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Spies Turned Traitors

Preface / Introduction
Spies turned Traitors. What makes them tick? However the The Ultimate Outcome plays out, which it eventually will, I don't see any winners in the mix.

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Table of Contents
1. The weakest link. PFC Bradley Manning, his court-martial, the biggest leak of classified information in US history. Was anyone paying attention? 2. 'With every move he makes another chance he takes/ Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow.' Edward Snowden, a 'patriot' in exile 3. 'Barrack and me, and Eddie makes three/ we're happy in my blue heaven.' Obama, Putin and Snowden, their menage a trois, the most riveting story of the year, with lots more scandal to come.

TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors

The weakest link. PFC Bradley Manning, his court-martial, the biggest leak of classified information in US history. Was anyone paying attention?
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant I have been thinking a lot lately about Eddie Slovik. He was a private in the US Army during World War II and had the unsavory distinction to be the only soldier of the Great Republic to be court-martialled and executed for desertion since the American Civil War. Eddie Slovik was the kind of guy it was very easy to ignore, unless you were one of the householders in the Detroit, Michigan area; then, you needed to be alert, because he was probably burgling your house or stealing your car. He was a man whose life was going nowhere until he met and in November 1942 married a good woman he adored named Antoinette Wisniewski. Shortly thereafter he was drafted for service but his criminal record made him classified as unfit for duty in the US military... later, as the nation pushed for victory and needed every man, he was re-classified as fit for duty... and sent to France, where he discovered fear, desertion, execration, execution -- by no means the only man who deserted... but the only man who paid the supreme price for doing so. But consider this, Eddie Slovik never killed a man, never hurt a man, never took the necessary secrets of the Great Republic and gave them to our sworn enemies. No, Eddie Slovik never did any of these things... yet he was executed, his American born and bred body riddled with American bullets, his blood dappling the snows of newly liberated France where the crucial question resonates to this day and beyond: did we overcharge Pfc Eddie Slovik for a sin that was venial, not cardinal, an incident that hurt him, but no one else? Another PFC, a different kind of war. Now meet another Private First Class -- Bradley Manning, young like Slovik, just 24 years old. A native of main street Crescent, Oklahoma...slight, fey, a malevolent Peter Pan who came to work day after day, wearing the insignia of the Great Republic, wearing her proud uniform, whose sworn duty was preserving, maintaining, defending, advancing America's interests... and yet every hour of every day engaged in systematic betrayal, disloyalty, treason ... the man who allegedly alone accessed over 700,000 sensitive, classified, ultra-private documents... which he then released to foes who wish us ill in all climes and places. And yet these foes did not seek out PFC Manning. PFC Manning contacted them on his own volition... And so we come to know him... sworn to defend the nation and all his fellow citizens, selected treason as his code; reckoning that the betrayal of his nation was more important than defending his nation. educated himself in treason. He was his own tutor of hate, disdain, and disloyalty to America. having discovered the means of accessing sensitive data he had no right to peruse, much less disburse, gathered these data in epochal proportions. He didn't want just to hurt America... he wanted to humiliate her, harming as many of his fellow citizens as he could. took hundreds of thousands of these sensitive documents, as many as 700,000 of these documents, and offered them to WikiLeaks, an organization which breaks every law to release every sensitive document it can; disclosure always trumping in their self-sanctified minds all sense, sensitivity, confidentiality, privacy; all things we value and rely upon. released documents which had severe implications for our emissaries, agents, representatives and all Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 4 of 13

TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors their families. The very lives of America's people at home and abroad were jeopardized -- are jeopardized now -- because of one man's adamant, unyielding belief that America needed chastisement.... and that that chastisement was suitable and particular work and high mission for PFC Manning, self-appointed to do what the nation would regard as heinous, inexplicable, despicable. And so PFC Manning became a man of infamy doing a thing of disgust. Meet Bradley Manning, a man with a dark mission. Bradley E. Manning was born innocent on December 17, 1987. He was born an American, son of a Navy man... every prize of the Great Republic his to win. What then caused his troubled journey? Did it start with his diminutive stature, just 5 feet 2 inches, 105 pounds? Was it his adamant disavowal of God and religion? Was it a father's disdain of his effeminate son's homosexual preferences, the source of argument, fights, an unloving home for a son who deserved more than disdain, threats, physical violence instead of understanding and a loving home? If there was treason in this boy then, the boy who loved the saxophone, science, and computer games and was firm in his often controversial opinions but could make his case without rancor and with all civility; if there was treason here, it was seen by none of the Sooners who were his classmates, friends, and neighbors, the people who see nothing at the time but talk of strange eyes and odd habits years later. Besides, no one wants to think that the quiet, unobtrusive loner at the back of the classroom is a traitor and menace to the Great Republic. Yet America took a body blow from this forgettable, average, hardly observed young man, voluminous in his discoveries, unrelenting in his high crimes and misdemeanors. Arrested in Iraq, May, 2010. In October, 2009 Manning was assigned to a unit of the 10th Mountain Division, based near Baghdad. There he had regular access to the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet). It was used by the United States government to transmit classified information. He was arrested for hubris, namely by bragging to computer hacker Adrian Lamo about what he was doing. Lamo reported to the FBI that Manning had told him during online chats what he had done, what he was doing, and who got the data he downloaded to his personal computer. Amongst these data there were 250,000 diplomatic cables of first-rate significance, footage of a July 2007 Baghdad airstrike and footage of a May 2009 Granai airstrike in Afghanistan. The FBI acted promptly and so Bradley Manning's need to be perceived as the big guy, the important guy, the coolest of spooks, brought him down, his pride his undoing, in the proper manner of every Greek play... for if one thing is clear in this sordid matter, it is this: that Bradley Manning, product of divorced parents, one-time resident of his pick-up truck, the victim of sexual obloquy, an employee who found the computer job he loved, only to be let go after four months... if one thing is clear, it's that Manning is just like all of us... a man buffeted by hard times and out-of-control circumstances... a man without self-respect who needed to brag and was brought down by his own foolishness and indiscretion; a man who in this gnawing vortex lost his way... a victim, to be sure, but a victim with the means to hurt us all. And so we say, "There but for the grace of God..." But PFC Manning, despite every painful incident of his short life, despite his undeniable pains, despite every bad thing that happened to him was still a Child of God, still had the benefit of God's boundless grace. He just didn't get that point, and even now as he faces the majestic wrath and stern protocols of military justice he probably still doesn't grasp this essential matter... And yet, even in extremis the perpetrator of this great evil, even now God's grace abides for Bradley Manning, arch traitor, all unknowing about God, His Ways, and the Great Republic, God's great enterprise. Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 5 of 13

TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors Amazing Grace. Your court-martial is near at hand. Tell all, Bradley Manning, reserve nothing and throw yourself upon the merciful people of this forgiving nation... the people who are horrified by what you have done and all the terrible things which could yet come from your terrible indiscretions... people who still have mercy for you and concern, although you gave none of these to us. Because of that mercy you will not receive a bullet in the heart, like Eddie Slovik, though life incarceration is possible. But even there you will still have life, for the prosecutor will not ask for your extinction. And, thus, where there is life, there abides hope and God's eternal grace, even for a wretch like you... Author's program note. Go now to any search engine; find your favorite rendition of "Amazing Grace." We all know the tune; this time listen to the words... and ponder them. ** We invite you to submit your comments to this article.

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TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors

'With every move he makes another chance he takes/ Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow.' Edward Snowden, a 'patriot' in exile
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. In the autumn of 1968 I pulled off something no American had ever done before; I was elected to the Student Representative Council for the largest faculty of the University of St. Andrews, the Faculty of Arts. As it happened, it was also the year the students at Scotland's oldest university (founded 1413) elected their representative (called "Rector") to the governing board. Every student political party put up their candidate, the Conservatives, for example, running Sir Learie (later Baron) Constantine, the celebrated cricketer and High Commissioner for Trinidad and Tobago. Independents gathered round the banner of 007 himself, Sean Connery. Because the Independents were, well, independent, they had no party apparatus, no natural rallying cry or point of view; they needed a miracle; what they got was a campaign manager... the SRC choosing me for the task. Thus I came to work with Connery, a smooth customer every bit as charming and suave as the character he immortalized on the silver screen, "Bond... James Bond." He offered the students a free Olympic-size swimming pool were he to be elected; but the bribe wasn't good enough to win; Sir Learie, my future friend, romped instead and that was fine by me ... for I had met the archetypal "secret agent man"... at least until this summer when the smoothness of Bond was well and truly trumped by a geek named "Snowden... Edward Snowden." This is his song. This is his story. This is our problem. The music to spy by. Released in 1966, "Secret Agent Man" is a rock and roll classic written by Steve Barri and P.F. Sloan. The most famous recording was made by Johnny Rivers for the opening titles of the American broadcast of the British spy series "Danger Man." Its memorable guitar riff written by Chuck Day and inspired by Monty Norman's James Bond theme, makes it immediately recognizable whilst its raucous notes made every teen-age boy feel omniscient, all- powerful and ultra-cool as they swaggered down the street playing air guitar, shouting "Secret agent man/ Secret agent man/ They've given you a number/ and taken away your name." Wicked cool. Go now to any search engine and play it. It's time to be 16 and invulnerable all over again. Facts about Edward Snowden, born June 21, 1983, Elizabeth City, North Carolina. By comparison there is absolutely nothing cool, wicked or otherwise, about Snowden. He is pallid, not merely pale, his youthful face featuring just a wisp of scruffy beard and the obligatory wire-rimmed spectacles that mark him as serious, "intellectual", stubborn; a man who must always have the last word and will always know (and not infrequently say) that whatever he does is ipso facto the right way, the moral way, the only way. Such people are called "difficult", "humorless" and generally find themselves dateless of a Saturday night with only a computer to keep them company. In time, such people come to prefer this situation for in it they rule everything and everyone. Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 7 of 13

TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors Thus being wired becomes the only life they know... the only life they want, the life where they are the person they have always wanted to be: the undisputed king of the world, master of all, subservient to none, from whose keyboard the grandest of dreams take shape and become their sole reality. The more connected they are, the more disconnected from reality they become. So it was for Edward Snowden, once a shy, friendless boy of uncertain prospects and difficult health, bad at school, but within his own universe a paladin of righteousness, rectitude and a moral obligation to save the people and cleanse the Augean stables of what had once been the Great Republic and which he would single-handedly make great again. So sustained, so fortified, so certain he set about the work he must do... What he did. In his capacity as a technical contractor for the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) he leaked details of several wide-ranging, top-secret U.S. and British government mass surveillance programs to the press. More specifically, Snowden leaked this information primarily to journalist Glenn Greenwald of London's left-leaning newspaper "The Guardian", starting in spring, 2013 while employed as an "infrastructure analyst" at NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton (until June 10, 2013). "The Guardian" in turn published a series of expose's in June-July 2013, therein revealing programs such as the interception of U.S. and European telephone metadata and the PRISM and Tempora Internet surveillance programs. The details were staggering, irrefutable, shocking; the government's abuse far more extensive and pernicious than ever before imagined or known, as clear an indication as any citizen needed that Big Brother was now and deeply immersed in our most private affairs and communications. Snowden had achieved what he set out to do, "to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them." Button, button, who's got the button? Having thus fomented the most significant NSA security breach in history, causing indignation amongst all members of Congress against culprit and president, whatever their party or political orientation, consternation and dismay amongst our allies, and smug self-satisfaction and glee amongst the many nations worldwide we have accused of human rights violations, Mr. Snowden commenced his travels, necessary after U.S. federal prosecutors on June 14, 2013 charged him with espionage and theft of government property. Now you'd think that with the largest and most expensive security system ever implemented that picking up one geek would be child's play. Think again. Not since the Scarlet Pimpernel has there been a man of such facile ingenuity and agility as Snowden has demonstrated. The man must be coated in butter, so easily has he slipped away, cocking-a-snoot, gallivanting, the world his oyster. To be sure, he had help, lots of it; from WikiLeaks, the dauntless organization which thumbs its nose at every authority; from the Chinese Communists, who are delighted that their staggering human rights violations are, for once, buried by those of the sanctimonious Great Republic; and of course from Vladimir Putin, who delights in the shear devilry and mischief that is his to command. Like him or loathe him he is the master of political legerdemain, fascinating to watch, exasperating in his complete lack of scruples. All good things come to an end, including the salad days of Edward Snowden. Pick up a newspaper any day now and you're sure to find the latest installment in this expansive saga; today, for instance, the Associated Press reports that Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 8 of 13

TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have told President Obama to find a new place to hold the September G20 summit, nixing the current venue, St. Petersburg, Russia. I reckon they're afraid Snowden will lob a raspberry at them, and that will never do. Of course American authorities want Snowden back to face the music; equally, Snowden doesn't want to return just yet, talking darkly of torture and murder if he does. What can he mean? But soon enough, even the inventive Putin will tire of the game and lose interest in his pawn, Mr. Snowden. At that moment, Snowden will be yesterday's news, today's garbage... and as his days in the sunlight wane, the reality of the rest of his miserable life will become glaringly apparent, whether he accepts asylum from Ecuador, Bolivia, or Venezuela; it really doesn't matter which. Consider this... An open letter to Edward Snowden. The first day of your long exile will be your happiest. Why? Because you'll know where you're going. You'll probably treat the first couple of weeks or so like a holiday in South America, buying a silly sombrero and getting collywobbles. After that things will get grimmer faster. Money? That'll be a huge problem. You'll probably get a few bucks from the country accepting you... but that amount will plummet as your utility does. You'll cadge from family and friends but they'll soon tire of supporting you. You'll quickly come to see what living in the third world is like and you won't like it one little bit, particularly when you need a good dentist or a surgeon who isn't a hack. In these countries a simple visit to the doctor's can result in a death certificate. Then there's the matter of what I'll call "companionship". You have a girlfriend now and no doubt she supports you. But she didn't see her hero in exile. When she does, she'll do a lot of thinking before she sends the inevitable "Dear Eddie" letter. As for the local ladies? When they discover that the Americano isn't rico, you'll find yourself with lots of free time. Time to think about your high-flying days when your name was on the lips of a posse of world leaders. You'll think about what you did, everything you did, justifying everything. You'll think a lot about America... about the family and friends you lost... the tidy income. gone forever. You'll find yourself misting up at the strangest times, when you think about the apple pie you love and cannot get... and the holidays you'll spend alone... then at your wit's end and, as sure as God made little green apples, you'll fall on your knees and ask Him for forgiveness... and the pardon no president dares to give you. Then one day, there will be a knock at the door and for just an instant you'll see the face of someone as adamant and obdurate as you are... and you'll see the glint of metal as he puts a bullet in your head, filled with so many ideas now lost forever. When he gets back to Portland, Maine or Tucson, Arizona, he'll be lionized. For, Mr. Snowden, not everyone thought you were right and should get away scot-free. "Ah, be careful what you say/ Or you'll give yourself away/ Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow."

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TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors

'Barrack and me, and Eddie makes three/ we're happy in my blue heaven.' Obama, Putin and Snowden, their menage a trois, the most riveting story of the year, with lots more scandal to come.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. Call me irresponsible... call me capricious... call me shiftless... call me devil-may-care... call me fickle... call me feckless... call me giddy. I don't care what you call me, but make sure I don't miss the next installment of the most captivating saga of the year, a saga replete with hapless presidents, clueless and uninformed prime ministers, lithe spies and ham-fisted spy-catchers who couldn't catch their beloved in flagrante delicto, even if they saw the bitter outrage with their own eyes. It's got exotic ports of call from the red Orient to the once red (now pink) lands of all the Russias... it's got more twists and turns than the greatest roller coaster on Earth. It's got a tintinabulum of bells going off in the grandest capitals on terra firma, Washington, D.C., Paris, London, Berlin... with breathless chancellors calling their opposite numbers worldwide; "Angela, darling, have you heard what Vlad just did to Barrack ...?" and of course Angela drops everything, and I do mean everything to find out. "No, really... I can't believe it! Do tell!" Thus these poobahs of exalted rank and tax-exempt perquisites, ensconce themselves in easy (albeit gilded) chair, box of Godiva at the ready, expectantly awaiting the dirty little secrets to follow. Delicious. And here's the best part: none of us is ever disappointed, because each new installment, each outrageous revelation is more enthralling than the last... which means each is more demeaning, disgusting, disappointing and degrading for the Great Republic and its flatfooted president, the Right Honorable Barrack, who celebrated his 52nd birthday just the other day by eating another plate of crow flambe', that delectable dish for which I surely hope he has developed a penchant, since he's eating so very much of it these days. Music to dine by. To ease Barrack's dog days and unsettled, restless nights I herewith leak the little ditty we know to be Vladimir Putin's favorite; the one he whistles daily in the opulent malachite shower once used by tsars, whose worthy successor he deems himself to be; a permanent imperial presence, not some quotidian official, here today, gone tomorrow. The tune is "My Blue Heaven". Go to any search engine now. Find the original version composed by Walter Dennison one afternoon in 1924 at the Friars Club in New York City, when he was waiting for his turn at the billiard table. George Whiting wrote the affecting lyrics.... and crooner Gene Austin threw his notable tantrum Austin, a man with a healthy opinion of his talents, told Victor Company which had him under contract, he was unhappy, needed better songs, and insisted that he get the chance to record "My Blue Heaven"... or else. The tantrum paid off... in 1927 Victor gave him the Victor Orchestra, including the famous "His master's voice" canine... and he then warbled the tune that sold over 5 million copies, one of the best-selling singles ever with 13 remunerative weeks at the top of the charts. "Just Molly and me, and baby is three/We're so happy in my blue heaven." It is said that Vlad renders his version with that special voice we all have for shower effusions; resonant, confident, "improved" by brilliant new emendations and astonishing contortions, ready for Carnegie Hall and a certain, certainly deserved position at the top of the pops, not merely a singer but a star... And that Mr. Putin most incontrovertibly is, if not in shower, then most assuredly in Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 10 of 13

TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors life... as the Honorable Barrack has come to know... and to rue. No wonder... for Putin (and his new BBF Edward Snowden) are eating his lunch, enjoying every morsel. Let me catch you up on this scintillating business which has otherwise good people worldwide wagging a nasty finger at each other, "tsk tsk" their mildest charge and imprecation. It all goes down hill, and rapidly so, thereafter. Before it descends still further, you need to get up to speed . I aim to give satisfaction.... Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden. Just weeks ago you had never heard the name Edward Snowden. You didn't know him. Didn't care. And certainly didn't have an opinion about him, be that positive or consigning him to the devil. All that changed because of Snowden's now universally known expertise as a master spy, perhaps the most influential ever; a nimble man, fleet of foot, lucky beyond luck, gifted with just the right friends in high places, and the ability to out run, out think and out maneuver battalions of NSA bozos who, despite every resource on Earth, have never laid a hand on him. No wonder Vladimir Putin, president of the Russian Federation, likes Eddie and wants him close at hand. Vlad, after all, is ex- KGB and he knows an admirable and useful colleague when he sees one. And, by goodness, he's seen one here! What Snowden did. Snowden, just 30, was an intelligence analyst wanted by the United States for leaking details of the National Security Agency's massive, and almost completely unknown, surveillance program. Snowden saw what was going on, unilaterally decided the country and the world needed to know what Big Brother was doing , and with the assistance of Britain's left-leaning newspaper "The Guardian" leaked the details which made all of us wonder why it took just 1 whistle blower to do the work a dozen congressional committees should have done; protecting us without giving the spooks unlimited power. My own 89- year-old father, a sensible midwesterner with solid conservative credentials, said that while he was glad to know, he wished we weren't beholden to Snowden and his thievery for the details. Exactly. But we were beholden to Snowden... and the lad didn't need to be told twice that the NSA wanted to have a little chat with him. Quick as boiled asparagus Snowden was off, a host of people glad to assist, including the anti-secrecy organization Wikileaks, the ever popular Red Chinese, and anyone ready, willing and able to take the US of A down a peg or two... which included Vlad, the cleverest rogue on Earth. Eddie, of course, was drawn to Vlad... and, finally, Vlad decided having Eddie was more important than his relationship with Barrack. And so he gave Eddie permission to stay in Russia for a year. Barrack, poor Barrack, unlucky in love, unlucky in everything, called Vlad and begged him to send Eddie home for a good spanking, nothing more. Vlad just kicked sand in his face. He knew how much the Great Republic wanted Eddie, and decided to humiliate lame- duck Barrack, who counts for less and less every day of his dwindling term and so gave him the back of his hand. He had Eddie (and access to all Eddie's secrets), he'd insulted the president, he was happy. Tomorrow could take care of itself. "Balm to the hearts of all Russians". Now what? Go to Moscow or St. Petersburg today and you find every true red Russian toasting Snowden, Eddie Snowden, the geek who has caused glee. This North Carolina born boy has people like Ivan Melnikov, a senior Communist Party member of the Russian Parliament calling him a hero. "Frankly speaking, he is like a balm to the hearts of all Russian patriots." Can you hear the "1812 Overture" in the background? I surely can, cannons and all. Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 11 of 13

TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors The Honorable Barrack, of course, is fuming, kicking the dog, growling at Michelle. More seriously, he's upped the ante, demonstrating an extreme case of adolescent petulance by cancelling his summit with Vlad. After all Eddie might be there, too, and that would never do. No one cares except Michelle who looks cute in fur and wanted a little something in ermine as a souvenir. As for Putin, he will tire of Eddie, as soon as Russia's agents milk him for all the details of what he did and how he did it. Putin, who loves only Mother Russia (but mostly himself), will kick Snowden out without a qualm, ensuring only that this road runner run anywhere but Russia. No one, however, dare breathe a word of this unhappy future. Today it's all Beluga caviar and the best vodka, served in glasses that once brightened a grand duke's table. Vlad is happy. Eddie's ecstatic about all his new friends. Every Russian Communist is happy. Barrack is humiliated, miserable, out classed, a bumbling factotum capable only of missteps and muddle. Tomorrow will come... but today is a joy thanks to one traitor named Snowden. After all, he knows "what makes the world go round, nothing but love."

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TOP SECRET. Spies Turned Traitors

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lisa Martiniuk

Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013

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