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Fidayee Activities In Shariah

Professor Abdur Rahman Makki HA

In this essay Professor Abdur Rahman Makki dispels the common misconception that
Fidai missions are suicide missions. Quoting instances from the Muslim history,
particularly the life of the Prophet(pbuh) and the Companionst, he has made point
that Fidai missions date back to the days of the Prophet(pbuh) . There are a
number of instances in the early Muslim history that a single Mujahid took on a
large number of enemy men. But they were by no means suicide attack. .
Mujahideen's Fidai missions are a continuation of this glorious tradition.

Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬, the Most Merciful, has showered innumerable bounties on the
Muslim Ummah, the obligation of Jihad and Qital being one of these.

Jihad has been made obligatory for the Ummah for all times. Allaah ‫سبحانه وتعال‬

َ ‫َه‬
‫ًا و‬
‫ّوا ش‬
‫ِب‬‫ْ ت‬
ُ ‫َى أن‬
‫ْ و‬
‫ٌ ل‬
ْ ‫َ خ‬
‫ًا و‬
‫ُوا ش‬
‫َك‬‫ْ ت‬
‫َسى أن‬
‫َع‬‫ْ و‬
‫ٌ ل‬
‫َ ك‬
‫ُ و‬
‫ْ ال‬
‫َ ع‬

َ ‫َم‬‫ْل‬
‫َع‬‫َ ت‬
‫ْ ل‬
‫ُ و‬
‫َع‬‫ُ ي‬
ّ ‫ْ و‬
‫ّ ل‬

Fighting is prescribed upon you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye
dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for
you. But Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬knoweth, and ye know not. (Al-Baqarah: 216)

The believers are enjoined to continue Jihad under all circumstances and in every
form. Thus it is said:

ْ ‫ُنت‬
‫ْ ك‬
‫ْ إن‬
‫ٌ ل‬
ْ ‫ْ خ‬
‫َل‬‫ِ ذ‬
‫ِ ال‬
ّ ‫ِيل‬
‫َب‬‫ِ س‬
‫ْ ف‬
‫ْ و‬
‫ُوا ب‬
‫َج‬‫ً و‬
‫ًا و‬
‫ِف‬‫ُوا خ‬

َ ‫َم‬‫ْل‬

Go ye forth, (whether equipped) lightly or heavily, and strive and struggle, with
your goods and your persons, in the Cause of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬. That is best
for you, if ye (but) knew. (At-Tauba: 41)

Jihad is to be waged in every nook and corner of the world against the enemies of
Islam, against all sorts of evils and every unbeliever. Says Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬:

َ ‫َ د‬
‫َد‬‫َ ي‬
‫َل‬‫ُ و‬
‫ُ و‬
‫َ ال‬
ّ ‫ّم‬‫َر‬
‫َا ح‬
‫َ م‬
‫َ ي‬
ُ ‫َل‬‫ِ و‬
‫ِ ال‬
‫َ ب‬
‫َل‬‫ِ و‬
ّ ‫َ ب‬
‫ُؤ‬‫َ ي‬
‫َ ل‬
‫ّذ‬‫ُوا ال‬

ْ ‫َه‬
‫ٍ و‬
‫َد‬‫ْ ي‬
‫َن‬‫َ ع‬
‫ِز‬‫ُوا ال‬
ْ ‫ْط‬‫ُع‬
‫ّ ي‬
‫َت‬‫َ ح‬
‫ُوا ال‬
‫َ أوت‬
‫ّذ‬‫ْ ال‬
‫ِن‬‫ّ م‬

Fight those who believe not in Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬nor the Last Day, nor hold that

forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they
pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (At-Tauba:29)

and also says

َ ‫َل‬‫ْم‬
‫َع‬‫َا ي‬
‫َ ب‬
ِ ‫ّ ال‬
ّ ‫َإن‬
‫ْا ف‬
‫ْ انت‬
‫ِ ف‬
‫ُ ل‬
ّ ‫ّه‬‫ُل‬
‫ُ ك‬
‫َ الد‬
‫ٌ و‬
‫ِت‬‫َ ف‬
‫َك‬‫َ ت‬
‫ّ ل‬
‫َت‬‫ْ ح‬

ٌ ‫َص‬

And fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevails
justice and faith in Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬altogether and everywhere; but if they

cease, verily Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬doth see all that they do. (Al-Anfal:39)

Wiping off the forces of Kufr (disbelief) and achieving the supremacy of Islam is
the sublime objective for which Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬r has enjoined Jihad upon the
Muslims, and the position of Jihad among the Tenets of Islam is manifest from the
Tradition of the Prophet(pbuh) who described Jihad as (‫)سنام السلم زروه‬ “the
highest mountain of Islam”

and "‫"احب أعمال‬ “the most desirable acts in Islam”.

And although it apparently involves bloodshed and loss of property, Jihad is

termed as the source of life for the Ummah and it also establishes the
universality of the message of Prophet Muhammad ‫( صلى ال عليه وسلم‬pbuh) .

