert beta carotene to vitamin A, and in large doses, vitamin A becomes toxic to the liver. High dosage spirulina users often complain of severe body
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itching, which seems to come from under the skin. No amount of oils, lotions or water seems to alleviate the itch. If you or someone you know has this problem, it could be a sign of liver toxicity. Many people experience relief in a few days by stopping spirulina and any other high beta-carotene foods or supplements like goji berries, beets, carrots, E3Live or Crystal Manna and some sea weeds. Once the itching subsides, they can gradually add in lower doses of beta carotene containing foods, but they'll need to use caution for a while as their liver recovers. For people who began taking spirulina for health, the prospect of liver toxicity poses an ironic effect. Spirulina and other superfoods still offer potent benefits, but we need to remember that "super"foods really can provide "too much of a good thing." Recommended doses range from 3-5 grams all the way up to 40 grams per day, which makes it difficult to gage an overdose situation. If you experience unusual symptoms and have been taking a lot of powerful plant foods like spirulina, consider backing those superfoods down a bit. When it comes to supplements and/or superfoods, more does not always mean better. For the record, I do take spirulina, but I also know of the overdose symptoms through personal experience, clients issues and consulting with a naturopath who followed a raw vegan diet for twelve years. Im fairly small, maybe 100 pounds or so, and for me 2 TBSP per day caused severe itching after a couple months. Others notice the effects only if theyre taking other high-beta carotene foods like dulse and goji berries. I have nothing against spirulina; I love the watery feeling, strength, clarity and unique glow it provides. Ive just run into the overdose effects often enough with clients and friends that I thought to mention it here.

But do raw foodists actually need so-called superfoods? As always, the answer depends on your original why. If you want the simplest diet from local sources, then no, you likely wouldnt want to import supplemental foods from Tibet or Peru. If you have a major health or hormonal issue, then yes, you might consider some of the claims of superberries and maca root. Im not a doctor or nutritionist, and I dont have a website that sells these things. Theyve actually gone so mainstream you can buy most of them on Amazon! For your convenience, I will just list some of the most common ones, along with a bit of information, and, if applicable, my comments.
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Aai (ah-SIGH-ee) Berry: Flavored like a cross between blueberry and chocolate, this little berry tastes amazing in smoothies with both of those ingredients. Aai hails from the Amazon rainforest and boasts ten times the antioxidants of grapes and twice those of blueberries, along with good Omega fats, protein, and fiber. I absolutely love aai. Cousins Incredible Vitality, a raw restaurant in Chicago, has an aai smoothie called, Beauty, which I drank twice during a trip September 2007. I still think of it at least weekly! A few notes: if you have caffeine sensitivity, avoid products that list aai with guarana. Guarana is caffeine! Many of the drinks and pulp available are flash-pasteurized, and often quite sugary from mangos and bananas, so if you want just pure aai, aim for the berries themselves, carefully sourced frozen pulp, or a freeze-dried powder.

Blue Green Algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquaeAFA for short): Sold under names like E3Live, Crystal Manna and Klamath Lake crystals, blue-green algae comes from Klamath Lake Oregon and provide a super vegan source of protein, 80% assimilated by humans. Considering that meat sits at about 20% assimilation, blue-green algae offer big gains through small amounts. These algae contain the highest percentage of chlorophyll of any plant, as well as 64 easily absorbed vitamins, minerals and enzymes, making them the most nutrient dense food known to mankind. I actually discovered E3Live by doing Animal Communication sessions. Several sick animals requested it, so I passed along the information to their owners. The results have been astounding. One dog's terminal cancer went into remission. A bird's tail grew back. Another dog's rapidly declining health stabilized. I've since learned that E3Live is a blue-green algae that can be purchased in a variety of forms: frozen, flakes or capsules. Humans can use it, too. In fact, after witnessing their animals' recoveries, many of my clients have started using it for themselves. Stephen and I also like Crystal Manna and Manna Bars, which include AFA in mint cacao or Mayan cacao flavors. Because algae filter toxins from waters, you do want to make sure you buy AFA from reputable sources who harvest from clean, unpolluted water. Otherwise you could get more than you bargained for!
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Bee Pollen: Some vegans, or rather beegans, still consider bee pollen a compassionately harvested food, since the pollen just falls off bees legs rather than involving work like honey production. Containing 22 amino acids, plus vitamins and minerals, bee pollen suppresses addictive cravings and increases energy. For this reason, many people take it while juice feasting. Regardless of ethical considerations, you should know that bee pollen can cause severe allergic reactions. When trying it, please start out with just a few granules. If you find yourself irritable, aggressive, dizzy or have signs of wheezing and/or hives, consider these symptoms a warning. If you are allergic to bees, you might want to avoid bee pollen entirely. I have known of a few people going into anaphylactic shock.

Cacao (nibs, butter, powder): More than any other supplement, cacao has earned the title of ecstatic food. Raw cacao contains seven times the antioxidants of cooked dark chocolate, along with high magnesium, iron and good plant fats. Because of its caffeine-like action, fermenting process, and addictive qualities, some raw purists feel strongly anti-cacao. If you react to cacao or just want an occasional substitute, carob offers similar taste with alkalizing (instead of acidifying) effects. Carob does not have the same psycho-spiritual effects or mythological history of cacao; however, you can usually replace cacao powder with equal amounts of carob in recipes. Due to its high magnesium content, cacao can have a laxative effect. If you decide to use it, start out slow and build up as you feel comfortable. For more information on the cacao debate, please consult the previous chapter.

Camu Camu: Another berry from the South American rainforest, camu camu boasts up to thirty times the vitamin C of oranges. Natives picked these berries and used them medicinally to boost immune function, improve eyesight and liver function, and to support mental clarity under the effects of stress. For more detailed information on camu camu berry, I recommend the following link to David Wolfes site.

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Chia Seeds: Ch-ch-ch-chia! Yes, the source of those funny chia pets turns out to be a powerhouse of Omega-3 and protein! Chia seeds congeal in water, making them excellent thickeners in smoothies and puddings. They create a tapioca-like flavor and texture that soothes the digestive tract and encourages bowel and hormonal regularity.

Chlorella: With extra tough cellular walls, this green algae works overtime in detoxifying the bodyespecially from heavy metals. Some people cannot tolerate its effects until their bodies become less toxic. Signs that you may need to hold off on chlorella include burping it, hives, nausea or wheezing. These symptoms do not necessarily indicate an allergy, but you may need gentler nutrient support until you can handle the potent detoxifying effects. Other people find that large doses of chlorella help relieve symptoms of detoxification, such as headaches, nausea, brain fog, hives or other rashes. You might note some overlap here with chlorella sensitivity. Use your judgment and experiment in small amounts to see what works for you. For example: when I still had a lot of prescription migraine pills in my system (after my brain injury, doctors had me taking 20-30 pills per month, even though they were designed for a maximum of 2-3 pills per month), I had extremely strong reactions to chlorella. Even if it formed just a tiny percentage of a green drink, my lungs tightened up so much that I could barely breathe. After years of cleansing my body, I can now take chlorella straight without any adverse reactions. Your own response will depend on your personal biology, as well as what types of toxins youre processing.

Goji Berries (aka Wolfberries): Perhaps the hippest superfood, these tiny red berries come from the Himalayan Mountains. At 14% protein, they offer a stronger nutritional profile than most fruits, but their antioxidant levels have drawn the most attention. Juices like GoChi, though not technically raw, come with all the benefits of goji juice flash pasteurized and bottled without preservatives. You can now find dried goji fruits in many grocery stores and in higher end trail mixes.

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Gojis contain high amounts of beta-carotene, and FreeLife International, the makers of GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice have received excellent endorsements from scientific studies. Test participants consistently noticed better sleep, less stress, increased energy, greater happiness, improved bowel regularity, and higher levels of antioxidants and SuperOxideDimutase (SOD), thought to be especially helpful in cases of inflammatory bowel disease. On a personal note, I eat goji berries almost every day. Weve also found goji juice quite effective in keeping my husbands Lyme symptoms at bay. Regular use of goji juice seems to sharpen his mental clarity, give extra energy and minimize his joint pain. (FreeLife tastes best, but we havent noticed a major difference in its effectiveness over other brands.) I dont sell goji products, but I have turned down opportunities to sell other products because I felt they did not perform as well. (This is just a personal observation, though.)

Hemp: A THC-free relative of marijuana, hemp has faced greater restriction than most health foods. With a perfect ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, plus highly absorbable protein, the tiny hemp seed also features high chlorophyll content. Used as seeds, it makes a crunchy topping for fruit or a good substitute for bulgur wheat in raw tabouli recipes. As a protein powder, hemp tastes a bit gritty, but provides a grounded, earthy flavor and nutrition to fruit smoothies. You can use hemp oil in place of olive oil on salads and in recipes, and the hemp butter makes a tasty spread.

Incan Berries (aka Cape Gooseberry or Goldenberry): These ancient berries look kind of like extra-plump golden raisins and have a sweet/sour lemony flavor. They offer high sources of pectin, phosphorous, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, and vitamin p (bioflavonoids). Like goji and aai berries, they also contain extremely high protein (16%) for a fruit.

Maca (aka Peruvian Viagra): A root indigenous to the highest peaks of the Andes Mountains, maca grows strong under the harshest conditions. It acts as an adaptogen, meaning it has a balancing effect on all systems. If
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estrogen is too high, it can lower it; too low, maca raises it. Maca also contains protein and minerals, making it an excellent all around adrenal tonic. I love maca! One caution: dont use too much maca powder at once, as it tastes like radish. In small amounts (1-3 tsp.), it blends well with raw cacao and hemp. Enjoyment of larger amounts will depend on your acquiring a taste for this sometimes spicy, always potent ingredient.

Medicinal Mushrooms (Coriolus, Kombucha, Maitaki, Reishi) Coriolus, also known as Kreshi, has been used for thousands of years to boost Japanese immune systems, and over 300 scientific studies support its claims to fame. Reishi has also been used medicinally for thousands of years. Also known as the "Herb of Spiritual Potency" and the "Ten-thousand Year Mushroom," Reishi offers documented improvement on immune systems and cancer treatments. Some people enjoy powdered Reishi as a coffee substitute. Maitaki has less of a history but has recently shown strong healing effects. Kombucha is not mushroom, but rather a fermented yeast culture grown in brewed black tea and sugar. People mistake the Mother as a mushroom floating on top of their drink, but the Mother just feeds the naturally occurring lactobacilli so prevalent in kombucha. Not really raw, kombucha nonetheless functions as a popular transitional drink for people trying to quit soda. Synergy brand has flavors ranging from ginger to citrus to strawberry or multi-green, and some people swear by kombuchas energy boost. For others, the fermented qualities lend a bit of a buzz akin to wines effects. Anecdotal evidence talks of kombucha healing breast cancer and other ills. People with Candida should go easy on the kombuchaas well as other fermented foods. Additionally, some of the original teas caffeine remains, which can occasionally cause issues for caffeine-sensitive individuals.

Mesquite: Native to the Arizona desert, powdered mesquite pods provide sweetness, minerals, protein and fiber to smoothies and desserts. The flavor goes well with cacao and maca, and I often add all three to my
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morning power drinks. Mesquite contains the amino acid lysine, thought to help cold sores, making it a nice addition for people wanting to avoid a flare up. Careful: too much mesquite can have major laxative effects!

Pomegranate: Besides goji berries, pomegranate juice has probably received the most media hype of any so-called superfood. Pomegranate juice contains high amounts of vitamins A, C and E, plus substantial folic acid. It also offers three times the antioxidants of red wine or green tea. Media attention often focuses on its apparent cholesterol lowering effects. Pomegranate seeds contain healthy Omega fatty acid profiles, and theyre just so darned pretty! I love how beautiful and crunchy-tangy they make any salad or pudding. If youve ever opened your own pomegranate, you know it can make quite a mess! As a Lazy Raw Foodist, I opt for letting someone else deseed my pomegranates. Trader Joes sometimes has them prepackaged in the produce section. If you do decide to open your own pomegranate, you might want to wear gloves, as the juice can stain! Note: bottled juices, including pomegranate juice are not raw unless the bottle specifically states unpasteurized.

Schizandra: Also known as the five-flavored berry or wu wei zi, schizandra is an adaptogenic berry often used in Oriental medicine. With special healing effects on respiratory and adrenal functions, schizandra is also thought to promote longevity. As an adaptogen, it has the effect of balancing systems and improving immune function. When I assisted a longtime herbalist in Seattle, he often prescribed schizandra for people with nervous exhaustion or anxiety.

Seaweeds (Arame, Dulse, Hijiki, Kelp, Kombu, Nori, Wakame): Though not always raw (check with distributors), seaweeds offer rich sources of trace minerals from the sea. They have been shown to counteract the effects of radiation poisoning and contain high amounts of B-vitamins, iodine and fiber.

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Note: Be careful using large amounts of kelp and arame if you have thyroid issues since the very high amounts of iodine can interact with thyroid medications or cause changes in hormone levels. If you suffer from acne and hope raw food will cure it, you might also want to avoid large or frequent amounts of seaweed. The minerals can help your skin, but high iodine content sometimes makes people break out.

Spirulina: In contrast to wild AFAs, spirulina is a cultivated blue-green algae. For more information, please review this chapters earlier discussion of spirulina.

Sprouts: Although not an exotic superfood, I mention sprouts here because they are a living food. Theyre still growing and have tons more enzymes than even typically raw food, which has already been picked. The Hippocrates Institute and other rejuvenation centers make liberal use of sprouts for healing. You can easily grow sprouts at home with a sprouting jar or trays. I have both but honestly, as a Lazy Raw Foodist, I usually buy my sprouts at Farmers Markets or Whole Foods. They cost exponentially more this way, but I dont need to worry about rinsing them on time or fear mold growth. If you are not quite as lazy as I am, then you might find this chart helpful. Even though I rarely sprout seeds, I almost always soak nuts overnight. Allowing them to sit in water for 8-12 hours (some say 24, but I worry about mold), removes enzyme inhibitors so that you can digest them easier. I dont want to make my tummy work hard either!

Wheatgrass Juice: Originally advocated by Dr. Ann Wigmore, wheatgrass juice has long been used to bolster the immune system. High in vitamin K, which helps spider veins and bruising, wheat grass juice also offers a rich source of vitamins A and C, plus iron and chlorophyll. Things to note: most people favor outdoor grown wheatgrass over indoors, as mold can easily cover the sprouts. Using seawater solutions or hydroponic techniques tends to minimize indoor mold growth.
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Young barley grass and kamut grass are sometimes packaged as wheat grass, with the rational that nutritional profiles of young grasses remain the same. You can buy fresh, frozen or freeze-dried and powdered wheatgrass. While fresh is usually best, the powders certainly make for convenient travel greens!

Wild Foods: This designation refers to any number of uncultivated foods, especially greens. In general, wild foods offer denser nutrient profiles, higher amounts of essential fatty acids, more protein and hardier effects. Common wild foods include: nettles, purslane, lambs quarters, mche, and chickweed. Note: Wild rice is not technically raw; nor is it rice; nor should it be mistaken for a superfood!

I have just listed some of the most commonly seen super/ecstatic/wild foods. It seems every week people discover something else, so you can research more on your own if interested. Can you survive without them? Sure, people have for years! On the other hand, they do make a raw diet more lazy-friendly by ensuring optimal nutrition with less planning. I eat them for both taste and nutrient profiles. If you like the idea, great! If not, you might just need to pay a little more attention to nutrients like essential fatty acids, iron, and protein. Either way, you can still thrive on a raw food diet.

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Deficiency or Excess:
Finding Balance

Potential Deficiencies:

B-12: Gabriel Cousens wrote what many consider a definitive article on vegans and B-12. I encourage you to read it, because he bases his conclusions on actual medical testing and extensive study. Contrary to other claims, his research found that algae and fermented foods do not produce absorbable B-12, which means long-term vegans are often deficient. Even people who eat meat lose the ability to digest B-12 as they age. Therefore, sublingual (under the tongue) tablets remain the most reliable way to ingest sufficient levels. For me, B-12 supplementation is a no-brainer. The risks from deficiency include: extreme fatigue, irreversible nerve damage, mood disorders and mental illness, high blood pressure, and heart attack. As a Medical Intuitive, Ive had to implore a number of clients to request B-12 testing before something serious occurred, and Ive known friends who caught their deficiency just in time. As a long-term raw vegan, I take sublingual B-12 at least several times per week. Yes, its a supplement, but research shows the benefits far outweigh my objection that its not 100% natural or raw.

B-Vitamins: With the exception of B-12 and possibly choline (found in soy lecithin, eggs and bee pollen), eating a varied raw vegan diet can usually supply enough B-vitamins. Exceptions occur during times of extremely high physical or emotional stress, which makes people burn through their Bs more quickly. When travelling, approaching a writing deadline, or other high intensity period, I sometimes opt to take a Stress Support Multi from New Chapter Organics. (You can usually find this brand in major health food stores, which makes it a convenient travel pick-up.) To my knowledge, this is 100% vegetarian but not a raw product. As a Lazy Raw Foodist, I just find that sometimes I function better with some extra B-vitamins, and I dont
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always have the extra time, energy or desire to ensure a completely balanced diet when focused on other projects. Occasionally, clients feel the same way if travel, deadlines or visitors disrupt their normally sufficient raw vegan diet. B-vitamins can sometimes make the difference between staying raw or resorting to fortified but cooked options.

Vitamin D: Our bodies can make sufficient Vitamin D with adequate exposure to sun; however, this remains a tricky one for many vegans. Factors like melanin levels, haze, angle/intensity of the sun, and other, unknown issues can affect how much we actually produce. In a recent article for VegFamily Magazine, Registered Dietician Marty Davey cites studies from Hawaii and Arizona (both high-sun places) in which people who received as much as eleven hours of direct sunlight per day still tested deficient in Vitamin D. I have also had a number of medical intuitive clients (including omnivores) whose blood work showed Vitamin D deficiency despite cod liver oil and/or holidays in sunny India. Symptoms of deficiency extend beyond the commonly known rickets disease in children. Low levels of Vitamin D can contribute to bone pain, fat tummies, Fibromyalgia, muscle weakness, PMS, poor calcium absorption, lowered immune response, hormonal imbalances and higher incidence of cancer. As a sun lover, I dont normally take D supplements in the summer, but with smoky skies from the terrible 2008 wildfires in California, I sensed I could use a little boost. In searching for vegan sources (besides the sun), you want to look for D2 rather than D3, which contains animal ingredients. VegLife and Country Life are two vegan brands often found in stores. Keep in mind that too much Vitamin D is toxic, so please dont exceed recommended dosage unless directed by your health care provider and/or a grossly deficient blood or saliva test.

Iron: If you drink green smoothies and eat green soups and salads made from a variety of dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, romaine, arugula, chicory, nettles and dandelion leaves, you can definitely get enough iron on a raw vegan diet. Although plant based iron tends to be less well absorbed
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than animal sourced iron (2-10% vs. 25-35%), the presence of vitamin C boosts non-heme (plant) absorption rates. This is good news for raw foodists, whose diets usually contain higher than average amounts of C and other heat-sensitive nutrients. Many cooked vegans and vegetarians lose substantial iron as it binds with tannins found in tea and colas or phytates found in grainsboth of which raw diets tend to minimize. Raw cacao provides the highest plant source of iron, making iron deficiency even less common among raw foodists. Of course, you can follow a raw diet that doesnt include many (or any) of these ingredients, in which case, iron can become an issue. If you have ever suffered from anemia, then an occasional finger-prick blood test might be wise to assess your levels. Note: B-12 and anemia can go hand in hand, because B-12 influences the production of healthy red blood cells, which transport iron. If you have symptoms of anemia (fatigue, pale skin, etc.), then you might check B-12 levels, too.

Silica: As the second most abundant mineral on earth, silica seems like something in which we would never grow deficient. Indeed, humans are born with plenty of silica, which enhances our use of iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and boron. As we age, calcium gradually replaces silica, because humans often find it easier to absorb. The average adult human needs about 20 grams of silica per day for maintenance; however, we typically excrete 10-40 mg of silica each day in our hair, nails and through urination. Thus, most humansnot just raw foodistssuffer a decrease in silica as we age. Although we hear so much about calcium deficiency causing osteoporosis, lack of silica more often forms the root cause of bone and tooth disintegration. (Studies show that diseases thought to be caused by low calcium levels do not respond simply to calcium supplementation. They need other minerals, including silica, in order for the calcium to take effect.) Silica plays important roles in all connective tissue, including tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and vascular linings, as well as skin, hair and nail health. Some studies indicate that it helps protect against heart attacks and
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emphysema. In Eating for Beauty, David Wolfe considers silica a prime beauty mineral and marker of youth. Despite its abundance on earth, silica does not appear in many everyday foods, and even then only in certain parts. Relatively common food sources include: alfalfa, radish, nettles, romaine lettuce, and the skins of tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers. If you do not regularly consume these silicarich foods, you might also consider supplementation with horsetail, oatstraw, hemp leaves, or Floras Premium Vegetal Silica (usually available in health food stores).

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: If your raw diet includes freshly ground and/or sprouted flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, soaked walnuts and AFAs (wild blue green algae), you may not have a problem. Some dark leafy greens like purslane also include Omega-3s. I only mention this as a possible deficiency because raw foodists can live for a while on iceberg lettuce, oranges and datesnone of which offer the fats our brains and bodies need to gather through our diet. Additionally, many of us suffered from large imbalances prior to turning raw, so it can take some time and effort to rebalance a standard diet that favored Omega-6 over Omega-3. Some people, including children, have difficulty synthesizing DHA from Omega-3s. DHA is the primary component of brain tissue, so raw children especially may need supplementation, as might people with brain injuries or strokes. Fish provide the most common source of DHA, but they receive theirs by eating algae. Therefore, vegan DHA supplements are algae-based. If you have concerns about Omega-3 or DHA deficiency, please consult your nutritionist or naturopath for additional testing and guidelines.

