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Inhibits Na / 2Cl / K cotransporter Loop Diuretics Thiazide Aspirin Antiplatelet Supplies LV and RV RCA Supplies ventricles and apex

70% infarcts are here LCA Clopidogrel Inhibits Na / Cl cotransporter S/E: low K Inhibits platelet aggregation ADP receptor antagonists Used in HF S/E: dehydration, ototoxic

Negatively iontropic

Coronary arteries Cardiovascular Drugs

Beta blockers

Peripheral vasodilation Not used in asthma

Dilates veins and large arteries Nitrates Reduces preload Coronary and peripheral vasodilation

Coronary atheroma > plaque rupture > thrombosis > inflammation > necrosis


Calcium Antagonist

Reduces myocardial oxygen consumption

Blocks Na / K pump

Myocardial Infarction
Male, family history Non-modifiable Smoking, HT, DM, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, sedentary lifestyle Modifiable


Decreases conduction of impulses through AV node Lowers arteriolar resistance and increases venous capacitance

ACE Inhibitor

Risk factors

Inhibits breakdown of bradykinin leading to dry cough Reduces secretion of vasopression and aldosterone

AT II Receptor Antagonist (ARB)

Causes vasodilation

ST elevation Hours Inverted T waves, development of Q waves Days Q wave remains Months Risk factors Inflammation of pericardium Pain relief Pericardial effusions may be aspirated Treatment Lifestyle: stop smoking, exercise, weight loss Smoking, sedentary lifestyle. obesity, hyperlipidaemia, HT, DM, family history

Sequential ECG changes




Modify risk factors: HT, diabetes Drugs: asprin, beta blockers, nitrates Supply problem

Unstable angina

Occurs on minimal exertion or rest Demand problem

Stable angina

Induced by effort, relieved by rest

Myocardial Infarction.mmap - 28/03/2010 -

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