Jihad alone is the means for driving the Muslim out of the clutches of the various
forces of Kufr, uniting them under the banner of Monotheism, ensuring the worship
of one (Allaah ‫) سبحانه وتعال‬, acceptance of the Noble Quran as the code of life
for the entire world and converging the entire humanity on the Shahadah. Allaah
‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet(pbuh) said in a tradition

ُ ‫َس‬‫ًا ر‬
‫ّ م‬
ُ ‫َأن‬
‫ُ و‬
‫ّ ال‬
ّ ‫َ إل‬
‫َه‬‫َ إل‬
‫ْ ل‬
‫ُوا أن‬
‫َش‬‫ّ ي‬
‫َت‬‫َ ح‬
‫َ الن‬
‫ْ أق‬
‫ُ أن‬


I have been enjoined to fight with the people until they pronounce Shahadah, and
proclaim that there is no God except Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬and Muhammad ‫صلى ال عليه‬

‫( وسلم‬pbuh) is His Prophet. (Bukhari 24)

And also:

‫بعثت بالسيف بي يدي الساعة حت يعبد ال وحده‬ I have been

sent with the sword for the period till the Dooms Day, until Allaah ‫سبحانه وتعال‬
alone is worshipped.

Not content with pronouncing the obligatory nature of Jihad and the verses of the
Quran on the topic, Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬has applied strong measures to motivate
the Faithful for Jihad and has in fact provided guidance to them in this
direction. Jihad has been made obligatory on the Prophet(pbuh) in his individual
capacity as Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬says:

َ ‫ْس‬
‫َف‬‫ّ ن‬
‫ُ إل‬
‫ُك‬‫َ ت‬
‫ِ ل‬
‫ِ ال‬
ّ ‫ِيل‬
‫َب‬‫ِ س‬
‫ْ ف‬
‫َق‬‫( ف‬Al-Nisa:84)

Then fight in Allaah ‫' سبحانه وتعال‬s cause - thou art held responsible only for

The entire Ummah has also been tied to the obligatory Jihad separately

‫ُوا ج‬
َ ‫ِر‬‫ْ انف‬
‫ٍ أو‬
‫ُب‬‫ُوا ث‬
‫ْ ف‬
‫ُوا ح‬
‫ُذ‬‫ُوا خ‬
‫َن‬‫َ آم‬
‫ّذ‬‫َا ال‬

O you who believe! Take your precautions, and either go forth in parties or go
forth all together. (Al-Nisa: 71)

Another verse of the Noble Quran explains the situation in which Jihad becomes

It has been said,

‫َ ر‬
‫َق‬‫َ ي‬
‫ّذ‬‫ِ ال‬
‫ِ و‬
‫ِ و‬
‫ّج‬‫ْ الر‬
‫ِن‬‫َ م‬
ْ ‫ِ و‬
‫ِ ال‬
ّ ‫ِيل‬
‫َب‬‫ِ س‬
‫َ ف‬
‫ُق‬‫َ ت‬
‫ْ ل‬
‫َا ل‬

َ ‫ُن‬
‫َد‬‫ْ ل‬
‫ِن‬‫َا م‬
‫َن‬‫َل ل‬
‫ّا و‬
‫َ و‬
‫َد‬‫ْ ل‬
‫ِن‬‫َا م‬
‫َن‬‫َل ل‬
‫َا و‬
‫ِ أه‬
‫ِ الظ‬
‫ِ ال‬
‫ْ ه‬
‫ِن‬‫َا م‬


And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬and of those who,
being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children, whose cry
is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise
for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will
help! (An-Nisa: 75)

Jihad has thus been ordained upon believers of all times and of every section of
the society. They are enjoined to give preference to Jihad over all worldly
obligations and blood relationships. It has been made abundantly clear that the
strength and prosperity of the pluralism lies in Jihad. Most emphatic style has
been adopted to convince the Muslims that Jihad is the protector of the honour and
dignity of the Muslims. It is Jihad that safeguards the frontiers of the Muslims
and guarantees their freedom. Again in Jihad lies the stability of governments and
caliphates. Jihad alone ensures the acceptance and honour of their pacts and
agreements, and it provides a befitting reply to all-enemy intrigues and attacks.
In short, in Jihad lies the life and dignity of Islam and the Muslims, as also
their economic progress and stability. The close relationship of the monotheistic
faith and sword is manifest from the life of the Prophet r and this was the
primary lesson the Companions learnt from the life and Sunnah of the Prophet.
Islam induced the Faithful toward Jihad in various ways. Says Allaah ‫سبحانه وتعال‬

‫الية‬ …… ِ
‫َل‬‫َ ع‬
‫ْ ال‬
ْ ‫ّض‬‫َر‬
‫ّ ح‬
ِ ‫َا الن‬

O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. (Al-Anfal: 65)

Such a forceful motivation and exhortation gave the companions a clear vision
about life and imbued them with steadfastness. Even the biggest enemy appeared a
small fry in their eyes. The vast distances of the earth reduced under the hooves
of their horses and Islam prevailed every where.

Two types of Muslim and two Jihadic characters emerged in such a scenario. First
were the common Muslims who were filled with the spirit of Jihad all the time.
Second were special task force volunteers or Fidayeen who in line with the Quranic

" ‫ِ ال‬
ِ ‫َاة‬
‫َ م‬
‫ُ اب‬
‫َف‬‫ِي ن‬
‫ْ ي‬
‫َن‬‫ِ م‬
‫ْ الن‬
‫ِن‬‫"وم‬ (Baqarah: 207)

(And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allaah
‫ سبحانه وتعال‬.)

stood as mountains of resoluteness, always keen to offer their blood in the way of
Islam, pulsating with the desire to humble the mightiest of the enemy.

