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I forgot to mention that, all that being said, I still refuse to play the HEAT :).

My special zone harrasses the perimeter so much that even when the guy gets an open attempt at an auto-three, its rushed and theres still the possibility that he'll. That ain't happenin with the Heat :). Freakin Battier is 100% from open three in the corner. Allen, Lebron, and Chalmers are 90%...Wade will miss one here and there. Haven't had anyone use Miller, he's probably 100% as well. If someone picks the Heat at the selection screen, I give them a warning that I'll abort :). You're dealing with auto-shots from Kobe with the Lakers, Curry on the Warriors, Rose on the Bulls...but none of those others are as bad as the HEAT :). I'm just happy I FINALLY found a defensive configuration that works against the Visual Concepts infamous auto-offense. It was litterally the 11th HOUR...If I did not find SOMETHING that slowed that auto-offense in yesterday's session, it was time to put the disc back in the case and put it towards a pre-order of my next Gamestop purchase. --Before you ask about the username, I'm a reformed Sega phanatic from the Sony-Sega wars! I accept Sony now, and I even own a PSP :D!

Its pretty disappointing that you would make this thread yet not list all of the settings you change, and frankly, I don't even know how to change the settings to make the team try and rebound offensively less so they would be more ready for fastbreaks. I really wish the coach in MyCareer would figure that one out, because Wade (who I am unfortunately stuck guarding) always gets a fastbreak if I don't make a 3. Instant 2-pts every time for the Heat. Anyways, while I don't know all your settings, I'm guessing that with the 1-3-1 Zone, you DoubleTeam all players, Tight On-Ball for all players, Tight Off-Ball for all players, and either Deny Ball for all players, or just the 3-pt shooters. I suppose you might also set Sag Off-Ball against All-Stars. If your settings are not anything like that, then I have no clue what settings you are using, but seeing as this is the first basketball game I've played since the PS2 where all I did was create a team of 99 Overall players and basically cheat, I don't really know what I'm doing, and I'm just awful at defense, especially in MyPlayer mode when I only need to cover a single guy. So any cool pieces of information you could add would be awesome. I just want to get my 5-win online streak and my 10 wins online achievements and then piece out in terms of the online game modes except blacktop.

I really dont want the cheesers to know this because while I'm shutting them down, they could use it against ME to stay in the game :D! 1. Play as a TALL team, like the Mavs, where you can put as many 7-footers on the floor as possile :). Even your scorer is 7-foot. This helps with the post D and detering the auto-three.

2. In the couch defense settings, assign the 7-footers to guard the superstar and main auto-three guy. 3. still in the coach defense settings, set doubling to "in paint" on ALL 12 players. "tight" on ball, ALL 12 "tight" off ball ALL 12 4. Go to coach profile sliders. Put the slider to the MAX on: Double-team Defensive pressure 5. Still at the slider, put: "help defense" to the MINIMUM. This was the tweek that put pressure on the shooters in the 1-3-1. DONT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE THERE. I put fastbreak to max, but thats a matter of preference, I like an up temp offense. 6. As soon as the game starts and youre on D, go into the 1-3-1 ZONE. Right on the directional, Y button. You're done :) ! Practice doing the settings against the comp. You'll get so used to it that you blow through the settings in under a minute . When I'm finished the settings online theres still 90 seconds left on my pause timer. You'll SEE the difference when your opponent attempts to BULL in for the dunk or auto-layup :D. You DONT have to worry about the paint, you'll see. But you DO have to roam the perimeter and close out an occasional open shooter before he can get off an auto-three. Try it! ---

Ok its simple but can be frustrating at times, so im gonna leave a few tips to those who still struggle against this defense and the havoc it can sometimes cause... 1. You got to know all your players jumpshots and hot spots. This is very important and ill come back to this later. BASELINE IS A DEAD ZONE IN 1-3-1 2. Be very patient and don't force your offense or try to abuse running around like a mad man with your star player. YOUR OPPONENT WANT YOU TO RUSH BECAUSE THIS LEAD HIM FOR EASY FAST BREAK POINTS.

