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For immediate release

28 April 2009



The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain is reiterating to pharmacists the need to
adhere to its practice guidance regarding the sale of orlistat, a drug which can only be sold to
patients who have undergone a consultation, and who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 28 or
higher. The emphasis on the Society’s practice guidance follows two Sunday newspapers
reporting cases of pharmacies not complying with regulations around the sale of the drug.

Orlistat, known commercially as alli, went on sale as a pharmacy medicine on Wednesday

April 22.

The Society’s Director of Policy, David Pruce said: “Both the Society and GSK, which
manufactures orlistat, developed and disseminated guidance and training resources for
pharmacists in anticipation of the medicine’s launch. It is disappointing that some pharmacies
have not followed the guidance. It is important to emphasise the need to closely follow the
requirements for selling orlistat.”

Both the 26 April editions of the Sunday Telegraph and the Daily Star Sunday conducted
‘mystery shopper’ exercises, where women of healthy weight went to a number of pharmacies
to procure orlistat. While some pharmacies conducted consultations and declined to supply the
mystery shoppers with orlistat, others failed to follow the correct procedure before selling the
drug. The mystery shopper for the Daily Star Sunday told several pharmacists she was buying
orlistat for her overweight mother.
David Pruce said: “Not only is it crucial pharmacists carry out a thorough consultation before
deciding whether or not to sell orlistat, they must also be aware some patients may lie in order
to obtain the drug.

“Pharmacists need to be alert for vulnerable people with eating disorder or body-image issues
who may try to obtain orlistat for the wrong purposes.”

The Society’s practice guidance on orlistat can be found at:


For media enquiries please contact the

Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain's Public Relations Unit
020 7572 2336

Notes to editors

• Obesity is a major health concern in the UK, accounting for 30,000 deaths each year
• Orlistat, known commercially as alli, is available over the counter in a 60mg formulation – half
the strength of that prescribed by doctors
• Pharmacists should check the Body Mass Index (BMI) of individuals requesting orlistat on
each occasion they make a request. Adults with a BMI of 28kg/m2 or more may be suitable for
the treatment.

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