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From quick-service counter to elegantly ordered cuisine, the wicle offering of lamps from Ceneral Electric can create

an atmosphere that is. . . pleasingly ctistinctive . . . visually clifferent

. . .and, at the same time, is in keeping with today's emphasis on saving energy.


GE Serve you the Best in

Lighting ldeas.

The distinctive decor of this handsome restaurant prompts diners to come back. Downlights add sparkle to table tops chandeliers enhance the decor.

Decorative Lighting. . .The "Appetizer"
Decorative lighting treatments "whet the appetite" ot patrons by providing visual cues to the cuisine. GE lamps can add visual richness, color and excitement to a restaurant environment.

Basic lllumination. . .The "Entree"

Basic illumination is best provided from downlights. These should be glare-free to minimize brightness distractions, and spaced to provide reasonable uniformity so that table placement is not critical. Downlights can be either recessed, surface-mounted or even suspended (in high ceiling areas)- Downlights provide sparkle, glitter and modeling on table settings, food and palrcns. However, care must be taken to not overdo the downlighting eflect because this can result in unflattering shadows on people's faces. Dimmers are aimost a necessity in a fine restaurant, or where different moods may be required for different fu nctions or times.

lndirect Lighting. . .The "Accompaniments"

lndirect lighting, while creating opposite effect from downlights, is desirable to reduce shadows and produce a more flattering appearance on patrons. The lighting designer's skill is required to balance quantities of direct and indirect lighting. All indirect lighting would produce a bland visual environment. Some sparkle is needed for a "lively" effect and downlighting does this best.

Chandeliers. . .The "Dessert"

The finished touch to a distinctive restaurant interior is ideally provided by chandeliers and wall brackets that echo the theme and flavor of the decor.

Changing the Lighting Environment

It is frequently desirable to change the mood of a dining space from that of a luncheon area to the slower leisureliness of a pre-dinner cocktail lounge. Lighting is tlexible enough to accomplish this. One widely used means is to use dimmers that can be easily set to change the luminous toneof the environment. Dimming also providesthe restaurant managerwith the capability of bringing the lighting up to full level during cleaning and set-up periods and then down, if desired, to meet the mood of the dining period.

How Much Light

The amount of light recommended by the llluminating Engineering Society for dining areas varies

from 3 footcandles for a subdued environment intimate type restaurant to 100 footcandles for a quick food service located in an area with bright competing surroundings. Thus, the decision of how much light is an individual one, depending upon the type of dining area. One consideration generally overlooked in considering restaurant lighting is the age oftheaverage diner. Researches in vision have shown that 6Gyear-old senior citizens receive only one third as much light into the eye as a lGyear-old teenager, because of changes in the eyes with age. Forthis reason, thegoalof attaining a subdued atmosphere should not be interpreted in terms of low-level illumination acceptable to a youthful person. Too low a level of illumination may leave older customers unable to properly read the menu and they will tend to not return as repeat diners.

Uniformly distributed illumination from the


downlights provide good seeing over this fast-tood dining area. Grazing light over the face ol the brick wall adds a dramatic interest to this space.

Achieving a Subdued AtmosPhere

appearance of the food, or even see each other. A subdued atmosphere can be achieved by controlling the light reflectances of the ceilings and walls, using rich, dark colors in the visualvistaand using low-brightness lighting units. An intimate atmosphere is produced by 1)a moderate lighting level, 2) an abundance of rich, dark colors, and 3) little brightness on the ceilings or on the walls.

[/any restaurants require a subdued, intimate atmosphere. This is not the same as practically no illumination, for many patrons will be displeased at being unable to read the menu, appraise the

From Leisure to Fast Food

The crystal chandelier, the spot-lighted cappuccino

machine and the illum inated picture each contribute to

the elegant decor ol this restaurant. The downlights, lamped with pink reflector lamps, serve to provide pleasant general lighting that is flattering 1o diners.
This altractive dining room owes its intimate character to

the pink reflector lamps in the low-brightness recessed lixtures, lhe sparkling ceiling-mounted chandelier, the
decorative wall fixtures and the softly spot-lighted picture.

Welllighted murals and a wise selection of

decorative wall fixtures combine to emphasize the pleasant atmosphere of this leisure-type restaurant. Very few diners would realize that

the real lighting, by which they read their menus and appraised their food, actually
comes from the recessed ceiling fixtures.

