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English Language Arts- 7th Grade Name email room number Phone nmber The 7th grade Language

Arts curriculum is designed to improve grammar, writing, research, vocabulary, reading, and spelling skills. Writing activities include journal entries, narrative, persuasive, and informative writing. Books: Students will use a class set of Literature books in class as needed. Their main reading sources will be novels. We will read novels as a class. Students will also read excerpts from several nonfiction sources as a supplement to the fiction novel. Focus Points: (based on GLE/Common Core Crosswalk) Reading: Writing: Word Meanings (vocabulary cards, Greek/Latin Roots, prefix, suffix) Grammar ( Mechanically Inclined, Everyday Grammar, MTN lang., grammar cards)) Reading Comprehension (S.I.F.T, literature circles) Literary Response (Text to Self, Text to Text-journal Writing - letters, essay, persuasive, narrative, 6-traits of Writing-Step Up to Writing method Writing.htm Speaking and Listening

Students will be graded on journal entries, vocabulary (vocabulary, Greek/Latin roots) and spelling quizzes, Mountain Language (daily class starter), writing assignments (narrative, persuasive, informative-summary, paraphrase), and two major research and public speaking assignments ( WWII and an Artist Project).

Accelerated Reader:
Accelerated reader is an independent reading program. Students will test Wednesday, August 22, on at least one of the Summer Reading Books. Students will receive a grade in ELA for the summer reading book. During the year, students will have a goal of 25 AR points each nine weeks. The novels we read together as a class will be eligible for AR points. The rest of the AR points for that quarter can come from free choice books as long as they are in your reading range (AR middle grades 6+).

1st Nine Weeks - The Outsiders - will be checked out to students 2nd Nine Weeks- Number the Stars-needs to be purchased Third Nine Weeks - Monster- students should purchase Fourth Nine Weeks - Chasing Vermeer students should purchase

Classroom Supplies:
You are expected to be organized in the way that best works for you. You need to have supplies to complete daily assignments. At school each day you need: notebook with dividers and lined notebook paper Sticky notes Highlighters Flash Drive Pencil Herndon Agenda Take Home Folder red, green, and blue pens index cards marble composition notebooks Students are encouraged to keep extra supplies ( pencils, paper, etc... in lockers). Helpfuls websties:

General Classroom Expectations

1._____ Be on time. 2. _____ Be prepared with materials to learn. 3._____ Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind words to self. 4._____ I will not create problems for myself or others. 5._____ I will show respect to others and their belongings. 6._____ I will follow the Hawks Expectations. 7._____ I will ask for help when I do not understand. 8._____ I will complete all assigned work and tasks. 9._____ I will return items to their place. 10_____ I will use my agenda daily. 11.____ I will maintain expected voice levels for each activity. Leaving the classroom 1._____ I will not be allowed to leave the classroom without my agenda. 2._____ I will have a 3 passes in each class each nine weeks. Sign and return by Tuesday, August 14, 2012 __________________________________________ PARENT E-MAIL __________________________________________ PARENT PHONE __________________________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE __________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE __________________________________________ DATE

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