SICO July 2013

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26 Years of Service June 2013

Installation of New Officers

Recently installed and already taking the lead with one Executive Board Meeting, President Rene has the budget process already underway. Here are the firecrackers who will lead SI Central Oahu into an explosive 2013-2014 term.


Na Mea Hou

President Rene Mansho, Co-Treasurer Lyn Lurbe, Co-Treasurer Susan Lau, President-Elect Ellen Kazama and Secretary Jackie Pactol. New Director Marilyn Lee with returning Director Ann Freed. Two other returning Directors are Judy Fomin and Lorraine Fukumae.

Share the Light of Soroptimist Service

Calendar of Events
AUGUST Meeting at Ruby Tuesday - August 1st 5:00 p.m. for dinner Meeting starts at 6:00 p. m.


August 24th, SaturdayOne Night in Rome, Fundraiser September 5th, ThursdayBusiness Meeting October 18, 19, 20District VI Meeting, Mark your calendarsThe meeting is scheduled to be in Kona July, 2014SIA Convention, Vancouver, BCPlan to attend

Presidents Message
Aloha Kakou! I feel great! I see a bright year ahead for SICO and I am most honored and privileged to serve as your new president. You know that pulling together all of our ideas and energies to support the lives of women and girls can create the most productive and amazing achievements for SICO! I would like to focus on 3 significant areas: Membership - recognition, recruitment, retention Community service- giving back- for women, with women Fun! On behalf of the new officers and board, we gladly welcome your thoughts and ideas to help move our mission forward. There is great need in our community and the world, so Lets roll up our sleeves and give it our best shot and go for it! Ganbarimasu!

Welcome New Member and Long Time Friend

Zoe Tanaka, not a new face, but a new member. She has finally loosened up her schedule to be able to participate as a member of SI Central Oahu. Zoe is a part-time teacher at Waipahu Intermediate School where she is highly involved with her students and their activities. Although not yet a member in the past, she had attended and assisted in several club projects. WELCOME, ZOE!
Zoe and Mom Betsy joined us at A Taste of Mardi Gras. Mom, who also attended many of our projects, recently passed away.

Committees Sign Up Happy Anniversaries

Angie Bugarin July 06 Shirley Fukumoto July 05 Ellen Kazama July 05 Susan Lau July 93 Leona Takita July 04

On page four of this newsletter is a list of Committees and chairs. There are a few committees still open. If you feel inexperienced, remember that everyone is more than happy to assist. Many members have helped on more than one committee over the years and are more than willing to step up for the fun.

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Saturday, August 24, 2013 Pomaikai Ballroom, formerly Dole Ballrooms 5:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.Valet Parking-lots of free parking $125 per person - $2500 for a Gold Table
TICKETS! SILENT AUCTION! GOLD TABLE! DID YOU SEE THE LIST OF FOODS! Lots to do for our annual fundraiser. The time is getting ever so close. Silent Auction chair, Lorraine sent out an email to remind everyone to take your items to Leonas office where they will be inventoried and made ready for the event. A suggestion, if you havent already decided, an event basket with other members contributing can be done. How about a pasta basket? specialties?....breakfast basket? Hope this sparks more ideas. As for tickets, looks like we have a good start with two Gold tables already reserved. Good job - Leona and Angie! With those two sold, be sure you reserve your tickets before theyre sold out!

Ehime Maru Monument Project

For a few years now, SI Central Oahu has partnered with _____ to help maintain the Ehime Maru Monument in good condition. It is situated on a knoll near the ocean in Kakaako Park so requires regular cleaning of the salt that accumulates from being so close to the ocean. Again this year, a group of dedicated Soroptimists attended to the clean up. Using newer gadgets, accomplishing the task went very quicklyunder 30 minutes, including stretching the three hoses to connect to the water faucet. President Rene brought the new hose that expands like a snake as the water flows. In trying to connect in the past, the spigot did not have a key for ready use. The length of the hoses going uphill toward the Monument exacted a little more than a trickle but they pressed on and accomplished the task. A friend of Renes came along to assist. Janet was very helpful with trash pickup around the monument.

The Monuments history captured here The clean up crew trudges down the hill. and on to lunch-YEAH!

In the tradition of SI Central Oahu, lunch was on the agenda! Ann Freed was able to meet us at Ichiriki Restaurant for an experience in the Japanese style nabe where you cook your food in the sauce of your choice. It was a nice inti- An awesome view to the Pacific and beyond mate setting where great conversation flowed.

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Officers and Directors 2013-2014

President: Rene Mansho President-Elect: Ellen Kazama Treasurer: Susan Lau Secretary: Jackie Pactol Assistant Treasurer: Lyn Lurbe Directors: Marilyn Lee, Ann Freed, Judy Fomin and Lorraine Fukumae

Committee Chairs:

Ann Freed: Lyn Lurbe:

Program Soroptimist Orientation and Leadership Training (SOLT) Public Awareness and Newsletter

POBox893102 MililaniHI967893102
email: Address for President Leona Soto

Jackie Pactol and Marilyn Lee:

Rene Tokunaga and Lyn Lurbe: Awards and Reception Lyn Lurbe, Jane Murakami, Lorraine Fukumae: Fundraising Ellen Kazama and Rene Mansho: Membership Leona Soto: Leeward Shelter Jackie Pactol: Adopt-A-School Marilyn Lee and Rene Mansho: SICO High School Scholarship ** ** Lei Ilima Girls Club Career/ College Fair for Women/High School Students Bobby Benson Center Ehime Maru Clean Up


www.soroptimist. org

Angie Bugarin: Rene Mansho:

Soroptimist Pledge I Pledge allegiance to Soroptimism and to the ideals for which it stands, The Sincerity of Friendship, The Joy of Achievement, The Dignity of Service, The Integrity of Profession, The Love of Country. I will put forth my greatest effort to promote, uphold and defend these ideals for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business, for country and for God. Soroptimist Grace For the bread upon the board, Make us truly thankful, Lord. For each one meeting here Whom our hearts hold close and dear, For this day O Lord above Now accept our grateful love. Amen

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