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Computers and Education: The Design of Personal Mobile Technologies For Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is an approach to education has been articulated that neither embraces nor challenges institutional education, but is complementary to it. In future, learners need not to be tied to particular locations. They will be able to study at home, at work, or in a local library or shopping center, as well as in colleges and universities. People will be able to study at a distance using broadcast media and on-line access. Tools for lifelong learning are described such as highly portable, individual, unobtrusive, available anywhere, adaptable, persistent, useful and intuitive. As learning has become more individualized and learner-centered, so too have the new digital technologies become increasingly personalized. Just as learning is now regarded as a situated and collaborative activity, wherever people have problems to solve or knowledge to share, so the major advance has been in mobile networked technology, enabling people to communicate regardless of their location. One consequences of the recent convergence of new theories of education with new personal technologies is that offers the possibility of constructing personal mobile technology for lifelong learning. Personal learning starts with a learner in a social, cultural, and technological environment. The act of learning involves the artful deployment of the environment, including its tools and resources, to solve problems and acquire new knowledge. Learning is a constructive process of acting within an environment and reflecting upon it. Action includes solving problems, engaging in dialogues of enquiry, and acquiring new knowledge. Reflection involves the learner in abstracting from a situated activity, to integrate the current experience with previous knowledge and to construct new interpretations. Normally, a learner is not alone with a teacher, but is working along with other learners, all carrying out a multiplicity of conversations with themselves, with the teacher and with the other learners. These conversations are more than exchanges information; they create a continuing process of conceptual development general principles, mutual adjustment, and social change. Computer-based teacher and tutor, one role for computer is to be a substitute for the teacher. This is the goal computer-aided instruction. However, to be a successful replacement, it must be able to carry out the kinds of teacher dialogue. They have designed for very limited domains are the products of many years of research and development.


Computers and Education: The Design of Personal Mobile Technologies For Lifelong Learning
Computer-based assistant and mentor acts as a learners assistant rather than a teacher, then the problem is more tractable. Such enabling technologies include simulations and modeling tools as well as more interventionist guides and mentors. Computer-based tools and resources is a third place for technology within the framework. The aim is to develop software that can organize information accumulated over many years. While, communications aid, technology can also mediate communication. An active communications system can offer predictive communication based on patterns of learning. Computer-based learning environment, technology can form part of the environment that mediates learning. Provide social environments for engaging with teachers and other learners. The design of HandLeR is the role of a mentor. A mentor system can act as a companion to a young learner. Software organization is to support the lifelong conversational learning outlined above. Associated with each level are a collection of learning tools, a generic interface, and a set of activities for the mentor to perform. Hardware designs might afford different learning activities. The prime consideration is whether an individuals HandLeR should be a software system, capable of running on variety physical devices, or a fixed combination of software and hardware. Interfaces and interactions, the overriding requirement is for the system to support learning in a variety of contexts over long periods of time. The concept HandLeR developed by the student group employs an animate mentor main interface metaphor and method of interaction. Learners should own their personal information and that the profile is a means by which a learner can configure the software and create a sense of ownership of the system. Also provides a means to connect to other HandLeRs. Research issues and further work, the concept HandLeR has demonstrated the viability of one configuration of hardware, software and mobile communications. It has also show how this complex combination of technologies can be managed through an intuitive interface that support active and reflective learning.


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