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I, student of hereby declare that the Summer Training Report on Recruitment and Selection process submitted to Chitkara University, Rajpura in partial fulfillment of Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is the original work conducted by me. The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge. This Study report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any other Degree, Diploma or Fellowship.

On the completion of this project I would like to take this opportunity as a platform to thank all the people who helped me in this work and who made this project a success I express my sincere thanks to BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE, CHANDIGRH for giving me an opportunity to work on this summer project. Gracious help from various sources has contributed tremendously to the completion of this project work. I express my sincere appreciation for the advice, guidance, and great support of Mr. YASH MANCHANDA (Branch Manager) his extremely helping attitude always encourage me to consult him whenever I had any problem and also with the help of Mrs. SWATI VASHISHTHA who trained us Without his support this project would not have been possible.

B.B.A program is one of the most reputed professional courses in the field of Management. There is a study project as an integral part of B.B.A As a complementary to that everyone has to submit a report on the work conducted in the industry. As we know that todays business dynamics is very fast; environment is changing. To understand the changing market behavior the organization has to do a systematic study. A project work is a scientific and systematic study intended to catch the nerves of the problem or issue with the application of management concept and skills. This report has been complied preliminary in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of management studies programmer. Apart from theoretical concept of the topic, we have included the findings and suggestions. This report is thus prepared for the study project done at BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.



Chapter-1 Chapter-2 Chapter-3 Chapter-4






Introduction To Project
All organizations are basically human organizations. They need people to carry out the organizational mission, goals and objectives. Every organization needs to recruit people. The recruitment policy should, therefore, address itself to the key question; what are the personnel/human resource requirements of the organization in terms of number, skills,

levels etc to meet present and future needs of production and technical and other changes planned or anticipated in the next years.

Recruitment: Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. To recruit means to enlist, replenish or reinforce. It refers to the process of bringing together prospective employees and employer with a view to stimulate and encourage the former to apply for a job with the latter. The primary purpose of recruitment and selection is to achieve one desired aim i.e. picking the right person for the right jobs. The recruitment process begins when an employee is to be transferred or promoted to another post, notice of resignation or dismissal is given or retirement is planned. The five keyways to develop top quality people:

Recruitment-getting the right people in the right job Developing people-through training & development. Monitoring-to ensures long-term development and performance. Developing Managers-ensuring that these key people are delivering what the Managing for performance- techniques that ensure top quality performance. Recruiting is the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies.

organization requires.

A process to discover the sources of man power to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and the employ effective measures for attracting that man power in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient work force. Yoder

The process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Edwin B. Flippo Recruitment is the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources. It involves the creation of a pool of available labour upon whom the organization can draw when it needs additional employees .Recruitment refers to the attempts of getting interested applicant and creating a pool of prospective employee so that the management can select the right person for the job from this pool. Recruitment is positive process as its attracts suitable applicants to apply for available jobs.

Importance of Recruitment
To determine the present and future of the firm in conjunction with its personnel planning na job analysis activities. To increase the pool of candidates at minimum cost. To help t increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the

number of visibly underqualified or overqualified job applicants. To help to reduce the probability that job applicants once selected leave the

organisation after a short period of time. To meet the organization social and legal obligation regarding the

composition of workforce To begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be

appropriate candidates. To increase organizational and individual effectiveness in short term and

long term

Job Analysis

Employee Human Resource

Job 000 vacancies Recruitme nt Planning Searching -source


Screening Potential Hires job select

Strategic Development

Application Population

Recruitment Process

Evaluation Control

Recruitment Process
Job Analysis
Determination of human resource or manpower requirement is one of the most important problems in human resource or manpower planning. Manpower is concerned with the determination of requirements of manpower for the organization both in terms of quantity and quality. The quantitative aspect deals with determining the total amount of work to be done in a particular period of time and the total number of people required to do the work. But the type of people to be employed for doing the work comes under qualitative aspect of manpower requirements. The process by which qualitative requirement are determined is known as Job Analysis. Job Analysis is a detailed and systematic study of job to known the nature and characteristics of people to be employed for each job .It is a process of discovering

and identifying the pertinent information relating to the nature of specific job .It is te determination of the tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and attitude required of the worker for successful performance of the job.

Human Resource : Job Analysis represents the qualitative aspect of human

resource requirement since it determines the demand of a job in terms of responsibilities and duties and then translates these demands in terms of skills,qualities and other human attributes. It helps in determining the numbers and kinds of jobs and qualifications needed to fill these jobs. Its is job analysis which reveals what an average person can do on a Job in a day.It facilitates the division of work into different jobs which is an essential element of efective manpower panning. Human Resource Planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at the right place ,at the right time, capable of effective and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objective. Recruitment planning First step is translation of job in terms of Number of employees Type of employees This may vary according to requirement of the concern. Organizations plan to attract more applicants than they will hire. some of those contacted will be uninterested , un qualified or both. Each time a recruitment programmed is contemplated, one task is to estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with qualified people. Type of applicants means the qualifications and experience expected. These details are available through job description and job specification.

Strategy Development It includes the decision regarding the following things.

Make or Buy It means whether to hire the less skilled persons and to

invest on training and education programmes, or they can hire the skilled labour and professionals. Technlogical Sophistication(techonology to be used) -> it means which

method of recruitment and selection to be used. The decision is influenced by vailable technology. Geographical distribution(where to look) -> it refers to wheter to hire

people locally, from national market or internationally. Sources of recruitment (sources of recruitment) -> as there are two types of

sources internal and external sources. This depend on the need of the organisation. Sequence of activities (when to look) -> this refer to when to look for

candidate . this is basically depended on the time required to hire the competent employees for organisation

Searching- It includes the two steps- (i) Source activation, (ii) selling. Source
activation means the issuance of requisition by the head of department to HR department about the requirement of personnel in that very department. Selling is a second issue to be addressed in the searching process concerns communications. Employment advertisement is given to candidates through different media.

Screening- The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process

those applicants who are visibly unqualified for the job Effective screening can save a great deal of time and money.

Evaluation and control It is necessary a considerable costs are incurred on the

recruitment process. It helps to know whether the recruitment methods used are valid and whether the recruitment process itself is effective.

Evaluation is considered to be important as the following costs are involved in the recruitment Process : Salaries for recruiter.

Management and professional time spent on preparing job description, job specifications, advertisement, agency liason and so forth. Cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, i.e agency fees. Cost of producing supporting literature. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses. Costs of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled. Cost of recruiting suitable candidates for the selection process.

Forms of Recruitment
The organisations differ in terms of their size, business, processes and practices. A few decisions by the recruitment professionals can affect nature of the productivity and efficiency of the organization. Organisations adopt different forms of recruitment practices according to the specific needs of the organization. The organisations can choose either centralized or decentralized forms of recruitment, which is explained below: Centralized Recruitment

The recruitment practices of an organization are centralized when the HR / recruitment department at the head office performs all functions of recruitment. Recruitment decisions for all the business verticals and departments of an organization are carried out by the one central HR (or recruitment) department. (i.e HR deptt) Centralized from of recruitment is commonly seen in government organisations. Benefits of the centralized form of recruitment are: Reduces administration costs Better utilization of specialists Uniformity in recruitment Interchangeability of staff Reduces favoritism


Every department sends requisitions for recruitment to their central

Decentralized Recruitment

Decentralized recruitment practices are most commonly seen in the case of conglomerates operating in different and diverse business areas. With diverse and geographically spread business areas and offices, it becomes important to understand the needs of each department and frame the recruitment policies and procedures accordingly. Each department carries out its own recruitment. Choice between the two will depend upon management philosophy and needs of particular organization. In some cases combination of both is used. Lower level staffs as well as top level executives are recruited in a decentralized manner.