‫…… إن ال اشتي‬ and similar verses in the Quran had created a stir in the whole
Muslim society, bringing forth a fairly large number of volunteers who rejecting
all worldly temptation and attraction, were always ready to offer themselves for
the biggest challenges, the most dangerous targets. They were, however, not
suicide missions. Instead they would hit their target, accomplish the task
assigned to them which may even claim their lives. Theirs was the position of a
total submission –submission to the will of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬and His

Prophet(pbuh) . It was submission to Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Deen rather than to

any parochial demands and there was least idea of show of valour or gallantry.
Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬be praised that the Mujahideen today has revived this golden
tradition through its Fidayee attacks. Throughout Islamic history, the Fidayee
have outshone others.

There were hundreds of the Companions to migrate from Makkah to Madinah, yet the
way Sohaib bin Sanan, a Turk, undertook this journey, has no parallels. As Sohaib
embarked on Hijra, the Quresh of Makkah blocked his way. The enemy was in scores
but Sohaib resolved to face them single handedly. He alighted his horse, spread
his arrows on the ground and readying his bow, challenged his enemies and saying,
“You know well that I am the best archer of you all. By Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬, I
will kill the same number of your men as the arrows with me. Thereafter, I would
slay as many of your men as I can and only then you would have access to my person
and I don’t care what you would do with me at that stage.”

The infidels felt ashamed. They pondered for some time and then said that they
would allow him to leave Makkah if he handed over them all his belongings. Sohaib
agreed to the idea, told them about his belonging left behind and hurried to
Madina. As he arrived in Madina and met Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet(pbuh) , the

Prophet proclaimed ‫ربح البيع أبا يي‬ “verily, Abu Yahya has struck a profitable
deal” and recited the verse

‫ِ ال‬
ِ ‫َاة‬
‫َ م‬
‫ُ اب‬
‫َف‬‫ِي ن‬
‫ْ ي‬
‫َن‬‫ِ م‬
‫ْ الن‬
‫ِن‬ ‫ ( و‬Al-Baqarah:208)

According to the majority of the Ulema, this verse was revealed in honour of
Sohaib bin Sanany.

As the message and influence of Islam spread, Jihad also gained strength. Since
the Muslim were short in numbers and had meager resources, they had to face
numerous challenges. The conspirators were active in their plots while the enemy
chiefs and hostile rulers amassed forces to wipe out the Muslims. Allaah ‫سبحانه‬

‫’ وتعال‬s Prophet(pbuh) had to adopt all types of techniques to meet the situation
and the Fidayee attacks proved the most effective of these. The prudent,
calculating Muslims of the present era would not feel the pleasure and
satisfaction a Fidayee experienced when he rode his horse deep into the enemy host
all alone and repeatedly attacked the enemy, inflicting injuries on them, all in
his love for paradise. Unfortunately, the present day Muslim have formed an
opinion that such an activity is suicidal and unIslamic. This has followed a
plethora of Fatwas and religious decrees in condemnation of such Fidayee missions.
All this is being done at a time when Muslim youth at the war front is repeating
the history of the Fidayeen of the early Islamic history.

Here we would like to analyse various forms of the Fidayee adventures:

(1) A Fidayee may force his way into the enemy host risking his life.

(2) Attack a strong enemy army all alone in a manner that he may face sure death.

(3) Attack an enemy in a bid to inflict a heavy loss on the victim.

(4) Attack an enemy with the sole desire to embrace martyrdom and continue
fighting till the enemy kills him and he achieves his goal.

(5) Perform such a deed of valour as earns him Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s pleasure.

(6) To seek atonement for committing the grave sin of backing out from Jihad,
continue fighting in a fearless fashion, till the attainment of martyrdom.

These are some of the forms of Fidayee activities and the life of the Companions
furnishes numerous instances in every form. We would narrate some of these
instances for the benefit of our reader.

(1) Sahih Muslim records an account of Salma bin Akwa as under. [Says Salma: Soon
after the Hudaibya Pact, I was accompanying Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet to

Madina. Ribaht, Allaah ‫‘ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet’s slave and I took out camels of
the Prophet(pbuh) for grazing. I was riding the horse of Talha bin Abaidullaht.
It was still dark when Abdur Rehman bin Ainiya attacked Prophet’s camels, killed
the shepherd and drove away the camels. [Salma continued: “ I asked Ribah to ride
the horse and inform Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet(pbuh) about the attack. As

for myself I climbed on top of sand tune and shouted at the top of my voice: ‫يا‬

‫ صباحاه يا صباحاه يا صباحاه‬then I chased the assailants. I was armed with arrows
and a sword. I took aim at the enemy with arrows and also injured their horses. I
continued attacking enemy men and their horses with arrows. I ambushed them from
behind the trees, from tree tops and from behind rocks. All along the time, I was
alone but I continued attacks on them. In the end, I succeeded in retrieving all
the camels from their custody and the enemy ran away. Even then I continued
shooting arrows till the enemy dropped more than thirty of their spears and dozens
of blankets to lessen their load and hasten their flight from the combat.

