Moon in Different Houses - Stars N Signs

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Moon in different houses much can be seen from nakshatra as well sign Moon (emotional-attachment) in 1st (identity - self-vitality)

shows the native is much self concerned .(feelings) moon ( motherly protection) in lagna (self) shows the native will be thinking of protecting the self and others .this native can easily understand others emotions easily . The native will be identified (1st house) as a healer( emotional healer moon). Look into sign and star for clear picture. Moon ( emotion attachment & food ) in 2nd ( accumulated wealth ) the native would love to accumulate things and store it (attachments) . Moon (attachment) to family is seen . Moon ( attachments) to 2nd ( ancient knowledge -history ) attachment to history of family (conscious or unconscious ) is seen. Also attachment to food and wealth (self accumulated) is seen. Moon ( emotional attachment) in 3rd ( mental activity and communication) shows moon acts a good writer and communicating his feelings (moon) in verbal form (3) via writings . Moon ( emotional) in 3rd ( team work) Is attached to work in a team . Sensitive . Quick responsive (journalists) if moon is well disposed and mercury is placed well. Moon ( attachments) in 4th (mother/properties) attachment to home/ country mother is seen. Moon (emotions) in 4th (fixed properties) shows need for emotional security and property security is seen. 4th (bandhu) moon (deep attachments) deep emotional attachment to family friends is seen. Acts sensitively Emotional cannot receive harsh nature or some bad news. Moon (attachments) in 5th (productivity) creative expressions of intelligence is seen .attachment to entertainment poetry is seen. 5th (love) and moon in here some attachment to

love affairs . 5th (nurturing) moon (mother) shows the native will prosper best in producing(5) entertainment arts showing mothers nature . Nakshatra and sign wil show much about this placement Moon ( mother-emotional healer) in 6th (debts, treating victims) shows some good healers with this combination (herbs ) moon is lord of herbs (roots-mother plant and water) but here during dasa of moon there can be health troubles . Moon ( emotions) in 6th (conflicts) shows disturbed set of emotions . 6th (imbalance) moon (emotions) emotional instability is seen. Moon (emotions) in 7th ( agreements) balance in alliance shows emotional stability 7th (spouse) moon (emotional) shows attachment or expect spouse to take motherly care of them. Depends on 7th lord to see how balanced is the partnership. Emotional attached to relations (balance) .emotional need to partnership is seen. Moon ( emotions) in 8th ( hiden-healing -secrecy) some emotional strggule is seen because 8th is transformation while moon is emotional stability an imbalance ,deep attachment to healing is seen. Moon ( motherly care) 8th (loss of teacher) shows the native self might undergo (some painful) a transformation to know the hidden (8) healing (moon) also seen. Moon (emotions) in 9th ( wisdom/knowledge) there can be some emotional pressure to be a instructor. Moon (mother) 9th (belief) shows actions according to her/his own belief system is seen . 9th ( looking into occult) moon (mind & emotions) after a change emotions are kept under control and a new dimensional life can be seen ( looking into new phase ).good doctors are seen. Moon (emotions) in 10th (leadership) family life (moon) needs to get compromised in public

leadership.(pressure can be seen) treats society as home ,if wel positioned acts as a universal mother (taking care of emotions of people) attachment to his position ups and downs in career brings in emotional trouble and pressure depending on sign and star. Moon ( emotional attachment) in 11th ( network ) there can be some pressure to concentrate on self and family because of moving into large group of networks .the native would like to connect to others . Easily attached to friends .financial gains through products of food restraunt business and other moon water products are seen.. Intrest to extend own network and influence can be seen. Moon (physco emotional attachments) in 12th ( imagination - spiritual world) shows some trouble in emotions .as 12th is connection between two different worlds and moon as phsyo emotional attachments to the present and past world there can be some trouble . Moon(feelings) in 12th (imagination) much imaginative mode of emotions or feelings is seen . Film career can be seen if 3rd and 5th bhava are in much support. Emotional feeling and expressing them using speech or productivity helps. 12th (pleasure) and moon (attachment) there is need for security of emotions as well attachment to pleasure(bed) is seen .

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