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website: VOL. XXV NO. 121 e-mail: Editorial - SUNDAY AUGUST 11, 2013 P10.00 IN TACLOBAN




Anti-human trafficking campaign now underway


TAC L O BA N CITY Anti-human tracking campaign is now in full swing in 15 municipalities of Samar and Eastern Samar, covered by the United States-funded roadupgrading project, the Millennium Challenge Account Philippines (MCAP) reported.

EVSU president Dominador Aguirre, Jr. and health ofcials Minerva Molon, DOH-8 assistant director, and Dr. Gloria Fabregas of the city government says that there is nothing to worry now. The ofcials were referring to the meningococcemia scare that swept not only EVSU but the entire Tacloban City due to the death of a student cause by the bacterial-causing ailment. (LITO A. BAGUNAS)


Samar now peaceful, says Army ocial

H I NA BA N G A N , Samar The central to the southern parts of the Samar Island is now considerably peaceful, a top army official reported. Brigadier General Romeo Labador, 801 st br i g a d e c om m an d e r, based here, told reporters in an interview that the area of responsibility (AOR) of his brigade, which includes the two provinces of Samar and Eastern Samar, is now

Selling missions to continue to attract more investors to Leyte, ocial says

TACLOBAN CITY The Leyte Tourism and Investment Promotion Center (LTIPC) said they have visited about 56 industries through its selling missions held for the past five years. Jescyn Kate Ramos, LTIPC unit head, said the selling missions to various companies in Metro Manila, Cavite and Laguna were geared for more investment opportunities and employment for Leyte.

In its July 2013 report, MCA-P said that two of a series of training have been held to raise public awareness on human trafficking. The project aims to aid local government units, community leaders and the public in detecting and preventing human trafficking activities to page 6

Scattered thunderstorms. High 84F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 60%.

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peaceful and ready for tourism and its related business. He added that tourists need not to worry about their safety in visiting tourist destinations in both Samar provinces. E a r l i e r, S a m a r to page 2

We h ave v i s it e d various industrial firms such as those involved in information technology (IT), finance, hotels, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, telecommunications, food, manufacturing and consultancy services, Ramos said during the recently-held Industry Forum at the provincial capitol. She, however, did not disclosed as to how many of these companies that to page 3

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Sunday, 11 August 2013

TACLOBAN CITY Concerned by abaca output decline this year, the Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) here in the region will distribute 20 mobile postharvest facilities to abaca farmers. Stripping and drying machines have been proposed for distribution in the regions six abaca producing provinces next year in its bid to encourage farmers to harvest more abaca fibers. Wilardo Sinahon, F I DA- 8 o f f i c e r- i n charge, said they will identify areas where

FIDA to distribute facilities to abaca farmers in EV

they can distribute post harvest facilities. Areas with organized abaca farmers cooperative will be their priority, he said. In 2011, FIDA distributed 10 units of abaca solar dryers and mechanical dryers to farmer cooperatives in Kananga, Ormoc City and Albuera in Leyte; Sivino Lobos and Lope de Vega in Northern Samar. FIDA is planning to establish abaca fiber stripping centers with a small warehouse for the storage of produced fibers with designed mobile spindle stripping machines were to complete the facilities that will provide good quality fibers. The agency will conduct trainings for the safe use and maintenance of postharvest facilities. This is to enable farmers to strip and dry abaca fiber even during the rainy months. We will give this for free but they have to maintain these facilities, Sinahon added. During the first six months, Region 8 recorded a 5.82 million kilograms (kgs) yield, or 30.7 percent lower than the 8.41 million kgs harvest a year ago. Although the price of high grade fiber remained

at P50 per kilogram, fewer farmers harvested abaca fibers this year due to high production cost. Due to widespread disease infestation in the lowland, farmers have to go upland to harvest fibers. Eastern Visayas has 45,708 hectares devoted to abaca farming cultivated by 31,120 farmers. Of this number, 12,232 hectares are in Leyte; 14,938 hectares in Southern Leyte; 10,912 hectares in Northern Samar; 4,497 hectares in Eastern Samar; 2,275 hectares in Samar and 852 hectares in Biliran. (SARWELL


from page 1

TACLOBAN CITYThe Philippine Red Cross (PRC) Tacloban City/Leyte Chapter recently announced the start of the construction of the PRC Training Center. The center is the first of its kind in the all the PRC chapters in the region according to PRC Chair Miguel Tezon. The training center is constructed within the PRC compound along Del Pilar Street extension. We at the Philippine Red Cross are committed to provide quality life- saving services. This will also serve as venue

