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Pisces Astrology Profile

Pisces Characteristics:
Symbol: The Fish Element: Water Group: Theoretical Polarity: Negative Favorable Colors: Sea-Green Chinese Counterpart: Rabbit

Ruling Planet: Neptune, Jupiter Cross/Quality: Mutable House Ruled: Twelfth Opposite Sign: Virgo Lucky Gem: Moon Stone Period: Feb 19 - Mar 20

Pisces Personality:
"Understanding" is a most appropriate keyword for this gentle, affectionate sign. Easygoing and generally accepting of others around them, Pisceans are often found in the company of a variety of different personalities. Their willingness to give of themselves emotionally lends to an aura of quiet empathy. A Pisces is comforting to be around. While not likely to be the leader, this sign's presence is strong and vibrant in any cause they put their hearts into.
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Pisces Key Words:

Strengths: Intuitive, compassionate, artistic, gentle, wise, musical. Weaknesses: Can be a victim or martyr, fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality. Charismatic marks: Soft, sometimes frail to medium build. Face easily shows emotion. Likes: Spiritual themes, time alone, visual media, time to sleep, romance, music, swimming. Dislikes: Know-it-alls, the past coming back to haunt, being criticized, cruelty of any kind. Best environment: On or near water, especially the sea. The movie theater

Aries Astrology Profile

Aries Characteristics:
Symbol: The Ram Element: Fire Group: Emotional Polarity: Positive Favorable Colors: Red Chinese Counterpart: Dragon Ruling Planet: Mars Cross/Quality: Cardinal House Ruled: First Opposite Sign: Libra Lucky Gem: Diamond Period: Mar 21 - Apr 19

Aries Personality:
As the first sign of the zodiac, the presence of an Aries almost always indicates the beginning of something energetic and boisterous. Not much holds this sign back. They're eager, dynamic, quick, and competitive. When it comes to getting the ball rolling, an Aries is the best. Pioneering everything from work-related projects to parties with friends, these folks go for the gusto.

Aries Key Words:

Strengths: Courage, determination, self-confidence, enthusiasm. Weaknesses: Impatience, silly arguments, allowing fear to limit choices. Charismatic marks: Athletic body, youthful attitude, a need to take the lead. Likes: Comfortable clothes, taking the lead, physical challenges, individual sports. Dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that doesn't use one's talents. Best environment: Any situation that requires action, courage in the face of fear, competition, and freedom of choice. Aries individuals are better outside being active than staying close to home.

Taurus Astrology Profile Taurus Characteristics:

Symbol: The Bull Element: Earth Group: Emotional Polarity: Negative Favorable Colors: Pink Chinese Counterpart: Snake Ruling Planet: Venus Cross/Quality: Fixed House Ruled: Second Opposite Sign: Scorpio Lucky Gem: Emerald Period: Apr 20 - May 20

Taurus Personality:
Strong, dependable Taurus leads the way when it comes to reaping the rewards of hard work. Lovers of everything that is fine and beautiful, Taureans surround themselves with material gains. This is a sensual, tactile sign. Touch is very important in everything from work to romance. Stable and conservative, Taureans are among the most reliable of the zodiac. While sometimes viewed as stubborn, this sign will plod along on a task until the very end, ensuring that everything is up to standard. They're highly creative and thoroughly enjoy making things with their own hands.

Taurus Key Words:

Strengths: Dependable, patient, musical, practical. Weaknesses: Stubborn, uncompromising, possessive. Charismatic marks: Solid, big bones, tendency to gain weight. Likes: Gardening, cooking, working with hands, music, romance, high-quality clothing. Dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics. Best environment: A secluded home close to nature. Good food is also important. Beauty and comfort are a must.

Gemini Astrology Profile

Gemini Characteristics:
Symbol: The Twins Element: Air Group: Emotional Polarity: Positive Favorable Colors: Green Chinese Counterpart: Horse Ruling Planet: Mercury Cross/Quality: Mutable House Ruled: Third Opposite Sign: Sagittarius Lucky Gem: Agate Period: May 21 - Jun 20

Gemini Personality:
Versatility is a great keyword for this dual sign. Expressive and quick-witted, the Gemini presents two distinctive sides to his or her personality, and you can never be sure with which one you're going to come face-to-face. On one hand, the Gemini can be outgoing, flirtatious, communicative, and ready for fun, fun, fun. Yet when the other twin is present, you can find this air sign contemplative, serious, restless, and even indecisive. Both twins are able to adapt to life's circumstances well, making them wonderful people to know. Things are never boring when a Gemini is on the scene.
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Gemini Key Words:

Strengths: Curiosity, ability to share ideas, adaptable, affectionate, kind. Weaknesses: Scattering energy in too many places at once, fickle in love, nervous, short attention span. Charismatic marks: Expressive eyes, quick, bright, often small-boned, refined features. Likes:

Music, magazines, books, music, blogs, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around town. Dislikes: Repetition and routine, being alone, being confined. Best environment: Any busy neighborhood, places where people gather to gossip, bookstores, museums.