Transfer Advertisement

Internal Sources

Employee Referral

Labor Contractor

External Sources


Campus Recruitment

Retired or Retrenched Employee Dependant of Present

Educational Institute

Employment exchange

Unsolicited Application




Internal sources 1.Transfer-The employees are transferred from one department to another
according to their efficiency and experience to fill the vacant position the organization. It involves the Shifting of an Employee from one job to another job. One department to another or from one shift to another. Transfer is a good source of filling vacancies with employee from overstaffed department or shifts

2. Promotions-The employees are promoted from one department to another with

more benefits and great responsibility based on efficiency and experience. Its leads

to Shifting an employee to a higher position, Carrying higher responsibilities, facilities, Status and pay many companies follow the practice of filling higher jobs by promoting employees who are considered fit for the such positions. Filling vacancies in higher jobs from within the organization has the benefit of motivating the existing employees.

3.Employee Referrals- Employee referrals are the candidates/applicants

recommended by the current employees. Current employees recommend those candidates whose performance and behavior are known to them as well as suitable to the job and organizational needs. This helps the organization to get high quality applicants.

4. Retired and Retrenched Employees- may also be recruited once again in

case of shortage of qualified personnel or increase in load of work. Recruitment such people save time and costs of the organizations, as the people are already aware of the organizational culture and the policies

5. Dependents of Deceased, Disabled and Present Employee- some

organization With a view to developing the commitment and loyalty of not only the employee but also his family member and to build up the image provide employment to the dependent(s) of deceased, Disabled and present employees.Such organization find this source as an effective source of recruitment.

External Sources
Advertisements - Advertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and generally used when qualified and experienced personnel are not journals are

available from other sources. Most of the senior position in industry as well as commerce are filled by this method.


Campus Recruitment- Different type of organisation like industry,

business firm, service organization, social or religious organization can get inexperienced candidates of different types from various educational institutions like colleges and universities imparting education in Science, Commerce, Arts, Medicine,

Management Studies etc, are trained candidates in different disciplines like vocational, engineering, medicine from the training institutes for Engineers etc. Organisations seeking to recruit the candidates from this source can directly contact the institutes either in person or by Post and stimulate the candidate to apply for the jobs.


Employment Exchanges - Government establishes public employment

exchanges throughout the country. These exchanges provide job information to job seekers and help employers in identifying suitable candidates. Employment Exchange run by the Government are regarded as a good source of recruitment for unskilled, semiskilled and skilled operative jobs


Labour Contractors Labour contractors are an important source of

recruitment in some industries in India. Workers are recruited through labour contractors who are themselves employees of the organization. The disadvantage of this system is that if the contractor leaves the organization, all the workers employed through him will also leave.


Unsolicited Applicants - Many job seekers visit the office of well-

known companies on their own. Such callers are considered nuisance to the daily work routine of the enterprise. But can help in creating the talent pool or the database of the probable candidates for the organization.


Recruitment At Factory Gate - Unskilled workers may be recruited

at the factory gate these may be employed whenever a permanent worker is absent. More efficient among these may be recruited to fill permanent vacancies. It is direct recruitment by placing a notice on the notice board of the enterprise specifying the details of the jobs available.


Consultant- Manage consultancy firms help the organization to recruit,

technical ,professional and managerial personnel .They specialize in middle level and top level executive placements. they maintain data bank of persons with different Qualifications and skills and even advertise the jobs on behalf their client to receuit right type of personnel.


E-Recruitment- Many big organization use internet as a source of

recruitment. They advartise the job vacancies through the world wide web (www).The job seekers send their applications or curriculam vitae, i.e, CV, through e-mail using the internet.


Walk-In- The busy organizations and the rapid changing companies do

not find time to perform various function of recruitment. Therefore, they advise the potential candidates to attend for an interview directly and without a prior application on a specified date, time and at a specified place. The suitable candidate from among the interviewees will be selected for appointment after screening. The candidates through tests and interviews.

Selection is the process of picking individual (out of pool of job applicants) with the requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. Selection refers to differentiating between employees in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

Selection as a Source of Competitive Advantage

The role of selection in an organizations effectiveness is crucial for at least two reason Work performance depends on individuals. The best way to improve

performance is to hire people who have the competence ad the willingness to work. Cost incurred in recruiting and hiring personnel speaks the volumes about

the role of selection. Wrong selection means wastage of financial resources of the organization.

Organization For Selection

Selection process is carried out by the Human resource department because of following reasons: -

It easier for applicants to send applications to centralized department.

It facilitates contact with applicants because issues pertaining to

employment can be cleared through one central location. It helps operating managers to concentrate on their operating

responsibilities. It can provide better selection because specialist does hiring. The applicant is better assured of consideration for a greater variety of jobs. Hiring costs may be cut because duplication of effort is minimized. With increased regulation on the selection process, it is important that

people who know about these rules handle a major part of the selection process.

Selection Process
Preliminary Interview

Selection Interview Employment Tests

Application Blank

Medical or Physical Examination

Checking Reference

Final Selection

SELECTION PROCEDEURE The selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant information about an applicant. This information is secured in a number of steps and stages. The objective of selection process is to determine whether an applicant needs the qualification for a specific job and to choose the applicant who is most likely to perform in that job. The hiring procedures not a single acts but it is essentially a series of methods or steps or stages by which additional information is secured about the applicant. At each stage, facts may come to light, which lead to the rejection of the applicant. A procedure may be considered to a series of successive hurdles or barriers, which an applicant must cross. These are indented as screens and they are designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point in this process. That technique is known as the successive hurdle technique. Not all selection process includes all these hurdles. The complexity of process usually increases with the level and responsibility of the position to be fulfilled. A well-organized selection procedure should be designed to select sustainable candidates for various jobs. Each step in the selection process should help in getting more and more information about the candidate. There is no idle selection procedure appropriate for all cases. Steps in the selection process: Preliminary Screening

Application Blank Employment Tests Selection Interview Medical or Physical Examination Checking Reference Final Approval

Preliminary Screening: This is essentially to check whether the candidate fulfills the minimum qualification. The preliminary interview is generally quite brief. Its aim is to eliminate the unsuitable candidate. The job seekers are received at the reception counter of the company. The receptionists or other official interviews the candidates to determine whether he is worthwhile or the candidate to fill up the application blank. Candidates processing the minimum qualification and having some chances of being selected are given the prescribed application form known as application blank.

