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The operating system does all of the following EXCEPT: 1).

provide a way for the user to interact with the computer. 2). manage the central processing unit (CPU). 3 ). manage memory and storage. 4 ). enable users to perform a specific task such as document editing. Answer : 4

2) To move forward through the tabs 1). CTRL+TAB 2 ). CTRL+SHIFT+TAB 3 ). SHIFT+TAB 4 ). None of these Answer : 1

3) Which of the following is a valid IP address? 1). 2 ). 3 ). 192.168.900.1 4 ). 192.900.168.1 Answer : 3

4) The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminals computer is an example of a law enforcement specialty called: 1). simulation 2 ). animation 3 ). robotics

4 ). computer forensics Answer : 4

5) Allocation of a resources in a time dependent manner to several program simultaneously called 1). multi user 2 ). multi tasking 3 ). time sharing 4 ). None of these Answer : 3 ).

6) Which of the following is an example of a binary number? 1). A1BCD1 2 ). 23456 3 ). 005 4 ). 100101 Answer : 4

7) ____________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer. 1). The operating system 2 ). The motherboard 3 ). The platform 4 ). Application software Answer : 1

8) All of the following statements concerning windows are true EXCEPT:

1). windows are an example of a command-driven environment. 2 ). windows can be resized and repositioned on the desktop. 3 ). more than one window can be open at a time. 4 ). toolbars and scrollbars are features of windows. Answer : 1

9) What is the shortcut key of printing a document for computer having windows? 1). Shift + P 2 ). Alt + P 3 ). Ctrl + P 4 ). Ctrl + Shift + P Answer : 3 ).

10) Which of the following are true about firewalls? 1). Follows a set of rules 2 ). Can be either a hardware or software device 3 ). Filters network traffic 4 ). All the above Answer : 4

11) In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of: 1). eight bytes. 2 ). eight characters. 3 ). eight bits. 4 ). eight kilobytes.

Answer : 3

12) Verification of a login name and password is known as: 1). configuration 2 ). accessibility 3 ). authentication 4 ). logging in Answer : 3

13) Which of the following is a correct format of Email address? 1). sales@website@info 2 ). 3 ). 4 ). Answer : 2

14) The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the: 1). digital divide. 2 ). Internet divide. 3 ). Web divide. 4 ). cyberway divide. Answer : 1

15) What is e-commerce? 1). Buying and selling computer products

2 ). Buying and selling products and services not found in stores 3 ). Buying and selling international goods 4 ). Buying and selling products and services over the Internet Answer : 4

16) 'Blue tooth' technology allows 1). Satellite communication 2 ). Wireless communication between equipments 3 ). Signal transmission on mobile phones only 4 ). Landline phone to mobile phone communication Answer : 2

17) Java is a 1). Operating System 2 ). Compiler 3 ). Input Device 4 ). Programming Language Answer : 4

18) The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a 1). cell 2 ). table 3 ). box 4 ). column Answer : 1

19) Computers use the ____________ language to process dat 1). 1). relational 2 ). megabyte 3 ). binary 4 ). processing Answer : 3

20) The set of instructions that tells the computer what to do is 1). Softcopy 2 ). Software 3 ). Hardware 4 ). Hardcopy Answer : 2

21) What are the four things needed to connect to the Internet? 1). Monitor, keyboard, mouse, modem 2 ). Telephone line, PDA, modem and computer 3 ). Telephone line, modem, computer, and an ISP 4 ). Modem, computer, PDA and ISP Answer : 3

22) ) What is the commonly used unit for measuring the sped of data transmission? 1). Mega Hertz 2 ). Characters per second

3 ). Nano seconds 4 ). Bits per second Answer : 4

23) Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of: 1). application software. 2 ). system software. 3 ). operating system software. 4 ). platform software. Answer : 1

24) Which of the following stores more data? 1). DVD 2 ). CD ROM 3 ). Floppy Disk 4 ). CD RW Answer : 1

25) The base of the hexadecimal number system is 1). 2 2 ). 8 3 ). 10 4 ). 16 Answer : 4

26) The Operating System Manages 1). Processes 2 ). Memory 3 ). Disks and I/O devices 4 ). All of the above Answer : 4

27) ) ____________ is the ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple programs at the same time. 1). Streamlining 2 ). Multiuser 3 ). Multitasking 4 ). Simulcasting Answer : 3

28) What does HTTP stands for? 1). Head Tail Transfer Protocol 2 ). Hypertext Transfer Protocol 3 ). Hypertext Transfer Plot 4 ). Hypertext Transfer Plotter Answer : 2

29) ____________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful way. 1). A process 2 ). Information 3 ). Software

4 ). Storage Answer : 2

30) Computer software includes 1). Packaged programs 2 ). Application programs 3 ). Operating system programs 4 ). All of these Answer : 4

31) Data that are accumulated and processed in group called 1). Group processing 2 ). Batch Processing 3 ). Time sharing 4 ). None of these. Answer : 2

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