Aug 1999

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Highlightsand Events Upcoming
Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug '19 Aug 25 Aug 29 Sep 5 The drive to the Atwood - Westbrow ride Sep 11 should have indicated the uncertainty that awaited us. The plateau of the mountain Oct24

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SaturdavAuoust 14 -Cheaha State Ride the highest Park, Anniston peakin Alabama with BUMP.We will Express nidethe eight mile Mountain Trail featuring those great downhill trail. of theyellow switchbacks PLACETO MEET: Olive Garden at Mall.Meetat 8:00:30 am Eastwood is the and leaveat 8:30.PaulBrookes (320-091 8). leader ride SundavAuoust 29 -Monte Sano St. Park, Huntsville ; Everyone is lookingforward to pleasantweather The trail and a greatridein Huntsville. but overlooks, someexcellent features the past several has plagued weather this summerit will all rides.Hopefully, change. PLACETO MEET: CrackerBarrel at Fieldstown Road exit off of l5 ,(Gardendal* area) Meet at 8:30-9:00 am and leavefor the 1-1.5hourtrip at is the ride 9:00 am. Mark Richrnan (995715). leader Saturdav Sept d,1-BBC Century typo errorin this Sorryfor lastmonth's section, but the BBC Road Centuryis set for September11. Ride various from30 to 125 miles.The ride courses Brook HighlandPlaza in from leaves Enjoy a true RoadTrip. Inverness.

pu r"l

Heat Ghallenges July RideFS

CheahaRide- Anniston - Pelham GT Airshow NightRide- Trussville TBA Pololocation MonteSano Ride- H-ville lron LegsChallenge BBC Century Swap Meet- Cahaba Cycles

was filled with low misty clouds - sort of Call our hotline592-BUMP(2867) for eerie. We traveled the rough logging roads any recordedchanges or additions in to the great overlook at 2000 plus feet. We BUMPevents. were ready to ride! During ride preparation, a park employee, Allen Padgett, provided very helpful information in Bee Sting101 down. A quicklesson regarding the trail and levels of difficulty. We avoidedany allergiccomplications. We started out and quickly realized how parking looking to the area headed back fun the downhill was, but a severe climb holewas for a coolswirn.Thesrvimming wouid match the ioss in aititude - reality We back to found. turned not check. This was not to be a single in a stop Mentone. after Birmingham occurrence. Looking to reach the famed 3.8 mile marker (the road intersection),we were all astonished we had been on the Chocolocca Iron Legs ride proved to have a greatturn out. In total 16 local trail over an hour and not yet reached the marker. We made it, but not before Steve riders tackled the heat and Iron Legs literally took a break * chain break. Heat trail. The tight single track required restsbeforecompletion. We had made us decide to eliminate about 8 miles several preparing for the race and riders fast from our planned ride. We hit the single (?) the warm summer those enjoying track and Mickie apparently disturbed a inside. See riders dav. all the bee's slumber. It foueht back and sent her

at the SouthTrailhead Meetfor workdays at the EUMPshed. Tirneto meetis 9:00 a.m. Call the hotline for any possible changes"Workdays subject to weather cancellation - September 18 Saturday 10 Sunday October 6 November Saturday - December 5 Sunday Seeyou at the next workday!!
Tlre Suttt club mcet! on itt! lir3l Wedn8d.y of cvcryf rnondr .t ?!OO p.rn. at thc Vertavia lo.d of Educ.tion luilding.

(2864 for any changes in datesand time. 592-BIIMP Checkthe BUMPHotline

Possible BikeLanes at Oak Mountain

We all seern to find ourselves riding Oak MountainState Park at some time or another. The roadwaysare excellentareas to ride becauseof the light auto traffic and slow speed limits. But, the park has plans to increase the safety and make the roadwayseven more enjoyableto ride or walk. Plans are to widen the park's most popularroad, Terrace Drive. The wideningwould create a pedestrian/ bicyclepath along each side of Terrace Drive. The difficultyis gettingthe DOT to begin the work. The task requiresthe large equipmentto be brought into the park, and the small size of the task does not warrant beginning the job. But, everyone has surely noticed the constructionalong Highway 119. Sure would be easy to move the paving equipmentinto Oak Mountainafter completion of the 11 9 j o b . Would you like to see the wideningat the park occur?BUMPwould like all members to write a letter to encouragethe Alabama DOT to proceed

1410 Montgomery Hwy,Vestavia

with the bike lane paving in conjunction with the improvements currently being on Hwy 1 19. Your letter should accomplished be sent to DivisionalEngineer,Jay F. Horsley, Alabama Departmentof Transportation,P.O. Box 2745, Birmingham,AL 35202. We need you to make this happen for all riders. Please writethe DOT.





SpecialFeature- The Rulesof Bike Polo

Now that the polo seasonis upon us, the rules of the game could prove helpful. The following are reprinted from the U.S. Bicycle Polo Association. Hit the web at or call 916-487-1670 for more information. Of course, we have our own version of the rules. Come out and see what all the excitement is about. The next rnatch is set for Wednesday August 25 at a location to be announced.Club members have been gathering at George Ward Park (north side by the fire station) on Wednesday evenings, but an alternate location is being sought. Call the hotline for the location. least 21 feet before striking (three bike lengths).

Veeringoccurs whena playerfails to establish or maintain a position parallel to the sidelinesbefore intentionally strikingthe ball. If veeringis calledthe other team takes ovei from the spotof the infraction.