Cancer Astrology Profile

Cancer Characteristics:
Symbol: The Crab Element: Water Group: Emotional Polarity: Negative Favorable Colors: White, Silver Chinese Counterpart: Goat Ruling Planet: Moon Cross/Quality: Cardinal House Ruled: Fourth Opposite Sign: Capricorn Lucky Gem: Pearls Period: Jun 21 - Jul 22

Cancer Personality:
Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging Zodiac signs to get to know. Emotion runs strong for this sign, and when it comes to family and home, nothing is more important. Sympathetic and empathetic, Cancerians are greatly attuned to those around them. Devotion is the keyword for this sign, making them wonderfully sensitive people to be around.

Cancer Key Words:

Strengths: Compassion, emotional sensitivity, fierce protection of loved ones, tenacity. Weaknesses: Manipulative, indirect conflict, clinging to the past, insecure, packrat. Charismatic marks: Medium build, round face, prominent breasts, a tendency to take charge. Likes: Relaxing near or in water, art, home-based hobbies, a good meal with friends, helping loved ones. Dislikes: Strangers, revealing of personal life, any criticism of Mom. Best environment: Cancer will always be most comfortable at home, close to family, familiar things, and dear friends.

Leo Astrology Profile

Leo Characteristics:
Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Sun Cross/Quality: Fixed

Group: Intellectual Polarity: Positive Favorable Colors: Gold, Orange Chinese Counterpart: Monkey

House Ruled: Fifth Opposite Sign: Aquarius Lucky Gem: Ruby Period: Jul 23 - Aug 22

Leo Personality:
When the mighty Lion enters center stage, everyone notices. This dramatic, creative, and outgoing sign has the keyword magnetism for good reason. Fiery and self-assured, a Leo's charm can be almost impossible to resist. Whether it's time spent with family and friends or efforts on the job scene, a Leo is going to bring a lot to the table.

Leo Key Words

Strengths: Warmth, humor, pride, joy, creativity, passion, generosity. Weaknesses: Arrogance, stubbornness, inflexibility, self-centeredness, laziness. Charismatic marks: Regal manner, powerful, strong, muscular. Likes: The theater, being admired, taking holidays, fun with friends, expensive things, bright colors. Dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being king or queen. Best environment: In the sun! Also any place where Leo has a chance to be creative or shine in front of others.

Virgo Astrology Profile

Virgo Characteristics:
Symbol: The Virgin Element: Earth Group: Intellectual Polarity: Negative Favorable Colors: Green, Brown Chinese Counterpart: Rooster Ruling Planet: Mercury Cross/Quality: Mutable House Ruled: Sixth Opposite Sign: Pisces Lucky Gem: Sardonyx Period: Aug 23 - Sep 22

Virgo Personality:
With an acute attention to detail, the Virgo is the sign in the zodiac most dedicated to serving. Their deep sense of the humane leads them to caregiving like no other, while their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead.
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Virgo Key Words:

Strengths: Practical, loyal, hardworking, analytical, kind. Weaknesses: Worry, shyness, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play. Charismatic marks: A certain, reserved manner marks the classic Virgo. Virgos are generally medium to slight in build. Likes: Cleanliness, animals, healthy foods, books, nature. Dislikes: Taking center stage, rudeness, asking for help. Best environment: Virgo is most at home in the company of animals and close to nature. Virgo likes power and enjoys being the sidekick or indispensable assistant.

Libra Astrology Profile

Libra Characteristics:
Symbol: The Scales Element: Air Group: Intellectual Polarity: Positive Favorable Colors: Blue Chinese Counterpart: Dog Ruling Planet: Venus Cross/Quality: Cardinal House Ruled: Seventh Opposite Sign: Aries Lucky Gem: Sapphire Period: Sep 23 - Oct 22

Libra Personality:
"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long!
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Libra Key Words:

Strengths: Social, fair-minded, cooperative, diplomatic, gracious. Weaknesses: Indecisive, will carry a grudge, avoids confrontations, self-pity. Charismatic marks: Attractive, graceful, medium build, no sharp features. Likes: Harmony, sharing with others, gentleness, the outdoors. Dislikes: Injustice, violence, conformity, and loudmouths. Best environment: Any place that is beautiful where the company is harmonious. Very social and happiest doing things in the company of another.