Construction of Red Cross training center starts

in giving continuing education and training of our volunteers, who are ready to serve the people during emergencies and calamities, Tezon added. The center is donated by the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. through the Tacloban Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (TFCCCI) according to Go Tic Ching, executive vice president of the chapter and the president of TFCCCI. The construction period will take one month to finish depends on the weather. Our in-house contractor of TFCCCI Engr. Ricky Chua is also undertaking the construction. This is finished promptly, even in less than a month on good weather and at a lower cost of P400,000. The dimension of the two-room center is 7x14. We are now accepting donation for electric fans and air-conditioning units, Ching said. Among the trainings that will be held at the proposed training center include the disaster management trainings, the PRC-143 training for the barangays consist of

44 people who can immediately respond during emergencies and disasters before the arrival of professional help, according to Jennifer Chico, OIC administrator. The chapter is manned by 6 organic staff and professionally trainedvolunteers. Philippine Red Cross is the largest humanitarian organization in the world and continues to wave tales of brave men and women and ordinary people who devoted their time, skills and resources to the poorest of the poor.

Governor Sharee Ann Tan said that she wants her province be peaceful as she is embarking a campaign to make Samar a top tourist draw in the region. Tan had said that among the concerns of tourists is the peace and order situation of a locality that they are visiting. Labador claims t h at br i ng i ng b a c k a stable peace and order situation in his area, where before was noted as the hotbed of insurgenc y with f r e q u e nt r e b e l military encounters, is the most


tangible achievement of his brigade. Labador explained that to achieve a peaceful are a is not on ly a police matter as he asked cooperation from the people in the communities. He f u r t he r e x plained that his brigade has won back t h e re s p e c t , t r u s t and conf idence of t he p e ople on t he military and established good relationship with them especially in the rural areas. (RESTITUTO

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express

My warmest felicitations to our people as we celebrates today our Samar Day! May this celebration strengthen our bond as Samarnons and pave the way for peace and prosperity for our province!



Gov. Tan appeals support on her economic drive for Samar

C AT B A L O G A N CITY-Samar Governor Sharee Ann Tan called on other officials of the province, to include its people, to rally behind her and support her administration. Tan made this appeal as she leads todays Samar Day celebration which carries a theme Samar Day: A Call for Unity, Cooperation and Stability. Instead of pulling each other, why not help each other to promote our province, the governor, fresh from her second-term mandate during the May 13 elections, said. According to the governor, her road m ap for S am ar i s geared towards improving the economic condition of her people by coming up projects and programs that will help her attain her goal. Among these programs includes inviting more investors to the province as she divulged that she intend to convert a big lot owned by the provincial government not only a government center but also a commercial area. In fact, the governor said, an operator of a big shopping mall had already made an initial talk with her on their plan to put up their branch in Catbalogan, where the lot owned by the provincial government is located. We will tell you the details once everything is okay, she said. The governor also said that she is bent in turning the province as a top tourism draw by conducting massive promotional campaign. Tan said that she is also working with the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) for the rehabilitation of the Catbalogan Airport to better attract tourists and even investors to come to the province. She also said that she is also giving focus on the health condition of her people like coming up programs that will promote good health condition and improving the physical conditions of the provinces major hospitals and other health facilities. Tan, however, admitted that all her plans would depend on the support to be extended to her administration by the people and other officials of the province. For his part, Vice Gov. Stephen James Tan, said that the provincial board would do they can to provide the necessary assistance to the governor, who happens to be his elder sister. The vice governor also said that he is happy with the present composition of the provincial board saying that even those who belong to other political fence appears to be supportive to him and to his sister governor. There is a big difference compare from the previous Sangguniang Panlalawigan members. We can now work more together, Vice Gov. Tan said.(JOEY A.


