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Hallelujah House of Yahweh

Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God! Revelation 19:1

June (uh.July?) 2013

Greetings from Hallelujah House of Yahweh!

A month later than planned, we thank you for your patience on the publication of our 2013 second quarter newsletter. Our travel to America caused the schedule to tighten and a number of tasks to slip; we appreciate your understanding! We will cover the trip in the next edition, due to be published in late September. The Church The congregation continues to develop in their walk with Christ through weekly services and Bible Studies. It is such a blessing to see the growing faith of individual church members, and how they are now becoming witnesses to their unchurched neighbors. Two babies were welcomed into the church family in May. Each new mother was given gifts of diapers and an umbrella to shelter the baby from the hot sun. The Children At the conclusion of the first term of the school year, we were disturbed to hear that many of our children are failing in English, math, or both. English is the national language of Zambia, and a child who does not learn it early is destined to struggle in school, as all classes are taught in English. Our response? Marlys performed individual assessments with each child to determine skill levels, and has created a home school program in math and English where each child is challenged to develop the knowledge and skills they missed in their regular classes. We are delighted with the progress the children are making, and even some of their teachers have commented on the changes they are seeing. Much better scores are anticipated for the term ending this month. A quick story: Kunda is 11 years old, speaks very little English, and has lacked the confidence to ask for help with her school work. She used to fake illness at least once a week to avoid going to school. In April, before we started to teach at home, she was unable to calculate 1+2-1. Today, after 2 hours of math tutoring each week, she is able to do long division and is looking forward to learning fractions and decimals. Now, she faces each school day with excitement and anticipation. And when she gets home, we need to remind her to change out of her school uniform and eat some lunch before sitting down with a book. Her confidence is increasing, and we are seeing a whole new child emerge! What a blessing to be able to be part of this change for her. Medical Ministry In late April, Victor made the journey to collect Aaron from Chitokoloki as requested by Samaritans Purse. All possible surgeries for the present time have been completed. There is one additional surgery still needed, but the doctor who has been working with Aaron has returned home to Europe, and that procedure will need to wait for another time. For the time being, Samaritans Purse advised a period of rest and healing.

PO Box 70316 * Ndola, Zambia * 260-973-133789 * *

Aarons family was so excited to see him and called out to all their neighbors to come and see what the doctors had done for him. This opened the door for Victor to share with them about Gods love, and what God had done for Aaron. Aaron moved from being a young man who was waiting for death; he seldom spoke, his ability to eat and even breathe was constrained, and he refused to look anyone in the eye. Today, Aaron is able to do all of these things without constraint. And Aaron recognizes that he is a unique and special person created and loved by God. This was truly a life saved, and we feel very blessed to have been able to assist with finding medical care for this young man. Sustainability God blessed us with a harvest even better than hoped! In late April and May, the HHY family kept very busy harvesting the soybeans and maize. All work is done by hand, from picking to threshing to bagging. To keep the work fun, we created competition (boys vs. girls) or offered a reward if a goal amount was completed within a designated time. Some of our innovative boys built a threshing frame for beating the ears of dried maize, increasing the speed at which the work was completed.

We had only a small crop of soybeans as a test to see how the land would support this crop. Our harvest was six 50Kg bags, larger than expected, and was sold for a very good price. Maize was our primary crop, and we harvested 150 bags of 50Kg each. Ground into mealie meal, it is anticipated this will last the HHY family as a food source through April 2014. Plans for the 2013-2014 growing season are underway. Not all of our 60+ acres are currently cultivated, and we are exploring expansion of our soybean fields as this crop brings in a very good price when sold to the government. This idea needs to be balanced with keeping sufficient maize growth to support the familys food needs, and without overwhelming the workforce, as all work is by hand. Please pray that God give us wisdom as we move forward. Visitors! Marlys daughter and son-in-law were able to visit from the US in April. During their stay, Jessica was able to teach the girls to crochet using yarn donated by many friends, and Andy introduced the game of baseball. They were able to get a good idea of how the HHY family lives, and what our current needs are so they can share with friends at home. Thank you, Andy and Jess, for the joy you shared during your time with us! **************************************************************************************************

PO Box 70316 * Ndola, Zambia * 260-973-133789 * *

Thank you for your continued love, prayers, and support for the ministry of HHY. Through your encouragement we are able to push forward with the work God has called us to do. God bless you!!

Answered Prayer!
Praise God for health and healing for Aaron through the great work of Samaritans Purse! Praise God for the bountiful harvest! Praise God for the lives that are being reached with the Gospel!! Praise God for the advancement of the childrens education through teaching and mentoring programs. Praise God for the doors being opened in the USA for the sharing of the work of HHY!

Prayer Requests
Please pray for Gods continued provision for the daily and long-range needs of HHY. Please pray that the church may be capable to support the ministry needs of the bush area. Please pray for the continued health and wellbeing of the children and staff. Please pray for the success of our sustainability efforts. Please pray for the children who are approaching major exams to allow movement to the next grade level.

We would love to hear from you!

For further information of the work of HHY or how you may partner with us for the future, please contact us at Email Phone Website Facebook 096-489-9461

PO Box 70316 * Ndola, Zambia * 260-973-133789 * *

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