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VisVAP 2.

User Manual

Verkehr AG

1 Introduction 5

2 Working with VisVAP 7

2.1 Desktop 8
2.2 Keyboard Shortcuts 10
2.3 Screen Layout, Font and Symbol Sizes 12
2.3.1 Layout Files 12
2.3.2 Column Widths and Row Heights 13

3 General Conventions 15

4 Drawing the Flow Chart 17

4.1 Symbol types 18
4.2 Connection Lines and Arrows 21

5 VAP Functions 23

6 Parameters 31
6.1 VAP-Parameters 32
6.2 User-Defined Parameters and Constants 33

7 Variables and Expressions 35

7.1 Variables 36
7.2 Expressions 37

8 Subroutines 39

9 Check of Flow Chart and Generating a VAP File 41

9.1 Structural Consistency 42
9.2 Generating a VAP File 43
9.3 Syntactic Correctness 44

3 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

1 Introduction

10 Debugging a Signal Control Logic 45

10.1 Starting the Debug Mode 46
10.2 VisVAP Debug Commands 48
10.3 Breakpoints 50
10.4 Leaving the Debug Mode 51

11 Structure of a VisVAP File (*.VV-File) 53

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 4

1 Introduction

VisVAP enhances the use of free-defined signal control logics using the VAP
language (Vehicle Actuated Programming) in offering a comfortable tool for
creating and editing program logics as flow charts. The appearance and
design of flow charts in VisVAP is taken from RiLSA 1992 (German de-facto
law for signal controls) and has been enhanced to facilitate loops and other
features. VisVAP can be used for both stage and signal group oriented

Definition of stages Design and check of flow charts
calculation of interstages

Stage_active(1) Ped_Demand Interstage( 1, 2 )

Stage_active(2) Interstage( 2, 1 )

database *.pua *.vap *.vv

VAP (e.g. vap215.dll)

For the use of a stage oriented signal control the creation of interstages
should be done using CROSSIG. CROSSIG exports an ASCII file (*.PUA)
which includes all signal group commands for each interstage. VisVAP
checks the structure of the program logic and if successful exports it to a
VAP file. This way the creation of VAP files for the use with VISSIM is much
easier than writing VAP code directly. However, experienced programmers
who like to use text editors may prefer direct programming of VAP code.
The flow chart and parameters of a VisVAP document can be saved to an
ASCII file with extension *.VV.

5 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

2 Working with VisVAP

7 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

2 Working with VisVAP

2.1 Desktop
The Desktop of VisVAP compounds of the main window containing the
menu, tool, symbol and status bars and of one or more program windows.
Within a program window one signal control logic can be designed. For each
kind of information it contains a separate pane. Altogether there are four
panes holding information on:
► program logic (flow chart):
► parameters,
► arrays
► expressions and
► assignment of subroutines.

Window pane 2:

Window pane 3:

Window pane 1: Chart Window pane 4:


Window pane 5:

Each pane is shown as a table containing rows and columns. Except for the
flow chart and arrays table the number of columns is fixed. The number of
rows for each pane is variable. All column widths can be adjusted
individually. The row height can be adapted for each pane. The number of
the column and row currently active is shown in the status bar.
Every VisVAP program compounds of the data of all panes. Each pane can
be activated for editing by clicking the left mouse button within the pane. The
name of the pane currently active is shown in the title bar of the program

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 8



In the above example within the program PED.VV the parameters pane is
active whereas in the program in front the chart pane is active.
As with most other Windows applications the layout of program windows can
be controlled using the WINDOW menu. Panes can also be hidden there. The
size of a pane can be adapted while holding the left mouse button down
when the cursor is placed on the edge between two panes and dragging the
mouse accordingly. The layout of the windows and panes may be stored to
an external layout file (see section 2.3.1).
All data of the program window can be saved to a *.VV-file. For compatibility
reasons with VAP the filename must begin with a character and may contain
only alpha-numerical characters and the underscore sign (‘_‘).

9 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

2 Working with VisVAP

2.2 Keyboard Shortcuts

VisVAP uses several standard shortcuts. Among these, additional shortcuts
provide an effective way to work with VisVAP.
Shortcut Action
ALT + O Sets all columns in all panes to their optimal width
Double click on a word Marks current word
CTRL + SHIFT + ← Marks current word from cursor position (left)
CTRL + SHIFT + → Marks current word from cursor position (right)
SHIFT + END Marks to end of row
CTRL + X, SHIFT + DEL Cut out marked text
CTRL + C, CTRL + INS Copy marked text
CTRL + V, SHIFT + INS Paste of cut or copied text
CTRL + M Opens Adjust Dimensions window
CTRL + U Opens subroutine
F2 Edit text of current symbol
SHIFT + F2 Opens the VAP functions window
F3 Debug Mode only: Step In
SHIFT + F3 Debug Mode only: Step Out
F4 Debug Mode only: Executes the next command
F5 Debug Mode only: Switches into continuos mode
F7 Insert Column(s)
SHIFT + F7 Delete Column(s)
F8 Insert Row(s)
SHIFT + F8 Delete Row(s)
F9 Toggle parameters pane
SHIFT + F9 Toggle chart pane
CTRL + F9 View chart only
F10 Toggle arrays pane
F11 Toggle expressions pane
F12 Toggle subroutines pane
CTRL + F12 View all panes
PAGE UP Scroll one page up

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 10

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
PAGE DOWN Scroll one page down
INS Toggle switch for overwrite and insert mode. If
overwrite mode is active ‘OVR‘ is shown within the
status bar.

