Yearly Plan Add Math f4 2013

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Yearly Plan Additional Mathematics Form 4

Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes No Pupils will be taught to..... Pupils will be able to Topic A4: SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS---3 weeks 1 2-3 Topic ASS1: INDEX NUMBER---2 week 4 1. Understand and use the concept of index number to solve problems 1. Solve simultaneous equations in two unknowns: one linear equation and one non-linear equation. 1.1 Solve simultaneous equations using the substitution method. 1.2Solve simultaneous equations involving reallife situations. Additional Exercises No of Periods Points to Note

4 2 2

Limit non-linear equations up to second degree only.

1.1 Calculate index number. 1.2 Calculate price index. Find Q0 or Q 1 given relevant information.

1 1 Q0 = Quantity at base time. Q1 = Quantity at specific time. 2 2 Explain weightage and composite index.

2. Understand and use the concept of composite index to solve problems 5

2.1 Calculate composite index. 2.2 Find index number or weightage given relevant information. 2.3 Solve problems involving index number and composite index. Additional Exercises or past year questions

Topic/Learning Area Al : FUNCTION --- 3 weeks First Term 6 1. Understand the concept of relations.

0.1 Represent relations using a) arrow diagrams b) ordered pairs c) graphs

Discuss the idea of set and introduce set notation.

Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to.....

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to 0.2 Identify domain, co domain, object, image and range of a relation. 1.3 Classify a relation shown on a mapped diagram as: one to one, many to one, one to many or many to many relation. 2.1 Recognise functions as a special relation. 2.2 Express functions using function notation. 2.3 Determine domain, object, image and range of a function. 2.4 Determine the image of a function given the object and vice versa.

No of Periods 1

Points to Note

2. Understand the concept of functions.

Represent functions using arrow diagrams, ordered pairs or graphs, e.g. f : x 2 x is read as function f maps x to 2x. f ( x ) = 2 x is read as 2x is the image of x under the function f. Involve algebraic functions only. Images of composite functions include a range of values. (Limit to linear composite functions). Define composite functions
f : x 2 x , f ( x ) =2 x

3. Understand the concept of composite functions.

3.1 Determine composition of two functions. 3.2 Determine the image of composite functions given the object and vice versa 3.3 Determine one of the functions in a given composite function given the other related function.

1 1 2

4. Understand the concept of inverse functions.

4.1 Find the object by inverse mapping given its image and function. 4.2 Determine inverse functions using algebra.

Limit to algebraic functions. Exclude inverse of composite functions.

1 4.3 Determine and state the condition for existence

Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to.....

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to of an inverse function Additional Exercises

No of Periods 1 1

Points to Note Emphasise that the inverse of a function is not necessarily a function.

Topic A2 : Quadratic Equations ---3 weeks 9 1. Understand the concept of quadratic equations and their roots. 1.1 Recognise a quadratic equation and express it in general form. 1. 2 Determine whether a given value is the root of a quadratic equation by a) substitution; b) inspection. 1 1.3 Determine roots of quadratic equations by trial and improvement method. 1 Questions for 1..2(b) are given in the form of ( x + a ) ( x + b ) = 0 ; a and b are numerical values.

2. Understand the concept of quadratic equations.

2.1 Determine the roots of a quadratic equation by a) factorisation; b) completing the square c) using the formula. 2.2 Form a quadratic equation from given roots.

Discuss when 1 1 2

x p = 0 or x q = 0 . Include cases when p = q.

( x p ) ( x q ) = 0 , hence

10 3. Understand and use the conditions for quadratic equations to have a) two different roots; b) two equal roots; c) no roots.

Derivation of formula for 2.1c is not required. Explain that no roots means no real roots.

3.1 Determine types of roots of quadratic equations from the value of b 2 4ac . 3.2 Solve problems involving b 2 4ac in 3

Week No 11

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to.....

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to quadratic equations to: a) find an unknown value; b) derive a relation. Additional Exercise

No of Periods 2

Points to Note

2 Topic A3 : Quadratics Functions---3 weeks 12 1. Understand the concept of quadratic functions and their graphs. 1.1 Recognise quadratic functions 1.2 Plot quadratic function graphs: a)based on given tabulated values; 1 b) by tabulating values 2 based on given functions. 1.3 Recognise shapes of graphs of quadratic functions. 1 2 2

Discuss the form of graph if a > 0 and a < 0 for f ( x ) = ax 2 + bx + c Explain the term parabola. Relate the type of roots with the position of the graphs. Students be reminded of the steps involved in completing square and how to deduce maximum or minimum value from the function and also the corresponding values of x.

