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SAP SRM - Purchasing From Grainger Punch-out Catalog This walk-through will show shoppers how to: Use Professional Shopping Cart to add Punch-out Catalog items to an SAP SRM Shopping Cart

Punch-out Catalog Tips: Because all catalog items (hosted and punch-out) are pre-negotiated by S&P, carts containing only catalog items will not route to S&P for processing o The Shopper and Departmental Approver will be responsible for verifying Order Quantity, Account Assignment, and Delivery Location for all lines in shopping cart Mixing catalog items (hosted or punch-out) with non-catalog items (free text) in an SAP SRM cart can decrease the speed of order processing Mixing catalog items (hosted or punch-out) between different vendors will not result in an order processing speed decrease, but understand that multiple purchase orders can be generated out of a single cart Punch-out Catalog Items do not require quotes

IT Sourcing


Justin Wan

How to Access a Professional Cart: Procurement Tab > Place & Manage Orders > Create Documents

If you anticipate your shopping cart will have multiple lines, follow this walkthrough for a quick way to assign consistent delivery information to entire shopping cart: SAP SRM How to Assign a Delivery Address to a Shopping Cart (Multiple Line Items)

Click the Add Item button to view a listing of items you can add to a cart

IT Sourcing


Justin Wan

Select MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operation Supplies) - Grainger

Grainger Punch-out Catalog

In this example, we will be searching for a hammer

IT Sourcing


Justin Wan

When you find the item you are looking for, click the Add to Requisition button

You will be asked if you want to continue shopping or check out. In this example, we are going to click Continue to Requisition Form

IT Sourcing


Justin Wan

Click the Continue button begin checking out.

Click the Submit Requisition button to check out your Grainger cart to SAP SRM. Note: Order quantity can be updated in both in the Grainger Punch-out catalog as well as the SAP shopping cart.

IT Sourcing


Justin Wan

You will arrive in an SAP SRM Shopping Cart. When you click on the details button, be sure to verify the following for ALL line items 1.) Item Data tab Item Quantity 2.) Account Assignment tab Account Assignment Number 3.) Delivery Address/Performance Location tab C/O, Address, Room #, Floor # Note: Please make sure that delivery information is exactly the same for all lines

From here, you have the option of: submitting my cart for immediate approval by clicking the Order button saving the cart for later by clicking the Save button

IT Sourcing


Justin Wan

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