Salma continued:

As the day became hot while I was pursuing them, Ainiya bin Badar Al-Ghazali
arrived on the spot with reinforcement for the opposite side. As per chance,
Ainiya spotted me and questioned from my opponents about the whole situation. They
told him that I had caused them great trouble, chased them since early morning and
snatched their belonging. Ainiya responded to them that I must be confident of
reinforcement from friends or else I could not have dared to chase them. Then they
sent forth four men to get hold of me. These four climbed a mountain and came so
close to me that they could hear me. I shouted to them. “Do you know me?” They
inquired who I was. I told them that I was Ibnul Akwa.

I added: “By Him who has blessed the face of Muhammad ‫( صلى ال عليه وسلم‬pbhu) with
grace, none of you can overtake me, and I will not spare anyone of you. While
saying so, I noticed horsemen of Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet(pbuh) emerging
from a grove of trees. Akhram Asadi was leading them and Abu Qatada was next to
him. Holding the rein of Akhram’s horse, I said: “O brother Akhram! Be careful of
the enemy and don’t make haste. Wait until Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet(pbuh)
and his companions arrive! I am afraid that if you clash with them all alone ,
they will attack you en mass.” Akhram replied “ O Salma, if you believe in Allaah
‫ سبحانه وتعال‬and in the Hereafter, and believe in the Paradise and Hell, then
don’t obstruct my journey to martyrdom. I beseech you, don’t stop me from
launching an attack all alone.”

Slama said, “ I let go the rein of Akhram’s horse. He spurred his horse and
pounced upon Ainiya’s men. Ainiya looked back and attacked Akhram. He initially
injured Akhram but in retaliation, Ainiya attacked Akhram. Akhram embraced
martyrdom and the enemy seized his horse. Meanwhile, Abu Qatada pounced upon
Ainiya. In the clash, Ainiya first hurt Abu Qatada. A brave and fierce fighter,
Abu Qatada returned the attack killing Ainiya on the spot. Abu Qatada also
retrieved Akhram’s horse and rode on it. At this stage, the infidels fled from the
battlefield. We chased them and covered a long distance in their pursuit until the
Prophet(pbuh) companions went out of my sight.

Salma said: The Sun had set by this time. The infidels reached a place called
Zuqrud and were preparing to quench their thirst when some of them spotted me.
Frightened, they hastened from the scene. The sun had set by now. I targeted one
of them and shot two arrows at him one after another. The arrows hit him deeply.
The infidels fled from the spot humiliated and defeated, leaving behind two
horses. I took these horses to Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet r who was camping at
Zuqrud along with five hundred companions. One of the camels left behind the enemy
was slaughtered and the companions were relishing the camel meat when I came
there. I sought permission form Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet r to select one
hundred men from amongst the Companions and ambush the enemy at night, killing all
of them. Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet r was so much pleased on this suggestion
that he laughed and his teeth were visible.

This lengthy tradition explains various points. For instance, it lends

justification to one-man attack on a large enemy host even at the risk of sure
death, in the hope of achieving martyrdom.

Salma bin Akwa fought with a large enemy brigade all through the day and in the
evening, asked for one hundred men to launch a forceful attack on the enemy. This
was surely risking his life, heading towards sure death. Yet neither Allaah ‫سبحانه‬

‫’ وتعال‬s Prophet r nor any of the worthy Companions opposed the suggestion nor did
they disapprove the idea as suicidal. On the other hand, the Prophet(pbuh) and
the companions commended Abu Qatada and Salma bin Akwa for their bravery saying’
‫خي فرساننا اليوم ابوقتاده و خي رجالنا سلمة‬

“The best rider today has been Abu Qatada and the best foot soldier Salma!”

In the light of this tradition, the Fidayee activity is an appreciable and

praiseworthy act because Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet r commanded both Abu
Qatada and Salma, appreciated their valor, and gave them their share of the spoils
of war. Both of them had attacked the enemy all alone, without waiting for the

This has not been the only incident of Fidayee action in Islamic history. Indeed,
these activities have been in such large numbers that these Fidayee became the
hallmark of Mujahideen’s bravery.

Imam Bukhari has recorded on the authority of Baraa bin Aazib that Allaah ‫سبحانه‬

‫’ وتعال‬s Prophet deputed Abdullah bin Atik to kill Jew chieftain Abu Rafeh. (The

valour shown by Muhammad ‫ صلى ال عليه وسلم‬bin Muslimah assigned to kill another
Jew notable Ka’ab bin Ashraf, furnishes another golden example of Fidayee
activity. It is recorded that Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet once gave the call

“‫ “ من ل للكعب‬Who will kill Ka’ab bin Ashraf for my sake”. Ka’ab bin Ashraf had
continuously been passing indecent remarks about Muslim women and using dirty
language about them in his poems. This greatly annoyed the Companions who however
felt themselves helpless in this regard. Finally, Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet

deputed Muhammad ‫ صلى ال عليه وسلم‬bin Salma for this mission. Muhammad ‫صلى ال عليه‬

‫ وسلم‬bin Salma launched a Fidayee activity, sneaked into the enemy fortress,
pulled out Ka’b bin Ashraf from the midst of dozens of guards, and killed him
there and this settled the whole affair.
A Fidayee activity means attacking the enemy risking one’s life, without taking
necessary precautions, pouncing upon the enemy in the face of sure death,
completing one’s mission at every cost; if one embraces martyrdom in this course
one feels it a divine blessing and if returns alive successfully one is jubilant
over Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s bounty.

