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Mi; Hes.t0]L,l,:,N,.affi:gd:,r,td CALENDAR

Meet for workdays at the South Trailhead at the BUMPshed. Time to meetis 9:00 a.m.Callthe hoiline for any possible changes. Workdays subject to weather cancellation. Meet at the parkingarea off Oak Street for Trussville workdays. August 6 September 9OctoberI November 4 December 10Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday

Highlights and

Aug 2 Meeting S-Side Library Aug 5 Trussville Ride Aug 6 Workday Aug 13 Cheaha Ride Aug 27 GT Shockwave CC-pelham Aug?? Ocoeepossible Sep9 BBe Century Oet22 l-BLRide Call our hotline 592-BUMP (2867)for any recorded changesor additions in BUMP events.

\tnnll,, C,,inJ
BUMP members have decided to get together for some very inforrnal group rides during the week. Many of these have been going oh for weeks amongst several members. Each night from Tuesday to Friday, we wilt have a small group gather for riding. Join other members and share in the fun. There are no specific Ride Leaders, but those listed are your best contacts. Tuesday - 6:O0 pm Trussville meet at library Andrew Greene Wednesday - 6:O0 pm Boulder Field at Sulfur Springs and Al Sears Road in Bluff park Bill Johnson Thursday - 6:OO pm Trussville Polo meet at town square - David Passmore Friday - 5:O0 pm Oak Mtn - North TH - Steve Berry

The annual summer social is scheduled for August26 it we can get the pavilion rented. Look ,for more news next month.Come join us for food and fun. Who will be the log pull winner?Who will throwthe Huffythe longest distance? Comefind out. Look for more informationnext month as plansare in process.


Last month Hardwick featured several ,,newhountain bikes with skinny tires" as Cahaba Cycles made a presentation.The rides appeared to parallel the Tour de France machines and would be the prelude to Lance Armstrong making his move in the mountain segments. How ironic. Well, we saw the CAAD 4 frame and Trek,s OCLV. We learned about opening the rear triangle, .S" Answer thesequestions and possibly win $100gift certificate from Timberland bent rear tubes, and other bicyclefeatures.All to make the 1) Howmanyboneshaveyou broken? (2) lf you hada million dollars, whatkindof fat tire (3)Where ride more enjoyable. wasyourbestrideever?(4)Doyoubikein the snow?(5)Whafs

Bike Link at NesrtMeeting

Sat. Aue 5 - Trussville.AL Join us for a group ride of the new trails in Trussville. We will meetnearthe library at 8:30 to prepare for a 9:00 am ride. Park to the right of the library for a short ride to the trails. David Passmore is the rideleader854-12A9. - CheahaState Park will makefor a nice trip to the highest Su4.Aug 1,3 peakin Alabama. Meet at the Eastwood Mall's Olive Garden at 8:00am for an 8:30 departure. Ride will be an hour drive and involve about 8 milesof niceriding.PaulBrookesis the ride leader. Ausust ?? An ocoee area trip may be put together for ride-and-raft weekend. If we can get somereservations put in place,we may makethis work next month. was sucha greattrip we will try to do it againin the fall. Bill Johnson is the ride leaderandthe dateis tentative.

yournextride? Bike Link will make the flnal presentation at the next Where's meeting.Stop in and learn a bit about the sport. Meeting is Submit (Kelly to: Whalen) (fax)436-1363 or phone603-436-923g August2 at the SouthsideLibrary. The BUMP Glub meets on the first Wednesday of every month at TIOOp.m. at the Southside Library. Check the BUMP Hotline for any changes in dates and time. s92-BUMp (2s6i)

yourfavorite flavorof Jell-O? (6)Whichof yourbodypartswouldyouliketo be bionic? (7)

R i I VP Di ( I ( R g ' b ( m P A N /(D - TIITI DIIINTONI] Steve Berry and MickiePowellhave set

up a site with this year's race photos. photos at. Checkout the highresolution 89/bu mp/bu mp.htm I|24.240 http: . 102. The site also features some from the ride. Look for links and recent fVlentone soonat otherchanges

Next month a special feature on the Mentone ride (that is actually in Georgia) and its rnemories. Wow, what a daY.

