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What you should know
about Peter Hain
His salary is: £64,766, per year, topped up with a second home
allowance of £19,519 in 2004-05, £21,634 in 2005-06, £22,110 in 2006-
07,and £23,083 in 2007-08. This is a very good extra second home
‘allowance’, many ordinary people have to live on much less than that.
He wanted taxpayers to pay £6,000 for his heating oil bill! as well as the
cost of replacing the roof of his log store!
Not content with this he also tried to get you, the taxpayer to pay the
interest on the mortgage on his new £440,000 house, as well as claiming
for his former home less than 6 miles away.
Unsurprisingly, he declined to vote for a transparent Parliament.

Bearing in mind that Mr. Hain is employed to represent the people of

Neath, it seems he has other little earners too. Last year he got a £5,000
advance for writing a book, another £5,000 for a lecture about private
pensions and up to £20,000 plus travel and hotel to give a lecture in New
York. That’s a cool £30,000 extra.
Mr Hain also seems to recieve a free hospitality ticket and travel to the
Formula 1 British Grand Prix every year, and free trips to the Monaco
(several times), Italian (twice), and Belgian Grand Prix’s.

Since 2000 he has accepted over seventy personal donations of

unpublished amounts. To top it all, SKY TV often invite him to watch
Chelsea football matches. Of course all the above items have been
declared, unlike the £103,000 in donations to his ‘failed’ internal Labour
leadership bid, which Mr Hain apparently ‘forgot’ about.

Serving the people of Neath?

very political party other than BNP just ignores the fact that while
unemployment reaches record heights in this country, foreigners
from all parts of the globe continue to pour in and take jobs from
British workers.
Every other political party is aware that it is only the BNP who
have a ‘Britain First Policy’ with regard to jobs, foreign aid, health,
welfare, housing, economics, manufacturing and industry.
Opinion polls have consistently shown that the issues upon
which the BNP campaigns - immigration, the European Union swindle,
the asylum scandal, the bankster bailout and economic
mismanagement, British Jobs for British Workers, growing home
repossessions, corruption and sleaze in Westminster - are all top of
voter concerns.
Every other political party ignores the legitimate concerns the
public has over immigration, which, if left unchecked at current levels,
will see this country completely submerged within a few decades.
Every other political party ignores the huge cost to this country of
EU membership. It costs us £40 million a day in direct costs, and untold
millions more in indirect costs, never mind the destruction it wreaks
amongst our industry and agricultural sectors.
Annually the EU costs us a reputed £65 billion pounds for our
membership. Money that should be much more sensibly spent on our
own people by protecting our own interests at home.
Every other political party just ignores the fact that while
unemployment reaches record heights in this country, foreigners from all
parts of the globe continue to pour in and take jobs from British workers.
Only the British National Party is prepared to address the real
issues that affect this country and it's people.

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