Intentional contactof any kind with an opposingplayer or bikeis illegal!

FootPosition Hitting The Ball

All players must play right handed. (Some day we will start a league for lefties, but until then we have to have everyone hitting from the same side.) The ball may only be intentionally struck by a mallet when the frame of the rider's bike has been parallel to the sideline for at least 21 feet (threebike lengths). A players foot must remain on or in the pedals at all times. If a player's foot touchesthe ground, that player must clear the field of play by crossing out-of-bounds at the nearest point and then return to action. A player may not hit the ball while his or her foot is on the eround.

Right Of Way
A player's right-of-way must be respected!Right-of-way is established when one player hasapproached the ball on his or parallelto the sidelines her right, with their bike positioned at

Each chukkaris startedby a "joust" A joust is when one playerdesignated in the by his/herrespective team,sets-up goalto sprintto a ball placedat the centerof the field. The sprinters take starton the commandof the referee.

StartOf Play

BBCRiide of the Century

helpingthe BirminghamBicycle Club (BBC) rnakingtheir Interested'in, event the Ridp of the Century?Thby need volunteersto help make their ride a greatsuccess? The ride is to be Saturday Septembef11. Various positions are available and all volunteers contributing time and effort towardsthe eventwill be greatlyappreciated. ContactDoug Daughhetee at 992.543 6,(days) 3 (evenings). ar 995-201
fron| bikc ehoFr fc-turcd in thi. newaleitr,

Augurt l9O9

BUIP membeE rcccire

'lO% off ]egul,rr pric.d p.rtrr-ccc3roriec

AwaitingTakeoff ...
BUMP and Buck Creek riders relaxat Chocolocca's Huey. An airlift would have been a refreshing break from the heat, but it was evident we wouldnot fly that day. Compleiingthe challenging lron Legs, we continued onto the fast and fun 14 miles Loop. Almost of Gene's Anniston area trails tested everyone's endurance. local bike NEABC,Anniston's club, host's the Third Annual lron LegsChallenge on the trail system 5 Brochures September are available at localshopsor call (256)831-9507The trails are in excellent condition featuringgreat descents,tight single track, and invigorating climbs.

#l I Dexter Avenue,Mountain Brook Village


lf you would like to run a classified ad, please submit by the next BUMP meetingfor inclusionin next month's newsletter. For Sale: 98 Trek Y-33 Med. with XT rapid-fire shifters, XTR rear Derailleurs,VBrakes, Manitou SX Ti fork, Fox Air Vanilla RC Rear Shock with remote damping. $1295 o.b.oCall Hardwick976-2003or 951-3640 ForSale: 1998 BUMP and GRIND tee shirts ($t01, 1999 B-n-G tee-shirts($15 limited quantities are in), and BUMP Sweatshirts.Call Joe Cotlin to purchase or email


Off GTAirshow to Take

Sunday, August15 at 1pm and 3pmat Cahaba / Pelhamstore,the GT CyclesOak Mountain Airshow team will demonstrate their gravity defying BMXtricks. groundtricksand amazing You'llsee incredible aerialson their mobileramps.Come see the best- TeamGT - watchand learn fromthe pros of freestyle.Don'tmissyour chance to win Tee shirtsand free stickers!Be a partof the biggest and bestfreestyle tourever.

For Sale: 1994 Toyota Celica ST - Red with tan cloth interior.AC, power, AM/FM Cassette, 40,000 milesin excellentcondition. $10,500 with 10% discountto BUMP members!Call Derrick 987-3827. Wanted: COOL old bikes 1930's - 1960's Especially Schwinn. Absolutely any condition. Gall Joel 252-1612 FOUND - FOUND - FOUND 2 Helmets,work gloves, riding gloves (3 pair), and small tool bag at Bump and Grind. lf you lost anything at the race, call Derrick or Anne to describe and claim at 987-3827.All items unclaimed will be given to the needy. Call soon,the items will be placedin a good home soon!!

Hoover 822-6600

Cahaba Heights 967-2003

OakMountain 987-4043

The IAllDfUNffP is published to inform the local mountain biking community of current happenings in the area, and promote safe and responsible use of mor.rntain bicycles. If you would like to submit information of any kind, please let BLIMP know. Yow ideas and suggestions will be appreciated-Leave a messageon ourHotline at (205) 592-BUMP or send an e-mail to iByl0ou@aolcom.

1999BUMP Board of Directors

BUMP is a notfor proft organization President Joe Cotlin 849-8?98 VicePres. Jim Tyndol 879-6255 VicePres. HendrickSnow 879-6?55 Secretory AnneTraeger 987-3827 lAetnber JoelRobertson 25?-t6tz ItAember Jon Kirchoff 870-9538 Newsfetter Derrick Seys 9874A27

ArguEt 1999

chcck thc BU!|P Hoginc tor any changG; in ddc. .trd iimc,

592-!UxF (2!67)



IMBA'S Tip of the Nnonth

IMBA wantsmountainbiking to be asfree and aspossible.Youcan by rulesand regulations unencumbered
help by riding durable lesscrowded trails wheneverpossible.

IilTgRXAr|OHAI rfouHT/\lH Br(vc,uH{ *rtocilnflohl

Binmingham Urban Mountain Post Office Box 590061 Birmingham, AL 35259-0061 page Internet


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