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La Biotecnologa y su quehacer en la actualidad: En busca de un Desarrollo Sostenible Biotecnologa y Sociedad

Ral Alva

Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, Unidad Iztapalapa

6, 6, 6, 2013

La ingeniera es el arte de transformar a la naturaleza

Ing Marco Aurelio Torres

Humans Shaped Stone Axes 1.8 Million Years Ago

Working together, we protected our children from the lions and the hyenas

Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994

We taught them the skills they would need And the tools Then, as now, technology was the key to our survival

Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994

For 99.9 percent of the time since our species came to be, we were hunters and foragers, wanderers on the savannahs and the steppes

Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994

When the climate was congenial, though, when the food was plentiful, we were willing to stay put Unadventurous. Overweight. Careless

Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994

In the last ten thousand yearsan instant in our long history we've abandoned the nomadic fife We've domesticated the plants and animals Why chase the food when you can make it come to you?

Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994

La revolucin industrial


Estructura del ADN (1953)

Premios Nobel alrededor del ADN

Fisiologa o Medicina 1962 "discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material" 1964 "interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis" 1968 mechanism of the genetic code and its role in protein synthesis 1978 "discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics" 1989 "discovery of mobile genetic elements and their role in genetic transposition" 1993 "discoveries of split genes" Qumica 1980 "fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinantDNA" and "determination of base sequences in nucleic acids" 1993 "developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry [...] invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method" and "developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry [...] establishment of oligonucleotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies"

Los pecados de la ciencia

The physicists have known sin, and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose J Robert Oppenheimer

Una primavera silenciosa

For as long as man has dwelt on this planet, spring has been the season of rebirth, and the singing of birds. Now in some parts of America spring is strangely silent Rachel Carson (1962)

Cambios en la atmsfera...

En 1957, Roger Revelle y Dave Keeling, Scripps I. O., descubrieron que [CO2](g) areo ha crecido por el uso de combustibles fsiles (Tellus 9,18)

La guerra de nuevo: Vietnam


La sociedad y la biotecnologa

Modificamos el genoma del maz

...the March Against Monsanto is being held to also protest other aspects of the company. The website states the purposes of the March are: Research studies have shown that Monsantos genetically-modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects

March Against Monsanto Coming to a City Near You Brandi, selected from Diets in Review May 18, 2013 3:30 pm

J Agric Food Chem. 2010 May 26;58(10):6370-5. doi: 10.1021/jf903065a. Detection of food-derived damaged nucleosides with possible adverse effects on human health using a global adductomics approach. Spilsberg B, Rundberget T, Johannessen LE, Kristoffersen AB, Holst-Jensen A, Berdal KG. Source Section for Food Bacteriology and GMO, Department of Feed and Food Safety, National Veterinary Institute, PO Box 750 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo, Norway. Abstract A range of damaged nucleosides, also found in digested dietary DNA, appear to be taken up by cells and incorporated into the cells' own DNA. Most incorporated damaged nucleosides will be repaired by cellular DNA repair systems. However, a small fraction of these will escape repair and thus ultimately create mutations. Over the long human lifespan this could be a mechanism that contributes to disease, cancer, and aging. This study analyzed damaged nucleosides derived from dietary DNA in a commercially successful fungus-based novel food, Quorn, and in two fungus-based food items with a history of safe use, button mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) and dried powdered brewers yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ). By using liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry more than 90 putative DNA adducts were measured, showing that foods do contain a range of different DNA damages. PMID: 20429587 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Analfabetismo cientfico
Los resultados de la encuesta [] son, al mismo tiempo, alarmantes y esperables. Manuel Gil Antn 59% no ha escuchado de Conacyt y 56% no sabe a qu se dedica. Horacio Salazar. 36% cree que puede haber contacto entre vivos y muertos. Demotecnia, Nov, 2009

"We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements [...] profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster." Carl Sagan

Percepcin de la biotecnologa

Agotamiento de Hidrocarburos

Soluciones biotecnolgicas?
Algunos han propuesto reemplazar los hidrocarburos por biocombustibles, como azcares, etanol, biogas, biodiesel Pero, realmente son una solucin?


etanol agua energa bixido de carbono


y acidez ocenica

Estimacin de la produccin de oxigeno

Empleo de orina para el cultivo de microalgas

Microestructuras biomimticas

Biomimetic Microstructure Formation of High Performance Silk Films and Fibers

Award Amount: $99,981.00 (FY 2001)
The complex biological processing and spinning operations used by the silkworm and spider to create silk fibers lead to a morphology that yields exceptionally high combinations of strength, stiffness, and extensibility The material is likely well suited for highly optimized large space structures such as solar sails or space telescopes. Foster-Miller is currently working on large deployable structures for the Air Force and NASA

