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Monitor software for system A2 and W3

S-E-G "System A2 Monitor" is a small utility for remote monitoring of S-E-G controllers from a PC. The software program requires connection to one or several A2 systems RS485 serial port. If you do not have any RS485 port available on your PC, there are many low cost USB/RS485 converters available on the market.

How to use: Download file A2_SEG_Monitor.exe and save it on your hard drive. Start the application by double clicking the file. No installation is required. The example below shows connection established with beltscale model A2-H14.

When you start the program and connection is established, the program will automatically display the window above. The blinking green square will indicate that connection is established.

If the connection is not succesful, the tools window below will be displayed.

PC Connection: Com Port for the USB/RS485 adapter usually becomes the first available port after the standard ports, like COM3 or COM4 etc. You must check this within the hardware manager under "My computer" and change to the correct Com Port no. Modbus Setup: These are the communication settings for the A2 system, found under the COM SETUP menu. Id = 248, BPS=9600, Data= 8,n,1 are default values for all A2 systems at initial power on or start up (unless changed by user). Put in the correct data and push Save & Restart If you still cannot establish connection, some of the data is incorrect or the settings in the controller does not match the settings in the tool window.

When connection is established, the tools menu can be accessed again from the drop down menu.

A backup file can be created and saved to hard disk or other media by selecting the A2 Backup tab above. You will be prompted for a file name and a location where to save it. System A2 backup files will automatically get the file extension .a2b For downloading a saved backup file to the controller, select the A2 restore & Exit tab. You will be prompted for the location of the backup file, and when selected, the file will automatically be downloaded to the A2 controller. You will be prompted to restart the A2 controller, for the downloaded file to be loaded into the memory. Warning! All existing settings will be erased and replaced with the contents of the selected file.

From the edit menu you can copy DDE links to clipboard (one at a time) by selecting the desired information row displayed. In the example above, Line 6 will be the DDE link for Beltspeed. The copied links can then be pasted into different software applications, such as for example Microsoft Excel. If the copy to cliboard function should not work for any reason (some versions of Microsoft Office clipboard does not support OLE formats), the link kan be manually entered. Refer to formula example below for Excel: =A2_SEG_Monitor|A2Mon!DDEx, where x should be replaced with the corresponding no.0-9 for row 1-10. E.g. =A2_SEG_Monitor|A2Mon!DDE5 for a link with Beltspeed info in the example above.

A2_SEG_Monitor.INI configuration file. A2_SEG_Monitor.INI is automatically generated when A2_SEG_Monitor.exe is first started. The [Display] and [Language.XXXX] sections are populated with default values which may be changed using any text editor. The default values will be different depending on model connected, e.g. A2-A14, -H14 etc. (A2_SEG_Monitor should not be running when updating A2_SEG_Monitor.INI. The contents is only scanned during program start.) The [Config] section is updated by A2_SEG_Monitor and should not be manually edited. The [Display] section can be used to customize the display if desired. Up to 10 lines may be displayed. Contact S-E-G if you require any additional info displayed. Sample A2_SEG_Monitor.INI file: ;Config section is generated and updated by A2_SEG_Monitor [Config] ComPort=3 MBS UID=1 MBS BPS=3 MBS Data=0 Top=897 Left=197

;Display section is initially generated by A2_SEG_Monitor but may be changed to customize the displayed data [Display] Text0=Gross Reg0=2006 Dec0=10 Sort0=Kg Text1=Net Reg1=2008 Dec1=10 Sort1=Kg BtnText1=Zero BtnReg1=64 BtnVal1=2 ;Language section is initially generated by A2_SEG_Monitor and can be modified to change the user interface. Swedish language section shown below. [Language.041D] A2_Monitor.A2_Monitor.Caption=System A2 Monitor A2_Monitor.File1.Caption=&Arkiv A2_Monitor.ComSetup1.Caption=Verktyg A2_Monitor.Exit1.Caption=Avsluta A2_Monitor.Backup1.Caption=Backup A2_Monitor.Edit1.Caption=&Redigera A2_Monitor.CopyLinks1.Caption=Kopiera DDE Link A2_Monitor.ComBox2.Caption=Modbus Setup A2_Monitor.Lbl_UID.Caption=Enhets Id A2_Monitor.Lbl_BPS.Caption=BPS A2_Monitor.Lbl_Data.Caption=Data A2_Monitor.ComBox1.Caption=PC Anslutning A2_Monitor.Lbl_Port.Caption=Com Port A2_Monitor.Bt_ComChange.Caption=Spara A2_Monitor.Bt_ComCancel.Caption=Avbryt A2_Monitor.Bt_Backup.Caption=A2 Backup A2_Monitor.Bt_Restore.Caption=A2 Restore A2_Monitor.ML0.Caption=Rad 1 A2_Monitor.ML1.Caption=Rad 2 A2_Monitor.ML2.Caption=Rad 3 A2_Monitor.ML3.Caption=Rad 4 A2_Monitor.ML4.Caption=Rad 5 A2_Monitor.ML5.Caption=Rad 6 A2_Monitor.ML6.Caption=Rad 7 A2_Monitor.ML7.Caption=Rad 8 A2_Monitor.ML8.Caption=Rad 9 A2_Monitor.ML9.Caption=Rad 10

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