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M e morandum

Date: To: From: Subject: The following are my Committee assignments for 2013-2013. They were developed with three principles in mind: Div e r sityensure that each committee is constructed with ample minority and gender representation. This was challenging given the composition of the current council makeup is not perfectly balanced. R e-alignm e ntintended to re-align the focus of two committees by joining Environment to Quality of Life, and Trinity River to Transportation. Given the importance of the transportation element within the Trinity River Project, those two were combined into one committee. Se niorityallow each of our senior council members a chairmanship while grooming our next leaders. As you will see, every councilperson has a chairmanship or a vice chair position. Serving as the Mayor of Dallas is a fascinating and rewarding experience and I look forward to working with you over the next two years to achieve our goals and objectives to make the City of Dallas all that it is capable of becoming.. F inan ce & A udit ChairJerry Allen Vice ChairJennifer Gates MembersTennell Atkins, Sheffie Kadane, Philip Kingston Publi c Saf e ty ChairSheffie Kadane Vice ChairAdam Medrano MembersScott Griggs, Dwaine Caraway, Carolyn Davis, Jennifer Gates T ran sportation & T rinity Riv e r Proj ec t ChairVonciel Jones Hill Vice ChairLee Kleinman MembersMonica Alonzo, Tennell Atkins, Sheffie Kadane, Sandy Greyson E conomi c D e v e lopm e nt ChairTennell Atkins Vice ChairRick Callahan MembersScott Griggs, Adam Medrano, Jerry Allen, Lee Kleinman August 12, 2013

The members of the Dallas City Council The Honorable Michael S. Rawlings City Council Committee Appointments

Hou sing ChairCarolyn Davis Vice ChairScott Griggs MembersDwaine Caraway, Rick Callahan, Monica Alonzo, Philip Kingston Q uality of L if e & E nvironm e nt ChairDwaine Caraway Vice ChairSandy Greyson MembersAdam Medrano, Rick Callahan, Carolyn Davis, Lee Kleinman A rts, C ultur e & L ibrari es ChairPhilip Kingston Vice ChairMonica Alonzo MembersVonciel Jones Hill, Jerry Allen, Sandy Greyson, Jennifer Gates A d Hoc Judi c ial Nomination s ChairScott Griggs Vice ChairPhilip Kingston MembersVonciel Jones Hill, Dwaine Caraway, Monica Alonzo, Jerry Allen A d Hoc L egislatur e ChairVonciel Jones Hill MembersDwaine Caraway, Carolyn Davis, Tennell Atkins, Sheffie Kadane, Jerry Allen, Philip Kingston Poli ce & F ir e P e n sion MembersScott Griggs, Tennell Atkins, Lee Kleinman, Philip Kingston E mploy ee P e n sion MemberCarolyn Davis DCVB MembersJennifer Gates, Monica Alonzo Se nior C itiz e n T as k For ce ChairMonica Alonzo Dom esti c V iol e n ce T as k For ce ChairJennifer Gates L G B T T as k For ce ChairAdam Medrano

RTC MembersVonciel Jones Hill, Sheffie Kadane, Lee Kleinman, Sandy Greyson Sincerely,

Michael S. Rawlings Mayor, City of Dallas cc: A.C. Gonzalez, Interim City Manager Tom Perkins, City Attorney Ryan S. Evans, Interim First Assistant City Manager Jill Jordan, P.E. Assistant City Manager Forest Turner, Assistant City Manager Joey Zapata, Assistant City Manager Chief Charles Cato, Interim Assistant City Manager TheresaODonnell,InterimAssistantCityManager Craig Kinton, City Auditor Daniel F. Solis, Administrative Judge Jeanne Chipperfield, Chief Financial Officer Rosa A. Rios, City Secretary Elsa Cantu, Assistant to the City Manager

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