Inserting clipboard data whilst being in overwrite mode overwrites all

existing data without warning.

11 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

2 Working with VisVAP

2.3 Screen Layout, Font and Symbol Sizes

VisVAP offers several functions to adapt the layout of each pane individually.
There are functions for changing the font size, column width, row height and
window and zoom size. Furthermore the panes can be split. The page setup
parameters contain zoom factors to adapt the size of the chart and tables for
the printout.

2.3.1 Layout Files

A layout file contains information about the screen layout including column
widths and print settings. The table below shows most of the information that
will be stored in a layout file (all the rows where *.INI is ticked).
If the menu option VIEW - AUTO SAVE LAYOUT is activated, the layout is
automatically saved to a layout file (with the same filename as the VisVAP
file) upon closure of a VisVAP file. When loading a VisVAP file, the system
looks for the optional layout filename being included in the VisVAP file and
tries to open it. If such a file cannot be found it looks for a layout file with the
same name as the VisVAP file and if existing, loads its layout information. If
both attempts fail, the current standard layout is used. If the AUTO SAVE
LAYOUT option is not activated the filename of the last *.INI-file being loaded
(or saved) is saved within the VisVAP file.
Additionally, layout files can be saved and loaded manually using VIEW -
*.INI Menu command Action
9 VIEW - Adjusting the column width for each column
ADJUST DIMENSIONS individually and the general row height (relative
to 100% Zoom)
9 VIEW - ZOOM – Zoom in by 20% (of previous size)
9 VIEW - ZOOM – Zoom out by 20% (of previous size)
9 VIEW - ZOOM - Adjusting the view size using a custom zoom
9 VIEW – FONT - Changing font name and size (relative to 100%
9 VIEW - FONT - Increase the font size by ca. 20% (relative to
LARGER FONT previous size)
9 VIEW - FONT - Reduce the font size by ca. 20% (relative to
SMALLER FONT previous size)

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 12

Screen Layout, Font and Symbol Sizes

*.INI Menu command Action

9 VIEW - Switches grid on or off (default for pane 2, 3 and
VIEW - ARROWS – Adjusting the style of arrows (narrow, wide,
ARROW STYLE solid/hollow)
FILE - PRINT SETUP Settings of page layout for printing and printer
9 FILE - PAGE SETUP Settings of header and footer, margins, line
width and zoom factors for printing
9 WINDOW ... Adjusting the window positions, sizes and splits

2.3.2 Column Widths and Row Heights

The Auto Column Width mode (toggled by VIEW - AUTO COLUMN WIDTH)
provides a comfortable way of editing the chart and tables as column widths
are adapted automatically according to the largest text within each column.
Column widths and row heights may also be adjusted individually using the
menu command VIEW - ADJUST DIMENSIONS (or Ctrl+M). The window Adjust
Dimensions opens for data input.

13 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

2 Working with VisVAP

The following options are available:

► The width of each column that is currently shown can be set to a user-
defined value (the smallest possible value is 1).
► The row heights can be defined for each window pane separately.
► ALL WIDTHS SAME AS COLUMN 0: Sets all subsequent column widths to the
width of column 0.
► OPTIMAL COLUMN WIDTH: Sets all column widths of the corresponding
window pane to the width that is needed in order to completely display
the largest text of each column.
► PREVIEW: Applies the currently entered dimensions to all views in order to
see their impact. When pressing the CANCEL button the original widths
will be restored.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 14

3 General Conventions

There are some conditions and hints for smooth compilation of a VAP file
from VisVAP. These are relevant both for VisVAP and VAP. Additional
information on the VAP program language can be found in the VAP manual.

Identifiers of parameters, expressions, variables and subroutines

Following conditions apply to these identifiers:
1. The first character must be a letter
2. All subsequent characters must be either letters, numbers or the
underscore sign (‘_‘).
3. The length of an identifier must not exceed 32 characters.
4. There is no difference in using upper- or lowercase. However, it is
advisable for clarity reasons to use CAPITALS for parameters and
lowercase for variables and expressions. Identifiers of VAP functions and
commands are inserted with the first character being a capital letter.

Identifiers of signal groups and detectors

Within VISSIM signal groups and detectors are represented by integer
numbers. Consequently arguments of corresponding VAP functions (such as
set_sg( 9 )) also need to be integer numbers. For the use of alphanumeric
identifiers parameters may be defined for signal group and detector
Example: Detector DV_12 can be used rather than 12 (which is its VISSIM
representation) if DV_12 is defined as a parameter with the value 12.

In VAP the integer range of signal group and detector identifiers is

restricted to 1...999. Thus in VISSIM all signal groups and detectors that
will be used in VisVAP must be defined as values within that range.

Data types
Variables defined within VisVAP can be declared as INTEGER or REAL
type. Integer variables can hold values between -2 147 483 639 and 2 147
483 639. If greater values are needed, a variable needs to be defined as
REAL type. This is being done by adding ‘.0‘ to the initial value. Those
numbers are represented as a usual 64 bit floating point value. In case a
REAL variable is used as an argument for a function that expects INTEGER
values, VISSIM will check whether the variable’s decimal value is zero and if
the variable is within the valid range for integer numbers. If one of these
requirements is not met, VISSIM produces a run time error message and
halts the simulation.