The inviting warmth ol this buflet-type restaurant in a sports coliseum stems lrom, surprisingly, the mercury
lamp system, the primary source of light. The principals

found the color oJ the warm deluxe white lamps,

relatively new development in mercury lamps, to be complimentary to both food and people. They specifically liked the maintenance freedom of the 24,000hours-plus average lile of mercury lamps.

Especially appealing to the older citizens,

who are frequent patrons, this cafeteriatype restaurant owes some of its success to the uniformly distributed general lighting and to well-controlled brightness. The food is well and attractively lighted so that
the customers can see easily and clearly.

Glare was eliminated at this fast-food restaurant by replacing R-30 ref lector flood lamps with newer ER-30 ellipsoidal lamps. The result was lowered brightness in the fixtures and more light on the tables.

Two lighting systems contribute toward giving this quickservice restaurant a warm pleasant atmosphere. Fluorescent lamps concealed above the lalse ceiling give the decorated side wall a pleasing brightness and reflect light into the dining area. The incandescent lamp spherical units provide general lighting and give a pleasant whimsicalness to the room.

Msual Appetizer For Distinctive Decors


Luminous panels need not be built into a wall. They can be hung on the wall or supported several inches from it on wall-mounted hangers, as was done here. The back is partly open so that light escapes and frames the unit.

Pictures, uniformly framed and subject coordinated to

a basic theme, are frequently one of the important

leatures ot a restaurant's decor. Their lighting can be

accomplished by exposed

or by


adjustable, reJlector lamp housings.

Attractively lighted plants, artilicial or real, have a universal appeal. Many types can be grown with Iight levels that can be easily produced in restaurant environments. Others may need to be rotated on a
scheduled basis from that ot the restaurant environment to that ol a florist's controlled atmosphere hot

house to continue to flourish. Local florists can

advise on specific plant-light-hour requirements.

Lighting in this attractive restaurant represents an "extension" of the architectural elements. This well-integrated treatment is achieved with baffled fixtures in wood enclosures, using 1so-watt reflector lamps.

Garden lighting can be

restaurant. The foliage should be attractively tighted, bul the light sources should be hidden or shietded so
that they can not be seen. Where windows are involved

a distinctive feature of

care must be taken so that bright surfaces or light sources are not disturbingly reflected in the glass.

ln this unusual bar, the designer created


Overhead the low-brightness downlights conform to the "U"-shape of the bar. Lamps concealed under the bar bring out the rich
redness oJ the underneath upholstery.

interesting atmosphere through the use ol welllighted foliage and colorful backgrounds. The bar itself utilizes "over" and "under" bar lighting.

Restaurant Service



Well-prepared and well-presented food in this industrial cafeteria is given lurther appetite-appeal by the cool white deluxe fluorescent lamps in the lixture which "tloats" over the cateteria line. The lens bottom tixtures enhance the appearance of the displayed salads, entrees and desserts.


This service area is invitingly lighted trom the custom-designed, overhead luminous element, which follows the shape ot the service counter below.

lnfrared lamps, closely spaced over the service counter, help keep the loot hot while it is waiting to be served to the customer. The red coating on the lamps transmits the heat energy and reduces the visual brightness to a comfortable


Good lighting together with high tight reflection finishes on ceilings, walls and
floors is an excellent assurance that food is prepared efficiently and that safety and
cleanliness are encouraged. The cool white lluorescent lamp is generally the bestchoice tor this type ol general lighting.
Entrances from kitchen to dining area should

be so arranged or shielded that diners in

low-key environment are not bothered by the higher brightness ot the kitchen.



Dining areas which are also used as meeting rooms should provide good lighting on the speaker and also low-level lighting for slide projection. Narrow-beam spot-lights from the front and both sides will highlight the speaker and help hold audience attention. Care should be taken that light from these lamps is kept off of any projection screen. A lighted portable podium can help the speaker see his notes and, in addition. reflect a soft glow. A multi-circuit, track-lighting, electrical raceway located on the cejling across the tront of the room can provide flexibility and good high visibility lighting tor charts, chatkboards, scribble-pads and demonstration displays, as well as for lighting the speaker. i,4any types of adjustable lamp holders are available with a wjde variety of beam spreads and intensities. Well-baffled, low-brightness downlights with dimmer control can provide the audience with non-disturbing lighting for taking notes and last-minute seatjng. Allfixtures which

can spill light on a projection screen should be switchcontrolled. ldeally the dimmers for the downlights should

controllable from the projector location by remote control.

