Feb 2000

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W O 3 , KP A Y C A L " [N P A R
$,$S*Sgh-I?, hotolocpq* Annistsn Join us on a" ride on one of the several {or all} trials in the Chocolocco area.We will decidethe day of the ride to do eitherIron Legs, GenesLoops, or Ethan's Creek or all. Meet at 8:30 am at the Olive Gardenin EastwoodMall and leave is the at 9:00 am. David Passmore ride leader. Sat. F,'ebLg - Trussville trail ride and workday.Comejoin us at 9:0S am and see the new trail wcrk. Contact David {651-9800) or for rnoreinfo. Andrewt681-8601) Part in Sat. Feb 2[:.,M*nqy Sqlqq! Tuscaloosa will again provide the twisting fun of its smooth trails. Meet at McDonaldsoff of I-459 Exit Paul 6 (lv{organ Road) in Bessemer, Brookes is the ride leader.Meet at 8:30for departure at 9:00am sharp. -.Ocoee TN will be the SA.t, Mqf,,.11 placeof a longerroad trip. We will meet at the Trussville exit McDonaldsotT of I-59 at 7:00 am andleaveat ?:30am.Trip is planned for a day trip, but severalmay camp David P, for moreriding on Sunday. is ride laader^

Hightights nnd [JpcomingEvents

Ride Feb 13 Chocolocca Ride/ Workday Feb 19 Trussville Feb26 Munny$okolRide - Vestavia BUMPmeeting Mar1 - Oak Mtn Workday Mar4 Mar11 OcoeeRide- Weekend - Anniston Mar 18 W-C Century - OakMtn & Grind May21 BUMP BBCCentury $ep I Call our hotline592-BUMP {2837}for in any recorded changesor additions BUMP events.

at the $outh Meetfor workdayx Trailheadat the BUMP shed. Timeto meet is 9:00 a.m"Call the hotline for any possible changes.Workdayssubject to cancellation. weather March4 April I May6 June11 * .JulyI August 6 I Septernber OctoberI Noyember4 * 10 Deeernber Saturday Sunday Saturday $unday $aturday $unday Saturday Sunday Saturday $unday

Confused by YZK
or Are you looking for a new cornponent bike, but confusedhryall the choices? shopsare willingto give Our supporting you an opportunity to see $everalnew items and ask questions at our upcoming clubmeetings. Each shop will bring in some of the latest technology or designsthat you about,Whether it is mayhavequestions seat posts, full suspension, suspension tires, lights,frame materials,clothing, etc. Each shop rep will make a short presentationand an$wer questions, Comemeetsomeof the shoppersonnel and get EDJUKAIED! Wha and When? * March'l - Creatline Sycle will featureK2 suspension r April5 * Bob's Bikes I June7Bike Link . July5 CahabaCycles Havea specialrequest?Let us knowat the nextmeeting.

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was votedin for BUMP At our last Cluhmeeting, a fun new competition for as many pointsas possible members! The goal is to accumulate your club and community.Thereare different waysyou can supporting payment, points. Here are a few: BUMP Mernbership accumulate workdays, a ride leader, attending being bringingin a new member, being workday crew leader, writing articles for the Mudslinger, community service related to biking,and more! the top 10 Memberswill be awardedgift At the end of December, will certificates ts a localbikeshop. #1=$50#2-10=$30 Finaldetails be presented at the nextmeeting.

ffifi ffiTS Fffiffi)ffiffi#ffi m:r#L

Thr BUiIP Glub m.ai3 on iha flr3t Wadncdly

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raor{r at ?:O0 p.|n. rt tlre Vlshyh


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(2t67) fiorany cfranges in datsand tim6. s9?.BUMP Checkthe BUMPHotline

ry ag lAF' *Gf@

Tral[ ffiesignhas ffiEultiple Purposes

;tI I Dexter Avercue, Mauntain Brook l,/illctge {2Ss} 879-6255

huf*f *ruq7rinQ^hhy
The plans are taking shape for Bump and Grind on h/lay21, 2AAA.lf you are wiliingto volunteer some time in race setup, food, registration,sei up / take down, parking, cour$e marshalling,etc. please let u$ know. Volunteers make the race happen, and we want to rnakethe racers leave again this year thinking this is cne of the southeast'sbest races. Join in and be a part of the event.We expect over 600 racers this year, and need severalvolunteers. What is in lt foi- y*u? Tee shirt, fsoci, and mostof all fun!!! Call and ieave a message on the hotline, ccntact an board member,or e-mail us if vou are intsrested.