15 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

3 General Conventions

For expressions and conditions a range of common mathematical operators
can be used. See the table below for all possible operators within VisVAP.
Operator (VisVAP) Operator (VAP) Meaning
6 (, ) (, ) Parentheses
5 NOT, NICHT, ~, \, ! NOT logical NOT (unary)
4 AND, UND, &&, &, ^ AND logical AND (binary)
4 *, / *, / Multiplication, Division
4 %, \ %, \ Modulo, integer division
3 OR, ODER, v, V OR logical OR (binary)
3 +, - +, - Addition, Subtraction
2 =, <>, <, <=, >, >= =, <>, <, <=, >, >= comparison
1 - - sign (unary)
The operator precedence is shown in the first column starting with highest
precedence (6). Parentheses must be used for expressions with unary

In order for VisVAP to recognize operators correctly, blanks have to be

inserted before and behind the following operators: AND, OR, v, V, NOT.

wrong L1ANDL2vL3, L1AND L2v L3, L1 ANDL2 vL3,
correct L1 AND L2 v L3, L1&L2 v L3

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 16

4 Drawing the Flow Chart

The program logic is designed as flow chart within the chart pane. It consists
of columns and rows and is internally restricted to 20 columns and 500 rows.
Bigger charts can be designed using subroutines.

17 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

4 Drawing the Flow Chart

4.1 Symbol types

In VisVAP a flow chart can be designed using lines and seven types of
symbols. These include definition of start and end of the program, conditions,
actions and calls of subroutines. Except for page separators lines can enter
a symbol only from the top and/or left (terminus symbols: from top only) and
exit only towards the right or down (conditions: towards right AND down,
terminus: down only). Page separators may be inserted in any vertical line
thus having either a top entry and bottom exit or vice versa.
A symbol type can be selected by using a shortcut (e.g. pressing
Ctrl+Shift+A simultaneously) or by clicking the corresponding button in the
symbol bar. After a symbol type has been selected symbols can be placed
within the chart by double-clicking the left mouse button or pressing ENTER.
Subsequently a symbol text may be entered. If the AUTO COLUMN WIDTH
mode is active, the column width is adjusted automatically after the text has
been entered. For expressions and conditions the VAP functions window can
be launched using the context menu (see 5).

Extensive symbol texts can be split into two or more lines using

Below follows a description of all the symbol types:

Sym Shortcuts Element Description
CTRL+SHIFT+M Terminus Defines the start and the end of
the program logic. Every program
needs to have exactly one start
and exactly one end. Optionally a
comment can be entered within
the symbol. (e.g. ‘START‘, ‘END‘).

CTRL+SHIFT+A Statement Use for commands and

assignments. E.g. countZ1 := 3
assigns the value 3 to the variable
countZ1. For assignments use ‘:=‘
rather than ‘=’. At least one
statement must be entered within
the symbol. If more than one
statement is entered, the
statements need to be separated
by semicolons (;). No semicolon
must be entered after the last

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 18

Symbol types

Sym Shortcuts Element Description

Example: Both the following statements assign the value 0 to the variables
L6 and L8. When typing L6 := 0; CTRL+ENTER L8 := 0 the statements will
appear within the symbol as follows:

CTRL+SHIFT+B Condition Use for logical conditions. If the

condition is true the next command
to the right will be executed.
Consequently the branch leading
down represents the false-case.
Since this is unambiguous there is
no labeling of the branches.

Example: In case the occupancy time of detector T23 (OccT( T23 )) is

greater than 0 flow of control continues towards the right, otherwise down.
CTRL+SHIFT+U Call of Calls the corresponding
subroutine subroutine. Within the pane of
assignments of subroutines the
subroutine must be declared and
assigned to a valid filename. The
structure of a VisVAP subroutine
logic does not differ from the
structure of a „normal“ program
logic. That means, an existing
VisVAP program logic can simply
be used as a subroutine by
assignment within the subroutines
pane. If no filename has been
entered for a subroutine identifier
an error message will be displayed
during the program check.

Example: This call of subroutine ‘PT_MODUL‘ is included in the flow chart.

Within the subroutines pane the identifier ‘PT_MODUL‘ is assigned to a
VisVAP file (here: C:\VISVAP\DOC\PT_MODUL.VV).

19 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

4 Drawing the Flow Chart

Sym Shortcuts Element Description

CTRL+SHIFT+S Page Defines a page break on the
separator printout of the chart. It may only be
inserted in a vertical line. A page
separator does neither affect the
display on the screen nor the flow
of control but will affect the
printout. A short text may be
entered within the symbol.
CTRL+SHIFT+T Text Optional commentary text for
documentation purposes. It is
ignored by flow of control.
CTRL+SHIFT+L Line Use for drawing lines to connect
symbols. A line is drawn from the
currently selected cell (select with
the left mouse button) to the cell
where the right mouse button is
clicked. Refer to 4.2 for detailed

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 20

Connection Lines and Arrows

4.2 Connection Lines and Arrows

Insert lines
At first the symbol type Line needs to be selected (button or shortcut
CTRL+SHIFT+L). Then select the start cell of the line with the left mouse
button. After the right mouse button has been pressed at the destination cell
of the line it will be drawn automatically.
VisVAP allows the linking of several symbols with one line at once. Most
likely symbols of a VisVAP logic will be placed in consecutive order from top
to bottom and/or left to right. Partial lines can be drawn consecutively until
the desired path has been established. If flow of control is directed towards
left or up in most cases a small detour needs to be inserted because of the
conventions for entries and exits of symbols (see 4.1).