Application Blank: The candidates are required to give full information about their age, qualification, experience, family background, aptitude and interests act in the application blank. The application blank provides a written record about the candidate. The application form should be designed to obtain all relevant information about the candidates. All applications received from the candidates are carefully scrutinized. After the scrutiny more suitable candidates among the applicants are short-listed for written tests and others are rejected. Employment Tests: Candidates are asked to appear for written or other tests. Tests have become popular screening devices. These tests are based on the assumption that human traits and work behaviors can be predicted by sampling, however tests are not fully reliable and they also involve time and money. Test is more useful in identifying and eliminating unsuitable

candidates therefore should be used only as supplements rather than an independent technique of selection. The main types of tests are: Intelligence tests Aptitude Test Interest Test Personality Test Dexterity Test

Selection Interview: It involves a face-to-face conversation between the employer and the candidate; the selector asks a job related and general questions. The way in which a candidate responds to the question is evaluated. The objectives of the interview are as following: To find out the candidates overall suitability for the job. To cross-check the information obtained through application blank and tests, and To give an accurate picture of the job and the company.

Interview is the most widely used step in employee selection. However, interview suffers from several drawbacks: Firstly, it is a time consuming and expensive device. Secondly, it can test only the personality of the candidate and not his skill for the job. Thirdly, the interviewer may not be an expert and may fill to extract all relevant information from the candidate. Fourthly, the personal judgment or bias of the interviewer may make the result of the interviews inaccurate. Interview should be properly conducted in a proper physical environment. The interview room should be free from noise and interruptions. The environment should be confident and quite. People generally talk freely and frankly when there is privacy and comfort. Therefore, candidates should be put at ease. The interviewer should pay full attention to what the candidates have to say.

Medical or Physical Examination: Candidates who are found suitable after interview are called for physical examination. A Panel of doctors to insure that they are healthy and physically fit for the job does a medical check-up of such candidates. A proper medical examination will also ensure that the candidates selected do not suffer from any serious desirous which may create problems in future. Checking Reference: Generally, every candidate if required to state in the application form, the name and address of at least two responsible persons who know him. The reference may not give their Frank opinion unless promises made that in all information will be kept strictly confidential. Moreover the information given by them may be biased in the form of candidate.

Final Approval: The candidates who are found suitable after the medical check-up and background investigation are formally appointed by issuing appointment letter to them. They are asked to join duty by the specified date. No selection procedure is foolproof and the best way judge a person is by observing him working on the job. Candidate who gives satisfactory during the probationary period are made permanent. Barriers To Effective Selection Perception Our inability to understand other accurately is probably the most fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate. Fairness

Fairness in selection requires that no individual should be discriminated against on the basis of religion, region, race or gender. But the low numbers of women and other less privileged sections of the society often face discrimination. Validity Validity is a test that helps predict job performance of an incumbent. A test that has been validated can differentiate between the employees who can perform well and those who will not. A validated test does not predict job success accurately.

A reliable method is one, which will produce consistent results when repeated in similar situations. Like a validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job performance with precision.

Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives friends and peers o select particular candidates.

Recruitment A challenging Task The major challenges faced by the HR in recruitment are:

Finding the best Source for Recruitment - This is the most

important step of recruitment process and even a challenging task for the recruiter as number of sources available he has to find the best one which can help him to find the best talent for his organization at cheapest rate.

Matching Job Description to Resumes- This is also a challenge for

recruiter to shunt the resume and select only those which matches with job description. If he fails to it he is never going to obtain the best talent for the organization.

Find the best one- this is the most crucial challenge for the recruiter.

When number of person with same qualification and ability appears before recruiter

he has to make right decision which to select or not. Right candidate selection becomes difficult due to organizational differences, cultural differences and attitude of person. He has to find the best one who can perform the job in perfect manner.

Adaptability to Globalization The HR professionals are expected

and required to keep in tune with the changing times, i.e. the changes taking place across the globe. HR should maintain the timeliness of the process

Lack of Motivation Recruitment is considered to be a thankless job.

Even if the organization is achieving results, HR department or professionals are not thanked for recruiting the right employees and performers.

Process Analysis The immediacy and speed of the recruitment

process are the main concerns of the HR in recruitment. The process should be flexible, adaptive and responsive to the immediate requirements. The recruitment process should also be cost effective.

Strategic Prioritization The emerging new systems are both an

opportunity as well as a challenge for the HR professionals. Therefore, reviewing staffing needs and prioritizing the tasks to meet the changes in the market has become a challenge for the recruitment professionals.

Hurdles in way of Recruitment there are many factors, which act

as hurdles in the way of recruiter. Recruiter has to be more conscious in order to identify them. These hurdles may be in the form of fake profile, dropouts, face-toface interview, and telephonic interview sometime not able to get the required results. Some people we feel competent for the organization do not want to join the organization.

Technological Sophistication with the passage of time new

technologies are coming. This is the era of technology. Technology helps the recruiter in doing their work more easily and in cost effective manner. But this is also a challenge for the recruiter to keep in touch with those technologies, as it is not easier to learn about the all-new technologies.

Overcoming Recruitment Difficulties

. Some of the solution to overcome recruitment difficulties are as follows Appointing people who have potential to grow but dont currently have all

thats required. Taking account of a broader range of qualities, such as personal skills

instead of qualifications, when considering candidates. Redefining the job (for example, responsibilities, grade) Increasing starting salaries or benefits package Bounty payments to staff for introducing candidates Offering flexible working Using the employer brand as a recruitment tool Providing additional training to allow internal staff to fill posts Changing the way work is organized (for example, into teams) Attracting and recruiting boomerang hires (where employees return having

left the organization) Providing a realistic job preview Recruiting in foreign countries and bringing staff here Giving golden hellos (providing an incentive to take the job)

Recent Trends in Recruitment and Selection


Bigger Paychecks -> as with a change in time now employers are ready

to pay more to required talent for the organization as now they have understood the relevance of employees in the organization. So now employer are ready to pay higher to make the job more attractive and to hire the best one.

Flexible Work Arrangements -> flexible Work arrangement often

called flexi timings are on the rise. Now employers offer flexible work plans usually alternative schedules (shifted start and quit times), condensed workweeks or telecommuting. By doing this they are able to attract people who are already working and cannot spend the whole day in one organization.


Online Candidate Screening -> This is expected that online

candidate screening will grow in the near future, and not only the use of qualifying pre-application questions, but full-blown searching of social networking sites and search engine checks. As now every professional is becoming computer literate. So there is more chance of increase in this kind of activity.

Retiree Rehiring -> Now the time has changes and companies are

showing interest in rehiring those who are retired Because of companies remain pressured from the loss of more experienced workers. As the trend of hiring former employees increasing companies are getting benefit from that and even retired person getting employment. So its going to be useful for the both parties. Some employers are even planning to increase the retiring age of employees in the organization so that competent employees can stay long in the organization.

Recruiting Diversity Workers -> Now the employers have no

problem in hiring diversity workers. They are ready hire new pass out from the universities/ colleges, hiring retired person, and women. Instead of hiring one special category of employees employers are interested in hiring diversity workers this is showing that these days employers are more interested in hiring competent employees despite that they have to manage diversity in the organization.

Freelance or Contract Hiring -> As the cost of recruitment is on

rise employers are trying to find more and more suitable source to there organization. It is found that the trend of freelance and contract hiring will be on rise in near future. That is going to help the recruiter to find more competent employees at lesser cost.