Vestavia 1410MontgomeryHwyn

GD V lf

Summer Vflcation...
Clontinue d from appasitepage.. Riding the raads in the various Natianal Parks we visited (dnd the Strip in Vegas) was certainly rewarding, but I was cnxious to do some more trail riding by the time we got to Sedona- I utas not to be disappainted; prettv much every street in town ends in a trail going off nnongst the towering red rocks, some of which are held to be the "Power Vortices" by site of mysterious the resident New Agers who .form a colorful pmt of the local scene. I gather that at a povrer vortex site one is supposed to feel more connected with the univ-erse and one's inner potentials, a lessening of life's pressures, etc. I didn't really feel any more connected than I usually do when I ride (I tend to and trees rccks with connect tire but m.v lear intermittently), certainly felt a lessening of pressure after it picked up some cactus spines. Not ta be outdone by mere machinery, I managed to get a few dozen sPines stuck in my leg as well, giving me a little insight into how I might look should I be transmogrified into a porcupine. Sedona is ntother t<twnI'd love to revisit, but if (when) I do I'll be sure to matre some equipment changes to better accommodate the loose trail surfaees and painty vegetation. All in all, it was a Sreat trip but it was nice to get back to sweet home Alaboma v,here the hills are so green (and the air seems nearly thick enough to swim iril.

,,Fi:... :T.,f;i!r - rtf'




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Mortar Maniacs Repair Water Crossings of Red Trail.-.

on the Red Trail opencracksin one watercrossing several exposed The recentdry conditions time for repair. hot'ancldry, but'a'pte{ect quite'd'hazard ift c6hdifiori$Tnay'navs"ibeeh creating work setout to repairthe areaat the lastOak Mountain and Derrick G., Carla, Ken,Mike,Andrew their'rlde. of to lenda handduring andJimstopped Leong, day.David, and a waterbar crossing from another was removed a lot of sediment Fuitherup the mountain, 200. Lateron, Ken, prize Yes deer of 200 ticks. over with a constructed. Carlawalkedaway greatly improves the safety The work 10. near bridge trees two fallen removed Mike,and AntJrew work day. partaldng in next the by your appreciation of the trial.Show

"Iron Legs" Moves to CheahaStatePark

us the the of NEABChas informed LanceNichols Day Labor held race usually lron legs Challenge year. are They this held not be weekendwill 5. The November on Cheaha at Mt. race a hr:lding City of Annistonwill be the major sponsorwith fromthe park. assistance They are working on several additionsto the racecourse. an exciting existing trailsto create "We are very excitedaboutthe race up there and plan on creatingsome passinglanes along the course besides what is already there on our will be a greatone," proposed route, So the course for rnore Lancestated. Go to \ AAAI/.NEABC.ORG but information. The site is under construction socrn. should be completed

When the weather warms up, so doers the activity at Oak Mountain State Park's marina. The canoe and boiat rentals are near season highs. The parking lot next to the marina is designated as "Marina Use". As a friendly reminder from the park ranger, all riders should respect this and utiliz:e the area only if using the marina. Mistake OOOPS...Editor's Last rnonth's newsletter mailed to cltrb members inadverlently listed Marg,rt Addison as the writer for the article on the Schwinn Varsity. Actually, Joel Robertson submitted the finely rn'rittenpiece. It wls caughtin the late editionsuppliedto the area SorryJoel. shops. Sorry for the delayed releasethis month. Beenbusywith everything!!
tront blks .hop. fs.tut

BROOK HIGHIAND PLAZA INVERNESS (205) s91-3335 www. b ikeli nkbh am. c onl

Jrly tOOO BU[p

rrqnbrr ,lO% off rg||li.r

pdc.d parb / acctttorlc!

d in thl! n.wslottct

822-6600 Oak Mtn 987-4043

SummerVacationBikers Dreamof
Every wondered what woull be the vacation. Doug Daughhetee recently summarized his rvestern advenhtre that was quite interesting.

August 27, the GT - panasonic Shockwave team will perform two shows at Cahaba Cycles Pelham I Oak Mountain store. Show times will be at I and 3 pM. Come and see some of the most incredible tricks done on two wheels and some off two wheels.

Shockwfiveto be Heard

Two computers, gloves,a rvatch,a bracelet, camera, etc. Call Anne or Derrick to claim at987-3827.