Because of the conventions mentioned above arrows are not necessarily
required. As default for clarity reasons the arrows of all entry lines of symbols
are shown. While debugging the flow chart it may be helpful to show the
arrows of all cells. To achieve this, the command SHOW ALL ARROWS may be
used. These are the functions for switching arrows on and off:
Symbol Element Description
Show arrows Toggles the display of arrows of all entry lines
of symbols (on by default).
Show all Toggles the display of all arrows within the
arrows chart. This may be useful for finding wrong
connections in flow charts when checking the
flow chart results in an error message.

Example: The following steps describe how to draw the lines as shown
Mark start cell (condition) by clicking the left mouse button (1L). Continue to
draw a line down by pressing the right mouse button in the cell below the
condition (2R). Another right mouse click at the far end (3R) finishes the
first line. To draw the second line two mouse clicks are sufficient: Starting
again from the condition (mark with left mouse click, 4L) the line will
automatically be drawn through the statement and round the corner as
soon as the right mouse button will be pressed at position 5R since VisVAP
first draws to the rightmost cell and then moves down to finish the line.

21 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

4 Drawing the Flow Chart

When two lines cross each other VisVAP automatically creates a bridge
since crossings of lines would be ambiguous. The figure below shows a
bridge (all arrows are shown).

Deleting lines
Cells containing lines only can be deleted by simply pressing the DEL key or
using the command EDIT – DELETE. After the first deletion of a line the same
command can be used again to update the connecting lines of the
surrounding cells. This is especially useful when fragments of lines are still
left in the surrounding cells.
When a symbol (not a line) is deleted, all corresponding lines (or line
fragments) in the same cell will be deleted as well.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 22

5 VAP Functions

In contrast to standard drawing software products in VisVAP all available

VAP functions and commands can be chosen from the VAP Functions
window for the use within conditions, statements and expressions. The
window can be launched from any condition or statement within the chart or
from the second column of the expressions pane using
► context menu (right mouse button) or
► Shift+F2 or
► Edit - VAP-Functions...

VAP functions are listed in groups. After a group has been chosen all
corresponding VAP functions are shown in a list. While browsing the list of
functions a short information on each function is shown below the list boxes.
A selected function can be inserted at the current cursor position within the
edit box by using the ‚Paste‘ button. There is a choice to enter either the long
or short name of a function. When using the ‚Paste‘ functionality VisVAP
inserts the function with the exact syntax of VAP. It only needs to be
completed with the function arguments.
It is also possible to insert more than one function in the edit box and to
combine those using operators (see 3). For line feeds within the symbol,
simply enter Ctrl+ENTER at the corresponding positions within the edit box.
When the window is closed the contents of the edit box is copied into the
Below follows a list of all VAP functions, commands and parameters
available in the current version. There is a choice of a long or short syntax of
a function. For clarity reasons the argument lists have been omitted for the
short names. They are identical to those of the long names.

23 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

5 VAP Functions

Long name Short Meaning

Any_interstage_active Aia Returns 1 if any interstage is active,
otherwise 0.
Clear_front_ends( <no> ) Cfe Clears the number of detected vehicle
front ends on detector <no>.
Clear_rear_ends( <no> ) Cre Clears the number of detected vehicle
rear ends on detector <no>.
Current_state( <no>, Cst Returns 1 if the current state of signal
<display> )
group <no> is <display>, else 0.
Cycle_second T Returns current cycle second.
Cycle_second_between Csb Returns 1 if the current cycle second (t)
( <begin>, <end>, <op.type> )
is between <begin> (b) and <end> (e),
otherwise 0. <operatortype> determines
the exact meaning of "between"
(including or excluding): 0: b < t < e;
1: b < t <= e; 2: b <= t < e; 3: b <= t <=
Cycle_time Tc Returns current cycle length.
Desired_state( <no>, Dst Returns 1 if the last desired state (set
<display> )
by Interstage or Set_sg commands) of
signal group <no> is <display>, else 0.
See Set_sg for a list of possible values
for <display>.
Detection( <no> ) Det Returns 1 if the impulse memory of
detector <no> is 1 (i.e. a vehicle front
end has been detected) or a vehicle is
on the detector, else 0.
Front_ends( <no> ) F_e Returns the number of detected vehicle
front ends on detector <no> (the total
amount since the last call of
Headway( <no> ) Hdw Returns headway of detector <no>
since last activation
Headway10( <no> ) Hdw10 Returns headway of detector <no>
since last activation in tenth of seconds
(10 times the value of “Headway”).
In_Frame( <no> ) InFr Returns the elapsed time since the start
of the frame of line <no> in the current
frame plan (according to the current
active program number).