from page 1

they visited signified their desire to come to Leyte to invest. Ramos added that the recent selling mission of the province was last March 13-15 in the Greater Manila Area (GMA) and endorsed Leyte as an investment destination. The selling mission was also aimed at boosting the provinces image in investment, increasing inflows and encouraging expansion of investments, Ramos said. Now on its fifth year, the selling mission was conceptualized by then governor and now Department of Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla to provide employment among graduates from the different colleges and universities in the province. This after the provincial government found out that majority of the graduates in the province end up unemployed or is forced to land in jobs not related to their academic courses. Lack of opportunities and so-called mismatch were the reasons cited why ARINTO)

unemployment remain to be high in the province. According to the Department of Education (DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education (Ched), there are three million students graduating every year, and some 500,000 are college graduates and barely half of the total graduates get jobs immediately after graduation. The Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) earlier expressed concern that many of the graduates do not satisfy what the industry needs. The province, through the LTIPC, is working to establish a tie-up between Leyte schools and industries, particularly on how modern technology requirements of industries can be matched with school curriculum and to collaborate with the schools here in the province in upgrading the competency and competitiveness of their grading towards the current skills requirements and related career preparation of the leading industries. (REYAN L.

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Sunday, 11 August 2013

Leyte Samar


Dalmacio C. Gral Publisher Ven S. Labro Editor-in-Chief Alma M. Gral Business Manager
The Leyte Samar Daily Express is published daily with editorial and business ofces at G/F Knights of Columbus Bldg., 187 P. Zamora St. Tacloban City CONTACT Tel. Nos. 321-4833/ 523-7373 Fax. (053) 321-5591 WEBSITE EMAIL ADDRESS EDITORIAL ADVERTISING
All rights reserved. Except as permitted by law, no part of Leyte Samar Daily Express may be re-produced or distributed in any form or by any means stored in a database or retrieval system without its prior written permission from the publisher. Commentaries from readers whose identities they prefer to remain anonymous can be accommodated as blind items. It will be our editorial prerogative, however, to verify the veracity of such commentaries before publication. Letters should be as brief as possible, and sent with the writers name,signature address and phone numbers (if any) to: Letters to the Editor, Leyte Samar Daily Express, They may be edited for length and clarity.

uspected deadly meningococcemia has struck in the city, infecting seven students of the Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU), forcing the school to shut down late last week. Meningococcemia is a meningococcal disease which is very much endemic in Asian countries, including the Philippines. However, most of its cases occur in an irregular manner and not in large incidents. According to the WHO, this disease is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningtidis which are very fragile and cannot survive in natural conditions outside the human body. As compared to meningitis, which is also a clinical feature of meningococcal disease, meningococcemia is more associated with high case fatality ratio. Its contamination is seasonal occurring

Meningo scare
most of the time in colder months. A person testing positive to this disease must be incubated for 2 to 10 days. According to the Department of Healths website, this disease is characterized by sudden onset of high fever for 24 hours; stiff neck; convulsion in some; delirium; altered mental status; vomiting; cough; sore throat; other respiratory symptoms; pinpoint rashes that become wider and appear like bruises starting on the legs and arms; large maplike, bruise-like patches; severe skin lesions that may lead to gangrene; and unstable vital signs. The infection may be transmitted through direct close contact with contaminated individuals by sharing a glass, cigarette, straw, utensils, or kissing.
to page 5

Basey Alay Lakad still powers up for youth scholars, other youth activities
Once more, the biggest attention last Thursday afternoon (August 8) in Basey, Samar, Philippines was the Alay Lakad (walk for a cause, or, in Waray, baktas pahinungod) which, as heard in a meeting among those called to implement and participate, is spearheaded by the municipal social welfare and development office of the local government of that town. After more than two hours of discussion in that meeting which directed itself to the organization of plans for the next yearly causal long walk, it was agreed that the walk be held from a point outside the towns gymnasium by 6 a.m. of Sunday, September 1, up to the beach side of the coastal barrio of Bacubac, a little over 3 kilometers away from Basey ally turned in or collected ,while 4,234.25 pesos was generated from gala, or a combined total of P39,364.25. Comparatively, this was too far smaller by P43,558.00 than the amount of P82,922.25 that was generated for year 2011. As of Sept.2, 2012, the balance from the 2011 fund generation was P11,553.56. This was added to the 2012 alay lakad fund, thus, for the past 12 months and until reporting time last Thursday, the fund rose to P50,917.81. Out of this last total, only P1,937.81 remained, plus bank interest of P147.39, or a small available fund total of P2,085.20. Expenses deducted from the P50,917.81 were as follows: P780 for prizes for parlour games, P48,800

