Human Influince On Banking Sector

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1.1Background of study
Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting human behavior and performance. There were times when employees were considered to be another addition to enhance the production of services or goods. However, a lot has changed now. Elton Mayo conducted a research during the year 1924 and 1932 altered the way of thinking about employees. This research was known as Hawthorne Studies. According to this study, employees require much more than just money. The study introduced the human relations approach to a companys management (Nickson, 1973). The main focus was given to the basic requirements and motivation factors of employees. 1.2 Objective of study The objective of the study is to determine the effect of work motivation on job satisfaction of employees in Banking sector of Peshawar,KPK.


Ambreen Shahriar et al (2011),conducted a study to determine to find out the extent of satisfaction on the various factors that affect learner motivation among the English language learners in the Institute of English, University of Sindh, Pakistan and conclude that learning of English for both integrative and instrumental reasons with for getting importance as the most commonly chosen reason. 100% students showed willingness to attend the language class, yet a number of them find it boring and gave suggestions related to improvement. Mohsin A. R and M.M Nawaz (2011),conducted a study to determine the degree of job enlargement in public sector of Pakistan and its impact on employees work related attitudes and behavior. This study consist sample of 650 employees from two government organizations was selected out of which 534 responded. This study used Correlation method and conclude that government organizations of Pakistan are using job enlargement practices that are negatively associated with motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Sundas warsi et al (2009),conducted a study to determine Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and its Determinants among Private Sector Employees of Pakistan. This study consist the sample size of 191 male and female employees which were randomly selected.The independent variables are work motivation and overall job satisfaction whereas organizational commitment is the dependent variable. The study used regression method and conclude that there is positive and significant relationship exists between work motivation, overall job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Irshad and S.R Toor (2008),conducted a study to determine Problems and Challenges in Human Resource Management. This study consist of 45 management trainees who were recruited under the management trainee program in the case study organization. Interviews were conducted over one year time during May 2005 to May 2006.and conclude that several problems that resulted in low motivation, high rate of turn-over, decreased productivity, and deterioration of work culture, and lack of trust in the organization.

Karoly Varga (1977),conduct a study to determine the impact of achievement motivation Training programmed in Indonesia, India, Pakistan and Poland.This study used correlation method.

Faheem .G et al (2011),conduct a study to determine the relationship of satisfaction with compensation and the relationship of satisfaction with work motivation. This study consider the sales departments of the cellular service providers in Lahore and conclude that satisfaction with compensation can be factor of work motivation, flexible pay is not a motivating factor in the jobs which the employees were holding. benefits do not have a significant impact on work motivation Ishfaq.A et al (2010),conducted a study to determine the non-academic staff of Pakistans largest University, the University of Punjab. The study consist of 6,000 administrative staff member working in four campuses. Each campus has various institutes, schools, constituent colleges, departments and main administration department .and concludes that intrinsic motivational factors are having significant relationship with employee job satisfaction, whereas hygiene (extrinsic) factors are not having any significant relationship with employee job satisfaction. M. Imran et al (2011).conducted a study to determine a study with the survivors of layoffs. It documents the changes in their attitudes and perceptions. It does so along the following variables: perceived workload increase, Commitment of layoff survivors towards their organizations, productivity, and after a lapse of some period of time Work-Life balance as well this study consist of 450 survivors assisted to test the relationship and conclude that perceived workload having negative effects on the productivity of layoff survivors where as work - life balance and organizational commitment of layoff survivors are positively related to the productivity. Sikandar.H.M,et al (2011),conducted a study to determine the relationship among leadership behavior of Supervisors and job satisfaction taking into account the moderating effect of seven situational variables i.e. task structure, role ambiguity, stress, locus of control, need for achievement, need for autonomy and perception about ability (of subordinates).this study used Regression model. The study consist of four strata of Mobile Phone Operators i.e. Mobilink , Ufone, Telenor and Warid and conclude that there was a significant relationship between leadership behavior (directive, participative, supportive and achievement-oriented) and

Supervision and job in general and

there was no significant difference in employee job

satisfaction on the basis of difference in length of service. Nadia S.H et al (2011),conduct a study to determine relationship between rewards and employees motivation in the non-profit organizations of Pakistan. Employees of three organizations (PERRA, World Vision and SUNGI Development Foundation) working in Khyber Pakhtonkhuwa province of Pakistan were taken as sample of the study. The data was analyzed using the techniques of rank correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis and conclude that there is a direct relationship between extrinsic rewards and the employees motivation. Nida Mirza et al (2012),conduct a study to explore the emerging research culture in the selected institutes of teacher education as perceived by Teacher educators/ faculty members. The sample of study are 10 teacher educators from five universities was selected for in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. For analysis of qualitative data collected in this study, thematic analysis was followed and conclude that the teacher educators are generally not willing to do research and mainly conduct research on either academic compulsion or in order to satisfy institutional requirements. Tariq Bhatti at al (2012),conducted a study to determint motivation crisis among Primary school teachers.The sample size of this are 300 primary school teachers in six districts of Sindh Province, Pakistan.and conclude that low motivation is measurable, and that the present method for assessing it has validity. A .Q.Chaudhry and Husnain.J (2012),conducted a study to determine Transactional, Laissez faire leadership style and their impact on Motivation in banking sector of Pakistan to identify that which leadership style is good for the employee to increase their Motivation level with the organization and concluded that Transformational leadership has positive, strong and significant association with the Commitment. But the motivational level in respect of Laissez Faire is low because of not interference of management. Laissez Faire also have positive relation but due to insignificance relation it indicate that Laissez Faire style is not an important style that boost the motivation level of workers as compare to other leadership styles.