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 24

Connection Lines and Arrows

Long name Short Meaning

Intergreen(<sg1>, <sg2>) IntG Returns the intergreen time between
signal groups <sg1> and <sg2> as
defined *.pua file.
Interstage( <stage1>, Is Runs an interstage
<stage2> )
Interstage_active( <stage1>, IsA Returns 1 if any interstage is active,
<stage2> )
otherwise 0.
Interstage_duration( IsT Returns the current second of the
<stage1>, <stage2> )
interstage or 0 in case the interstage is
not active
Interstage_length( <stage1>, IsL Returns length of interstage.
<stage2> )
Marker_get( <no> )) MGet Returns the value from input channel
<no> .
Marker_put( <no>, <value> ) MPut Writes the <value> to the output
channel <no>.
Notrace Notrace Stops trace mode.
Occup_rate( <no> ) OccR Returns smoothened occupancy rate of
detector <no> [0..1].
Occupancy( <no> ) OccT Returns the elapsed time since detector
<no> has been activated or 0 if no
vehicle is present at end of time step.
Occupancy10( <no> ) OccT10 Returns the elapsed time since detector
<no> has been activated in tenth of
seconds (10 times the value of
“Occupancy”) or 0 if no vehicle is
present at end of time step.
P_interstage( <no>, <sec> ) Pis Calls the interstage <no>, starting in its
second <sec> (usually 0).
P_interstage_active( <no> ) Pisa Returns 1 if interstage <no> is active,
otherwise 0.
P_interstage_duration( <no> ) Pist Returns the current second of the
interstage <no> according to its
definition in the *.PUA file.
P_interstage_length( <no> ) Pisl Returns the static length of the
interstage <no> as defined in the *.PUA
Parameter( <no> ) Par Returns the value of parameter P<no>
as defined in the *.PUA file.

25 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

5 VAP Functions

Long name Short Meaning

Presence( <no> ) Call Returns 1, if detector <no> was
activated since last check. In the next
time step it will be reset automatically.
Prog_active PAct Returns the no of active program
selected in VISSIM [1..16]
Rear_ends( <no> ) R_e Returns the number of detected vehicle
rear ends on detector <no> (the total
amount since the last call of
Record_value( <no>, <value> ) RecVal Transmits <value> to VISSIM for output
in the SC/detector record in the column
"variable no. <no>"
Remaining_intergreen( <no> ) Rig Returns the time in seconds until signal
group <no> can get green according to
the intergreen matrix.
Reset( <timer> ) Rst Resets timer <timer> to 0.
Set_cycle_second( <sec> ) SetT Sets the current cycle second to <sec>
Set_des_speed( <desSpDecNo>, Sdsp Assigns the desired speed distribution
<vehClassNo>, <desSpDistrNo>
) <desSpDistrNo> to the vehicle class
<vehClassNo> in the desired speed
decision <desSpDecNo>.
Set_prog( <no> ) Sprg Sets the no of the active program to
<no> [1..16].
Set_route( <routDecNo>, Srou Sets the relative flow of the route
<routeNo>,<flow> )
<routeNo> of the routing decision
<routDecNo> in the current time
interval (or the next one, if no interval is
currently active) to <flow>.
Set_sg( <no>, <display> ) Ssg Sets display of signal group <no> to
<display> including all transitions.
<display> can have one of the following
red amber green
red_f amber_f green_f
off redamber redgreen_f
off_red greenamber

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 26

Connection Lines and Arrows

Long name Short Meaning

Set_sg_direct( <no>, Ssgd Sets display of signal group <no>
<display> )
immediately to <display> without any
transitions and disregarding minimum
display times.
set_stop_time_dist( Sst Selects the dwell time distribution
<stop_no>, <veh_cl_no>,
<dist_no> ) <dist_no> for vehicle class
<veh_cl_no> at the stop sign
Sg_green( <no> ) SetG Sets signal group <no> to green.
Sg_red( <no> ) SetR Sets signal group <no> to red.
Sqrt( <value> ) - Returns the square root of <value>.
Stage_active( <stage> ) StgA Returns 1, if stage <stage> is active
otherwise 0.
Stage_duration( <stage> ) StgT Returns elapsed duration of stage
<stage> or 0 if stage is not active.
Start( <timer> ) - Start Timer <timer>.
Start_at( <timer>, <value> ) - Starts the timer <timer> with starting
value <value>. The first timer
increment will take place in the next
simulation second.
Stop( <timer> ) - Stops Timer <timer> without resetting it.
T_free ( <no> ) Tf Returns the time elapsed since the end
of red of the signal group <no> (green
plus red/amber time).
T_green( <no> ) Tg Returns elapsed green time of signal
group <no> or 0 if signal group is not
T_green_min( <no> ) Tgmin Returns minimum green time of signal
group <no>.
T_red( <no> ) Tr Returns elapsed red time of signal
group <no> or 0 if signal group is not
T_red_min( <no> ) Trmin Returns minimum red time of signal
group <no>.
T_stop( <no> ) Ts Returns the time elapsed since the end
of green of signal group <no> (red time
plus amber time).

27 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

5 VAP Functions

Long name Short Meaning

Tele_calling_point( <no> ) TeCPt Returns the calling point number from
the telegram number <no>.
Tele_count TeCnt Returns the number of telegrams
received in the current simulation time
Tele_course( <no> ) TeCrs Returns the course number from the
telegram number <no>.
Tele_delay( <no> ) TeDel Returns the delay in seconds from the
telegram number <no>.
Tele_line( <no> ) TeLin Returns the line number from the
telegram number <no>.
Tele_man_direction( <no> ) TeDir Returns the code for manual direction
from the telegram number <no>.
Tele_passengers (<no>) TePas Returns the number of passengers from
public transport telegram number <no>.
Tele_prio( <no> ) TePri Returns the priority value from the
telegram number <no>.
Tele_route( <no> ) TeRou Returns the route number from the
telegram number <no>.
Tele_tram_length( <no> ) TeLng Returns the tram length from the
telegram number <no>.
Test_intergreen( <no> ) Tig Returns 1 if all intergreen times towards
signal group <no> are completed so
that the signal group may be switched
to green.
Trace( all ) - Writes program commands and values
of all variables to trace file.
Trace( command ) - Writes program commands to trace file.
Trace( variable ) - Writes values of all variables to trace
Trace( variable( <var> )) - Writes value of variable <var> to trace
Trace( variable( <var1>, - Writes values of variables <var1> and
<var2> ))
<var2> to trace file.
Veh_length( <no> ) V_l Returns the length of the last vehicle
that passed detector <no> within the
current simulation second.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 28

Connection Lines and Arrows

Long name Short Meaning

Velocity( <no> ) V Returns the speed in m/s of the last
vehicle that was detected by detector
<no> in the current time step or 0 if no
vehicle was detected in this time step.