The battle of Uhad also offers an instance of the same type. The infidels laid a
blockade around Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet and intensified their pressure.
They thought they would be able to overpower the Prophet and that would finish the
matter (God forbid). As their advance continued, the Prophet gave a loud call-“

‫من يردهم عنا وله النة او هو رفيقى ف النة‬

Who would push back the unbelieves and polytheists away from us in this difficult
hour and win Paradise”. The Fidayeen rushed forward, several of them embraced
martyrdom, yet they protected Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet. In the battle of
Jassar, Abu Abaidullah Thaqfi, pounced upon the leader of the elephants. After all
his attempts failed, he stepped forward and chopped off the animal’s trunk. He
achieved martyrdom in this attempt. In the Battle of Qadisiya, as the horses under
the Muslim army got nervous on seeing enemy elephants, Saad bin Abi Waqas called
for assistance from the Banu Zubaid. Amr bin Maad Yakrah of the Banu Zubaid
attacked the enemy elephants along with the other Fidayeen, thrust spears into
both eyes of the animal and struck swords on its trunk. Thus, three of the
volunteers were attacking each elephant. The enemy soldiers seated in the elephant
canopy above rained arrows on the Fidayeen who however succeeded in their mission.
Maddened by the chopping of their trunks and the severe injuries, the elephants
overran their own army, trampling hundreds of them under their feet. The rest fled
from the battlefield and the Muslim army emerged triumphant.

This Fidayee activity shines as the golden chapter of the Muslim history. In every
event of Jihad, the Fidayeen had been spearheading the Muslim forces. This is true
of the period of the companions and also their successors. Laying down their lives
for the cause of Islam and the Muslims, these volunteers accepted the challenge,
risking their lives to achieve the most difficult targets where death was a
certainty. What is important, however is that no Fidayee ever killed himself, or
jumped into fire or gun powder. There have however been numerous instances of
volunteers attacking the enemy hideouts, ransacking their camps and ranks,
attacking and sneaking into enemy fortresses or castles, all through the Islamic
history. None of the Muslim scholars, historians or the Ulema have ever equated
such adventures with suicide. The Muhaditheen, on the other hand, have lauded such
adventures and set separate chapters on this type of actions quoting relevant
traditions. Imam Baihaqi in his Sunan Al-Kubra 99/9 writes:

Chapter justification for attack by one or a few men on enemy inside the enemy
territory despite fear of sure death.

Under this chapter, Imam Baihaqi has recorded a Tradition on the authority of
Mujahid, which reads:

Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet dispatched Abdullah bin Masood and a companion from
ansar, on an expedition. Besides, the Prophet sent Dahya bin Khalifa Al-Kalabi and
Abdullah bin Anees on two other expeditions separately.

Dispatching Abdullah bin Anees for the assassination of an infidel leader Khalid
bin Safyan bin Nabeeh, Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet said, I have received
information that Khalid bin Safyan is amassing force to fight with me. Find him
and kill him”‫ فاته ما قلله‬Abdullah bin Anees was required to penetrate into enemy
army to accomplish his mission. Imam Ahmad has categorized this Tradition as

Imam Hakam in his Mustadrak 275-276, writes on the authority of Bara bin Aazab,

A man asked Bara bin Aazab “ if I, all alone, attack the enemy host and get
killed, will it be killing myself.” Bara replied no. In support of his argument,
Bara quoted the Quranic verse in which Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬enjoins His Prophet to

wage ‘Qital’ in the way of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬as at least he himself was under
Divine obligation to wage Jihad. Another narration by Hakam in his collection

A man asked Bara bin Aazab, if a volunteer attacks a one thousand strong enemy
host with a sword in his hand, would it amount to throwing himself into sure
death. Bara said: “No!”

Imam Baihaqi referring to the similar incident of Baraa bin Malik, says: Bara bin
Malik took part in the battle of Yamama and joined the host in the attack on the
fruit garden wherein Musailma the Liar was taking shelter. An intense fight took
place around this garden. Imam Baihaqi writes:

“Bara’ bin Malik said to his companions: I am going to squat over a shield and you
should raise the shield with the help of your spears up to the height of the outer
wall of the garden and then drop me inside. Thus, Bara managed to go amidst the
enemy all alone and there he displayed marvelous deeds of bravery slaying ten
enemy men, but succeeded in opening the door of the defense wall. He received
around 80 wounds on his person. None of the companions disapproved this planning
and action as suicide attempt. The Forerunners in Islam, the Ulema, and also the
common masses, had no confusion in their mind about such voluntary actions and
they never condemned these as suicidal. To the contrary, the Ulema and leaders
always motivated the Believers for such adventures and issued decrees in their
support of such marvelous deeds of valour. Accordingly, Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali,
in his celebrated work Ahya-ul-Uloom ud Din, writes,

There is no dispute that it is permissible for a single Muslim to launch an attack

on a whole battalion of the enemy and fight with them even though he may be
certain of his death in the attempt.

Al-Ghazali says further:

And it is permissible for a single Muslim to launch an attack (on the enemy) all
alone even though he may be sure that he would not be able to kill (the enemy)
unless he himself gets killed. In other words, if he makes an attack, he himself
would be killed, or if he believes that his attack would demoralise the enemy and
shatter its rank and file, it is permissible to attempt such an adventure, as such
voluntary activity should break the enemy strength. On witnessing such an
extraordinary deed of bravery by a single Muslim pouncing upon a whole host, the
enemy would be forced to form an opinion that each one of the Muslim warriors is
imbued with the love for Martyrdom, and that they are least afraid of Jihad and
death in the way of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬, then such an adventure is allowed.”
Ibne An-Nahas Ad-Damishqi, writes in support of Fidayee action!