Protein: Since society hammers into us from an early age that we must eat animal products in order to survive, many more people fear protein deficiency than actually suffer from it. That said, raw foodists who eat mostly fruit can run low on protein, as can people recovering from injuries, chemotherapy or long-term illnesses. Symptoms of this deficiency can include hair loss, thin skin, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, muscle weakness,
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slow wound healing, and brain fog. Such symptoms can also indicate any number of other problems, so please monitor yourself carefully, see a holistic nutritionist, or have a blood test if you have additional concerns. According to the 80-10-10 program, humans can thrive with only 10% of their calories from protein. The World Health Organization says we need only 5%. Some fruitarians advocate as little as 2%! Greens and grasses provide the building blocks of protein for some of natures largest and strongest animals, so it makes sense that humans can get sufficient protein by including these items in their raw diet. AFAs and other food-grade algae likewise provide highly absorbable proteins. Personally, I function best with higher protein. Ever since my 1998 head injury, Ive noticed that I grow fatigued, less creative, and mildly irritable if my protein levels drop for several days in a row. Consequently, I keep low temperature processed Sun Warrior and/or Raw Power (hemp) protein supplements on hand in case I eat fewer nuts, seeds and sprouts. A scoop or two added to smoothies or Superfood Candy usually gets me right back on track. I can actually feel my body and brain exhale a sigh of relief! I know other raw foodists who never supplement protein and seem to exist just fine on green smoothies and blended green soups. I make these as well, but I know from experience that a little extra protein keeps me sharper and more energetic. It makes sense that bodybuilders might have higher need for protein than people who do little exercise. Ive also noticed that the more intuitive/spiritual work I do, the more I crave denser foods and protein powder. They help to ground me while traveling off in the ethers. If you do creative or intuitive work and have had trouble on a raw diet, you might look into getting extra protein. For me, it made the difference from staying a weak 100% or a healthy 60% raw to going comfortably up to 90-100% raw. Some people suggest that many of the so-called symptoms of protein deficiency actually arise from a lack of organic sulfur, which we can get through MSM powder. Indeed, sulfur acts as a building block of healthy, strong skin, hair and nails, so perhaps theres some truth to this theory. (I occasionally use MSM, but I still crave extra protein at certain times. Blood work always shows my protein stats in optimal range, which has encouraged
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me to honor my bodys requests. When in doubt, go with whatever works for you.)

Selenium: Our soils have become deficient in selenium, but Brazil nuts remain one of the top sources of this rare nutrient. Selenium helps boost immunity and create good hair, skin and nails. Signs of selenium deficiency include loss of hair and skin pigmentation, whitening of nail beds, muscle pain, weakness, and poor immunity. A few Brazil nuts several times a week can help keep your levels adequate. Of course, many Brazil nuts are actually cooked, so you might want to check their sourcing/processing, loosen up on your quest for 100% raw, or opt for supplementation. Since too much selenium is toxic, its wise to take extra selenium in the presence of other minerals.

Zinc: Pumpkin seeds provide one of the top raw vegan sources of zinc, with tahini, nuts (especially cashews) and yeast also offering modest supplies. Chickpeas provide relatively high amounts, but some people find sprouted legumes difficult to digest. If you find yourself inexplicably craving sprouted chickpea hummus or dense raw desserts, then you might actually need some zinc. Men and pregnant women in particular need higher levels. Zinc plays a role in growth and cell division, DNA synthesis, insulin regulation, ovary and testes health, as well as liver function, and we cannot synthesize our own. In fact, we only absorb about 20% of the zinc we ingest, and we must acquire it through diet and/or supplementation. Meat, dairy, eggs and legumes add zinc to other diets, but raw vegans may need to make a point of eating pumpkin seeds and/or adding in an angstrom form of this vital mineral. Early symptoms of zinc deficiency include: loss of taste sensation, skin problems and low immunity. This is a case in which more is not always better, though: too much zinc is toxic! This link will provide you with additional information on recommended amounts, as well as zinc content of common vegan foods.

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Lazy Raw Foodists Tip: If you want to streamline, and youre not concerned with maintaining a strictly 100% raw vegan diet, you can also look for a multivitamin that contains many of the above nutrients. If you go that route, I suggest looking for a vegan suitable product, as these usually include higher levels of those ingredients like B-12, Vitamin D and zinc. (In August 2008, Garden of Life brand released an entire line of raw multivitamins. As of this writing, they are not yet widely available, but you can find them here. I have not yet tried these products, since theyre still in newly released state, but how wonderful that the raw movement has begun to demand more mainstream market response!) Depending on your diet, health, and latitude, you might still want to supplement with sublingual B-12 and D, and take angstrom minerals for the rest. The liquid nature of angstrom minerals helps the body to absorb them more easily and allows for synergistic effects among the minerals.

Potential Excesses:

Vitamin A/Beta-Carotene: Though relatively uncommon on a standard American or UK diet, Vitamin A overdose can be easily achieved on a raw food diet. Consider how many raw staples contain high levels of betacarotene, which the liver can convert into Vitamin A: Goji berries Spirulina Carrots and carrot juice Wheatgrass juice AFA (wild blue green algae like E3Live or Crystal Manna) Mango Red bell pepper
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Dulse Butternut squash Kale Spinach Collards

Poor immunity, skin disorders, asthma, osteoarthritis, poor night vision and other issues may indicate a possible Vitamin A deficiency, so you can also use the above list as a means of adding more beta-carotene to your diet, if necessary. Until recently, I did not find people having many issues with Vitamin A toxicity through diet alone (except myself!). Apparently, as a toddler, I went through a period in which would only eat orange foodsmangos, carrots, peaches: anything that looked remotely orange. One day, my mom took me to the doctor because she feared I had jaundice. The doctor took one look at me and said, This childs orange, not yellow! What are feeding her? Sure enough, I had turned orange from too many carrots and mangos. The experience made for some funny Christmas pictures. Dressed in my little Santa suit, I still had a bright orange nose! When my mom got me to eat other colored foods, I turned back into a normal kid. (OK, not quitebut at least my skin color looked normal again!) Given the availability and increased popularity of very high sources of betacarotene like goji berries, spirulina, wheatgrass and AFAs, its something to watch. Signs of overdose include: hair loss and extremely dry, brittle and/or itchy skin. If your palms turn orange and you havent been using henna, consider this a sure sign of excess beta-carotene. Your skin discoloration will go away as you back off high sources of the nutrient, but you will need to watch your intake for a while until your liver clears out the excess.

Caffeine: You might not think of caffeine as a potential excess in the raw diet, but some transitional foods like Kombucha and raw cacao actually do
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contain caffeine or caffeine-like ingredients. Kombucha is brewed as a tea before it gets fermented, and cacao includes stimulating chemicals. If you catch yourself buzzing around, irritable or unable to sleep, you might back down the caffeine. Yerba mat provides a lift but usually without such a stimulating effect. Green juices also provide morning energy without the caffeine crash.

Fat: In the search for fullness and satiety, many people find themselves eating far more fat on a raw food diet than they would ever consider with cooked food. Granted, these are raw fats with healthy Omega profiles, but you can still get too much fat, which puts extra burden on your liver. Everyone seems to need different amounts at different times on the raw journey, so I suggest you just pay attention to how much fat you ingest and how you feel on heavy vs. lighter days. If you feel sluggish or stuffy-nosed in the mornings, try backing down your nut intake to see if that makes a difference. Nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts and pine nuts tend to take more digestive energy than seeds, avocados or coconuts. Looking for a low fat raw approach? Try Cherie Sorias The Raw Revolution Diet, the recipes on, as well as any recipes suggested by Dr. Doug Graham.

Noise: Most people dont consider noise a typical dietary excess; however, raw food prep includes frequent and excessively loud machine noises from blenders, juicers, and food processors. Even dehydrators can aggravate sensitive ears: the constant blowing noise over dozens of hours actually qualifies as a noise pollutant. If possible, dehydrate in an area whose door you can close to protect yourself from the constant whirring. I always wear earplugs when blending or juicing, because slight ear damage occurs with each exposure to harmful sound. As raw foodists, we have a tendency to think of ourselves as invulnerable to lifes degenerative disorders like hearing loss, but I have noticed that many long-term raw fooders talk much louder than their cooked counterparts. Some of this likely stems from enthusiasm, but it may also stem from early hearing loss.
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Consider these figures: any noise above 85 decibels can cause permanent damage to the sensitive inner ear. This includes intense, brief exposure to loud sounds. The average blender runs at 90 decibels and raw food blenders tend to exceed average. People also stand quite close while blendingday after day. It just makes sense to protect your hearing with ear plugs and/or use protective noise shieldsespecially if you work in a professional kitchen that demands extensive blending, processing and juicing throughout the day. For more information on protecting yourself from noise-induced hearing loss please see this website.

Salt: Condiments like miso, Bragg's Liquid Amino's and Nama Shoyu, seaweeds, Celtic salt and Himalayan sea salt all contain a lot of sodium. If you try avoiding them for a while and then reintroduce these products, you may notice some major sensitivities. The first three are actually cooked soy products, so you might want to avoid them anyway; however, even pure sea salts can cause imbalances in the body. Many long term raw foodists prefer to get most of their sodium from celery.

Sugar: Even a diet of fresh, whole fruits and vegetables can contain too much sugar. Commercial farms have hybridized natural items to become much sweeter with lower mineral contents and longer shelf life. Even with all its fiber intact, traditionally farmed produce can provide a major jolt from fructose, creating a high glycemic load. Organic farming lessens this impact, but vegetables like carrots and beets have still been greatly altered over the years. Without some form of cultivation, they would cease to exist in nature, causing some people to avoid even organic versions. If you notice yourself feeling less than optimal, have fungal overgrowth, blood sugar swings, and/or tooth decay, you might want to back down or eliminate the following high-sugar items for awhile to see if you feel any better: Carrots (especially straight carrot juice) Beets (especially straight beet juice)
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All fruit juices Bananas Agave nectar, honey or dates (use Stevia, xylitol or yacon syrup instead) Dried fruit (especially dried dates, raisins, apple, and pineapple) Traditionally farmed fruit (especially oranges, apples, and mango) Rapadura (sugarcane juice) These items do have nutrients associated with them; however, you can easily get too much of a good thing. When we remove the fiber through juicing or water through dehydrating, we isolate potent sugars that can feed Candida, tooth decay and other opportunistic parasites. The vitamins in sweet fruits and vegetables counteract some of the negative effects of a high sugar diet, but long-term, it can take a toll. I learned something interesting from Victoria Boutenko, who claims that foods grown in calcium-rich soil are sweeter than those grown in calciumdepleted soil. If you find yourself craving sweets, you might really be craving calcium or some other mineral associated with the sweet food you want (for example, magnesium from chocolate). Getting in touch with the true source of sweet cravings will help you to balance the appropriate level of carbohydrates for your body. For more information on a low-glycemic raw diet, you might like the recipes in Gabriel Cousens Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine, as well as Cherie Sorias The Raw Revolution Diet.

Lazy Raw Foodists Note: I have provided this list of potential deficiencies and excesses as a starting point for your own research and experimentation. As mentioned, I am not a licensed medical provider or dietician, and I do not intend to diagnose anyone or provide medical advice. I just notice what sorts of things repeatedly arise along clients and friends raw journeys. Knowing what kind of questions to ask yourself or your provider can save you time and effort in optimizing your own diet and lifestyle.
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Food Poisoning

Mention your raw diet to an omnivorous spouse or parent, and you will eventually hear some comment about food poisoning. You might receive emails about the latest salmonella or e. coli outbreak and take these concerns as a personal attack before hitting Delete. Perhaps you roll your eyes when someone asks if you should really leave your homemade sauerkraut unrefrigerated for more than an hour. Maybe you groan when your mother visits and worries about your soaking nuts and sprout jars. Yes, most raw fooders have strong immune systems that seem to handle food borne illness better than the average population; however, we are not completely immune to parasites, bacteria and fungus! Because I have personally known people who became very ill with e. coli and salmonella some of them raw foodistsI thought I should include a little information on safe food handling, as well as herbs and spices that act as natural preservatives. I worked as a waitress throughout college and for a year of paid cognitive therapy after my brain injury. Here are some food handling tips I have learned over the years:

If you see mold growth, throw away that whole piece of food. Mold stretches fingers throughout food, so its not enough just to cut off a moldy end. Even if you do not see additional spores or discoloration, that fungus has more than likely penetrated the entire item. Florescent colors are neither normal nor healthy! If your sauerkraut, kefir, coconut or other item looks iridescently bright pink, blue, purple or green, do yourself a favor and throw it out. Those exceptionally flamboyant and unusual colors are a warning, not an invitation. If you sprout, change water regularly. Follow instructions for when to rinse each type of sprout, thereby minimizing mold and optimizing sprout growth. Wash produce thoroughly. You can even use food grade hydrogen peroxide (available in some health food stores) to eliminate bacteria and

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mold on produceespecially important if you suffer from Candida, parasites, or compromised immune function. Wash your hands and sanitize food prep areas. According to the Yavapai County Health Department in Arizona, food handlers should wash their hands for the length of time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday tune or the ABC song. Any less time means you may not have killed all the germs. Many commercial kitchens use bleach for sanitation, and obviously most raw foodists want to avoid the chlorine. No problem: vinegar works well, too. Just make sure you change towels regularly to minimize bacterial growth. Hemp products work well because they resist mold and other pathogens. Because raw vegans do not handle animal products, it seems like a chance to relax sanitary standards, but keep in mind that heat no longer kills any parasites or germs in your food. If you want to thrive on a raw diet, then some fast wiping with vinegar will keep you (and anyone who eats your food) safer. Far more food poisoning occurs when visiting others than eating out in restaurants. You have likely developed a tolerance to the bacteria in your own home; however, friends and potluck attendees may have normal sensitivities to little beasties breeding on your counter, towels and food prep equipment. If you want to dispel myths of the dangers of raw foods, then make sure the food you eat and offer others comes from clean hands and a sanitary kitchen. Protect food in the danger zone with herbs and spices. If you ever go through a safe food handling course, you will learn to avoid the danger zone of 40 140 degrees Fahrenheit (4 60 degrees Celsius). Food times at that temperature should be minimized, and safe food handling usually involves thermometers to ensure proper chilling or constant heating during buffets. Look at that temperature range again, and remember that raw foodists keep temperatures below 118, 115, 112 or 105 degreesdepending on the enzyme preservation theory in use. Then consider that raw socializing occurs mainly at potlucks, where food can sit out for several hours, not counting preparation and transit time to the event.

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Fortunately, some flavorings double as natural food preservatives. Herbs like oregano and thyme contain antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral ingredients that Mediterranean cooks originally used to extend their foods shelf life. Garlic also creates some antibacterial action, as do onion and allspice. Cinnamon, tarragon, cumin and lemongrass likewise pack an antibacterial wallop. Peppermint and lavender also offer protection in desserts. Some people believe chili or jalapeno peppers offer protection; however, the recent salmonella outbreak from raw peppers seems to suggest otherwise. For more information on antibacterial flavorings, you might enjoy this article from Cornell University. Dehydrate at 145 degrees for the first two hours. Dr. Gabriel Cousens makes an important distinction between air temperature and food temperature. When talking about enzyme preservation, the food, rather than the air, needs to remain below the magic cut-off point (118, 115, 112, or 105 degrees, depending on your own research). He recommends drying at the higher temperature for the first two hours because it speeds the overall dehydrating process, thus minimizing time for fermentation and growth of harmful bacteria. On hot days, keep foods as whole as possible. If you must leave something sitting at room temperature for an extended period of time, try to keep it in its natural state until ready to eat. Bring a whole avocado, rather than cutting it up ahead of time; eat cherry tomatoes instead of chopped larger ones; bring whole carrots and celery. When in doubt, trust your intuition. If something seems off but looks fine, trust your gut. More than one person has suffered intense stomach pain after consuming something they had a funny feeling about eating. Ive done it myself, and its never worth it! On the other hand, just prior to the 2006 spinach scare, I was on an organic spinach kick. Every time I went to the grocery store, I picked up several packages. The day before the e. coli announcement, I went to Wild Oats, picked up a bag of spinach and put it back, thinking, Nope, time to take a break on spinach. Later that week, at least one local client suffered severe e. coli from eating spinach when her intuition told her otherwise. My husband sends me food poisoning alerts, and invariably, the suspected item
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will be something to which Ive just said no on our last grocery trip. Listening to your gut can save you lots of belly aches! Know how to handle food poisoning if you get it. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we still get sick. In these cases, fast action can make a huge differenceespecially since many people get sick on weekends or in the evening when they cant seek easy medical attention. I always keep essential oil of oregano in my cupboard because it acts against pretty much any imaginable pathogen. Other things will work as well, but I find oil of oregano a good all-around tonic to suspected food borne illness. If something were to continue, I would likely seek medical attention, but the oregano has so far always done the trick. I also add it to questionable food if I want to stretch one more day out of it. After a food poisoning event, electrolytes can plummet. Diarrhea or vomiting can also cause dehydration. I find bottled coconut water a lifesaver in these instances. Normally, I would say raw, but coconut has high tendencies to go bad quickly, so in the case of already existent food poisoning, flash pasteurization can become protective. Drinking coconut water replenishes electrolytes in a way our body can easily and quickly absorb. It sure beats IV nutrients or florescent green sugar water!

Lazy Raw Foodists Note: Yes, I probably sound a bit like your mother here, but sometimes Mom really knows her stuff! I believe strongly in the value of a raw food diet and would love to see more and more options available. As I say to clients, Any diet where you can eat this much food and still lose weight is not going away! Lets face it, though, we can much more easily find a Starbucks than a fresh, organic juice bar. Lazy Raw Foodists still face a bit of an uphill battle. If we want more non-raw-foodists to sample and demand our foods, then we dont want them to feel nauseous or require emergency room attention because of their compromised immune systems. Who wants to hurt their loved ones, and what fringe movement needs that kind of bad press? Not to mention it can take several weeks to recover from severe food poisoning: if youre a Lazy Raw Foodist, I suspect youd rather be doing (or not doing) other things!

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Detox Basics:
What You Need to Know

One common pitfall occurs when an omnivore begins to replace meat and dairy with healthier options and feels SICK! Sometimes the feelings pass quickly; however, a heavy meat-eater or tofu-eater may experience nausea, skin rashes and/or headaches for quite some time. Particularly if you are unsure of your commitment to go raw, you might think something like, "If this diet's so healthy, then why do I feel so sick? I was healthier eating cooked food." Why would adding fiber and extra vegetables to your diet make you feel so crummy? The answer is "detoxification"the process whereby the body replaces toxic substances with higher-quality nutrients. The body's degree of toxicity and the speed of the dietary switch determine how many toxins hit the bloodstream before being re-processed and eliminated through sweat, urine and feces. Some raw foodists believe that they no longer need to drink water, because fresh fruits and vegetables contain a lot of natural liquid. True, but raw cuisine also contains a lot more fiber than most cooked foods, and any increase in fiber demands an increase in drinking water. If an aspiring raw foodist does not drink enough water, then s/he not only slows down the elimination process through sweat and urine; dehydration may also cause fiber to back up in the colon. Additionally, animal products contain hormones and chemicals that trigger addictions. Suddenly depriving the body of the jolt of adrenaline these provide often results in fatigue or intense cravings. Think of nicotine fits, recovering alcoholics' tremors, and the physical pain heroin addicts feel while trying to quit. All are symptoms of withdrawal and can accompany any effort to break addictions. Understanding the principles behind detoxification usually makes the symptoms more tolerable. If the toxin or withdrawal explanations sound too graphic, then try making an analogy with exercise. Like the diet change, exercise is "supposed to be good for us." But starting up an exercise program after a period of inactivity normally leaves people with sore muscles for a while. As the program continues, the body grows accustomed to the activity and eventually begins to crave it. As the body adapts itself to a
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healthier diet, it will eventually crave healthier food. Rest, water, and emphasizing the temporary nature of symptoms will help ease the process.

Common signs and symptoms of detoxification include: Fatigue Brain fog Sore muscles and/or joints Bad breath and/or body odor Fever and/or chills Recurrence of old injury or illness symptoms Acne and/or skin rashes Cooked food cravings Difficulty sleeping Mood swings, emotional outbursts, frustration, and/or anger Rapid weight loss, difficulty maintaining weight Hair loss

Raw foodists have a tendency to explain away any physical symptoms with the statement, Its only detox. While Natural Hygiene presents a good argument for disease as a purging of toxins, sometimes people do get sick on a raw food diet. Stress, old emotions, life path questions, genetics and/or environmental toxins occasionally attack more quickly than our bodies can process to the next level of cleanliness. In this case, cancer or other diseases can and sometimes do result. Use your judgment. If you just majorly upgraded your diet and lifestyle, some detox makes sense. Keep in mind that detoxification comes and goes in waves, usually following a period of feeling exceptionally good. Once you
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work through a detox period, you will likely feel better than you have in yearsprovided its really detox youre going through. If any of the above symptoms persists or intensifies for longer than a few days to a week, please seek medical attentionpreferably from a naturopath or raw-friendly health care provider who understands the process of dietary cleansing. Many major health crises begin as tiny nudges. Caught early, they make little impact on our lives. Allowed to fester and grow, they become much bigger concerns. A raw food diet initiates rapid cellular cleansing, which does cause detox symptoms for anyone who has lived on this planet for any length of time. If you feel concerned, though, please trust your intuition and seek some competent adviceeven if only to allay your fears. As a Medical Intuitive, I often notice that peoples symptoms improve just by ruling out the scariest possibilities. By contrast, I have seen health dramatically and rapidly decline when people tried to ignore their fear, thus allowing it to work on their bodies in totally subconscious and self-destructive ways. Part of a raw food diet includes tuning in more closely to the complex dance of body and soul. The process of detoxification certainly provides lots of practice! The next chapter offers insight into some of the more pro-active ways of encouraging detoxification and inner cleansing. For now, Ill just share my favorite ways to deal with untimely detoxthe kind that arrives when you really dont have the energy or desire to deal with it! Short of eating cooked food, what can a Lazy Raw Foodist do? Sweat. Layer yourself up, exercise, hop on your rebounder, go to a sauna, and/or snuggle under extra blankets. You can purge a lot of toxins through your pores. Then take a cool shower to wash them all away. Take a bath. I especially like Dr. Singhas Mustard Bath, because mustard opens the pores even more, encouraging faster release of toxins. Once those toxins leave your body, you feel better! Plus, the open pores allow healing salts, alkalizing compounds and essential oils to nourish an overloaded system. You can find Dr. Singhas Mustard Bath or other products like Dead Sea Salts, Epsom Salt or various detox blends in the Shower & Bath section of local health food stores, or online. Follow with a cool shower. You might need to take baths more often during detox times, so you can revel in a perfect excuse to lounge around and do nothing! Enjoy a cleansing massage. Essential oils and lymphatic drainage can especially help move the detox process along; however, any movement of body tissues (followed by drinking lots of water) will relieve some symptoms.
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Get a body wrap. For people who want someone else to take the toxins away, seaweed, mud, red wine or other naturally extracting body wraps can provide an easy, relaxing solution. Take ornithine at night. Ornithine is an amino acid that helps the body deal with ammonia. When our bodies kill parasites, they often release ammonia, which becomes toxic to the brain and keeps us awake at night. Taking ornithine tablets can help minimize the damage and still give you your zzzs.

