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(NOTE : If any profile is not available it will be informed by the HR in advance)

App Dev-> Coding and Creative Thinking (adv.-If you like thinking outside the box, finding solutions in a completely non-conventional way and want to be appreciated and recognised, then this is the profile ) ---- I chose this profile Systems -> OS and some basic coding (adv. All circuital branches will be treated on par with CS)My second Preference. OFSS ->Finance (adv exposure to wide range of quality business analysis) My SQL --- The name says it. MySQL and DB related. (open only for CS and an additional written round ) Server Tech--- Again open for only CS and additional written round.


Bangalore. Hyderabad.


For all profiles, practice lot of puzzles and basic DS. For systems, in addition learn OS thoroughly.

For APP DEV , learn DS thoroughly and improve your coding skills and sharpen your puzzle solving skills.

BASIC PATTERN : Online test-4 Sections (+1,no -ve) 120 minutes

4 sub-sections for aptitude .Each individually timed. Have to follow the order(fairly easy). 4 sub-sections for verbal.(Very easy ). Coding-Questions about DS, RDBMS, OS and ALGO. Mostly theory. (Not that hard) (20 min) Advanced Coding-2 sec with ten qs each. Pure DS.(40 min).( The most difficult paper which I came across for DS , guess mainly I didnt that concept and all 20 were based on the same concepts.)


The main purpose of the written is to Shortlist you for the profiles than anything else. If you do well in Coding and Aptitude; you have very high chance of getting App Dev and all profiles. As many as 3/4 of the people appearing for written might be shortlisted for interviews. Then you will be asked to fill a form with top three profiles of your choice from what u were shortlisted for, in your preference order. If you do bad in your first profile but your interviewer feels you are strong in certain areas hell recommend you to the other profiles you filled.

GROUP DISCUSSION ORACLE does not conduct group discussions instead all those shortlisted from written round goes through to the interviews that might consist of 2-4 rounds according to the profile and your performance.

INTERVIEW (Only for App Dev) :

ROUND 1 : (One interviewer per person)

First he will ask you to introduce yourself. Be confident in what you say. Take about five to ten minutes to tell about yourself. Do you know DS? If you say yes, some basic questions like what is stack, queue and real time examples of them. Do you know to write a code for implementing linked list? If yes, hell give you a program to test your knowledge. He asked me to reverse a linked list. One Word Puzzle and Two Number Puzzles. My first round went bad. Was able to solve the tech questions but only managed to solve one out of the three apti qs.

ROUND 2 : (One interviewer per person)

If your first round went well, theyll immediately call you for second round. Calling you early doesnt assure you a job. If they dont call you immediately, dont lose hope, sometimes

they just call in a random order. I had to wait for 4 hours for my second interview Tell me about yourself. Be confident in what you say. I took 15 min to introduce myself. I was very confident the whole time. Why App Dev? Be confident and convincing in what you tell. Another 15-20 min. Make sure hes listening. Why ECE? What about MBA? 15 min to convince him I am not going anywhere. One word Puzzle. Mostly he asks the same questions to everyone. So ask around. Even if you know the answer beforehand dont tell it out immediately. Explain everything methodically and with examples if possible Tech qs- Implement stack using linked list with the following abstract. Simple qs. Write down the code properly. And make sure you explain it to him if a chance is provided. Take initiative and ask him if you can explain it to him what you have done and if explained properly hell surely be impressed. Tech qs-What is the min limit, numbers up to which added or subtracted from any element of a given unsorted array will make it a sorted one. I asked him my doubts and got every cleared. Dont hesitate to ask if you dont understand the qs. Always voice out your thoughts. Try to get him as involved as possible. Hell give you an example. If possible give your own examples and try checking out your theory. Dont get nervous.

Any questions for me? Ask him if you have any qs , otherwise ask him about the first few months and training. And finally ask him how you did. After one and half hours of my interview, I didnt have any nervousness what so ever. When you come out really happy not knowing how much time u had spent inside that room and a smile of reassurance from the interviewer , you know u have done it well, you have given your best.


Everyone had only two rounds but since my first round went horrible and my second round really good, I got another shot. Since my apti was a little weak in the first round my third round after the regular qs . was given one simple CAT problem. It was simple alright but when you dont know the method, even the easiest becomes a nightmare. Normal qs about a cube coloured with different colours and have been cut n times in all three directions. I hated this qs from the beginning and I knew I was screwed. But the confidence from the second round just made me carry along. I did get the solution but in a very roundabout way. And I was asked to explain my method to him and he nodded for every step of mine and told me a sentence which put a broad smile on my face. We want people like this who think outside the box.


They generally ask faqs of all HRs like why dont you do MS, explain your CGPA, Why ORACLE? Why should I take you?

TIPS : Be confident in what you say. Always keep a smile. Dont show your nervousness out. Carry a Pen and Pencil for working out. Voice out your thoughts. Make sure the interviewer is involved in your discussion. Sharpen your apti and puzzle solving skills.


T.Ashwin Karthik Ph No : +91 8122614787 / 960033756 Email ID : FB profile :

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