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poblacion, with a program which will expectedly see the most active participation of the local office of the Department of Interior and Local Government family (meaning, to include the Philippine National Police and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology). Between this coming week and Sept. 1, it was also agreed, strategies will be tried to enable the walk organizers to approximate

their ideated goal of sufficient funds with which to finance their scholarship project and support activities for youth development endeavors. The financial reports rendered in that same meeting by the local social welfare and development office was most revealing. Out of the supposed and expected pledges for last years Sept. 1 causal long walk, only 35,130 pesos was actu-

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Sunday, 11 August 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express

Many qualified voters failed to register, why? Whose fault is the failure to register as new voter? lec asked to extend voter registration. My suggestion may not be perfect, but it could be perfected by the Comelec officials in coordination with the local government units. The saying if there is a will, there is a way should guide Commissioner Sixto Brillantes and the rest of the commissioners of the Comelec. People look forward on the day that there will be no more election of human leaders, the way the Christians are praying for in the model prayer Christ Jesus taught. xxx Let your Kingdom come. xxx Yes, Christians are praying for the Kingdom of God to come to destroy all the human government on earth as prophesied in the Book of Daniel, chapter 2, verse 44: And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. Prophet Daniel used the words king and kingdom, because during his days there is none yet of president; hence the fulfillment of his prophecy is yet to come, because the end of all these kingdoms is not yet done. So brace yourself up, because the unknown hour and day to happen is near at hand. Happy Sunday! (Feedback welcome,

Voters registration

The family and the new evangelization

AS we enter into the conclusion of the Year of Faith, its good to bring out to the fore again the primordial duty of the family, especially the parents, to help inculcate and spread the faith to the children and other people. We all know how basic and indispensable the family is in the education and formation of children. We dont call the family the domestic Church and the first school for nothing. Before anything else, its the family where the first frontline in the battle for educating the children takes place. Its really important for the parents to realize this duty deeply and to acquire the necessary skills relevant to the task. As parents, they dont only bring children to life. They also need to bring them up, making them authentic persons who know how to think and love, and how to behave not only as dutiful children and citizens of society, but also and most especially as children of God. Thats why parents are the first teachers to their children. They are most responsible in laying the foundations of the childrens formation. Hopefully the foundations will be a living one capable of growth and development toward true human and Christian perfection. We have to understand that while we are now talking a lot about new evangelization, we should realize that before we think in terms of evangelizing the world, we first have to think of how to effectively evangelize the family. Any effort to evangelize the world would have no leg to stand on if we ignore the basic duty to evangelize the family. And the family has to be evangelized first before it can be an evangelizer, an active and effective agent in the transmission of the faith. Thats why parents have to realize that they are always in need of continuing formation themselves. Formation actually never ends. Its coterminous with life itself. Parents therefore should hone this awareness of their duty for con-

The recent registration of voters for the coming Sangguniang Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan officials had an influx of registrants in Comelec offices. The number of days allotted is not enough to accomplish the task assigned to the Comelec registrars. Throughout the country has almost the same complaint. The long queue causing registrants to faint that needed medical attention. Most of the cry is no more time to beat the deadline. Every election period for registration, the same complaint could be heard. As if their cry never reached the ears of the concerned authorities. Could it be intentional or mere lack of concern? In the past articles I wrote regarding the perennial problem encountered during voters registration, I suggested registration be done the whole year-round. One clerk should be assigned merely for that purpose. Comelec may reason the lack of funds. Well, they can request for assistance from the local government units to provide one clerk. I know some Comelec offices have been provided with job order workers by the local government. But, there should be one or two who will only do the task of registering new voters. In the early days, registration was done in all barangays of the country using teachers. Even that system was not adequate of solving the problem. One or two days of registration in barangays are not enough to accomplish the registration of new voters. Not only new qualified voters, but transferees and for reactivated registrants, too. Best to remember, a new voter could only be registered upon attaining