“That Imam Nawavi has quoted the agreed-upon-verdict of the Ulema, that if a
Mujahid rushes into the enemy hosts and strikes them in the sole desire for
martyrdom, this is permissible, and not disapproved on any count.

And Imam Shafai, says:

A fight took place before the eyes of Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Prophet, as warriors
from both the sides threw challenges to each other. And in the battle of Badr, a
companion from the Ansaar launched an attack on the enemy host without wearing a
shield, in the love for martyrdom. The life of the Sahaba provides numerous
instances when a single man attacked the enemy host with different objective in
view, and the Iranians and the Turk hosts dreaded such voluntary actions. There
had been several instances in which some of the companion, through individual
adventure, shattered the enemy ranks before the war actually started and such
deeds of valour were never taken as suicidal.

Ibn-e- Abi Shaiba, in his book at page 5/3030 writes:

“ An Ansari Muslim came upon a battalion of the enemy troops advancing from the
East. He pounced upon the battalion, and ransacked its troops fought in all
directions, through the enemy ranks up to the other ends of the enemy’s strength.

Tirmazi, Abu Daud, Hakam have quoted on the autority of Aslam bin Yazeed Al-
Naijbee, “While we were camping outside a Turkish city, the Turks sent a large
enemy to fight us. The Muslim host also advanced to confront the enemy. Aqba bin
Aamir was leading the Egyptian troops while Fazal bin Ubaid headed the rest of the
Islamic host. One of the Muslim Mujahideen attacked the enemy troops, and advanced
deep into their host. Some people from the Muslim army shouted at him and
disapproved his action of risking his life. Upon this, Abu Ayyub Ansari rose up
and defended the adventurer saying “O people, you misinterpret the verse, indeed
death lies in giving up Jihad.”

Imam Abu Abdullah Al-Qartabi writes in his interpretation:

“Ulema differ on the point whether a single individual should jump into the war
and launch an attack on the enemy all alone. Quoting the views of the Ulema, Al-
Qartabi writes:

“Qasim bin Mukhaimarah, Qasim bin Muhammad ‫ صلى ال عليه وسلم‬and other Ulema are of
the view that there is nothing objectionable to an individual attacking a large
enemy host all alone if his sole intention is to earn Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s
blessings and he also is strong enough to make such an attack.”

“And it is said that if his sole intention is to achieve martyrdom in the way of
Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬, be should launch the offensive to attain his ambition.”

“If a situation arises in which an individual attacks one hundred men or a gang of
robbers or a large enemy army, and he is confident of killing his target and
returning safe, this is something better. If on the other hand, he believes that
he would inflict huge damage to the enemy at the cost of his life, or leave far-
reaching effects for the good of the Muslims and adversly affect the enemy, such
an exercise is also permissible.
Muhammad ‫ صلى ال عليه وسلم‬bin Hassan (Sheibani) writes:

“There is no harm if a Muslim all alone attacks a one-thousand-strong enemy

provided he is confident of his salvation and hopes to cause heavy damage to the

If he believes that his individual attack would boost the morale of the Muslim
army and motivate them to launch a vigorous offensive against the enemy, there is
no bar on such an activity as the collective good of the Muslims lies in it.
Similarly, if the motive of the Fidayee is to convince the enemy of the immense
love and dedication of the Muslim for their religion or to terrify the enemy, such
an adventure is equally permissible. Undoubtedly, sacrificing one’s life for the
cause of glory of Allaah ‫’ سبحانه وتعال‬s Deen and inflicting damage on the enemy

of Islam, is highly praiseworthy in the eyes of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬, and Allaah

‫ سبحانه وتعال‬has commended and praised the Muslim for such bold endeavours.

Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬says:

َ ‫َن‬
‫ْ ال‬
ْ ‫ُم‬‫ّ ل‬
َ ‫ِأن‬
‫ْ ب‬
َ ‫ْو‬‫َأم‬
‫ْ و‬
‫ُس‬‫َ أنف‬
‫ْ ال‬
ْ ‫ِن‬‫َى م‬
َ ‫َ اش‬
‫ّ ال‬
ّ ‫إن‬

Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬hath purchased of the Believers their persons and their goods;
for theirs (in return) is the Garden

(of Paradise) (At-Tauba: 111)

The instances quoted above along with the opinion of the Ulema would help us read
the mind of the Mujahideen, the Fidayee. The Fidayee activities are continuing
even today and we hear reports of their adventures every day. A comparison of such
adventures during the days of the Sahaba with the deeds of the Lashker-e-Taiba
Fidayee would show a great deal of similarity in the two. Such is the case of
Lashker-e-Taiba’s Fidayee attack on the Delhi Red Fort, the Corps Headquarter in
Srinagar the Srinagar airport, police headquarters. All these daring plans were
carried out by Fidayeen in two or four in number who acted with remarkable speed
and courage, putting Hindu officers to death in no time. These heroes, occupied
the office of an Indian Major and contacted the BBC from the telephone set
installed there, disclosing their identity to the world media. Such has been the
commitment of these brave warriors for the cause of Jihad and their longing for
martyrdom and Paradise.