Perks and Benefits -> Perks and Benefits will receive more attention

from companies wanting to remain competitive in attracting and keeping workers. In light of rising healthcare costs companies plan to offer more comprehensive or better health benefits to employees in 2008. Some companies are planning to enhance or add perks such as bonuses, discounts, company cars, stock options, free childcare, educational reimbursement, transit passes and wellness programs. The main reason behind these increases as now it is becoming difficult to attract more competent

employees towards your organization. Only giving more and more attractive package to the employees can help the recruiter to hire the best one for their organizations.

More Promotions and Career Advancement Opportunities

days each candidate want more promotions and career advancement


opportunities. Nobody wants to stick with one position for his or her whole work life. Keeping in mind this now companies are ready to provide more promotions and career advancement opportunities in 2008. More than half of workers stated that a companys ability to offer career advancement is more important than salary, so employers are taking action to carve out career paths for employees. The biggest challenge for a recruiter is not to hire the best one for the organization but to retain that best one in organization. So he has to provide such growth and promotion opportunity to employees as this factor effect to satisfaction level of employees at most. 9) Training Program for the Employees -> these days recruiter has realized that cost and time required for the recruitment is increased even there is always fear of failure of recruitment process. So recruiters are emphasizing on the training programs for the existing employees so they can occupy different position the organization and handle different kind of responsibilities. By small spending on training programs recruiter can save the cost of recruitment and induction.

10) Campus Recruitment -> these days campus recruitment is becoming very
popular among recruitment. As recruiter are showing more interest in the new comers. The difference between new comers and experienced one is decreasing. Now fresher are taken equally competent as experienced one. Many multi national companies are hiring new pass out. As they feel young talent can help them to reach new height. Where experience can complement the young talent.

11) Outsourcing ->In India, the HR processes is being outsourced from more
than a decade now. A company may draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firms help the organization by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organization and creating a suitable pool of

talent for the final selection by the organization. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn, the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organizations for their services.

Advantages of Outsourcing are:

1. 2. 3. 4. Company need not plan for human resources much in advance. Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage Turning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable


12) Poaching/Raiding ->Buying talent (rather than developing it) is the latest
mantra being followed by the organisations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the organisation might be a competitor in the industry. A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm.

13) E-Recruitment ->Many big organizations uses Internet as a source of

recruitment. E- recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e-mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CVs in worldwide web, which can be drawn by propective employee requirement pending upon their re Advantages of recruitment are:
o o o

Low cost. No intermediaries Reduction in time for recruitment.

o o

Recruitment of right type of people. Efficiency of recruitment process

14). Head Hunting-> Headhunting refers to the approach of finding and

attracting the best-experienced person with the required skill set. Headhunting involves convincing the person to join your organization. Headhunters are thirdparty recruiters often retained when normal recruitment efforts have failed. Headhunters are generally more aggressive than in-house recruiters. They may use advanced sales techniques, such as initially posing as clients to gather employee contacts, as well as visiting candidate offices. They may also purchase expensive lists of names and job titles, but more often will generate their own lists. They may prepare a candidate for the interview, help negotiate the salary, and conduct closure to the search. They are frequently members in good standing of industry trade groups and associations. Headhunters will often attend trade shows and other meetings nationally or even internationally that may be attended by potential candidates and hiring managers.

Some Recruitment Tips

Finding the best possible people who can fit within your culture and contribute within your organization is a challenge and an opportunity. Keeping the best people, once you find them, is easy if you do the right things right. These specific actions will help you with recruiting and retaining all the talent you need.

Improve Your Candidate Pool When Recruiting Employees

Companies that select new employees from the candidates who walk in their door or answer an ad in the paper or online are missing the best candidates. They're usually working for someone else and they may not even be looking for a new position. Here are steps to take to improve your candidate pool. Invest time in developing relationships with university placement offices,

recruiters and executive search firms.

Enable current staff members to actively participate in industry

professional associations and conferences where they are likely to meet candidates you may successfully woo. Watch the online job boards for potential candidates who may have

resumes online even if they're not currently looking. Use professional association Web sites and magazines to advertise for

professional staff. The key is to build your candidate pool before you need it.

Hire the Sure Thing When Recruiting Employees

Bruce N. Pfau and Ira T. Kay, authors of The Human Capital Edge are convinced that you should hire a person who has done this "exact job, in this exact industry, in this particular business climate, from a company with a very similar culture." They believe that "past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior" and suggest that this is the strategy that will enable you to hire winners. They say that you must hire the candidates whom you believe can hit the ground running in your company. You can't afford the time to train a possibly successful candidate.

Look First at In-House Candidates

Providing promotional and lateral opportunities for current employees positively boosts morale and makes your current staff members feel their talents, capabilities, and accomplishments are appreciated. Always post positions internally first. Give potential candidates an interview. It's a chance for you to know them better. They learn more about the goals and needs of the organization. Sometimes, a good fit is found between your needs and theirs.

Be Known as a Great Employer Paul and Kay make a strong case for not just being a great employer, but letting people know that you are a great employer. Take a look at your employee practices for retention, motivation, accountability, reward, recognition, and flexibility in worklife balance, promotion, and involvement. These are your key areas for becoming an

employer of choice. You want your employees bragging that your organization is a great place to work. People will believe the employees before they believe the corporate literature.

Involve Your Employees in the Hiring Process

You have three opportunities to involve your employees in the hiring process. Your employees can recommend excellent candidates to your firm. They can assist you to review resumes and qualifications of potential

candidates. They can help you interview people to assess their potential "fit" within

your company. Organizations that fail to use employees to assess potential employees are underutilizing one of their most important assets. People who participate in the selection process are committed to helping the new employee succeed. It can't get any better than that for you and the new employee.

Pay Better Than Your Competition

Yes, you do get what you pay for in the job market. Survey your local job market and take a hard look at the compensation people in your industry attract. You want to pay better than average to attract and keep the best candidates. It's not. Employers are always interested in getting employees cheaply. It's a bad practice. Did I say, "You do get what you pay for in the job market?" Sure, you can luck out and attract a person who has golden handcuffs because they are following their spouse to a new community or need your benefits. But, they will resent their pay scale, feel unappreciated, and leave you for their first good job offer. Employee-replacement costs that range from two to three times the

person's annual salary. It is like you do get what you are willing to pay for in the job market?

Use Your Benefits to Your Advantage In Recruiting Employees

Keep your benefits above industry standard and add new benefits as you can afford them. You also need to educate employees about the cost and value of their benefits so they appreciate how well you are looking out for their needs. Treasured currently by employees are flexibility and the opportunity to balance work with other life responsibilities, interests, and issues. You can't be an employer of choice without a good benefits package that includes standard benefits such as medical insurance, retirement, and dental insurance. Employees are increasingly looking for cafeteria-style benefit plans in which they can balance their choices with those of a working spouse or partner. Pfau and Kay recommend stock and ownership opportunities for every level of employees in your organization. I like profit sharing plans and bonuses that pay the employee for measurable achievements and contributions.