the voting age. Hence, the new qualified voters who reached the required age must be in great numbers already upon the time of registration day. Using the teachers for one or two days every election registration at the barangay will not solve the problem. It will only consume the taxpayers money to pay the honorarium of the teachers. Unlike, one job order worker assigned to do the job can register ten person a day for say 200 working days in a year will have 2000 persons registered. In three years, it will be 6000 registered voters. Those ten persons per day is a conservative estimate. An efficient worker may have it doubled. To be considered is giving an assigned day for a barangay schedule to avoid chaos. The estimated 6000 registered in three years maybe for small municipalities. It may differ like in the south district of Cebu City having registered 1,300 applicants, over the 12,017 applicants handled for the first nine days; according to the August 2 issue of this paper, in page 9, entitled Come-


from page 4

It can also spread through contact with a persons respiratory discharges from the nose and throat. Meningococcemia may lead to organ failures and worse, it can result in severe disability or death. Antibiotics kill meningococcal bacteria and if taken early, it would help improve ones con-

dition and increase chances of survival. The disease can be spread through common everyday activities such as crowding, living in close quarters like dormitories or summer camps, and kissing. Transmission of the bacteria occurs through airborne respiratory droplets expelled by infected people or through healthy asymptomatic carriers.

tinuing formation, going beyond simply taking care of the material needs of the children. In this regard, its important that parents should continually give doctrine of our faith to their children, with gift of tongue, with proper timing and skill to adapt things to the mentality of the children. It should be done in such a way that the children get to enjoy such talks, conversations and dialogues. They should be able to show to the children, more through their example than through words, how exciting an adventure it is to really deal with God through the mastery of the doctrine, the recourse to the sacraments, the development of virtues, the waging of the ascetical struggle, etc. Children always look for fun, and we have to convince them that there is actually more fun and more adventure when we take God seriously, not only in our thoughts and feelings, but also in our actions. We have to put this truth as visible as possible, going beyond intentions and in words. Parents should see to it that their reactions to their daily challenges are infused with true faith and trust in God. This is how the children will learn how to react to changing situations with faith and trust in God also, without neglecting the human means. We have to alert the children of the difficulties

to expect, the dangers and the possible failures as well, but always putting them in the right place in the economy of our faith where all these things have their respective roles to play. We have to reassure them that as long as we are with God, everything will always work out for the good Thats why it is important that parents really spend time with their children, and get down to the task of knowing them to the extent that they become familiar with their childrens thoughts and feelings and desires, etc. They should know their childrens strengths and weaknesses to be able to help them effectively. Parents should be adept in making and following a plan of formation for their children. This should not be taken for granted. This is a serious duty that has become more urgent considering the current conditions of the world. Thats why parents should also look into how they can more or less professionalize their parenting, putting more science and art into it than just sheer reliance on the socalled what-comes-naturally attitude. They can form a parents organization where the different issues involved in their duties are adequately discussed. I would say this is a concrete contribution to the new evangelization.