For further information on VAP functions please refer to the VAP user

29 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

6 Parameters

There are two types of parameters:

► VAP parameters (system defined)
► User-defined parameters and constants.

31 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

6 Parameters

6.1 VAP-Parameters
COMPILE - VAP PARAMETERS… opens the window VAP Parameters. Here the
Controller frequency of the signal control is set. An integer value within the
range 1..10 is to be defined. When generating a VAP file, this parameter is
added in the VAP file.
The controller frequency defined how often within one simulation second the
logic is executed. This value must correspond with the simulation resolution
defined in VISSIM, i.e. the simulation resolution must be equal to or a
multiple of the controller frequency. Possible combinations are e.g.
Controller frequency Simulation resolution

1 1

2 2

2 4

2 8

2 10

5 5

5 10

10 10

All signal controllers within the same simulation need to have the same
controller frequency.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 32

User-Defined Parameters and Constants

6.2 User-Defined Parameters and Constants

All parameters that are referred to in the flow chart and in expressions must
be defined in the parameters pane. By definition, the value of a parameter
cannot be changed during program execution except for different parameter
sets for various signal programs (see below).
The parameters pane consists of 11 columns. The first column contains the
identifiers of the parameters. If the corresponding value is written in the
second column (General) it is valid regardless of the currently selected signal
program. If one or more values are entered in the subsequent 8 columns
instead, the parameter is valid only for the corresponding signal program.
The last column can take an optional comment. The width of columns can be
adjusted individually using VIEW - ADJUST DIMENSIONS.
See the illustration below as an example:

To change a signal program during a running simulation means to choose a

different parameter set. It can be achieved either within VisVAP by using the
VAP function set_prog() or manually within VISSIM by choosing a different
program number in the signal control. VisVAP offers parameter sets for 8
different signal programs (1..8) and uses program 1 to start with by default.

33 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

7 Variables and Expressions

35 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

7 Variables and Expressions

7.1 Variables
In VisVAP and VAP all variables are declared as global. Except for arrays a
variable does not have to be declared prior to use. It will automatically be
initialized with 0.

User-defined initialization of non-array variables can be done using

assignments which are only executed once (during the first program run).
This can be achieved using the following structure:

The variable init is initialized with 0 at program start. Thus condition NOT
init is true and so the value 5 is assigned to var1 and 8 to var2. Before
continuing with the program execution variable init needs to be set to 1 so
that in all subsequent program runs the condition NOT init will be false and
the initialization branch will not be executed again.

Array variables need to be defined in the Arrays table. After entering an

identifier name the array can be defined either one- or two-dimensional by
entering a dimension value in the appropriate column. The number of
columns (‘dim1’) needs to be entered first. Then VisVAP automatically
expands the table to allow for entering all initial values. Within the array table
only single lines can be entered. Empty fields that do not belong to an array
definition cannot be changed. The dimensions of an existing array can be
changed simply by typing a new value in the corresponding cell.
Copy and paste functions can only be used in cells that contain values or
To delete an array simply its identifier needs to be deleted. Consequently
VisVAP deletes all cells that are not used any more.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 36


7.2 Expressions
To avoid long lines of text or expressions within symbols VisVAP offers the
definition of expressions. An expression is for example a combination of
logical terms which is tested in a condition. An expression can be defined
within the expressions pane by entering its identifier in the first column and
the expression itself in the second column. It is also possible to launch the
VAP functions window from within the second column (see 5). The last
column can take any comments for documentation purposes. The width of
columns can be adjusted individually using VIEW - ADJUST DIMENSIONS.

Expressions are being evaluated each simulation second prior to the run of
any other parts of the logic. Hence it is ensured that the expressions are
always updated before the main program is executed.

Expression values remain the same until the run of the whole program logic
for each second has been completed.

See the illustration below as an example:

37 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

8 Subroutines

VisVAP supports modular programming using subroutines. In VisVAP the

structure of a subroutine does not differ from a main program. A program
simply becomes a subroutine by declaring it in the subroutines pane. That is,
defining an identifier and assigning a filename to it (optionally including a
path). Within the flow chart a subroutine can be called using a symbol of type
„subroutine“. A subroutine may contain other subroutines.
The use of subroutines is well suitable for extensive programs that consist of
several modules or if a part of a program will be executed more than once
within the same run (also using different parameters).

Since all variables in VisVAP are defined as global they can be accessed
both in a main program and in all subroutines. On the other hand care
needs to be taken that all identifiers (e.g. of parameters, expressions,
variables and subroutines) of all parts of the program are unique. If there
are duplicate identifiers with different definitions VisVAP generates an error
message when trying to compile the program to VAP code.

Though in VisVAP there is no option to define arguments or parameters for

subroutines data can be exchanged between the main program and a
subroutine using (global) variables.