by !)erric& So,yt "Ride on Trails"is one of the park ruies,and probablythe DesignatecJ one mostcommonly braken.fria,we cionot commonly ride oiher iraiis.I refer tc riding outsldethe designatedtraii surfaceor iread. The trai tread has been carefullyplacedfor a multitr..rde of reasons.Many think the tr"ail is placedin a particular location"jusi because"and will add to ihe trail by cuttinga corner or creatingan excitingnew route. Actually e *ignificant amouniof thoughtgoes into trailplacement. Frobablythe most irnportantis trail erosion.The trail is cut inio the terrainto avoiderosionand ease maintainability. Detoursor short-cut rnayalterthe waterflow and lead to unnecessary erosion. This is easily understood by many,but oftentirneswe must piace logs and branche to cicse off these short cuts and avoid erosion. A reason a rider may not think plays a part in trail construction is safety $ure, one could realize this where a shear cliff exists, but at many places, it may not be so obvious.One such area is the switchback before Oak Mountain'sBlood Rock. The trail snakes along the ridge before dropping into two switchbacksand then onto Blood Rock. Last week it seemed several riders had decided to cut out the upper turn and createa connectorthat appearedto be safer.Sure it was smoothe and shorter,but that area is also home to an old barbed wire fence section.Severalloose strandslay under the leavesand Cebriswhere the "new" trail was piaced,Confusedwhere this is, ride it and look at the rusty old section barbed wire "growingout" of the tree near the switchbacks. The "new"segmentwas smootherand shorterBUT NCT SAFER.Pleaserice only an the designated irail surface.

frreat $u;:pcrters
BUh{F rnercbersma}<e the differenee.lVe thank the recent aclditions to our club! David Barry Paul Brookes* Robert Gambrell* Chris Horwedel* Kole Leone Carrie Morton Mickie Poweli* Nancy Ray* CharlesVann* Pete Wolfinger* Jack & Arny BransCr:rf* Paul & Cheryl Dunlap Jin: & Debra L4or-tcn Stuart Anderson


Fresidential Aids or Secret Sen:ice???? Every wonder what PresidentBill would dc in the woods with five attractive women?Well, our presidentknowshow to handleit. Mickie,Amy, Carla,Laura, joined Mr. Fresidentat the last Oak Mauntainworkday. and Tracey gracicusly Armed with fire rakes, they iooked more like the $ecret Service protectingour Presicient, but they had other things on their minds (Hl\ilMlVlM). They broke apart and addressedtrail leaf dams between the Camp Road and Chimney Sweeps. Their service may seem to have occurred secretiy to rnany, but everyone riding the trail can see and appreciatetheir work. While they vrere takingcare of the trail surface,Derrick finishednumbering the bridges.

Tiianks to cur new members for supponing BUMP and the $port of mountain biking. A very special ih*nks to ttrosere-jcining {*} h{en'lbershipdues are S20 per rvear. You can becotnea nlember at a iocai shop or contactus for an application.

wwyt|. ha ca ba cyc Ies.c om

Floor,er 822-5600 Cahaba Fieights 967-200-1

Oak Mtn 98?-4043

February 2OOO BUMp nernbers receive 'lO'%oft regqlar priced partb / accessorles from blke shopr tatured in thl$ newsletter,


ffiwwffiffimffim ffiffituffiff
www.dlamondback.cCIr'rr, Fat City Cycier are ai www.fatcitycycles.com, and Gar Fisher bikes are at fisherbikes.coil Other manufacturer sites falling unde D.E.F. include Diatechdisc brakes e diatechworld.com, and finishline.corn foxracing.comand foxracingshox.com Also falling under the commercie category are several web retailers including dirtking.com, dirtmart.corn (more raad bike, and excelsports.com stuff). Slightly off the wall but very cool ir www.mrwakeup.com.The idea is yor can save a text messageand it will rinl you up and play it down the phone at i specified time to remind you c something- forget thai - it's the bes wind-upiool in the world! See how lonl it takes your boss to figure out why he'r being called every 20 rninuteswith i strange message. That's about ali fa now - as usual if you have any link: you'd like to see includedhere then le me know.


tt{yERfvEss gst-s336 {245}


March 17-lgth
Y2K Merchandise Discaunted

Winter Ctothing Clearan ce

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L--S F\4

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Recycleand ride your bike aga\nl

hy Paul Brookes Continuing our monthiyround up of what's on the web IVITB wise, here are a few links ihat fall loosely intc the alphabeiical groupingof D,E, and F, and a few that don'tl At htip:liwww.cybrtyme.comlperson a l/minbiker /dream.htm you can find info' on Dream Valley Ranch, some private land in Blount countywith trailson it. Devil'sRacetrack is a trail off highway 231 - more details cf how to get there are featured at http://unnrw. mindspring.com/- mbbu IIard/dbb -mblmb_index.html, along with a host of other stuff. Details of Fork Mountain, in Tennessee, are ai http:liwww.cs^ utk.edu/-d unigan/ mtnbikelfork.html. Also there is info' on the Forksof the Riverestate(estate.html). One of my favarite publications(apart form the Mudslinger of course)is Dirt Rag,who's web site is www.dirtragmag.com. They even list our workdays at Oak Mountain! Diamondback bikes have a site at

