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<center><div style="background:#1E9339;border:#A4A4A4 3px solid;font-family:verd ana;font-size:9px;color:white;width:500px;height:1300px" mce_style="background:b lack;border:99CC99 3px solid;font-family:verdana;font-size:9px;color:white;width :200px;height:75px"> <center><b>SENRI</b> <b>SLYTHERIN</b> <b>Herbology Lesson II Assignment</b>

1.) What does Devil's Snare look like? <font color="black">The Devil's Snare looks like a tangled mass of tentacle-like vines. It is seemingly black in colour, slippery and damp.</font> Hermione Granger caught in a Devil's Snare. <img src="" width=2 50"> (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

2.) What happens if something or someone is in the immediate vicinity of the pla nt? <font color="black">The Devil's Snare constricts or strangles anything that happ ens to touch it or is around its immediate vicinity.</font> 3.) What causes the plant to "exert a greater force of constriction"? <font color="black">The plant exerts a greater force of constriction when it sen ses struggling or resistance.</font> 4.) Where did Devil's snare originate? <font color="black">The Devil's Snare is endemic to Scotland.</font> 5.) What is it used for? <font color="black">The plant is used for assasination, guarding valuables or at tacking enemies.</font> 6.) In what type of environment does it prefer to grow? <font color="black">It prefers a dark and damp environment.</font> 7.) What is its weakness? <font color="black">It stops its movement in front of bright light and will reco il away from the heat of fire. A bluebell flames spell will make it back away from its victims.</font> 8.) What is the rhyme that is used to describe Devil's Snare? <font color="black"><i>"Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare, it's deadly fun but will s

ulk in the sun."</i></font> 9.) What book did Devil's Snare appear in? <font color="black">Devil's Snare made its first appearance in the first novel o f the series, <i>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone</i>.</font> 10.) Who failed to escape Devil's Snare on his/her own in said book? <font color="black">In the book, <i>Harry and Ron</i> did not know about the sai d plant, thus they needed Hermione's help to get free. However, in the film of the same title, Harry and Hermione were both released from the plant's hold whilst <i>Ron</i> panicked and caused himself to be furthe r trapped until Hermione saved him with a <a href=" ell_Flames"><font color="black"><u>Bluebell flames spell</u></a></font>.</font> EXTRA CREDIT - Worth 50 points for you and your house! What is Flitterbloom? Give a detailed five [5] to seven [7] sentence description . <font color="black"><i>Flitterbloom</i> is a magical plant that has long, swayin g tentacles. It is possibly related to the Devil's Snare and bears a resemblance to the deadl y plant. However, unlike the Devil's Snare, it is harmless. It is even kept as a pot plant or in the gardens. <a href=""><font color="black"><u >Miriam Strout</u></font></a>, a healer at St. Mungo's,mistook a Devil's Snare a s a Flitterbloom and thus encouraged <a href="">< font color="black"><u>Broderick Bode</u></font></a>, an Unspeakable, to care for it, leading to his asphyxiation by said deadly plant. Georgina Smyth, a witch, wrote to the radio programme <a href=http://harrypotter,_Shoots_%27n%27_Roots"><font color="black"><u>"Toots, Shoo ts 'n' Roots"</u></a></font> asking how to revive a Flitterbloom that she had not watered in months.</font> <b>Sources:</b> <a href=""><font color="white"></font> <a href=""><font color="white" ></font> <a href=" Stone"><font color="white"> sopher%27s_Stone</font> <a href=""><font color="white"></font> <a href=""><font color="white">har</font> <a href=""><font color="white">ha</font>

<a href=""><font color="white">h</font> <a href=""><font color="white">h</font> <a href=",_Shoots_%27n%27_Roots"><font col or="white">,_Shoots_%27n%27_Roots</font> <img src=" l.png"height="40" align="right"> </div>

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