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Recent IDFpublications World Dairy Situation 1997 Results of annual survey presented by the President of Commission C at the Annual Sessions (Reykjavik), August 1997 This bulletin is the first revamped edition of the World Dairy Situation report presented to Commission C at IDFs Annual Sessions. In addition to the collation of figures and comments from IDF National Committees and other sources where IDF has no National Committees, contributions from the ZMP and Milk Marque have significantly added to the publication. Milk production, industrial milk processing, trade in dairy products, development of demand and consumption, and prices for 1996 are presented, along with forecasts for 1997/98. The dairy situation in 36 individual countries is summarized. 42 pp. - English only Bulletin No. 32311997, 1300 BEF IDF Guidelines for Hygienic Design and Maintenance of Dairy Buildings and Services by IDF Group of Experts B48- Hygienic Design and Maintenance of Dairy Buildings and Services This comprehensive manual provides guidelines for the hygienic design and maintenance of dairy buildings and services during construction, renovation or extensions. These guidelines focus on practical aspects to be applied by the dairy industry and any other persons directly or indirectly involved in hygienic management of dairy processing. Bulletin No. 32411997, 72 pp. 1600 BEF Major Changes in the International Dairy Trade Papers presented at the Conference of Commission C held in Reykjavik, Iceland, 27 August 1997 This bulletin includes papers presented at the Conference Major Changes in the International Dairy Trade organized by Commission C at IDFs Annual Sessions in Reykjavik, Iceland, in August 1997 The new international trade regime for dairy products in general is discussed, but also with respect to the WTO and NAFTA in particular. The regional developments are described for North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and South East Asia and the Far East. The specific market trends are highlighted by the developments in the global consumption of dairy products, in the cheese market and the expanding ingredients market in the USA. Finally, the strength of the dairy sector is related to the strength of the European retail chains. Bulletin No. 32511997, 72 pp., 1600 BEF The World Market for Cheese (Fourth Edition) by H. Herlev Sorensen (Denmark) (IDF Commission C, Group C2) The report presented here is based mainly on a questionnaire, prepared by the Danish Dairy Board, and sent to the IDF member countries. Replies were received from 15 countries, representing approximately 75% of total world cheese production. The information given in the questionnaire has been supplemented by the usual statistical sources, such as FAO, OECD, ZMP, etc. Data for the period 1987-1996 are included and provide an overview of the latest trends and structural changes in total world cheese production, trade, and consumption. This report is an update of the results presented in Bulletin 307/1995. Bulletin No. 32611997, 46 pp., 1300 BEF Removal of Fats, Oils and Grease in the Pretreatment of Dairy Wastewaters by IDF Group of Experts B18-Control of Water & Waste Water in the Dairy Industry Liquid wastes, resulting from the utilization of milk in dairy manufacturing processes, require disposal. These wastes contain a certain percentage of the raw material product. The

Recommendations for Presentation of Mastitis-Related Data Part 1: Somatic Cell Count Part 2: Records of Clinical Mastitis by a sub-group of IDF Group A2- Bovine Mastitis Historically, somatic cell count data have been presented in a variety of ways, making comparisons of data from different sources difficult, if not impossible. Milk somatic cell counts are increasingly used to compare milk quality within regions or states of a country as well as among countries. The final number used to indicate the status of a country/region/milk cooperative can vary greatly depending upon the method used for calculation. As the demand for such comparisons increases, so does the need for a standardized method of calculation. A subgroup of A2 was organized under the leadership of Olav 0sterls (Norway) with the charge to produce a document recommending standardized methods for presentation of somatic cell count data. A section on presentation of clinical mastitis data is included as these data also suffer from a lack of consistent method of presentation, and comparisons among studies or reports are very difficult. The document is presented in the form of a condensed version for quick reading and introduction to the subject matter, and as the full text with complete detail. The document will be a useful reference for those publishing data involving somatic cell counts and/or incidence of clinical mastitis cases, and that the document will help bring clarity to an area in need of clarity. 20 pp. ~ English only Guidleines for Evaluation of the Milking Process by J. Hamann (Germany) (in conjunction with the IDF Machine Milking and Mastitis Subgroup A2D of Group A2) The paper describes guidelines to evaluate the entire process of mechanical milking. Application of the guidelines will result in detailed information on interactions between machine, milker and dairy cows, and the related efficiency of milking, milk removal and any risk of new infection of the mammary gland. The guidelines are based mainly on evaluation of the following criteria: (1) Operator action and behaviour; (2) Animal factors and behaviour; (3) Machine characteristics, and (4) General conditions of housing and management. 5 pp, ~ English and French Directives pour IEvaluation des Processus de Traite par J. Hamann (Allemagne) (en collaboration avec le Groupe FIL A2D du Groupe A2 sur les Machines a traire et la Mammite) Ce document decrit les directives destinies a evaluer le pro&de de traite mecanique dans sa totalite. Lapplication de ces directives devrait debaucher surdes informations detaillees relatives aux interactions entre dune part la machine, le laitier et les vaches laitieres, et dautre part Iefticacite relative de la traite, lenlevement du lait et tout risque de nouvelle infection de la grande mammaire. Ces directives se basent essentiellement sur levaluation des criteres suivants: (1) action et comportement de loperateur; (2) les animaux et leur comportement; (3) parambres de la trayeuse, et (4) conditions generales de logement et de gestion. 5 pp. - Anglais et fraqcais Bulletin No. 32111997, 36 pp au total, 1200 BEF Dietary Calcium in Health by IDF Group of Experts F22- Dietary Calcium and Health This is an update of a monograph on dietary calcium and health published by IDF in 1991. Seven major topics are reviewed: calcium and osteoporosis, calcium-iron interrelationships, calcium and colon cancer prevention, bioavailability of calcium calcium and blood pressure, calcium and kidney stone formation, and sodium and calcium metabolism. The topics are reviewed critically and present a balanced and objective view of the calcium and health issue. 34 pp. ~ English only Bulletin No. 32211997, 36 pp. in total, 1200 BEF

