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VISION The UMYFP as a wholistic, dynamic, and self-sustained community of faith nurtured in the life and teachings of Christ and Wesleyan tradition as advocates of social holiness, leaders of ecumenism and ministers of the Great Commission. MISSION The UMYFP as an empowered community of faith committed in: providing avenues for wholistic development of the youth; living out the Wesleyan tradition; intensifying evangelism and discipleship; strengthening fellowship and ecumenical ties; participating actively in transforming the nation; upholding the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization; and developing sustainable income generating programs. GOALS To provide avenues for wholistic development of the youth, UMYFP aims to: Develop youth to be good stewards, prayer warriors, evangelists, and ministers; help the youth to be concerned with their health and to conduct recreational activities that also promotes sportsmanship, camaraderie and fellowship; advance God-given talents and skills and use them for Gods glory; and to properly educate the youth on the relevant matters that directly affect their growth as an individual, partners, citizens and members of the society. To live out the Wesleyan tradition, UMYFP aims to: Promote the life of John Wesley to its members. To intensify evangelism and discipleship, UMYFP aims to: Form cell groups in discipling and mentoring the youth; publish materials which will be circulated to all levels; provide programs and creative evangelism and caravanning; and open opportunities for mission exposure. To strengthen fellowship and ecumenical ties, UMYFP aims to: Create programs that build healthy relationships within the organization; encourage active participation to ecumenical, inter-denominational and inter-faith endeavors; promote awareness of the Biblical and Theological foundation of ecumenism through materials, studies, fora and trainings.

To participate actively in transforming the nation, UMYFP aims to: Redefine leadership as a process of reshaping individual commitment and responsibility; reach out, nurture and equip the youth to be socially responsible person of the society by organizing socially related programs and activities; encourage the youth to practice the right to vote; involve the youth in different sociocivic organization and community leadership; and promote awareness and take a stand on issues that affect the country in general. To uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization, UMYFP aims to: Promote awareness of the Constitution among the youth in order to develop some understanding about UMYFP through organizing and spearheading seminars, trainings and discussions; create a Module for teaching about the Constitution; and seek assistance from the church to organize activities in the discussions of the constitution. To develop sustainable income generating programs, UMYFP aims to: Encourage its members to meet their financial obligations as provided for by the constitution; formulate strategic plans to provide continuous financial assistance to all programs; and allot sufficient and reasonable funds for every program to ensure implementation. Source:

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