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08:00am Oak Mountain State Park BMX Shed

Prez Says:

So, is it hot enough for ya? Valuable tip: drink lots of water or you will shri vel and clie. As if that information were not reason enough to publish this newsletter, we have lots of other stuff going on in tbis edition. For example, we have several little field trips planned for the summer, so be sure to get your permission slips signed. Seriously, Mike Herring and others have worked diligently to prepare a decent events calendar. July looks great with trips planned to Helen (GA), Tuscaloosa, and Huntsville. Everyone should be able to schedule a trip that fits his or her skill level and calendar. We got overnight trips, day trips, good credit, bad creclit, no credit...we want you to go and have fun. August is pretty empty so far, so I'm taking suggestions. We will find somewhere to ride in August, I'm sure of it. The first weekend in September, we've planned a trip that is always a favorite of mine. That would be the trip to Tsali, North Carolina. I hope we can stay at Turkey Creek campground, but there are a few lodges in town for you non-campers (Will Luckett). Be sure to call ahead for reservations as the aforementioned date is Labor Day weekend.

I hope everyone will take advantage of these trips to learn about new trails, meet new people, visit with old friends, and otherwise have a good time. With "our" trail finished at Oak Mountain, the need for BUMP may not be immediately obvious to everyone,. However, plenty of trail work remains to be done, both at Oak Mountain and at other areas. I believe BUMP serves as a strong voice for mountain biking in this area. A strong, active club maintains new trails and helps build new trails at places like Mt.Cheaha. Without an organized maintenance effort, and proper education, trail access can easily be lost. I know that no one wants to see that happen. So I hope as we move through peak riding season, everyone will take advantage of opportunities provided by BUMP. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on workdays. We completed a reroute on one area before the race. I appreciate everyone's hard work. I recieved a constructive criticism about meetings. That criticism involved lack of social time at meetings. So, in response,and agreement to that, this month's meeting will be July 10th at Oak Mountain. This will be a social meeting at 7:00pm, with a pre-meeting ride at 5:30pm. Refreshments will be provided after the ride. If you've never been to a BUMP meeting, or if you've been absent for a spell, come on out. BUMP is heading in a positive direction with a full

calendar of events, a new hotline (592BUMP), a succesful race, and several good parties. All we need is more membership involvement so come on out and bring your friends.

Athletic Health Cu"e

Summer party at Mark and Sheila Richman's house, July 27th at 7:00 p.m .. Pick up a map at the July meeting. We are going to invite the Russian Women's Mountain Biking Team, so don't miss this one! Food provided by BUMP, beer supply limited so BYOB just in case!

Recently, a man approached me at a race. This character claimed to be a NORBA official and a minister of the gospel. He taunted me saying, "Hey little girl, you want some candy?" What should I do? Sincerely yours, In Therapy Dear Therapy, Recently a friend of mine told me if I was a real mountain biker I would enter more races. However another friend adamantly disagrees, stating that riding represents mountain biking in its purest form. With whom should I agree? Tentatively yours, Fence Rider

The Jer~eys are here, the Hotline is here, the Russians are coming ...
At long last the jerseys are here. They will be available at the July 10th meeting. Total cost for pre-orderd jerseys is $47 each. If you pre-ordered a jersey and paid the $25 deposit, your balance is $22. You won't be sorry; the jerseys are swell! 592-BUMP that's our new hotline number. Call to learn about trail work days, upcoming rides, meetings, and parties.

Regards, Fern Barr

Editor's note: Fern Barr is our new advice columinist. Fern's Turn, like a good summer ride, should not be taken too seriously. Fern & Co. are purely fictitious. Any resemblances this column creates, towards persons, real or imagened, are most unfortunate.

This is a choice every mountain biker makes, to ride for the joy of the single track and outdoor enjoyment or to bust a gut and other body parts trying to out ride your buddies. Many riders incorporate the best of both worlds into thier mountain biking experience, choosing to race and ride receationally and then there are the hammer heads who make a ra<;eout of every ride. The thing to remember is we all have to make a choice on where we fit in and ~e must make the most of our mountain biking experience, but we should also respect the choices of our fellow riders. Wher.e ever you happen to fit into this puzzle, keep in mind that we are all sharing the trails together and no one group has exclusivity to the trails. All riders can work together toward a common goal, maintaining and keeping trails to ride on. So next time your out at your favorite trail and you come up on a rider with a different agenda, show some respect and courtesy, that person might be the reason your riding that trail in the first place! Regards, Fern Barr

Summer Rides
Beginning July 10th, BUMP will host weekly club rides at Oak . Mountain. These rides will take place every Wednesday, weather permitting. We will meet at the South trailhead parking lot between 5:30-5:45. These rides will be for fun. All levels of riders are welcome. Helments are required, BUMP membership is not required.

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