Online Java Learning Web Portal Java Project: Major Operations

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Online java learning web portal java project

A website that allows member to post tips related to Java and share them with other members. It also allows members to provide feedback regarding tips of other members.

Major Operations
The following are the major operations of this application.

User logs into site with email adderss and password Registration of user Allows users to get password by providing email address, if user forgets password User can change password User can post tips User can see tips of others and provide feedback User can delete his tips Seach for Tips on subject and other parameters Lists users and displays profile of a users along with tips posted by the user Allows users to send mail to any other user

Technologies and Products used

Tomcat 4.x Oracle8i/Oracle9i Weblogic Server 7.0 Java Server Pages (JSP) Java Beans Enterprise Java Beans

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files. Operation Login login.jsp Files Associated Objects MemberBean Java Bean

Home page Registration of User Forgot password Changing password Displaying details of a tips of the current user Posting a tip Displaying tip Providing feedback Deleting a tip Sending mail to a User

home.html, home.jsp, listtips.jsp register.html, register.jsp forgotpassword.jsp changepassword.jsp mytips.jsp addtip.jsp, addtipfinal.jsp displaytip.jsp feedback.jsp deletetip.jsp sendmail.jsp

UserBean javabean UserBean javabean, User EJB UserBean JavaBean UserBean javabean UserBean Bean UserBean JavaBean, TipBean JavaBean UserBean JavaBean, TipBean JavaBean UserBean JavaBean, TipBean JavaBean UserBean JavaBean

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application : 1. Download and unzip it into webapps directory of Tomcat installation directory. 2. Make sure you copy from jdbc/lib/ ( after renaming it to classes111.jar) or jdbc/lib/classes12.jar from Oracle directory into WEB-INF/lib directory 3. Also make sure the classpath of Tomcat is changed to include weblogic.jar using setclasspath.bat in BIN directory of Tomcat 4. Create account javatips with password javatips in Oracle. 5. Create required tables in Oracle using TABLES.TXT file and also insert some sample data. 6. Make sure Oracle and Tomcat are running. 7. Start Weblogic Server and create the following

A connection pool with the name javatipspool- It should access Oracle with javatips user and javatips password A TxDataSource with the name javatipsoracle and JNDI name

8. copy file from weblogic700\samples\server\src directory of the weblogic server to user directory of javatips application.

9. Build the ejb in user directory of application directory using ANT. Set PATH to weblogic\weblogic700\server\bin directory because ANT is found in this directory 10. Copy member_client.jar from user directory to WEB-INF/LIB directory of application (javatips). 11. Run the application using the following url:
12. http://localhost:8080/javatips

13. You should see login page (login.jsp) of the application.

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