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! ....from The Intentional Kitchen

Type 2 diabetes is a serious metabolic disorder resulting from the body's inability to properly use or ultimately make enough insulin. Insulin is released by the pancreas to activate cell receptors, telling cells to pull excess glucose, or sugar, from the blood for energy. Often called adult-onset diabetes, it is the most common form of diabetes, accounting for 90 to 95 percent of all cases. Type 2 diabetes is at the forefront of the major health crises facing the United States, now affecting children as well as adults. The prevalence of obesity and sedentary lifestyles, as well as an increase in the number of older Americans, is responsible for the surge in cases over the last few decades. Many symptoms of diabetes such as excessive thirst or irritability, can seem unimportant, which is one of the reasons why the disease often goes undiagnosed. However, early detection is very important because it can reduce the odds of developing the dangerous complications of diabetes. Common symptoms include: Frequent urination Excessive thirst Extreme hunger Unusual weight loss Increased fatigue Irritability Blurry vision

If high blood sugar levels are not brought under control via treatment and lifestyle changes, type 2 diabetes can lead to a number of serious complications: Eye damage, including glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy (the leading cause of impaired vision in the U.S. High blood pressure Heart disease Stroke Nerve damage (neuropathy) leading to tingling and pain, ulcers, and potentially amputation Kidney damage, with the potential of kidney failure

The risk for developing type 2 diabetes increases with age and increased body fat percentages, and is higher than normal among African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.


! ....from The Intentional Kitchen

Type 2 diabetes can be diagnosed through one of four different blood tests. Talk with your doctor if you have any suspicion that you might be diabetic. Conventional treatment includes regular blood sugar monitoring to keep levels in your target range. Sudden changes in blood sugar can occur in response to what youve eaten, physical activity, medication, alcohol consumption, illness, as well as changing levels of stress in your life. In women, hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle can affect blood sugar levels. Drugs may be prescribed to keep blood sugar levels at specified levels. The good news is that type diabetes responds well to lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. Even if the condition is not reversed, lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce the need for supplemental insulin or other medication. Lose weight if you are overweight, and especially if you carry excess weight in your abdomen. Eat small, frequent meals to keep blood sugars in a healthy range. Portion control is key! Keep refined starches and sugars to a minimum. and choose foods that rank low on the glycemic index. Foods like sweet potatoes, winter squash, and beans are good choices. Consume moderate amounts of monounsaturated oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and some nut oils. Eat fish several times a week. Wild, coldwater fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as Alaskan salmon and sardines are great choices. Other sources of omega-3s are walnuts and freshly ground flaxseeds.


! ....from The Intentional Kitchen

Eat generous amounts of non-starchy vegetables. Examples include cucumbers, bell peppers, dark leafy greens, zucchini, eggplant, squash, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, beans, radishes and spinach.

Increase magnesium intake to help promote healthy insulin production. These include spinach, tofu, almonds, broccoli and lentils. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are also good sources of magnesium. Increase your activity level! Increasing your lean body mass allows your body to better regulate blood sugar levels.

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