3. When bringing the ball and make it over half court SPACE THE FLOOR OUT and have the ball in the hands of a high ball security player... -----stay out in the back court or where you can observe the defense and see if he's playing on the PF or PG-------if he brings the double while your deep in the back court you should be very happy because now there are big ass holes in the D if you avoid the DOUBLE TEAM...YOU HAVE SO MANY OPTIONS. 4. Don't panic when you get DT because 9/10 you can dribble out when being trapped. ---IDK WHY SOME OF YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOUR BEING TRAPPED YOU GOTTA GET RID OF THE BALL ASAP. most of the time you will get so many 5 on 3's because you will escape 5. MANUAL CUT AND D-PAD CUT PLAYERS WHEN YOU SEE GAPS. 6. GET INTO THE HEART OF THE DEFENSE FOR KICK OUT 3'S -----MAKE HIM PAY WITH CORNER AND WING THREES--------MOST OF SHOOTERS HOT SPOTS ARE IN THE CORNER OR WING, SO YOU WILL HIT THEM CONSISTENT--------GET YOUR SPIN LAYUP ANIMATION THEN PASS TO CUTTERS GOING TO THE BASKET--7. OFF-BALL PLAY IS GREAT BECAUSE YOU CAN GET THE BASELINE ALLY OOPS BECAUSE THERE NO ONE GUARDING THAT AREA. 8. Mid range shooting bigs can eat up the 1-3-1 as well.. baseline mid is there if you can break down the zone. 9. You get more offensive rebounds or second chance points when he's playing the 1-3-1 for easy kick out threes and a shit load of put backs when shooting the deep ball. 10. Stay away from cross the court passing because he on either the PF OR THE GUARD/SF OPPOSITE BALL SIDE WAITING FOR THE INTERCEPTION OR DEFLECTION for a easy fast break. 11. Don't jack up dumb ass shots that's deep or shots you know that are low %. -----this is a easy way to get cherry picked to death---------Calling a quick iso every possession will get you cherry picked to death----12. Don't try posting up in a zone its a fail if your opponent is good at trapping. ---- don't get in cluttered spots on the court or try going 1 on 1 --------------*COMMON SENSE TIPS* --if the same offense tactic fail..PLEASE TRY OTHER WAYS TO SCORE.. There's nothing more funny than you trying to debo your way the paint with LeBron WADE OR ROSE!! AND ITS A FAIL EVERYTIME..LOL --- DON'T DRIBBLE INTO THE CORNER OR WING---IF ON THE WING DON'T BE IN SIDE THE 3POINT LINE ---MOVE THE BALL!!! DON'T ISO UNLESS YOU KNOW YOUR GONNA SCORE!! the ball move faster than players..

---pass fake, reason why? It can cancel some double teams and throw off the PF who wants to deflect every pass [[[[[[[[zip pass hold the pass button Lob tap the pass button ( good to do this if your gonna make across the court passes and lobs Flashy passes RT pass button Touch passing ..while ball is in air tap pass button before it get to the receiver]]]]] --use escape jumpers--I've beat teams like OKC, BULLS, HEAT, GS, WIZARDS several of times because guys sit back in this Defense the whole game with teams like UTAH, NETS, MAGIC, SUNS because 1-4 can shot and guys can't contest proper when you move the ball. BE A GREAT SHOOTER, PLAY SMART, DRIBBLE OUT OF THOSE DOUBLE TEAMS( IT WILL EITHER BE A REACH FOUL OR JUMP BALL WITH GUYS THAT HAVE HIGH BALL SECURITY ) TAKE WHAT HE GIVE YOU, BURN THOSE TIME OUTS, BE A GREAT SHOOTER AND WAIT FOR THE RAGE QUIT LOL Last tip the POWER DUNK & SPIN DUNK is so alive when playing against a zone because you need a body to spin off and the PF is always in the paint or elbows... there's some spots in the lane that launch you into it find em FEEL FREE TO ADD MORE TIPS IF I LEFT ANY OUT

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