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Introduction to

LabVIEW Control Design Toolkit

The contents of the Control Design
• The Control Design palette is shown in the
figure below.
Most useful functions on the Control
Design palette.
• Model Construction palette:
– Construct State-Space Model
– Construct Transfer Function Model
– Construct Special Model:
• First order with (or without) time delay
• Second order with (or without) time delay
• Delay Pade Approximation
– Draw Transfer Function Equation (for displaying the transfer function
nicely on the screen, as writing it on paper)
– Read Model From File
– Write Model From File
Most useful functions on the
Control Design palette.
• Model Conversion palette:
– Convert to State-Space Model
– Convert to Transfer Function Model
– Convert Delay with Pade Approximation
– Convert Continuous to Discrete (with various methods, e.g.
Euler, Tustin, zero order hold)
– Convert Discrete to Continuous
– Convert Control Design to Simulation (converting models
used in Control Design Tookit for use in Simulation
– Convert Simulation to Control Design (converting models
used in Simulation Module for use in Control Design
Most useful functions on the
Control Design palette.
• Model Interconnection palette:
– Serial
– Parallell
– Feedback
• Time Response palette:
– Step Response (step input)
– Initial Response (response from initial state, with
zero input)
Most useful functions on the Control
Design palette.
• Frequency Response palette:
– Bode (calculating frequency response data and
plotting the data in a Bode diagram)
– Nyquist
– Nichols
– Gain and Phase Margin
– Bandwidth
Most useful functions on the
Control Design palette.
• Dynamic Characteristics palette:
– Pole-Zero Map
– Damping Ratio and Natural Frequency
• State Space Model Analysis palette:
– Controllability Matrix
– Observability Matrix
• State Feedback Design palette:
– Ackermann
– Linear Quadratic Regulator
– Kalman Gain
Most useful functions on the
Control Design palette.
• Implementation palette (functions here converts the
model into a function to be used in a block diagram,
e.g. converting a discrete-time transfer function
model into a function that actually implements the
input-output relation that the model represents)
• Analytical PID Design (for calculating PID settings
so that stability is guaranteed for a process with a
given variation of parameters)
• Predictive Control (for designing and implementing
model-based predictive controllers (MPCs))
• Solvers (Riccatti and Lyapunov solvers)

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