The lighting in rest rooms should be such that patrons

see themselves in a flattering light as they look into the


mirror. This is accomplished here by the overhead

luminous panel lamped with deluxe warm white fluores-

cent lamps. The forest-scene wallpaper is lighted with

fluorescent lamps from above to heighten the illusjon of
expanded Space.


! r:it1

Exterior Identification

The lighting-designer-architect ot this popular restaurant has tastelully used lighting to emphasize the distinctive shape of the building. The large fluorescent lighted luminous sign also assures the owner thatlhe restaurant's name is well-impressed upon the passing public

A large impressive luminous sign like that incorporated into the outside structure of this reslaurant can be highly effective in producing a distinctive identity. The long slender shape of fluorescent lamps, together with their good efficiency and long life, make them ideal lor this application.

Good effec'tive lighting and good eye-

appealing exterior design give this

restaurant an attraction power that will
assure that it is well-known and patronized in its area.

The distinctive golden-white color ot the Lucalox lamps makes this parking area a highly visible landmark. These lamps are the most etficient lamps suitable for this type of outdoor tloodlighting.

High visibility landmark identification is attained by carelully planned Iloodlights located on high poles which also carry the high intensity discharge lamp floodlighting for the parking area. The luminaires are welFshielded so that stray light does not disturb occupants of the adjacent motel.






- Energy-Saving Fluorescent Lamp Replace regular 4Gwatt lamps with a 3s-watt lamp.
F40 Watl-Miser" Approximately
140lo lower electrical cost - 100/o less light. For F40 Rapid Start lixtures. Also available in other sizes. Check with your GE lamp representative or current GE literature for proper use.

- Energy-Saving Ellipsoidal Relleclor Lamp Beplace lsGwatt reflector lamp, 150R/FL, with this 75-watt lamp in deep-baffled, downlight fixtures.

Approximately same fixture light output-



electrical cost. Also provides more comlortable lower lixture brighlness when replacing 7s-watt reflector

lamps in shallow downlights. Another development is the l2Gwatt ellipsoidal lamp, which can replace the
higher wattage 3oGwatt ref lector f lood lamp in deep balfled down lights with approximately the same
lig ht.



"C" Line Commercial Line Decoralive Lamps

Heavy-duty, long-life. decorative lamps. Visually appealing custom-designed lamps in many types, Iinishes and sizes lor imaginative restaurant lightinq. See back cover.

Mercury - Lucalox@ - Mulli-Vapor@ High lntensity Discharge Lamps Lamps with high to very high efficiency, long to very long lite. Available in wattages from 50 to 1,000 watts. Excellent lor efficient low maintenance restaurant
exterior and parking area lighting. Warm deluxe white mercury lamps are being used lor dining area lighting.

tAverage rated life 4,000 hours, except Crystalline 2,500 hours. 3,000 hours, and Flicker


lnlrared Lamps

watt, red-ended, reflector lamp

Convenient radiant energy heat source. The 375(375R40/10)

provides radiant heat with low light output. Long,

average 5,000 hour life. Helps maintain customer's food hot while waiting service pick-up.

Cool-Beam Lamps I/inimum infra-red filament retlector lamp.

Similar to 1so-watt parabolic retlector lamps, except unique reflector permits two-thirds of the heat of the infrared energy to go out back ol lamp and the cooler visible Iight out the front. Useful over chilled food displays such as salad bars

where good illumination for sparkle-producing

incandescent light is desjred with minimum heat. Fixtures must be approved for this type of lamp.

Tuff-Skin Lamps lncandescent lamp with shatterresistant coating. For use over exposed food preparation areas where hazards from accidental lamp breakage is to be avoided. Available in 25 to 200 watts.

Pink and Blue-White Rellector Lamps (15OR/PK and l5OR/BW).

These sott-tinted reflector lamps create warm - and cool - tinted illum ination, both of which are f lattering to com-

Ouartzline@ Lamps
Long-life compact filament lamps. Available in tubular form, with the approximate diameter of a lead pencil, and rellectorized versions (4 to I inches in diameter) in wattages trom 250 to 1,000. Highest efficiency of all general purpose incandescant lamps, with very little liqht drop-off with life.

plexion and enhance many environments bytheirsubfle

color distinctivenesses. The pink lamp is widely used in restaurant downlights. Also available in 75 and sGwatt


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