Hire the Smartest Person You Can Find

In their recent book, First Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman recommend that great managers hire for talent. They believe that successful managers believe: "People don't change that much. Don't waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left in. That is hard enough." If you're looking for someone who will work well with people, you need to hire an individual who has the talent of working well with people. You're unlikely to train missing talents into the person later. You can try, but then, you are not building on the employee's strengths, which 80,000 managers, via Gallup's research, highly recommend.

The recommendation? Hire for strengths; don't expect to develop weak areas of performance, habits, and talents. Build on what is great about your new employee in the first place.

Use Your Web Site for Recruiting

Your Web site portrays your vision, mission, values, goals, and products. It is also effective for recruiting employees who experience a resonance with what you state on your site. Do create an employment section, which describes your available positions and contains information about you and why an interested person might want to contact your company. A recruiting Web site is your opportunity to shine and a highly effective way to attract candidates today.

Check References When Recruiting Employees

The purpose of this section is to keep you out of trouble with the candidates you are seeking and selecting and the employees you currently employ. You really need to check references carefully and do background checks. In the litigious society in which we live (don't even ask me what percentage of the world's lawyers reside in the United States of America) you need to pursue every avenue to assure that the people you hire can do the job, contribute to your growth and development, and have no past transgressions, which might endanger your current workforce. In fact, you might be liable if you failed to do a background check on a person who then attacked another in your workplace.

Conclusion: Start With These Recommendations

Each organization has to start somewhere to improve recruiting, hiring, and retention of valued employees. These ideas can help your organization succeed and grow; they create a workplace that will meet both your needs and the needs of your potential and current employees.


INTRODUCTION: BRIEF HISTORY OF UNIT- LINKED INSURANCE: The unit linked life insurance policy as it is understood and practiced in the west was introduced in our country only in 2000 when LIC brought in to the market a policy called BIMA PLUS. As a data, expect two or three new companies all the companies are selling the unit linked life insurance policies. The term unit in our country is somehow identified only with the units sold by UNIT TRUST OF INDIA. This product is also called EQUITY LINKED POLICY or MARKET LINKED POLICY to indicate that the returns under these plans are linked to the market returns of the equities or shares. The credit of introducing the first unit linked plan goes to UTI when they brought out the Unit linked life insurance (ULIP) in 1971,In 1989 LIC Mutual Fund introduced the DhanRaksha Plan identified to the ULIP. The term of the policy in either 10 or 15 years. With the effect from 1-7-02 the target amount under these two schemes has been introduced to Rs. 2 lakhs from Rs.75, works like this: f target amount. a free accident cover is also given for Rs.50,000. From April 2000 this plan is made NAV driven and UTI has made several beneficial changes. In fact, these plans are considered to be the cheapest insurance with good returns! As life insurance people are not making these plans, they are not very popular in large numbers.


A joint venture between the Aditya Birla Group and Sun life Financial, Birla sun life insurance forayed into the life insurance and retirement planning business by pioneering the unique unit-linked solutions in India. In just over 2 years of its launch, the company has catapulted to second position in new business premium in the highly competitive private life insurance industry based on its strategy of unit-linked plans.

THE ADITYA BIRLA GROUP: Aditya Birla, a name that evokes all that is positive in business and life. It typifies integrity, quality, performance, innovation, perfection and above all, character. In operation for over 50 years now, the Aditya Birla Group is one of Indias largest business houses. A highly respected and admired group, rooted in performance ethics based on value creation for its multiple stakeholders. Being one of the largest corporate houses in India, and Aditya Birla Group enjoys a dominant position in all the sectors in which it operates. It is the worlds largest producer of viscose staple fibre, largest single location aluminum plant and the largest single

location refiner of palm oil. Whats more, it is the second largest producer of insulators and the fifth largest producer of carbon black in the world. In India, the group is the single largest producer of viscose filament yarn, aluminum, white cement and the third largest in grey cement. Not to mention, the recognition of being the market leader in the ready to wear branded apparel segment with brands like Allen solly, Louis Phillip, van heusen and peter England. The mission of the Aditya Birla Group is creation of value for its customers, shareholders, employees and the society at large.

SUN LIFE FINANCIAL: Sun life financial is a leading international financial services organization. With a history that dates back to 1871, Sun life financial has evolved from a single mutual life insurance to one of the most highly rated insurance and wealth management institution in the world. Sun life financial knows its value lies in more than assets and history. In March of 2000, Sun life financial services of Canada, inc, Sun life financiers parent company, listed its shares on stock markets in Toronto, New York, London, and Philippines. This new access to shareholders equity provides Sun life financial with even greater opportunities to grow around the world. The Sun life financial group of companies around the world, offer innovative and practical financial solutions to individuals and corporations: Life, Health and Disability Pension Funds and Plans Investment Management Annuities and Savings Trust, Brokerage and Banking

VISION: To be a world-class of financial security to individuals and corporate and to be amongst the top three private sector life insurance companies in India.

MISSION: To be the first preference of our customers by providing innovative need based life insurance and retirement solutions to individual as well as corporate. Well trained professionals through a multi channel distribution network and superior technology will make these solutions available. OUR VALUES: INTEGRITY TRANSPERENCY CUSTOMER FOCUS EXCELLENCE INNOVATION MERITOCRACY RESPECT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL

OUR FEATURES: Our unit-linked flexi products are based on universal life platform, catering to the customers twin needs of insurance and investment. Our customers have appreciated these products, which have the beneficial features of life insurance, mutual funds and banks. Some of these features are described below: PROSPECTS FOR GROWTH WITH UNDERLYING GURANTEES : According to their risk appetite, the customers can choose out of three investment options, viz, protector (Representing a low risk portfolio), Builder (Medium risk portfolio) or Enhancer (High risk portfolio) with guaranteed returns fund, at present ranging from 3%-6%. The flexibility of changing the investment option initially availed by them is also available.

GUARANTEES PROVIDE SAFETY NET: The policyholders enjoy the upside returns provided by the portfolios in all the investment options. As on 31 st December 2002, the annualized returns since inception under protector, builder and enhancer options were 9.75%, 11.12% and 14.74% respectively, which is above the minimum level guaranteed. CONVENIENCE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS: The customer has the option of paying any amount of premium, any number of times (within a policy year) irrespective of the mode. Traditional products available in the market do not offer such a facility. BUILT-IN GUARD AGAINST UNITENDED LAPSATION: These products provide continuity of risk coverage for a long time even if the premiums remain unpaid. The continuity of risk is ensured with the help of monthly recovery of cost of insurance and automatic premium advance facility. A policy can lapse if and only if the policy fund pertaining to the individual policy becomes negative. RISK COVER DOES NOT DECRESE DURING THE TERM OF THE POLICY : Unlike traditional life insurance policies, where the sum at risk (Sum assured paid up value) actually goes on decreasing, in our flexi policies, death benefit is sacrosanct and and remains uniform throughout the tenure of the policy. In case of death, the face amount as well as the policy fund representing the saving portion in the premium is payable. ACCELERATED PAYMENT OF PREMIUM POSSIBLE : Depending on ones financial situation a shorter premium-paying period can be selected, with the advantage of greater accumulation resulting into higher death/surrender/withdrawals/ maturity benefits. LIQUIDITY ON TAP: Traditionally, insurance products have been know to be illiquid. Policy loans are at a cost and surrenders defeat the very purpose of insurance. In such an environment, the facility of withdrawals without affecting the risk cover is one of our unique features.