Ibne-Seeren narrates: Baraa bin Malik was sick and was crying while lying up side
down. Anas bin Malik saw him in this condition and thinking that Baraa was about
to die, advised him to remember Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬.

Baraa’ rose with a jerk and said in a spirited voice “Anas, my brother! I would
not die while in bed. I have already killed one hundred unbelievers in different
wars.” And Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬granted his wish, giving him the death of a martyr
as he embraced martyrdom in the Iranian town of Tastar after putting several
infidels to death.

Another valiant soldier, Suleman bin Rabia Al-Bahli had said:

“I have slain with my sword one hundred enemy men who were wearing head wear and
shield. They all were polytheists and worshipped others than Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬,
I killed them all after a tough fight not after tying up any of them.”

I cannot help narrating another similar incident for the information of the
Fidayeen. The incident relates to Basar bin Artat. Hafiz Abul Hajjaj records on
the authority of Abu bin Sufyan Al-Hazrami:

“Basar bin Artat was fighting with the Romans. The Infidel Romans started to
ambush the hind part of the Muslim army. They would attack the Mujahideen, cause
damage to them and disappear. Basar planned to counter the enemy action. One day,
while he was alone in a Romans locality, be spotted a Church. Nearly thirty mules
stood tied up around the Church as the riders relaxed inside the Church. Basar
immediately understood that this was the ambush team. So, he tied his horse next
to the mules and dashed into the Church all by himself. After entering the Church,
he also closed the Church door and pounced upon the infidels. The Romans stood
perplexed over this sudden attack. They were also worried about the designs of the
Muslim Commander who had closed the church door. By the time, the infidels took up
their arms, Basar had killed three of them and then clashed with the rest of them,
swinging his sword in all directions.

In the meantime, the Muslim soldiers noticed the absence of Basar and launched a
search for him. As they came upon the Church and saw the horse tied in the midst
of the mules, they realised the whole situation. The clash of the swords inside
the church could be heard from outside. On finding the Church door closed, they
climbed up the church roof and tore it apart to enter the chamber. As they
alighted into the church. chamber, they found their commander Basar supporting his
entrails with his left hand and wielding his sword by the right hand against the
Romans. This is exactly what is implied by

‫“ يبتغ القتل و الوت مظانه‬he (Mujahid ) chases death at its places.”

Having closed the door, Basar was vying for Paradise while challenging 30 odd
enemy men. On seeing his companions Basar fell unconscious and they promptly
attacked the enemy, killing many of them and arresting the others.

Later, some of the detainees asked Mujahideen about the Fidayee who had been
fighting them all alone. They were told that it was the Mujahideen Commander Basr
bin Artat. The infidels were all praise for Basar’s bravery and commitment saying
that they had never some across such a brave man. As the war came to an end, the
companions put Basar’s entrails inside his belly. Fortunately, there had not been
any cut. So they treated him in the indigenous fashion and he survived. After
regaining health, Basar rejoined the Jihad.

‫ سبحان ال‬Fidayee activity is not courting death, in fact, this is the climax of

Jihad. This is the extreme from of love for Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬and sacrifice for
Islam. However, as in every other matter, we are obliged to follow the traditions
set by the Salaf (forerunners in Islam) in the matter of martyrdom and Jihad.

The various incidents of Fidayee action quoted above in this discussion have one
common factor i.e. Qital. A good Muslim believes that Qital (killing in warfare)
has been made obligatory by Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬. martyrdom is the climax of
Qital. Formally speaking, from the early period of Islamic history till the
Lashker-e-Taiba’s Fidayee actions in Kashmir, it has been taken care of that
during the Fidayee action, the intention of the Mujahid should be of supreme
sacrifice during the course of a war or conflict with the unbelievers, in line
with the directive.

‫حل على العدو فقاتل حت قتل‬

"That he attacks the enemy and fights on till he embraces martyrdom." This has
been the tradition of the Fidayee throughout the history. Anas bin Al-nasr, had
embarked upon a Fidayee attack saying:

‫َ احد‬
‫َجد ريح الجنة ورآء‬
‫ان ل‬

‘Indeed I smell of Paradise on the other side of Uhad (mountain).” On saying this,
he pounced upon the infidels and continued a relentless fight during which he
received around 80 injuries on his person. Earlier, Anas had pronounced his
intention and mind saying

‫لن اشهد ف ال قتال الشركي ليين ال ما اصنع‬

‘If Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬provides me an opportunity to fight the Polytheists,

Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬would see how and in what manner, I make sacrifices for
Islam.” In fact, Anas had failed to join the battle of Badr because of a genuine
reason, and he offered expiation on that account thus.

َ ‫ُت‬
‫ّ ق‬
‫َت‬‫َ ح‬

“He fought till he achieved martyrdom”. Same has been the technique and objective
of the Fidayee actions from the period of the Prophet’s companions right up to
the Mujahideen Lashker-e-Taiba. They attack the enemy camps, penetrate into their
ranks, inflict heavy causalities on the enemy and then try to return to their
places –sometimes they are successful in their endeavour, while sometimes they get
killed thus achieving the goal of martyrdom.

