Activity 13.1 To 10.13.5

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Activity 13.1 (Textbook page 162) Observe the plans in a rose garden or a sugarcane field. 1.

. Are the plants grown alike or do they look very different? Ans: No. All the plants in the same garden are not alike. They have differences with respect to height, colour of flowers, foliage, etc. Take the example of your class. 2. Do all the students in your class look alike? Ans: No. All the students are not alike. Every individual is different. There are differences in sex, weight, height, facial features, intellectual capacity, etc. [Note: This activity is basically for explaining the concept of variations in the individuals belonging
to the same species.]

Activity 13.2 (Textbook page 163) Ask your classmates to interlock their fingers. Categorize them into two groups. One with their right thumbs on the left and second vice versa. Calculate the percentage of each type. Ask your classmates to find out the same with their parents. Correlate your findings with that of their parents. Suggest a possible law for the inheritance of this trait. (Characteristic). Ans: When the fingers are crossed. Unknowingly some people put their right thumbs on upper side while some put them reversely. Left thumb up is the dominant character while right thumb up is a recessive character. The type of dominant or recessive gene is inherited from the parents. A relationship is seen in the parents and children in the pattern of crossing fingers. The Law suggested for the inheritance of this trait is the law of dominance: The characteristic of crossing of thumbs on left side is due to the dominant gene and crossing in which the right thumb remains hidden is due to the recessive gene. If both the parents are showing right thumb out character,

then the child born to them also shows this character. This is due to the law of dominance.

Activity 13.3 (Textbook page 165) With the help of a table show Mendels monohybrid cross tall (TT) and short (tt) pea plant. How will you find out that F1 generation has traits both for tallness and dwarfness? Write the phenotypic as well as the genotypic ratios. Ans: Let us assume that the trait of tallness is donated by T and shortness by t. Therefore TT is homozygous dominant tall plant and tt is the homozygous recessive short plant. P1: TT (tall) X tt (short) F1: Tt (All tall) Since F1 generation is heterozygous Tt. It contains genes for both tallness and shortness. T is for tallness and t is for shortness. In P 2 generation two such heterozygous individuals are crossed which yield results as shown in the checker board given below: P2 F2 Gametes T t Phenotypic ratio: 3 tall: 1 short Genotypic ratio: 1 (Homozygous dominant tall): 2 (Heterozygous tall): recessive short) 1 (Homozygous T TT (tall) Tt (tall) t Tt (Tall) tt (short) Tt X Tt

Activity 13.4 (Textbook page 167) The above 4 phenotypes involve 9 different genotypes. (Refer to Q.8) Observe the figure given below and complete the following table. (Allot numbers to the squares (Sq.)

Fig. 13.1 S. No. PhenoType 1 2 3 4 Phenotype Sq. No. Genotype No. of Sq. Gene type Sq. No. in checker board 9 RRYY 6 3 3 1 rrYy RRyy rryy RrYY RRYy rrYy Rryy rryy 16 11 7,10 8,14 3,9 4,13 1 No. of sq. in checker board 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 1

Round 2,5,6,7,8, yellow 10,12,14,15 Wrinkled 3, 9, 11 yellow Round 4,13,16 green Wrinkled 1 green

1. Write the genotypic ratio. Ans: Genotypic ratio of a dihybird cross is 1 : 1 :2: 2: 4:2: 2: 1:1 2. Which squares show pure dominant and pure recessive traits? Ans: Square No.1 shows pure recessive trait while square No.6 shows pure dominant trail.

Activity 13.5 (Textbook page 170) Observe the picture given on the textbook page 170 and answer the following question: What are the common features that you observe among the plants and among the animals? Ans: All plants show leaves. Leaves are green in colour due to chlorophyll present in them. Plants perform the function of photosynthesis. All animals shown in the picture have eyes, ears and nose. They locomote with the help of their limbs. They have well developed sense organs which are lacking in plants. There are similarities in the three plants shown as well as among the three animals shown. This indicates that there could have been a common origin. In order to understand the concept of morphological evidence this activity is given. It should be noted that the morphological similarities shown by the related individuals form the basis for evolutionary theory. *********

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