NO PENALTY FOR SURRENDER: Unlike in traditional type of life insurance policies where the policy holders have to suffer a financial loss on surrender of their policies, our products do not provide any surrender charge after the first four years. CUSTOMERS CAN SEE THEIR MONEY PERFORM: Our policyholders are

provided with an access code to know the policy values online. Besides, the investment performance of the various options is published every quarter and the policyholders receive a yearly statement reflecting the status of the policy fund.

ORGANISATION STRUCTURE: two guides Biral sun life insurance business operations if its core values, namely integrity and transparency. BSLI complies with a all regulations governing the life insurance business. A high degree of transparency is followed in al the business practiced and procedures and all employees are governed by an internal code of conduct. BSLI abides by the corporate governance framework in accordance with the Kumar Managalam Birla committee as applicable to the life insurance business, as well as the provisions of the insurance act, 1938, the companies act, 1956 and the IRDA regulations.

The various committees overseeing the business are:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Donald Stewart- chairman Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla Mr. Gary M. Come ford Mr. Douglas C. Hence Mr. S.K. Mitra

Mr. B.N.Purankmalka Hish Highless Mr. S.N. Talwar Mr. G.P. Gupta AUDIT COMMITEE Mr. B.N. Puranmalka Mr. S.K. Mitra Mr. D.C. Henck Mr. G.M. Cmerford INVESTMENT COMMITEE Mr. S.k. mitra Mr. B.N. Puranmalka Mr. P.J. Akers Mrs.K.Gupta Mr. A. Fenn Mr. N.B. Javeri Mr. S.Shah EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. G.M. Comeford Mr. D.C. Heck Mr. S.K.Mitra Mr. B.N. Puranmalka Maharaja G.Singh


Pioneered by Birla sun life insurance, Unit- linked solutions bring together the best of life insurance and investment, together. A unique combination of security from life insurance and returns from investment. Introduced in line with the latest global trends, the unitlinked plans put you in total control of your money. They are simple transparent and flexible. Whats more, they offer 3% minimum guaranteed overall returns on the premium.

INDIVIDUAL LIFE PLANS: Birla sun life insurance offers number of individual
life plans, which can be given below-


retirement plan to give you efficient returns in the long term so as to build a sufficiently large corpus of savings on retirement. The planes built in tow phases: the accumulation phases and annuity phase.

FLEXI LIFE LINE PLAN: This plan offers a life insurance cover till the age of
100 years thus providing you with a lifetime of security. It is an investment for your future in which you accumulate large savings through the benefits of compounding. The plan

gives you the flexibility of making tax-free withdrawals and can be customized as tax efficient pension during your working years while the plan continues for a lifetime.

FLEXI SAVE PLUS ENDOWMENT P LAN: It is a flexible life insurance

plan, which offers the dual benefit of a life insurance cover as well as large tax-free savings in the long term. The plan is taken for a specified period and the benefits are payable in the events of death during the tenure of the plan or at maturity.

FLEXI CAH FLOW MONEY BACK PLAN: It is a flexible life insurance plan,
which offers a life insurance cover and gives lump sum payment at periodic intervals. These periodic payments intervals. These periodic payments help you meet your various financial obligations at crucial junctures such as education or marriage of your child.

BIRLA SUN LIFE TERM PLAN: The plan offers large life insurance cover for
very low costs for a specified term. It is a low premium, pure risk coverage plan, which takes care of ones financial commitments toward his/her depending should anything unfortunate happen to line policyholder.

life insurance cover for a specified term. Unlike other term plans this plan refunds the entire amount of premium that you pay over a period of time. There are two options of maturity benefits to choose from and what is m ore it is a low cost life insurance plan.

GROUP PLANS: Birla sun life insurance Company offers number of group plans,
which can be, described below-

GROUP GRATUITY SOLUTIONS: It works for your future group gratuity

addresses the need of prudent financial management for a progressive corporate house. The unique benefit being it provides market-linked returns that present an opportunity for capital appreciation in the long term. Besides when the fund yields better returns, it decreases the contribution to the fund in the years.

GROUP SUPERANNUATION PLAN: Retire in comfort- Birla sun life insurance

offers group superannuating plan as a retirement solution for employees. The plan has benefits that empower both the employer and employee. The contribution is invested in unit-linked funds yielding market-linked returns to meet your future needs efficiently. Additionally original / principal contribution is guaranteed against market fluctuation.


Birla sun life insurance provides group

protection plan for a homogenous group. Under this plan, life insurance cover is provided at an affordable cost. Renewed every year, it helps fulfill the insurance needs of employees as well as provide financial security to their families. In the event of death of the member, the beneficiary (family) of the member gets the benefit. The plan has 6 additional riders and two options.


Drawing from the strength of the joint venture partners. The aditya Birla group and sun life financial inc. the team of Birla sun life insurance has crossed several milestones of excellence. Leadership in unit-linked plans- 95% of sales come through unit-linked plans. The company is one of the largest sellers of unit-linked plans in one of the fastest growing life insurance markets in the world. The company is a p pioneer in introducing unique product features like a free look period and best sales practices such as the use of sales illustrations. The regulator has

now introduced the free look period as an industry norm. The mandatory use of a sales illustration within BSLI set up a standard of transparency in the industry. A high persistency ratio of 95.46% by premium. BSLI has consistently recorded the highest average sum assured of Rs.3, 26,000 and average premium of Rs.19,500 per policy in the industry with a unit-linked product range. A very efficient utilization of capital. Low claims ratio of 0.06% of total policies. The first advisor to qualify to the top of the table (TOT) amongst all private life insurance companies. GROWTH OF BIRALA SUN LIFE IN UNIT-LINKED LIFE INSURANCE: Another successful financial year came to an end. The company reported an annualized new business income of Rs.478 crore during the year 2003-04 an increase of 222% over the premium income lat year. The company of the year-end had an agency force of around 10,250 agents, and 89 ban assurance & corporate partners. All three sales channels came out with flying colors. During the year 2003-04 the company has launched two new groups and one individual fund. During the year 2003-04, the BSE sensex has gone up by 81% but the first quarter of year 2004 was not very exciting for the market except for a huge supply of PSU IPOs. In March 2004, the markets have been choppy and combined with the upcoming elections. This has caused some amount of investor uncertainty. After a continuous rise between may 2003 and January 2004, the quarter saw a correction in the market. The BSE sensex went up to an all time high in January 2004 and the quarter closed at 5590.60 down almost 4% from December 2003 level. There was a large supply of IPOs by PSUs, which met with a good response. The fundamentals remained good and foreign institutional investors (FIIS) continued buying even though the markets declined. The GDP growth numbers has also been encouraging at 10.4% in October December 2003 quarter. The interest rates remained range bound in the quarter with some amount of volatility. The 10- year benchmark G-sec closed at 5.15% at the end of the quarter. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK

BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD, distribution strategy is aimed at creating a national presence through a scaleable model, which would achieve convenience, accessibility and quality service for the customers. DIRECT SALES FORCE: Through this channel, the company sets up brick and mortar branches on a standardizes template, across the country selling life insurance though trained career agents called insurance advisor. The team of agency managers and advisors are geared for productivity enhancement national presence in 44branches and 9development centers. ALTERNATE CHANNELS: The experience in various countries for selling life insurance through banks, corporate agents, brokers, call center, Internet and these distribution alternatives will be pursed by the organization from the inception stage. While in India there was no precedent for selling life insurance though these alternate modes, a philosophy of piloting and stabilizing the model was adopted.

