Alfredo Molano

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February 23, 2013 Eleven years least one year By: Alfredo Molano Bravo IE, TEN YEARS

speaking through the rifles. And nothing. Neither one way nor the other. Uribe announced that in about two years the FARC would be history. And not only the fanatical character, but Gaviria and Barco said the same. From what we have seen after unilateral ceasefire the FARC decreed, their surrender or annihilation is far. Enough is to read another fan of the war, Mr. Fernando Londoo, to understand that the idea of cornering on the periphery the subversion is nothing more than an electoral slogan or a demand for more budget to consolidate an alleged victory of the cause. It would be a tragedy that another decade of blood would be needed to restate the same: we need to "sit down and talk." As far as we can know and intuit, things are going well in Havana: there will be soon an agreement on land question and it cannot be passed over in silence. Resolved that point, the issue of illicit crops will be less tortuous because, after all, coca is simply the current name of the agrarian problem. Then come the tight stretch, mining, an issue that in El Caguan not was even raised. Caguan, now when is the 10th anniversary of Pastrana's decision to close the door behind the kidnapping of Senator Gchem and of the repeated denunciations of the military to turn the clear zone in a large cave of Rolando, it is important to remind what that formerpresident said a few days ago: "The written order I gave to him (Gen. Mora) was: no one enters and no one leaves. If there were illegal acts in the DMZ was because the army commander violated that order I gave " The DMZ was actually ringed by paramilitaries and that fact did not allow any development on the agenda. It was during this government when, according to the former president, entered by Urab 10,000 rifles to the AUC in vessels of a banana exporting companies. The negotiating table was literally besieged by paramilitaries.

The shade that today rounds is to strengthen the so-called "criminal gangs", as if they were many and act each on their side. What you see today, and every day will be more clear, is that they have a central command and have a dual mission: to export cocaine and question the table. The Urabeos have advanced from Urab, to be exact, from Necocl to Puerto Star in La Guajira, and from the Caribbean to the Magdalena Medio. That is, where the AUC were strong. The Government bilateral truce would suit for the simple reason of enabling it to face one single war and defeat the paramilitaries before they kill the table. I have no doubt that Camilo Gomez, Pastrana Peace ex-commissioner, believes that without truce the talks cannot work, because of that simple and compelling reason. If Santos is really taking a chance for peace, as his brother says, he has no more chance than to negotiate a truce that could well begin to fully enforce international humanitarian law. The Government cannot resist Urabeos in the countryside, Uribe in the Senate and hold the table while in Havana. The problem, then as now, is to bell the cat.


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