1.4 Relate the position of quadratic function graphs with types of roots for f ( x ) = 0 . 13 2. Find the maximum and minimum values of quadratic functions. 2.1 Determine the maximum or minimum value of a quadratic function by completing the square.

Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to..... 3. Sketch graphs of quadratic functions.

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to 3.1 Sketch quadratic function graphs by determining the maximum or minimum point and two other points.

No of Periods 2

Points to Note Emphasise the marking of maximum or minimum point and two other points on the graphs drawn or by finding the axis of symmetry and the intersection with the y-axis. Determine other points by finding the intersection with the x-axis (if it exists).


4. Understand and use the concept of quadratic inequalities. Coordinate Geometry---5 weeks

4.1 Determine the ranges of values of x that satisfies quadratic inequalities.

Emphasise on sketching graphs and use of number lines when necessary.

Topic G1.

1. Find distance between two points.

1.1 Find the distance between two points ( x1 , y1 ) ,

( x2 , y 2 )

using formula 1 2


2.Understand the concept of division of line segments

2.1Find the midpoint of two given points. 2.2Find the coordinates of a point that divides a line according to a given ratio m : n.

Use the Pythagoras Theorem to find the formula for distance between two points. Limit to cases where m and n are positive. Derivation of the formula
nx1 + mx2 ny1 + my2 , m+n m+n

3 Find areas of polygons.

3.1 Find the area of a triangle based on the area of specific geometrical shapes. 3.2 Find the area of a triangle by using formula. x2 x3 x1 1 x1 y2 y3 y1 2 y1

is not required. Limit to numerical values. Emphasise the relationship between the sign of the value for area obtained with the order of the vertices used. Emphasise that when the area of polygon is zero, the given points

Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to.....

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to 3.3 Find the area of a quadrilateral using formula. 4.1 Determine the x-intercept and the y-intercept of a line. 4.2 Find the gradient of a straight line that passes through two points. 4.3 Find the gradient of a straight line using the xintercept and y-intercept 4.4 Find the equation of a straight line given: a) gradient and one point; b) two points; c) x-intercept and y-intercept.

No of Periods

Points to Note are collinear.


4 Understand and use the concept of equation of a straight line.

1 1 1 Answers for learning outcomes 4.4(a) and 4.4(b) must be stated in the simplest form. 2 1 1 2 Involve changing the equation intogradient and intercept form


4.5Find the gradient and the intercepts of a straight line given the equation. 4.6Change the equation of a straight line to the general form 4.7Find the point of intersection of two lines.

Week No 18

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to..... 5. Understand and use the concept of parallel and perpendicular lines.

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to 5.1 Determine whether two straight lines are parallel when the gradients of both lines are known and vice versa. 5.2 Find the equation of a straight line that passes through a fixed point and parallel to a given line. 5.3 Determine whether two straight lines are perpendicular when the gradients of both lines are known and vice versa. 5.4 Determine the equation of a straight line that passes through a fixed point and perpendicular to a given line. 5.5 Solve problems involving equations of straight lines. PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN 2013 (13-23 mei 2013)

No of Periods 1

Points to Note Emphasise that for parallel lines: m1 = m 2 .

1 2

Emphasise that for perpendicular lines m1 m 2 = 1 . Derivation of m1 m 2 = 1 is not required.


Understand and use the concept of equation of locus involving distance between two points.

6.1 Find the equation of locus that satisfies the condition if: a) the distance of a moving point from a fixed point is constant; b) the ratio of the distances of a moving point from two fixed points is constant 6.2 Solve problems involving loci.

1 1

Week Learning Objectives No Pupils will be taught to..... Topic T1: Circular Measures---3 weeks 22 1. Understand the concept of radian.

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to

No of Periods

Points to Note

1.1 Convert measurements in radians to degrees and vice versa.

Discuss the definition of one radian. rad is the abbreviation of radian. Include measurements in radians expressed in terms of . rad = 1800

2. Understand and use the concept of length of arc of a circle to solve problems. bulatan

2.1 Determine: i) length of arc; ii) radius; and iii) angle subtended at the centre of a circle based on given information.