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On The Fast Track:
Juice Feasting, Fasting and other Hard Core Things

Cleansing is the process by which we can release environmental toxins, disease, and old metabolic waste from our bodies, and allow them to function at a much higher level. We spring clean our homes, and we can give our bodies that same fresh start. We do not need to have serious health concerns in order to benefit from cleansing. Even healthy people breathe pollution, store toxins in their fat tissue, and absorb chlorine and fluoride from unfiltered showers and tap water. Since our bodies have not evolved as quickly as our lifestyles, they do not know how to process things like pesticides, industrial chemicals, leaching plastics, or synthetic foods. Women in so-called primitive societies experience neither PMS nor menopausal symptoms, both of which we consider normal. Scientists are finally beginning to recognize connections among pesticides, livestock hormones and Candidaall of which wreak havoc on our endocrine systems. One of the biggest stressors on the body is actually STRESS. In a society that runs on deadlines and shuns rest, most people feel less energetic than theyd like. When we get sluggish, so does our digestion. A less than optimal small intestine begins to allow partially digested foods to ferment or leak into the bloodstream, resulting in food allergies and a host of other symptoms from migraines to chronic pain. As a society, we have come to accept less than optimal health, assuming that cancer-free means healthy. Cleansing and detoxification encourage us to aim higher. In this chapter, Ive collected information about more pro-active cleansing steps. Although a raw food diet provides major internal cleansing, sometimes the bodys elimination channels cannot keep up with healing on the cellular level. The cells continue to dump years of toxins and waste into the blood stream, but the colon, lymph glands, liver, kidneys and skin get overloaded. As a result, you can feel quite ill. Imagine hitting yourself with all the toxins from your youth and just letting them hang out in your body for awhile. Not exactly the reason most of us turn to raw foods! In this chapter, I discuss pro-active steps you can take to keep your elimination channels clear. When these systems work efficiently, they can
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keep pace with the cellular level of detoxification. As a result, you feel more vibrant, lighter and energetic. Please note: no one can mandate that you take any or all of these steps. Many people just reach a point in their raw journey in which their body starts demanding a little preventative maintenancean oil change, if you will. If you start feeling sluggish, disgusted with your usual food choices, develop skin conditions, body odor or feel backed up even after using the bathroom, you might naturally find yourself wondering about cleanses, colonics and other strange things you never thought youd do. If, in the future, you decide to explore what you now perceive as hard core options, you can just smile at the surprising twists of your journey. (I sure do!)

Juice Fasting Ranging anywhere from one to forty days, juice fasts give the digestive system a hard earned break. Unlike lengthy water fasts, which should always be facilitated by someone knowledgeable in that area, juice fasts provide some (limited) liquid calories. Some people fast one day per week, one week per month, or several times per year. When we stop eating, the energy normally spent on digesting food can turn towards deeper healing. Intensifying the cleansing aspects of a raw diet, a juice fast encourages the body to rest and restore itself. Once the initial hunger passes, many people feel surprised at how much extra energy they have. Others feel incredibly tired as detoxification symptoms appear. A few tips: Adding fresh green juices helps to alkalize the body and minimize effects of exogenous waste hitting the bloodstream. If you feel too floaty or out of body, try celery juice or a teaspoon of miso in warm water. The salt (especially from the miso) will bring you back to earth in a jiffy. If you get juicers elbow as I did on my 10-day juice fast, you can sometimes find a local health food store to make your juices for you. Just make sure they dont add pasteurized juices like pineapple or apple to your fresh green ones. In your heightened fasting sensitivity, those sugars will hit you more than usual.

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You can avoid juicers elbow by blending veggies and greens in your VitMix and then pushing everything through a nut milk bag. Of course, you may then get juicers fingers, but those dont hurt. You just get stained nails from pressing out the natural pigments of your produce. Some initial hunger is normal, but if you find yourself actually starving, losing consciousness, or having changes in heartbeat, please consult a fastknowledgeable medical guide or break your fast. Even if you have not gone as long as you originally intended, any break in digestion can have healing effectsunless you push your body beyond its capabilities. Inappropriate fasting can do more harm than good.

Juice Feasting One recent development on the cleansing front is something called Juice Feasting. This phenomenon has sparked many a blog and online community, and March 1, 2008 marked the start-date of a worldwide community Juice Feast. In early 2008, I interviewed Sedona resident Chele A. Eades, a healthy lifestyle coach and raw foods chef who has been teaching others the benefits of juicing for over 20 years. She works with a number of local naturopaths to support their clients in healing and detoxification. Chele explains the difference between fasting and feasting: Juice Feasting means consuming fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices for 92 days, to cleanse the body of old toxins. This is termed a Feast rather than Fast because one gets ALL the calories one would normally get in a day (i.e. 1500 for an average woman) from at least 4 litres/1 gallon of fresh juice, daily (green vegetable juices, fruit juices and coconut water all included). There are 92 elements the body needs to function optimally (that are known); therefore the program timing is based on that concept. By consuming only liquids, which are absorbed directly into our system, we give the body a huge energy break from digesting foods. It can then use that saved energy to clean out old matter, especially from the small intestine. The average person holds 5-10lbs of toxic old matter in their intestines, and Feasting is an ideal way to release it, giving the body a phenomenal chance to rejuvenate and restore. Often when people fast they take in very small amounts of liquid/calories, the metabolism slows, their energy slumps, and they may feel quite
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dysfunctional. Juice Feasting works differently, supporting the feaster to be very functional in daily life and meeting all calorie needs, while experiencing massive cleansing on a cellular level. The aims of Juice Feasting are to: "Cleanse, Rebuild, Rehydrate and Alkalize. For Lazy Juice Feasters who want to give this a try without doing all the research themselves, Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes have collected all of the necessary components of a successful juice feast on their site. You can reach the Juice Feasters Epicenter by clicking here.

Ejuva Cleanse People who dont want to commit to 92-days without food can try the 28-day Ejuva cleanse, recommended by David Wolfe and offered at numerous raw food centers or restaurants like Cousins Incredible Vitality in Chicago. In early 2008, I interviewed Kali Acoba of Sedonas Cleansing with Kali. In Kalis words: The Ejuva cleanse kit is a 28-day herbal cleanse program that not only thoroughly cleans and rebuilds the intestinal tract but it also cleanses the lymph system and the blood. It is a kit that addresses the bodily system holistically . While its main focus is on the cleansing of the colon, it also focuses on the kidneys and the liver. ... What I like about this particular cleanse is that it has the powerful ability to effectively clean out the toxins, yet it is gentle enough that one can still continue with their typical routines. For example, in the last year alone I have led several hundred participants through my cleanse protocol in which I use the Ejuva cleanse kit along with my cleanse program and a majority of my participants worked full-time throughout the entire 28 days. This cleanse program and many others emphasize organic, raw foods, which contain all the enzymes necessary for proper digestion. To quote Kali again, Enzymes play a crucial role in not only working to assimilate vitamins and minerals but also in the breaking down of waste materials in the body. Raw foods provide abundant enzymes and the enzymes are crucial for cleansing to occur. The last week of the Ejuva cleanse involves a juice fast, during which time participants consume no solid food. Many people quit at this point, but people who finish the Ejuva often consider it a life changing event.
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Other Herbal Cleanses Due to its purity, Ejuva remains the cleanse of choice for many raw foodists; however, the fasting and cost of Ejuva (sometimes $200-700 when facilitated), encourage many clients to ask me for other recommendations. I generally direct clients to three places and suggest they choose the program that resonates best for them: Dr. Naturas Colonix is not raw, but it does get rid of parasites and old intestinal crud. I have taken this cleanse myself with, um, dramatic results. Without getting graphic, lets just say that I know this stuff works well. A lot of my clients have taken it for two to three months and noticed major lifts in mood, weight loss, more creativity, and a greater sense of clarity and peace. I like this product because it does not require fasting or even a raw food diet, and people find it gentle enough for everyday use. Many of my clients travel for work, and they cannot afford the runs or other issues associated with colon cleansing. I also like that Colonix provides a strong defense against parasites. Most people dont realize that when we have parasites (and pretty much everyone does!), these little beasties have their own agendas and energy. Sometimes irrational fears, anger, aggression or other personality traits are really parasite traits. For example, I have found that pin worms resonate with anxiety (especially about finances). Round worms resonate with negativity, anger and aggression, while Candida resonates with victim, especially the kind of victim who feels walked on by everyone else. I often recognize Candida overgrowth just by the corresponding poor me mentality. Removing such unwanted guests can bring back our natural, joyful state. Other people notice relief from skin conditions, back aches and/or chronic illness. Dr. Hulda Clarks Liver Flush is intense, but not as intense as most people fear! Ive done it twice as directed by Dr. Clark, with excellent results both times. The second time I used hemp oil instead of olive oil, and it actually tasted great with the grapefruit juice. Instead of gagging, I felt a little sad when I had reached the end of my glass. Some people approach this cleanse with a week of fasting only on apple juice. I have never followed this alternative step, and I still expelled plenty of pea green bile stones. I find that many people react badly to the apple juicedeveloping Candida overgrowth, blood sugar issues, and/or severe intestinal cramping. Although I do cleanse periodically, Im really a Lazy
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Cleanser as well, and I dont like to risk residual problems. As a result, I just followed Dr. Clarks instructions as posted here, including her recommendation to destroy parasites ahead of time. I have never zapped, but I did take walnut hull, wormwood and cloves for two weeks before each liver flush. Dr. Naturas Colonix also contains these ingredients. Dr. Clark wrote The Cure for All Cancers: Including Over 100 Case Histories, which provides fascinating, disturbing and potentially liberating information for anyone who chooses to read it. Although I can make no personal claims, I do know at least one person who cured his advanced kidney cancer by following her protocol and making lifestyle changes. As you might imagine, the books title and claims have given Dr. Clark a place in quack watch and other websites looking to discredit so-called miracle cures. As always, please follow your own intuition and experience. Im just playing tour guide. Renew Life offers cleansing packages that you can buy in the health food store or online. They have many different programs and packages from beginning to advanced, colon to full body. Although I have not experienced particularly dramatic results with these products, I find them handy because you can pick them up whenever inspiration strikes at Whole Foods. You can generally go about your regular day while taking the various pills, and if you notice detox symptoms like headaches or nausea, you can easily back down your dose. For this reason, I find the Renew Life products excellent starter options for people new to cleansing and detoxification. You probably wont have any Oh my, God, I cant believe that came out of me! moments, which, for some people, is a huge relief.

Colon Hydrotherapy (aka Colonics) Colon hydrotherapy involves flushing out the colon and intestines with warm water. Generally people purchase an initial series of six to ten one-hour or hour-and-a-half sessions, designed to loosen and release years of accumulation. The therapist will then recommend the regularity of sessions based upon diet, lifestyle, goals and ease of release. Some people consider colonics highly controversial and not just because of having something stuck up their bums for an hour. Anti-colonics folks believe the water dilutes naturally occurring and beneficial bacteria, leaving the person more vulnerable to parasites and digestive imbalances. Other people swear that regular colonics have cured acne, irritable bowel syndrome, Candida overgrowth, depression, and/or allowed them to maintain a 100% raw diet. Matt Monarch is probably the most vocal raw
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foodist proponent of colonics as a key to long-term raw success, but I know several clients who have gone for weekly or monthly colonics for years, feeling it keeps them fresh, glowing and rejuvenated. As with other types of cleansing, no one can make this decision for you. If you feel like you want to purge a whole lot in a hurry, or detox symptoms like bad breath, body odor or acne have persisted beyond other cleansing attemptsor, if you just really want someone else to do the work for you then colon hydrotherapy might sound intriguing. If people have an interest in this type of treatment, I always suggest they call a local colon hydrotherapist to assess their comfort level and resonance with the provider. The right relationship seems especially important in this type of therapy, because youll be lying on a table in a gown for at least an hour while they fill you up and flush you out. For a list of certified colon hydrotherapy facilities, please click here.

Rejuvelac is a fermented drink made from water and sprouted wheat, rye, or other large grains. I include it in this chapter because many people consider this drink something only hard core or extreme raw foodists take. Like wheatgrass juice (another hard core shot), rejuvelac became popular through the work of Dr. Ann Wigmore, who advocated it as a means of replenishing good bacteria in the gut. Though acquired, the taste definitely depends on the type of grains used, fermenting temperature and age of the rejuvelac. It really does grow on you, though: I love this stuff! As a Lazy Raw Foodist, I have never made my own rejuvelac, and some experts advise you actually just take acidophilus supplements, since rejuvelac cultures are difficult to control. Various health food stores carry little 8 oz. bottles of rejuvelac, which you can sample to see if you want to make your own. Here are two different recipes: and rejuvelac.html. Probiotics (whether through raw yogurts, kefir, rejuvelac or supplements) are an easy, proactive step for people with no desire to fast, flush or herbal cleanse.

Please note: In sharing these experiences of clients and myself, I in no way intend to diagnose, treat or claim to cure you with Dr. Natura, Ejuva, colonics or any other means. I include these details only to provide you with more information in making your own conscious choices.
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But I Worked through that Years Ago!
Dealing with Emotional Backlash

Raw food diets cleanse at the cellular level. Most people understand that cells contain buried physical toxins, but our bodies also hold memories of emotional trauma, disappointments, betrayals and broken hearts. When we stuff our feelings, they actually get lodged in physical cells. As live foods encourage cellular release of toxins, these old emotions resurface before leaving permanentlyeven if we think we healed them long ago. Life becomes intense for awhile, but you do have options. I wont prescribe one all-inclusive antidote, but I will share observations from my own journey and helping others on their raw food path.

The Grief Eater When grief or loss overwhelms us, we instinctively choose fight or flight-both forms of denial. According to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, denial marks the first stage of a five-part process, followed by anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. If all recovery requires a progression through at least two of these stages, then how can we move through them faster? So many of my coaching clients remain stuck because of current reactions to very old grief. They don't want to dissect their experiences; they want to move past them. Now. A meditation using the syllables "sat yam" (rhymes with "but" "hum") offers a powerful way to do just that. I first discovered this ancient technique on Yogiraj Alan Finger's wonderful CD, "Life Enhancing Meditations," in which he leads listeners through a seated process. I found it effective in moving through my own emotions and began to share the method with clients whose reactions to grief continued to get the better of them. To my delight, they started practicing the meditation for a few minutes each day, and their anger and attachments began to fade. I've recommended it so many times over the years--and with such good results--that I decided to share the meditation here. If you think of the old saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," this meditation gives you another option. It functions like a garbage disposal for old emotions that no longer serve us. What happens when we throw lemons in a garbage disposal? All the old, nasty smelling
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junk that sits in the sink and makes it stink, suddenly smells fresh. The lemon completely disappears, leaving only a fresh, invigorating scent and free-flowing water. To begin the process, get as comfortable as you can without falling asleep. (Yogiraj Alan Finger recommends sitting upright; however, I encourage clients to use this meditation in the moment, whenever a new betrayal, loss or irritation threatens to turn into lasting grief or anger.) So, get as comfortable as you can and preferably close your eyes. Gradually bring yourself into your heart. If you can't get out of your head, imagine a ladder descending from your brain to your heart, and step down each rung with each breath, until you can step into your heart center. Once in your heart, concentrate on your breath, imagining it flowing directly in and out of your heart center (at the center of your chest, not actually your physical heart!). Breathe like this for a minute or so. On your next inhalation, inhale through your heart center and imagine you're dragging all your old grief, anger, loss, betrayal and attachments in with the breath. If you have a lot of emotions, you might imagine them wrapped in cloth that you drag in with the breath. You might also think of them as barnacles attaches to silk. Use whatever image comes to mind most easily. Inhale deeply, dragging all this old junk up to the crown (top) of your head, silently saying to yourself, "sat" (rhymes with "but"). Once you reach the end of your inhale at the crown of your head, exhale through your crown and imagine all that old stuff releasing out the top of your head. As you exhale, silently say to yourself, the sound, "yam" (rhymes with "hum"), imagining the sound carrying away all your grief and emotions. (I like to imagine huge wings opening up to the sound "yam" and taking flight with all the things I no longer need.) Return to your heart and repeat: inhale, dragging all the remaining emotions into your heart with the sound "sat," dragging all that stuff up to your crown, and then releasing through the top of your head with an exhalation and the sound "yam." Inhale, release, repeat. (You need not worry about "polluting" the world with all these "negative" emotions, because when something releases through your crown, it undergoes a spiritual transmutation and simply becomes uncharged energy.) Continue to repeat the sat yam inhalation/exhalation process until you feel light in your heart and have difficulty finding enough "stuff" to drag in with your inhale. Once you've reached a good stopping point, enjoy this lighter,
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cleaner space of your heart and know that you can return here any time by inviting the grief into your heart, transforming it through breath and sound, and releasing it through the crown of the head. This meditation works, in part, because it reconnects the head and the heart, reversing traditional sounds associated with their chakras. "Sat," meaning "truth" or "true identity," usually corresponds to the seventh chakra, while "yam" represents the sound of the fourth (or heart) chakra. By reversing these sounds, this meditation encourages consciousness in the heart and a connection between "hridaya" (gateway to the highest level of reality) and our point of union with the Divine. Head and heart become an integrated whole. Because this meditation involves a bit of multi-tasking (concurrent breath, sound, visualization), people often wonder if they can practice isolated parts of it. "Can't I just breathe deeply? What if I forget the sounds?" My own and others' experiences find the whole greater than the sum of its parts in this case. Deep breathing will help anyone deal with stress, but without the mantra and visuals, deep breathing does not act as a grief eater. Deep breaths will relax you, but they will not cause "lemons" to disappear, leaving only a fresh, clean, invigorating scent. If you have trouble memorizing the instructions, record part of this article for yourself, or buy Yogiraj Alan Finger's "Life Enhancing Meditations." With regular practice, you'll find it becomes natural and easy. One client uses this technique so much that she's turned it into a verb! "So and so really got on my nerves today, so I satyam'ed for five minutes while he was talking to me. I can see I'll have to satyam some more because I can feel a little sadness clawing at my heart strings." She uses the meditation proactively, as a means to avoid latching onto negative emotions. Whether used for removing old grief or to prevent future attachments, sat yam offers a powerful way to keep moving forward. By embracing grief--literally inviting it into our hearts--we allow the energy of unconditional compassion to heal our wounds. Instead of dodging the emotions, we love them. As the saying goes, "If you love something, set it free." Love your grief, so that you CAN set it free!

