12 TH Grade Required History Summer Reading 2010

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12th Grade Required History Summer Reading Please contact Mrs. Sharon Levin, slevin@jbha.

org, 610-922-2370, with any questions.

Please note there are 2 required readings. All Quiet on the Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque The second semester of the 11 grade history examined significant developments in the 19 Century: nationalism, democratization, industrialization. In class you studied how these changes affected the government, economy, religion, military and social structure (GERMS) in Europe and the U.S. As you read All Quiet, consider the following question: How does Remarque critique each of those aspects of German society in his novel? For each element ( government, economy, religion, military, and social structure), write a strong paragraph with specific examples. This assignment will be collected the first day of class.
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The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad

by Fareed Zakaria (you are only required to read the introduction and chapters 1, 2, & 4) At the beginning of the school year we will discuss the introduction and chapters 1, 2, & 4. Answer the questions below using active reading. When you reference the book, please note the page number in a parenthetical citation. Your answers to the questions will be collected the first day of class. Your answers must be typed; bullet points are acceptable, except for question #8. We will be discussing the book during the first cycle. 1. Define the following terms and give examples of each: Liberal democracy Constitutional liberalism Illiberal democracy 2. Why does Zakaria think that too much democracy can be bad? Do you agree? 3. Explain how, according to Zakaria, each of the following contributed to the emergence of liberty in the West: The Roman Catholic Church Feudalism The Reformation The Enlightenment Capitalism The American Revolution 4. Why can liberty and democracy clash? 5. Explain Zakaria's view about where and why democracy will spread. 6. Explain Zakarias argument about the connection between economic development and democratization. 7. Explain Zakarias argument about the significance of Nasser for the Islamic Exception. 8. Relate Zakarias argument about democratization to the recent rise of new powers in Asia and in Latin America. Will globalization spread liberal democracy?

Optional but Recommended:

Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak Leuchtenberg The Armies of the Night by Norman Mailer Inventing America by Garry Willis Hiroshima by John Hersey Going after Cacciato by Tim OBrian Passage to India by E.M. Forster Out of the Shadows by Rose Cohen

The Perils of Prosperity by William Only Yesterday by Frederick Lewis Allen Explaining America by Gary Willis Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Is Paris Burning by Collin & LaPierre The Grades of Wrath by John Steinbeck The Fixer by Bernard Malamud

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