39 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

9 Check of Flow Chart and Generating a VAP File

41 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

9 Check of Flow Chart and Generating a VAP File

9.1 Structural Consistency

After entering a VisVAP program (including definitions of parameters,
expressions and subroutines) the data should be saved to disk. Then using
COMPILE - CHECK FLOW CHART the VisVAP program structure can be
checked. If an error occurs the corresponding cell is highlighted and an error
message is displayed. During a program check all other program files being
used by the main program are opened to be included in the check.
Checking the VisVAP program will detect:
► Fragmental lines
► Errors in the line-work
► Missing or unnecessary symbols in the flow chart
► Missing symbol text
► Missing subroutines and subroutine definitions
► Duplicate identifiers
If no errors are detected the message „Flow Chart successfully checked“ will
be displayed.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 42

Generating a VAP File

9.2 Generating a VAP File

VisVAP generates a VAP program file for the use with VISSIM by USING
COMPILE – GENERATE VAP-FILE. The VAP file then can be accessed directly
from within VISSIM as the logic file for a vehicle actuated signal control using
VAP method. Just before a VAP file is generated the VisVAP program is
checked automatically even if it has been checked before. This happens
since there is no way to detect any changes within external (subroutine)
program files.
The following sequence of exporting data is used during the generation of a
VAP file:
1. Program title
2. Parameters (incl. VAP parameters and all parameters of subroutines)
3. Array variables
4. All subroutines that are used in the flow chart. Subroutines which are
defined but not used throughout the VisVAP program are not exported.
Within a subroutine at first all expressions are exported and thereafter
the main part of the subroutine.
5. Signal-program-dependent parameters
6. Expressions
7. Logic of main program (flow chart)
The VAP file gets the same name as the VisVAP file but the extension
*.VAP. It will be saved to the same directory as the VisVAP file. In case there
is already a file existing like the one to be generated VisVAP prompts to
overwrite this file.

43 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

9 Check of Flow Chart and Generating a VAP File

9.3 Syntactic Correctness

As far as all symbols and tables within the VisVAP program contain
syntactically correct expressions (as expected by VAP program language)
the generated VAP file can be executed error-free within VISSIM. However it
might be the case that a VisVAP program was exported without error
message to a VAP file but trying to run it from within VISSIM results in an
error. These errors are generated by the VAP compiler that checks both the
*.PUA and *.VAP files for syntactical correctness. Follow the instructions
below to find and eliminate the error:
1. Check, which file the error message refers to. If it refers to a *.PUA-file
there is no need to change the VisVAP program. If it refers to the VAP
file that you generated before, continue with step 2.
2. Open the VAP file with a text editor and go to the row shown in the error
3. At the beginning of the row there is a label which looks like D**S**Z*** or
S**Z*** (* stands for a number between 0 and 9). This label refers to the
position of the symbol within the VisVAP program that corresponds to the
line of code in the VAP file. In case the label starts with D** the symbol is
found in a subroutine. The filename of the subroutine can be found as
comment at the beginning of the current program block (within the row
that starts with SUBROUTINE). The number behind ‚S‘ defines the column
number, the one after ‚Z‘ the row. Example: S01Z046 refers to column no.1
and row no. 46. Please note that the numbering of columns and rows in
VisVAP is zero-based.
4. Open the respective VisVAP file.
5. Correct the contents of the symbol at the position shown in (3.) according
to the error message displayed.
6. Save the VisVAP file and generate a new VAP file. If the message „VAP-
file has NOT been generated“ appears, most likely the VAP error
message window is still open and so the VAP program run has not been
terminated yet. Close the VAP error message and all subsequent
messages. Then generate the VAP file and run the simulation again.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 44

10 Debugging a Signal Control Logic

VisVAP offers a comfortable way of displaying the current state of a VAP

signal control logic (that has been created with VisVAP) during a VISSIM
simulation run. This is accomplished by providing several commands to
visualize the control flow and by displaying the current values of all
parameters and expressions.

As the debug mode is an interaction between VISSIM and VisVAP there

are occasions when either application does not respond immediately to
mouse or keyboard input. This is a normal behavior and originates of the
fact that only one of both applications can have control at the same time.

45 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

10 Debugging a Signal Control Logic

10.1 Starting the Debug Mode

The debug feature requires at least VISSIM version 4.10, VAP215.dll and
VisVAP version 2.15.
1. In order to start a debug session, the VisVAP application needs to be
running and all VisVAP files (*.VV) need to be included in the same
directory as the VISSIM network file (*.INP).
2. If a simulation is currently running in VISSIM, choose Single Step Mode.
SC that you would like to debug.
4. Select the [Controller (VAP)] tab.

5. Make sure that at least VAP215.dll is used as PROGRAM FILE. Then

activate the ; Debug Mode (VisVAP) option.
6. Close the window by pressing OK.
7. Choose SIMULATION - CONTINUOUS in order to start/continue the
8. Activate the VisVAP application. The corresponding VisVAP file should
now have been loaded and the debug cursor (amber) pointing to the first
command after the program start.

Depending on the number of variables, initialization may take some time

when neither VisVAP nor VISSIM reacts on user input.

9. Furthermore, an additional column has been created within the

Parameters and Expressions panes containing the current values. Within

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 46

Starting the Debug Mode

the Parameters pane only those values are contained that have not been
defined within the General column as these remain constant. The current
values of arrays are displayed directly at the corresponding position
within the Arrays pane (temporarily replacing the initial values). After
finishing the debug mode, the original tables are being restored.
The number of decimal places displayed of the current debug values of
parameters, variables and expressions can be changed using the + and -
keys of the numeric keypad. Possible values are 0 to 3. The settings are
stored for each pane individually and are saved to the *.INI file.