Scorpio Astrology Profile

Scorpio Characteristics:
Symbol: The Scorpion Element: Water Group: Intellectual Polarity: Negative Favorable Colors: Dark Reds, black Chinese Counterpart: Pig Ruling Planet: Pluto, Mars Cross/Quality: Fixed House Ruled: Eight Opposite Sign: Taurus Lucky Gem: Opal Period: Oct 23 - Nov 21

Scorpio Personality:
Beneath a controlled, cool exterior beats the heart of the deeply intense Scorpio. Passionate, penetrating, and determined, this sign will probe until they reach the truth. The Scorpio may not speak volumes or show emotions readily, yet rest assured there's an enormous amount of activity happening beneath the surface. Excellent leaders, Scorpions are always aware. When it comes to resourcefulness, this sign comes out ahead y.

Scorpio Key Words:

Strengths: Passionate, stubborn, resourceful, brave, a true friend. Weaknesses: Jealous, distrusting, secretive, violent, caustic. Charismatic marks: An intense look in the eyes, muscular. Likes: Truth, facts, being right, teasing, longtime friends, a grand passion, a worthy adversary. Dislikes: Dishonesty, passive people, revealing secrets. Best environment: Dark, sensuous places, any situation that offers power or rouses strong feelings.

Sagittarius Astrology Profile

Sagittarius Characteristics:
Symbol: The Archer Element: Fire Group: Theoretical Polarity: Positive Favorable Colors: Purple Chinese Counterpart: Rat Ruling Planet: Jupiter Cross/Quality: Mutable House Ruled: Ninth Opposite Sign: Gemini Lucky Gem: Topaz Period: Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarius Personality:

Inquisitive and energetic, the Sagittarius is the traveler of the Zodiac. Their philosophical, broadminded approach to life motivates them to wander far and wide in the search for the meaning of life. Extroverted, optimistic, and enthusiastic, it can be almost impossible to keep the Sagittarius down. They love change. In fact, change is essential for this sign to feel their best.

Sagittarius Key Words:

Strengths: Great sense of humor, idealistic, generous. Weaknesses: Will say anything no matter how undiplomatic, promises more than can deliver, can be impatient to the point of rudeness. Charismatic marks: Open and interested. Generally tall, strong legs. Clothes for comfort, not style. Women act in a "tomboy" manner. Likes: Travel, being outdoors, freedom, philosophy. Dislikes: Details, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, clingy people. Best environment: Outside, on the move.

Capricorn Astrology Profile

Capricorn Characteristics:
Symbol: The Goat Element: Earth Group: Theoretical Polarity: Negative Favorable Colors: Brown Chinese Counterpart: Ox Ruling Planet: Saturn Cross/Quality: Cardinal House Ruled: Tenth Opposite Sign: Cancer Lucky Gem: Onyx Period: Dec 22 - Jan 19

Capricorn Personality:
When it comes to professionalism and traditional values, Capricorn wins hands-down. This practical sign loves to tackle life in the most conventional of ways, leaving no stone unturned. Considered the most serious-minded of the signs, the Capricorn possesses an independence that allows for considerable progress both personally and on the job.

Capricorn Key Words:

Strengths: Responsible, good managers, disciplined, self-control, dark sense of humor. Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst. Charismatic marks: Medium build, can get in shape with effort but tends to be a bit soft. Likes:

Family, tradition, quality craftsmanship, understated status, music. Dislikes: Almost everything at some point. Best environment: Positive work situation, urban environments with culture and style, anyplace to be in charge.

Aquarius Astrology Profile

Aquarius Characteristics:
Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air Group: Theoretical Polarity: Positive Favorable Colors: Turquoise Chinese Counterpart: Tiger Ruling Planet: Uranus, Saturn Cross/Quality: Fixed House Ruled: Eleventh Opposite Sign: Leo Lucky Gem: Turquoise Period: Jan 20 - Feb 18

Aquarius Personality:
Aquarians present themselves in one of two ways. One on hand, youll see someone who is shy, and quiet. On the other, an Aquarian can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. Both are deep thinkers with a love of helping others. Highly intellectual, this is a sign of fierce independence that prizes intuition tempered with logic. Both personality types have an uncanny ability to see both sides of an argument without prejudice, making them excellent problem-solvers. While very much attuned to the energies around them, Aquarians have a deep need to take time out alone and away to rejuvenate themselves. The keyword for this sign is imagination. The Aquarian can see a world of possibilities even when there appears to be none.
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Aquarius Key Words:

Strengths: Progressive, original, humanitarian, independent. Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, uncompromising, temperamental, aloof. Charismatic marks: Good looks, beautiful eyes, angular faces, thin build. Likes: Fun with friends, fighting for causes, helping others, intellectual conversation, a good listener. Dislikes: Limitations, being lonely, broken promises, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them. Best environment: Any gathering of people to exchange ideas

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