Leyte Samar Daily Express

from page 1 in 15 municipalities covered by the Secondary National Road Development Project, MCA-P said. The anti-trafficking in persons program will cover 151 barangays in Paranas in Samar; Taft,Sulat, San Julian,Borongan City, Maydolong, Balangkayan, Llorente, Hernani, Gen. Macarthur, Quinapondan, Salcedo, Mercedes and Guiuan inEastern Samar. These areas are located within the 222-kilometer road that is now being upgraded through a $214.44 million grant from US government. Early this year, the United States government has forged partnership with the Philippines Against Child Trafficking (PACT), a Manila-based
ars as of ALFIs July, 2013 [starting from August,2012] scholarship program accomplishment report (prepared by social worker Rassendyl G. Echano, noted by social welfare officer III Jesma C. Colandog, and approved by mayor Atty. Igmedio Junji E. Ponferrada in his capacity as honorary chairman) are 13 other fortune Basaynon students: at Eastern Visayas State University [EVSU] Ronald Ivan P. Laurio (BSCE, of sitio Rawis of barrio Guirang), Jo-an T. Ducducan (BENS, of so. Bangon of Canmanila), Harly James M. Manibong (BIT ET, of Loyo), Leahlyn G. Odal (BSED Math, of Anglit), and Lezil M. Pacalan (BSE, of Anglit); at Leyte Normal University [LNU] Sherie Ann C. Llenado (BSBio, of Roxas), Rea Beth B. Caboboy and Dina V. Jadlong (both BEED, of Loyo), Leo Nito L. Caliba (BSSW, of Buscada), and Rosenie B. Malibago (BSHE, of Sulod); Realyn J. Ciata (SSU-Basey, of Palaypay); and, at Leyte Colleges Joyce B. Digos (BSBA, of Buscada). Each was given P1,500 on August 29, 2012, another P1,500 on October 4, 2012, and P1,000 on January 30, 2013, or a total of P4,000. Two stopped schooling as of the first semester of academic year 2012-2013 or on their first year in college, due to financial problems, namely: Hanna Mae L. Paglinawan (HRTS at JE Mondejar, of Buscada) and Jumar T. Tanauan (BSIT at SSU-Basey, of Baloog). From alay lakad, Hanna also received an aggregate total of P4,000 while Jumar got P1,000 last Aug. 29, 2012. For the scholarship program, the funds collected from last years baktas pahinungod went as follows: P29,500 on Aug. 29, 2012, P29,200 on October 4, 2012, and P19,000 on January 30, 2013 totalling P77,700 in all.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

NGO in curbing trafficking in persons (TIP) in 15 areas covered by the road project. Former US Ambassador to the Philippine Harry Thomas and Millennium Challenge Account Philippine managing director and chief executive officer Marivic Aonuevo signed a memorandum of agreement with PACT National Coordinator Salome Ujano. The initiative, according to Aonuevo reinforces the MCCs policy of zero tolerance to trafficking in persons where the US-funded project is being implemented. She said that MCC has adopted an approach that includes incorporating trafficking in persons (TIP) into determining country eligibility for MCC funding, evaluating activities susceptible to TIP during compact development and design,
Among the strategies adopted for the coming alay lakad is addressing directly the Liga ng mga Barangay and assigning a focal person who will make follow-ups on pledged amounts and even receive pledges. Contributions in year 2011 included the P21,000 from the U.S.-based doctor-scientistinventor from Basey, Wilmo C. Orejola. For 2012, only 11 of 12 pledging schools contributed, with Basey I schools district, Basey II schools district, Basey National High School and Valeriano C. Yancha Memorial Agricultural School as top contributors at P2,000 each, followed by Eastern Visayas Technical College which put in P1,000, Simeon Ocdol high school (P800), Barangay Burgos Integrated High School and MSH Sisters Academy (P500 each), and St. Michael Child Development Center (P200). Only 15 of the towns 51 barrios contributed for last years, putting in P500 each, namely: Amandayehan, Bacubac, Bulao, Cambayan, Catadman, Guirang, Iba, Mayit, Old San Agustin, Pilit, Salvacion, San Antonio, San Fernando, Sulod, and Tinaogan. National government offices contributing were as follows: Regional Trial Court P1,000, Bureau of Internal Revenue P500, Prosecutors/Fiscals office P500, and BJMP P300. None of the provincial government offices and provincial government officials was able to contribute since year 2008. The Basey District Hospital managed to contribute P1,000 in 2009. Still for 2012, out of 16 municipal government offices, 10 contributed as follows: as-

Orientation seminar on PMES held

All project engineers should submit the project accomplishments to the project monitoring officer and not the other way around. said Engr. Elsa N. Flores, Chief of the Monitoring Section, DPWH Regional Office, during her opening remarks on the Orientation Seminar on the Project Monitoring System Enhancement held recently at the DPWH Regional Office No. VIII, Baras, Palo, Leyte which was attended by the Samar First District Engineering Office (SFDEO) personnel of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). Engr. Ma. Rosario P. Margallo, Regional Monitoring Engineer, discussed extensively the project delay matrix problems and issues affecting below target performance of every District Engineering Office. Among the issues discussed are the right of way problem, failure of bidding due to ineligible bidders, political interference, contractors non-compliance on the submission of required documents leading to non-prefection of award/ contract, slow performance of contractor, weather con-

dition, access roads are not passable, lack of transportation to inspect the project, etc. The said seminar is held primarily to address the issues and concerns of the District Engineering Offices affecting the project implementation performance and to provide possible solutions thereof.