The Fidayee activity –therefore, constitutes launching a forceful attack on the

enemy and throwing a real challenge to it thus displaying firmness of faith-
demonstrating both to Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬and His people the courage and valour
with which a Believer sacrifices his life for the cause of Islam. This
unparalleled sense of sacrifice and love for martyrdom serve as a deterrent of the
enemy, forcing him to retreat.

The magnificent victories for the Muslims in the historic Crusades were primarily
because of the sublime activities of the Fidayeen. These volunteers Fidayeen were
the biggest force of Salahudhin Ayubi and their terrifying attacks frightened the
combined leadership of England, Germany and Austria. Historians tell us that
Salahud Din loved these Fidayeen more than his sons. And took personal interest in
their training. They were specifically trained in fighting in odd circumstances
without shields and launching speedy attacks. These brave fighters-carrying
handful baked grams with themselves, sped their horses in the sizzling desert of
Jerusalem- chasing the enemy to death. By Allaah ‫ ! سبحانه وتعال‬It was under the
threat of the Fidayeen that king Richard asked the European states for one tenth
portion of their earnings to fight Salahud Din and liberate Jerusalem.
History also bears witness that Richard also put the London city for sale to
generate funds for meeting Salahud Din's, challenge. This was the inevitable
result of the Fidayeen's bold activities which shattered the nerves of the enemy
and lowered their morale. Obviously, a suicide attempt has no such consequences.

Shaikhul Islam, Ibne Taimiya had frightened the King of Cyprus by the threat of
Fidayee activities when the King arrested some Muslims, enslaved them and
inflicted atrocities on them. Ibn-e-Taimiya wrote a letter to the King Sajwan of
Cyprus, advocated Monotheism and refuted the concept of Trinity and invited him to
join the fold of Islam. He asked the King how he dared to arrest and enslave the
Muslims and warned him of revenge by Muslims. Inb-e-Taimiya wrote:

You must keep in mind that among the Muslims, there are such daring
volunteers(Fidayeen) who lift kings from their thrones, murder them secretly, or
pick them off from the midst of their armies. A king should be aware of the facts
of history, both ancient and modern.

Thus, Ibne-e-Taimiya not only commended the Fidayee activity but adopted it as an
effective war technique by frightening the enemy through its threat. The
companions were very clear in regard to the Fidayee adventures and Abdullah bin
Jahsh settled the matter by supplicating to Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬to lay down his

life in the way of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬said he:

“O Allaah ‫ ! سبحانه وتعال‬Bring me face to face with such an enemy as is very

powerful and a great fighter. I should fight with him, and he should face me and
fight with me.”

This amply justifies the Fidayee action which involves an attack, and fighting
ending up in victory or martyrdom.

Abdullah bin Mubarak narrates on the authority of Anas bin Malik :

“On the day of war of Yamama, I happened to pass by Thabit bin Qais and saw him
applying on his person the substance used for embalming the dead. I exclaimed
“Uncle, you here! Don’t you see that it is a hard day for the Muslim?” Thabit
smiled and said “My nephew,

now, right at this moment!” saying so, he took up his arms, jumped onto his horse
and galloped it towards the enemy. I saw him fighting and slaying the enemies with
his sword until he met martyrdom at the hands of the enemy.”

In the battle of Yarmook, as Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah led the Muslim army and the
Muslim and Roman forces stood face to face, a Mujahid with Fidayee blood running
in his veins, rushed forward and spoke to Abu Ubaidah: I have decided to launch a
fierce attack on them(enemy).” Have you any message for the Prophet (saw)! “Abu
Ubaidah replied!

“Please pay my Salam (to the Prophet and tell him that (on my behalf) that we
have seen the promises of

Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬being fulfilled. These instances establish the continuity of

Fidayee attacks since the time of the Companions. It is important that a Fidayee
action does not always end up in the death of the Fidayee. Such instances are
available in the early Islamic history. Khalid bin Waleed, Zarar bin Al-Auzar,
Mathna bin Harsa, Zubair bin Al-Awam, Salma bin Al-Akwa, Muhammad ‫صلى ال عليه وسلم‬
bin Muslimah, Abdullah bin Attik and Abdullah bin Anees-frequently carried out
Fidayee actions. They ransacked enemy armies, Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬the Al-Mighty
protected them and provided them such opportunities time and again.

To conclude, it can by safely said that a Fidayee action is not suicide it is not
killing oneself. It is only a style of fighting. Now-a-days, we hear of Lashker-e-
Taiba Mujahideen carrying out Fidayee actions and returning safely by the blessing
of Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬Al-Mighty. The Fidayee from Sargodha who carried out the 15
Corps Badami Bagh Sri Nagar Fidayee action, Mujahid Salahud Din who led the
Fidayee attack at Srinagar airport and those who conducted the attack on the Delhi
Red Fort, all returned safely after accomplishing their mission.

It is the basic difference between a Muslim Fidayee and a suicidal mind that even
under the most critical circumstances, a Fidayee would like to be killed by an
infidel or unbeliever. On meeting such a death, the Fidayee would make the plea
before Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬that he had fought for the supremacy of Allaah ‫سبحانه‬

‫’ وتعال‬s Deen and had embraced martyrdom at the hands of the enemy of Allaah

‫ سبحانه وتعال‬in the spirit enshrined in the Quranic Verse (At-Tauba) ‫فيقتل و‬


There is no evidence in history that any of the companions or their successors

killed himself by his own weapons or his own hand. Allaah ‫ سبحانه وتعال‬Knows best.


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