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Dear readers, I want to share with you my experience in astrology. For years, and since the age of 16, I consulted astrologers.


At this stage of my life, I wrote to an astrologer after I read an astrology advertisement in a newspaper.. When I received the documentation, I was requested to provide my date, and time, and place of birth... And some time later I received a letter with my personal astological theme, which contained several pages. I read and reread thoroughly my theme for a while and I discovered it contained predictions about my future and my private life and it was clearly written I would have an accident and many more terrible things would happen to me. This caused disorders for many years. "These predictions disturbed me a lot and I confess to lived only according to these evil predictions. For a very long time, I suffered terrible anguish; and its only after making my rst pilgrimage to Medjugorje, I was liberated by Virgin Marys power. About ten years later, I met a lady with whom I befriended later. This person practiced karmic astrology and one day she proposed me to create my karmic theme.

Editions Tqui (Publisher name)

So since I use the word karmic, I deem necessary to give some explanations about the term Karma.

Karma is a key notion in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, but one whose meaning has not always been the same. In the ancient Vedic period it referred to the ritual action, especially sacrice, by means of which a person gained access to the happiness or blessedness of the afterlife. When Jainism and Buddhism appeared (about 6 centuries before Christ), Karma lost its salvic meaning: the way to liberation was knowledge of the Atman or self. In the doctrine of samsara, it was understood as the incessant cycle of human birth and death (Huinduism) or of rebirth (Buddhism).(103) In New Age contexts, the law of karma is often seen as the moral equivalent of cosmic evolution. It is no longer to do with evil or suffering illusions to be experienced as part of a cosmic game but is the universal law of cause and effect, part of the tendency of the interconnected universe towards moral balance.(104) - Source Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life, A
Christian reection on the New Age.

In a New Age context, reincarnation is linked to the concept of ascendant evolution towards becoming divine. As opposed to Indian religions or those derived from them, New Age views reincarnation as progression of the individual soul towards a more perfect state. What is reincarnated is essentially something immaterial or spiritual; more precisely, it is consciousness, that spark of energy in the person that shares in cosmic or christic energy. Death is nothing but the passage of the soul from one body to another. - Source Jesus
Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life, A Christian reection on the New Age.

Once the astrologer friend had developed the theme, she gave it to me and I discovered I had number 14 as a result of totals based on my date of birth and indicating according to her knowledge- a very heavy karmic debt arisen from my previous lifetime. At this point of time, I rmly believed in past lives, especially as I was not yet enlightened by the Holy Spirit and the devil showed me in spirit past lives ashbacks. After this friend gave me a very thorough explanation about this theme, I realized at this stage of my inner development, I had contracted a heavy karmic debt on the family. This made me completely unsettled and I was disturbed and confused for a very long time.

Dear readers, I now come back to this stage of my life when I consulted this friend who proposed to create my karmic theme. She therefore created my theme based on my so-called previous lifes. As I now mention previous lifes, I also have to give you some explanations on reincarnation.

The devil got me in his grip me through fear, anguish and a heavy weight of guilt. To be liberated from all this, I had many Masses celebrated for my soul, and I had to pray many rosaries to nd peace and serenity; I also received peace throught the sacrament of confession and also after a priest prayed for me to free myself from any soul tie or spiritual bondage because I had sold my soul to the devil -not being fully conscious of what I was doing-while joining astrology which is a total abomination to God. In Deuteronomy chapter 18, it is written: 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrices their son or daughter in the re, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God. 14 The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so.

When I was suscribing to these evil techniques, I was totally dependent on evil spirits who completely alienated my inner freedom because I was caught in their nets, as is any astrologer, who also made a pact with the devil. Satan, whose number of his name is 666, is very cunning and always gives power and money to those who allow themselves to be possessed by his evil spirit. Only God alone set me free and liberated me from the poewer of the enemy. Only God knows our future. He has a loving plan for all of us. For God to accomplish His work of salvation in us, we need to let the Holy Spirit have His way in us and work in us.
Acts of the free-will cannot be known by the demon. He can

only suggest to the astrologer, certain details of our behavior and at ths point the astrologer is a medium. The difference between a psychic and a mystic is great. A medium is always in direct relation with the powers of hell, and a mystic is always in direct relationship with God. Many saints have told us about astrology : St Thomas Aquinas says: "Accordingly

if anyone take observation of the stars in order to foreknow casual or

fortuitous future events, or to know with certitude future human actions, his conduct is based on a false and vain opinion; and so the operation of the demon introduces itself therein, wherefore it will be a superstitious and unlawful divination."
St Augustine says (Gn ad lit. ii, 17): "When astrologers tell

putting oneself condently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. Improvidence, however, can constitute a lack of responsibility.
C.E.C. 2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected:

the truth, it must be allowed that this is due to an instinct that, unknown to man, lies hidden in his mind. And since this happens through the action of unclean and lying spirits who desire to deceive man for they are permitted to know certain things about temporal affairs." Wherefore he concludes: "Thus a good Christian should beware of astrologers, and of all impious diviners, especially of those who tell the truth, lest his soul become the dupe of the demons and by making a compact of partnership with them enmesh itself in their fellowship."

recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future.48 Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
C.E.C. 2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one