The seminar is participated by BAC Chairmen, Project Monitoring Officers, Project Engineers, Budget Officers, Information Technology Specialists and PIO Staff of thirteen District Engineering Offices of DPWH Region VIII. (Leviresa GetiganBarnizo)


from page 4

as educational assistance to

scholars of the Alay Lakad Foundation Incorporated (ALFI). Apparently a most welcome tiding was the report that the LGU-NGA-schoolscooperative-association supported privately-organized baktas pahinungod helped pro-

duce 5 college graduates last March 2013, namely: Narlita F. Amada and Elenita P. Enriquez of barrio Amandayehan who respectively were conferred the degree of BSE by EVSU and BSHAE by LNU, Beverly Lalyn M. Estojero of Old San Agustin (BSCS from ADFC), Lucybeth G. Regahal of San Fernando (BSE from EVSU), and Erika E. Caboboy of Loyo (BEED from LNU). Still continuing as schol-

and analyzing TIP as a possible unintended indirect social impact during compact implementation. The nine-month program with a grant P3.8 million to the partner non-government organization, will concentrate on developing communication strategy, information and education materials, training community educators tasked to conduct village level development sessions, and crisis management. Our first job is to assess the situation in those areas. We will also develop sustainability plans for the program to go on after the project, Ujano said. The advocacy is in partnership with the Department of Social Welfare and Development, LGUs and the Philippine National Police.
sessors P1,000 (P1,000 also in 2009, P1,000 in 2011 and P500 in 2010), municipal social welfare office P1,000 (in 2008 P800, 2009 P2,500, 2010 P1,040, and 2011 P1,000). Contributing P500 each in 2012 were: budget office and MPDC, civil registrars office, municipal cooperative development office, engineering, rural health unit, and treasurers office. The accounting office contributed P600 while the local tourism office gave P200 (also P200 in 2011). Meanwhile, only the Samar II Electric Cooperative Inc. (SAMELCO II) contributed (P1,000) out of 5 pledging cooperatives. Of the 24 pledging commercial establishments, only 5 contributed, managing a pool of P2,900, namely: Rural Bank of Basey P1,000 (consistent P1,000-contributor yearly since 2008), Basey Water District P1,000 (in 2011, also P1,000), Tacloban Natural Therapy Center P500 ( in 2011, also P500), Thaddeus Commodities P200 (same amount yearly since 2008), and D7 Mels Enterprises P200 (same amount in 2009 and 2010, none in 2008 and 2011). Queens Place (Basey Pension Haus & Estorninos Law Office), listed as among 35 pledging associations, contributed P1,000. Actual contributing associations last year were: Day Care Workers Assn. P680, BAMFESCA (senior citizens) P500, Basey PUJ Operators P500, World War II Veterans P500, Adoracion Noctorna Filipina P200, BS-TODA-Jose Ducducan P200, CWL P200, and Baktas Kabubwason Rural Workers Association P100. *** Boys will be boys and play boyish games. (Latin proverb)


the PBO with its thrust of facilitating the province of Samars budget

All Samarenos a


Greetings from: the Provincial Budget Ofcer

and staff

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express

Leyte police chief assures peaceful brgy polls

TA C L O B A N CIT Y Police here in Leyte are now in the midst of preparing security plans in relation to the forthcoming barangay and Sangguniang Kab at a an e l e c t i ons this October. This was revealed the provinces police director, Senior Superintendent Brigido Unay. Unay, who is holding his position in an officer-in-charge capacity, said that they have received a memorandum to come up with security preparations. And as part of their security plan, his office is closely coordinating with the Commission on Elections (Comelec)-Leyte, Unay said. He s aid t hat t he security measures that were instituted during the May 13 midterm elections would also be employed to ensure that the conduct of the elections would be violentfree. Unay said that they would closely monitor barangays across the province that are identified as a hot spot areas, like those in the city of Baybay. We are all aware about the political rivalry happening in Baybay. And based on the situation, it is possible that Baybay will be considered as one of the hotspots in the upcoming elections the provincial police director stated. Un ay a s s u r e d t h e public that the PNP will be doing its function not just to provide security but also to contribute to a clean and peaceful elections. (RANIZA K. DAAugust this year since they will prepare for the Asian Womens Powerlifting Championship. He s a i d t h a t t w o members of the Philippine Team are from the Region 8, particularly from Ormoc City. These two are titled as the strongest pound for pound man and woman in the Philippines. They won in several international competitions and also competed in this

