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SUN COMBINATION WITH VARIOUS PLANETS Sun and Moon Skilled worker, haughty, harsh, cruel,wealthy, easily submitting

ng to women. Good sculptor, mechanic; working on machines. In Ascendant-Bereft of name and fame, poor. Burdened of miseries of his parents. In 4th House Lack of comforts or riches. Stupid. Bereft of relatives. In 7th House No friends. Constantly troubled by women. In 9th House Wealthy, good looking,fond of fighting, short life span, possibility of eye disease. In 10th House Good looking, Royal in bearing, cruel hearted, strong over enemies. Keep away from those who have Sun- Moon In 10th House. Never make enemies with them. Sun Moon Conjunction in the 10th house is good for finance. It elevates the status of the native. According to the Mansagri the Sun Moon combination gives foreign travel, indulgence into physical pleasures and gives the native quarrelsome nature. Sun and Mars Strong, energetic,illustrious,sinful, wicked, aggressive and cruel. In Ascendant Aggressive, cruel, brave in combat, injured body, of bilious nature. 4th House Bereft of friends, wealthy, owns a good house, miserable, loyal to nobody. Has virtually no friends. 7th House Separation from wife, lives In a foreign or distant land. 9th House Aggressive, quarrelsome, clever, rulers favourite. 10th House Serves a king. Anxious by nature, earns a bad name in his undertakings. Sun Mars combo is particularly aggressive and destructive combo. It becomes good in the Kendra if it has a good influence. In the 10th house since they attain directional strength they do not misbehave and give good results. Sun and Mercury Sweet to interact with, learned, clever, earns wealth through service to others, scholarly, good in looks, fickle minded. In Ascendant - Strong, wise, learned, talkative, longevity. In 4th House - Equivalent to a king, very wealthy, defective nose, heavy built. In 7th House - Cruel hearted, lacks comfort from spouse, without greed. In 9th House- Clever, devoid of comforts, many enemies sickly body. In 10th House Blessed with all worldly comforts. Famous worldwide, These results accure if bothe these planets are not in their debilitation. The Sun Mercury combination makes the Budhaditya Yoga. This yoga is characterized by conferring on the native virtue, learning, wealth , progeny and self-control. Since these planets generally transit together, it is important to analyse this combination with care. It is necessary to refer to the Vargas to check on the quality of this combination. Sun and Jupiter A teacher, a preceptor, servile, religious pursuits, honored by the ruler, good friends, wealthy, widely renowned, does good to others.

In Ascendant Scholarly, virtuous,famous, wealthy, engaged in physical pleasures. A minister. In 4th House Good looking, Versed with scriptures, sweet tounged, secretive. In 7th House Excessive sexual urge, dominated by women, difference of opinion with father, Good looking, Wealthy. In 9th House wealthy father, wealthy self, brave, longevity. In 10th House Even if born in an ordinary family obtains name, fame and wealth. Sun Jupiter combination makes one servile or a teacher. The native tends to serve others and benefit them. Sun and Venus Intelligent, skilled , given to easy morals, earns through women not his own, undergoes incarceration, poor vision in old age, gains from pursuits such as dance, drama, acting and music. In Ascendant - Harsh, wicked, bereft of wealth, quarrelsome, In 4th house - Poor, miserable,servile. In 7th House - Troubled by women, poor, wanderer. In 9th House A lover, sickly body, fine clothes, ornaments and perfumes. In 10th House Smart in dealing, Minister to a king, famous, wealthy, learned in scriptures. A Sun Venus combination is adverse for the eyesight. It has bad effects on vision in movable signs. Venus in 4th house for Aries makes a very strong dhan yoga so their conjunction in 4th house may not cause poverty. Sun and Saturn The native is engaged in religious pursuits, skilled in metallurgy, learned, bereft of wife and children, follows traditions, dominated by enemies. In Ascendant - A sinner, base earnings, blemished learning. In 4th House - A sinner, very poor, troubled by his relatives. In 7th House - Lazy, slow, witted, no devoid of from wife, a fool subjected to misfortunes in life. In 9th House - Wealthy, quarrelsome, adverse for parents, short life, eye diseases. In 10th House A wanderer, servile, loss of earning through theft. To submission that too close an association of planets with Sun may cause damage to some of their significations. Particularly to those which pertain to living relatives. Moon mother, Mars- siblings, Mercury- cousins, Jupiter- progeny, Venus- spouse, Saturn- servants or subordinates. These relations are very likely to suffer if the related planets lie too close to the Sun.

SUN IN VARIOUS SIGNS Aries - Fond of travel, assertive nature, active, impatient, self centered, intelligent, marked personality , original. Taurus - Tactful, original, inflexible to accept ideas from others, possessive, slow action, even tempered, calm by nature. Gemini Lacks originality, mentally alert, inquisitive, shy, polite, adaptable, learned, scholarly, good speech( eloquent).

Cancer Touchy, emotional, lot of travelling, possessive, independent, indolent, harsh. Leo Dominant, Dignified, famous, creative, passionate, haughty, snobbish, generous, humanitarian, generous. Virgo Practical, reserve, methodical, critical nature, lacks self -worth, effeminate, good memory, frank when presenting opinion. Libra Perfectionist, indecisive, lack of confidence, tactless, arrogant, pompous, agrees with others easily. Scorpio Secretive, excessively emotional, jealous, obstinate, stubborn, adventurous, surgical skills. Sagittarius Loves independence, idealistic, seeks freedom, benevolent, optimistic, sincere, short tempered, arrogant, obstinate, respected. Capricorn Persevering, practical, industrious, ambitious, active, prudent, obliging, mean minded, witty, firm. Aquarius Individualistic, sociable, detached, humanitarian, self esteem, intuitive. Pisces Compassionate, sensitive, receptive, imaginative, religious, impractical, uneventful.

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