Nanoestructuras biomimticas

De la fisiologa vegetal al origen de la vida

By the year 2000, I started to pay more attention to fundamental questions related to the origin of life... However, in at least one way, the study of membranes composed of prebiotic building blocks such as fatty acids was perfect for me, since this field was filled with important yet technically addressable questions Jack W. Szostak

Richard Dawkins
The world would be a better place if everybody learned to think like scientists. I don't mean they should know more science, although that would be nice too. I mean that everybody should base their beliefs upon evidence, and be highly suspicious of any beliefs that are not based on evidence

Los cambios son posibles

Eso hizo Du Pont cuando en 1974 Molina y Rowland publicaron el efecto del fren sobre el ozono (Nature 249, 810 812) Por ello la ciencia insiste en los experimentos de control

a special responsibility...

A travs de la lectura de libros de divulgacin cientfica llegu pronto a la conviccin de que muchas de las historias bblicas no pueden ser verdaderas. Como consecuencia abrac con todas mis fuerzas la libertad de pensamiento y empec a considerar que a la juventud la estaba estafando intencionadamente el Estado mediante la propagacin de mentiras Albert Einstein

Desmitificar la ciencia y sus usos

Aprender los cmos de la ciencia

What you learn at the laboratory bench is yours forever Joseph Priestley (1733 - 1804)

Penicilina serendipia

Biotecnologa y el Estado Mexicano

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2006 p. 174 ESTRATEGIA 8.1 Consolidar la investigacin en salud y el conocimiento en ciencias mdicas vinculadas a la generacin de patentes y al desarrollo de la industrial nacional... Para que la investigacin en ciencias de la salud se convierta en un motor generador de empleos en el pas, se establecer una agenda nacional que incentive dicha investigacin, particularmente en el rea biotecnolgica, pero que tambin facilite y estimule el registro de patentes de nuevos procesos y productos, e impulse la comercializacin e industrializacin de los mismos. Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013 p. 65 Si bien se han alcanzado importantes logros en algunas reas (como biotecnologa, medio ambiente, ingeniera, entre otras), un incremento de la inversin pblica y privada debe ir de la mano con el fortalecimiento de los mecanismos de vinculacin para traducirse en una mayor productividad. Es necesario alinear las visiones de todos los actores del Sistema de CTI para que las empresas aprovechen las capacidades existentes en las instituciones de educacin superior y centros pblicos de investigacin . p. 142 Estrategia 4.10.4. Impulsar el aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales del pas. Lneas de accin Promover la tecnificacin del riego y optimizar el uso del agua. Impulsar prcticas sustentables en las actividades agrcola, pecuaria, pesquera y acucola. Establecer instrumentos para rescatar, preservar y potenciar los recursos genticos. Aprovechar el desarrollo de la biotecnologa , cuidando el medio ambiente y la salud humana.

Science is a way of thinking...

Es mucho lo que la ciencia no entiende, quedan muchos misterios por resolver Est lejos de ser un instrumento perfecto, pero s es el mejor que tenemos Por s misma no puede apoyar determinadas acciones humanas, pero puede iluminar las posibles consecuencias de acciones alternativas

No hay dos epistemologas, una para entender y otra para aplicar, que algo se conoce o no se conoce, en cuyo caso es imprescindible desarrollar una ciencia, de la nica, para que no sigan propalando sandeces sobre ciencia bsica y ciencia aplicada, que la misin fundamental de la ciencia no es necesariamente producir mercancas, sino el forjar un ser humano que sepa y pueda Marcelino Cereijido

Pensamiento crtico: Biotecnologa y sociedad

Contexto econmico y poltico Respuestas racionales Detectar afirmaciones extraordinarias Significado social de la biotecnologa Pensar crticamente para la participacin en el debate pblico con base cientfica

Aprenda a amar la ingeniera gentica

La tecnologa que los ambientalistas aman odiar realmente podra jugar un enorme papel para salvar al planeta

Enchule su casa

Nuestros hogares contribuyen con alrededor de un tercio de las emisiones de carbono, as que cada ecoguerrero debera tratar de hacer su parte en la reduccin de emisiones


Una gran cantidad de energa se ahorrara si slo la gente compartiera ms cosas especialmente sus hogares

La ciencia no es slo un gozo,

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand - Carl Sagan

Ral Alva Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud Abril, 2013 @alvagraul

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