ROLE, LNU-Intern)


from page 8

tion will have a chance to join the said contest, said Torres. Torres said that they normally conduct the Vis ay as Powe rlif t ing Championship sometime between October to December. They held the said event as early as

N. Samar TV8, Sirak Ibabaonon Teleradyo hosted by Lovely Basierto, Guests (from left) Head-Visayas Business Devt. Group, Rio Teves; Central & Eastern Visayas Head for Loans Origination, Dodong Villegas, VP Victoria dela Pea and Manager Paul Talacay.

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event last August 9 and awarded as champions in their respected weight category. Torres said that there are about 80 lifters who registered in this years event, highest number of contenders since they started in 1988. He also invites everyone who is interested to join the competition. For those non-lifters, they are invited to watch the event. (PRINCESS

Catarman Meuws Radio 101.5 anchored by Tito Tepace, Guests: VP Victoria dela Pea, Vice President-Visayas Group (middle) Paulino Talacay, Manager-Tacloban Branch (right).


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Leyte Samar Daily Express


Sunday, 11 August 2013

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Express It At The Park chairman Dalmacio Massey Gral being interviewed by ABSCBN reporter Melanie Bingco on the celebration of ATOM 7.6 on August 31.

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PRISSAAP reorganizes here in East Visayas

TACLOBAN CITY The Private Schools and School Administrators Association of the Philippines (PRISSAAP) spearheaded a reorganizational meeting and orientation in coordination with the Department of Education (DepEd-8), attended by basic education administrators, school heads and coordinators of private schools from all over the region last August 10, 2013. Exequiel Guanzon, PRISSAAP national president, said in an interview, that the activity targets to have a reorganization of school administrators here to establish a regional component of the national organization. He also reported that Region 8 is one of the inactive regions, thus, he wanted to expand the coverage and help the organizations counterparts. We are a national organization so we need to have regional chapters as it is mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In the country, active regions are Region 6, NCR, 7, 4A, and 11. That is why we really need to visit more regions in order to come up a stronger and more established regional level of the association, Guanzon stated. He also shared that it was Sr. Ma. Rachel Bernardo, RVM, school administrator of St. Marys College of Catbalogan City, who invited Guanzon to bring PRISSAAP in the region not just to have the reorganization but also to conduct seminars that would help in augmenting the skills of the private schools guidance counselors and librarians. Moreover, DepEd former Undersecretary Atty. Franklin Sunga, who headed the orientation about the private school regulations and legal matters, also attended the meeting. We are doing our best to help our private schools by assisting them with their operations and programs that they need for their respective institutions. They can ask assistance from us so we could tap people who can help them. We are just hoping that they will be consistently active so they could keep abreast with us, Guanzon quoted. (JONAH MA-

Powerlifting competition starts today

TACLOBAN CIT YThe Powerlifting Association of the Philippines (PAP) is conducting the 16th Dew foam Visayas Powerlifting Championship. This 3-day event started last August 9 and will end today, August 11 at Robinsons Mall, this city. Eddie Torres, the secretary general of the PAP, said that the winners for each weight class in each category will receive medals and will be receiving gift checks from Dew foam. Two lifters, one male and one female, will be awarded for the Best Lifter Award. The best lifter award is equivalent to what we call pound for pound. We will compute the lifts of all the contestants in each weight classes to tell who is the strongest pound for pound. Only one will be awarded for each gender so he or she will be similar to being awarded as the MVP, Torres said. Torres said that the persons awarded as best lifter, together with their coaches, will have a free trip for them to observe if their lifts are good enough. If they pass the examination, they can join the Philippine team. In December, well be hosting this years Asian Womens Powerlifting Championship in Quezon City. Those who will be chosen in this competito page 7


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