Nadeem Malik (2010),conducted a study to determine the ranked importance of motivational factors of employees at the University of Balochistan. This study consist sample size of 100 faculty members. The motivation factors is independent variable in this study and conclude that living in safe area and good pay are key to higher employee motivation. Qammar, Khan and Siddique conducted a study to determine the moderating role of educational qualification, age, gender and designation in relationship of perceived organizational support and employees motivation. This sample of the study consist taken using the All Pakistan Textile Mills Association, Pakistan (APTMA) list of textile companies in Lahore Cluster.and conclude that there is no correlation between gender and employees motivation.


Data were collected through questionnaire from the employees of banking sector in Peshawar,KPK.


The sample of the study in six banksin Peshawar KPK ,Pakistan. Namely, Habib Bank Limited, Muslim Commercial Bank Limited ,United Bank Limited ,National Bank of Pakistan Limited, Allied Bank Limited and AL-Falah Bank Limited. 90 Questionnaire were distributed among the employees of each banksandreceivedall of the questionnaires.

This research has two variable work motivation is independent variable and job satisfaction is dependent. Work motivation Motivation is to inspire people to work, individually or in groups in the ways such as to produce best results. It is the will to act. It is the willingness to exert high levels of effort towards organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts and ability to satisfy some individual need (Kreitner,1995). Job satisfaction The most referred definition of job satisfaction was offered by Locke (1976) who defined job satisfaction as a pleasing or positive emotional state resulting from the evaluation of a persons job (Haque and Taher, 2008).

There are two hypothesis of this research. H1:Work motivation effect on job satisfaction. H0: Work motivation has no effect on job satisfaction. 3.5 THEORTICAL FRAME WORK Independent variable Dependent variable



3.6 Model Y=a + bx + et Job satisfaction=a + b(work motivation) + et EXPLANATION a is a constant value b present the coefficient of work motivation

3.7 METHODOLOGY The study conducted is a simple linear regression because this research find out the relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction.

Y=a+bx+e Job satisfaction = a + b(work motivation) + e t Job satisfaction = 0.927 + 0.709(work motivation)

The Cronbachs Alpha is used to measure reliability. The Cronbachs alpha was calculated using theSPSS v16.0 Statistical software. The result shown in the above table that Cronbachs alpha of both variables are to be considered good. The reliability of the items is presented in Table 1. TABLE 1 Variables Cronbachs Alpha Work motivation Job satisfaction .832 .856

According to Uma Sekaran(2003), the closer reliability coefficient Cronbachs alpha get to 1.0, the better is reliability. In general, reliability less than 0.60 is considered to be poor, that in the 0.70 range acceptable and that over 0.80 and 0.90 are good and very good. The reliability test of our construct happened to be in the acceptable to good and very good ranges.


Work motivation Coefficients T-Value P-Value R2 F-Statistical

.709 9.579 .000 .510 91.755

The results shows that R2 is 51% variation is occur in the dependent variable due to independent variable.
T-value shows that Work motivation are significant .

And conclude that

there is positive relationship between work

motivation and job satisfaction. F value is 91.755 which show that over all model is statistically significant.


In the light of findings of this research following conclusions were drawn:

People are always the vital resource of the organization. And at times, they are often neglected at their jobs which lead to their failure to perform. Thus here we need to understand what motivates people and how they get satisfied from their job that leads to organizational performance. Motivation could be described as a driving force that makes people willingly want to put in their best in what they do. Our finding concluded that there is positive relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction and there was a significant relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction. My recommendation is that we should give some incentive to motivate respondents filling the questionnaire as a reward and cooperate it.


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Research paper on the topic Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Peshawar




Age: Qualification: Management: Higher Middle Lower

Thanks a lot for your precious time Strongly Agree 1 2 Agree Somewhat Agree 3 SomeWhat Disagree 4 5 Disagree Strongly Disagree 6

Job satisfaction: 1. I feel fairly well satisfied with my present job. 2. Most days I am enthusiastic about my work. 3. I find real enjoyment in my work. 4. I am satisfied from the recognition I get for good work. 5. I am satisfied from the chances of promotion. 6. I am satisfied with the amount of variety in my job. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6


Work Motivation: 1. I arrive at the office on time and do not leave early. 2. The work I do is interesting. 3. I am confident of my abilities to succeed at my work. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6

4. I do not blame others.I take responsibility for my part in 1 mistakes. 5. I have a coach/mentor who keeps me alert & motivated to 1 my work. 6. I expect more accuracy in my own work as my employees. 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7. I regularly think/worry about work issues when I am at 1 home. 8. I participate in training to improve my own skills and 1 competencies.


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