Major and minor arc lengths discussed Emphasize that the angle must be in radian. Students can also use formula S=

given is in degree 2.2 Find perimeter of segments of circles. 23 3. Understand and use the concept of area of sector of a circle to solve problems Solve problems involving lengths of arcs 3.1 Determine the: a) area of sector; b)radius; and c)angle subtended at the centre of a circle based on given information. 3.2 Find the area of segments of circles. 3.3 Solve problems involving areas of sectors 8 1 1 2

x 2 j when the angle 360

Emphasize that the angle must be in radian. Area of major sektor need to be discussed Students can also use formula L=


2 2

is in degree.

x j 2 if the angle given 360

Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes No Pupils will be taught to..... Pupils will be able to Topic A5 : INDICES AND LOGARITHMS---4 weeks Second Term 25 1. Understand and use the concept of 1.1 Find the value of numbers given in the form indices and laws of indices to solve of: problems. i. integer indices. ii. fractional indices. 1.2 Use laws of indices to find the value of numbers in index form that are multiplied, divided or raised to a power. 1.3 Use laws of indices to simplify algebraic expressions 2.1 Express equation in index form to logarithm form and vice versa. 2.2 Find logarithm of a number

No of Periods 1

Points to Note

Discuss zero index and negative indices.

1 1 Emphasise that: loga 1 = 0; loga a = 1. Emphasise that: a) logarithm of negative numbers is undefined; b) logarithm of zero is undefined. Discuss cases where the given number is in: a) index form b) numerical form. 2 1 1 Discuss laws of logarithms

2. Understand and use the concept of logarithms and laws of logarithms to solve problems.


UJIAN BULANAN 2 (17-19 JULAI 2013) 2.3 Find logarithm of numbers by using laws of logarithms 2.4 Simplify logarithmic expressions to the simplest form. 3 Understand and use the change of 3.1 Find the logarithm of a number by changing base of logarithms to solve problems. the base of the logarithm to a suitable base. 3.2 Solve problems involving the change of base and laws of logarithms.

log a b = 1 log b a


Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to..... 4. Solve equation involving indices and logarithms .

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to 4.1 Solve equations involving indices. 4.2 Solve equations involving logarithms. Additional/reinforcement Exercises on this topic

No of Periods 2 2 2

Points to Note Equations that involve indices and logarithms are limited to equations with single solution only. Solve equations involving indices by: a) comparison of indices and bases; b) using logarithms. Discuss grouped data and ungrouped data.


Topic S1: Statistics ---4 Weeks 30 1 Understand and use the concept of measures of central tendency to solve problems. 1.1 Calculate the mean of ungrouped data. 1.2 Determine the mode of ungrouped data. 1.3 Determine the median of ungrouped data 1.4Determine the modal class of grouped data from frequency distribution tables. 1.5 Find the mode from histograms. 1.6 Calculate the mean of grouped data 1.7 Calculate the median of grouped data from cumulative frequency distribution tables. 1.8 Estimate the median of grouped data from an ogive 1.9 Determine the effects on mode, median and mean for a set of data when: i) each data is changed uniformly; ii) extreme values exist; iii) certain data is added or removed 1.10 Determine the most suitable measure of central tendency 1

2 Involve uniform class intervals only. 1 1 2 Derivation of the median formula is not required.


Ogive is also known as cumulative frequency curve 1 Involve grouped and ungrouped data


Week No 32

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to..... 2. Understand and use the concept of measures of dispersion to solve problems.

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to for given data. 2.1 Find the range of ungrouped data. 2.2 Find the interquartile range of ungrouped data. 2.3 Find the range of grouped data 2.4 Find the interquartile range of grouped data from the cumulative frequency table 2.5 Determine the interquartile range of grouped data from an ogive. 2.6Determine the variance of a)ungrouped data; b)grouped data. 2.7 Determine the standard deviation of: ii) ungrouped data grouped data. 2.8 Determine the effects on range, interquartile range, variance and standard deviation for a set of data when: a) each data is changed uniformly; b) extreme values exist; c) certain data is added or removed. 2.9 Compare measures of central tendency and dispersion between two sets of data.

No of Periods 1

Points to Note

Determine the upper and lower quartiles by using the first principle.

Emphasise that comparison between two sets of data using only measures of central tendency is not sufficient.


Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes No Pupils will be taught to..... Pupils will be able to Topic AST1: SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES---2 weeks 1. Understand and use the concept of sine rule to solve problems. 1.1Verify sine rule. 1.2Use sine rule to find unknown sides or angles of a triangle. 1.3Find the unknown sides and angles of a triangle involving ambiguous case 1.4Solve problems involving the sine rule. 2. Understand and use the concept of cosine rule to solve problems. 30 2.1 Verify cosine rule. 2.2 Use cosine rule to find unknown sides or angles of a triangle. 2.3 Solve problems involving cosine rule. 2.4Solve problems involving sine and cosine rules 3.1 Find the areas of triangles using the formula 1 ab sin C or its equivalent 2 3.2.Solve problems involving threedimensional objects.

No of Periods

Points to Note

1 1 Include obtuse-angled triangles


1 1 1 1 Include obtuse-angled triangles

2 1


3. Understand and use the formula for areas of triangles to solve problems.


Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to.....

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to Additional Exercises

No of Periods

Points to Note

33 Topic K1 : Differentiation---5 Weeks 34 1. Understand and use the concept of gradients of curve and differentiation. 1.1Determine the value of a function when its variable approaches a certain value. 1.2Find the gradient of a chord joining two points on a curve. 1.3Find the first derivative of a function y = f ( x ) , as the gradient of tangent to its graph. 1.3 Find the first derivative of polynomials using the first principles. 1.4 Deduce the formula for first derivative of the function y = f ( x ) by induction. Idea of limit to a function can be illustrated using graphs. The concept of first derivative of a function is explained as a tangent to a curve can be illustrated using graphs. Limit to y = ax n ; a, n are constants, n = 1, 2, 3. Notation of f ' ( x ) is equivalent dy to when y = f ( x ) , dx f ' ( x ) read as f prime x.


2. Understand and use the concept of first derivative of polynomial functions to solve problems.

2.1 Determine the first derivative of the function y = ax n using formula. 2.2 Determine value of the first derivative of the function y = ax n for a given value of x.


Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to.....

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to 2.3Determine first derivative of a function involving: a) addition, or b) subtraction of algebraic terms. 2.4Determine the first derivative of a product of two polynomials. 2.5 Determine the first derivative of a quotient of two polynomials. 2.6Determine the first derivative of composite function using chain rule. 2.7Determine the gradient of tangent at a point on a curve. 2.8Determine the equation of tangent at a point on a curve. 2.9 Determine the equation of normal at a point on a curve

No of Periods 1

Points to Note

1 1

1 3. Understand and use the concept of maximum and minimum values to solve problems. 3.1 Determine coordinates of turning points of a curve. 3.2 Determine whether a turning point is a maximum or a minimum point. Emphasise the use of first derivative to determine the turning points. Limit problems to two variables


Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to.....

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to 3.3 Solve problems involving maximum or minimum values.

No of Periods

Points to Note only. Exclude points of inflexion.

1 4. Understand and use the concept of rates of change to solve problems. 5. Understand and use the concept of small changes and approximations to solve problems. 6. Understand and use the concept of second derivative to solve problems. 4.1 Determine rates of change for related quantities. 5.1 Determine small changes in quantities 5.2 Determine approximate values using differentiation. 6.1 Determine the second derivative of y = f ( x ) . 6.2 Determine whether a turning point is maximum or minimum point of a curve using the second derivative 1 1

Limit problems to two variables only Limit problems to 3 variables only. Exclude cases involving percentage change.



d dy d2y or as 2 dx dx dx d ( f ' ( x)) f ' ' ( x) = dx



Week No

Learning Objectives Pupils will be taught to..... Carry out project work

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to In carrying out the project work 1.1Define the problem/situation to be studied. 1.2 State relevant conjectures 1.3 Use problem solving strategies to solve problems 1.4 Interpret and discuss results. 1.5 Draw conclusions and/or make generalisations based on critical evaluation of results. 1.6 Present systematic and comprehensive written reports.

No of Periods Use scientific calculators, graphing calculators or computer software to carry out project work. Students are allowed to carry out project work in groups but written reports must be done individuall y. Students should be given opportunity to give oral presentatio n of their project work.

Points to Note Emphasise the use of Polyas fourstep problem solving process. Use at least two problem solving strategies. Emphasise reasoning and effective mathematical communication.



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