Alternate Options: The Temporary Numb-Out and Conscious Eating When a raw food lifestyle affords greater insights and intuition, most people consider this a gift. There are, however, some times when people really dont want quite so much Awareness. Family reunions, weddings, divorces,
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major life changes any of these can trigger panic or grief that sometimes feels better with a bit of static. White noise on the brain: just enough interference to mellow that inner broadcast of emotions. Im not a psychiatrist, so please take everything I say here with a Himalayan Salt crystal! From a Medical Intuitive perspective, though, were all addicts. As humans, we all struggle with addictive tendencies that mask negative aspects of ourselves. In reality, these shadow traits pop up for us to embrace them, integrate them and move on, but sometimes that doesnt feel so easy. Humans privately judge themselves so harshly that when outside relationships or events seem to validate that judgment, it can hurt. Sometimes a lot! Even if were working to release those old expectations and nasty inner critics, at times the feelings or incongruities throw a tantrum, punching and pinching all the sore spots. Each person has his or her own pain threshold on the physical level as well as in the heart and mind. We can choose to open our hearts and follow our bliss, but sometimes if we dont wander off the path, we risk halting our entire raw food journey. When you know what you need emotionally, you can hopefully deal directly with those feelings, but lets imagine thats not an option at the moment. For whatever reason, you simply cannot or will not work through your issue right now: youve satyamd, bounced on your rebounder, listened to 80s music, and youre still achingly depressed or angry. Even if you know youll get a cooked food hangover the next morning, at times, you might consciously choose to numb yourself with corn chips, pasta, or other cooked comfort food. People use alcohol or drugs for the same reason, and sometimes a little numbness works for people. No, I dont advocate recreational drugs or abuse of the body! I just know that understanding this dynamic helps some people remain mostly raw for the long haul, instead of quitting prematurely because things seem way too hard. Why does this matter to a Lazy Raw Foodist? Well, a slight detour to munch a few tortilla chips takes far less time and effort to redirect than a six month cooked food binge that happened because you insisted on pushing yourself too fast or too far beyond your limits! I have a naturally high metabolism, but I also know that Im too lazy to get fat. When I look at the phenomenal effort and discipline required to lose 200, 100, even 20 pounds, an extra flight of stairs or a walk around the lake
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this afternoon sounds easy. As they say, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In the case of the temporary numb-out, if you recognize your desire for distraction, and you know youll binge when things go too far, then sometimes a tiny, controlled diversion can save you from having to build a whole new road. When we think of Hippocrates words, Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food, we usually think of fresh, raw foods as the medicine, and most of the time thats true. In some cases, though, the intensity of mental, emotional or spiritual anguish can make less clarifying foods a compassionate alternative. As you become more conscious of foods effects on each of your various levels, you can actually refine your use of it. Enter another Lazy Raw Foodist paradox: conscious eating initially takes more effort, but it saves you effort in the long run. If you eat consciously noticing how you feel while consuming different foodsthen you will gift yourself Awareness when you most need it. Sensing which feeling you do want and associating that feeling with an appropriate food lessens the total amount of food you will need to rebalance your emotions. Just a small portion of exactly the right ingredient can take the edge off sufferingsaving you from a binge, shameful feelings and/or physical consequences of that binge. Another boon of conscious eating: with attention and intention, you can often find raw foods that work, thus saving you uncontrollable forays into cooked. For example, you might notice that when you meditate a lot or live on mostly fruit, you feel airy or floaty. Grounding becomes an issue, and after awhile, you might crave meat. The moment you begin to feel that nudge for grounding, you can tweak your still-raw diet. Ask yourself, what do I feel I need? In this case, you want some weight: heaviness, a little more solidity. Will ground beef do it? Yes, it likely will, but if you monitor your feeling before it becomes a full-on craving, then some nuts or heavy, gourmet raw treats can provide your desired effect. No set rules exist here, because each person responds differently to different stimuli. Nevertheless, some general tips seem to work for most people:

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Feeling Airy, flighty Aggressive Frazzled, burned out Sad Too in-tune

Emotional Craving grounding, solidity gentle support nurtured, calmed brightness, joy quiet, deep sleep

Effective Foods miso, nuts & roots greens, avocado, coconut H20 raw protein, celery, sea veggies fresh veggie juice, raw cacao, figs gourmet raw entre + dessert

Eating consciously also lets you observe how trace ingredients affect you. For example, some people become extremely sensitive to raw garlic and onions, even if they tolerated them well while eating cooked food. Certain religions avoid garlic and onions due to a stimulating effect that disquiets the mind. On the other hand, some people L-O-V-E garlic, and the more the better. Conscious eating lets you discern if your taste buds say yes, but your body says no. I personally like the taste of gourmet raw foods, some of which contain garlic and onions; however, I find that I dont sleep well for three or four nights after consuming these ingredients. I also feel agitated, perhaps from the lack of sleep. Even if my tummy feels fine, with observation, I have learned how to monitor my mood through food. I avoid overly pungent spices unless I consciously choose to accept the consequences. Recognizing your optimal diet doesnt mean you can never stray. It just helps to know how certain foods affect your moods, so that you can maintain your equilibrium or quickly rebalance emotions. For more information on this topic, I recommend Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens, as well as the non-raw book, The Hip Chicks Guide to Macrobiotics by Jessica Porter. Shell make you laugh while teaching you the ins and outs of yin and yang.

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Skeletons in the Closet:
Bingeing and Purging

Eating disorders, obsession with food, and perfectionism do not always end with a nutrition degree or a 100% raw vegan diet. Yes, removing toxins and processed foods helpssometimes tremendouslybut the pressure to look healthy, thin and beautiful can continue beyond education or dietary shifts. Often, it actually increases. As a Medical Intuitive and Life Coach, Ive encountered many nutritionists and raw fooders who feel ashamed and embarrassed of their ongoing issues with food. As health advocates, theyre not supposed to have these problems anymore! Why cant they practice what they preach? Why the self-sabotage? Secret cooked food binges, bulimia (overeating followed by regurgitation or excessive exercise), dangerously long fasts and detoxification attempts, uncontrollable cravings This dark side of radiant health can plunge people into a sea of shame and depressionwhich, of course, theyre also not supposed to feel. What if my clients or readers find out? they worry. Youre human, I say. And its more common than you think. So common and under-reported, in fact, that I knew I needed to include this chapter. Fortunately, our bodies never betray us. They work on behalf of our souls trying to grab our attention when nothing else has. As with any health concern, once we decode and accept the message, we can let the symptoms go. Most psychologists recognize these patients tendency toward perfectionism. Therapy attempts to negate self-judgment. This helps to some degree, but most recovered anorexics or bulimics privately confess that the disorder returns whenever they feel out of control. Best case scenario, they can manage the stress and not return to old behavior patterns but the thoughts remain. Telling someone to drop the perfectionism doesnt provide a cure. In fact, it prevents the cure! Because, truth be told, these people know they can do better. They know they can live bigger, brighter, more influential lives perhaps more than anyone around them imagines. The quest for perfect body or perfect health reflects a deeper urge to perfect the Self. Successful treatment of eating disorders needs to honor this inner driveand create a safe space to explore unusual gifts and talents. In a society that feels more comfortable with mediocrity, it often seems easier to transfer the souls mission to the body. Thus, the anorexic who holds within her a fully compassionate, radiant, healing presence feels less conspicuous as a walking skeleton. The bulimic
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whose potentially bestselling words of wisdom could transform millions of lives finds it easier to throw up food than to write her book. The personal trainer who intuitively knows how to heal his clients self-esteem puts all his energy into pumping ironso that people notice his body rather than his soul. The overweight psychic piles on pounds in order to subdue her toobright inner glow. Ive noticed a complex yet consistent dynamic in people with eating disorders. Yes, they exhibit perfectionist tendencies, but not in the way most people assume. The shame of imperfection stems less from impaired body image than from living below their natural capabilities. On some level, these people recognize that they have gifts to share, but they get scared. Maybe the world wont accept their unusual talents. Maybe family tells them they need to live a certain way. Perhaps some people find their message offensive. What if everyone thinks theyve lost their minds? Whatever the rational for avoiding their gifts, these perfectionists intuitively know theyre not sharing what they could. The shame they express with regard to their bodies or eating habits really mirrors a deeper shame at not living as authentically and compassionately as they could. It doesnt matter if people tell them they look good or consider them experts in their field. It doesnt even matter if they are experts in their field! These people know they could do more, and they feel ashamed for slacking. Ultimately, its not really about perfection, though. Its about the r word. Responsibility. Having the kind of influence that changes lives can feel scary. Self-sabotage provides both distraction and proof of unworthiness to wield such influence. But physical/psychological symptoms can only distract for so long. Eventually, they demand attention, forcing people to deal with those latent gifts. The good news is that people do recover from eating disorders, and you can, too, by augmenting your traditional treatments with targeted personal growth exercises:

1) Practice mindful eating. Pay attention to your food. Notice the flavors, colors, textures and how these make you feel. Ponder all the people and processes involved in the growth and production of your food and express gratitude for the gift on your plate.

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2) Start a meditation practice. You can buy a CD like Yogiraj Alan Fingers Life Enhancing Meditations or Deepak Chopras SoulofHealing Meditation CD. Both offer excellent guidance in forgiving yourself and others, allowing you to open a bigger, more influential you. You can also try a kundalini yoga meditation called Sa Ta Na Ma. The words sa ta na ma translate roughly to birth, life, death, rebirth, and are thus a powerful transformative mantra. When chanting Sa Ta Na Ma, sit on the floor with your legs crossed and press your elbows to your ribs, so that your arms each form 90 degree angles at your sides. Press the fingertips to the pads on your palms and stick your thumb s up like a hitchhiker. Inhale deeply and then exhale all your air, sucking your navel towards your back. Holding the belly empty, chant silently within yourself four rounds of Sa Ta Na Ma. Inhale deeply and repeat this process at least six times, up to eleven minutes. The combination of completely emptying and then filling the lungs and belly, combined with the meaning, make this a super technique for people with eating disorders.

3) Whenever you feel too big physically, explore your spiritual gifts. If you dont consciously know what these are, ask for guidance. They will reveal themselves! You can also take a 60 question inventory here: (If youre not Christian, modify the questions for your personal belief system.) People often feel huge not because of actual girth but because they have so much unused stuff inside of them.

4) When you feel the urge to purge, release in other ways. Honor pent-up energy, words and talents that seek expression. Write, paint, draw, volunteer. Share something beautiful!

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5) When you want to starve yourself, feed the world. Look at people around you starving for emotional or spiritual nourishment. Offer random acts of kindness as support. Clean house and donate old clothes. Give until you feel balanced to receive again.

6) If you feel ashamed for your issues, remember where youre headed. Shame will dissolve as you embrace your deeper purpose and share that beauty with the world. We change the world and our lives one small step at a time. Each day, concentrate on one small stepa journal entry, conversation, or application essay. An outfit of older clothes put together in unexpected ways. A walk in nature. A letter to the editor.

7) If your stomach bothers you, focus on your heart center. If you have trouble getting into your heart, imagine green, gold, or pink light moving in and out of you with your breath. Follow your breath and feel a pulsating warmth in the center of your chest. Let that warmth envelop you and radiate from you like warm, honey, emanating sweetness. Your hearts just one step above your tummy, but that one step lifts you out of ego and into communion.

Why do I mention eating disorders in The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide? Because a Lazy Raw Foodist doesnt have time for these distractions! If you catch yourself falling into old (or new) patterns of anorexia, bingeing or bulimia, please seek some outside support, but dont disregard your inner resources. You likely have a larger role in life than you imagined, and that can feel intimidating. Relax! No one gets a spiritual calling without a corresponding offer of spiritual support. Pay attention to your feelings, but keep moving on your journey.

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What happens when you lose the weight you used to need to throw around? --Pink Floyd, Animals

Fat protects us. It insulates us both emotionally and physicallycreating a storage bin for toxic thoughts and chemicals. Fat keeps dangerous substances away from vital organs, and it also keeps uncomfortable emotions (positive or negative) away from our hearts. Trouble is this method encourages us to accumulate extra pudge and barriers. When we start eating clean, organic, raw food, our bodies recognize higher quality nutrients and begin to clean housereplacing ratty old cells with fresh, new life. In the detoxification section, I discussed how this process can feel icky in the interim. Old toxins and emotions suddenly hit the bloodstream like trash bags of musty old clothes cluttering a flooded basement. Initially, when we try to clean house, things can look and feel worse than they did before we started. If we stick to the cleansing process, though, eventually our body will feel lighter, newer and more openjust like our home after a good spring cleaning and remodel. So, just make it through the detox, and then everythings perfect, right? Well, sort of. Think of what happens when you redecorate your home. Maybe you install new carpeting, and suddenly, its a no shoes household. You dont want to get dirt on that fresh new carpet. If you have a roomful of white carpet with one muddy footprint, guess what draws your focus? And that new couch? Forget eating on it. Eat your dinner at the table! Even though your old couch needed a slipcoverin fact, because your old couch needed a slipcoveryoure more apt to notice spilled dressing on your new upholstery. If you want to keep your new blinds white, youll have to (gasp) dust them regularly, lest they grow dingy. In short, you might love your remodeled home, but it also requires more care and upkeep. Mistakes show themselves more glaringly against a pristine canvas. The same thing happens to your body. As you upgrade your diet and lifestyle to organic, fresh, raw foods and non-toxic products, your body begins to expect higher quality. It becomes more sensitive, and
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less tolerant of everyday chemicals, pesticides and artificial ingredients. Things like cigarette smoke, formaldehyde, air pollution or chlorine bleach can cause major reactions. A body with lots of padding or at least substantial amounts of mucus has some way to buffer the onslaught of foreign substances, but raw diets release these buffers, leaving us more vulnerable to a toxic environment. Matt Monarch goes into the physical aspects of this with nice illustrations in his book, Raw Success, but essentially, on a raw food diet, our cells become tighter. Pollutants no longer get caught in mucus or fat: they immediately affect the cells. Think of alcohol, for example. People gradually increase their tolerance until it may take four, five, even ten drinks for them to feel drunk. Yet someone who rarely drinks and has not eaten may feel totally tipsy after half a glass of wine. They have no tolerance. Without a gradual build-up, people not used to toxic substances will experience stronger reactions to them. A similar process occurs emotionally. Without the hazy filter of fat, chemicals and genetically engineered building blocks for cells, uncomfortable truths become more difficult to hide. If a marriage has always lacked compassion, that fact will become clearer while eating live, organic food. If certain people in your life manipulate you with subtly negative comments, youll notice those more and find yourself less tolerant. If your job requires you to ignore your conscience youll find it more difficult to do so while eating a raw diet. Not impossible: humans have perfected the possibilities of denial and avoidance! But you will find the incongruities more noticeable, more glaring and more demanding of attention the longer you stay raw. Ultimately, some people choose to back their raw intake down to a percentage that allows certain old patterns to remain. Thats entirely your choice. Others decide to embrace their newfound clarity because the dream of a new way of living looks so promising and joyful. They view the strong reactions to old patterns as intense reminders to stay on a more committed path to excellence and growth. Whatever you decide, you always have options. It just helps to realize that increasing your raw intake and decreasing toxins will eventually lead you to expect higher standards in all areas of your life. If you want to return to old patterns after a lengthy hiatus, dont feel surprised when you experience a
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greater reaction than you might have expected based on past habits. Nature strives for continual renewal and improvement. The more natural and clean your lifestyle, the less youll tolerate unnatural or toxic influences in your physical and emotional realms.

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Help, Im Suddenly Psychic
Heightened Awareness and Grounding Issues

Jill Bolte Taylor's popular TED video, best-selling book, and her interview on Oprah really started people talking. Suddenly, the silent experiences of millions of stroke and brain injury survivors have entered mainstream consciousness! As a TBI (traumatic brain injury) survivor and Intuitive Life Coach, I receive so many questions from people wondering if biochemistry and trauma awaken spirituality in everyone, or just them. While I certainly cannot speak for everyone, I do recognize higher than average interest in spiritual growth and intuitive awareness in people whose brains have shortcircuited. It also happens a lot among raw fooders. The process both excites and terrifies, so here are a few hints for handling the Awakening:

1) Know that you are not alone.

Yes, it might feel like no one in the world has had this experience, but people have had mystical encounters for millennia. Some, like Hildegaard von Bingen or Fyodor Dostoyevski, are now thought to have suffered from severe migraines and/or epilepsy. Many Medical Intuitives such as Carmen Bell and Tiffany Snow trace their gifts to a near death experience. My own Medical Intuition dramatically increased after a moderate concussion, and it sky-rocketed with I went raw. I work with many parents raising high raw/vegan kids, and they frequently comment on their childrens Awareness. Shazzie calls her little Evie, scarily psychic. Does a biochemical component negate such experiences? Far from it! Scientists have recently studied long-term meditators, locating areas in the brain that show greater or lesser activity than in "normal" brains. Yoga offers a four-to-eight-thousand-year-old tradition of balancing biochemistry in order to relax the body, quiet the mind, and awaken more profound Spiritual Consciousness. If you suddenly sense the veil has parted, you might need to look around for people who share similar experiences, but rest assured: they're out there!

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2) Stay Open.

When a neurological condition or the absence of cooked food suddenly opens pathways you never knew existed, you might feel tempted to "turn things off." Indeed, many people contact me because they don't know how to handle the onslaught of psychic awareness. "How do I tune stuff out?" they ask. "I don't wanna know these things!" If you lived life from a rational perspective and suddenly see into the future, communicate telepathically, or know your neighbor has cancer before she tells you, this information initially seems like way too much to handle. But I learned something ironic about both sight and insight when a brain injury destroyed my visual system; if you feel overloaded, embrace more information instead of shutting yourself down. Here's why this works: physiologically, our eyes are designed to scan the horizon for food and/or predators. Although most of us now spend more hours on the computer than hunting or gathering, our visual system remains quite similar to that of our ancestors, for whom any information equaled valuable information. If a saber-toothed tiger crouched to their left, or a buffalo wandered in the distance, they needed to know! A loss of peripheral vision meant a loss of overall awareness, which could spell death. Hence, a narrowed visual field still leads to fight or flight response. In today's world, we can easily develop tunnel vision. If you spend eight hours on a computer and then go home and watch TV for a few hours or relax by reading a book (without looking in the distance or practicing eye exercises) you have effectively narrowed your visual field. As the saying goes, "use it or lose it." Consistently ignoring our peripheral vision can result in degradation, so that we become less and less aware of our physical environment. Anxiety, irritability and fear quickly follow-and no wonder! Our bodies are hard wired to fear a lack of visual input! 80-90% percent of the information we absorb comes through the visual system. The health of our visual system directly affects our thoughts, emotions and ability to "see the forest through the trees." As humans, we also have a Third Eye or intuitive center, which resides in the space between our eyebrows. According to yogis and long-term meditators, focusing awareness on this area heightens intuition. This Visioning Center remains closely connected to our visual center, because so much of memory, imagination, and insight rely on visual cues.

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If you suddenly find your visioning or insight center (your Third Eye) overloaded with information, trying to shut out guidance will only increase your anxiety, just like going blind as a hunter-gatherer would have made your heart race. Humans instinctively fear darkness. If you sense too much intuitive awareness, turning your inner light up will help much more than trying to turn it off.

3) Learn to develop calm Awareness. OK, so you're not supposed to censor information, but it still seems like too much: how do you find a balance? Try centering yourself, either alone or with a guided meditation. Repeating a mantra or listening to chants like those sung by Deva Premal or Krishna Das can help your mind relax without zoning out. Ideally, you want something that pulls you into your heart instead of playing hide and seek with thoughts. Concentrate on your Heart Chakra (at the center of your chest) and imagine warm, golden, pink or green light pulsating in a slow, radiant beat. As impressions fly into your head, bring them into your heart to feel and hear a response tempered with loving-kindness. In the Christian tradition, Jesus says, "Perfect love casts out fear," and you know what? It actually does! Experiment and you will find that saturating yourself with unconditional compassion instantly banishes worry. Consider that the words "scared" and "sacred" contain all the same components, just slightly rearranged. We do not need to remove things in order to make them holy. We need only shift perspective. On her Awakened Heart Meditation CD, teacher Sally Kempton observes that in Sanskrit, the word for the Heart Chakra, hridaya, is also the word for "the highest gateway to reality." Let your heart balance your head's information overload.

4) Have fun!

Your attitude towards these newfound gifts determines much of your experience. Approach intuitive hits with fear, and life becomes a series of
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dire predictions and forebodings. On the other hand, recognizing nudges from the universe can save you a lot of time, energy and heartache. Many people find that heightened intuition coincides with increased manifestation ability. If you've heard about The Law of Attraction" then you already know that your thoughts influence your reality. Why not have fun creating more of the life that you desire? Practice intending abundant, joyful days. Ask for synchronicities. Align your intentions with the highest good of all and watch beauty unfold before you. They say God is in the details, but they also say that God has a wonderful sense of humor. When you start getting Spirit's punch lines, you get to giggle with the universe. Life becomes a comedy, and in theater, comedy always means a happy ending. Lighten up!

5) Ask for guidance.

Just because you suddenly access more information doesn't mean you're on your own. Life offers endless opportunities to learn and discern. If you feel unsure of the guidance, then ask for clarity. If something stretches the bounds of rationality, you can request signs tailor-made to activate your faith. The Biblical story of Gideon reminds us that we can pray for interactive lessons. God told Gideon to save the Israelites by leading them into battle against their foes. Gideon felt inclined to believe God, but because others' lives were at stake, he asked for a sign. Specifically, he requested that if the Israelites were supposed to go into battle, then the wool he placed on the ground would be wet while the ground remained dry. The next morning he found the wool wet and the ground dry, so he felt God had answered his request. Still, he wanted to feel certain, and so he asked for another sign. This time, he asked for wet ground and dry wool. The next morning, he found dry wool on wet ground, and he knew he could confidently lead the Israelites against their foes. Just as Gideon intuited, the Israelites won. You can ask for any sign you like, but don't be surprised when events respond. Eventually, you will gain experience and more easily sense which nudges come from intuition and which are disguised projections of the ego. If you catch yourself clinging to an intuition and trying to manipulate it,
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consider it a sign to reread the suggestions in this article, beginning with #1 Know that You are Not Alone. Ego breeds fear, competition, anger, attachment, obsession and anxiety. By contrast, fruits of Spirit include: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Awakening your intuition takes courage, but you will also learn to love your life. Additionally, you will save time and energy by going with the flow instead of fighting against it.

