3 STRESS - Teacher's Group Work

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PAIRWORK: In your opinion

1. Why is it so hard to deal with stress properly? 2. What do doctors know about stress? 3. What would you advice to a person who is stressed to handle it better? 4. How about you? Do you usually do the same things you suggest others to do? 5. What do you think it is the most stressful job in the world?

GROUP WORK: GUESSING -Some questions about each question Question 1
1. In your opinion, according to Norma, why is it so difficult to deal with stress? 2. Who was with Norma? You? Ok. Is his answer right? Did Norma answer that? 3. Did Joseph think that Norma thought the same as him?

Question 2
1. Who was with you? What did he/she answer to the question what do doctors know about stress? 2. Do you think people go to a specialist to deal with their stress?

Question 3
1. Have you ever had to give a piece of advice to someone who was stressed? 2. Did he follow your instructions? Do you follow your instructions yourself?
From the book 'Express yourself 2'

Question 4
1. How many people do the same things that they advice to the others?

Question 5
1. How many of the people who are here agree with you in the last question? 50%, 75%? 2. Please, what did you answer to the last question? Hands up if you chose the same job.

HANDS UP: Hands up if you agree with the following statements.

They cannot AGREE or DISAGREE all the time.


Having too many things is one of the major sources of psychological stress. Find someone who
disagreed with you and try to convince him that you are right. Tell him three reasons to change his mind. Then listen to his three reasons.


Most of the stress we bring on ourselves is due to bad habits and bad attitudes. Find someone who
disagreed with you and try to convince him that you are right. Tell him three reasons to change his mind. Then listen to his three reasons.


It is foolish to worry about something beyond your control such as your life. Find someone who
disagreed with you and try to convince him that you are right. Tell him three reasons to change his mind. Then listen to his three reasons.

From the book 'Express yourself 2'


From the book 'Express yourself 2'

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