OUP INSURANCE: The selling of insurance to corporate and affinity groups is developed though dedicated relationship managers. The business focus is on the Aditya birla group companies and the top corporate in India.

DISTRIBUTION IN TUNE WITH TECHNOLOGY: Technology plays the crucial role, when distribution spans across more than 50 locations .the IT strategy revolves around selecting and implementing critical business applications to support contemporary products like universal life and aligning process to provide world-class customer services. The systems are web enabled and equipped to provide consistent information across all touch points (branches, callcenters website etc.). A high quality wide area network (WAN) was set up to interconnect all branches and the headquarters at mumbai. TRANNING TO SUPPORT DISTRIBUTION: In keeping with support

throughout the country. Birla sun life insurances mission of providing life insurance solutions though well trained professionals, our tanning team has geared up to meet the challenge. We have a team of qualified professionals to provide the crucial support throughout the country.


KEEP TRACK OF YOUR POLICY FUND: Birla sun life insurance sends you an annual policy statement on every policy anniversary to keep you completely informed on the performance of our various funds based on the unit price will be available on our website. ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICE (ECS): The ECS is a convenient and hasslefree method of paying premiums through an electronic debit to your bank account. FEES AND CHARGES: The policy loading fee* is an up-front charge and varies as per the premium payment mode and the policy year CHARGES: Charges towards the cost of insurance will be deducted by cancellation of units at the prevailing unit price on a monthly basis. The annual insurance charges per thousand-face amount for sample ages for healthy lives FUND SWITICHING CHARGES: In a year, one switch between investment fund options is free. For every additional switch, a charge of Rs.100 will be levied. SURRENDER CHARGES: The surrender charges is levied in the first four years and varies based on the year in which the policy is surrender. During the first 24 months of the policy, the charge will be an amount equal to the annulled premium payable for this policy

.for the purpose of surrender charge only, annualilsed premium is defined as the amount that is payable if the coverage paying period is equal to the coverage benefit period. In the 25th month, the surrender charge is 24 percent of the annualized premium. The surrender charge percent reduces by one for e very month thereafter. If the policy is surrendered at any time after the 49th month, the surrender charge is zero. WITHDRAWAL CHARGES: In a year tow withdrawals are free of charge For every additional withdrawal, a charge of Rs.100 will be levied. FEES AND CHARGES: The policy loading fee* is an up-front charge and varies as per the premium payment mode and the policy year .


Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Ltd. (BSLI) won the prestigious Good Corporate Citizen Award from Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the year 2009-10 under the category of Banking and Financial Institutions.

ICAI Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Awarded a Silver Shield in the Insurance category by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for the financial year ended 31st March, 2009

Recruiting and Staffing Best in Class Awards.

Outlook Money Awards 2004 BSLI - Best Life Insurer (Runner Up) 2004 TROPHY.

Outlook Money Awards 2004 BSLI - Best Life Insurer (Runner Up) 2004 CERTIFICATE.

The 8th Asia Insurance Industry Awards 2004 - Birla Sun Life Insurance was among the top five nominees in the category.

The Indo-Canadian Business Chamber- BSLI awarded for its 'Successful Performance' for 4 years April 2005.

Birla Sun Life Insurance was presented 'The Hewitt Best Employers In India Awards 2004' Trophy. .


Objectives of Project
To study the various aspect of recruitment and selection process. To study the recruitment process followed by the SAIL To study the various challenges faced by the recruiters in todays world and

The main objective of project is

to find the various ways to overcome those challenges and increase the success rate of recruitment process.

To analysis the various recent trends in industries regarding recruitment and selection project.


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It may be understood has a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.

A framework or blueprint for conducting the research project. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or solve research problems. A good research design lays the foundation for conducting the project. A good research design will ensure that the research project is conducted effectively and efficiently. Typically, a research design involves the following components, or tasks: Define the information needed. Design the research. Specify the measurement and scaling procedures. Construct and present a questionnaire or an appropriate form for data

collection. Specify the sampling process and sampling size. Develop a plan of data analysis.

The task of data collection is begins after a research problem has been defined and research designed/ plan chalked out. Data collection is to gather the data from the population. The data can be collected of two types:

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Primary Data
The Primary Data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happened to be original in character. Personal Interviews. Telephonic interviews. Questionnaires. Observation

Secondary Data
The Secondary Data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical tool. Methods of collection of Secondary data Newspapers. Magazines Journals Internet Libraries Old records.

Both the method of data collection were used for collection of data. PRIMARY DATA THROUGH QUESTIONNARE SECONDARY DATA THROUGH INTERNET

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure and the researcher would adopt in selecting

items of sample. Sample design may as well lay down the number of items to be included in the sample i.e. the size of the sample. Sample design is determined before data are collected. Before going trough sampling design, let us learn some terms. Population: The aggregate of all the elements, sharing some common set of characteristics, that comprises the universe for the purpose of the research problem. Sample: A subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in the study. In this project sample size is 100 employees

Sampling Unit: The basic unit containing the elements of the population to be sampled. In this project sampling unit is SAIL

Sampling Technique Used in Survey--Nonprobability Sampling Techniques.

Convenience Sampling. And Judgemental Sampling Nonprobability sampling techniques do not use chance selection procedures. Rather, they rely on the personal judgment of the researcher where as probability sampling procedure each element of the population has fixed probabilistic chance of being selected for the sample. In this survey, I have used nonprobabilty sampling technique


1.To know about sources used for recruitment by company

Sources Campus Emp. Ref consultant walkin Existing Data Base Adv. Job Fairs Portal Website











Figure 4.1 Interpretation: The following graph shows that majority of recruiters use employee referrals and portals. 18% of employer rely on employee referrals, where 16% uses portals, 12% prefer campus, consultants, walk-ins, existing database etc, very few percentage employers use job fairs for recruitment purpose.

2.Which sources do you prefer the most for hiring the employees . Sources Percentage
No of Respondent

Internal Sources 27

External Sources 9

Both 64



Internal Sources External Sources Both



i Figure 4.2 Interpretation: Fig 4.2 shows the recruiter find it more suitable to both the sources as combination. As majority of recruiter means 64% find it suitable to use both sources. And 27% use internal sources where only 9% prefer to use external sources.

3. To know about the sources for recruitment of employees. Source Campus Emp Ref No. of emp. %age 14 22 23 5 TABLE 4.3 9 5 0 13 9 14 22 23 Consulant Walk in 5 9 Adv. Existing Job Portal Web site 13 9

Database fairs 5 0

25 20 15 10 5 0 No. of Em p13 %age

Figure 4.3 Interpretation Fig 4.3 depicts that majority of employer rely on employee referrals and consultants for recruitment for middle level management employees. As 23% use referrals and 23% use consultants, 14% use campus recruitment, 14% portals, very few percentage like 5% use walk-ins, 5% use existing database and websites etc. call backs and job fairs are generally not preferred for managerial jobs.