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Bad for the Body, Bad for the Soul

Feeling stuck never feels good. In our bodies we call it constipation, and say, Death begins in the colon. Indeed, fermentation of sugars and putrefaction of proteins have been linked to most major human health problems. People often become raw foodists in order to improve digestion without realizing how much pressure this shift will put on other slow-moving or blocked areas of life. In Intuitive Life Path Assessments, clients also ask me to evaluate their souls goals and journey thus far. People usually contact me because they feel stuck in a relationship, a job, or overall in a life that no longer excites them. As a Medical Intuitive, Ive become acutely aware of the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotions and spirit. Compared to physical constipation, soul stagnation can feel equally uncomfortable and a whole lot scarier. When physical constipation releases, we know where to let that sh*t go, but how do we dispose of key elements of our lives that no longer serve us? Once we remove our blockage, where does the new flow go? As raw foodists cleanse their bodies, a similar process takes place on the soul level. Just as a stagnant body encourages a stagnant mind, a flowing body urges fluidity on other levels. When people resist changes in their lives, the soul starts to back up, and the associated discomfort becomes even more noticeable in the absence of physical constipation. Consciously or not, many people reject a raw food diet because life suddenly demands too many changes. The human system seeks balance, which means body and soul want to progress hand in hand: a cleaner diet both intensifies and upgrades overall energy. Dampening the energy requires dirtying the diet. I see this effect in a variety of areas. Take yoga, for example. The practice has become so Westernized that people often feel unprepared for emotional and spiritual pressures that arise from stretching the body. But ancient yogis designed the asanas (postures) to massage and stimulate organs and glands for cleansing and hormonal effects conducive to meditation. The original purpose of yoga was to calm the body and mind enough to embrace
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God Consciousness. Whether taught as a spiritual practice or just as precise physical poses, yoga invites a corresponding Awakening of the soul. People who do not wish to move faster on their souls journey have a difficult time sustaining a yoga practice because body and soul want to awaken together. If one refuses to move, the other will knock and kick and scream, and then sadly return to its former state. For the same reason, many people return to cooked food when life nudges them to move beyond stuck areas. Despite intense physical messagesboth positive and negativeresistance in the soul can overrule the bodys desire to heal and upgrade. Some people find themselves feeling worse than before because they can now make a real comparison. Depression and the sense of leading a boring life often result. Meanwhile that creative urge so closely tied to spiritual awakening starts looking for other outlets. If not given expression in outer life, repressed creativity can manifest things like cancer, auto-immune diseases, and/or freak accidents. Then the body receives another chance to get our attention, and the process begins again. Perhaps the biggest resistance people feel comes from a fear of fully recognizing inner and outer beauty. When others begin to comment on our radiant skin, high energy, lightness and smile, it often unearths feelings of inadequacy or embarrassment. A soul that came here to accomplish glorious things begins to shine through, and with that visibility comes expectation. Suddenly, old patterns no longer fit. Why nots? becomes increasingly difficult to answer. Unless we reinforce physical, mental and emotional levees, a flood of spiritual blessings threatens to wash our old lives clean. Rebirth and renewal will become the necessary presentnot just future possibilities. When the soul and body agree to embrace all the wonderful opportunities and love coming their way, things move very fast! I have seen people make quantum leaps by integrating the bodys desires with the souls dream. Intuitively, thats why I believed a raw food diet would bring me freedom. My soul felt afraid of visibility. I loved writing and offering intuitive insights, but I wanted to write under a pen name and intuit under a rock. As long as I looked less than radiant, I sensed that I could hide my gifts. In clearing through physical sludge, I knew I would have nowhere left to hide. At the time, I felt OK loving my body, but I didnt feel so confident about my soul. As a precaution, I had always kept my soul locked up behind less than
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glowing skin. In honoring my body, I knew I would unshackle my soul. My face and my energy became brighter, and people noticed. Hiding my spiritual gifts felt as unnatural as plastering my face with chemical foundation. My skin and my soul began to breathe more easily than ever before. But the soul can also lead the way. Some people reading this may already have careers in accord with their lifes purpose, but suddenly the body demands attention. I have worked with a number of intuitive healers and artists whose bodies needed urgent upgrades in order to hang with their level of spiritual work. Most people mistakenly believe that spiritual work will protect them from all manner of physical ills, but it actually intensifies the risks. As more and more life force energy tries to run through the body, the extra voltage can short circuit and create fires in stagnant areas. Not every artist or psychic needs to follow a raw food diet, but in the souls quest for more and more inspiration, the body will begin to suffer without its own cleansing and dietary upgrades. So why does all this metaphysical stuff matter to a Lazy Raw Foodist? It matters because a raw food diet can seem difficult to balance. Some people follow all the physical advice to the letter and still have problems. They read dozens of books, search online, and still cant seem to make things work. In my raw food coaching, I have often noticed that the issue lies somewhere else! Once people recognize that their body has slowed down in order for the soul to catch up, the diet clicks effortlessly into place. You can save yourself hours, weekseven yearsof struggle by attending to body and soul as one deeply devoted couple. When each knows the other can come along, they will both enjoy a faster, richer journey.

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I Love My Attitude Problem
Remember, Youre a Walking Ambassador

For the most part, people do not usually consider their diet a religion, although diet often reflects religious beliefs. (Think of vegetarian Hindus and Buddhists, Kosher Jews, and Islamic Zabihah.) Some research suggests that Jesus began his life with the Essenesan ascetic Jewish sect that only ate raw foodsand even today, groups like Hallelujah Acres and the Tree of Life openly address connections between eating and religious life. Gabriel Cousens even wrote a fascinating book called Spiritual Nutrition. Many people experience dramatic Awakenings while following a raw food diet. If we are what we eat, then it makes sense that living foods would change our lives in deep and powerful ways. A raw food diet and lifestyle have helped thousands of people find miraculous cures to terminal illnesses, recover from morbid obesity, and beat suicidal depression. For others, the change in diet initiated razor sharp mental clarity and enhanced intuition. In other words, people have had something akin to a born again experience. Before and after shots sprinkle the internet like discarded crutches at Chimayoinspiring the converted and beckoning to masses who could heal if only they had more faith in food. Yep, weve got some Raw Food Fundamentalists! Does everyone act this way? Certainly not, but most people on a very high or 100% raw diet go through a period in which raw food seems like the answer to every prayer theyve ever sent. Just like the ex-smoker who suddenly lectures all his former smoke-break buddies and complains of their disgusting cigarette odor (or the AA newbie who wants to talk about taking a moral inventory all the time), new raw converts (and some old ones) can get carried away in their enthusiasm. In their hearts, they usually mean well. They want to share this joy and transformation with everyone around especially the sick, poor, depressed or struggling. And the ones who think they dont need raw foods? Oh, watch out! They might be in for some fire and brimstoneprovided nothing heats above 112 degrees!

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Shortly after I made a switch to 100% raw eating, we moved to a small town in Northern Arizona where I believe I was the only vegan, let alone raw vegan. It felt isolating and annoying to eat out and have people tell Stephen right in front of me that I would die an early death. Waitresses mocked my iceberg lettuce and avocado, while letting slip their own health problems like diabetes or high cholesterol. By contrast, I enjoyed phenomenally good health despite having been knocked flat by a 1998 brain injury. In the beginning, I did get a bit defensive, because I felt personally attacked. I remained certain enough of my choices that I continued eating raw food, but I lacked the easy confidence of someone who knows and lovingly honors herself. Because I felt embarrassed by my pickiness, I still reacted to others questions as persecutioneven if the questions sprang from genuine curiosity. I launched into lectures instead of letting my quirky, fun side show. As a result, those waitresses thought I led a deprived and woeful existence. Thats what I initially taught them about raw food. At the time, I hadnt made a commitment to full-time coaching or intuitive work, so I hid out as a waitress at the best gig in town: Chilis! Can you believe it? All day long, I watched people scarf down cheeseburgers and steaks, racks of barbecued ribs, and creamy ranch, bacon and egg-laden mega salads. Each shift entitled us to a free meal, but I could eat absolutely nothing on the menu. I had to go through a special order process to receive a plain romaine, tomato and guacamole salad. Half the time I needed to return it because the cooks had done me a favor by adding cheese. While other people nibbled on French fries and chugged chocolate milkshakes mid-shift, I carried almonds and a banana in my apron. People thought I was anorexic, and I routinely heard, Oh, Laura? No, she never eats. Thats how she stays so thin. No matter what I said, people refused to believe I could survive on vegan fareespecially uncooked vegan fare. I learned a lot from that experience, though! My tips depended on my staying very pleasant and non-judgmental of the guests. Because of my Medical Intuitive gifts, I have always attracted a lot of seriously ill people. Chilis was no exception. People would sit in my section, order a full rack of ribs, fried onion appetizer, French fries, frozen margarita and dessert, then tell me about their heart condition, weight loss struggles or potassium
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imbalance. They wanted help, but they werent asking for a raw food lecture! I would listen, smile, send lots of love through my heart, and occasionally someone would ask me how I ate. Was this an opportunity to bang them over the head with their licked clean rib bones and convict them of dietary war crimes? Some people might think so, but I found other ways! Remember how I said that in Fall 2004 it suddenly seemed as though everywhere I looked revealed some sort of raw food sign, but in retrospect those signs had been nudging me for years? Then one day, I read Gabriel Cousens Conscious Eating and something switched. Some dormant raw seeds began to sprout. When I finally did embrace raw food, I did so joyfully and naturally, because those seeds had been allowed to soak, sprout and grow in their own perfect time. I began to garden. No, I didnt dig in the dirt! (Ive always been lazy about my food prep!) But I did begin to view myself as planting seeds. I did not need to convert every person I met or knew. I could simply let raw seeds drop here and there, just like trees spread themselves in the natural world. As soon as I backed off my perceived need to tell everyone about raw foods, something strange happened. I suddenly acquired my first raw coaching clients! People from my husbands life coaching business asked if they could talk to me for dietary support. My 82-year-old neighbor requested fresh smoothies and raw talk every afternoon. Friends and acquaintances asked how to embark on their own raw journeys. And my co-workers at Chilis? I decided to make them some vegan treats. Not raw quite yetone step at a timebut I became known for Fridays cakes and brownies. A cook even commissioned me to bake a vegan black forest cake for her mothers birthday. Had we stayed there, I would have gradually worked in raw desserts, but I left knowing I had at least planted a few seeds. Stephen and I decided to move to Lake Tahoe, and at my going away party, several people made a point of telling me that they had started to eat more salads. A few others had researched veganism and raw foods on the internet. They didnt call me anorexic anymore. Instead, they began noticing which restaurants in town would allow special orders of cheese-free
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salads and steamed vegetables. Did anyone eventually go raw? I couldnt say, but I do know they opened their hearts and ears to me because I opened mine to them. Whatever you feel about the modern day Christian Church or the humanity or divinity of Christ, you have to marvel at the way word spread! An itinerant homeless guy carried a message that completely changed the world. Nowadays, many people consider Christianity a fundamentalist or judgmental religion, but in Jesus time, there was no Christianity. He started a grass roots movement with a message of good news. He told people they could be free, but he didnt judge them for their self-imprisonment. He ate with tax-collectors and prostitutespeople his religious upbringing called evil or unclean. He hung out on boats with blue collar fishermen. He partied hard at weddings. And he earned a reputation for healing the sick by saying, Your sins are forgiven. Were just looking at Jesus the marketer here: Jesus the gardener who commented that faith is like a mustard seed that someone took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the sky nested in its branches." If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." In sharing his worldview, Jesus recognized the power of tiny seeds. We can learn from this model while living in a non-raw world. Sure, we have the Peters, Pauls and Marys of the raw movement, but we can also spread our message in tiny, agreeable ways. Maybe we eat with people who dont eat like we doand maybe we wait for them to ask before we launch into any testimonials. If they never ask but weve remained compassionate, fun and upbeat, then we can still trust weve scattered seeds. In Sergei and Valya Boutenkos book, Fresh, Sergei relays a story about going snowboarding with a buddy who ate cooked food. Sergei never mentioned his diet to his friend, but the friend noticed that Sergei always maintained or increased his energy after a lunch of fruit, whereas the friends energy lagged. To Sergeis surprise, one day his friend told him gleefully how he had switched his lunches to raw food in order to stay juiced on the slopes! They then had an engaging conversation about living foods.

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We can share our experiences with raw food in any variety of ways. If you dream (as I and many others do) of a time when places like One Lucky Duck or the Living Light Caf will replace Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks Or when raw vegan restaurants become so mainstream that we can choose among a Thai Raw restaurant, Indian Raw Buffet, or Chinese Raw Dim Sum at any given time Or when airports offer raw lasagna and fresh green smoothies Then remember to act responsibly as an ambassador. The seeds you plant today may grow very tall indeed!

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Bless Cooked Partners of Raw Foodies
Support for Spouses, Dates and Live-In Mates

With the growing number of "mixed" vegan or raw vegan marriages and relationships, discussions of how to convert or tolerate a non-raw spouse heat up websites, coaching sessions and email exchanges. It seems people intuitively realize that a shift in diet manifests itself throughout the rest of life: that in some sense, we really are what we eat. For this reason, suggesting a loved one change his or her diet nearly always provokes some kind of reaction. Superimpose issues of morality on that "gut reflex," and you have the makings of a minefield. As someone whos been high or 100% raw vegan since 2004, I know a raw foodie can coexist very nicely with a cooked spouse. Whenever I go to raw potlucks, people initially act like they feel so sorry for me because I dont have a raw partner and because Stephen chooses not to go to the potlucks. Such comments always baffle me because my marriage encompasses so much more than what we eat! Its like, yeah, on all the superficial levels, Stephen and I might seem like complete opposites, but on magical, spiritual and creative levels? Total match made in heaven! We have each walked with the other to the brink of permanent disability and come back stronger. Weve moved over twenty times in seven states together. Hes encouraged my writing, and Ive supported his photography. We frequently dream the same dreams at the same time. Cooked vs. raw will change that? It has felt much easier having joyful meal exchanges since Stephen has seen the positive results for me with 100% raw. I seriously need three hours more sleep per night on cooked food, but for Stephen, raw is just not an option. It bothers his teeth and makes him detox way too fast from his remaining Lyme disease. Plus, he just doesnt like the textures of any gourmet raw foods. Once I came to terms with the fact that I went 100% raw for those three extra hours per day so that I could do my writing, it really stopped being about the food itself. Stephen could totally get on board with me having

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time to write my novel, and I could stop feeling any tiny sadness at not being able to share my specific meal with my spouse. Nothing paralyzes an intimate relationship like feeling judged. Rather than convincing a somewhat willing partner, disdain more often provokes defensiveness and anger. Instead of curious, your loved one becomes defiant or resentful. In either case, the chances of lasting dietary change diminish. As a coach, I hear from raw foodists who wish their spouses would just convert already, and I hear from cooked spouses wishing their raw monsters would just chill out. As a raw foodist, one of the most irritating things you can say to someone else is, Youll be raw someday. Maybe they will; maybe they wont, but no one likes having someone make decisions for them. Imposed decisions almost always sound condescending, even when we mean well. I have also come to realize that diets arent permanent. People shift to the strangest and most unexpected things, so its really hard to predict wholl do what, when or which percentage. I always suggest that spouses just keep doing what works for each of them. Their health and vitality are the most important things, whether they get those by eating 6 avocados and a jar of almond butter, Seitan Marsala with red wine sauce, or an occasional free range buffalo burger. As an Animal Communicator, I obviously feel very pro-animal, but Im also pro-people and realize some of them are trying their hardest for where they are right now. I had to eat meat during a good portion of my brain injury recovery or I felt dizzy and like I would float away. At the time, I felt horribly guilty, but it was what I needed then in order to get well. By fully recovering, writing, and doing my business, Ive since helped thousands of people begin or optimize their raw and/or vegan journeys. Who or what can really keep score? Personally, I would like to throw out all the vs. and have everyone just get along! Dietary choices are so personal, and they really depend to a large degree on biology, current health concerns, and so many surprisingly ethereal things. Lets just pick the most compassionate things we can handle at any given time and live and let live! Based on my coaching and personal experience, Ive included some tips below:
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For Cooked Spouses or Partners: If your loved one has recently turned to raw food, get prepared for a bit of a wild ride. Bless the hearts of all spouses of raw foodies or people going through a juice fast because some of those old patterns really do rear their ugly heads before they pass on out! If you dont know much about emotional detoxification, you might take a lot of these things personally. Anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, and persecution complexes: old cellular memories become real again before they make their grand exit. When someone processes through old anger, they will often reenact that anger with the people closest to them. They might snap at you for no reason, pick fights, or lash out with harsh words, only to apologize after a good bowel movement. (No, Im not kidding here!) Since judgment, guilt and shame remain deep issues for most people, you can expect such qualities to explode during times of major cleansing. When someone processes self-judgment, s/he will often become overly critical of people who choose a different path. As your partner internally examines his or her own imperfections, you can rest assured that s/he will magnify yours as well. Suddenly, Cooked food disgusts or offends them, and youre left feeling like chopped liver. Make that cooked, chopped liver. So what can you do to make this easier?
1) First of all, stop taking everything so personally. A good portion

of the emotional roller coaster really does have to do with your partner or spouses inner processing.
2) Take stock of your own emotions, patterns and/or rigidity, and

make changes if you see the need. Typically, one spouses journey also initiates the others exploration, so it may be time for you to shift as well. You might not switch to a raw diet, but you can use this time of upheaval to create more of the life you want.
3) Bring yourself into your heart and speak to your loved one with

love. Realize and acknowledge your own fears so that you can tell the difference between reactionary thinking on your part and genuine concern. If your spouse becomes verbally abusive, you do not need to
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tolerate that in the name of detox. You can share, sincerely, how much it hurts when you feel judged. You can also share how much you want your spouse to feel joyful and energetic and that you love them no matter how they choose to eat.
4) Look for ways to support the raw foodist in your midst. This

diet catalyzes changes in many areas, and oftentimes newbies feel isolated and persecuted, whether real or only perceived. Offer to make a smoothie or truly raw salad; buy your loved one a raw recipe book or food processor; order some prepared raw vegan treats online.
5) This last tip works especially well if you and your loved one already

share a deep soul connection: encourage friendships with other raw foodists. Until they grow comfortable with their diet and lifestyle, new raw foodists often believe the wheatgrass is greener on the other side. They may fantasize about the perfect raw relationship. Once they meet other raw foodists, though, they will eventually realize theres more to life than food. A shared diet does not a marriage or friendship make! In order to enjoy true intimacy, people need to have more in common than sprouted almonds.

For Raw Spouses or Partners: So how do you coexist and nurture a relationship with a cooked loved one? The way we ideally support loved ones in any period of change: with compassion, presence, understanding, and vulnerability.
1) If you really need to stay away from cooked food preparations lest you

feel tempted, then honestly share your reasons with your loved one. Using bravado or joking that cooked food disgusts you will only make your loved one feel defensive.
2) Initiate ways of eating together, even if you eat different foods.

Many loved ones will feel rejected when you reject their diet. If you also forgo dining together, then you will increase the hurt and insecurity. Even if you just eat a larger version of everyone elses appetizer salad, try to find ways to minimize the differences between each other. For example, if your spouse eats spaghetti for dinner, you might make a raw zucchini pasta for yourself. If your loved one wants
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chocolate cake for dessert, have some raw cacao or Date Nut Torte on hand for you.
3) If you have children, remember to express your love to them,

both verbally and through signs of affection. Children will often internalize judgment and rejection, even if its just you working through your old crap (literally).
4) Give your loved ones a reason to love your raw food diet. Let

them see you happy, following your bliss, losing weightwhatever allows you to radiate love and gratitude. Joy is much easier to swallow than judgment, and it will also increase interest in and acceptance of your new path.
5) Consider finding a counselor or coach to help you process

emotional detox, spiritual awakening and other changes in your life. Sometimes loved ones remain too close to guide you through major shifts. Books and articles can help, but recognize if and when may you need more support. Even though youre an individual with unique gifts and experiences, some common issues and opportunities do arise on most raw paths. Have mercy on your loved ones, and accept the resources around you!
6) Find at least one other passion besides raw food and actively

engage in that as well. Doing so will relieve some of the focus on your diet as the source of change, while allowing you to spread your wings of inspiration. Your loved one might not admire your dietary choices, but s/he will likely admire you following a dream and sharing your excitement.
7) Take a moment each day to appreciate your loved one as a soul

with dreams, hopes, memories, gifts and goals of its own. Allow yourself to notice the splendor trapped inside that human form, and realize were all much more than what we eat, how we look, or how we define our lives. When you recognize the beauty of all life, remember to include your loved ones, too!

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Finding Raw Friends
Potlucks, Blogs, and Synchronicity

One of the greatest resources for raw foodists who spend significant time online is the blog and website,, and its associated online community, WLIR and GI2MR have tons of articles, members and online forum topics. If you feel isolated as a raw foodist, spend some time on these sites to get connected. Theyve even started a new opt-in map feature that allows you to find other members in your town or nearby communities. For in-person support, try to find a raw potluck near you. Its one of the greatest ways to meet new people, experience gourmet recipes, and learn tips from longer term raw foodists. The online Raw Food Network offers a list of known potlucks by state. If you run a potluck and dont see it listed, please let them know, so they can add yours to their list. Cant find a raw food potluck near you? Consider starting your own and then asking different people to facilitate each month. Many people experimenting with raw foods have actually captured the interests of some friends, family members and/or coworkers. You might need to prepare some of the more gourmet items during the first couple meetings, but encourage people to bring unintimidating things like salads or fresh fruit. This may seem like a lot of work, but it could become a good time investment. Once people taste the magic of fresh, live foods prepared with love, their enthusiasm and courage will grow. They may even want to prepare extras of their own food to trade or sell to you. For ideas of how to advertise your event, see how other leaders describe their potlucks. You can post fliers at health food stores, chiropractors offices, and vegetarian restaurants, as well as online. Many communities have come into being because people like you wished they knew others with similar interests. You dont need expert skillsjust a love of raw foods and a desire to connect. The Raw Food Network also lists websites that feature raw personal ads (for dating and friendship):
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In fact, this is a great website to keep in mind for anything from employment to support groups.

Synchronous Meetings I meet raw foodists in the most surprising ways! Once you spend time with some other raw folks you will notice similaritiesa certain vibration, radiant skin, high energy a joyful heart . If you let yourself shine as a raw foodist, then you dont need to look too hard for others. They will find you! The more you feel comfortable with your diet, the more you can devote some of that energy and enthusiasm to other things that you hold dear. In searching for raw friends, remember to keep your eyes and ears open for other new folks on the horizon. As your vibration changes, you will begin to attract different types of people. These may not always be other raw foodists. They might just be fun and beautiful souls who make your heart smile.

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How to Locate Raw-Friendly Health Care Providers
And Why It Makes Sense to Do So

When people embark on a raw food lifestyle, they tend to experience an incredible resurgence of health. Because many have just returned from lengthy, sometimes terminal diagnoses, people commonly respond by tossing the idea of traditional medicine out the window. I certainly understand this attitude and did the same thing myself after a six-plus year recovery from traumatic brain injury. By the time I regained my health and vitality, the last thing I wanted to do was research or interview doctors! As a Life Coach and Medical Intuitive, though, I have the advantage of many peoples experiences, and I actually do recommend some preliminary searching for raw-friendly health care providers. Despite the phenomenal energy and healing testimonials, occasionally raw foodists do have accidents or get sick. Yes, sometimes symptoms are really symptoms and not just detox! Ideally, your health care provider can help you discern the differencethrough blood work, hormone testing, and/or other methods. If something unexpected happens, its comforting to know your provider will honor your dietary and lifestyle preferences as much as circumstances permit. The purity of your diet and lifestyle leave you more vulnerable to prescription drug side effects or toxicity. A doctor who understands your organic, all-naturally fed body will know to look for different treatments for you than for someone who regularly consumes prescriptions and follows the standard Western diet. In an emergency situation, such insight becomes even more important since you may not be able to speak up for yourself. By way of example: right now, I have a client whose vegetarian husband suffered a serious brain injury, which has required extensive hospitalization and rehabilitative care. Although the wife requested vegetarian food for him, she recently learned that the facility had been feeding him hamburgers and just saying they were veggie burgers. Hes so injured that he doesnt know the difference, but his wife knows he will feel horrible once he realizes that his entirely vegetarian adult life now includes hamburgers and chicken patties.