47 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

10 Debugging a Signal Control Logic

10.2 VisVAP Debug Commands

The following commands are available during a VisVAP debug session. The
behavior of these commands depends on the current state of the VISSIM
Symb Command / Description
ol Shortcut
Continuous Executes all commands of the logic without
F5 stopping. If VISSIM is in Single Step mode,
VisVAP stops at the end of the logic. If VISSIM
is in Continuous mode, VisVAP continues until
another mode is selected.
Next Command Executes the command at the debug cursor
F4 position. If this is a subroutine, all commands
within the subroutine will be executed at once
without locating the debug cursor in the
subroutine. The debug cursor will be located at
the next command within the same level.
STEP IN Executes the command at the debug cursor
F3 position. If this is a subroutine, the debug cursor
follows into the subroutine and stops at the next
command within the subroutine. While the
debug cursor is located within a subroutine it will
be displayed in orange (in contrast to yellow)
STEP OUT available only while the debug cursor is located
SHIFT+F3 within a subroutine: Executes the rest of the
subroutine commands at once and locates the
cursor at the next command after that
subroutine has been called.
DEBUG - MARK COMMANDS: Marks all commands that have been executed so
far during one simulation second with in red color. This option is useful when
VISSIM is in Single Step mode and VisVAP in Continuous debug mode as
the debugger then stops after every complete run of the control and shows a
trace of all executed commands.

The editor colors described in this chapter apply only to the main debug
window. If any subroutines are opened while in debug mode the colors may
be differently

When debug mode is active all VisVAP files related to that signal control
logic are locked and cannot be modified except for toggling breakpoints.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 48

VisVAP Debug Commands

If the VISSIM is in Single Step mode and the number of time steps is
greater than 1, the SIMULATION – SINGLE STEP button needs to be pressed
as often as the simulation time in the status bar is increased. Because the
VAP signal control logic is activated according to the controller frequency
(not necessarily every simulation time step) all intermediate time steps will
not affect the display of the signal logic.

49 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

10 Debugging a Signal Control Logic

10.3 Breakpoints
During continuous debug mode breakpoints stop the program execution as
soon as a command is approached that is marked with a breakpoint.
Breakpoints may be defined or removed by selecting the desired cell and
choosing DEBUG - TOGGLE BREAKPOINT. The symbol of a command where a
breakpoint is defined is filled with light red. If a breakpoint is reached during
a debug run the corresponding symbol is filled with bright red color.
Breakpoints may be defined or removed also when debug mode is active.
They are being stored in the VisVAP file.

VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006 50

Leaving the Debug Mode

10.4 Leaving the Debug Mode

If the VISSIM application has input focus (i.e. when it responds to user input)
the debug mode may be stopped by choosing SIMULATION - STOP or by
switching off the Debugger (VisVAP) option in the Signal control (see 10.1).
If the VisVAP application has input focus the debug mode may be stopped
by first selecting the continuous debug mode in VisVAP and then switching
over to VISSIM and stop the debug mode as outlined above.

When closing the VisVAP file or the VisVAP application while the debug
mode is active a sequence of error messages will occur in VISSIM. In most
cases these messages can be confirmed by Ok and VISSIM will stop the
simulation run. However, it is not recommended to stop the debug mode in
that manner as data loss may occur.

51 User Manual © PTV AG 2006

11 Structure of a VisVAP File (*.VV-File)

All data of a VisVAP program can be saved to an ASCII file with extension
*.VV. For compatibility with the VAP program language the filename must
begin with a letter and may then only contain letters, numbers or the
underscore sign (‘_‘).
It is not recommended to change the contents of a VisVAP file directly since
then it is not always guaranteed that it can be opened in VisVAP again and
so loss of data may occur. If it is still necessary to alter the contents of a
VisVAP file directly (e.g. to adapt data from other programs to be imported in
VisVAP) the file can be edited in a text editor.
The structure of a VisVAP file looks like the following:
► Title row including VisVAP Version number (e.g. VISVAP VERSION 2.16-00)
► Controller frequency (e.g. FREQUENZ 4)
► Flow chart block containing one row for each symbol
(e.g. Z3|S1|U|Calculate_Expressions|10100011|0#)
► Parameters block consisting of
- block identifier (KONSTANTEN)
- one row per table row (e.g. DK1|1||||||||#)
► Arrays block consisting of
- block identifier (ARRAYS)
- one row per table row
(e.g. DU||8|11|13|15|17|16|14|12|10|Display unit no#)
► Expressions block consisting of
- block identifier (AUSDRUECKE)
- one row per table row
(e.g. L1|headway( DK5 ) >= 3.0|min Headway#)
► Subroutines block consisting of
- block identifier (UPROG)
- one row per table row
(e.g. Calculate_Expressions|ril_sub.vv|# )
► Optional layout file block consisting of
- block identifier (INI-DATEI)
- filename (e.g. C:\Visvap\Doc\ril_d21e.INI)

The column separator is ASCII sign 124 (‚|‘) and the line end marker is ASCII
sign 35 (‚#‘). These characters must not been used in any character string. A
row within the flow chart block contains its position (column no. after ‚S‘, row
no. after ‚Z‘), its type (one of A,B,L,S,T,U,Z) and encoded information about the
connecting lines and breakpoints.

53 VisVAP 2.16 © PTV AG 2006

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