4. To know about the suitable ways to contact the candidates Methods Telephone call Percentage







10 10


100 100


FIGURE 4.4 Interpretation: Fig 4.4 depicts that majority of recruiters find it suitable to use telephone to personally contact the candidates. Because sometime this act as preliminary interview to reject employees on initial stages. As 80% recruiter use telephone calls, 10% use email and 10% use post.


To know whether referral policy is used by the company or not

Particulars Percentage

Yes 72.7

No 27.3

Total 100 100


Figure 4.5 Interpretation:

Fig 4.5 depicts that majority of employers find it suitable to referral policy in the organization and 73% employers prefer to use it and 27% not find it much suitable.

6.Is e-recruitment suitable or not ? Particulars Percentage


Yes 65%

No 35%

Total 100 100


Figure 4.6 Interpretation: Fig 4.6 depicts that majority of recruiter find it suitable to use e-recruiting, as 65% find it useful and 35%of employers not find it much suitable to use e-recruiting in the organization for selection of middle level management employees.

7.To know the average time taken to get adequate pool of candidates.

Time period Percentage

one Month 81

TwoMonths 9

ThreeMonth 9

More 1


Figure 4.7 Interpretation

Fig 4.7 shows that majority of employers take one month to get adequate pool of candidates, as 82% take one month, 9 % spend two months and 9% spend three months to get adequate pool of candidates

8.To know about the criteria used for selection of middle level management employees. Criteria Qualification Experience Communication Leadership Quality Avg Out of5 2.18 2.45 3.18 Table 4.8 3 Technical Skills 4.18

Figure 4.8 Interpretation: Fig 4.8 shows that majority of employers prefer other criteria that qualification, experience, communication and leadership which is technical skills, as average score of technical skills is 4.18 out of 5, where communication comes at number two with 3.18 score, after it leadership with 3,experience with 2.45 and then comes qualification with 2.18 score

9.What is the type of interview conducted for the selection?

Type of Interview Percentage

One to one 36.4

Sequential 0

Panel Interview 63.6


Figure 4.9 Interpretation: Fig 4.9depicts that majority of employers prefer to use panel interview for final selection of middle level management employees. As 64% conduct panel interview and 36% conduct one to one interview for final selection.

10.what are the tests conducted for the appointment of employees

Type of Test Percentage

Psychometric 30

Aptitude Test 20 TABLE 4.10

Interest Test 20

Technical Test 30

Figure 4.10 Interpretation: Fig 4.10 shows that majority of employers use psychometric test and technical test (relating to field). As 30% employers use psychometric test, 30 technical test, 20% aptitude test and 20% uses interest test for selection of employees for the organization. 11.what is the method for information to the rejected candidates

Methods Percentage

Mail 45

Phone 32 Table 4.11

Not Informed 23

Total 100

Figure 4.11 Interpretation: Fig 4.11 shows that different methods used by different employers to inform rejected candidates about their rejection are equally considered. As 45% employer uses mail, 32% uses phone and employers do not find any need to inform rejected candidates and 23% employers inform candidate after their interview about their rejection. know the usefulness of the background reference check. Particulars Percentage Yes 90.9 TABLE 4.12 No 9.1 Total 100

Figure 4.12 Interpretation: Fig 4.13 depicts that majority of employers find it useful to use background reference checks. As 91% employer use background reference checks to know about ability of selected candidates and 9% employer do not find it much suitable.


These days most of the recruiters try to find the sources which can save

their cost. So most of the employers first try to look within the organization before going outside as internal sources are more reliable and cheap. Employees working in organization also get motivated if they get promotions. Majority of employers try to employee referrals and portals first to other

sources for recruitment. Both of these are really cheap and effective.

Campus Recruitment is another source which is becoming the first choice

of recruiter. As it is less costly and helps to find young talent with multiple skills. For hiring middle level management employees most of the employers rely

on employee referrals and consultants. As these sources are not very costly. And consultants can help to contact effective people as they already have huge number of contacts. Majority of employers try to find talented manager on national basis rather

that relying on the local talent. Sometime this also increases their cost but it is helpful to get more talent from other states that are capable of saving cost of organization in other manner.

Recruitment policies to be planned according to job requirements. Selection procedure shall be based on merit, experience related to job

requirements. Selection shall be based not only on marks obtained, they should also consider

candidates communication skills, behavior, etc.., these are the major factors which reflects the company well being. Involve lower level people and ask if workload is there

. Selection policy shall be with in the framework of organization policy Departmental head should always be in touch with employees to know the job

requirement. Proper training has been given to recruitment person and technical aspects. Conduct written test for his general ability and in the field he/she is concerned

with a good interview. Select people with taking minimum 2 or 3 interviews Establish a feedback system for the candidates to know about employers

reputation and also for the selected candidates to know about improvement in the selection procedure. It is required to have complete record of cost of recruitment in order to the

return on investment.


The human element of organization is the most crucial asset of an organization. Taking a closer perspective -it is the very quality of this asset that sets an organization apart from the others, the very element that brings the organizations vision into fruition. Thus, one can grasp the strategic implications that the manpower of an organization has in shaping the fortunes of an organization. This is where the complementary roles of Recruitment and Selection come in. Management of human relations in the future will have to face new challenges and take up new responsibilities in the same way recruiting task has to face new challenges in the future. As it is not going to be

so easier to find appropriate talent in the cost effective way. As the changes takes place in the environment recruiter has to make changes in the recruitment strategies. In the changing domains of technological and legal environment the recruiter task is going to be harder than the earlier.



Tick the Sources used by your company. Advertisement Job fairs Portals Web sites Call backs

Campus Employee referrals Consultants Walk INS Existing database Other


Which Source do you prefer the most for hiring Management employees

(middle level)? Internal Sources Both External Sources

3. Name the source you find most suitable for hiring management employees. Campus Employee referrals Consultants Walk INS Existing database Other Advertisement Job fairs Portals Web sites Call backs


What way you find most suitable to contact candidates? E-mails Other

Telephone calls Post


Do you have a referral policy in your Organization? Yes No

6. Yes

Do you find e-recruiting a suitable way of recruiting? No


What is the average time to get adequate pool of candidates for conducting

interviews? One Month Three months Two Months More

8To know about the criteria used for selection of the employees.S Qualification Experience Communication Leadership qualities Others

9. What type of interview is conducted for selection of employees One to one Panel interview Sequential other

10. What are the tests conducted for the appointment of employees: Psychometric test General Knowledge test Aptitude test Interest test

11.Are rejected candidates informed by Mail Not informed Phone others

Do you find background reference check really help to know about the

candidates? Yes No

Electronic sites used:

Aswathapaa, "Human Resource Management", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, new Delhi, fifth edition 2008, page no 143-186 Shashi K. Gupta, "Human Resource Management", Kalyani Publishers,

Third edition 2006, page no 5.1-5.16, 6.1-6.10

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