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She hired a nutritionist, but the facility does not consider advice from a dietician as medically necessary. If this man had had at least a primary care provider who understood the value of his vegetarian diet, then that doctor could have prescribed the diet as mandatory. For now, its still optional and not medically based. Obviously, thats an extreme example, but when the worst happens, you have enough to worry about without having to defend your diet! Similarly, if you have vegan or raw vegan children, you will want to find a medical provider who respects your choices and knows the difference between real or imagined deficiencies associated with a raw diet. Things like Vitamin D, DHA, sufficient caloric intake, tooth decay, choline, and B-12 are real concerns. Please do not treat your children as experiments, become lazy about their health, or assume you need to go it all alone. Child protective services have become real presences in some well-meaning families lives, and at such times, it helps to have a knowledgeable professional in your corner. I also suggest all parents wanting to raise raw vegan children read Shazzies latest article on this important topic. While dogma should never trump health, children in particular rely upon their parents to make wise and supportive choices for them. A medical provider need not agree with all of your philosophy; traditionally trained providers often can diagnose well, and then you can research and decide on your best treatment options. Having someone with different sources of information, who also respects your research and experiences, will place you in a much stronger and efficient position. I know these steps sound like work, but having been through my own major medical crisis, along with that of a spouse and many clients who call me in the midst of medical surprises, I will say that it saves time and effort (and sometimes lives) to put out feelers now instead of trying to find someone during an emergency.

If, through your networking at raw potlucks or other events, you still cannot find a raw or at least vegetarian friendly provider, I can offer you a few suggestions:
1) Get a copy of The China Study, and keep it handy for loaning to

providers. Doctors often accept scientific studies much easier than

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patients descriptions of those studies. If you want to get a bit more radical, you can also purchase the DVD Food Matters and add it to your lending library. Instead of fighting and trying to convince them yourself, you can let other experts educate your provider(s).
2) Ask your current provider to perform some blood tests on you

or get an Executive Blood Panel from someone else and share the results with your doctor. Its a good idea to nip any problems in the bud. Plus, if your optimal results continue to support your dietary choices, then your current provider may gradually become a rawfriendly provider.
3) Ask nutritionists, acupuncturists, CranioSacral therapists

and/or chiropractors which primary care providers refer to them.

4) Post your request for raw-friendly providers in online forums

for your geographical area. Alternative doctors often function under the radar, relying on word of mouth referrals from patients rather than advertising. This helps keep insurance companies off their backs!
5) Check your facts before towing the party line. When it comes

to health, truth matters more than ideology. You might find helpful this list with linked resources. If you want to have doctors or naturopaths risk supporting you, they will feel more inclined to do so if they sense the depth of your own research. Healthcare providers have reputations to uphold. Many are willing to learn new things to help their patients; however, they will not accept something as true just because some raw guru touts it. Nor should you! These commitments dont need to occupy tons of time: just set your intention, take small steps, and pay attention to the answers that come your way.

Find a dentist before you need one. Even if you feel your health will remain perfect as a raw foodist, your teeth might not, so consider finding a good holistic dentist before you need a root canal! When a cavity reaches the point of unbearable pain, you dont
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necessarily have the time or desire to interview several dentists, begging them to squeeze you in as a new patient on short notice. Youll have more likelihood of finding someone who uses non-toxic materials if curiosity rather than desperation drives your search.

For your raw pets: offers a state-by-state listing of raw-friendly veterinarians. Someday well find this same sort of listing for humans!

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Attracting the Resources You Want or Need
Some Secrets of The Secret

What happens when you lose a bunch of dead-weight thoughts and fat by filling yourself with live food? You become more alive, more receptive and ever more vibrant. As Yoda says, The Force is strong in this one, and a stronger life force means youve amplified your influence. For this reason, raw fooders need to pay particular attention to their thoughts, feelings and intentions. Everyone creates or at least influences perceived reality, but when you clear away a lot of sludge, your fears, desires and expectations materialize faster and more intensely. This can work either way: your dreams manifest very, very quickly, or all hell breaks loose. If youre a Lazy Raw Foodist like me, then you prefer to bypass nightmares. The following information will save you time and aggravation. In my line of work, I have no lack of clients and students seeking to manifest more abundance in their lives. Better finances, better health, better relationships. Everyone wants something, and the universe encourages people to ask and receive. From The Prayer of Jabez to Abraham-Hicks to Absolutely Effortless Prosperity to The Science of Getting Rich to Abundance through Reiki to The Secret (both book and movie), abundance certainly exists in the realm of abundance teachings! The week Oprah featured The Secret on her show, no less than eight of my coaching clients wanted to discuss prosperity consciousness. Anytime something secret goes mainstream, misunderstandings can occur. I based this chapter on the most common frustrations and questions that my clients and students have shared.

1) Accept your dream.

People recite the idea that we need to "know what we want and get our feelings behind that desire," but I find that people sometimes get so caught up in the dreams or goals expressed in The Secret that they begin to judge their own. I asked a medical intuitive client what she most wanted from life, and she replied with an enthusiastic voice and huge smile that if she could
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do anything she wanted, she would quit her job, sell her expensive house and go "live with all the hippies near Burning Manmaybe rent a small trailer and write a book." Within the next breath, her face and attitude completely shifted: "But I know this is wrong because I've read The Secret. I need to focus on all the money I can be making, not thinking I want to live like a hippie, or I'll wind up in a trailer." Intrigued by this tremendous shift in energy, I replied, "You mean the trailer you want to live in? How's your money now?" "Oh, I get paid ridiculously well for what I do." "Are you happy?" "No, I'd like to chuck it all and just live simply with all the artists and hippies. That's who I am." She confessed this with a huge smile and energy flowing freely from her heart chakra, followed by a sharp contaction: "But I'm afraid of what would happen if I gave up my house and job." I've had similar conversations with so many others, and what strikes me most is that people try to change their dream. Your dream is your dream! If your dream does not match the societal idea of abundance, examine that dream. See areas in which you actually sell yourself short, but also recognize areas in which you judge the dream itself. Abundance does not always mean more money: sometimes abundance means you have only what you need financially while you get to live your dream. Often, the money comes anyway, but only by first living your dream. So, if you dream of living as a raw foodist who acquires tocotrienals and raw cacao powder by the vat, terrific! Enjoy yourself when these treats roll in sometimes free of charge. If, by contrast, you dream of growing all your own food and living simply off the land, then dont apologize for being weird. Grow excited with your growing garden. If you dreamas I doof living in raw paradise, where other people prepare gourmet food and share your pleasure in eating it, then, for heavens sake, dont feel self-conscious when, on one cross-country move, you happen to land within walking distance of two raw-friendly restaurants! Or when, on another cross-country move, you wind up 25 yards from your countys raw food potluck and a neighbor who loves taking you to farmers markets and feeding you leftovers from her raw food classes.

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Rejoice! Feel grateful, not embarrassed! Your dream is your dream. It can change, or it can stay the same, but as long as you have a dream, then honor, cherish and accept it as your own.

2) Utilize all your resources.

Because The Secret can seem like magick, people tend to focus so much on intention that they forget to look at the resources in hand and coming their way. In anticipating some kind of energetic shift of finances or health, they overlook that all of life is energy! This means the answer to your intention may arrive disguised in a series of seemingly simple and unrelated steps to fulfillment. It might mean your answer cloaks itself in synchronicities, meeting the "right" investor, teacher, or financial guide at just the "right" time but not seeing how it all fits together yet or even that these meetings relate to your intention. Energy acts immediately on your universe, but that does not mean you will recognize the actions immediately. Because the universe will approach you through your lens of reality, it will utilize resources and tools you already havejust in different ways. Pay attention! The Law of Attraction is not about prosperity in a vacuum. It's about co-creating your life in a way that nurtures your soul's growth. Even though we can create from "nothing," most people have a difficult time believing that concept, and so effective manifestation usually begins in the realm of what we know. The word "know" connotes things learned through experience. As we allow our experience to shift, then we can know in different ways, but in the beginning the universe gets our attention in ways we're able to receive.

3) Stay present in your spiritual or creative practice. I tend to attract clients and students interested in metaphysical and spiritual ideas. Many of them meditate, are spiritual artists, or practice yoga or tai chi. These are all powerful connections to creative (read "manifestation") energy. The universe constantly creates, so any time we create, visualize or feel energy flowing through our chakras, we become more in tune with the universe. In these moments, our influence grows even more powerful. And yet, I find people don't bring their dreams into their spiritual practice. The
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practice seems sacredanother word for separateand therefore like it should remain untainted by desire. (This attitude usually stems from my first reminder: "Accept your dream." If you judge your dream as not worthy of a meditative, yogic or creative process, then you miss out on the tremendous energy those practices afford.) One client had a devoted chanting practice and desperately wanted to change her finances, but when I asked if she'd ever brought an intention of prosperity to her chanting practice, she confessed she'd never even considered that idea. The next week, she chanted with intention, and things began to shift. They did not completely turn around, but a job suddenly opened for her husband, even though he'd been looking for work for months. You are a powerful creator and manifestor--particularly when you feel most "in the flow." Embrace this time with the universe and let your hopes and dreams ride the waves of your creative energy.

4) Remember to focus on service.

Yes, it's about intention, but the universe also wants to nourish and expand itself. Your dreams, hopes and goals will receive extra oomph if a need exists for what you have to share. Again, The Law of Attraction is not about prosperity in a vacuum. True abundance occurs when we recognize how intimately we interconnect with everyone and everything in the universe. We realize we have access to everything when we realize that as part of a larger whole, in some sense we already are everything. Look at your gifts, those things you can offer to the world. How might these gifts express themselves in a way that inspires or nurtures others? How might your dream really be the deepest longing of the universe?

5) Have fun! Remember that you're hoping to manifest your dreams into reality. If you don't enjoy the process, then what's the point? It's your life right now as much as it will be your life when manifestation occurs. Joy sends your energy out and up. Laughter is the best medicine. In the Biblical and Hebrew traditions, even God rested on the seventh day after he created the entire world! Take time to rejuvenate and play. Your energy will be the stronger for it.
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Super Lazy Recipes to Supercharge your Day

Favorite Easy Recipes of Raw Chefs & the Lazy Raw Foodist Herself

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For your convenience, heres a special Recipe Table of Contents: Notes from the Lazy Raw Foodist 134 Time Saving Kitchen Tips 135 MILKS AND SMOOTHIES 136 Love in the Dessert Smoothie by Anthony Anderson 137 Perfect Purslane Smoothie 138 Cacao-A-Go-Go Smoothie 139 Strawberry Vanilla Hemp Shake by Heidi & JS Ohlander 140 The Ultimate Lazy Tip by Sarma Melngailis 141 Easy Chai Almond Milk by Meredith Baird 142 How to Make Traditional Nut or Seed Milks 143 Green Machine Supreme 144 Apple Lime Smoothie by Heidi & JS Ohlander 145 RAW SOUPS 146 Perfect Green Soup by Meredith Baird 147 Cream of Zucchini Soup by Jennifer Cornbleet 148 Anything Goes Butternut Squash Soup 149 Monster Slime by Shazzie 150 SALADS AND DRESSINGS 151 Marinated Asian Kale Salad by Cecilia Benjumea 152 Rainbow Salad by John Kohler 153 Greek Wow Sauce by Purely Raw 154 Easy Cheezy Tahini Dressing by Cecilia Benjumea 155 Orange Macadamia Dressing by John Kohler 156
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Sweet Cider Dressing by Heidi and JS Ohlander 157 EASY MAIN MEALS AND FILLINGS 158 Hummus by Meredith Baird 159 Mock Salmon Pt by Alissa Cohen 160 Zucchini Noodles Marinara by Jennifer Cornbleet 161 Sarma Says by Sarma Melngailis 162 Karens Favourite Nori Rolls by Karen Knowler 163 Scroobious Tacos and Ninja Sauce by Angela Elliot 164 Mexican-Style Seasoned Cabbage by Cherie Soria 165 Cucumber Noodles with Sweet and Sour Sauce by Cecilia Benjumea 167 Cheese with Spring Onion by Purely Raw 168 Big Potatno Cake by Shazzie 169 BREADS AND CRACKERS 170 Carrot Onion Bread by Purely Raw 171 Olive Pt Extraordinaire with Alive in Italy Bread by Angela Elliot 172 Multi-Tasking Crackers 173 SWEET SNACKS AND DESSERTS 174 Strawberries & Balsamic w/ Cashew Crme Fraiche by Meredith Baird 175 Key Lime Pie by Anthony Anderson 176 Apple-Butter-Boats by Anthony Anderson 177 Mango Strawberry Pudding by Anthony Anderson 178 Date Nut Torte by Alissa Cohen 179 Carrot Cake Pudding 180 Decadent Hazelnut Chocolate Cherry Cookies by Angela Elliott .181
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A Non-Cacao Cookie Variation by Angela Elliott 182 Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Like Mom Never Made 'Em 183 Superfood Candy 184 Shoelaces by Shazzie 185 Flourless Chocolate Cake by Jennifer Cornbleet 186 Carob Coconut Orange Bars (variation Matt Amsdens recipe) 187 SUPER LAZY BONUS SECTION 188

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Notes from The Lazy Raw Foodist: Even if you keep the rest of The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide on your computer as an e-book, you might find it easier to print this section. Some of todays top raw chefs and activists submitted their favorite lazy recipes. If you like what you taste here, be sure to check out their cookbooks and websites! Please note: Although some of these recipes require no equipment and offer several variations, most require a blender or food processor. You dont need to buy a Vita-Mix to make these things, but a reasonably fast and sturdy blender will exponentially speed your food prep. Hand chopping ingredients requires no special equipment, but it often takes more time and creates more mess than simply blending or using a food processor. I also decided to include a few dehydrator recipes. You dont have to make them, so please dont feel offended to find them in The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide! In selecting recipes, I considered all of your potential time and effort and wanted to offer at least a few preselected recipes to save you from searching should inspiration strike. Oftentimes, dehydrator prep earns unfair labels of difficult or time consuming. Yes, it can take 12-24 hours to dehydrate breads and cookies, but once you create your base, the dehydrator does the rest of the work for you while youre off doing other things! You can even set a timer and forget about your creations until ready to devour them. In my book, that still qualifies as lazy food prep.

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Time Saving Tips: You can buy pre-ground almond powder and powdered flax seeds. While not always considered the healthiest option, these work really well in a pinch. That said, flax seeds are super-easy to grind yourself. Just put them in a coffee grinder and presswithin seconds youll have fresh flax powder that has maintained its nutritional oomph! Many dehydrated items like cookies taste just fine moist, so you can often skip that step. Organic frozen fruits and peeled frozen bananas make for extra fast smoothies. Fresh is best, but sometimes speed wins! Some juicers like the Jack La Lanne Power Juicer Elite will make nut milks for you without the hassle of a sprout bag. You can collect almond or veggie pulp from a juicer in a clean, left-over plastic produce bag (if appropriate for that model), and then use the pulp as filler for dessert, or to make raw crackers. This also works by pouring blended items into a sprout bag and squeezing the liquid into a bowl. You can make nut and seed cheese with the pulp, or use it for crackers or a base for desserts like Carrot Cake Pudding.

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Milks and Smoothies

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A lovely recipe from Anthony Anderson of

Love in the Desert Smoothie

Equipment: Blender Ingredients: 1 large aloe vera leaf, filleted. 2 prickly pear cactus fruits 1 Tablespoon of agave Directions: Blend until smooth...super delicious and all from the desert.

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Perfect Purslane Smoothie
Purslane is a wild edible, but you can sometimes find it at Farmers Markets. Id say grow your own, but this is a Lazy Raw Foodists Guide, so, really, just look outside or ask for a source at your nearest Health Food Store! Heres a link for more information: The purslane gives this smoothie just a hint of lemony goodness, which goes so nicely with the sweet of the fruits. You can substitute lambs quarters or spinach + a tiny slice of lemon (with peel) if you cant find purslane, but see if someone can help you find it. This green is wild, lending those hearty and exuberant qualities to your day. Its also especially high in Omega-3s. Those healthy fats and the extra protein will keep your brain working for hours!

Ingredients: bunch purslane (about 2 inches of stem volume in your hand) 3 peaches or nectarines, pitted bag (5 oz) frozen blueberries 1-2 heaping tablespoons NutriBiotic or Sun Warrior brand Vanilla Flavor Rice Protein Powder (theyre cold-processed) tsp maca root powder 1 tsp mesquite 1-2 cups water or coconut water

Directions: Blend well. Drink immediately. Variation: For an extra kick: Pour of your smoothie into a bowl with cup goji berries, cup cacao nibs, and/or some really raw cashews. Enjoy your morning milk and granola! Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 138

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Cacao-A-Go-Go Smoothie or Breakfast Pudding
This is a quintessential Lazy Raw Foodist recipenot so much a recipe as a chance to blend some liquid energy into your day. In a pinch, I use frozen spinach in this, up to 1/2 of a typical 10 oz. bag. (Because spinach has lots of pesticides on it, make sure you buy organic.) In the presence of cacao powder, you really cannot taste the spinach. Optional pomegranate seeds provide essential fatty acids and a surprising crunch! Optional goji berries have protein and energy. Equipment: Blender Ingredients: Spinach up to 5 oz. 2 bananas (preferably frozen if you wont have time to chill smoothie)

(fresh or frozen; frozen if using fresh spinach) (Go easy if youre not used to cacao, or sub carob)

1-4 TBSP raw cacao powder

Up to 1 TBSP powdered maca root (Caution: too much maca will make your smoothie taste like radish or spicy watercressin other words, pretty disgusting with bananas and chocolate. Go easy on the maca!) 1-2 cups water or coconut water (Coconut water tastes best! You can use it prebottled if needed, which is not raw, but its still chock full of electrolytes to give you extra energy.) 1-2 TBSP Coconut flesh or oil (If using a fresh coconut, just use the water and flesh from that. If using bottled coconut water and virgin coconut oil, make sure you add the coconut oil last, after youve already blended the frozen ingredients. Otherwise, it will freeze into a gloppy chunk.) Directions: Blend everything thoroughly, adding a hint of vanilla or agave nectar if desired. Drink.

Variation: Pour it over a bowl of goji berries and pomegranate seeds. Its beautiful and crunchy-tangy with the little red glowing orbs and berries! You can often find raw pomegranate seeds prepackaged at Trader Joes. If you cant find them prepackaged, skip em. Lazy Raw Foodists dont spend time plucking seeds for breakfast puddings! Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 139

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This tasty shake comes from Heidi and JS Ohlander of

Strawberry Vanilla Hemp Shake

Makes 2-4 servings Equipment: Blender Ingredients: 1 cup shelled hemp seeds (Manitoba Farms or similar) 2 big handfuls of pumpkin seeds 1 small whole vanilla bean (4-5") 4 cups water pinch of Celtic Sea Salt Sweetener, to taste (Agave, Raw Honey, etc.) 2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries 1 Tbsp lecithin - optional ice cubes - optional Directions: In a blender container, combine the hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, vanilla bean, sea salt and water. Process at high speed for 1 minute. Give your blender a brief rest for one minute, then blend for one minute at high speed one more time. Place remaining ingredients into the blender and blend on high for 30 seconds to one minute. Since using hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds, you do not need to strain this milk into a nut milk bag! It may be slightly gritty (very slight) but the strawberries offset this immensely. Pour into glasses. Shelf Life: This delicious smoothie lasts up to 24 hours in the refrigerator...but I bet you'll drink it up right away! Variation: Want a milky consistency instead of a creamy shake? Add one additional cup of water to make Strawberry Vanilla Hemp Milk! Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 140

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This ones from Sarma Melngailis of Pure Food & Wine, Raw Food Real World, and

The Ultimate Lazy Tip

The EASIEST thing of all time and best lazy shortcut is the 30-second almond milk, also in Raw Food Real World... (Just make nut milk by putting almond butter in a blender with water, or you can use cashew butter, which is even yummier.) It's the best shortcut I know! All you need is nut butter stocked in the cupboard and you can make nut milk anytime. YUM: served over our Crispies cereal, it makes a good breakfast for kids.

Equipment: Blender

Ingredients: Cashew or almond butter Water

Directions: Blend with water and sweeten as you would any nut milk. The amounts are totally according to preference. (How thin vs. creamy?) Of course, sweetener, vanilla, coconut butter, and salt are all optional, but make it taste sweet and extra yummy.

All ingredients (including sprouted nut butters) available on, too!

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Recipe by Meredith Baird of

Easy Chai Almond Milk

(Makes 2 cups of milk)

Equipment: Blender


2 -2 1/2 Tablespoons raw almond butter 2 cups water 2 Tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon ginger teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Blend all ingredients thoroughly. Serve warm by itself or in addition to your favorite tea.

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How to Make Traditional Nut or Seed Milks

Although I rarely make my own nut milks in the traditional way, its actually quite simple:

Directions: Soak 1 2 cups of your favorite nuts or seeds 6-12 hours, then drain. Blend in Vita-Mix or other high speed blender with enough water to create desired thickness. You can blend in a couple dates, packet of Stevia, honey or agave and vanilla to taste, or just make the milk with nuts/seeds and water. Get a big bowl and a sprout bag. Pour liquid into sprout bag and drain into bowl. Squeeze out the liquid, then pour it into a container: homemade nut milk!

Variations: Save your pulp! You can use it for some of the cookie and cracker recipes in this book, or add herbs to make your own nut/seed cheese. You can also combine carrot and almond pulp with a little agave/honey, soaked raisins, ginger and cinnamon for a super-easy Carrot Cake Pudding.