Recent IDF publications composition of whole milk contributes not only BOD load for treatment. but also has certain other constituents which become part of the waste. These principally are: Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG). It is necessary for these to be reduced in concentration if not eliminated altogether, thus enabling the biological treatment to proceed without any inhibitors to the biological reduction of the organic matter in the wastewater. A number of possible pretreatment systems are examined to see how FOG can be eliminated prior to the main treatment process itself which is generally of a biological nature. The answers to an IDF questionnaire on the pretreatment of dairy wastewaters are presented and general conclusions are drawn. The final section presents a case study on physico-chemical wastewater treatment from a liquid milk plant in Rotterdam, Holland. 13 pp. ~~English only BOOK


Possible Implications of Milk Pasteurization on the Manufacture and Sensory Quality of Ripened Cheese: A Review* by R. Gruppin & E. Beuvier (France) *Comprehensive summar_v qfa paper submitted to the Internutionul Dairy Journal The review takes a look at the most significant changes in milk induced by pasteurization in relation to cheesemaking elimination or stress of microorganisms activation/inactivation of indigenous milk pro-enzymes and enzymes denaturation of serum proteins modification of milk renettability consequences on growth and activity of starter and nonstarter microorganisms: It is clear that pasteurization of milk modifies the biochemistry and microbiology of ripening, and ultimately the flavour and texture of cheese. The indigenous milk flora, with its diversity of species and strains, appears to be responsible for the specific organoleptic quality of raw milk cheeses. 4 pp. English onl,v Bulletin No. 3271997. 20 pp., 1000 BEF

Monograph on Residues and Contaminants in Milk and Milk Products by IDF Group of Experts A4-- Residues and Contuminunts in Milk und Milk Products The current monograph is the 4th issue of a series of IDF publications on chemical residues in milk and milk products, which commenced as early as 1968. The need for more food for human consumption for a growing population, and higher standards for both quantity and quality of the commodities but including food of animal origin have led to an increased principally safe ~~ use of chemicals in agriculture. An influence of such production aids on milk and milk products cannot be denied, but must, under all circumstances, be kept within the frame of unaffected food safety. The consumers increased awareness of a growing chemicalization of his/her daily food from media information presents a challenge to the dairy industry to ensure the unimpaired confidence of the consumer regarding the unconditional wholesomeness and safety of milk and milk products. The recent implementaion of both the World Trade Organization and the incorporated Agreement of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures which came into force on 1 January 1995 concerns the application of food safety and animal and plant health regulations. The new scientific approaches to almost unnegotiable food safety contain the Hazard Analysis and Critical Point (HACCP) system, which is expected to relieve, or at least complete, the end-product testing executed so far but with only a few redundancies to the food-producing ecosystem. These and some other related criteria form the background for this 1997 update. This publication is not a scientific paper. Its scientifically-based content is addressed to the dairy industry and the interested public and all those who take part in the production and preservation of safe milk and milk products. Food additives and feed additives are not covered in this monograph. 132 pp. i A5,formut (March 1997) English onI! XI. No. 9701, 2100 BEF. 1997, ISBN 92 9098 02.5 8


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The IDF Home Page now has in place its promised section on Codex Alimentarius. The new text deals with IDFs input into Codex, principally to the Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products. The text takes into account the decision of the June 1997 Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The IDF Home Page deals with About IDF Future IDF events Members of IDF IDF Publications (with the Acrobat program the entire IDF catalogue of publications can be downloaded and reprinted IDFs Current Programme of Work Codex Alimentarius Useful contacts Page users questions Whats new this month Registration forms for events and order forms for publications are available

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