One day, I decided to know the position of the church on all matters relating to divination. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that: C.E.C. 2115 God can reveal the future to his prophets or to

attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of demons...
Besides the Catechism of the Catholic Church, His Grace (Bishop?) Tournyol Du Clos, in his book entitled can you be released from evil spirits? published by Archistratge, wrote:

other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude consists in

"If you've been in contact with the occult, esotericism, spiritualism, astrology, witchcraft, magic, hypnosis, reiki, yoga, transcendental meditation, new age and all kinds of sects or with pranatherapists, or so-called healers, magnetizers who cure by laying on of hands, or magnetic passes, dowsing, pendulum; or, if you have visited clairvoyants such as magicians, soothsayers, marabou or gurus; to fortune-tellers who read the cards; to palmists who read the lines of the hand or necromancers who consult the spirits of the dead: know that you were in contact with individuals who work with the devil and you have given Satan a certain power over you. If you yourselves have sought to know the future, even for fun in the tarot cards or horoscopes, if you wore good luck charms such as talismans, amulets, zodiac signs, and if you did - directly or through somebody secret (occult) preparations, if you have spoken or repeated formulas or secret words like mantras for example, at last if you spent time in places poisoned by witchcraft, vice or depravity; all the more so if you yourself made a pact with Satan, make magic, called on the dead, casted spells or curses, uttered blasphemy, you first need to try to realize that you have deeply offended our Father in Heaven.

We should absolutely be aware that by consulting astrologers, we break God's commandment: "thou shalt not lie", and therefore lose our state of grace. In the Apocalypse (chap 21), St. John 2 I saw the Holy City,

the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 5 He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new! 6 He said to me: 8 But ... all liarsthey will be consigned to the ery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.
Astrologers, with their lies, prevent the loving plan of God to be realized. They will, of course, be accountable to the Most High, on the day of judgment when they stand before Him for their soul to be judged. That is the reason why God calls all to repentance, confession and Holy Scripture reading and put them into practice in their only one life they have to live on earth. If I would still be in contact with my former astrologer friend and had the opportunity to talk to her, I would simply say: think of the years of despair I spent because of all your predictions. Of course I forgive you because Lord Jesus called me to testify of His mercy, but I invite you not to draw other people to this path of anguish and lies, because

His Grace (Bishop?) Tournyol Du Clos invites us into a thorough confession and ask God to forgive these errors (diversions) and sins which God sees as an abomination, even if these events are ancient and, even if at that time, we were not aware of offending Him.

some may even go as far as committing suicide and how many more would fall into despair after reading such evil soothsaying. I would also tell her that Merciful Jesus loves her extravagantly and has only been waiting for her yes to save her. When Lord Jesus came to wake me up from my lethargy, I realized that when I stand before Him (on Judgment day), I will need to have my hands lled with acts of charity, mercy and prayer for my neighbor. At that point of time, the Lord will not ask me how many astrological themes I had made for me but on the contrary if I loved my neighbour without expecting any earthly reward in return but celestial. Everything which deals the future and is to be paid for always comes from the devil, because when God gives a charisma, it is always completely free (without any cost). When Lord Jesus in His great love came for me, He told me: do you want to get out of it? After answering yes, He started to heal me, and He asked me to testify to His Mercy.

Before I start testifying to Gods boundless mercy who took away my sin, I was asked to be humble, and submit myself to the ordinances of the Catholic Church. On my souls judgment day, how could I stand before the light of God if I would not be fully aware of my sin? Personally, if I wold have not repented, who could tell me that at the hour of my death, I could bear the fact that one day I have gone astray and departed from Him? My lie would prevent me from watching God face to face. So I allowed God to liberate me, cleanse me and sanctify me so as to learn how to truly love and burn with love for His Divine Heart. We need to understand what love is while on earth. Love means take up your cross every single day, pray to God, and follow Him. Jesus loves us extravagantly, He will always propose us to come back to Him wholeheartedly. In fact, Jesus in His innite love and tenderness is constantly looking for more souls to surrender their live to Him so that He can share with them His life and His light. If you respond positively to His call for love, He will share with you His sacrice of Love and His sorrowful passion through which we are saved; providing that we also make eforts to be saved and pray a lot because without sacrice

and without prayers, we will not be saved. Saints told us about this. When I started to confess my sins to a priest, in private, I allowed God to cleanse me with His precious blood and lead me on the road to paradise. Who does not want to end up in Heaven one day with all his late ones; there all is love, peace and joy, praise, and thanksgiving. Do not forget our guardian angel who watches over us everyday; we can live in harmony (union) with him rather than submit to evil spirits in astrology. Personally, I decided to come back to Jesus of Love with all my heart to join Him and His Blessed Mother one day in heaven. In conclusion, I would simply say that the greater a sinner I was, the more I received Gods mercy because I left everything behind to follow Lord Jesus in the Roman Catholic Church. Now I accept with all my heart to carry all the crosses which are given to me carry together with Sweet Jesus and offer them with love to the heavenly Father.

When I left everything and offered my life to Him, Sweet Jesus said: "I call you to holiness, I call you to love me." "Above all, never forget that those who trust in the Gods divine mercy will not perish. God is love and mercy as soon as we comeb ack to Him. Dear readers, the Lord Jesus saved me through his church, in which I confess myself quite often.

Remember the words of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus: "if I had committed all possible crimes, I would still have the same condence. I would feel that this multitude of offenses would be like a drop of water cast into a blazing re." Remember the words of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus: "If I had committed all the crimes possible I will always have the same condence because I know that this multitude of offenses is only a drop water into a blazing furnace. Praise be to Jesus Christ and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Fabienne consulted many astrologers since she was a teenager. She tells us in her testimony about her own experiences and the consequences for her soul. She tells us about astrology and karmic astrology. Fabienne had condence in the Gods goodness and innite tenderness - who is love and mercy.

TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES Fabiennes testmony ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

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