Lazy Raw Foodists note: For sprout bags and nut milk demonstrations, I recommend

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Green Machine Supreme

bunch kale (more if youre already used to green smoothies) 1-2 cups water, coconut water* or almond milk,* depending on desired thickness -1 avocado, depending how heavy you want it 2-3 bananas (frozen tastes best in this recipe) -2 TBSP Spirulina powder (optional, but quite tasty) 1-2 TBSP raw carob (optional, but very tasty) tsp. each of maca and mesquite (optional) Splash of vanilla extract (optional) Splash of agave nectar (optional) 1 heaping TBSP NutriBiotic or Sun Warrior Brand Rice Protein Powder (optional)

Blend and drink. (When I make this, I tend to use all of the optional ingredients.)

*Even prepackaged (non-raw) coconut water will give it a creamy taste and give you a nice lift from electrolytes; however, I do not recommend prepackaged almond milk for this recipe, since it is cooked and tends to have lots of sweeteners. If youre looking for energy and/or weight loss, and dont have homemade almond milk from raw almonds, opt for fresh or packaged coconut water or just plain H20. Because kale is a hearty green, a Vita-Mix works best for this. If you dont have a very high-speed blender, make sure you de-stem the kale before blending and blend the bananas and water first.

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Another recipe from Heidi and JS Ohlander of!

Apple Lime Smoothie (aka Green Slime Smoothie!)

By Heidi Ohlander Serves 1-2

A note from Heidi: This next recipe is one of my favorites. It was featured in one of RFRN's most popular posts from earlier this year when Dr. Oz was on Oprah talking about "Green Drinks". I don't normally like apple based smoothies, but I love this one. It reminds me of an old Hi-C flavor called "Ecto Cooler" with Slimer from Ghostbusters on the box. Sweet, and tangy! Depending on who you are making it for, this smoothie has two names. For prim and proper people, this is an Apple Lime Smoothie. But for fun loving people out there, this is a Green Slime Smoothie!

Ingredients: 5 medium bananas 2 apples - harelson, honeycrisp, granny smith or similar tart/sweet apple (cored and peeled) 1-2 leaves of lacinato (dino) kale 1 cup of spinach juice of 2 medium limes 1/4 cup water ice cubes to taste (optional) Directions: Place all ingredients in blender except ice cubes. Blend at high speed until well mixed. While the blender is still running, add ice cubes if desired. Pour into glasses.

Makes 2 generous servings (enough to last you through half of your day, or more!)

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Raw Soups

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Recipe by Meredith Baird of

Perfect Green Soup

Equipment: Blender Ingredients: 4 C spinach 1 Avocado Juice of half a lemon 1 small Cucumber Tbsp fresh grated ginger 1tsp miso Pinch of salt Pinch of cayenne pepper C Cilantro C Parsley (1-2C) Water as needed to get desired consistency

Directions: Thoroughly blend all of the ingredients adding the avocado last. (If you add the avocado too early it will get a mousse texture.)

Note: All of the measurements of this soup are approximate. I love adding ingredients according to what I have on hand. Its a fun base to mix up and add whatever fresh herbs and veggies you have on hand. This is the easiest most nutritious lunch to have on hand, and a blended soup will easily last 3-4 days in the fridge. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 147

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Reprinted from "Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People" by Jennifer Cornbleet, a nationally recognized raw food chef, author, and instructor. For more information or to order, visit

Cream of Zucchini Soup

Makes 2 servings Equipment: Blender Ingredients:

1 zucchini, chopped (about 1 cup) 1/2 cup water, plus 1/4 cup water to thin, if necessary 1 celery stalk, chopped 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon mellow white miso 1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic (1 clove)

1/4 teaspoon salt Dash cayenne 1/2 ripe avocado, chopped 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons minced fresh dill weed, or 1/2 teaspoon dried.

Directions: Place the zucchini, 1/2 cup water, celery, lemon juice, miso, garlic, salt, and cayenne in a blender and process until smooth. Add the avocado and olive oil and blend again until smooth. Add the remaining 1/4 cup water to thin, if necessary, and blend briefly. Add the dill weed and blend briefly, just to mix. Serve immediately. For a chilled soup, refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving. To serve warm, heat gently on the stove for a few minutes. Do not overheat.

This soup can be served chilled, at room temperature, or warm.


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Anything Goes Butternut Squash Soup
Makes 2-3 servings I make this soup whenever I want something hearty, creamy and fast. I hate peeling and chopping butternut squash, so whenever I can, I find pre-chopped butternut squash and stick it in the freezer for emergency use. You can certainly peel, seed and chop your own squash, but that seems awfully effortful to me. I call this soup anything goes, because I also use it to finish off whatever produce I have on hand. The variations are endless and always hit the spot. If you blend and decide you dont like the flavor, just ask yourself which of the five major flavors it would need to taste better: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, or bitter. I often use curry powder as a major flavor, but this soup also works with tomato, jungle peanuts/almond butter, Kaffir lime leaf and/or cilantro. You can try your hand with herbs to Provence seasoning blend, fresh spinach and parsley, and then top it with a hint of balsamic vinegar, chopped tomato and raw olives. As I said, anything goes! Use whatever you have on hand, keeping in mind which flavors might go best together. I find having an ethnic theme helps in the creativity process. Equipment: Blender Soup Base Ingredients: Chopped butternut squash (5-10 oz. frozen or 1 peeled, seeded butternut squash) Large handful of greens like arugula (rocket), baby bok choy, cress, or spinach Large handful or two of fresh herbs (basil, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, thyme whatever goes with your intended theme. I often freeze fresh herbs to use here.) Oil or fat source (pine nuts, almond butter, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil anything that will blend well and make it creamy) + water/coconut H2O for liquid Salt and spices (curry powder, hot sauce, kelp, sea salt, etc.) 1-2 Kaffir lime leaves (optional, but great in curries or Thai dishes) Toppings: Whatever you have on hand to give it a little crunch or flavor pop: olives, tomato, dulse, cucumbers, avocado, a squirt of lemon or lime juice. Raw pickles taste good with curries and allow you to opt out of additional salt in the base. Directions: Blend until smoothlonger if you want it warm. Top and enjoy! Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 149

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This kid-friendly recipe comes from Shazzies latest book, Evies Kitchen. Its easy to prepare for adults and children. If you havent discovered Shazzies websites yet, youre in for a treat: and

Monster Slime (soup)

Serves 2 This is a bright green cold meal which makes children inquisitive and excited about what theyre about to encounter. Its very filling, so the portions arent big. Keeps for two days when refrigerated in a sealed container. Equipment: Blender

Ingredients: 500ml fresh coconut water [approximately 2 and 1/8 cups]* 20g young coconut jelly (optional) avocado 5g spirulina powder [approximately 1 teaspoons]* teaspoon of lemon peel

Directions: Stone and skin the avocado. Add everything to a high-speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Serve with flax crackers or salad.

*Conversions are provided for your convenience by The Lazy Raw Foodist. Any errors are mine, not Shazzie's.

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Salads and Dressings

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Recipe by Cecilia Benjumea from

Marinated Asian Kale Salad

2-4 Servings

Equipment: A food processor makes this faster, but you can chop without it. Ingredients: 1 large bunch lacinto kale thinly sliced (or other kale, collards, or Swiss chard) Juice from 1 lime (about 6 tablespoons lime juice) 1 TBSP Flax Seed Oil or Raw Sesame Seed Oil 1 TBSP cold pressed olive oil 2 TBSP chickpea miso (or pink salt to taste) 1 TBSP freshly grated ginger 2 TBSP finely chopped green onion (about 2 green onions green part only) 1 cup finely chopped bell pepper (about 1/2 large bell pepper) 1/2 cup seaweed (optional) (torn dulse, silky sea palm, kombu, etc.) 1 tablespoon black or white sesame seeds (optional) Directions: Make sure the greens are thinly sliced. You can even shred the kale in your food processor with the slicing disk on. Put the shredded kale in a large bowl and mash in with a fork the oil, chickpea miso, shredded ginger, and lime juice. Make sure the miso and oil is well blended. You can even massage the kale with your hands to make sure the kale is well coated. Serve now or let the kale marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hr. It can even sit overnight. The longer it marinates the more tender the kale will be. When you are ready to serve, add in the bell peppers, seaweed, cucumber, green onion, and sesame seeds. Enjoy! This will last in the refrigerator for about 3 days. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 152

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Recipe by John Kohler at

Rainbow Salad

This salad tastes great on its own and doesn't require a dressing.

Equipment: None

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes diced 1 bell pepper diced 1 bunch cilantro chopped (stems removed) 1 avocado diced 3 lemon cucumbers or 1/2 English Cucumber diced Corn kernels from 1 ear corn (if in season) 1/4 cup torn dulse leaves

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl to let the flavors marinate. Enjoy!

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This super sauce comes from the UK raw food delivery masters at Lazy Raw Foodists Note: Since everyone knows how to chop veggies, I wanted to include some wowza dressings and sauces to give your simple creations that special touch. You can use this on crackers, thinly sliced zucchini, or as veggie dip.

Greek Wow Sauce

Equipment: Blender Ingredients: 1 cup Almonds (soaked) 8 Dates (remove stones) 1 Tomato (quartered) Juice from 1/2 a Lemon 1/2 cup fresh Oregano (stuffed well) [substitute: 2 tablespoons dried] 1/2 tablespoon Cinnamon (powder) 1/2 tablespoon Salt 2 tablespoons raw Olive Oil 1/4 teaspoon Chili Powder (1/2 teaspoon if you want it hot) 1 cup Water Directions: Add all ingredients to your blender and blend until it becomes smooth, adding more Water as needed just to keep the mixture moving. After all items are broken down and blended well, add Water to create your desired thickness. You should be able to pour the sauce, but it should be thicker than a normal creamy salad dressing. Allow to stand 30 minutes. Enjoy!

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Recipe by Cecilia Benjumea from

Easy Cheezy Tahini Dressing

1 serving

You don't even need a blender to make this dressing!

Equipment: None

Ingredients: 2 Tablespoon raw tahini 2 Tablespoon lemon juice 2 and 1/2 teaspoon chickpea miso 1 and 1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano leaves (can substitute dry if fresh are not available) 5 Tablespoons water to thin.

Directions: Put all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix with a fork until well blended. Its especially good over cucumbers and parsley.

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Recipe by John Kohler from

Orange Macadamia Nut Dressing

With only two ingredients, this is definitely a super-lazy recipe. You can even buy unpasteurized orange juice already made!

Equipment: Blender

Ingredients: 1 cup macadamia nuts (Can use pine nuts or almonds as well) 1 cup orange or tangerine juice

Directions: Blend in the blender until smooth. Its especially good over Spinach and Romaine Lettuce.

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A simple no-equipment-needed salad dressing from Heidi and JS Ohlander at

Sweet Cider Dressing

Makes 2-3 servings or one giant salad

Equipment: None


3 Tablespoons flax seed oil 2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar 1 Tablespoon Raw Honey, or to taste


In a small bowl, pour the apple cider vinegar and the raw honey. Using a whisk, slowly drizzle the flax seed oil into the bowl. Whisk until creamy and completely emulsified. Pour over fresh greens of your choice and toss until dressing covers the greens. Serve immediately.

This recipe can be doubled and last for most of the week.

Shelf life in refrigerator: 3-4 days

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Easy Main Meals and Fillings

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Recipe by Meredith Baird of


Equipment: Blender

Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 C peeled and chopped zucchini 1/2 C raw tahini C lemon juice clove garlic 1 Tbsp quality olive oil 2 tsp salt

Directions: Blend all ingredients until smooth. Great as a dip or spread.

Variation: To make an easy dressing, thin out with cup water and add 2 TBSP more tahini. Add more of the other spices if necessary for a more potent dressing.

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Alissa Cohen graciously offered this recipe from her classic, Living on Live Food, available at

Mock Salmon Pt
A delicious pink pt with a hint of salmon flavor! I eat this all the time on top of a large salad with a vinaigrette dressing. Its such an easy pt to prepare and oh so delicious! Equipment: Food processor Ingredients: 2 cups walnuts 2 stalks celery 1 large red bell pepper 1 large scallion -1 teaspoon sea salt

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

Serving suggestions: This can be served on a plate as is, over a salad, rolled up in a green leaf, or spread on crackers. Great health is just a click away! Where the raw food people chat! Become a Certified Raw Food Teacher!

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Reprinted from Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People by Jennifer Cornbleet, a nationally recognized raw food chef, author, and instructor. For more information or to order, please visit

Zucchini Noodles Marinara

Makes 6 servings

Equipment: Food processor and vegetable spiral slicer

Marinara ingredients:

Noodle Ingredients:

2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped 1 cup sun-dried tomatoes, packed in olive oil 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste Dash cayenne Dash fresh ground black pepper 2 teaspoons dried basil 1 teaspoon dried basil

6 medium zucchini, peeled

Directions: Place all the ingredients for the Marinara Sauce in a food processor fitted with the S blade and process until smooth. Stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator, Marinara Sauce will keep for three days. To transform the zucchini into noodles, use a vegetable peeler and peel the zucchini into ribbons on all sides until you reach the core. Alternatively, use a vegetable spiral slicer to create angel hair pasta. Toss the zucchini noodles with enough marinara sauce to coat well and serve immediately. Serve with extra Marinara sauce on the side.

This marinara sauce tastes like the original. Your family and friends will think it slow-simmered on the stove for hours.

NOTES: Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 161

The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Sarma Says

Among my favorite FAST things/ingredients... Get a Japanese mandoline (they're cheap; we carry them on the duck) and use the shredding teeth to shred fresh zucchini and/or summer squash (or use one of those spiral slicers too)...It takes seconds, and the mandoline is so easy to clean you just rinse it under water... Anyway! Shred a bowl of zucchini, and toss it in macadamia oil (my favorite all time product, of course on the duck, too) and coarse Himalayan salt (that, too) and fresh squeezed lime juice. It's SO goodreally good with chopped mint, too. But that macadamia oil and lime juice and sea salt is SO good and my favorite salad dressing of all time. Love zucchini/squash because you don't even have to peel it, but you can also shred anything... jicama, cucumbers, carrots, daikon, etc. That macadamia oil has SO much good flavor.... drizzle that and lime and the salt on a ripe half avocado if you're craving good fat and it's the yummiest thing of all time. Those macadamia oil people should love me cause I blab about it all the time. (It's also really good cooking oil or on things like potatoes or rice or for popcorn so I always give it to people who use other "less than excellent"--as David Jubb would say--oils for cooking, and this one is so much better at least.)

Lazy Raw Foodists Note: Sarma Melngailis emailed me this message late at night, and I just had to include it without too much editing. If youre dragging and cant get motivated, just imbibe some of the raw passion from this pageand enjoy your zucchini-mac-salt-& lime! and

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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Recipe by UK-based Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach

Karens Favourite Nori Rolls

This nori roll recipe is a sure-fire winner and a recipe that I can live on for days on end. To find a recipe that suits you, use your favourite raw ingredients as fillings and continue to experiment with new textures and flavours. Makes 2 rolls. Equipment: None Ingredients:

2 nori sheets 1 large avocado 2 fresh tomatoes 1 small onion 10 black olives, pitted OR 6 sundried tomatoes in oil Handful of coriander, rocket (arugula) or watercress

Directions 1. Lay the nori sheet out flat on a plate or cutting board and place strips of avocado along the near edge about an inch in from the outside of the sheet. 2. Next, lay on top of the avocado some strips of tomato followed by strips of onion then topped with halved olives or the sundried tomatoes. 3. Finally top it all off with your chosen greens. 4. Roll up, either by hand or using a sushi mat, cut into small bit-sized pieces or leave as is and enjoy!

RAW COACH TOP TIPS: This recipe is just for starters. You can make infinite different nori roll fillings just make sure that you have one heavy filling such as avocado, a pat or similar, and some wet and juicy ones like tomato, cucumber or bell pepper. If making a nori roll that seems too full or has too many wet ingredients in it, use one large lettuce leaf to top the lot and then roll your nori this protects the nori from becoming too wet and falling apart. Raw nori is purpley-black in colour and toasted is dark green. (i.e. The opposite of what you would expect. You will need to check with the manufacturer for sure however). Page 163

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The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Angela Elliott of and author of Alive in Five submitted a bunch of original recipes. Bon Appetit! The first recipe is perfect for kids!!

Scroobious Tacos with Ninja Sauce

Equipment: blender and food processor Scroobious Tacos Ingredients: 10 large romaine lettuce leaves 2 tomatoes, finely chopped 2 Haas avocados, diced Raw olives, pitted and diced Presto pesto Marinated onions Pepper medley salsa Ninja Sauce Celtic salt and black pepper to taste

Directions: Spread a little of everything on to a romaine leaf, then drizzle with Ninja sauce. This is great finger food and a wonderfully creative way to get kids to eat raw food. It tastes awesome and a fight always breaks out over who will get the last one.

Ninja Sauce Ingredients: 2 1/2 tsp. Mellow red miso Juice of one lemon 2 small bulbs of garlic 1 tsp. Tahini Black pepper to taste Directions: Blend and drizzle over Scroobious Tacos. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 164

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Chef Cherie Soria of Living Light Culinary Institute at contributed this popular recipe from her new book, The Raw Revolution Diet.

Mexican-Style Seasoned Cabbage

Yield: 1 1/2 cups/370 mL (3 servings) This is one of the most popular dishes at the Living Light Caf and Cuisine To Go and a favorite of our students. It was created to mimic Mexican seasoned rice, and it really does taste like the Spanish rice dishes served in Mexican restaurants. Its packed with nutrition, and since it tastes great, people come back for more.

Nutrition Note Thanks to the cabbage, this dish is high in vitamins C and K and the amino acid glutamine. Peas are a good source of protein and zinc. Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups (375 mL) shredded cabbage (about 1/4 head) 1/21 cup (125250 mL) fresh or frozen peas (see notes) 1 green onion, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons (30 mL) Sun-Dried Tomato Powder * 1 tablespoon (15 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon (2 mL) salt 1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) Mexican chili powder 1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) onion powder 1/2 clove garlic, crushed 1/2 ripe tomato, diced

*Lazy Raw Foodists note: you can grind sundried tomatoes in a coffee grinder. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 165

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(Mexican-Style Seasoned Cabbage, continued)

1. Place the cabbage in a food processor fitted with the S blade and pulse until it reaches the texture of rice. 2. Transfer to a large bowl and add the peas, green onion, Sun-Dried Tomato Powder, oil, salt, chili powder, cumin, onion powder, garlic, and tomato and toss gently. 3. If you would like to warm the mixture, transfer it to a large glass baking dish and place it in a dehydrator set at 125 degrees F/50 degrees C for 30 minutes to 2 hours, or in a warmed oven (preheated to warm and turned off) for 30 minutes prior to serving. 4. Serve immediately.

Notes Frozen peas are not rawtheyve been blanched for a few minutes. They still contain valuable nutrients as well as good flavor and color, but if you want a 100% raw recipe and have no fresh peas, they may be omitted. This dish is also tasty without being warmed. Try serving it wrapped in a large collard leaf or large leaf of romaine lettuce.

Reprinted with permission granted by Cherie Soria, 2008. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 166

The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Recipe submitted by Cecilia Benjumea of

Cucumber Noodles with Sweet and Sour Sauce

2-4 Servings

This is a lazy recipe because the sweet and sour sauce is mainly chopped bell pepper and mango blended in a blender! Equipment: Blender Ingredients: 2 large mangos diced (or 4 small Manila mangos) 2 large bell peppers chopped 1/8 teaspoon cayenne 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger peeled 2 English cucumbers spiralized on thin setting with a Spiralo or Spiral Slicer Garnish: 2 tablespoons chopped chives or green onion 1/2 cup chopped cilantro leaves chopped 1/2 cup pea sprouts (or mung bean sprouts) 1 bell pepper julienned 1/2 cup snow peas (optional) 1/2 cup pineapple chopped (optional) Directions: To make the sauce add the diced mangos first and then the bell peppers, cayenne, and ginger in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour over spiralized English cucumber noodles. Garnish with, chives, cilantro, sprouts, bell pepper, snow peas, and pineapple. Enjoy! Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 167

The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

This recipe comes from the folks at, a gourmet raw food delivery service in the UK. Yum!

Cheese with Spring Onion

Equipment: Food processor. Preliminary prep: Soak Sunflower Seeds for 6 hours, drain and refrigerate. Ingredients: 2 cups of Sunflower Seeds (soaked as specified above) 1 cup of Pine Nuts 1/2 tablespoon Salt Juice from 2 Lemons 1/3 cup raw Olive Oil 1 bunch of Green Onion, all except roots (diced) Directions: 1) In your Food Processor, process seeds, nuts and salt until fine ground. Add the lemon juice and the olive oil. Process again to make smooth. Scrape from sides if needed. Mixture should begin to "roll" as it moves around processor. 2) Add water only to keep the mixture moving and rolling if needed. Process until stiff, smooth, and very thick. 3) Add the green onion and process briefly to mix in and slightly break down the Green Onion. 4) Allow to stand 30 minutes, then enjoy! - Note: If you taste it early the lemon taste should stand out. The lemon taste will die down after it sits a bit.

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Another recipe from Shazzies new book, Evies Kitchen. Even though this one takes a bit more work than some, I love Shazzies recipes because they always have a sense of humoran essential ingredient for Lazy Raw Foodists! For more like this, please check out: and

Big Potatno Cake

Makes 8 portions Exactly. It has no potatoes in it but kind of tastes like it has, so its potatno. No one can actually believe whats in it when I feed them it, because it tastes so much better than the ingredients lead you to believe it could. Equipment: Food processor + hand blender Ingredients: 400g parsnips [14 oz., approximately 4 small or 3 medium parsnips]* 200g cauliflower [ 7 oz., approximately of a medium head]* 50g of cashew nuts (soaked for at least 30 minutes) [2 oz.]* 175ml olive oil [3/4 cup]* 6 dates Pinch of unrefined sea salt

Directions: Soak the cashew nuts in water for 30 minutes, drain and rinse. Top and tail the parsnips, and cut them into chunks. Cut the cauliflower into chunks. Add all the ingredients to your food processor and process until everything has been reduced to crumbs. Transfer this mixture to a jug and using your hand blender, blend to a smooth paste. Put the mixture in a loose-bottomed cake tin and smooth it down. Refrigerate for at least an hour before use. When ready to eat, remove it from the tin by placing it on a plate upside down and pushing the bottom through. Cut as you would a cake and serve with your favourite salads. Keeps for three days when refrigerated in a sealed container.