New E\r*chure for SUM4

fiUfuiPhas producecian informativeurochuretor free dibtrihution. It higlrlights our nrission, events,and contastinfor"rnaticn. lnsideit has a new oak hilountain map featuringbridgenumbers,trail tips, and rules. The brochure will be supplied to area shops, fitness centers, resturants,parks, etc. to promotethe club and inform riders (local and those from afar) of trail features and conduct particularto rnountain biking and Oak Mountain.lf you know of a place that ii couldbe displayed, ask for a few

1410Montgomery Hwy,Vestavia
The lv\VDfLiN(fF is published to infonn the iocal rtEruutain biking coin:riunitv of cun"eni happcnings ir: the area. and proniote saf.e and responsible use of mountain bicvcles. if vou rvtiuld like to submit infbntation of anr. kind- please iet l3tJl'4P knon Yoru' itieas aird suggcstions u'ill be appreciareci Leat,e a mr:ssag o11 our F{otline at (205} 592-BUVIP or serd an e-mail t* iB;.hDoU-rilaoi.com


lf you would like to run a classified ad, pleasesubmitby the next meetingfor inciusionin next month'snewsletter. Fcr $ale: BIKE - GT Karakoram 16 inch chronrcly blue.Mintcondition niithseveralupgrades * Judy XL fork, $himano M545 pedais,Club Ror.rst l-'{andlebars, anC GT seat pack. Other partsare STX-RC/ Deore LX with Avid V brakes.$649,99Call Hardwick967-2003. For $ale: WHEELS - Need and extraset of wheelsfor road or cross riding?MTB wheels,LX 9 speed hubs lacedto WTB LaserBearnrims with DT spokes.RitcheyTom Slicktires and tubes.Brandnew and only $175.Call Hardwick at 967-2003. For $ale: Burnp and Grind r-shirts. $everal shirts remain from previousraces. Contact a board memberfor purchase.Frice and availability varies:$10 (1ggS)a n d $ 15 { 19 9 9 , 4 large) For Sale: SHOCKS- Rock Shok Judy XC 1 1i8 Threadless, Grey $100 or Manitou$50. Contact (day). Jim at 620-5106 For $ale: New BUMP ridingjerseys.A mini model is being made for our final review.These will be readyfor purchasein March and cosi around$60. Extraswill be availableafter all previousordersare filled.Want one of the old styles?Threelargesare stillavailable. Wanted: COOL old bikes 1930's * 1960's EspeciallySchwinn.Absolutelyany condition. CallJoel252-1612

2SSC BUMP Board of Directors

B{fMP is a not.frtr profit organizcrtit*t President BillJohnson 678-975A VicePres. Joel Robertson?52-t6t? Treasurer AnneSeys 987-38e7 Secretary LcuraCotlin 391-2337 Member Pcul Brookes 320-0918 Pcssmore &lember Dcvid 661-9800 BomJHoir * -. &gtnber Newsletter DerrickSeys 987-3827


check thc EulrP Hotline fol any changesin dales ard ilne.

592-BUII (2aozl

frt" lv\UDJtiNffP

Tr w,s,$'vsffg Trsi{


Yzrntleaf new trail has approxinrmely Accordingto David Passmore, Work is continuing Cornplex. Sports at the Trussville beenccmpleted on ancthersection.Ttris section is a bit more diffrcult to cut, and workdays are scheduledfar every Saturday at 9:0fi am. The well. hasbeen !?Bponse cnmmunity .for the recent ^$porrs hike trflils nt the Trtts,rvi|Ie construction*f ne\umowntsi?t s nice to ltcwe it xse is of 7husx'ille, {;*mplex, As a resident thanks . . . Again tkrln A'{ottntain, cksser 0*lr tt'ail bike woantsin for all theworkyorr organizaliondoes." - KenMcGinnis February19 the club is planninga joint workday/ fide at the park, to add to the trails and ride the existingsegruents. Comeprepared exit. Turn to the #141Trussville TakeI-59 Northout of Birmingham siop sign,turn turn left. At the second right into town. At Oak Street, with water and a snack into the gravelparking area. Comeprepared work riding. and for a day of Yrni{ #txae?$... in makingthe David snd fuidrew w*re instrumental a r*nlity.Hererheybreakground trailsin Trussville by r:f Rewtrsil andl!"*l'eansi*ted on the fir$t sec{ion Leong, ISill {i." Bill J,, Anne,Ilelrick, Margot, Joel, andPaul. "I'wauld like to takc this oppottwni$'to thankyoa

Urban Mountain Birmingham Post Office Box 590061 Birmingham, AL 35259-{}061 pag* vnrw.BUMP.org Internet




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