FOUND at Bump and Grind *

Several New Members

David Sanderson :

"-:ke the airrer*c", wetha;ii the recJnt aoJiti"o*

fuiike ancijonathon !'v'ood

#l I Dexter Avenue,Mountain Brook Viltage

'fhe fi\|lDftlNffP is published to inform the local


ll'youwould like to run a classifiedad, pG month'snewsletter. The newsletter isprinted bythe 1sfi of each month. For Sale: 1999 SpecializedFSR, Blue, white, red. Ridden less than 50 miles. $200 contact Andrew Green at 324-6515(days) or e-mail Drew1z@zebra.nei. For sale: GT Karakoram16" blue,24 sp,-{ldyXL fork, shimano Ms45 pedals,cfub roostbars, many upgrades $'gOZ_iOOg FrorSale: Merlin MTB 20" Ti, allXT / XT1R parts with MavixCrossMAXwheels, tongtravelJudy fork, XT pedals, coda susp seat post $z4gg.oo call Hardwickat g67_2003 Fot Sale: Bump and Grind T-shirts. Several shirts remain from previous races" GontactAnne Seys for purchase at987-3922. price and availabilityvaries: O toi"rrr"ni Sf (tan with ZOOO red, XL) and several frol^!s_ss (grey-green),.!s9e (tin), and even a ru* rgbo (tan, [\f only). 1999and earlierare just for mlmbers $5 unOSf O tcr non_members. FrorSale: WHEELS - Nleedand extra set of wheels for road or cross riding? MTB wheels, LX g speed hubs laced to WTB Laser Beaq rims with DT spokes. nitcnev"fom Slick tires and tubes.Brand new and only 9160 o.b.o.Call Hardwicfat SjOZ_ZOOg. For Sale: New BUMP ridingjerseys are inl!!! Cost is $55.00and availabfe to all paid members. Those who pre-oro"f99 one, please contact Anne at g87-3az1.n i"orJ"iis ptanneo,but will be sometime away. Want one of the old styles? Three large are stiil available. UVanted: COOL old bikes 1930's- 1960's Especially Schwinn.Absolutelyany condition. Call Joel252-1612

2OOO BUMP Board of Directors

B(IMP is a notfor proft organizatiorc President Bill Johnson 6T}-9TO? VicePres. Joel Robertson A5l-t6tz Treosurer AnneSeys ggl-39?7 Secretary LouroCotlin 5gL-23J7 MembEr Poul Brookes 32O-091g i/lenber Davidpassmore 66t-ggA} Newsletter Derrick Seys ggl-3927

July 2OOO

Gheck the BUMPHotline for any changesin dates and time. sg2-Eutp (2s62)

-nrr" lv\.{JDtLiNffp

A,SF -ll"ace - IWerrzbership has its Privileges

By Dercick Seys The XVIII Alabama Sports Festival June 29-July 2 allowed over 6000 athletesto competein neady 30 events. The openingceremonies at the BJCC would pay tribute to the athletesfrom aorossthe stateas well as a specialrecognitionof the KoreanWar veterans from Alabama.Over 1500 veteransand family memberswere on hand to receivespecialmedalsin remernbrance of the time they served50 yearsago. This year, BUMP would be actively involved for the first time in the mountainbike event.After monthsof hard work on the TrussvilleTrail, the eventwould have almost 60 racersfrom aroundthe statecompetingon the fresh trail. Lisa and Scott Robersondrove up from Florida to participate eventhoughthey were ineligible for the championtitle. Theyjust wanted to conapete in anotherevent BUMP was involved in. The coursefeatured 2.5 miles of new single track and severalconnections using existingtrail androadwaysfor a loop just over four miles. The expertsbeganthe event, follorvedby the sport andbeginnerclasses. Andrew Bolinger of Florencewould win the Expert Men and ZaraBradeClark would fend off Ellen Englishfor the women'stitle. BUMP members Denick and Paul Brookes would finish secondand fourth respectively in the 19-34 Sport men. Vfith the Sport and Experts completed,several beginnerstook to "their" trail. BUMP membersconsffuctedthe new hail andwalked away with severalmedals.Andrew Greene finishedsecondin his division. In the 30-39 ago group, David Passmore hammeredout a quickfust lap to keepLeongfrom stealingawayhis first placeposition. Thanki to all the volunteersthat madethe event possible,but mostly thanks for helping get anothertrail built in the area.We will enjoy it for yearsto come.Additional thanksto Hardwick and Cahaba Cyclesfor participating prizesfor all medalwinners. andproviding unexpected Marc Riker. ASF Director of External Affairs, was pleasedwith our in Mobile supportanC','.'ishes to i:rvite all l:articipantsto ncvJysar's gem.?s June 28-Julyl,2001,

First Time for Everything... Andrew Greene receives an ASF silver medal and Cahaba from CommissionerHardwickGregg after Cycles merchandise finishingsecond place in his first mountainbike race on the first trail he was activelyinvolvedwith.


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B i r m i n g h a m U r b a n M o u n t a i n Pedalers Post Ofitice Box 590061 Birmingharn, AL 35259-OOG 1 page Internet A rrrernber of I1\{BA

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