* Conversions made by The Lazy Raw Foodist for your convenience. Any errors are mine, not Shazzie's!

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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Breads and Crackers

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Lazy Raw Foodists Note: This recipe takes a bit more effort than most of the other ones in this book, but it forms the base of many gourmet delivered treats from When you want that crispy bread-like experience, you can make a batch of this and store it in airtight containers so you can quickly satisfy your future cravings. I decided to include a few complex recipes in case inspiration strikes and you dont feel like cruising the internet for recipes!

Carrot Onion Bread

Equipment: Food processor and dehydrator Ingredients: 800 grams of Carrots (1.5 lbs) 800 grams of peeled & quartered Spanish Onions (1.5 lbs) 3/4 cup Flax Seeds (soaked) 1/2 tablespoon Salt 1/3 cup Olive Oil Water

Directions: 1) Soak Flax seeds in a pint glass of water for 30 minutes before using. 2) While they're soaking continue recipe by processing the Onions (quartered) in your Food Processor (FP) with the finest (smallest) slicing blade. (not the chopping/normal 'S' blade). Should make long thin strips/slices of onions. (julienne) Set aside in large bowl. 3) Change your FP blade to the finest grating blade you have and process the Carrots. Add to the bowl with the sliced Onions. 4) If soak time has passed. Put soaked Flax Seeds and the soak Water into your Blender. Refill the pint glass with water and add to blender. Blend for just a bit, it will become a thick cream with many whole flax seeds and bits of all sizes. 5) Pour Flax cream blend into bowl with Onions and Carrots. Add the Olive Oil and the Salt. Stir very well with large spoon. Allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. While waiting cover 3 Excalibur dehydrator trays with cling film or use teflex sheets. 6) Divide your mixture evenly between the 3 trays and spread out evenly on each use less than a inch thick. Place into Dehydrator and run until dried well on top. Flip onto normal uncovered trays and continue to dehydrate until almost crispy. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 171

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Also by Angela Elliott from (Lazy Raw Foodists note: Although relatively easy, the bread requires a dehydrator. For a quicker treat, spread a bit of Olive Pt on some Matter of Flax (very thin) crackers, then alternately layer pt with tomato and cucumber slices. Top with fresh basil leaves. Alternatively, you can also add 1-2 TBSP cumin and then use the pt to make Mexican-type salads tossed with romaine, tomatoes, cilantro and fresh or defrosted frozen corn.)

Olive Pt Extraordinaire with Alive in Italy Bread Olive Pt

Ingredients: 1 jar of Pitted Manzanilla olives, rinsed and drained 1 jar Pitted Italian olives, removed from liquid (save the liquid for another recipe) Directions: Place all of the olives in a food processor and pulse. Chop until you have an olive pt texture.

Alive in Italy Bread

Ingredients: 3 Zucchini, peeled and chopped 1 apple, chopped 3 cups Brazil nut "flour" (you can powder the nuts in a coffee grinder) 1 cup Golden flax seed, powdered (powder the flax seeds in a coffee grinder) 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon each of the following Fresh herbs; Sage, rosemary, Basil of a fresh jalapeno 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (you can squeeze by hand) 1 tablespoon Celtic salt (Taste the mixture to adjust flavor--may need more salt.) Directions: Process all the above ingredients in a food processor until smooth, may require a little water to blend properly. Lay mixture about inch thickness on to a teflex sheet. Slice and Dehydrate at 104 degrees for 12-24 hours, remove teflex sheet and turn over bread, dehydrate for another 12 -24 hours. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 172

The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Multi-Tasking Crackers
If I plan to do time-consuming things like juicing, making nut milk or dehydrating, it helps to synchronize my efforts! Equipment: Dehydrator + juicer and/or blender (were combining efforts here!) Ingredients: Pulp from making nut milk and/or vegetable juice (Cruciferous veggies do NOT work well for this purpose as they start to break down quickly and STINK before your crackers dry. I like combos of greens like kale and parsley, plus beets, carrots, celery and fennel for both juice and cracker pulp.) Flax powder (Brown or golden, preferably freshly ground in a coffee grinder. You want about approximately 1/3 or up to an equal amount as your pulp, depending on crackers desired richness, as well as the degree of moisture left in your pulp.) Water to moisten the flax and help it bind. Herbs de Provence or other seasoning Sea Salt (optional) Directions: Stir everything together until sticky. If the flax is powdery, add a little more water. If dough becomes runny, add a little more flax. If dough crumbles, you need more flax and water. Spread thin with a spatula over teflex sheets or parchment paper on your dehydrator trays. Dehydrate until very crisp for crackers or slightly bendy for bread. I follow Gabriel Cousens advice to dehydrate for the first two hours at 145 degrees, since its foodnot airtemperature that matters. Once the water evaporates, the food temperature starts to rise, so then you need to back down the temperature to 105. He recommends this technique in order to minimize bacterial or mold growth. I recommend it because Im an impatient and Lazy Raw Foodist! When I want bread or crackers, I want them sooner rather than later.

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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Sweet Snacks and Desserts

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Recipes by Meredith Baird of

Strawberries and Balsamic with Cashew Crme Fraiche

(Serves 4-8 people) Ingredients: 2 cup Strawberries quartered 2-4 Tablespoon high quality balsamic vinegar 2 Tablespoon Agave nectar or maple syrup 3 teaspoon fresh thyme Directions: Drizzle the strawberries with balsamic vinegar and sweetener and more or less according to your taste. Add the thyme. Mix, and allow to marinate for 30 minutes or longer.

Crme Fraiche
Ingredients: (requires a blender) 1 cup cashews approximately cups water 3 Tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon miso Pinch of sea salt Directions: Soak the cashews in water for 1-2 hours. Drain. In a high-speed blender blend remaining ingredients until smooth adding the water slowly. The consistency should be like sour cream. Serve the marinated strawberries with a dollop of crme fraiche on top. Garnish with a sprig of fresh thyme. Perfect as a light dessert in the summer or an interesting side for breakfast and brunch. *Crme fraiche is a great substitute anywhere you would use sour crme. I love to serve it with Hiziki seaweed and flax crackers as a faux caviar dish. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 175

The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

From Anthony Anderson at

Key-Lime Pie

Equipment: Blender and/or food processor Filling Ingredients: 1 avocado (should fill up about 1/2 cup) 1/8 cup of coconut oil 1/4 cup coconut meat (optional but its great) 1 Tablespoon of agave or honey 1/8 cup of lime juice Directions: Blend all ingredients in blender or food processor until silky smooth, then place in bowl, smooth the surface, and place in the freezer for 1 hour.

Crust Ingredients: 1/8 cup of brazil nuts (or your favorite nut) 1/8 cup of almonds (ditto) 2 medjool dates or 3 other dates (remove pits) Directions: Place in food processor until a sticky dough is formed. Then spread this on top of the (now solid) filling. Flip the bowl upside down until the pie slides out.

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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This recipe comes from world travelling Anthony Anderson at


Equipment: None Ingredients: Apple Nut butter Cinnamon Directions: Cut an apple in half (from the side, not down the middle) and with a spoon, carve out a nice bowl shape...taking out the seeds and the core. Fill this hole up with your favorite nut or seed butter, and top it off with a dash of cinnamon. SO quick, so delicious, and great for traveling.

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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This recipe also comes from Anthony Anderson at

Mango Strawberry Pudding

Equipment: Blender Ingredients: 1 mango 1 avocado 3 strawberries Directions: Blend all in food processor or blender until smooth. Add more avocado if too thin.

Lazy Raw Foodist Variation: You can make a bright and delicious Strawberry Pudding with just 1 cup strawberries, avocado and a hint of sweetener (agave, xylitol, honey, etc. to taste.) I like to top mine with cacao nibs for a little crunch, but its also a delicious, simple treat with just the berries and avocado.

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From Alissa Cohens Living on Live Food, available at

Date Nut Torte

Fudgy, creamy and sweet! I bring this with me when Im visiting someone Id like to introduce to raw food. People cant believe its raw! And its one of the quickest and easiest desserts to make. Equipment: Food processor Base of Torte: 2 cups raisins 2 cups walnuts

Frosting: 1 cup dates, pitted and soaked 1/2 lemon, juiced

For Base: 1. In a food processor, combine raisins and walnuts and blend until well blended and moist. (This will take a few minutes and you may see it forming a ball. Just make sure the raisins come out looking like a fudgey mixture and are not still grainy) 2. Remove from processor and mold onto a plate in a round circle about 1 and 1/2 inches thick. For Frosting: 1. In a food processor, combine dates and lemon juice until smooth and creamy. 2. Spread the frosting on top of the torte Note: I like this served at room temperature as the frosting and torte are still sticky, but if you want a firmer texture that will be easier to slice, refrigerate it for a few hours. Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved Page 179

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Carrot Cake Pudding

This is another Lazy Raw Foodist tricknot so much a recipe as a means of making something easy with pulp you would otherwise throw away. This will taste different every time, depending on how much of each pulp you have on hand. Gourmet raw carrot cake takes some effort to make. By using leftovers and aiming for a bread pudding-like texture, this gives you that carrot cake taste in under two minutes.

Equipment: None, because were just using up leftover pulp Ingredients: Carrot pulp leftover from juicing Almond pulp leftover from almond milk or ground walnuts Cinnamon to taste Ginger to taste (optional) Splash of vanilla extract (optional) Pinch of Stevia or agave nectar to taste Raisins (optional)

Directions: Mix carrot pulp and nuts together and moisten with water, almond milk or coconut water if you have very dry pulp. Add other ingredients to taste. Eat immediately or refrigerate. If desired, top with crme fraiche by Meredith Baird. (Page 175)

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From the lovely Angela Elliott of

Decadent Hazelnut Chocolate Cherry Cookies

I like these cookies so much, I have a hard time waiting for them to dehydrate and most of the time, just eat the cookie dough! These cookies are divine either way!

Equipment: Food processor (plus a blender/sprout bag to make nutmilk) Ingredients: 2 cups hazelnut mush left over from making nut milk cup cherries cup pitted soft dates 4 Tablespoons raw agave 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor Dash of Celtic salt cup raw cacao nibs teaspoon raw carob

Directions: Press the hazelnut pulp to remove all the liquid from it. Process all the above ingredients in a food processor. Make about 48 balls, then flatten each ball and place on a teflex sheet. Dehydrate at 104 degrees for 24 hours. Flip and remove teflex sheet and dehydrate for 2 hours.

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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A Non-Cacao Cookie Variation by Angela Elliott

Angelas note: Again, these are divine either waydehydrated or as cookie dough!

Equipment: Food processor (plus a blender/sprout bag to make earlier nutmilk) Ingredients: 2 cups hazelnut mush leftover from making nutmilk cup dried organic bing cherries cup soft dates 4 Tablespoons raw agave 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor Dash Celtic salt Handful of non-soaked almonds and hazelnuts powdered in a coffee grinder

Directions: Place all the above ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth. Make about 48 balls, then flatten each ball and place on a teflex sheet. Dehydrate at 104 degrees for 24 hours. Flip and remove teflex sheet and dehydrate for 2 hours.

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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Oatmeal Raisin Cookies like Mom Never Made Em
Makes about 16 cookies I whipped these together the night before a San Francisco potluck. No, theyre not a health food because I didnt sprout and dehydrate the almonds and oat groats, but for a single cookie serving at a potluck, no one minded. In fact, quite a few folks begged for the recipe. Well, here it is! Equipment: coffee grinder and food processor Ingredients: Approximately 1 cup oat groats, ground fine in a coffee grinder or Vita-Mix Approximately 1 cup almonds, dry, ground in food processor or buy pre-ground 1 to 1 cup dried apricots, soaked (save soak water) cinnamon to taste (I used about 1 TBSP, but add slowly to your liking) handful or more of raisins

Directions: Put the ground oat groats and ground almonds in food processor and mix them together. Add your intended amount of cinnamon and mix again. Begin dropping apricots in processor, while its still running. Add soak water in increments until a sticky dough begins to form. Taste test for cinnamon and the need for any extra apricots. When its the consistency of normal oatmeal cookie dough, scoop out 16 cookie size amounts onto a teflex lined dehydrator tray. Press raisins into each little ball and press fairly flat, - inch thick. Dehydrate for 2 hours until firm enough to flip. The easiest way Ive found is to take a second tray and lay it face down on top of the cookies. Then flip and peel off the teflex. Reinsert tray into dehydrator and continue for another 8-12 hours. Because this was for a potluck and people get nervous about temperature, I started at 112 degrees and backed it down to 105 after the first two hours. These look and taste just like cooked oatmeal raisin cookies! I like them firm but not too crispy.

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Superfood Candy
You can literally throw this together the night before a busy morning, and it will keep you chugging along throughout your day. In true lazy fashion, I dont measure for this recipe, but Ive provided ballpark figures to get you started. I vary ingredients as I have them on hand. Because of the cacao content, dont eat this late in the day! If you have to taste-test at night, only take a tiny nibble. Equipment: None Ingredients: Raw cacao powder (2 TBSP-1/2 cup, depending on how much you want)

Shredded coconut + oil or Artisana brand coconut oil, which includes some flesh 1-2 TBSP maca powder 1-2 TBSP mesquite (start out slow and add to taste in small amounts)

(start out slow and add to taste in small amounts)

Agave nectar or date soak water to taste Fresh or frozen cherries (as a separate topping at the time you eat your candy) Optional Ingredients: Any or all of the following: Goji berries (preferably soaked for hour and save the soaking water)

1-2 TBSP Spirulina, E-3Live, or other green powder 1-2 TBSP NutriBiotic or Sun Warrior Brand Rice Protein Powder (vanilla flavor) Up to cup shelled hemp seeds Raw Cashewscrumbled into smaller pieces Sprinkle of cinnamon Directions: Throw your ingredients in a bowl, mixing together and adding agave, goji and/or date soak water as necessary to mix the powders. Stir to get rid of any powdery lumps. Add coconut oil until things become kind of slimy. Freeze or refrigerate overnight. The coconut oil makes it firm as it chills. Cut into squares (or not!) and serve cold, topped with frozen cherries for a supercharged candy-bar-like experience.

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Another whimsical recipe for the kid in all of us! Please check out Shazzies other quirky creations at and


Before a child can learn to tie her shoelaces, its important for her to eat them. Makes about 20 laces. Keep for over six months when refrigerated in a sealed container. Equipment: Blender and dehydrator Ingredients: 1 medium and very ripe mango 1 sweet pear 1 ripe banana

Directions: Peel and stone the mango. Peel the banana. Core the pear. Cut the ingredients into chunks and blend in a high-speed blender until liquefied. Pour the liquid onto a dehydrator tray topped with a sheet and dehydrate for about 8 hours at 115F/46C. When dry, peel away from the sheet and cut into thin strips.

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Reprinted from Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People by Jennifer Cornbleet, a nationally recognized raw food chef, author, and instructor. For more information or to order, please visit

Flourless Chocolate Cake

Makes one 9-inch cake; 8 servings

Equipment: Food processor Ingredients:

3 cups walnuts 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 20 pitted medjool dates 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder or raw chocolate powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract, optional 4 teaspoons water 1 cup fresh raspberries for garnish

Directions: Place the walnuts and salt in a food processor fitted with the S blade and process until finely ground. Add the dates, cocoa powder, and vanilla and process until the mixture begins to stick together. Add the water and process briefly.

Transfer to a serving plate and form into a 9-inch round cake. Chill for 2 hours. Decorate the cake and plate with fresh raspberries or top before serving. Covered with plastic wrap, Flourless Chocolate Cake will keep for three days in the refrigerator or two weeks in the freezer. Bring to room temperature before serving.

This decadent dessert will delight chocolate lovers.

Laura Bruno 2008All Rights Reserved

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This recipe is a variation of one by Matt Amsden of For his original Chocolate Coconut Haystack recipe, please check out his cookbook, RAWvolution, and/or national food delivery service in the U.S. I made this carob variation of his haystacks for an intuitive class in Sedona and served them as frozen squares with fresh oranges on top. Everyone went wild! The original is delicious, but due to a copyright technicality, I can only include the variation.

Carob Coconut Orange Bars Makes about 8 bars, depending how (or if) you cut them

Equipment: None Ingredients: 1/4 cup raw carob powder (not roasted) 1 cups raw shredded coconut (Go Coconut! brand comes raw & pre-shredded) 1/3 cup coconut oil 1/4 cup agave nectar 1 2 fresh oranges, seeded, peeled and chopped Directions: 1. In a mixing bowl, combine the carob powder and shredded coconut, and mix well. Add the coconut oil and the agave nectar and mix well. 2. Spread flat in a shallow dish, about inch thick. 3. Freeze for at least thirty minutes before serving. 4. Slice, top with freshly chopped oranges, and enjoy.

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The Super Lazy Bonus Section

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Listings of Raw Restaurants, Delivery Services & Potlucks:
Emily Rutherford maintains and regularly updates her Worldwide Raw Restaurant Guidea great resource for traveling, deciding where to move, or just learning more about raw resources in your own neck of the woods: I have loved the Happy Cow website for years and regularly always consult it before travelling or picking another place to land. I love the Happy Cow because it lists health food stores and veg-friendly restaurants, along with honest reviews of service, menu items, freshness, cost, etc. This site runs on donations and sponsors, so please consider donating. For years, it has remained a fantastic resource for vegetarians, vegans and even raw foodists: The Raw Food Network lists raw potlucks by statevery handy in the event of travel or just finding raw friends in your own area. I know a few raw fooders who used to hit every potluck in the Bay Area, as well as anywhere else they happened to travel. With some synchronous timing and/or a bit of planning, you can pick up prepared raw treats at a health food store as your contribution and then dig into a major raw feast with other enthusiasts: If you live in Washington State or British Columbia, Canada, you will find that the following website makes life a little easier: Whenever I make extended visits to Chicago, I like having my stay catered by Cousins Incredible Vitality. If you live in Chicagoland, I dont think you can beat their monthly raw food packages for price, freshness and cleansing. Shorter stays are more expensive to have catered; however, it still beats having to eat out all the time. You will need access to a refrigerator, though, as they provide a LOT of food: RAWvolution ships a box of organic, prepared raw foods all over the continental United States, with door to door delivery available in the LA and NYC areas:
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The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

If you live in the UK, you can treat yourself to the bountiful creations of I cant wait to try this service if and when Stephen and I make it across the pond! is a Texas based raw food company that also ships nationally. I havent personally tried these folks, but the menu always looks yummy. Sprout Raw Food serves the greater Atlanta area with fresh raw foods delivered to your door. They also ship desserts and dehydrated items nationally via UPS: For other tips on maintaining a raw food diet as a jet-setter, you might enjoy Anthony Andersons blog. True, he tends many of his own plants (not exactly lazy); however, as a model, he also travels all over the world, managing to find amazing treats wherever he goes:

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The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Personal Chef Services:
Sometimes having a raw restaurant down the street or in a neighboring town just isnt enough! Maybe you dont even want to leave your house! And grocery shopping? Psshawww really lazy (or busy) raw foodists dont always have time for that. Enter the personal chef Not all of the following links are to exclusively raw chefs, but clients and I have found a budding interest in raw foods even among ordinary chefs especially ones familiar with vegan cuisine. It never hurts to ask. (Well, I should clarify that. I received my only hate email ever after posting my request for a personal raw vegan chef when we left the raw paradise of Sedona. Apparently, my post made some ex-vegetarian reader very, very angry! How dare I ask for such a thing and offer to trade or pay for prepared food and services? How dare I want to write a novel instead of slaving over a dehydrator all day? I was possibly, no definitely, the most self-centered, egotistical person they had ever encountered! The three paragraph tirade ended with this person telling me to Chop your own damn carrots and get over yourself. Better yet, become a breatharian. Ha!) Some people will have reactions if you request personal raw food catering, but you know what? Thats their issue. If you want to follow this lifestyle and are willing to pay (or trade) someone else to do your grocery shopping and food preparation, someone out there will do iteven if you have to buy them a few raw cookbooks to get them started. Who knows, the food they learn to prepare for you might even help them recover from health issues or transform their lives. Dont be afraid to ask for what you want or need: Although this worldwide map links to Alissa Cohens certified raw food teachers, some of those teachers offer chef services on the side. You can explain that you would like the food without the instruction and see how it goes: Also check for listings at your local health food stores, online at, as well as at potlucks. Raw foodists have a really nice tendency to pick up on others requests and intentions.
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The Lazy Raw Foodists Guide

Mail Order Raw Food Treats:
The raw food movement has grown hand in hand with the worldwide web. Raw foodists love to blog, join forums, or post in online bulletin boards. Not surprisingly, you can buy all kinds of raw food items online, even if you live in the least raw-friendly place imaginable. Here are a few of my favorite sites: For out of this world macaroons, crackers, granola and body care products, check out Sarma Melngailis online store: You can find Lydias Organics in a lot of the mainstream natural foods stores. Her crackers and granola have earthier tastes and textures than Sarmas, but they taste good with raw soups or green smoothies. perhaps its all those bestselling raw cookbooks, but this internet giant has gotten wise to the demands of raw foodists. You can tack raw staples like goji berries, cacao nibs, and really raw cashews onto other online orders and have them delivered to your door in a day or two. Raw Food World is like a raw supermarket, where you can order everything from cleansing supplies to rebounders to chia seeds and dehydrators. Run by the 100% path advocate Matt Monarch, this site offers well sourced products for people concerned with maintaining the 100% raw purity of ingredients. If you want a one-stop shop without having to read labels, this comes pretty close!

Many Blessings and an Amazing Journey to You!

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